HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 51 11/22/1923
- __ _,___m__.__ __ ~.______
No. 61.
Section 1. The offioe of Superintendent of Buildln~ Oon-
struction in and for the Village of Mount Prospeot is hereby created
and the Superintendent of Polioe is hereby appointed Superintendent
of Building Construotion, in and for the Villa~e of Mount Prospeot,
STRUOTION. It shell be and is hereby made the duty of the
Superintendent of Building Oonstruotion to enforce all ordinanoes
and all orders or resolutions of the Board of Trustees, re1atin~
to the ereotion, oonstruotion, alteration, repair, remoTa1 or
safet.y of any building, wall, struoture, or portion thereof, within
the Village of Mount Prospeot.
Said Superintendent is hereby authorized to appoint, by and with the
oonsent of the President, suoh inspeotors and assistants in the
execution of the duty mentioned in the last precedin~ section of this
ordinance as he may from time to time reou1re, and the Board of
Trustees may. by ordinance or resolution, authorize.
The Fire Marshal shall be empowered under this ordinance to stop a~
and all oonstruction whioh is in violation of public safety and shall
not permit said oonstruotion to oontinue until said hazard is remoTed.
Superintendent of Building Oonstruction and his duly authorized
inspectors are hereby empowered to enter any building, whether
oomp1eted or in prooess of construotion, alteration or repair, for
the purpose of determiD!n~ whether the same has been or is bein~
oonstrueted, altered or repaired in accordanoe with the terms of
any ordinance and any order or resolution of the Board of Trustees,
and no person shall exo1ude them or attempt to exo1ude them from such
building or interfere with them or any of them, in the performance of
duties in that respect, under a penalty of not 1es8 than ~enty-five
Dollars ($25.00) nor more than One Hundred noll~rs (tlOO.OO) for each
The Superintendent of Building Construction shall have the power to
stop work under any permit issued when suoh work is beln~ done in a
oareless manner or oontrary in any respect to the provisions of any
ordinanoe of said Village, or resolution or order of the Board of
Trua tees.
Any person or persons, firm or corporation havtn~ char~e of
or direoting or in any way enga~ed in suoh work, who shall refuse or
fail promptly desist from suoh work on notioe from the SUperintenden~
of Building Oonstruotion so to do, shall be liable for the penalti.s
herein proviaed. and in addition thereto shall be deemed guilt;, of
a misdemeanor, and on oonviotion thereof shall be fi ned no t less than
Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than One Hundred Dollars (~100.00)
for .ach offense.
Should the person, persons, firm or oorporation, to whom a
permit has been issued or assigned, negleot or refuse to cause the
work to be ~de to oomply with the provisions of any ordinanoe or
resolution or order of the Board of Trustees violated after the work
is stepped for suoh cause by the Superintendent of Building Oonstruotion,
said Superintendent shall have the right to revoke the permit; and,
it shall be unlawful after the revooation of suoh permit to proceed
with suoh work or building operations (exoept as hereinafter proviaed)
unless suoh permit shell first have been rei nstated or issued by the
Superintendent of Building Construotion. Before a permit, reVOked
for the cause or oauses before mentioned, oan be lawfully reissued or
reinstated, the entire building and building site must be first put in
such oondition as tooomply with the ordinanoe, resolution or order
whioh has been violated as aforesaid, and any work or material applied
to the seme in violation thereof shall first be removed from said
buildin~ or buildin~ site.
buildin~ or struoture of any kind or desoription or part thereof sball
hereafter be erected, oonstructed, altered or repaired exoept in
oonformity with the provisions of this ordinanoe.
DEOLARED AlfUISANOE - PENALTY. Any wall, building. structure or
part thereof, hereafter built, erected, oonstruoted~ repaired or altered
within the Village of Mount Prospeot in any manner oontrary to the
provisions of this ordinanoe is hereby declared a nuisanoe and the
person, owner, agent, arohiteot, builder or oontractor so bUilding,
erecting, oonstructing, repairing or altering the seme oon~rary to the
provisions of 8aid ordinanoe shall be subjeot to a penalty of not less
than Twenty-five Dollars (#25.00) nor more than Two Hundred Dollars
(t200.00) for eacb offense and to a like penalty for each day
any such structm-e shall .be by him or the" permitted to continue
in such condition after his or their conviction of such violatioD.
Seotion 9. PERMITS REC'UIRKD. No person, owner,
agent, architect, Quilder or contractor shall begin tbe erection,
construction, alteration or repair of any building or structure
in :bhe Till.ge of Mount Prospect or begin the cle.ring or
,excavati on of the site of any preposed buildin~ or struoture
wi thout first h.Ting applied for .nd obtained a :r:e rmi t 1n ft,i ting
so to do from the Superintendent of Building Construotion of 8.id
person, owner, agent, arohiteot, builder or oontraotor wbo shall
oontinue in tte erection, oonstruction, alteration or repair of any
building or structure in the Villa~e of Mount Prospect contrary
to the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor and shall upon oonviction t~ereof be fined not le.s
than five Dollars ($5.00) nor more tban Twenty-five Dollars
($25.00) for eaoh offense and a like sum for eaoh and every day
he shall oontinue to aid or assist in the work bein2 done
oontrary to this ordinance after notice to him or them by the
Superintendent of Building Oonstruction of such violation.
Ordinary repairs or alterations of existin~ buildin~s or
struotures not contemplating or involving the renewal of any
external or division wall or portion thereof; the removal of
any beam or support; olosing or removing any stairs, exit, scuttle,
skylight or fire escape; ohanging to a different system of heating,
lighting, or ventilating; re-shingling or re-covering co.busti'ble
roofs or renewing the exterior woodwork of any frame building or
structure within the fire limits or increasing the fire risk of .
any bUilding or struoture may be made without obtaining a permit
All applications for permits BO to cons truct, ereot', alter or re-
pair any building, struoture or part thereof for whioh work a
permit is reouired by this ordinanoe shall be in writin~ over
the si~ature of the owner or of his responsible a~ent on
printe<< blanks to be. furnished by the Village. Every suob
applioation shall give the location of the proposed work, that
is, the legal or taxable description of the land upon whioh the
building, struoture or part thereof 1s to be erected, oonstructed,
al~e~ed or repaired as the case may be, and shall be filed with
the Superintenden1J of Building Oonstruotion. Said applioation
shell be _ccompanied by plans signed by the Qwner or arQbiteot
and in surrl01~n~ detail to enable the Superln~endent or BUilding
Construction to obtain full and oomplete information as to
the oharacter of tbe work proposed to be ~one under the permit
sou~ht,. copy of whioh 88ia plans shall remain on file in the
office of said Superintendent.
Seotion 13. PEES. . Pees for permits re"uired by this
ordinance' shall be paid to the Village Treasurer for the use of
said Village in aooordanoe with the followin~ sohedule:
Cost of Proposed work Permit Fee
Less than ~500.00.................... 2.50
500.00 and less than $11000.00...... 5.00
1.000.00 and less than '5,000.00.... 12.50
5.000.00 and less thanllO,OOO.OO....lS.'.O
~OOO.OO and less than 16,000.00.... 25.00
1&000.00 and less than 25,000.00.....30.00
25,000.00 and over................... ~.. 37.50
Section 14. PERMIT TO BE ISSUED - WHEN. Wben it Bhall
appear to the Superintenaent of Building Construotion that an
. application has been made and plane filed in due form and ~nner .a
presoribed by this ordinance, that the proposed use, manner of
construction, kind and quality of material and workmanship are in all
respects in acoordance with the provisions of this ordinance. he shall
thereupon issue the permit sought; and it is hereby made the duty of
.ald Superintendent to approve or rejeot any plan filed with him
pursuant to the provisions of this ordinanoe Within a reasonable time
not exceeding ten days.
Section 15. OCCUPYING OF STREET. It shall not be lawful
to oocupy with bUilding material any street or any part thereof With-
out first having had or obtained ,tbe written permission of the
Superintendent of Building Constnaction, and in no event shall any
part of any street other than that immediately in front 01 the lot
or land upon whioh tbe buildin~ is bein~ ereoted or work done, be
OOoupied nor shall more than one-third 01 the street, 1rom curb line
to ourb line, be Oocupied. No suoh buildin~ material shall be so
plaoed as to render inaocessible any 1ire hydrant, valve chamber,
manhole or catcbbasin, or obstruct the ~utter or waterwa~ of any
street. Suob license to ocoUPY any publio street 10r private use in
oonnection with aotual buildln~ operations is hereby declered and made
. subject to the prOVisions of .il ordinances of the Vill.~e and to the
supervision and direotion 01 the Superintendent of Buildin~ Con-
struotion. As soon as aotual bUilding operations s~all have ceasea
all building materials shall be removed from the portion 01 street
so oocupied and tbe a'reet shall be oleared and put in tbe seme oon-
dition as before buildin~ operations were oommenced by the party to
whom such license or permi8sion bas been given. A fee of Two Dollars
(t2.00) per month or fraotion thereo1, with a minimum fee 01 Two
Dollars (t2.00) shall be paid for eaoh twenty-five lineel feet of street
used, pay_ble monthly, in .dvarioe, to tne Treasurer of said Villa..e.
Before aDY pe~mis8ion or license to use any part of any street for
.tora~e of buildin~ material as aforesaid shall be l'iven by the said
Superintendent of Buildin~ Oonstruotion, a bond in the penal sum of
.One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) with satisfaotory surety to be
approvea b7 said superintendent shall be filed with said superintendent,
the con4tiion of which bond shall be that the applioant for suoh per-
mis.ioD will indemnify and save harmless the said Villa~e of Mount
Prospeot from all aooidents and dama~es oaused by ne~li~enoe or
otherwise in either the execution or proteotion of the work durin~
bUilding operations or in any way resultin~ from occupying 8aid street
with building material or otherwise obstructing the same. . AS an
additional guaranty for the proper protection of publio property and
. in~erests and the restoration of the street disturbed by the .aid
. building operation there shall be deposited with the Villa~e ,
. Tre..urer,cash or a oertified cheCk in the sum of Twenty-five Dollars
(.a5~OO). The person or persons, firm or corporation to whom p.r-
. mi.8io~ Is given to use any part of any public street for buildin~
material shall provide substantial and suitable barricades and shall
place and maintain proper and suffioient red lights to ~uard and
proteot all obstruotions alon~ the street obstructed under said per-
Seotion 16. When the footin~s of any buildinl!' or struoture
oont~mplated by this Ordinanoe and amendments thereto have been con-
structed the Bame shall be inspeoted by said Superintendent of Build-
in~ Oonstruction and if found by him to be in fUll oomplianoe w1t~
the provisions of this Ordinanoe and amendments thereto but not other-
wise, a certificate of satisfaotory inspection shall be issued by
said Superintendent. When said walls, foundations and footin<<s are
ready for said inspection, it shall be the dut.y of the owner or con-
tractor in ohar~e to notify said Superintendent of such fact at least
t~enty-four (24) hours in advance of inspection and no further work
on said buildin~ or structure shall be done until said oertificate of
satisfactory inspeotion shall have been issued.
wnen the work of construotion on any buildin~ or struoture
contemplated by this Ordinance and amendments thereto shall have. pro-
8ressed to the point where said buildin~ or struoture is ready for
lathin~ but before any lathing shall have been done said buildin~ or
structure shall be a~ain inspeotea by said Superintenaent 01' Build-
in~ Oonstruotion and if found by him to be in full oomplianoe with
the provisions of this Ordinanoe and amendments thereto but not other-
wise, a .ertificate of satisfactory inspection shall be issued by aaid
SUperintenden~. When said buildin~ or structure is r.ad~ tor thia
inspeotion, it shall be the duty of the owner or the contraotor in
ohar~e te notify said Superintendent of suoh fact at least twenty--
four (24) hours in advance of inspection and no further work on said
building or structure'shall be done until said certifieate of satis-
faotory inspeotion shall have been issued.
Proviaed. however that the inspections provided for in this
Section shall be in addition to all other inspeotions re~uired or
authorized in this Ordinanee and amendments thereto and nothi~ in
this Section contained shall be oonstrued as limitin~ or restrictin~
anyri~ht or authority ~iven to said Superintendent of Buildin. Oon:
struotion in and by tbis Ordinance and amendments thereto, to
i~spect any said building or structure at any time or times.
Section 17. All buildin.s ereoted within the oorporate limits
of the Villa~e of,Mount Prospeot, shall be dividea into the followin~
CLASS I shall oonsist of all oommeroial, publio and flat
or tenement buildin~s erected ou~side the fire limits and all build~
in~s w:i..thin the fire limits, and termed "'Slow Burnin~ Com truotion."
"SLOW BURNING CONSTRUCTION'" The term "'Slow Burnin~
Oonstruotion'" shall apply to all buildin~s in which the struotural
members which carry the loads and strains which oome upon the floors
and roof thereof are made wholly or in part of oombustible material,
but throu.hout whioh the oombustible as well as the inoombustible
materials 'shall be protected a~ainst injury from fire by oOYerin~s
of inoombustible, non-heat oonduotin~ material, except that. half-
inoh ooverin~ of plaster on metal lath or three-eights inch of
plaster board shall be considered suffioient proteotion for the
under side of joists, steel beams, columns or girders and that a
deafening of cinder ooncrete (mixed 1:4:8:) one and one-half inch-
es (It"') thick shall be used direotly above all rough floors. Where
oak, yellow pine or fire posts of ~reater sectional are. than ninety
(90) square inohes are used, they need not have special inoombustible
All stair halls and elevator enolosures in buildings of this
type shall be made entirely of incombustible material.
part of a residenoe or in oonnection witb livin~ Quarters of any kind
shall be of "Slow Burning Construotion,'" as outlined in CLASS I
of this ordinance. .
_ Garages aa mentioned in precedin2 para~raph shall be provided
with sui~able Tentilatin~ arran~ement.
OLASS II shall contain those buildin~s used for a..estic
purposes, sucb as residences, barns and private ~araFes, Which are
-ereoted outside of the fire limits of the Villa~e of Mount Prospect,
and shall be built of "Ordinary Oonstruotion.~
"ORDINARY CONSTRUCTION" - By the term "Ordinary Oonstruotion'"
as usea in this ordinanoe, is meant the ordinary system of oonstruotion
in whioh timber and iron structural parts are not protected with fire-
resistin~ coverin~.
Seotion 18 - CLASS I, in addition to the general provisions,
shall oomply with the special provisions ot this section, as tOll"':
FOUNDATIONS AND WALLS - The supporting walls, foundations and
footings occuring below finished ~rade, must be of masonry; either con-
crete, ooncrete block, stone, brick or vitrified title. They shall
extend at least four feet below finished grade.
Foundation walls shall be at least twelve inche~ thick for one
and two story structures and sixteen inches thick for three-story
The footin~ oourse shall be not less than twelve inches deep
of ooncrete mixed in proportio-n of not less than 1:3:5: and snaIl
projeot not less tnan six inches on each side of wall.
Interior column footin~s shall be not less than three feet
square by one foot thick, built of concrete of the aboTe proportion.
Masonry walls above the foundation shall be concrete blook,
brick or tile laid 1:3:5:, cement, lime and sand mortar and shall be
at least twelve inohes thick tor one and two-story structures and at
least sIxteen inches thick for the first story and twelve inches
thiok for the seoond and third story of three-story struotures.
Tile or ooncrete block walls shall not be used for bearinR
walls in struoture higher than one-story unless fully grouted with
ooncret. mixed in proportion of 1:3:5:. This material may, howeTer,
be usea for ourtain walls where the loads are carried on st..l or
reinforoed concrete girders or piers.
BrlQ' walls shall be bonded with a full header course at least
eaoh sixthoourse.
Parapet walls except where gutters ocour, are to extend at
least two feet above the bi~h point of the roof, laid in cement
mortar and be not less than nine inches in thiokness.
Parapet walls shall be covered with vitrified tile, terra
cotta or gtone copin~.
Hoilow olay, gypsum or terra cotta tile partitions of not
less than four~inch material may be used where same do not extend more
than one-story in height and do not carry any load. Sucn walls shall \
be used around stair halls, elevators or divisions between stores.
Twelve inch hrick curtain walls may be used not exeeedin~
four stories in hei~ht, where the same do not carry any load.
Bearing partitions are to be ~overned by same re~uirements
as herein provided for Outside Walls.
Joists shall be supported on masonry walls, steel or reinfor-
ced ooncrete ~irderg or timber girders and posts.
Wood posts, where used, shall be of yellow pine, fir or oak
and not less than eig~t inohes square for fourteen feet in height and
'ten inches for fourte.en to twenty foot heights.
No girder Bauare is to be less than six by twelve inches
(6" x 12").
Where cast iron or steel columns'are used they shall have base
and cap plates with provisions made for anChoring girders. Where
ate'el girders are used, same snaIl be framed together ,1'11 th standard
oonnections and joists bearing on steel or wood girders shall have at
least three inch bearing thereon o~ shall be hung in stirrups of
dimension not l~ss than ~" x 2". ~11 girders shall be properly
anohored into bearing wail by strap or pin anchors and eaoh fifth
joist shall be anohored into wall with the usual pin anchor. All
girders resting on bearing 'Ralls shall have bearing plates ten inches
by twelve inches (10" x 12") in area and five-eights inch (5/8")
thiok. Joists shall have at least four inch bearing on bearing
, walls with fire Ot1t.
Joists shall be bridged eight feet with two by two (2" x 2")
brla~ing Or equivalent.
of any kind shall be out into floor timbers or joists at a ~re.ter
distance than two feet from the ends of supports of said beams or
joists, nor to . greater depth than one-sixth of the depth of the
beams or joists, unless reinforoements shall be provided that insure
the strength of the neor system being as ~reat as if no such .utti~
was done.
FRAMING All structural framing shall be desi<<ned in
accordanoe with tables in "t'lambrta Steel," a handbook hereinafter
referred to and made.. part hereof, using a fiber stres8 of twelTe
hunared (1200) pounds per square inoh for timber and sixteen tbousan!
(16000) pounds per square inoh for steel.. Live loads of one hundred
(100) pounds per square foot of floor ana twenty-fiTe (25) pounds
per sonare foot of roof, in addition to the entire weight of
structure, are to be used in oaloulatin~ the strength of members,
under this cia'8ification.
All headers and tri~mers, where headers are over four foot
span, shall be doubled and where headers are over twelve foot span
they shall be tripled; and, in the latter case, the headers shall be
supported by one-ouarter inoh by two inoh (f" % 2") iron stirrups.
Framing around staris, elevators and other openingsishall be
ae.igned to oarry the full live. and dead loads oomin~ upon the same and
all mem~ers shall be firmly anohored together.
FLOORING - No f1oorin~ shall be less than one and three-
querters inohe. (I!") thick, either 1n one thickness or in two thiok-
nesses consisting ,of a rou~h floor with finished floor laid above it
in the opposite direction. Each and every board comprising said floor,
if of one thickness. or the lower or rou~h floor, if of two thicknesses,
shall be firmly and seourely nailed at each bearin~. Eaoh and eTery
board oomprising the top or finished floor, when the floor oonsists of
two thicknesses, shall be firmly and securely nailed to tbe lower or
roup;h floor.
o ROOFS - All rough sheeting for roofs shall be notl.ss than
thre.-quarters (!") inches thiok.
Shingle roofs and other forms of oombustible roof o.verfn~
upon buildin~s wi thin the fire limits of said Villa~e are prohibi ted.
Roofs, whose slopes are not more than three inches per foot
horizontal, and the coverings of whioh 'are made with proper composi-
tion of felt and gravel, shall be oonsidered inoombustible.
Pitoh roofs with greater slope than three inohes per foot
horizontal; shall be oOTered wi th slate, metal, tile or other roof
material approT.d by the Underwriters.
OORNIOES - Oornioes shall be made of s~eet metal, stone
or terra ootta, securely anohored to the wall. If of sheet metal
the anohor shall be one-half inch bolts, twenty-four inches Ion"
spaoea not less than three feet oenters.
If cornioe is of terra ootta or stone, it is to be so
designed that the'greatest weight is on the inside of the wall.
WINDOWS, DOORS, ETC. - All wi ndoWB, doors or sk7li~hts
in the outside walls shall be glazed wi th no,t les8 than double
'8tren~th glass.
, STAIRWAYS - Each building over two-stories inhe12ht
shall have at least two exits and two complete flights of stairs
one of which may be an iron stairway fire escape, two feet wide,
on the outside wall; oomplete with hand rail; extended from roof
to ground'and provided with'counterbalance from second floor.
Any fire esoape i8 to be e_sily accessible from. window
or door opening and to be plainly marke! and shall never be bolted
exoept by moveable bolt easily drawn from the inner side.
All exit doors shall open out.
Inside stairways to roof height are to be not less than
three feet six inches wide and providea 'nth a hand rail on either
There shall be acoess to the roof by stairway opening into
a penthouse, having proper locked door or by an iron ladder, leading
to a scuttle, having its cover hinged and locked from the inside With
a suitable locking device.
All two-story buildings shall have at least one inside
stairway, three feet six inches (3' 6~)wide.
CHIMNEYS - Exoept as herein provided, all chimneys
in eTery building hereafter erected and all chimneys her..fter
altere. or rebuilt shall be construoted of briok, stone or re-
inforoed conorete. No masonry ohimney shall have walls les8 than
eight inohes thick unless it be lined on the inside with .e11
burnea terra ootta flue lining, set in Portland cement mortar or
fire brick set in fire clay, in which case the walls shall be not
less than four inches thick. The lining shall be oontinuous from
the bottom of the flue to its extreme height. No ohimney shall be
oorbelea out more than eight inches from a briok wall and suoh
corbelling shall consist of at least five oourses of briok.
Briok set on edge shall not be permitted in chimney
All smoke flues over sixteen inches by sixteen inches
(16" x 16") shall have walls at least ei~ht inches in thickness, .nd
be lined oontinuously on the inside with well burned terra ootta
flue lining set in Portland oement mortar or fire brick set in
fire olay. All such chimneys shall be oapped with terra ootta,
ston., oonorete or cast iron.
All chimneys shall project at least three feet above the
point of oontact with a flat roof, or two feet above the rid~e of a
pitchea roof.
Portland cement mortar tempered Wi th lime shall be used in
the construction of chimneys.
No ohimneys in any bUildinR shall have wooden ~pports of
any kind. Supports shall be incombustible and shall rest upon the
ground or the foundation.
Metal smoke staoks may be permitted for boilers, furnaces
and similar apparatus where large, hot fires are used, provided
they have a olearanoe from all oombustible material of not le8s
than one-half diameter of the staok, but not less than fifteen
inches, unless the oombustible material be properly ~uarded by
loose fitting metak shields, in whioh case the distano. shall be
not leas than twelve inohes. Where suoh a stack passes throu~h a
roof, it shall be guardea by a galvanized iron ventilatin~ thimble
e~ending from at least nine inches below the under sIde of the
oeiling or roof beams to at least nine inohes abaTe the roof ant
the iiameter of the ventilating thimble shall be not les8 than
thirty-siz inohes greater than that of the smoke s~ok. M.~l
smoke staoks shall not be permitted to pass through floors unless
they are lined oontinuously with three inohes of asbestos s~ok linin~.
The fire-baCk of every fireplace hereafter ereot.. shall
be not less than four inohes in thiokness, of solid brick work, with
a four inch lining of fire brick laid in fire clay. Soapstone tile
or oast iron lining may be used if solidly backed with briok or
concrete eight inohes thick. .
All flue holes when not in use shall be olosed wi th ti~ht
fittin~ metal oovers.
beams or joists shall be plaoed 'nthin two inches of the outside
face of a ohimney or flue, whether the same be for smoke, air or
~y other purpose. No ohimney of flues shall be used for the
support of any structural framing.
No woodwork shall be within ei~ht inohes of the inner
faoe of the lining of any fireplace.
All spaoe between the ohimney and the wooden beams shall
be solidly filled with mortar, mineral wood or other incombustible
The header beam carrying the tail beams of a floor and
supporting the trimmer arch in front of a fireplaoe shall be not
less thsn twelve inohes from the faoe of the brlok mantle at the
floor level.
SMOKE PIPES - No smoke pipes shall pass througb wooden
l_th an4 plaster partitions unless it be guarded by galvanizel iron
ventilated thimbles at least four inches larger in diameter thaD
the pipes. No smoke pipe shall pass through any floor or a root
having wooden frame work or oover1n~.
HEATER PIPES - All heater pipes from hot air furnaoes where
paseing through oombustible partitions or floors must be oovered
with five thioknesses of sheet asbestos.
Xerisontal hor air pipes leading from furnaoes shall be not
less than six inches from any woodwork unless the weodwork be cover-
eel wi1;h tin.
All hot air pipes above the basement ceiling shall be clouble.
REGISTERS and REGISTER BOXES - Register boxes shall be of metal
and shall be double.
PBBIAOE SETTINGS - Hot air, hot water or other heating furnaces,
whether briok or metal, shall be kept at least twelve inohes and the
smoke f1~e thereof at least twenty inohes distant from any unproteot-
ed woo&..rk~ All suoh furnaoes shall be plaoed on suitable masonry
or ooncrete foundations.'
STEAM BOILERS AND OVEN SETTINGS - Whenever large steam boil-
ers, furnaoes or ovens, ooffee roasters or other similar struotures
in whioh fires are maintained are set inside of a buildi~ er a
roem with wooden floor or oeiling oons~ruotion, the floor of the
.ame shall be proteoted by a oovering of four inoh olay tile with one
inoh top and face of Portland oement oonorete. This feundation shall
extend under the whole of the fire box and ash pit of suoh steam
boiler or furnaoe or other struoture and to a distance of not less
than four feet in tront of same.
The space between the tops of suoh steam boilers and furnaoes
and any wood oeiling construction shall in all cases be proteoted
by a oovering of inoombustible material.
steam pipes must be kept at least one inoh from any unproteoted
BOILERS ETC. - HOW PLACED No suoh boiler, furnaoe or ovens shall
be placed on other than the basement floor unless plaoed on in-
combustible beams and arohes, and all woodwork removed from near
the same; and, in no oase, unless a written permit from the
Superintendent of Buildin~ Construotion be first obtained.
heating apparatus.in which fuel is oonsumed shall be placea beneath
stairs or exits from public buildin~s.
VENTILATION - Each habitable room shall have at least one
wind.. opening direotly to the outside air, of at least twelve 8~uare
fe.t ~l.ss area aDd oapable of bein~ ventilated to the extent of
fit'tb per cent. .
The total ~lass area of windows in ,eaoh room shall be not less
than ten per oent of the floor area.
Other natural or meohanioal system of ventilatin~ may be
used in lieu of the above, providing the volume of air room is
ohanged eight times per hour.
WINDOWS ON COURTS - Where windows open onto a oourt,
where the latter is entirely enclosed by walls of said buildfn~,
the court shall have a minimum width of six feet and have an area
of at least fifty square feet.
Seotion 19. One story struotures having no basement may
be oonstructed of eight inoh tile, concrete block or briok walla,
providing the walls are not over nine feet in height above the
finished gracle. The floors of such structure must rest on the ~roun4
and be oonstructed entirely of non-oombustible material. The roof
rafters and sbeathing of such building, when the floor are. does not
exceed four bundred (400) snuare feet, may be of ordinary con-
struotion as outlined in Seotion 20 of this orclinanoe, proTiding
the underside of the rafters are protected with one half inch
oovering of plaster or metal lath or 3/8 inob plaster boarl.
Section 20 - aLASS II, in addition to the general'pro-
visions, shall comply with the special provisions of this section,
as follows:
FOUNDATIONS AND WALLS - The supperting walla, foundations
and footings ocouring below the finished grade, except 8S other-
wise Dotea., must be masonry, either conorete, conorete block, stone,
brick or vitrified tile. They shall extend at least four feet below
finished grade.
One story struotures, when not to be used as permanent
residenoes, may be supported on six inoh oedar pests not more than
eight feet apart, said posts in all oases to extend to firm soil
and in no case to extend less than three feet six inches below .rate
and mus t be charred or oreosoted. ..
Foundation walls shall be at least twelve inches thick for
two-story brick or masonry structures. They shall be at least el~ht
inches thiok for one-story masonry structures or for frame structures.
~he footing course shall be not less than ei~ht inches
'e.p ot concrete mixe' in proportion of not less tban 1:3:6: and
shall projeot not less than six inches on e80h side at the wall.
Interior column foo'in~s shall be not less than tcYO feet
square by one foot thick, built of concrete of the abOTe proportion.
Xasonry walls above foundation when of stone, conorete
block, brick or tile shall be laid in cement, lime and sand mortar
mixed in the followin~ proportions: one part cement, three parts
lime and five parts sand, and sball be at least ei~ht inohes tbiok
! 4
for one story structures and twelve inohes thick for the lower
ator,r ot higher buildings.
Briok veneer may be usel, provided 8ame i8 anaborel With
80 p.nay spikes, eTer7 seventh oourse to stud partition baok1n~.
SIDING - All exterior stud walls of frame residenoe
bUildings exceeding six hundred (600) square teet in area, shall
be sheathed with seven-eights inch (7/aW) material laid in tight
joints and covered with at least one thickness of buildln~pap.r;
joints lapped one inoh.
TIMBER FRAMING - Joists may be supported on timber ~irder8
ana posts or eight inoh brick or ooncrete blook partitions providel
With footings as direoted for Outside Walls.
On twelve inoh masonry walls, sill plates 'sh~ll be not
1eS8 than two by six inoh (28 x 6~) anchored to the wall every six
feet with 5/a~ x 19~ bolts.
Where posts are used s111 ti~bers are to be not less than
six inoh by eight inoh (6" x a") .
Studs shall be not less than two by four inch (2" x.")
on sixteeD inoh centers run oontinuously to the plate line, capped
with a double plate on top and provided with. 1" x 6" ribboD.
where joists rest on same.
:B'ire stops shall be inserted in eaoh floor, said fire
stops in no oase to be less than two inches in thiokness.
Stud wall oonstruotion is to be limited to two-story
and attic buildings.
Wood posts where used for interior columns shall be of
yellow pine, fir or oak of a minimum size of six inohes square,
spaced not exoeeding eight 'foot oenters.
Joists shall be bridged every eight feet with two by two
(2" x 2") bridging or eouivalent.
conduits of any kind shall be out into any floor timbers or joists
at a greater distanoe than two feet. from the ends of supports of
Baid beams or joists nor to a greater depth than one~sixth of the
tepth of the beams or joists unless reinforcements shall be pro-
vided that insure the strength of the floor system being as ~reat as
if no suoh outting was done~
FRAMING - All stt"uctural framing shall be deSigned in
aooordance with table given in ~Oambria Steel," . handbook of
information re1atin~ to structural steel manufaotured by the Cambria
Steel 00., of Jobnsto~, Pa., prepared and compiled by Geor~e E.
Thackera7, C. E., . oopy of whioh is on file in the office of the
Village 01 erk of this Village and made a part hereof, by referenoe,
using fiber s"tresB o~ 1200 Ibs. per suare inch for timbers and
16,000 1bs. per souare inch for steel.
-- -~~ .,---~_..._. ._____...____~___~_.. .u...."__ _._.~~________. ___~_~_"~ .."___~._._______ ..~ __.., __ ~___
LtT~ lo~ds of 40 Ibs. per square foot of floor ani 25 Ibs.
per square foot of roof, in addition to the entire dead load are to
be used in oaloulating the strength of members under this olassifi-
All headers and trimmers, where headers are over four foot
span, shall be doubled and where headers are over twelve foot span
shall be trippled. In the latter case, the headers shall be sup-
ported on the trimmers with f" % 2" iron stirrups.
Praming around stairs, elevators and other openin~s shall b.
designed to carry the full live and dead loads coming upon the same
and all members shall be firmly anchored together.
FLOORS - No floorin~ shall be less than one and one-ouarter
inches (If") thick, either in one thickness or in two thicknesses,
consisting of a rough floor with finished floor laid above it in the
opposite direction, unless floor strips are used. Each and every
board comprising said floor, if of one thiokness, or the lower or
rough floor if of two thioknesses, shall be firmly and securely
nailed at each bearing. Each and every board oomprisin~ the top or
finished floor, when the floor oonsists of two thioknesses, shall be
firmly and seourely nailed to the lower or rouQ'h floor.
ROOFS - Rou~h sheeting for roofs under this classifi,.tioD
shall be seven-eighths (7/8") boards.
STAIRWAYS - All two-story and attic buildings shall have
at least one inside stairway three feet wide, from basement to second
CHIMNEYS - Exoept as herein provided, all ohimneys in every
building hereafter ereoted and all ohimneys hereafter altered or
rebuilt shall be oonstructed ofbribk, stone or reinforoed oonorete.
10 masonry chimney shall have walls less than eight inches thiok
unless it be lined on the inside wi th well burnedterraootta flue
lining, set in POrtland cement mortar or fire brick Bet in fire olay,
in whioh oase the walls shall be not less than four inohes thiok.
The lining shall be continuous from the bottom of the flue to its
eEtreme height. No ohimney shall be oorbeled out more than eiQ'ht
inohes from a brick wall and such corbelinQ' shall consist of at
least five courses of briok.
Briok set on edge shall not be permitted in ohimney oon-
All smoke flues over 16" % 16" shall have walls at least
eight inohes in thiokness and be lined oontinuously on the inside with
well burned terra ootta flue linin~ set in Portland oement. mortar or
fire briok eet in fire clay. All Buoh ohimneys shall be oapped with
terra ootta, stone, oonorete or oast iron.
All ohimneys shall projeot at least three feet above the
point of contac' with a flat roof, or two feet above the rid~e of a
pi tched roof.
Portland oement mortar tempered with lime shell be used in
tho oonstruotion of ohimneys.
No chimney in any building shall have wooden supports of ~y
kind. Supports shall be incombustible and shall rest upon the ~round
or the foundation.
The fireback of every fireplaoe hereinafter ereoted shall be
not less than four inches in thickness of solid brick wort wi tll a
fo~ inoh lining of fire briok laid in fire olay. Soapstone, tile or
oast iron lining may be used if solidly backed with brick or oon-
orete eight inches thiok. .
beams or joists shall be plaoed within two inches of the outsile face
ef a ohiJlDey or f1 ue, whetbe.r the same be for smoke, air or any
otber purpose. No cbimney or flttes shall be used for the support
of &1'ly struotural framing. No woodwork shall be wi thin eight inohes
of the inner face of the lining of any fireplace.
All spaoes between the cbimney and the wooden beams shall be
80lidly filled with mortar, mineral wool or otber incombustible
material. .
Tbe header beam carrying the tail beams of a floor and
supporting the trimmer arch in front of a fireplaoe, sball be Dot-
less than twelve inches from face of the brick mantle at the floor
SMOKE PIPES - No smoke pipes shall pass through woolen lath
and plaster partitions unless it be guarded by galvani..a iron ventilat-
e. thimbles at least four inches larger in diameter than the pipe..
lfo smoke pipe shall pass through any floor or a roof having weoden
frame work or covering. All SMoke pipes must be conneoted to a
HEATER PIPES - All heater pipes from hot air furnaoes Where
passing through combustible partitions or floors must be covered with
at least two thioknesses of sheet asbestos paper.
Horizontal hot air pipes leading from furnaoes el1allb':e'not
lees than six inches from any woodwork unless the woodwork be
COTerea with.n. All hot air pipes above the basement ceilln~ ehall
'be 4oubl.~
REGISTERS AND REGISTER BOXES - Register boxes shall be metal
and shall be double.
~URNACE SETTINGS - Hot air, hot water or other heating
furnaoes, whether brick or metal, shall be kept at least twelve inohes
and the smoke flue thereof at least twenty inches distant from any
unproteoted woodwork. All suob turnaoes sball be plaoed on suitable
masonry or oonorete founlations.
VENTILATION - Each babitable room shall have at least one
window opening direotly to the outside air, of at least twelve s~uare
fe.t glas8 area and oapable of being ventilated to the extent of
fifty per oent. The total glass area of windows in eaoh room shall
be not le8s than ten (10) per oent of the floor area.
Section 21. GENERAL PENAL'l'Y - Any person, firm or
corporation failing to oomp17 with or guil~y of . violation of SB1'
of the provisions of this orlinanoe or failing, neglecting or
refusing to oomply with any orler or request of said Superinten4ent
of luilding Construction, for whioh . speoifie! penalty is Dot
herein prOVided, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than
'-enty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than !wo Hunlred Dollars
(.200.00) for each Offense. .
Seotion 22. All ordinanoes or parts of orlinances in
conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
Section 23. This ordinanoe shall take effect ana be
in full foroe from and after its pas..~e and due publication.
NOTember 22nd,
November 22nd,
NOTember 24th tt)
Deoember 5th,
1 erk.
fv~~ ~
Vl11a~e Presl~eDt.
\ '
Posted at the fOllowing places to-wit Busse's Eardware
Store, Post-oftice and at the Depot of the Ohicago & Borthwester.
Railway 10. at ,l4olUlt Prospeot.