HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 42 10/03/1922
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FOLLOWS; .... ". ......
'. .Seotion 1.T~t the President shall by af1d W1'lt'~appro.,..1
of the Board of Trustees, at the sam~ time and in th~.'.' . .~.r'''J1at
the o1;b.er offioers of the village al"eappo1nted, appo~.. >l.'Sl~an
tltree, nor more than five, oompetent persons to bela1t....as... . ..I.,::,s..
the Board. of Health of the Village of Mount Prospeot, aUawai. .,.Qna
shall beltv.'bjeot to the provisions of allordinanoes of the' .of
Mount Prospeot. . "
Seotion 2. !he Board of Health sha11g~ve to th4~+l
ities all suoh professional advioe and informatibtl as t1l..,....
with a view to the preservation of the publio health; and wli' ,
:rDe7 hear of the existenoe 0 f any malignant, oontagious or pest"
disease., they shall investigate the same and take measures to.
Seotion 3. The, Board of Health may take suoh measues.,.
: DIal from ,time :ill) 'time deem neoessary to prevent the spread of.
~~R__~.er pe~tilent1al or oontagious diseas~by issuing an orcler', .,.
.14.'........l....J;...iP...........l'.ons in the said village, or any part th. ereof, t'O be va.......
,"i. euoh time as they shall presoribe, or to oonform to SQ..,
~1;:l~1 regUlations as they may presoribe. l' shall be the~t'"
tI'~4J()a.rd. of Health to pro'ri4e for the vaeoination of suohpe~..
at. unable topa;y for the same at the expense of the village.
, Seotion 4. It shall be the clutr of the Marshal and
p4.;.1';t4!~ atf~oera to oarry out all the orders of the BoaJ'd of.ll.
tIt! J.~1'I~'of this State and the ordinanoes of the Village reJ,; .
'l~i't~, ...1" egula t.ions 0 f the villag e.
<Seotion 5. It shall be the duty of the Bond of Heal
all tlJlelaws of the State and ordinanoes of the village in 1'8.
the sanitarl 'regulations of the village. And for the purpost<f..
out the .toregoin6 requirements, they shall be permitted at all ,
the r..i8in. ...g.to.th.e se. tting of t.pe sun, to enter into any hOU&e;!...,... ......
s't.bl...,o~ .:~1\b1uld1ng and oause the floor to be raised, orl:~
...~j;.'..o.eBa~', in order to make a thorough examin.ation Qf;O
valQ.:C..,.ait.dCsor. drainfi}f 'and to oause all privies to" ol'~.,'"
in~..'()().4.1t:lon; and to oause all dead animals or other na~
u::c:.....,..hi.. .o.~................'.............'~...;.....a........1l1g.'. S.,.9..r.... substanoes to be remo,ed or oarri~. d . be. ....
l~"~ Q.t'.~.Ti:tJ...,jt. The Board. 0 f Health shall have th. po
aDJ'.-.o..J.18. '........ ..0......'1. p...r...........,.............t.'O....be. ole.aned, 'di~infe. 01.....8. d. or 010"S8,d.. to.... v1s~.~.,
and t.o. p:re,J'811t p.r~fI f,:roJa resorting therei,p.~f while ant :P'%'80 .. ~.~~
il1g~'r~,p.st ~1t~~~aa.o roont agiou8cli8easa; t~,.ma,. j:':~
in ."'1111". i1X"eot'~~;'1lt.1aa~()G t& be abated or unwho~'SOI1.', ..'
sub8tan~e, cUrt or~,t~1tb.tob. relDOve4 from any hous..Orp;r.'e
.mB.l pr..(Jrih.:tl\..'lil8PdDlO'~.Of! doing so, and take ..~~'Q"'.
. t hel~l 4e.,n.,O:elMt"$;Ui .p~p'})et to prevent the. 8p~.$"'Qf"
, pe8tilent1a;.t, Q:r,~~~>4..mioa.1,s.a..; and any person who.ball ne
fuse..1i.o 0~7_~~,:~l.rde:r~;... dir,eotions and insttuotlons of tne 8&:1.",
Health, Sl:ul1.3.:<ttl,< !tined nqt less than $5 noI'omore than $100, .
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.. Seotion 6. !rhe rules and regUlations of the Illinois bat.' .'
Boa of Kealth conoerning cholera, smallpox, ,.ellow fe"er, diphtheria.
soaxo.1i..:e,...er and otheroont.ious or infeotious d1seaa., shall b., en...
to:r.~( "01' the Boarei. ,o:t ~...~ill' Of the Villag., and sa14:aoar,d. of, !tal th
Sh$.lJ.i..49~t.. and ent01'oe .~..~.,.~trn.r .rules and replations .~o.r:n.ing
aa14fwI1'.eases as th'''''';~11 t1unr :.1) V* deeDltleo.ssa....iIlO,b.
.on~,..,."'ion of arq-' laws of theStateofID.;Linois or the).., ' ',', .0'1 the
IJ.lljj~'\~"ate Board of Health. or tl1e_.'tmentofP'a'bll~ (fj:b of tb;e
St'a'.,~.';t'> tllinoi s ,andfort he enfo rOe..r.tt of Sa1dl'~.'~ ..:La~
t~o~'..all p.bl1o.-eff1oers ot the village, 111 .their *.~~< ea,
ar'e 1':L.~.'b" oommanded and enjoined to assist ,th. sai4J'~4.'. .
. . ...e ot 10n 7. . It shall be the furt hel' aut7 of the13~ .'. . . .t.
andof~ offioer, when direoted by them, to cause a li()t.~'. 4.:
or ftitt..t:Q.in large letters, to be plaoed upon or near .~...'.. ",
whioh any.:person may be afflioted or siok with smallpox, ..lJn~l
Or all1' oontagiolils, pestilential or epidemio disease, uP....lid:,
be written or printed the name of suoh disease; and if alll'p.,. ......
perlons ahall ieface, alter, mutilate, destroy Or tea1reown $uf;tl1nptice'
WithO...llt. t. he.... permission of the Board of Health, -euoh.pe1:.I.CD orp'l. s.....O........l.l,
shall be l.iable for lauoh offense to pay a fine of not leIS tb$.l1 2~.i i
nOr llI9:ret.hant60; the oooupantof any house upon whioh suoh nott!~.i.
POI:1,"ts~J.4. be held respon81 ble for the removal of the same, ancliJf'
th'~.JZle'*J.l be removed without the permis8ionof the Boardo:t~~..~,
I~ OO<4.~t shall be subjeot to like. fine of not less.than .~J.;'.':r'
mor,~~,,;,'e5, unless he shall notify the Board of Itealth wit~...
tW"<~ln.",.oUl-S after the remo"al of said not1ce. ....
. >ii' '.> -':.tion 8. Every phfsioian.praotioing in this VilJ.a,.'
patient affeoted or sick 'wJ.th any mal1gnant teve,.. .......
xor any oontagious or pestilential disease, sballfo
a ..t.tb.ereof 1nwriting to the Board of Health, desorib'
o. .. .......2. o( the he use or place where sai d patient may be t with,
ta~'lrt'lba' the same may be eas;L.ly found, and in oase saidp
il~ . i.,ep4rt the same within twenty-four hours after sai44
'h'~:'*~led name or type of the disease. Any physioiaRWl:1,.i'
ho~< ..' ..l1nformat ion or negleat or refuse to oomp17 with.t~.,"J>>.
of .11' ....otion, shall be fined not less than $5, nor.oret~
eaoh kYhe shall negleot or refuse SO to do. . ,'T'".,
. . Stollion 9. Every keeper of any boarding house ~nd .~,~..,.<;~~.
keep'x- ....... hotel keeper, Shall wi thin twenty-four ,hours repo~;:;~~l\.
to th.__.d of Health the same partioulars in the last ,,""0111_;..1" jHA.;
. of &12I'''$io1anooneerning any person being at any of .th~ :afo,
ho.se8,0~.:botels, and attacked with any oontagious disease; an.4. '.<
pe~8on kn..1ng of any individual in said village siok of a~ oont~
o.i..... CW.ere s,!!oh person shall have reason to regardS'll~'l 1n4'-'~ .... ...r 'c,,
aa l1'.!.f~'..O.'.....,l..... e. d... or .no.t.. properly oared for), and ev. 8ry Ph7sictt. a.... 11.. .~. ...'.......:. .......i;lU...;. ..... o. f......
any "Qb:ptak p.erson whom he shall have reason to think requirew. ...~'h. ....
a~1i.."~"Qf the~$rd of palth, shall at onae report 1ih~~...t<.~Q. tbe
Slid~a1l"d..of Ree.l.1ih in regard to the disease, condition~.nd'4;w.ll1lJ:i
plao.<pr ~.s11i1on of $'noh siok person. . .) ........ .': .....
.......Qt~OD 10. Bve17 res1~ent of the v111e,&,., 1tnOVf~Of"..1.i'"
d1vi4__Ji.~..ud vUlage Siok w1th any QOntaiiC)u.'d1""~..J.el1a;~AA~. ..'
lese Pt'ev:tOi;Ul17rtported, report in wr1ti:ngto th~ B..rei.()f' '1;1,:',
same PWt1o~s as requireo. of the provisions in. the laatp'~t.."
seotion, and<..y negleQt or refusal thereof ~hallSubjeot'..'i.<~1'80n
to the same fil'le as presoribed in Seotion Eight of this or4;lnattee.;
Seotion ~J.'. Every householder ",ithin the limits of thefvil'1~~ in .
whose dwelling there shall ooour a oase of Oholera, JelloW~.r~,
soarl. e.t. 1'.......,.;'1..9-. i. Ph. <theria ...o..r...em. a. llP...O. x. . shall .1lDJD.j..o.. ia.tell nO.."i.~l. '...."..' " "la.e
Board Of' . . '.. "t>f the same a,hdunt1.1 111.tr\lott~JU3are re~ trom
sa1dBoud O',,(:"lth. no olothing, or other prop-"I'-tbat .., 'b...,., been
expose.d toi.1ilj.l1pn, shallp. removed from the Ill'll.', 'nor Sba.ll,.ny
oeoupant oh8.1.18e, ~1.s residenoe elsewhere without the oOIHtent of' said
~oard of.a.aJ.thd.lU:'ing the prevalenoe of any pub110daziger f'rQD1 suoh
111sesse.and sllplqaioia:ns and other attendants upon any person
siok with'the dOr...1ddiaease or other disease dangerous to the
publio heal thSCul:).l, :forthWith report same to said BO~d of Health.
S,a.loll 1.2, ., parson or thing liable to propagates oon-
tagious dis..ae shall be brought within the limits of the village,
without speoial permission and direotion of the Board of llea+th. and
,whenever it shall oome to the knoWledge of any perso~atbat BUoh '8rs9.n'
Or thing has been brought within SllCh l'im1ts, he aha:!.l immediately .
give not1oe there'f to the ~aid Board of Health, together with,t~
lOQat10n thereOf,
S,otion 13. Ho person shall, within the village, w1tho111.. "
a permit from the Board of ileal th, oarry or :remove from one b11ildi;q.g
to another, any person sick ot any oontagious or infeotious dis.a";~,,
Bor shall an7 person by an eXpo~ure of any individual siok ot anr~~~'
oontag:tousor :Lnfeotious disease, or of any body of such person,o~!:
by any negligent ao* oonnected thereWith, or in respeot of the oar.
or oustody thereOf, b~ by a needless exposure of himself when Sio.k and
not fully reoovered, cause or oontribute to or promote the spr.a~ ot
disease from any suoh person or from any dead bOdy" .
, Seotion 14. ~he Board of Health of the village shall baY,
jurisdi01ion in all matters pertaining to the preservation of the
health' of those in attendanoe upon the publio and private soho,?l. in
the village; to _hi oh and it is hereby made the dt$y of the sai4 io"~d
of Health.
To require that all persons attending said sohool, eilh~r 808
teaohersor pupils, shall have oomplied with tne order of theSt,1ie'
Board of Health oonoerning vaooination. . ,
To e.xolu4t frorn ,said sohools, any person suffering withacon....
tagious or +nfe01iO.s disease, or liable to oonvey suoh diseaseemdng
those in attenclanoe.
To )Due regular inspeot ions of all sohool build.ings and pre-
mises, as to their hygenio oondition, and ,report the results of euoh
inspeotions to the B~ard.of Eduoation ana to those having oharge and
oontrol of said sobools, with instruotions as to the remedy of oon-
ditions (if $uoh be found)"whereby the health of those in attendanoe
may be i.paired, or life endangered.
SeOl10n 16. In the event of a failure or refusal of those
having suo.h Ohargeand oontrol to oarry out the instruotions so given,
the Boardo~B.alth shall oause suoh faulty oonditions to be~.~ed1ed
at the p~Qper oost and expense of those having oharge andoonlrol of
the sohoolor sohools. .
"otio.n 16,. Bo person shall hereafter ereot or oause to be
ereoted" oon'f'.~'d to a new purpose b,.~teration, any building or
struotUe't)rav, part of whioh shall be '~"'4equate or defeotive in
respeot tove~tilation:. light, sewerage,.cior any of the provisions or
...1... ~_.
. ..........~
,...... ~, , "~
preoaut:iens usual, proper or neoessary for the preservation of health,
nor shall the builder, lessee, tenant or oooupant of a~ suoh build-
ing (havins the right or ability to remedy or prevent the same) oause
or alle.any matter or .thing to be done in or about a~ suoh building
orstruoture dangerous or prejudioial to health.
Seotion 1'1. lio owner ,agent or le88ee of ally bUildini,:> or
any part thereof, shall lease or let or hi:ee out the same, Q:r.~
portion thereof, to be oooupied by a~ person or allow the sa:m,e 1;0'
be oooup1ed as such a plaoe, in'whioh anyone may dwel:L or :Lodge,'
exoept when suoh building or suoh part s thereot are sutticle.nt:Ly
lighted, ventilated, provided and aooomodated, and in alli.spe.ta'
in that oond1tion of oleanliness and wholesomeness for which th1$
ordinanoeor any lawu of this State provides, or in whioh they o.
either of them require any suoh premises to be kept. ,
Seotion 18. No person having the right and power to prev~nt
tp.e same, shall knowingly oaUse or permit 'any person to sleep 03:'''8..
main in any oellar or any plaoe dangerous or prejudioial to h8alt~,
by reason of a want of ventilation or drainage o,r by reason Ofth, , ,
presenoe of any pOiBonoua, noxious or offensive substanoe orother.ise.
Seotion 19. The owner of keeper of any:dhodging-house and
the owner, agent of the'owner, and the leasee of any tenementhou;e.,
or part thereof, shall, whenever any person. in suoh hOuse 1.s s1ol< " .,...,.
with fever or any infeotious, pestiJ.ential or oontagious diseas.,.. I
siokness is known to suoh owner, keeper, agent or 180see, give ill... " ,-J
mediate notioe thereof to the Board of Health, and thereupon the said 1
Board of Health shall cause the same to be inspeoted when found ~
neoessary, oause the same to be immediately oleaned ordisiltfeoted ..l'l
at the expense of the owneri:or oooupant, in suoh manner as may b~ .
deemed neoessary and effeotual; and the said Board c,f Health may also
oause the blankets, bedding, bed olothes and furniture used by.aDl'
si-ok persons to be thoroughly ~leaned, sooured' and :twn1gated, or in.
en:reme oases, to be destroyed,
Seotion 20. That wheneveri t shaLl oome to tb,~ knowledge of
theiJoard of Health, ot its offioers or employes, that the,oond.~~tot).
of any bUilding or premises is injurious to the health or danger,~.
_ to the lives of the oooupants or of the publio, it shall be t~,.. du..'7
of the health offioersto make a thorough examination of the bu11illlg
. or premises and to d1reet and instruot as to the remedy of suoh.~n....
dit~on; and if this be not remedied within reasonable time, he shall
report the faots to the Board of Health, whocshall thereupon oause
suoh building or premises to be put in good sanitary order at the oost
of the individual fesponsible for or oausing suoh unhealthy oondition~
Seotion 21. Every tenement or lodging-house shall have pro-
per land suitable oonvenience or reoeptaoles for reoeiving garbage and
other refuse matller. Bo tenement or lodging house, or any por1;ion
thereof, $hall be used as a plaoe of storage for anyoonbustible a~
tiole or any artiele dangerous or detrimental to health, nor shall any
horse, oow, calf, swine, pig, sheep or goat be kept in suoh hous~.
Seotion iI- Whenever it shal1 be deoided by the Board of,
Health that any bl1i:lC\1ng or part there of is unfit for human habit-
tation, by reason qf its bei~g so inteoted with disease or from other
.. . .:.,.... >;..... ......... ..; ~
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aauses, as to be likely to oause siokness amQ:Q6. the oooupants, and,
notioe of suoh deoision shall ba".been fix$1l.'btti1piouol1s1y on the
building or}B:rt thereQf,...,4eoicMcl to be unfit for human babi~ation,
and personally served\'lpon,1ibs owner. agent or ltH.see, if the same oan
be found in this state,r,Q1tirillg all persons therein tQ . vaoate . s'\1,oh
building or part thereof,tG,the r~.sons to.)Je :stated. therein alt afore-
said, suoh buildiug or pai.l"t thereof shall, wi thin ten a.ap.tllereafter,
be vaoated, or within auah. shorter time, not less tbantwentl-te.ur hoJlJ's,
as 1~ said notioe may be speoified.
Seation23. Every agent or other person having theobarge,eon-
trol or management, or wOOoolleots or reoeiv$d the l"entsof8l.\7la11.ds,
v"remises 01" other property in the village, shall disoJi.o.se the~..}~'" .
names of the OWer or owners of suoh lands, p~emises or prop'J:t$'~';~ the
name or names 0 f the person or persons for whom such agent or. Qtb,i't',iS
acting, upon.app1ioation being made therefor)by any inspector..~s.'or
offioer of the Board of Health.' ') . ,
Seot ion 24. 110 person shall permit or have any offet:l.~:I;.;,'
or other liquid or 'substanoe upon his premises or grounds, t.~"
Judioe of life or health, whether for use in any traoe oro~~J
and no extablishment or plaoe of business for tanning,8k1~~~&
soouring, or for dressing hides or leather shall here after be'
started or established in the Villag@cof Mount prospeot withOUt',;
mit from the President and Board of Trustees. And every such ...
ment now existing shall be kept olean and wholesome, and so oo:n.d:
every partioular as not to be offensive or prejudioial to lite 0
S.otio~ 26. No meat, fish, .ird.$, fowlS, vegetables,
whol-.ome and.~fefor human food, s1'a~l 1)e brought within sa14
lage or offGireddor held for $ale as suah :tood, or kept or sto..~
where in said village. '"..i
Seotion 26. No oalf, pig or lamb or tbe meat thelt.,j';,,'
be brought, hel.d or offered for 8ale as food in said yillag.j ,
at the, date of its death (being a 'aaif) was less than two' we'
or being a lamb or pig) was, when killed, less than eight ~.
8eotion27. No meat, fish, 'egetavels or mild, or ~.
liquid shall knowimg1y be bought, sold held offered fOr ..sAle, . ...... .'.'
or any representat10nmade in r8speot thereof under a false ~f .<,
quality as J'espeots wholesomeness, soundness, safety for foodO~(~ljUt'f
and no person or persons shall keep or offer for s,ale as unsk1~.~<'"
milk, any milk whioh oontains more than 90 peraent, of wattery :lU~4'
~. or less than 10 p.roent of totak solids or less than 3 peroentof ......'
butter fat. :No parson shall keep, sell or offer fQr sale aI17 ore.
in aaid village if suoh,eream oontains less than 15 per oent butter
fat,'a'11.d,110 person by h.i:If1.elf or his agent or servant shall offer for
sale a~lmpure, diluted or adulterated millt, a:o,d oream, or eitb.J:"."
from siuordiseasea. oows. And for the ,purpose of enforoing th,is
ordinanoe,the Board of Health, or any one delegated by the Board of
~.alth for,;}).atpupose, shall have the power, and it shall be their
duty to i~.p.ot all plaoes and vehioles in whiah milk and oream 9r
either of them is ,sold or offered for sale or stored or kept>, ,"ncito
take samples of' sp.ci1 milk. or oream and make suoh testa as may ''b'~-
visable t04et.r~1n. whether suoh milk and oream oonform to ,....,.,-
vi"Sious of tll'. 01dinanoe; and any person dealing in milk and'l..:,'
and violating 8,o:rq.of the provisions of this seat ion shall be f1ned
not less than 16 nor more than $100 for eahm offence.
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aenion 28. Ever.J;:pers,on being the owner, lessee" or ooeu-
' pantef iny:.room~.j~tal:t(;'V;pl:.oel1 wherea1.l1 meat, fish or veg.tallle
des1gb.d..er held for human....,.~ _.. sball b;tihtored or ~ept.or~~l be
he 14 01'ofterld for aalA,.;a~ .,.put anO:-/i .... .... '. such rOOla. stall, pJ,aoe
and premises. and . i1.8 applU'~.. ......~().$ . i11 a C).an and wholesome .~~;n.41-
tion; and ever,. person havi;n.e;'.barge orbe4lig interested ore~.d.
whether aspr1noipaler ag.Jlt... in the oU"~r 1n :J.".PElot .to~M,~y.8-
tody or sale of any meat, fish,birds, fo"la or veg.tabl.....'..*.p.d
for human food,8hall put and preserve same in a ~l'attand.J,~l.'oDle
oond1tion,and '~ll not allow the sam. or any part th.re~~~ be
poison.d,i:ateoted or rendered unsafe or, un.holesome for h.. ........ food.
Seotion 29. It shall be the duty of ev,ry person ~kno.i~
of aJ1y fish, meat ,fowls, birds, or vegetables being bought, aold Or
offered, or h.ld for sale as food for human beings, or being ~n.~ .
PUb.liO or private market in said village, and not being sound.!'.he...J.,.thy
or wholesome for suoh food, to forthwith report suoh faots ana. tl1"
partioulars relating thereto, to the Board of Health. '
Seotion 30. If any person Shall. ~xpose for sale ini~lll~t. .
ket house or elsewhere inaaid Village ,$;t:q emaciatedif tain"i~';t'tt~.,..
putrid .tat . or provisions, whioh, from tl:LeSe or other oause~i..'/~"
deemed unwholesome, suoh person shall, on oonviotion, be fin,cine' .
less than. to nor more than $100 for eaoh and every offense, a.1:1411
shall be the dut,. of the Health Offioers to forthwith seize an'uoo:n-
fisoate all suohmeats and provisions.
Seotion 31. No person.sball kill or dress any animal 1:n
any market, no:r have Or permit to esoape therein or within one hundred
feet thereof, any-poisonous, noxious oroffensive substanoe~
Seotion 32. Every putaher, grooer and milk dealer and their
agenis, shall allow the paBties authorized by the Board of Rea,1th to
freely and fully inspeot their oattle and milk, meats, fish and
vegetable h~ld, offered or intended for sale, and will required ,*0
answer all reasonable and proper questions asked by suoh persona
relative to the oondition thereof, and ,tothe p~aoes where suoh ar.
tioles may be. , . ............ .......
. Slotion 33. Every person shall oause every stable, .~
and plaoe wbe" an,. oows, horses ", ether animals may be, i'<) be .:
Jeeptat alltaes in a olean and wholesome oondition, and saall-'ot,
allow any:animals to be therein while infeoted with any di~ase..'
oontagious o~ pestilential, among suoh animals, without a permi.t
from the Board of Health.
S.ot1on 34. . lio oattle. shall be Slaughtered, dres"4.G~. .,
hung. ot.... _at or any part thereof, within aa1d v1!.lag., whOJ~
or ptt'C;1.l1y wlithin &n1 street, avenue or 8i de_lk or pUba:io, al_
o.r P-"'.', nOr shall any blood or ditty water or other. suutan....,
suoh oatt18. meat or plaoe of killing, or tll. apPUi'tenan-o... the!'..t,
b. allowed to fall or run in any suoh str....... ave:nu. or.sid.wa~,
all.y or plaoe.Th'keeping and slaughter:Urg ot all,-'lle. and lih.
p:rep.aralion.&nd keeping of all _at and fi_b., birds ad toWls, ,shall'
be. inthaimarmer wbloh is, or is general17 ~.p.t.d or known to'.be,
b..t adapted to aeOlU"e and oontinue their.' _tety and wholesomeness
as fo o.d. .
'hot1on.~. liO diaeased or siokly M!:ree., oattle, aheep, SWine,
dOiOf 0.". oro'tler al.lirnals, nor any that haVlrbeen exposed to any
d:1".as that is oontagious among suoh animals~sball be brought into
the Village of Mount Prospeot.
..~"-~."-"--.;<,--"-_.-..,.,,..~~~.,,,.,,..-~.~-,,-.,--..,-~,..~- ---.--.. -~. -"...,.--..--<""'~'.'-'
ho.'i..'6. lo.t'le shall be. kep' ip. any plaoe of whioh the
wat.. ....n111&t1:011 all' food ar. not.1atf.101en" .and. wbolesome for tbe
. '....."a1;ion of ,..11' h.alth, ..t. ooa4it10n and for wbol.sO....8S
a8 fooi. ' .
. Seotio. Z'l. 10 pl.80ll Rall boil a:D.7 offal,; sW111 or bOQS, nor
azq tat, tallow; or larA,' .xoe," 'Q.Pcn1 1;lt.. s... be 1ng taken at onoe
from the an1mal and whil' ~he sameil fre.. ani otberwi.. taoff.n-
s1ve, nor shall 1;h. basine 8a . of bone, ORlhing, bo:,e grin4-ing, bone
burning, shell-burn1ng, nor the ski_ing or making ofgl.. from aDJ
d.e.4.animal or part thereof, nor the ..torage or ke.pi.,. of sorap,
fat or peas., or offensive animal matt.rbe permitted Of oonduoted
at &111 plaoe within the limit. of the Village or within one mil.
thereof, without a speoial permit from tbe pz.e.ident and Board of
~I'ustees .
Seotion 5th It shall be the duty of every soaveDiII', ooJl1:ra0101'
and person, hia agents and emplo,e., who haa oontraot,4 o~ u:al'~-
taken to remove aD7 dis.a.ed or a...4 an~_l, offal, rUbbi8h, ga~b&8"
dirt, street ...eepingS, night soil Or other off.nsiYe ornOd01l8
substanoe, or is eqag'4 in &D.1 suoh removal, or in th. 10a41q OJ'
_ unloadins of any suoh sUbstano., to dO the same with lispatoll, ani
. 1>>. ever, partioulal' in a manner as oleanly and inoffeJl.il'.aal "i1a
a8 1.1ttle danger and prejudioe to l1fe ~d health a. poaaiilt.,
Seotion 39. A:tJ.J per80n having a dead animal onh11 pr.Dd....~ ..'
said village 8hal1 at onoe remove Or oause the removal of $uo) ..tMl
to some plaoe without the limit. of the Village of .0UDt l?1"0"'.'"
SeotioJl40. The members of tbe Board of aealth 8ha11r....'.',.
auoh oompensation .a the PresiAent and the Board of T:rufJt..s~:J..
from time to ti_ direot, the oompensation ofeaoh member to ....
oommensurate with the duties perform.d b, him.
f'.. ! Seotion 41. An7 peraon or oorporation oonviote4 for vio~~~"
\ of any of the provisions of this ordinanoe for whioh nO s"oift.,.'
fine has been provided hereinbefore, shall be fined not 1... tbll
10.00 nor more than f200.00 for eaoh offenSe.' '.
Seotion 42. All. ordinanoes or parts of ordinanoe. oontliottDi
with the foregoing ord.inanoe be and the same are herebJ repeale4-
Seotion 45. this ordinanoe shall take effeot and ie in full
fo~.. from and after its passage ad publioation.
Passed this 31'4. day of Oot. A. D. 1922.
4pproved this 31'4. day of Oot. A. D. 1922.
..... . .
/:/1} . ' I n
//1 Jh / {~~
"!re..t~1.' ....
POlted tUs 6ta clay of OotO,l.._%', .&.. a. 1922. at the following
plaoes to-wit: i.....s Bar....... 8tO:t-e, po.t offioe 'ud at the llepot
of the Ohioago It lfOl'thwe.ten Railwa, 00.
",,,'~'~~.....,,'~' ~
,;(.'-'w' ;;~
J"I:.-~~'<'"~-~-'''--''""':\!1l''' "f ~~-
'C'~"__~l~_ ;J~'..+,,j:W;p,*'... ,_".~_""""',..,.;>~~
- '.,-~-~'~.--.;.--~_..~~.
-'.'~'------~-c______~.....,....--'_....'____,.~..__~~_ _, .~ __."....... .~_.~__"'__-,--__
We hereby submit an ordinanoe for oenstruoting and 181illg a
oonneotedsystem of water mains, ino1tt.cling valves, va1v:e boxes, orosses"
tees, hydrants, hydrant oonneations, speaia1 aastings and fittings and
all neoessary appurtenanoes, to be oonstruotedand laid in the Village
of Mo~t Prospeot, as follows:
" A oast iron water main of twelve (12) inohes intettna1'diameter ,
from a point in Lot C in the resubdivisiOn of part of B100k Ten (lO)
in Busse 18 and Wille IS Resubdi vision in Mount Prospeot, in the west
half of Seotion Twelve (12), Township Forty-one (41) Range Eleven ill)
East of the Third Prinoipal Meridian whioh point is on a line paral1e.l
with and one hundred and fifty-five l155) feet westerly, from the westerly
'street line of Elm 8tref3t and Sixty (60) feet southerly from the northerly
lot 1inegf said Lot C (measured along the said line parallel with and one-
hundred and fifty-five (155) feet west.erly from the westerly street of
Elm'Street), to a line parallel with and tWenty (20) feet sQutberlyfrom
t~e northerly street line of Evergreen Avenue immediately east of Elm
: Street, with a I~table tee plaoedat the northerly ,termin-qs"of\ 8~id JDain'
and Ii like tee atl, its point of beginning as hereinbefore defined:;
A oast iron water main of,twelve (12) inohes internal 4iameter
in the northerly side of Evergreen Avenue, along a line parallel' wit.h. and
tW~in:lty (20) feet southerly from the northerly street line of EVe:tgree~
A.Venue 1mmediateJ.:Y east of Elm Street, from and oonnecting with the water
main herei~b~fore provided for along a line parallel with and o~e hundred
and f1+ty-tiv-e (155) feet westerly frem the westerly street line of Elm
Street, to\a point twenty (20) feet westerly from the easterly street
line of Wil~iam Street extended, wi~h suitable oast iron orosses plaoed
therein at point as follows: f
One a;t a point twenty (20) feet westerly from the easterly street
line of Elm $treet extended;
One ~t a point twe~ty (~O) feet westerly from the east$rly street
line of Sohool Street extended;
One at a point twenty (20) feet westerly from theeatterly street i
line 0 :fg::na:t~e;~ i~r ;::~:~ (20 I feet westerly from the easterly at reet.'l....'.....
line of Williams street extended; _,
A cast iron water main of six (6) inches internal diameter in the
easterly Sio.e of Elm Street, along a line parallel with and twenty (20)1l
feet westerly from the easterly .3tree1r line of Elm Street, from and ."
oonneoting with the water main her~inbefore provided for in the northerly ~
side of Evergreen Avenue, to a point twenty lao) feet northerly from the;
southerly s~reet line extended of the street commonly known as eentral , ~
Road, with suitablaoast iron crosses plaoed therein at points as follows:' .~.i~
One at a point twenty (20) feet southerly from t~northerly street ;
li~e,of' Busse Avenue extended;
O:Qe' at a point twenty (20) feet nor,therly from thaI southerly
stree.}lin~of Centr,l Road extended;.
ea,lerlf;t::t 0;r~:~~~~::li~1~~:i:'f~~~i~:~:f~;~t~!~)) ~~~~;gr~i? 25r
feet vvesterly- from the easterlyvSid.e of Owen Street, along a line
parallel with and-twentf (20) feet westerly from the easterly street
line olf aa id Owen Stree. from and oonne oUng wi th t he we ter main here in - .1
''''&61', '~l;i)o~ -'",,:~,,__
... ,,~
before provi4edior in the northerly aide of Bvergreen Avenue to a."
point t.pty (BO) feet northerly f!'om the southerly 8tre.~11Il~ ofOen-
tr&1 RO.4exteDded. with'suitable oast iron orosses plaoeo.1;h$rein at
pe!nts .. follows:
OUe at a Pc.1nt ~ twenty. (20) feet southerly from the northerly
street l111e of he.e Avenue extend-eel;
One at a point twenty (20) feet l\ortherly from the 80uthe1i y
street line ofO.nt~,Xoad extended;
A 048t iron waier main ofsix(6) inohes internal diameter in
the easterly side of William Street along a line parallel withLaJlA twenty
(20) feet westerly from the easterly street line of W111iam Street ex-
tended. from and conneoting with the water main hereinbefore pro.lded for
1n the northerly side of Evergreen Avenue, to a point twenty (20) feet
northe,rly from the southerly street line of Central Road extended, with
suitable oast iron crosses plaoed therein at pOints as follows:
One at a point ,twenty (20) feet southerly from the "northerly
street line of Busse Avenue extended;
One at a point twenty (20) feet northerly from the south.~i7
street line of Central Road extended"; - ',.
A cast iron wate1:' main of six (6) inches internal di_eteJ>.:l.Jt.;
the so;u.therly side of Central Road along a line parallel with and....nty
(20) feet northerly from the :southerly street line of Central Rosel, from
and oqpneoting with the water main hereinbefore provided for iuthe easter~
lY side of Owen Street, to and connecting with the water main herelubefore
provided for in the easterly side of William Street;
A oast iron wafer main of twelve (12) inohes internal d1..t8r
from and conneoting with the twelve (12) inch water main hereinbefore
provideuto be laid ~ortherly along aline paralle with and one Hun-
dred and fifty-five (155) 'feet westerlyfr"om the westerly street line,
of Elm Street, west to a line parallel with and twenty (20) feet ..8\8rly
from the easterly street line of Maple Avenue, thenoe northwe.ter17
in the northeasterly side of Prospeot Avenue, along a straight ltneto
the interseotion of a line parallel with and twenty (20) feetwesterly
from the easterly stuet line of Pine Street and a line parallel w.11ih
andtwenty(20) feet southwesterly from the northwesterly street line of
Prospeot Avenue, between Pine Street and Elmhurst Avenue, with a suit-
able tee and o,ne-sixteenth castiron bend placed therein at a line ll~ra-
lle1 with and twenty (20) feet westerly from the easterly street lee of
Maple AveBue, and with suitable cast iron orossea plaoed therein at
points as follows:
One at a line parallel ,with and twenty (20) feet westerly from
the easterly street line of Emerson Street;
. One at a line'parallelwith and twenty (20) feet Westerly from
the easterly-street' line of Pine Street; and with suitable oast iron
tees placed therein at points as follows:
One at a line parallel with and twenty (20) feet westerlyfro~
the easterly street line of Wille Street;
One ata line parallel with and twenty (20) feet westerly from
the easterly street 11ne'~ofMain Street;
A oast iron water main of six (6) inches internal diameter in the
easterly side of Maple Avenue along a line parallel with and twenty (20)
feet westerly from the easterly line of Maple Avenue, from and conneoting
with the water main hereinbefcre provided to be laid in Prospeot Avenue
to a point twenty (20) feet northerly from the southerly street line of
Central Road, with suitable cast iron crosses plaoed therein a t points
as follows: "
One at a point twenty (20) teet southerly from the northerly
.~i. j
street l:Lne of Busse !cvenue;
One at .~'. point t'enty (20) feet nortr1fcrly from the s0l1th0Y'ly
street line of Central Poad; and with a sQJ!table cast iron tee Dlaced
ther~in at a point seventy (70) feet northerly from the northerly
street line of Prospect l:.venue extended from the VJest (measured along
the centpr line of said watermain in ~aple Avenue);
t cast iron '?18t(~r mein of si7(6) inches inteJ"nal dtlametpr,
fror'[ and conrecting Eith the '.'at'"]:' mein hereinbefo'"p rrovided to be
laid in the easte~ly side of Ma~e Avenue, at B point seventy (70)
feet notherly from the northerly street line of Prospect Avenue ext8rtd-
ed (measured along the center line of soid water main in Maple Avenue),
along a straight line to and conrecting with the twelve (12~ inch ~8ter
main herein"lefore nrovided to be laid in the no!'therly side of Evor-
green Avenne at the '.'esterly teJ:"minus thereof;
f, cast iron water meln of ton (10) incbes inter'rlal d~ar(ietpr in
the eesterl~,' side of Emerson stre"t elong 8 line Dar811el w:lth ~'nd
twenty (20) feet west9rly from the ecsterly street line of ~me~son
Street, from ~nd connecting with the water main her8inbefo~p provided
to be laidin the northeasterly side of Prospect Avenue, to a point
twenty (20) fer:)t norther' y fr:J:'; the southerly street 111'-'e of Centra 1
Road extended, with suitable cast ironcrosses sIcced therein et !Joints
as follows:
One [; t n point t'.enty (20) fe t southerl;T froyn tho nortllerly
street lineaf Basse Avenue extended;
One at anoint tl\enty (20) feet northeJ~ly from the sO'1therly
street line of Central Road extended;
A cast iron water ('~'in of six (6) inches internal diameter
in the easterly side of ~ain street along a line oarelle1 witt end
twenty (20) feet westerly from the easterly street lino of ~~in
Strer>t, 8nc1 :"ormect'ng lith the water meln he,-"'einbefo:~e T:',rovided
to be laLl in the n(Ortheasterly side of Prospect [venue, to a point
twenty (2Ql)feet rJrtherly from the southerly street line of Centrel
Road extended, with a suitable cast iJ....on cross rlaced the~ein at a
point twenty (20) feet northerly from the southerly street line of
Cent'Bl <::oBd extended, and viith suitable cast i'~on tees :-laced the'Y'e-
in at Doints as follows;
, eme a t a roir t tr:en ty (20) feet sJutherly from the northn rly
street line of BUsse Avenue extended;
One at [: coir.t forty (40) feet sO!ltheY'l;T frOF. the northel'71y
street line of ussa Avenue e tended;
P- C8,t iY'on ;'Ji:;t l' n1tin of s:i.x (6) inches'niBernBl diameter in
the easterly side;)f "~rille Stre'- t elan' e lire pcq~. llel \":1. h [:1"'1 t'orty
(20) feet westerly from the eosterly street line of ~ille Strept, frQ~
flnd cony'ecting witt. the riater '-rwinhe:oeinbefo"e orovided to be lE;id Jr
t~'''' rortheLstr'''''l-7 side of Prospect Ivenne, toa'Doirt fifty (SO) feet
northerly from the northGrly stro3t ine of Contral Road extended, viith
a suitaDle cast iron teeniLacell therein at its inter:3ection viith ':1 linG
garallel '.~;ith ane forty (40) feet southorly from th,:) ncrtherly street
line of Busse Avenue (east from I.lain street), :J.n~. \vi th a suitable cast
i~dnicross placed th3T'in at a point twenty (20) feet northerly from the
southerly street line bf Central Road extended;
A cast iron water bdin ton (l~) inches intornal diameter in the
Gast 81'1;).' die. e of Pine Stroot alone; a line !;arc~llel Vii th_mC- t\'/enty (20)
feotwest~rly from the easterly stree~ line cf ine Street, from and
connecting 'ii t 11 the viatel' rEain l:eroinbefol"'oirovideu_ to be 1~1id. in too
l1ortheasto:cl;;/ side of Prospect Avenuo, to a i)oc~l1t t~-;~nt~l ("';C)fe8~.nor-
the]:l:l from tIle southerly streot line cf Centr:.ul RoaCl oxtenCleu, vnth
"""",""." ....~:,.""""..,,-,'<:~,.~.''l
northerly from the seutherly street line ef Central Roan extended;
A cast iren water main ef six (6) inches internal aiameter in the
northei.'l;y side cf Busse Avenue alonz a line parallel with and forty (40)
feet southerly frem the nortbe rly street line of Busse Avenue, (east from
l.1ain Street), to an6.. cllmectin[; YJith the wate.:::' main hereinbefore specifieo
to be laid in the easterly side of Hille Streot;
A cast iren water main 0::' six (6) inches internal diameter in the
northeasterly siae of Prospect Avenue along a line parallel with anL twent--
(~O) feet southwesteIi y from the northeasterl:! street line of Prospect
Avenue (west of ::?ine 3treet), from a nd connectin( with tho twelve (12)
inch water main hereinbefore urovided to be laid in the northeasterly
side of Prcspect Avenue, at the westerly tel~minus thereof, to a line
parallel with and. twenty (2,(;) feet westerly frem tro easterly street
line of ~lllihurst Avenue extenlceCi, with a suitable cast iren tee placed
therein at ~he westerly terminus thereof;
A cast iren water main of six (6) in,jhes internal aiameter in
the easterly sicle of Elmhurst Avenue alonG a line parallel "vith anci
t'ilentJ- (20) f;;ot westerly ireD the easterl:? street line of Elmhurst
Avenue, from and connecting wi th the vhlter main hereinbefore provided to
De laia inJh8 northereast erly sil<e 0 f:?rospect Avenue, to the northerly
streetline of Central Road, withl suitable cast iron cross placed there-
in at a point twenty (2~) feet northerly from tho scutherly street line of
Central Road extended;
A 0d.st iron water main of six (6) inches internal diameter in the
slutherly side of Central Road along a line parallel with ana twenty (20)
fee G northe_'ly from the sout';~erly s'treat lire of Gentr<ll Road, from and
connectinG v\lith the water main hereinbefore provided tobe laid in the
easterl~' siele cf Blmhurst Avenue, to and ccnnectinL viith the water main
hereinbefo.ce provieled. tc be laiu. in 01m Street, witn proper connections
to the water mains hereinbefore provideu to be laid in the eas~erly side
respectively of t ,'3 f'cllv,oinc street:3, to-w"it: 2ine Street,.7ille Stl'oet,
hlain Street, imerson Street, and. l~iaple 3treet.
A cast iron vnte:c main of ton (10) inche3 internal uiameter in
the easterl; sil.,e of .0.;mer;3on .street alonco"a line parallel .vdthand twenty
(~O) feet westerly from tbe eastel'ly street line of ~aid Emerson Street,
from and con~ecting withthe water main hereinbefore provided to be laid
in the northea.3terl;y side 0::' .Prosgect Avenue, to a point twenty (20) feet
southerly from ti-:.e nor'therly street line of Lincoln Avenue extended, with
suitable cast iron crosse3 to be ulaced therein at Doints as follows:
One at a point twenty (20) feet northerly f~om the southerly
street line 0 f Railroad Avenue ext.md.eci;
vne at a point twenty (20) feet :,;outb erly from t he northerly
street line of Lincoln Avenue extend3e..; and with a suitable cast iron tee
placed the rein at the point "Gwenty (20) eet so u.therly of the northerl y
street liJ.le of Milburn Avenue extende6.;
A cast iron water main of ten (1.0) inches internal dia.meter in
the southwesterl;:,:- siu.e of ...i.ailroad Avenue along a :Line parallel with and
tw~nty (~O) I'eet northeasterly from th3 southwesterly street line of
.rla~lroad ..:.venue, from a nu c onnectingwith the vvatf3r main hereinbeflre,rc-
vi6.ed to be laid. in the easterly siQe of EmerSOn Street, to a line .,
paralle~ with and twenty (20) feet westerly fromthu easterly street line
of Pine Street, with suitable cast iron tees placee.. therein as follows:
'..ne at a line l)arallel with anCi twenty (20) feee westerly from
tne easterly street line of ldain Street;
One at a line parallelwith and twenty (20) feet westerly from
the easterly street line of Wille Street;
And a suitable cast iron cross to be placed therein at a line
parallel with and twenty (20) feot westerly from the easterly line of
Pine 'street;
A cast iron water main of six (G) inches internal diameter in
the southwesterl~/ siele of l.tailroad Avenue alon;~ a line parallel with
and twenty (20) feet northeasterly from the southwesterly street line
of .Liailroad Avenue, from and connecting' with the water main hereinbefore
provideQ to be laid in the easterly sico of Bmerson Street, to a point
five hunured (500) feet scutlleaste:cly from the easterly street line of
Emerson Street (measured alone the center line of said water main);
A cadt iron water main of six (6) inches internal diameter in
the easterly side of blain Stj1eet alont; a line parallel with and twenty
(20) feet westerly from the easterly street line of Main Street, from
and conneJting 'with the water main hereinbefore provil~ed tc be laid in
the southeasterly side of Rqilroad AVen~e, to a point twenty (20) feet
southerly from the northerjy line of Lincoln Avenue extended, with
suitable cast iron crosseS placeG therein at points a s follows:
One at a point twenty (20) feet southerly from t he northerly
street line of Milburn Avenue extended;
Gne at a point twenty (20) feet southerly from the northerly
street line of Lincoln Avenue exe; ended; and with a SUl. table cast iron
teeplaceu therein at d line parallel with and twenty (20) feet souther-
ly from the northerly street line of ~vergreen Avenue ( west of Main
Street) ;
A cast ironwater main of six (6) ...nches internal t:ia.meter in
the easterly ci<ie cf Wille :3treet alene a line parallel wit:,; and twenty
(~O) feet westerly from tea easterly street line of Wille 3treet, from
and cOllnecting with the water main hereinbefore provided to be laid
in the s outhwesterl~, side of rtai.Lroad Avenue, to a point twenty (20) feet
southerly from the norther ly street line of Lincoln Avenue , with suitable
cast iron crosses to be placed therein at points as follows:
\.me at a po int twenty (2G) feet southerly from the northerl y
street line of Milburn Avenue extended;
Une at a point twenty (20) feet southerly from the northerly
stree"" line cf Lincoln Avenue oxtendeq~nd with a :3uitable cast iron tee
placed there in at a line paralle 1 wi th and tvvent;:r (20). feet southerly
from the northerly street line of EverGreen Avenue (east of Hille .street).
A cast iron water main c:f SL.: (6) inches internal diameter in the
northerly side of. .Gvergreen~venue along a line parallel i th and twen;jy
(20) .fee t; southerly from t h:3 northe rly street line of i;vergreen Avenue,
from and connect ing with the VJat er main hero inDefore provided to be laid
in the easterly sme of Main Street, to and connecting with the water
main hereinbefore provided to be laid in the easterly sIDe of Wille
A cast iron wator main of ten (10) inches internal diameter in
the easterly side of Pine Street alonG aline parallel with and twenty
(20) feet westerly from the easter'ly street line of 1')ine Stre<;lt, from
and connect ing wit, h the wa tel' main her:;inbefore provided to be laid in
the southwesterlJ' sid.e of .:\3.ilroad Avenue, to a point twenty (20) feet
southerly from the northerly street :Line cf Lincoln Avenue, with suitable
cast iron crosses to be placed tberein at points ai3 follows:
One at a. point twenty (20) feet southerly from the northerly
street line of Milburn Avenue extenu.ed;
'~ne at a point twenty (20) feet southerly from the nort;herj.y
street line of Lincoln Avenue extended;
A cast iron water main of six (6) inches internal diameter in
the northerly side of Lincoln Avenue, along a line parallel with and
twenty (20) feet southerly from t he northerly street line of Lince In
Avenue, from and connectinG with the water main hereinbefore provided
to be laid in the easterly siG e of Pine Street to and connecting witt
the water main hereinbefore specified to be laid. in the e a.~terl:y side
of Emerson street, with proper connections respectively to the water
main hereinbefore specified to be laid.. in tho easterly side of Wille
street and in tho e~sterly side of lliain Street; all of said water mains
intersecting with other water mains shall be connected with such other
mains at the points of such intersection whether or not the connection is
herein specifically set forth, and the whole of said connected system
shall be connected with the water works plant of said. Village, at a
point and aonnection provided by said Village asa part of said plant,
that is at the point of the intersection of the uischarge pipe of said
water works plant already provided for, with the water main hereinbefore
provided to b e laid along a line parullel 'VJi th and one Hundred and fifty-
five (155) feet westerly from the westerly street line of Elm Street;
'Hl in tlE Village of Iilount Pros-pect, GC'mty of Cook and state
of Illinois, and as described in detail in a resolution adopted by this
Board on the 5th day of July A.D. 1922; together with an estimate of the
Presiu.ent of the Board of 10C'11 Im})covements of the cost of said p.ro-
posed improvement, includinG all labor, materials and a 11 other lawful
expenses attending- the same, togethe r yd th a sum not exceeding six per
cent (6/,,) 0::: such cost to be applied tovvard the cost of making and
collectinb the assessment therefore, and such other cost as is by law
provided, ana reco~nenL the passace of such ordinance ana. the making of
tne im~Jrcvement con'Gemplate d trerein. ~
Dated at .l.'ilount Pros pect, Illinois, thisli-day of July A. D. 1922.
\N,\\\"b..W\ ~\...\,=>~e..
\-\ e ~'\ \"~ C \. 'b.. \.\ $""\ ~
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Board cf Local Improvements.
uount Prospect, ~llinois, July 31, 19~2
9:0 i'..:~_. BJ1L-{:.-' C_ }~OC.1L n.L?J07~IIIEIJT3
0111 ~II~ 'VILL.:iG~ OJ? ~~1'0UlrT t\03?~CT 11.11D Ie
1:lii. Pci.BSIDENT AIm 30iL~l) 01' TRlJ 31'.:i;B3 J J.:'jAID VILl.AG"",:
The Board. of LOGal Improvements of said Villag; having
adopted a resolution providing for the construction and laying of a
connected system of water mains, inol ud.ing valves, valve ...loxes, crosses,
tees, fire hyd..cants, hyurant connections, special castings and fittings
- and all necessary appurtenances, to be constructed and la~d as follows,
A cast iron water main of twelve (l~) inches internal diameter
from a point in Lot C in the resubdivision of part of Block Ten (10) in
Bus;:3e I sand. o'j'ille I S _~e sub i vision in l.iount'ro spect, in the west half
of 3ect ion iVielve (12), 'l'ownship iorty-One (41 ) North, H.ange Ele ven (11)
Ea~t of the _Th~rd. Pr~x:-~ipa~.I.lerdi~n?YJh.ichp~fnt ia o,li'a-lineparallel..wtth
ana. one hunai'ed. and. I lfty-:::~ ve (15b) :;, eet we sterly :tram the vie st d1' ly
stl'e,;;;t line of Elm Street and sixty (60) feet southe rl;;r from t re :lorther-
ly lot line of' saidlot C (measu red ai ong the said. line parallel with and
one hundred ancL fifty -five (155) feet westerly from tiE \'iesterl~T street
line of Elm Stre,~t), to a line parallel with and twenty (22) feet southBr-
ly :from the norther ly st:re8t line of Bvor;reen Avenue immedial;e 1;;/ east
of bl~ Stre0t, with a suitable tee placeu at the northerly terminus of
said main anlt a like tee at its poin~ If beginl1inL~ as he:teinDefore de-
A cast iron I.'ate:;:, main ci: twelve (12) inches internal 6.j<~Jletcr
in the northerly siC.'. e of iGverGreen Avenue, alonG a line parallel with
and twenty (~v) 1e~ southerly from the northerly street line of ~vor-
t;reen Avenue iIillnediat81~! east of' ~lm 3treet, from and connectint.:; with
the water main her-sinbe 1'8 prodd.eu. It r alonG a lineparalle..L Vi it hand
one hunci.red cind. fifty-fi vo (155) feet west erly :frcm thu vlest erly street
line of Elm Street, to a point twenty (2C) feet westerly frcm the
eas~erly street line of Jilliam Street extended, with suitable cast
iron crosses plaaeu therein at TIoints as folloTIs:
One at.a point twenty (20) feet westerly from the east~ly street
line or .&lm :3treet. ext~nded.;
One at a point twenty (~O) feet westerly from the easterly street
line of Scheol Street ex~onded;
One at a point twenty (20) feet westerl;).T from the easterly
street line of Owen Street extended.;
vne at a point twenty (20) feet westerly from the easterl~
street line of Jilliams street estenQ~d;
A cast iren wat8r main of six (6) inches internal diameter in
the easterly siLe of ~lm Street, alun~ a line parallel with and twenty
(20) feet vvesterly from tl.e easterly "1treet line of Elm 3treet, from
and connecting ~ith the water main hereinbefore provided fer in the
northerly siae of Evergreen AvenLle , to ':1 point twenty (20) ~:eet
northerly from the southerly street line extended of the street
~c ,- ,,_J._, ~~ .. it ""' .- ""-~ "':"J''WII
Commonly known ad Central Road, with suitable Gast iron crosses placed
therein at points as follows:
Jne at a point twenty (20) feet southerly from the northerly
street line of Busse Avenue extended;
One a t a point twent y (20) feet northerly from the southerly
street line of Central Road extended;
A cast iron water main of six (6) inches internal diameter in
the easterl~' siu,e of Owen Street, alonE;: a line parallel vvith and. twenty
(20) feet westerly from the easterly street line of said Owen street,
from and. connectinu with t 1B water main hereinbefore provided for in
the northerly side of Evergreen Avenue to a point twenty (20) feet
northerly from the southerly line of Central Road extended, with suit-
able cast iren crosses placed ~herein at points as follows:
One at a point twent;;l (20) feet sout ilerly frem the norther~y
street line of Busse.venue extended;
One at a point (~O) leet northerly from the southerly street
line of Central Road extended;
A cast iron water main c f ,o,,Lx(6) inches internal diameter in
the easterly sid.e of Jilliam Street along a line parallel with and
twenty (20) feet westerly from the easterly street line of William
Street extended, from and connecting with the water main hereinbefore
provided for in the northerly side of Evergreen Avenue, to a point
twenty (20) feet northerly from the southerly street line of Central
Road extended, with suitable cast iron crosses placed therein at points
as follows:
Cne at a point twenty (20) feet southerly from tte norther:LY
street line of Busse Avenue extended;
One at a 'point twenty (20) feot northerly from the southerly
street line of Central Roau extended;
A cast iren ~ater main of six (6) inches internal diameter in
the soutre rly side of Central Road, alone a line parallel VJ i th and
twenty (20) feet northerly frem the southerly street line of Central
Road, frem anu cennecting with the water ~~in hereinbefore provided
for in tl:e east erly siue of Owen Street, to and connecti ng wi"'Gh the
water main hereinbefcre provided for in the easterly side of \7illiam
A cast iron water main of tYielve (12) inches internal diameter
from anU. connecting 'with till twelve (12) inch water main hereinbefore
provided to 'be laid northerly alone a line parallel with and one hun-
dred and fifty-five (155) feet westerly from the westorly street line
of Blm Street, west to a line parallel with and twenty (20) feet wester-
ly frem the easterly street line of ~ilaple Avenue, thence northwester:\y
in the northe~sterly s~e cf Prospect Avenue, alonG a straight line to
the" intersect ion :f a line parallel vdth and twenty (20) feet v..esterly
from the easterly, 3treet line of Pine Street and a line parallel with
and twenty (20) feet southwester ly from bhco northeasterly streJt line
of Prospect Avenue, betweeL Pine street and Elmhurst Avenue, with a
sui ta ble toe and one-sixt eent c. (1/16) ca:Jt iren 'bend IJlaceu t"ier Gin at
a line parallel wit h ani twenty (20) feet west erly frem theeasterl 'iT
street line of' Maple Avenue.,. and. Vi ith suitable cast iron crosses placea
therein at points as follows:
One at a line parallel with and twenty (~O) feat westerlyfrom
the e adt<..;rly line of H:merson street;
une at a line Jarallel with and twenty (20) feet westerly from
the easterly street line of Pine Street; and with suitable cast iron
tees placed therein at points as Dollows:
One a t a line parallel with and twenty (20) feet vvesterl;y- from
the easterly street ~ine of Wille street;
One at a line parallel wit h and twenty (20) feet westerly from
the easterly street line of Main Street;
A cast iron water main of six (6) inches internal diameter in
the easterly side of Maple Avenue along a Ijne parallel with and ti-venty
(20~ feet westerly from the easterly line of Kaple Avenue, from and
connecting with the water main hereinbefore llrovided to be laid. in
Prospect Avenue to a point twenty (20) feet northerly from the southerly
street line of Central Road, with suitable caJt iren crosses vlaced at
points as follows:
One at a point twenty (20) feet southerly from the northerly
street line of Busse Avenue;
une at a point twenty (20) feet northerly from the southerly
street line of Central Road; and with a suitable cast iron tee placed
therein at a point seventy (70) feet northerly from the northerly street
line of Prospect Avenue extended from the west (measured alone the cen-
ter line cf said i'vater main in lila)le Avenue);
A cast iren water main of six (6) inches internal diameter, from
and connecting with till \"iter main herC'inbefore IJrovid::d to be laid in
the easterly siae of Maple Avenue , at a point seventy (70) feet norther-
ly from the northerly street line of Prospect Avenue extended (measured
along the center line of said water main in Maple Avenue), along a straight
line to anl,. connecting with the twelve (12) inch vmtor main hereinbefore
provided to be luid in the northerly side of Evergreen Avenue at the
wesG:rly terminus thereof;
A casu iren waGer main of ten (10) inches internal diameter in
the easterly side of ~merson Street along a line parallel with and twenty
(20) feet westerly from till easterly street line of Bmerson Street, from
and cennecting with the water main hereinbefore provided to be laid in
the northeasterly side of Prospect Avenue, to a point twenty (20) feet
northerly frLm the southerly street line of Central Road extended, with
suitable cast iren ctoBses ~lac.d thepeinat .points a&:follows:
One at a poillLLwenty (20) feet Gcutherly from the n<lDrtherly
street line of Busse Avenue extended;
One at a point twenty (20) feet ncrtherly from the scutheny
street line of Central Road extended;
A cast iron water main of six (6) inches internal diameter in
the easterly sille of Main 3treet alenG a line parallel with and twenty
(GO) feet westerly from the easterly street line ~f ffiain Street, and
connecting with the waGer main her'2in-befcreproviaed tc be laid in the
northeasterly side of Prcspect Avenue, to a point twenty (20) feet
northerly from the southerly street line of Central Road extended, with
a suitable cast iron crOS,3 placed therein at a point twenty (20) feet
northurly from thu south,;rly street line of Central Road extended, and
with suitable cast iron taes placed th0rein at )oints as follows:
~ne at a point t~enty (20) feet Joutherly from the northerly
street line of Busse Avenue extended;
{";:7;5>\"'$:>?:,"~,',:'.,:l":,'" ^ . ,
---._------ ---'--. - --- --..-...._--- --- ---.- --._---
One at a point forty (40) feet .0utherlY~om the northerly
street line cf Busse Avenue extended;
A cast iron water main of six (6) inches internal diameter in
the easterly side of Jille Street along a line parollel with and twenty
(20) feet westerly from the easterly street line of Wille Street, from
anQ connectinb with the water main hereinbefore provided to be laid in
the northeasterly side of Prospect Avenue, to a point fifty (50) feet
northerly from the northerly street line of Central ROad extended, with
a sUitable cast iron tee placed therOinat its intersection with a line
parallelwith and forty (40) feet southerly from the northerly etreet
line m' BUsse Avenue (east from Main Street), and with suitable cast
iron eras. therein at a point twenty (20) feet northerly from the sO~her_
ly street line of Oen~ral aoad extended;
A cast iron water main ten (10) inches internal diameter in the
easterly side of Pine Street alon~ S line parallel with and twenty (20)
feet westerly from the easterly street line of Pine Street, from and
connecting With the water main hereinbefore provided to be laid in the
northeasterly sido of Prospect Avenue, to a pOint twenty (20) feet
nort.1 e rly from the s outherl:, stre et line 0 f C en t ral ROad ext ended, wit h
a Sultabls cast iron cross placed therein at a point twenty (20) norther-
ly from the southerly street line of Central Road extended;
A cast iron water main of six (6) inches internal diameter in the
nort he rly side 0 f BUsse Avenue a lonG a line parallel with a ndfo rty (40)
feet southerly from the northerly street line of Busse Avenus (east from
Main Street), to and Connectinc With the water main hereinbefore specified
to be laid in the easterly side of Wille Street;
A cast iron water main of six (6) inches internal diameter in the
northeasterly side of Prospect AVenue along a line parallel with and
twenty (20) feet southwesterly from the northeasterly street line of
Prospect Avenue (west of Pine Street), from anu COnnecting with the twelve
(12) inch water main her.inbefere provided to De laid in the northeaster_
ly side of Prospect Avenue, at thewesterly terminus thereOf, to a line
parallel With and tWenty (20) feet westerly from the easterly street line
of Elmhurst Avenue extended, with a suitable cast iron tee placed therein
at the westerl;y terminus thereof;
A cast iron water main of six (6) inches internal diameter in the
easterly side of Elmhurst Avenue alene a line parallel with and twenty
(20) feet weaterly from the easterly street line of Elmhurst Avenue, from
and connecting with the water main hereinbefore provided to be laid in
the northeasterly side of Prospect Avenue, to the northerly street line
of Central RoaQ, With a suitable cast i~ofi cross placed therein at a
point tWenty (20) feet northerly from the southerly street li~ of Cen-
tral Road extended;
A cast iron water main of six (6) inches internal diameter in the
southerly Siue of Central Road along a line parallel With and twenty (20)
feet northerly from the southerly street line Ol Central Read, from and
connecting with the wateru"'in hereinbefore provided to be laid in the
easterly side of Elmhurst Avenue, to and connecting with the water main
hereinhefore prOVided fo be laid in Elm Street, with proper connections
to the wdter mains hereinbefore nrovided to be laid in the easterly side
respectively of the c.ollowing street s, to-wit: Pine Street, iVille Street,
luain .3treet, ~merson Street and Iiiaple AVenue.
A cast iron water main of ten (10) inches internal
easterly siQe of ~mer8on Street alone a line parallel with
feet Westerly from the easterly street line ofsaid EmerSon
diameter in the
and twenty (20)
Street from
and connecting with the water main hereinbefore nrovided to be laid in
the northeasterly side of Prospect Avenue, to a point twenty (20) feet
southerly from the northerly street line of Lincoln Avenue, with suit-
able cast iron crosses to be placed therein at points as follows:
0ne at a point twenty (20) feet northerly from the soutberly
street line of .:.:I.ai1road.Avenue eXGend.ed;
vne at a point twenty (20) feet southerly from the northerly
street line of Lincoln Avenue extended; and with suitable cast iron
tee placed therein at the point twenty (20) feet scuther1y of the nor-
therly street line of Ihli)Urn Avenue extended;
A cast iron water main of ten (lO) inches internal diameter in
the southwesterly side of Railroad Avenue aJ.ong aline parallel with and
twenty (20) feet northeasterly from the scut}~esterly street line of
~ailroad Avenue, from and ccnnecting with tte water main hereinbefore
provided to be laid in the easterly side of Bmerson street, to a line
parallel with and twenty (20) feet westerly from the easterly street
line of Pine Street, with suitable cast iron tees placed therein at
points as follows:
une at a line parallel with and twenty (20) feet westerly from
the easterly street line of Main 3treet;
One at a line parallel with and twenty (20) feet westerly from
the easterly street line of Hille Street;
.lmd. a suitable cast iron crOS~3 to be placed therein at a line
parallel with and twenty (20) feet westerly from the easterly street
line of ?ine Street;
A cast iron water main of six(6} inches internal diameter in the
southwesterly side of Railroad Avenue along a line parallel Yd th and
twenty (20) feet northeasterly from the southwesterly street line of
Railroad Avenue, from and cGnnecting with the wlter main hereinbefore
provided to be laid in the easterly side of Emerson Street, to a point
five hundrod (50C -f feet southeasterly from the easterly street line of
~merson Street (measured alons th0 ccnter line of said water main);
A cast iron water main of six (6) inches internal diameter in
the. easterly sid..e of t:...ain Street along a line parallel ".iith and.. twenty
(20) feet westerly from the easterl;~r stree-t line of ii.ain street, from
and ccnnectinG with the water' main hereinuefore provided to be laid.. in
the sLutheasterly side of Railroad Avenue, to a point twenty (20) feet
southerly frcm the northerly line of Lincoln Avenue extended,w1t-hsui~tal)re
0ast iron crosses placed terein at points as foll~ws;
One at a point twenty (20) feet southerly from the northerly
street line of ~ilburn Avenue extended;
One at a point twenty (20) feet southerly from the northerly
street line of Lincoln Avenue extended; and with suitable cast iron tee
placed therein at a line parallel with and twenty (20) feet southerly
from the nGrth'jrly street line cf Evergreen Avenue (west of Main
Street) ;
A cast iron wate~ main of six (6) inches internal diameter in the
easterly side of Wille 3treet along a line par'i..:..lel with and twenty (20)
feet wes~erly from the easterly street line of Wille 3treet, from and
connectinb with the water main hereinbefore provided to be laid in the
Gouthviesterly side of Railroad Avenue, to a point twenty (20) feet south-
erlY frc~ the northerly street line of Lincoln Avenue, with su~table
cast iron crosses tc be placed therein at points as follows:
One at a point twenty (20) feet southerly from the northerly
street line cf Milburn Avenue extended;
One at a point twenty (20) feet southerly from the northerly
street line of Linccln ~venue extenQed; and with suitable cast iron
tee placed therein at a line parallel with and twenty (20) feet souther-
ly from ttD northerly street line of Lyercreen Avenue (east of Nille
Street) ;
A cast iron water main of sL: (6) inches internal diallleter in
the northerly sido of EVer[;reen Avenue alon[ a line pal'allel with and
twenty (20) feet Boutherly from the northerly street line of Evergreen
Avenue, from and connectinG' with the water main hereinbefore provided
to be laid in the easterly side of Main Street, to and cronnecting with
the water main hereinbefore provided to be laiQ In the easterly side of
lVille Street;
A cadt iron water mainaf ten (10) inches iternal diameter in the
easterly side of Pine Street alonG a line parallel with and twenty (20)
feet westerly from the easterly street line of Pine Street, from and
connecting with the water wlin hereinbefore provided to be laid in the
southwesterly side of .llailroad Avenue, to a point twenty (20) feet
southerly from the northerly street line of Lincoln Avenue, wit h suit-
able cast iron crosses to be placed ther~in at points as follows:
One at a point twenty (20) feot southerly from the northerly
street line of Milburn Avenue extended;
One at a point twenty (20) feet southerly from the northerly
street line of Lincoln Avenue extended;
A cast iron water main of' six (6) inches internal diameter in
the northerly side of Linccln Avenue, along a line parallel with and
twenty (20) feet southerly from the northerly street line of Lincoln
Avenue, from and 00nnectlng with the water main hereinbei'ore provided
to be laid in the easterly side of Pine Street to and connecting with
the water main heroinbefore specified to be laid in the easterly side
of Emerson Streee, WIth proper connections respectively to the water
mains hel'einbefcre specLied tOJO laid in the oasterly ;3ide of \7ille
Jtreet and in the easterly side of Main Street; all of saia mains in-
tersecting with the other welter mains shall be connected with such other
water mains at the points of such intersection whether or not the con-
nection is herein specifioally set forth, and the hole of said con-
nected system shall be connecteu wtth the water works plant of said
Village, at a point and connection provided by said village as a part
of said plant, that is at the point of the intersection of the dis-
charge pipe of said water works plant already provided for, with the
water main he.:.'einbefor8~Jrovided to be laid along a line parallel with
and one hundred and fifty-five (155) feet westerly from the westerly
street line of Elm Street;
All in the Village of Iilount I?J:JOspect, County of Cook and State
of Illinois, anfi presented to said Pre3ident and Board of Trustees a
recomrnendation that such local improvement be made;
I hereby submit an estimate of the cost of such local improve-
ment, including all labor, material and other lawful expenses attending
the same, and also inclUding a sum not exceeding six per cent (6~) of such
cost to be applied toward the cost of makins and collecting the aS8es-
ment therefor, as is by l~w provided, viz:
3420 .
lineal feet of cast iron water main of twelve (12)
inches internal diameter, with IJell and spigot
joints of standard dimensions, weighing not less
than 82.1 pOill1ds per lineal foot, the joint made
by inserting a hemp gasket and filling the caulking
sp~ce with pure molten lead properly caulked, said
mains to be laid wi th the top surface thereof,
fi ve (5) feet and six (6) inche:J below the surface
of the cround where laid, laid complete in place
including all excavation and backfilling and all
necessary specilll castings and fittings, at ~3.00
per lineal foot ................................. 10260.00
lineal feet of cast iron water main of ten (10)
inches internal diameter, with bell and spigot
joints of standard dimensions and weighing not
less than 63.8 Douncs peT linea] foot, 'the
joints made by inse:cting a hemp gasket and
fillinG" the caulkinG space with pure molten
lead, proyer';y caulked, said mains to be laid
with the top surface theTer~ five (5) feet and
six (6) inches below the Surface of the ground
where laid, laid complete in place includinG
all excavation and bacic filling 2nd all necessary
special castings ~nd fittings, at ',?2.30 per
lineal floot....................................... 14347.40
lineal feet of cast iron water main of six (6)
inches internal diameter, with be~l ani spigot
joint s of standard dimensions ~lnd weighing not
less than 33.3 pounds per lineal foot, the
joints made by inserting a hemp gasket and
fillin~ the caulking space with pure molten
lead, properly caulked, said mains to be laid
with the top surface thereof live (5) feet and six (6)
inches ;)elow the surface of the ground where
laid, complete in lace including all';xca-
vat ions and backfilling and a 11 necessary
special castings and fittings, at ~1.53 per
lineal foet ..................................... 25491.33
twelve inch cast iron oody, bronze mounted,
double gate weiter main valves, set inplace
in the twelve (12) inch W.2te~ main wit}:
adjustable cast iron valve boxes extending
to the surface of the ground, all complete
in place at 'n'76.00.eaoh.......................... 228.00
6 ten (10) inch cast iron body, bronze mounted,
double gate water main valves, set in place in the
ten (10) inch water main with adjustable cast
iron val vel)oxes extending' to the sruface of
the ground, all cOIn;?lete in place 4p62.00 each .... 372.00
21 3ix (6) incL cast iron body, bronze mounted,
. .--,,",--'-~~--
double gate w~ter main valves, set in place
in the six (6) inch water main with ad-
justable oast-iron valve boxes extending,to
the surfaoe of the grouIld, all complete in
plaoe at :jp36.00 eaoh ....................~... 766.00
standard double nozzle oast iron, bronze
mounted fire hydrants, with five (6) inoh
valve openings and two (2) two and one-half
(2 1/2) inoh hose connections and one (1)
four (4) inoh steamer oonneotion, said hydrants
to extend from the water main oonnection five
(6) feet and six (6) inohes below the ground
to a point suffioiently above the ground to
plaoe the hose nozzles eighteen (18) inohes
above the surfaoe of the ground, eaoh hydrant,
to be oonneoted to the water main by aline
of six (6) inoh internal diameter oast iron
water main, .weighing" 33.3 pounds per lineal foot,
the whole oomplete in plaoe, including ex-
oavation and baokfilling, at $77.00 eaoh...... 4466.00
Total labor and materials...............$66920.73
. Bot to exoeed six per oent (6%) of the es-
timated oost of the improvement, to be
applied toward the oost of making and oolleot-
ing the assessment therefor, as provi4ed by
Seotion 94 of the Looal Improvement Aot of
the State of Illinois, ........................ 3079~27
Total estimated oost of said proposed im-
provement .................................... 7$69000.00
And I }lereby oertify that in my Opinion the above estimate
does not exoeed the probable oost of the proposed improvement and
the lawful expenses attending the same.
S \ t''' e~. ~ i \ \ \ 'b-.\'Y\ !::> '" ss e
President Board of Looal Improvemente
of the village of Mount Propseot, Ill.