HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 41 08/01/1922 r c I i~..,.._ _~ ~'. ""~-~__,'0....._"",'..._,,,...,,...,,,,,..~,,,,,~_..~,,,....,._.,,,,._,",_~'.",..._,. - '" ifl AN ORDINANCE FOR CONSTRUCTING .UID LAYING A CONNEOTED SYST~ OF' WA~ER'~NS. TOGETHER WITH ALL 'NECESSARY APPURTEB~ UQJS~ IN EVERGREEn AVEnUE AND OTHER STREETS AND clVENUESIN THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUJTY, ~LLIN9IS.;. , . BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of T:rue1ut..CIttthe Village of.Mount Prospeot, County of Cook and state of'Il;Lin01s:' SEOTION 1. That a looal improvement be made within'sa~~ ViJ,."-age of .Mount Prospeot, County of Cook and State of' Il1i~ois, the~'lU"'. oharaoter, 10081ity arid desoription of vvhioh looal J.mprovementje as follows: .) .'. That a oonneoted system ofWater mains, inoluding valV'~~ valve boxes, ofosses, tees,hydrants, hydrant ccnneotions,speoial(Jas"ll1S~ and fittings and all neoessary appurtenanoes, be oonstruoted and laid J.n said Village of' Mount Pro speot, as f'ollows: . . A oast iron water main of twelve (12) inohes internal dta~e'e:r f'rom a point in Lot C in the resubdivision of paut of' B100k Ten. (;LO) :in Busse's and Wille's Resubdivislton of Mount Prospeot, in the we.,tbalf of Seation Twelve (12+, Township Forty-one (41) North, Range~ ile,en ,Coll) East of the Thira Prinoipal M.eridian, whioh point is on a 11'n.p~ralle1' with and one hundredand fifty-five (155) feet westerly from tlaewtele:rly street line of Elm Street and sixty (60) feet southerly from tb.',p.orther... ly lot line of said Lot C (measured along the said line paralleJ:q"!li th and one-hundred and fifty-five (155+ feet westerly from the westel'11"street line of Elm street end sixty(60) feet southerly from the northErrl,. lot, line of said Lot C {measured along the said line parallel -.i_ and one- hundred and fitty-five (155~ feet westerlt.:"from the westerlY$ttte~t line of Elm street), to a line paralle 1 wi t h ~d twenty (20) feetso~thel'ly tztom the northerly street line of Evergreen Avenue immediately east of Elm. street, with a suitable tee plaoed at the northerly te:rmltH1S.()f said .ain and a like tee at i5S point of beginning as here inbetore,. de.. t.1t1. ed; A Cast iron water main of. twelve (12) inohes internaldta.ter in the northerly side of Evergreen Avenue, along a line paztal1f,ldthend twenty (20) teet southerly from the northerly street line ota....rgre.. A venue innnedia te ly east of Elm Street from and conne>cting w 1th, the water mMn hereinbefore provided for along a line parallel with and one hundred and fifty-five (155) feet westerly from the westerly street line .of Elm Street, to a point twenty (20) feet westerly from the easterly street line of William Street extended, with suitable cast irun crosses placed therein at points as follows: One at a point twenty (20) feet westerly from the easterly street line of Elm Street extended; One at a point twenty (20) feet weste rly from the easterly street .lineof Sohool street extended; . One at a point twenty (20) feet westerly from the easterly street line of OWen Street extended; Olle at a point twenty (20) feet westerly from the easterlystreet line of William Street extended; A oast iron water main of six (6) inches in$$rnal diameter in the easterJY Side of Elm Street, along a line parallel with arid twenty (20) feet weeterly from the easterly street line of Elm Street, from and con- neoting'with the watermain hereinbefore provided for in the northerly side ot Evergreen Avenue, to a point twenty (20) teet norhterly from the '<I '__~_' _~_~~,---.J (~ 'v "' \' ,Ii "~... ^""''"''''''''''''''''''''''''<''''''''''''''''"'''''''''''''''''''''''-''''~''''',..l, ~..'._ ,..- " /"",1' \j" "~ __'_~~~"_""'_m"_~'_"_'~"_'___~_m~_----..,_~_~~.,..___..__.____..._.__~.__ :; ~ southerly street line extended of the street o~mmonly known as Central Road, with suitable oast iron orosses plaoed therein a t points ae follows: One at a point twenty (20) ~eet southerly from the northerly S1;1"eet line of Busse Avenue extended; One at a point twenty (20) feet northerly from the southerly ~treet line of Oentral Road extended; . A oast iron water main of six (6) inohes in1.rnal dlUleter in the aasterly side of Owen Street, along a line. parallel with and.tw.~ty ',(,10) f.,at we.ter1y from the easterly street line of said O..,.n S",..t~ trom and oonneoting with the water main hereinbefore proTided for 'in l1e' porthe rly side of Evergreen Avenueto a point twenty (20+ felt northerly tram the s outlarly st-reet line of Central Road ext-ended, with ~)1itab19 oast iron orosses plaoed tmrein at points as follows: One at a point twenty (20) feet southerly from the northe~ly' street line 0 f Busse Avenue extended; One'at a point twenty (20) feet northerly from the southerly street line of Central Road extended; . A oast iron water main of six (6) inohes internal diameter in the easterlY side of William .;ltreet along ,a line parallel wit h an" twent y (20) feet westerly from the easterly street line of William Street ex- tended, from and oonneoting with the water main hereinbefore provided for in the northerly side of ~vergreen Avenue, to a point twenty (20~ feet northerly from thesoutberly street line of Central Road e~tended, with suitable oast iron oros.es plaoed therein at points as follows: One at a point twenty (20) feet southerly from the northerly street line 0 f Busse Avenue extended; One at a point twenty (.20) feet northerly from the southerly street line of Central Road extended; , A oast iron water main of six (6) inohes internal diameter .in the southerly side of Central Road along a line parallel with and tweDty (20) feet northerly from tba soutlBrly street line of Central Boad, from and oonneoting with the" ater main here inbefore providecl. for in tba easterly side of Owen Street, to and oonneoting with the water main here- tab_fore provided for in the easterly side of Wiilliam street; A i. oast iron water main 0 f tW131ve (12) inohes internal diameter from and oonneot ing w tih the twelve (12) inch wat er main herei2).before pro- vided to be laid northerly along a ~ine parallel with and one hUntred and fifty-five (166) feet Westerly from the westerl~ street line of Elm Street, westtto a line pamllel with and twenty (20) feet 'westerly from the ea.terly street line of Maple Avenue, thenoe northwesterly in the northeasterly side of Pvospect Avenue, along a straight line to the interaect'ion of a lim parallel with and twenty (20) feet westerly from the easterly street line of P.ine Street anQ. a line parallel with and twenty (20) feet southwesterly from the northeasteny street line of . FrosReot Avenue, between Pine Wtreet and Elmhurst Avenue, with a suit- able tee and one-sixteenth (1/16) cast iron bend plaoed therein at a liBe parallel with and twenty (20) feet westerly from t be easterly street line Oflitle Avenue, and with suitable oast iron orosses plaoed taerein at ~1nts as follO!s: . ,_ ..... une at a 11.ne pamllel w lfl.h and twenty (20) feet westerl y from the easterly street line of Emerson Street; , One at a line parallel with and twenty (20') feet ,westerly from " '--- r-: o ,"-"'" \ L, ~-) theeastenJ.y:,~street l,ine of Pine Street; and with sultable cast iron tees plaoed therein at points as follows: ; One at a line parallel w ith ~nd twenty (20) feetwesterJ,y from .the east.;ly street line of Wille w~.reet; Q,.ata line parallel with and twenty (20) feet ,westerly from the.astellY street line of Main Street; ..A.oaat. iron water main of six (6) inches internali.4iameter in the.a.lterly ,aide of .Maple Avenue along a line parallel with and' twenty (20) we.t.rly from theeasterly line of Maple Avenue, from and oonnect- ingwith the water main hereinbefore provided to bEt laid in Prospeet Avenue to a point twenty (20) feet northerly from the southerly ,treat line Of Oentral Road, with suitable cast iron crosses plaoedtbe~ein at points as follOWS; -. One at a point twenty (20) feet southerly from tbe notth~u:ly street line of Busse Avenue; One at a point twenty (20) feet northerly from tl14t aO'!il1ib..rly street line of OentlEal Road; and with a suitable cast,itol1t~<12l.0.d therein at a point seventy (70) feet northerly from th.nortli.)l'~.'. ' ,treet line of Prosp~ot Avenue extended from the west (mea8lU'.,.along the oenter line of said water main in Maple Avenue); ,.,....i A cast iron water main of six (6) inohes internaJ.. d1.~~*.:r, fJ:lDm and conneoting with the water main hereinbefore provided t(1).;~tl1d in the easterly side of Maple Avenue, at a point seventy (70) f.n~rtherly from the ncrtherly street line of Prospect Avenue extend.' ( red alone the oenter line of said water main in Mapl-e Avenue), alon{G821ght line to and conneoting wit h th'e twelve (12) inoh water main h.~e1Jl~ 1:8 pro- vided to be laid in the northerly side of Evergreen AT~ue at" wester- ly terminus thereof; ,\ . ,.'". .'.... A oast iron water main of ten (10) inohes internal 4 the easterly side of ~merson Street along a line parallel wi ..'~twenty (20) feet westerly from the easterly street line of Emerson sf~..,1;, from and connecting with the water main hereinbefore provided to~....1d in the northeasterly side of Prospeot Avenue, to a point twent;v <('~:l feet northerly from the southerly street line of Central Road ext~.~.4. with suitable oastiron orosses pJa oed therein at points as foll'l"':' One at a point twent y (20) feet scutherlyfrom the nortb$J!'ly stre.1 line of Busse Avenue extended; One at a point twenty (20) feet northerly from the sQuth.rly street line 'of Oentral Road extended; .;< A oast iron water main of six (6) inohes internal dia~~ in the easterly side of Main Street alont, a line paral,lel with and twenty (20) feet westerly from the easterly street line of Main Street, and oonneoting wit h the wl;lter main hereinbefore provided to be laid in the northeasterly side of Prospeot Avenue, to a point twenty (20) feet northerly frcm the.89,~h~rly street line of Central Road extended, with suitable oast iron.~~aoea therein at a point twenty (20) feet northerly from the southerly street line of Oentral Road extended, with suitable oast iron tees plaoed therein at points as follows: . One at a point twenty (20) feet southerly from the nortl:B rly street line of BUSse Avenue extended; One at a point forty (40) feet southerly from the northerly street line of Busse Avenue extended; _' A oast iron water main of six (6) inohes internal diameter ~n the easterly side of Wille Street along a line parallel with and twenty (20) feet westerly from t be easterly -street line of ~ille Street, fr?m and ocnneoting w~h the water main hereinbefore prov~ded to be lai~ ~n the northeast.rly side of Prospeot Avenue, to a point fift1 (50) feet northerly from the northerly street line of Central Road extended, with suitable cast iron tee placed at its iteraeo,tion with a line parallel _~___..._._.~__...~.~~....~~........;.;,;;,... . .....&.t ~.....,._.,,~,.,.,~, '" ...-,- ~-;'.c,",.,..,<,".+",_.,. c' (r- \ \. .----- ;-" ..., /'~ with and fort., (40) teet SOUtherlY,trom the northerly street line ot : Buss e A venue ( eas t t:rom JIa in S tree t ), and wi th a suitable cas t i:ron ct\oss placed the:rein at a point tW8ftty (20)' teet northerly trom th~,\ southe:r17 st:reet line ot Oentral Road extended;,::'" .A cast iron water main ten (10) inches inte:rnal dia_te:r'1n the e,aste:rly stde ot Pine Street along a line parallel wlt1l;~f",ent,. (20) teet westerly tr<>m the easterly street line Qt Pine S~.~'.tl'o. and connecting with the water main hereinbetore provided to bt;)1.&14 in the northeasterly side ot Prospect Avenue, to a point tWe~t7(20) teet northerly trom the southerly street line ot Oentral ft~.e~t,ended, with a suitable cast iron cross,placed therein at,a point,.__tr(20) teet northerly trom the southerly street line ot Oentra1,R~\i'.xtended; A cas t iron wa tel' main ot s 1x (6) inches internal di_.ter in the northerly side ot Busse Avenue along a line paralle1 wlth and torty ,(40) teet southerly from the northerly stree't line ot ~.e Avenue (east from Main Street), to and connecting with the water...in hereinbefore specitied to be laid in the easterly side ot, Wille Street; A cast iron water main of six (6) inches internal diameter in t.1le northeasterly side 'of Pro,spect Avenue' along a line parallel with *4 twenty (20) teet southwesterly from the northeasterly street line , ot Prospect Avenue (west of Pine Street), from and connecting with the t.elve (12) inch water main hereinbefore provided to be laid in the northeasterly side of Prospect Avenue, at the westerly terminus' there- ot, to a 11ne lXlrallel W1th and twenty (20) teet weste!'ly trom the easterl,. street line of Elmhurst Avenue extended, with a suitable cast iron tee placed therein at the westerly terminus thereot; A cast iron water main of six (6) inches intel'-Dal diameter in,the easterly side of Elmhurst Avenue along a line parallel.with and twenty (20) feet westerly from the easterly street line of Elmhurst Avenue, from and connecting with the water main hereinbefore provided to be laid in the northeasterly side of Prospect Avenue, to the no:rth- er1,. s t:reet ltne of Oentral Road, 11'1 th a sui table cas t iron cross placed therein at a point twenty (20) feet northerly trom the southerl,. street line of Oentral Road extended; A cast iron water main of six (6) inohes internal diameter in the southerly s1de of Oentral Road along a line parallel with and twenty (20) teet northerly from the southerly street line ot Central Road, trom and conneoting with the water main hereinbefore provided to be laid in the easterly side ot Elmhurst Avenue to and' connecting with the water main hereinbetore provided to be laid in Elm Street, with. proper connections to the water mains hereinbetore provided to be laid in the easte:r1y side respectively ot the tol10wing st:reets, to-wit: Pine Street, Wille Street, Main Street, Emerson Street and Maple Avenue. A cast iron water main of ten (10) inches internal diameter in tbe easterly side ot Emerson Street along a line parallel with and twenty (20)_ teet westerly trom the easterly street line ot said Emez-- son Street, trom and connecting with the water main hereinbefore pro- vided to be laid in the northeasterly side ot Prospect Avenue, to a point twent7 (20) teet southerlytrom the northerly street line ot Lincoln Avenue extended, with suitable cast iron crosses to be placed at pOints as tollow.: One at a point twenty (20) teet northerly trom the southerly street line ot Rail:road Avenue extended; One at a point twenty (20) teet southerly from the northerly street line ot Lincoln Avenue extended; and with a suitable cast iron tee placed therein at the point _enty (20) teet southerly of the, northerly street line ot Milburn Avenue extended; .. . :.La o C' L_ (1lJ . : ',JJi:'l ,,""" ,.,.,~ ".r' w A oast iro,. water main Qf ten (lO.l.i:nohes i:p.ternal diameter. inthe south...st..l, side of Ra11roadL~"'.1;I... along a line pal"$llel with and twent1 (,IQ) feet northea8t.r~trQDl the southwesterllstre.fJ,t line of 1l.111"oa....a...nue, from and ooJul.t,ting withthe 'water main h.~,~nbefore provia.'4'tp JUllaid in the ..t.eJr11 aide of Emerson St1"8.'I.. tC),a; line para11ea.i .~tAed twenty (20) f..... westerly from the .a8.,~lI'1.1"ii~:t,!!'fl! 1ineiof P1:o.e<ltreet. with su1tableoast iron tee plaoed t'b....~Jl'./~t~..~. points .stellewa; . .......i.i:;U!.iG;;:i/\ . . OJle a.t a line parallel V'lith and twenty (20) feet ....'.Je.1:#om the easter11 street line of ~'n Street; .' ',' . .... ....... ) ,,:.* One at a line parallel wi th and twenty (20) .f.etW'8te~~ ~Qm the ea'Stl'iefj:ftlt street line of Wille Street; . . ," .'. And 'a suitable oast iron oross to be plaoed thertl'r1 at""ji~.~ parallel wi tll and twenty (20) feet westerly from the easte1'17 s"'~ft~( . line of Pine Street; ~ .:.{i.... A oast iron water main of six (6) inohes internaldiam~ the $outhwesterly side of Railroad Avenue along a line pa:r:all.~ .AU.. d twenty (20) feet north.aater1y from the southw.ster1y........ st:r~.' .. of Railroad Avenue, from and ocnneoting with the water main h . proTided to be laid in.. the easterly side of Emerson S1r..". to, five hundr.d(50a) feet southeasterly from the easterly Itr.~..t ,'11. Emerson Street (measured along the oenter line of said. w.'t.a-, A oast iron water main of six (6) inohes inte:rnal.d1 the easterly side of Main street along a line parallel witl (20) feet westerly from the easterly street 1~e of Main'~~e oonneoting with the water main hert1nbefore provided to b" la1 southeasterly side of Railroad Avenue. toa point twenty (~)t ..outherly from the northerly line of Linooln Avenue,witb.sUi'" iron orosses plaoed therein at points as follows: " One at a point twenty (20) feet southerly from thenortherll $treet line cf Milburn Avenue extended; . .:. One at a pointtwenty (20) feet southerly from the. nortl1~~l street line of Linooln Avenue extended; and with a 8\1ita1).l. oa", ',:". 'tiee plaoed therein at a line parallel with and twenty (201 feet:"lhtr- ly from t.he northerly street line of Evergreen Avenue(we.t of ...~ Street) .,,j . , . . " . A oast iron water main of six (6) inohes internaldiam.'$J:' in the ea8te1:ly side of Wille street along a line parallel W:l.th..~t"enty (20) feet westerly from the easterly street line of WilleStree~..;f\rpm and oonneoting with tte water main hereinbefore provided to be:Le:1clin the southwe$terly side of Railroad Avenue, to a point twenty (20~ f..t southerly from the northil~:ty street line of Linooln .'.A.venue.wj,1ih.sui~... ab~e oast iron crosses to be plaoed hherein at points as follO.a. One at .a point twenty l20) feet southerly from the northetly street line of Mi~burn Avenue extended; One at a point twenty (20) feet southerly from the northerly stre.t l1ne of Linooln Avenue extended; and with a suitable cast iron t.e plaoe there.in at a line paral;lil with and twenty (20) feet souther- ly from the notherly street line of Evergreen Avenue (east of Wille street) ; A oast iron water main of six (6) inohes internal diameter in the northerly side of Evergreen Avenue along a line parallel with and twenty (20~. fe,t southerly from the northerly street line of Evergreen Avenue, from and oonneoting with tbe water main hereinbefore pr~vided to be laid in the 88ster1l side of Main street, to and oonneoting with the water main her~inbefore provided to be laid in the easterly side - _...<.,-~,..._---~_.-....__.._".. ~~_._'~' "",,_'._'_._~____H""'''_'''"''''__'__ " / .. ~ of Wille Street; A cast iron water main of ten (10) inohes internal diameter in th~ easterly side of pine Street a long a line parallel with and twen- ty 12()') teet westerly from the easterly street line of' PineS treet ,from and~o~.aling with the water main hereinbefore provid.edto be laid in the,$c"uthllesterly side of Railroad Avenue, to a #Joint. twenty (20) teet so,Uf,herl.ytrom the northe rly street line ot Lincoln Avenue, with sui t- able aast iron aros~es to be placed there in at points as toll...: One at a point twenty (20) feet southerly from the northerly street line of Milbum Avenue extended; . One at a point twenty (20) feet southerly from thel\QJ-therly street line of Linooln Avenue extended; , . c <C A cast iron water lIe in of six (6) inchesintemQld'1.~,f..l'in the northerly side of Lincoln Avenue, along a line parall"~:"~~band twenty (2Q) feet s outhe.rly .from the n artherly street lineot,L1.l1.00ln Avenue, trom and oonnecting with the water main hereinbe!()r_;,~!"lded t~' 'be laid in the easterly side of Pine Street to and oonn:,o~~:r>,w1 th the eater main hereinbefore speoified to be laid in thee.'~.J'lJ,'lde ot Emerson street, with proper oonneotions resJ.:S otively to'''''',,,,,~e,r mains hereinbeforespecified to be laid in the easterly sld'(lt~!.'lle S.treet. and in the easterly side of Main Street; all of sald".~~~,tma1.n s intersecting with other water mains shall be connected wi th,qOl'1.,itth~ water mains at the points of such intereections whether or not ',lii: ;, conne otion is herein spe cifically set forth, and the whole ot,.$~.:t con- nected system shall be conneoted with the water works plant()~.lI:td Village, at a point and conneotion provided by said Village ,..<.)pe.r~ of said plant, that is at the point of the intersection ot'tl'.\e'ic;l~8- ohal'ge pipe of said water workS plant a 1ready provided,fQr,.1t!iJt~e water main her~inbefore provided to be laid ilong a line para}l"lIith and one htmdred and fifty-five (155) feet westerly from the1f.,.,terly street line of Elm Street. Suitable reducers shall be placed in said wate r mainsbet'eln provided for at every point where the re is a j,tmoture of such mains of differing internal diameter. All cast iron pipe herein provided for shall be of the best " 'quality of cast iron and shall have a weight per lineal footr.epect1ve- ly as follows: Pipe of an in terna 1 diameter of six (6) lnom,1!I" 33.3 poundS per toot; Pipe of an internal diameter of ten (10), inob.'s, 63.8 pounds per foot; and pipe of twelve (120 inches intern.1;(liameter, 82.1 potmds per foot, and all of said pipe shall be of the t'JPS known as Bell and Spigot pipe. " All) cast iron orosses sha 11 have the following wetsbt.8' Twelve (12) inches int'ernal diameter, 623 potmds; ten (10) inohes I11tl!:trnal diame ter, 493 pounds and six (6) inches inte:ma 1 di ameter, 257 pounds, The cast iron tees hereinbefore provided for shall have the following wetghts: Twelve (12) inches internal diameter, 585 pounds; ten (10) inches in.ernal diameter, 445 pounds, and six (6) inches internal diameter 220 pounds. All cast iron reducers herein provided for shall have the fol- lowing .weights: Twelve (12) illches by ten (10) inohes internal diameter 261 potmds; t,welve (12~ inches by six (6) inohes, internal diameter, 202 pounds, and ten ~lO) inches by six (6) inches internal diameter, 169 pounds. . The one-sixteenth (1/16) cast 'iron bend of twelve ('12) inches internal diameter here in pl'ovltlded for shall have a weight o't' 265 pounds. All unnonnected ends of pipe and all orosses and tees shall terminate with a bell end and shall be sealed with a cast iron plug, which cast iron plugs shall have the following weights; For pipe and fittings Twelve (12) inches external, 50 pounds; for pipe and fittings f,~,!1 p.$) J in che s " ,~,' I ( c L..-___ ""'" --......:.--~~ _ "~""~._....."~""""-><,,.x.~,,,(,,,,,,,,,,",,,,_,,,~,,"<,,,",,~,~_,,,,,,,~,~,""""",'''''CN,,,'_~''~''';i1i'''i1'- 'jj" ',~___"';""""""""""'hM-_"""~~"'''''''""",,","''''~<C ,~ ( ( I \J six (6)1.ches eXternal die.meter, 24 pounds. Flf'tr-eight (58) fIre h7drants shall be furnished and conaeoted to I~'..ter mains with the bf;lst quality of cast iron pipe of six (6) inch..t.nternal diameter and of a weight of 33.3 poundsp.:rllneal foot, in t.helememanner as hereinbefore specified for ,water ulns- ..' ,... . A suitable tee ( in addition to the tees alread"ll.f)~inbefore " pPGYlded for) shall be placed in said water mains respeotl...e~J'{e.pposite eaoh.Of said fire hydrants and shall be oonnected with thelsl'dratlts by means of said oonnecting pipe. Said hydrants shall be of the/Dest quality of oast iron, bronze mounted and esuipped withtive .......<0>. < Jnoh valve opea1ng, two (2) two and one-half (2t) inch hose conneotions and one (I) four (4) iI?-oh steamer connection, and to extend fr~t,b.e ,.water main connectiDt! five (5) feet and six (6) inches below thesrOlll'lClto a point suffioiently above the ground to place the hose noazle[-t1liPteen (18) inches above the surface of the ground.'''''' ,Sa&fi fifty-eight (58) hydrants shall be located at points as follows: Five (5) fire hydrants shall be located in the easterly'ide of Williams street at points fourteen (14) feet weaterly from the easter- ly street line ~1 William Street as follows: , One at e: point five (5) feet northerly fr.om the northerly street line of Evergreen Avenue extended ; One at a point two hundred and ninety (290) 18et northerly from the northerly street line of Evergr..n Avenue extended; One at a point five (6) feet northerly from the norJh'~- ly street line of Busse Avenue extended; , One at a point. two hundned and ninety (290) feet northerly from the northerly street line of Bu88. Avenue extended; Oneat a point five (6) feet southerly from the sou1iher- 17 street line of Central Road extended. Five (6) fire hydrants shall be loaated in the easiier1.7'aide of 0..11 Street a! points fo-qrteen (14) feet westerly from tbeeasterly street ~tne of Owen Street as follows: One at a point five (6) feet northerly from the northerly street linei, of Evergreen Avenue extended; One 'at a point two hundred and ninety (290) feet northerly from the northerly street line of Evergreen Avenue extended; One at a poine five (6) feet northerly from 'tihe nor'tiherly street line of Busse Avenue, extended; One at a point two hundrGd and ninety (2~O) feet northerly from the northerly street line o~ Busse Ave- ~.', ',).; t .Dlile ;~~.xt ended; , One at a point five (6) feet southerly from the southerly street line of Central Road extended. Five (6) fire hydrants shall be loaated in the easterly side of EJJi Street at points fourteen (14) feet westerly from the easterly street line of Elm street as follOWS: One at a point five (6) feet northerly from the northerly street line of Evergreen Avenue extended; One at a point two hundred and ninety(290) feet northerly from the northerly street line of Evergreen Avenue extended; , One at a point five (6) feet northerly ~~om the \. _ ___ ____~>~"---'-_~,_..,_,..........~'_~.._._......~,...o__....__. ~_____~>_'___'_____"'~_~ "'"", r--' (' ~()rtherly,"reet line of BU8se A.venue extended; , On8at a point five.(5) ,feet soutit' 11 from the .uth,r11 atreet line, ot Oentral ltoad , ,nd,ed;. , ,", One a. III point two hundred and ~in t1 (290) t..et ,no:t.h, r11 from the no rtlherl1 street line of B.s., ):venue exil ended. ' Jive (6)f1.re hydrants sball be,looated in the t.$'fP:'11 side of"Ple Avenue at points fourteen (14) feet westerllf:tomthe ...-te!ly street ,line of Mpple Avenue as follows: . ' One at a point five hundred (600) feet southEiCll from the southerly street line of Bus.e AveJlue.de.ea.;, On, at a potnt two hundred and seventy-five{~'i) feet southerly from the southerly street line of Busse Avenue ext ended; , / ' One at a point five (5) i-!ell,,:r::lfl!ih.ra.,r f_m<c.,he northerly street line of. Busse Avenue extendedi. '. ", ' One at a point two hundred and ninety (29u) ,teet northerly from the northerly street line of BUSSe Avenue extended; , One at a point five (5) feet southerly from tbe ~~~::efif ;f~:eiy~:t~f s~~ir~; ~~~~t:~t!~d:~~ e~.t.rJ.,l':;jf1t. of EmersoJl street at points fourteen (14) feet westerly fl'ont tll'~h.~..ter- 1~ street line of Emerson Street as fo;J.lows: ; , ; , One at a point :five (5) fee1i noriher1y fromtb.. northerly street line of Linooln Avenue extended; ,One at a point five (5) feet northerly from northerly street line of Milburn Avenue extended; One at a point five (5) feet ;'jj utherly from the southerly street line of Railroad Avenue extended; One at a point tow hundred and forty (240) feet southerly from thesouther1y street lineo~ Busse Ave- 4~.. nue extended; One at a point five (5) feet northerly from the northerly street line of Busse Avenue extended; One at a point two hundred and ninety (290) feet nor1iher:J.y from the northerly street line of Busse Avenue extended; One at a point five feet southerly from the southerly street line of Central Road extended. Six (6) fire hydrants shall be looated in the easter1y side of "in street at points fourteen (14) feet westerly from~he easterly street line of Main Street as follows: One at a point five (5) feet northerly from the northerly street line of Linooln Avenue extended; One at a point fi ve (5) feet northerly fr om the northerly street line~of Milburn Avenue extended; One at a point three hundred and thirty (330) feet northerly from the northerly street line of Milburn AvenUe ext ended; . One at ~a point five (5) feet northerly from the northerly street line of Busse Avenue extended; One at a point two hundred and ninety (290) feet northerly from t be northerly street line of Busse Avenue extedded; /- o , ...., '" r.--.- C~) One at a point five (5) feet souther~ from the sou1herli street line of Central Road extended. . Eight (8) fire hydrants shall be looated in the east~rly side of Wille Street at points fourteen (14) feet westerly from the easterly street line of Wille Street as foliliolls: One at a point five (5) feet northerly from the northerly street line of Linooln Avenue extended; One at a point five (5) feet norhherly from the northerly street line of Milburn Avenue extended., One at a point two hundred and ninety (29011e81 northerly from the northerly street line of Milburn Avenue extended; One at a point five (5) feet northerly from the northerly street line ~f Evergreen Avenue extended from the westt;~ One at a point thirty (30) feetsoutherly from the southerly street line of Busse Avenue (between Main street and Emerson Street) extended;, One at a point five hundred and sixty (560) feet southerly from the southerly street line of Central RQad extended; . One at a point two hundred and eighty (280) feet southerly from the southerly street line cf Oentr.l Road extended; One at a point five (5) feet southerly from tb$ southerly street line 0 f Oentrat Road extended.. ." ....... . Five fire hydrants shall be looated in the easteJ:'lysi4Etof Pine Street at points fourteen (14) feet westerly from the eJleteZ'l;v street line of Pine Street as follows: . , One at a point five (5) feet northerly from the northerly street line of Linooln Avenue extended; One at a point five (5) feet northerly from the northerly street line ,of Milburn Avenue extended; One at a point two hundred and ninety (290) feet northerly frpm the northerly street line of Milburn Avenue extended; . One at a point fi~e (5)northerly from the northerly street line of Evergreen Avenue extended; One at a point five (5) feet southerly from th.e southerly street line of 'Centra~ Road extend.l. One '1) fire hydrants shall be looated in thev8sterly side of Elmhurst Avenue at a point fourteen (14) feet westerly from the easterly street line of Elmhurst Avenue and five (5) feet sc uthe~13 from the sou1;herly street line of Central Road ext ended. Seven fire hydrants shall be located in the northeasterly side of Prospeot Avenue at points fourteen (14) feet southerly from the northU8sterly street line of Prospeot Avenue as follows: One at a 'point five (5) feet easterly from the easterlY street line of Elmhurst Avenue extended; Oneat a point five (5) feet easterly from the easterly street line of Pine Avenue extended; One at a point five (5) feet westerly from the westerly street lin' of Main Street extended; ("- (.", 1 ..:..."'. . ..1 1"""'" " r------~ ..J ----_J' ~ One at a point five (5) feet easterly fran the easterly street lineol Main street extended; . one at a point 1'1ve (5) feet westerly trom the westerly street ll:neot Emerson Sttteet extended; One at a poin.~f1ve(5) feet easterlyf'rom the easterly street line of Eme~son Street extended; One at a point rive (5) teet westerlY-Nom the westerly street lin.'e ,e Maple Avenue exten.lted; Three (3) tire hydrants shall be loonted inthfl">.8!Outb- westerly side of Rai J,road Avenue at points tourteen(l'~.t!.et nQrth- easterly trom the southwesterly street line of Rail ',Avenue as follows: One at a point ten (lot feet easterly. tro.mthe easterly street line of Pine Street extended; One at a point ten (10) feet easterly iron the easterly street line of Wille Street extended; One at a ppint ten (10) feet easterlyf'rom tbt easterly street line of Mein Street extended; > ." . . One fi.rehydrant sha 11 be looated in the northerl.,.14e ot Everg:tteen Avenue et a point fourteen (14) feet southerly .t~()11ttbe northerly street line of Evergreen Av~nue snd five (5) feetw.. Ellterly from the westerly street line'f Main Street extended. ., In the above des oription of loca tions of tire hYd.:r.-~t,'~ the respe otive distances of fourteen (14) feet from the :resp$;(t~~....,street lines shall be measured in a direotion normal to sd.1dat~'~.1Jllles and distances other than the fourteen (1.4) feet di. st...an...oe.8......'...tl.........1t.,.....e.,...........~.. - before mentioned shall be measured along 8 line fourteenU.'):~':reet distant from and parallel with the street line (adjacentt~r...ld tire hydrant and fourteen (14) feet distant theretIJom) and g,asing through said fire hydrant. ..' .. . Cast iron tees for fire h,drant connections .Shal1.L~~~ the following weights: Twelve (12) inches by six (6) inohtsJ.5f5~'po.\unds; ten (10) inches by six (6) inohes, 421 pounds; and six \6)~"-nol'1es by six (6) inohes, 223 pounds. Six (6) six (6) inch gate valves shall be lOQated!l1.seid water main in the llDutherly side of Central Road, as tollO'lI: One 1m the easterly street line of Pine Street extended; One in the easterly street line of Wille street extended; One in the easterly street line of Main Street extended; One in the easterly stre~t line of Emerson Street extended; One in the easterly street line of Maple Avenue extended; One in the easterly street line of Owen Street extended; Two (2) twelve (12) inoh gate valves shall ~e looated in '6~!d' water main in the northeastef1y side of"Prospeot Avenue as follows: One in the westerly street line of Maim Street extended; One in the westerly lot line of said lot C in Re- subdivision of part of B10c~110 in ~usse and Wille's Resubdivision in Momt Pros pect. i ..:. ,~ ',"" "/ -' ~ . ,One (1) twelve (12) inch gate valve shall be located At the northerly lot line of said LOt C, Block 10 in the ne in extend- ing northerly through soid IDt C.. Block 10 on a line parallel. with and one hundred and fifty-five (155) feet west of the wes~~r~, street line of Elm Street,; . ", One (1) six (6) inch gate valve shall be looated lnj.id water main in the northerly side of Ev~rgreen AVEll,ue one hundred and sixty (160) feet westerly fran the westerly street11neof El11t Street; One (1) six (6) inch gate valve shall be located in sa1dwater main in the easterly side of Elmharst Avenue ,at the nortberlystrl!tet line of Prospect Avenue extended; Two (20 ten (10) inch gate valve shall be located in said wat~r main in the easterly side of Pine Street as follows: One at the Sll1therly street line of Railroad A'ltentte extende4 ;, One at the northerly street lineor Prospect Avenue extended; Two (2) six (6) inch gate valves water main in the easterly side of Wille One at the southerly street Avenue extended; One at the northerly street line of Prospeet Avenue extended from the east., ',' '. Two (2) six (6) inoh gatesball'be looated in sai in the easterly side of Main Street as follows: One at thesoutherly street lIne of Evergreen' Avenue extended; One at the northerly street line of Prospeot Avenue extended from the east. . ., Three (3) ten (19) inoh gate ?1alves shall be 10oat~<i.,~,'i4 water main in the easterly side of Emerson Street as fOllot",J One at thesoutherly street line of Railroad AY.... extended; One at the southerly street line of ProspeoiJ.Ai" extended from the east; , One at the no r1herly atr~et line of Prospeotj:'.l1ue extended from tle east. One (1) six (6) inoh gate valve aball be loeated 1D. said water _1nm the easterly side ofMapihe Avenue at the nor1herJJr street line of Prospeot Avenue ext ended from the northwest; One (1) six (6) inoh gate valVe shall be 100&1ed in said water main in tbe easterly aide of Elm Street at the nOJ:'therl1' street line of Evergreen Avenue extended from the ea.t; One (1) six (6) inoh gate valve shall be looated in 8&14 watermain in the easterly side of Owen Street at the norther17street line of Evergreen Avenue extended; . ' One (1) six (6)~nohg~le:va1.::Yalsballobetlocllt.ea.aii1.i4 water main in the easterly side of William Street at the northerly street 11ne of Evergreen Avenue extended; One Jl) six (6) inch gate valve shal,l belooated in said water main 111 the northerly side of Everg~een AV'enue at the westerly street line~f Main street extended. , ~e (3) six (6) inoh gate valves shall be looated in said water main in the northerly side of Linooln Avenue~~follOWs: One at the westerly street line of Wille Street extended; shall be looated1n isa'1d Street as followS.: line of Railro.d _in . ,A;'< ~. .::. ,_J """" '" , ".'~""';;., .. ~--..) One at the westerly street line otMain Street e~lenc1.ed ; One'at thww8s'terly street line ot 'Emerson Street enended; AU (1) six 46) inoh gate valve ah81.1 be 100ated1n ,satd wa er main in'the southerly si'de of ,Ra1l:ro'" Avenue at thewaaterly st eet line ot Emerson Street IFtended; one (1) ten (10) inoh ~te valve 8hall be 10oated111.8814 .aer main ,in the 1io'l1thwesterly side .ot Railroad Avenue at,'tihe wI.ter- l1's1lreet line of Emerson Street extended; . ".} In the above desoribedlooations ot gate valve. wh.,......rfa d.1 tanoe in teet is mentioned it &hall be oonstruoted to meG a 4:i8... toe measured along theoenter line ot the water main in which said ga e valve is plaoed. , Said valves shall have bodies of the best quality of oast iron wih bronze mountings, and the stems of said valve8 shall be of the be t quality of bronze. Said valves shall be of the type known ae .'d ubae gat.e valves" with tw 0 (2) oast iron hubs or so oket"., ~na.8ball be smooth and without imperfeotions, and shall stand, without l!~lng, ia drauliQ pressure of three hundred (300) pounds Iller square UlCJh. Eadl1::pf said valves shall be equipped with'an adjust.bl.~... 1e sion. valve box, whioh shall be' ot the best quality of oa.*'ir,~a.nd .. 11 be round, with an Ii.ternal diameter of tour and one-b.a~:t(~U2) '1n hee and shall weigh not less than one hundred and twent,...flV',i(1.Iil po 4s. .Baoh suoh valve box shall be provided with adetaoha.1>J.e;oover or lid,. whioh sball b.e even with the surtaoe of the ground, anci,~bJit.ll be of the best quality of oast iron. Eaoh suoh valve box sWt 'b8 so 00 atruot'd as to allow for an extension of from tive (Ii) to .~;J 6) (, fe t measured from the top of the body of the valve. Eaohsuoh. .'..1' - s 1 have the w~l'd "WATER" oast :in. raised letters on the top .etaoe tll. &'80t. ,All tees, orOSses ani bends shall be of the best quallt7 of t iro'n. Said water min saall be plaoed with their top surtl108 not lesa t n five (6) feet and six (6) inohes below the surtaoe of sa1d,~.tem ,of street s,and shall be laid in a workmanlike manner und8rthEt~lr80- ti~n, instruotions, supervision and ~uperintendenoe ot andsub3t,'to th approval of the Board of Looal:tmrpovements of the Village of Kount PI' speot, as fOllows,to wit: Eaoh pipe shall be laid level upon a ti m bed; exoavation shall be made under the bell of each pipe, so that th entire length of pipe shall lie upon the bottom ot the trenCh; all pi ces of said pipe shall be olosefitted and shall be oaulked with two (2 inohes of well rammed, untarred rope yarn, above"whioh shall be po. ed molten lead in such quantity that after being oompaoted by oaUlk1ngaroundthe entire oiroumterenoe of said pipe the lead will stand flljlSh with the outside at the bell ot the pipe. , I Spigots shall be oonoentrioally plaoed in the bells ot said pipe so ! as to, admit of a '.;u1form thiokness of gasket or lead. I The lead shall be of the best quality of soft, oaulking lead, fr~e from antimony, tin or arsenio. In eaoh joint on ten (10) inoh pipe no, less than sixteen (16) pounds of lead shall be used; in eaoh joint OJ3.lsix (6) inoh pipe not less than ten and one quarter (10 1/4) pounds ofllead shall be use~, and in 'eaoh Joint on twelve (12) inoh pipe not leas than nineteeni:t19) pounds of lead shall be used. : Wherever herein ~ "point" is designated for 1ihe beginning or te~ination of water mains, the same sball be oonstruoted to mean the oe~ter line ot said pipes, and wherever the line of oonstruotion is pre- ,~ L ," . __,H _, soribed the same shall be oons1;not ed' to mean the oenter line of the pipe; wherever herein a di.tanoe between parallel lines is ment ioned said distaJloe shall be cons~rue4 .to mean a dis1;ance measured alone a line no~l to 8aid parallal linas; wherever a distanoe in the direotion of the length of one of said water mains is mentioned herei~ said dis- tanoe shall be construed to mean a distanoe measured along the oenter lin~ of said pipe. unless the same-is oonsistent with the oonterl~ SECTION 2. That the reoommendation of the BOard of Looal Im- provements of ,the -Village 'of MOlIIIt.,ilro speot. ppoviding for said Improv)i- ment, together with the estimate of.the oost thereof made by the Presi- dent of said Board, both hereto attaohed, be and the same are hereby approved. SEOT~N 3. That for the pnnpose of the improvement aforesaid, the following/desoribed territory within the Village of Mount prospeot, County of Oook and State of Illinois. shall be oreated a Water Supply ~istriot, to-wit: . The south one-half (S 1/2) ..()f Seotion Thirtl~four (34) Town Ibrty-two (42) North. Range Eleven (II} East of the Third Prinoipal Meridian and the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of thel Southwest Quarter(SW 1/4) of aeotion Th..irtl- fi va (35) Town Forty-two (42+ North. Range Eleven (ll')"U-st of the Third Prinoipal Meridian, and the .Qrth-i~i~~ / (N 3/4)of Seotion Tw~lve(12) Town For~y-one (41} No:tffh', Range Eleven (11) East of the Third PrinoiU>al Meridian. and the East one-half (E 1/2) of the Northeast Quarter CD 1/4) of Seotion Eleven (11) Town Forty-one (41) North Range Of Section (11) East 0+ the Third Prinaipal Meridian. SECTION 4. That said proposed improvement shall be DlEi.de for the purpose of sppplying the present and future inhabitants f~ th.~eighbor- hood of said improvement with water for domestia and oommer01aJ.purposea inalud:ii1g fire proteation, and the inhabitants of saidVilla.gesbllll bave and they are hereby given the right of making service plpaatJ.d"tb.er aonneations between their resp.ative lots, blooks. traois andipas,.,els of land and said water mains, ani may use the water &hus ()btainel~pon su.oh terms and conditions aaare or may be hereafter lawfully imposed by the authorities of said Village. _ SEOTION 5. Tba. t said improvement shall be made and. thEt ,whole oost thereof be paid for by speoial assessment in acaordance with an Aot of the General Assembly of the State of Illino is enti t184:. "An Act aon- cerning ~GGal Imrpovements", approved June 14, 1897, and the amendments thereto. . SECTION 6.. . That the aggregate amount assessed and eaoh indivi- dual assessment. a.nd also the assessment against the municipality on aocount of prop erty owned by the muniaiplli ty and for the publio benefit shall be divided into ten (10) installments in the manner provided by the statu,e in suoh oases made and provided, and eaoh of said installments shall bear interest at the rate of six per oent (6%) ~,r annum acoording to law, until paid. . , SECTION 7. And for the purpose of ant icipating the oolleotion of the seoond and sucaeeding installment of said assessment for said im- provement. bonds shall be ieBued'f payable op:t of said installments, bear- iug interest at the rate of s1xP.",f oent (,6~) per annum, payable annually and s~gned by the President of sa"ld Tillage ~'d attested by the Vi+lage Clerk, under the eorporate seal of said Village. Said bonds 'shall be ,- '-;'L'.'" ,.. h"". r' ""~,T"!' . '. ....,"l'" .,....; , r; 1ssuedinaooordanoe with and shall in all respeots conform to the pro- visions of the Aot of the General.Assembly of the State Of Il11nois en- titlea.l ".A,hAot oonoerning Looal Improvements", approved June 14, 18~7, and ameniJD.Etntsthereto! . . ..... . .. ' . 's;JQIOE 8. That the sum of Three Thousand Seventy-l'i1neand Twenty-seven, hundredths Dollars (.3079.2') of the amountQ::5said assess- ment sball be applied toward the pa1mentof the oost of makt~. and 001- lecting said assessment as is by law provided. SEOTIOn 9. That upon the passage and approval of tbts~..4inanoe the President of said Village be and he is hereby direoted t(),:e__ a petition in the Oounty Oourt ofOook Oounty; Illinois, 1n 1l3.-,n.eun- ,of the Village of Mount Prospeot, praying that. steps ID8.1 'tre taken to leVy a speoial assessment for said improvement in aooordanoe with the pro- visions of this ordinanoe and in the manner presoribed by law. SEOTION 10. This ordinanoe shilll be in full foroe from and after it s :passage and aJ?prOVal, Passed this I~ day of August Approved this ,.;;t day of August A.D. 1922. . fV~.~. Presia:.nl. /'r < ~\ ',-, ',..v,)....~ )\..J..I/'. c,,', ,;. - ~..' '---:<\ 1 -<"'I \ \;-_.~J- :-",", ;.,'~ ,; i' ",..~ ~.: ;' ,/) . . H:J. . . ,". :J , :),;."'- ",1".. '\ 'V,; , , ;) Jjfl':' \ ' Posted at ths following plaoes to-wit; Busss's Hardware Store., Postoftia. ana. at De*ot of the Ohioago & Borthwestern'Railway Oompany. i I.__.___.______,._~ 1\. .~