HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 54 01/02/1924
BE IT ORDAINED "'7 the President. a.a Beara of '!'rustees
of the Villa~e of Mount Prospeot, County of Cook and state of
SECTION 1. That a looal improvement be made Within
said Villap:e of Mount Prospeot, County of Cook and State of
Illinois, the nature, oharaoter and description of whioh local
improvement is as follows:
That a oonneoted system of water mains, includin~
valves, valve boxes, crosses, tees, hydrants, hydrant oonneotions,
speoial oastin~s and fittin~s and all neoessary appurtenances be
oonstruoted and laid in said Villa~e of Mount Prospeot as follows:
A oast iron water main of ten (10) inches internal
diameter alon~ a line parallel with and twenty (20) feet southerly
of the northerly street line of Evergreen Avenue from and oon-
necting with the easterly terminus of the existing twelve (12)
inch water main in Evergreen Avenue at a point twenty (20) feet
westerly of the easterly street line of Louis Street extenled,
to a line parallel with and twenty (20) feet westerly from the
easterly street line of Edward street, with a suitable cast iron
reducer, twelve (12) inohes by ten (10) inches, plaoed at the
westerly terminus of said main hereinbefore proviled to be laid,
and a suitable ten (10) inch by six (6) inch cross placed at the
easterly terminus of satd main.
A cast iron water main of six (6) inches internal
diameter alon~ a line parallel wit~ and twenty (20) feet northerly
of the southerly street line of Central Road from and .oonneotin~
with the easterly terminus of the existin~ six (6) inch water main
in Central Road at a point twenty (20) feet westerly of the
easterly street line of Louis street extended, to a line parallel
with and twenty (20) feet westerly of the easterly street line-
of Edward street extended, with a suitable six (6) incl'! oast iron
cross placed at the easterly terminus of said main herein provided
to be laid in said Central street.
A cast iron water main of six (6) inohes internal
diameter along a line parallel with and twenty (20) feet westerly
of the easterly street line of Edward Street from and conneotin~
with the easterly terminus of said proposed water main in Central
Road, to a point thirteen hundred seventy (1370) feet southerly
of the southerly street line of ~vergreen Avenue and oonneoting
with the main hereinbefore specified to be oonstructed in Ever-
green Avenue, with suitable cast iron tees of six (6) inches
internal diameter placed in said main respeotively at the follow-
ing points:
One at a point three hundred (300) feet southerly of
the southerly street line of Evergreen Avenue;
One at a point one thousand (1000) feet southerly from
the southerly street line of Evergreen Avenue;
With a suitable six (6) inoh by eight (8) inoh orOSB
plaoed in aaid main at a point twenty (20) feet southerly of the
northerly street line of Busse Avenue, with the ei~ht (8) inch
e.a. pointing east and west; and with a suitable six (6) inoh
one-eighth (1/8) bend and a six (6) inch by eigh~ (8) inoh reducer
placed at the southerly terminus of said main, herein provided
to be laid in said Edward Street.
A cast iron water main of six (6) inches internal
diameter alon~ a line parallel with and twenty (20) feet westerly
of the easterly street line of Louis street from and conneoting
with the existing: water main in Evergreen Avenue by means of the
reducer hereinafter specified, to a line parallel wit'h and twenty
(20) feet southerly from the northerly street line of Prcspeo~
Avenue; with a suitable six (6) inoh by twelve (12) inoh reduoer
plaoed at tne northerly terminus, and a suitable cast iron six
(6) inch by ei~ht (8) inch reducer plaoed at the southerly terminus
of said main herein provided to be laid in said Louis street; with
two suitable cast iron six (6) inoh tees plaoed in said pipe
respeotively at points three hundred (300) feet and nine hundred
fifty (950) feet southerly of the southerly street line of Ever~reen
A cast iron water main of ei~ht (8) inches internal
diameter from and connectin~ with the southerly terminus of said
main herein specified to beiaid in Louis Street along: a line parallel
with and twenty (20) feet southerly of the northerly street line of
Prospect Avenue, to the westerly street line extended of Edward Street,
thenoe along: a straig:ht line to and aonneotin~ with the sout'herly
terminus of the main hereinbefore speoified to be laid in Edward street;
with suitable eight (8) inoh aast iron orosses placed one at the
westerly terminus of said pipe, one at the westerly street line
extended of Edward street and one at the northeasterly terminus of
8aid pipe.
The improvement herein provided for shall aonstitute
and be a connected system and said mains intersecting with other
supply mains shall be aonnected with suoh other mains at the points
of such interseetion, whether or not the connection is herein
specifically set forth.
Suitable cast iron reaucers shall be placed in said
water mains herein provided for at each point where there is a
junoture of such mains of differing internal diameters.
All cast iron pipe herein provided for sball be of
the best quality of cast iron and .~all bave a wei~bt per linear
toot respeotively as follows~ Pipe of an internal diameter of six
(6) inohe., 33.3 pounds per foot; pipe of an internal diameter of
eight (8) inohes, 47.6 pounds per foot; and pipe of an internal
diameter of ten (10) inohes, 63.8 pounds per foot; ani all of said
pipe shall ,be of the type known as Bell and Spigot pipe.
All oast iron orosses shall have the followin~ wei~hts:
Eight (8) inohes internal diameter, 372 pounds; six (6) inches
internal diameter, 223 pounds; eight (8) inohes by six (6) inohe.
internal diameter, 333 pounds; ten (10) inohes by six (6) inohe.
internal diameter, 406 pounds.
The cast iron tees hereinbefore provided for shall have
the fOllowing weights: Ten (10) inohes internal diameter, 446 pounds;
eight (8) inohes internal diameter, 326 pounds; 8ix (6) inohes internal
diameter, 203 pounds.
All oast iron reduoers herein provided for shall have the
following weights; ten (10) inches by ei~ht (8) inohes internal
diameter, 198 pounds; eight (8) inohes by six (6) inohes internal
diameter, 143 pounds; twelve (12) inohes by ten (10) inohes internal
diameter, 261 pounds; ten (10) inches by six (6) inches internal
diameter, 169 pounds.
The one-ei~hth cast iron bend of six (6) inches in~ernal
diameter shall have a wei~ht of 105 pounds.
All unoonnected ends of pipe and all crosses and tees shall
terminate with a bell end whioh shall be sealed with a cast iron plu~,
whioh cast iron plugs shall have the following weights:
For sealing pipe.and fittings of ten (10) inches internal
diameter, 38 pounds; for sealing pipe and fittin~s of ei<<ht (8) inohes
internal diameter, 24 pounds; and for sea1in2 pipe and fittin~s of
six (6) inches internal diameter, 14 pounds.
Seven (7) fire hydrants shall be furnished and oonnected
to said water mains wi\h the best Quality of cast iron pipe of six (6)
inohes internal diameter, and of a weight of 33.3 pounds per linear
foot, in the same manner as hereinbefore speCified for water mains.
A suitable tee (in addition to the tees already herein-
before provided for) shall be plaoed in said water maina respeotive1y
opposite each of said fire hydrants and shall be oonneoted with the
hydrant by means of said oonnecting pipe. Said hydrants shall be of
the beat quality of cast iron. bronze mounte. and equippea with five
(5) bl0h valTa opelliug.two(2}two a.nd one-half (2;') inch hose cellne.tioDS
and one (1) four (4) inoh steamer oonnection, with a six (6) foot stand
pipe extending from the water main connection six (6) feet below the
ground to . point Buffioiently above the ground to place the ho.e
Ilozzles eighteen (18) inohes above the surface of the ground.
Said seven (7) fire h;ydt-ants shall be located at points
as follows:
Five fire hydrants shall be located in tne easterly side
of Edward street at points twelve (12) teet,westerl;y of tbe
easterly street line of said street as follows:
One at the southerly street line of Central Road;
One at the northerly street line of Busse Avenue;
One at the nQrtherly street line of Ever~reen Avenue;
One at a point six hundred (600) teet southerly ot
the southerly street line of Evergreen Avenue;
One at the northerly street line of Line.ln Avenue.
One at a point six hundred (600) teet southerly of the
southerly street line of 1vergreen Avenue; and
One at the northerly street line of Prospeot Avenue.
In the above description of locations of fire hydrants
the respective distance of t,.,elve (12) feet from the respective
street lines shall be measured in a direction normal to sald
s tre,et 1 ines .
Cast iron tees for fire hydrant conneotions shall have
the fOllOWing weights: Ten (10) inches by six (6) inches, '21
pounds; eight (8) inches by six (6) inches, 310 pounds; six (6)
inches by six (6) inches, 223 pounds.
One ten (10) inch gate valve shall be locatea in said
water main in Bvergreen Avenue at the easterly street line
extended of Louis Street.
One six (6) inch ~ate valve 8h~11 be loaated in said
water main in Central Road at the easterly street line extended
of Louis#Street.
One six (6) inch ~ate valve shall be located in said
water main in Edward Street at the northerly street line of
Evergreen Avenue.
One six (6) inch gate valve shall be located in said
. water main in Edward Street at the southerly street line of
EVergreen Avenue.
One six (6) inch ~ate valve shall be located in said
water main in Louis street at the southerly street line of
EVergreen Avenue.
One ei~ht (8) inch ~ate valve shall be located in said
water main in Prospect Avenue at the easterly street line of
Louis street.
In the above described locations of gate valves whenever
distance in feet is mentioned it shall be construea to mean a
distanoe measured along the center line of the water main in which
.ai4 gats valve is plaosd, unless the same is inconsm'tent Witb
the context.
Said valves shall have bodies of the best ~uality of
cast iron with bronze mountings and the stems of said valves ahall
be of the best Quality of bronze. Said valves shall be of the
type known as wdouble gate valves~, with two (2) cast iron hubs
or sockets and shall be smooth and without imperfections, and
shall stand, without leaking, a hydraulic pressure of three
hundre4 (300) pounds per square inch.
Each of said valves shall be equipped with an adjustable
extension valve box, which shall be of the beat quality of cast
iron and shall be oylindrioal with an internal diameter of four
and one-half (4i) inches and shall weipoh no t less than one
hundred twenty-five (125) pounds. ~ch suoh valve box ahall be
provided with a detachable cover or ,lid which shall be even With
the surface of the ground and shall be of the best Quality of
cast iron. Each suoh valve box sh~ll be so constructed as t.
allow for an extension of from five (5) feet to six (6) feet and
six (6) inohes (measured from the top of the body of the valve).
Eaob suoh cover sha.ll have the word "'WATER" oast in raised letters
on the top surface thereof.
All tees, crosses and bends shall be of the best
quali ty of cast. iron.
Said 'Rater mains shall be pl~ced with the top surface
not less than five (5) feet six (6) inohes below the established
grade of said system of streets and shall be laid in'a workman-
like manner under the direction, instruotion, supervision and
superint~dence of and subject to the approval 'of the Board of Looal
Improvements of the Villap'e of Mount Prospeot, and as follows,
to-wit: Eaoh pipe shall be laid level upon a firm bed;
e~oavations shall be made under the bell of eaoh pipe so that the
entire length of said p~pe shall lie upon the bottom of the trench;
all pieces of said pipe shall be close-fitted and shall be
caulked with two (2) inohes of well rammed, untarred rope yarn,
above whioh shall be poured molten lead in suoh quantity that
Ilfter being compacted by caulking around the entire circumference
of said pipe the lead will stand flush with the outBi~e of the
bell of the pipe;
Spigots shall be placed ooncentrically in the bells of
.aid pipe so as to admit of a uniform thickness of gasket or
The l..d used shall be of the best quality of Boft,
caulkin~ lead, free from antimony, tin or arsenic. In each
joint of ten (10) inoh pipe not less than 16 pounds of lead
shall be used. In eaob joint of ei~ht (8) inch pipe not less
than (13.26 pounds of lead shall be used, and in each joint of
six (6) inoh pipe not less than 10.26 pounds of lead shall be
Wherever herein a .point" is desi~nated for the be-
ginnin~ or termination of water mains the same shall be construed
to mean the cen~er line of said pipe, and wherever the line of
oonstruotion is presoribed the same shall be construed to mean
the center line of the'pipe; wherever herein a distanoe between
parallel lines is mentioned said distanoe shall be oonstrued to
mean a distanoe measured alon~ a line normal to said parallel
line. Wherever a distanoe in the direotion of the length of one
ot said water mains is mentioned herein said distance shall be
construed to mean a distance measured along the oenter line of
laid pipe, unless the same is' inoonsistent wi th the ,oontext.
All of said improvement is to be construoted in a ~ood
and workmanlike manner under the superintendenoe of the Board of
Looal Improvements of the Village of Mount Prospect.
SEOTION 2. That the recommen!ation of the Board of Local
Improvements providing for said improvement, together with the
estimate of the cost thereof made by the President of said Board,
both hereto at~ached, be and the same are hereby approved.
SECTION 3. That said proposed improvement shall be made
for the purpose of supplying the present and future inhabitants
of the neighborhood of said improvement with water for domestie
and commeroial purposes, inoluding fire protection and suoh in-
habitants of said Village shall have and they are hereby given the
right of making service pipe and other connections between their
respeotive lots, blocks, traots and parcels of land and said water
mains, and may use the water thus obtained upon such terms and
oonditions as are or may be hereafter lawfully imposed by the
authorities of said Village.
SECTION 4. That said improvement shall be made and the
'vhole cost thereof be paid for by special assessment in acoord-
ance with an Aot of the General Assembly of the state of Illinois,
entitled: "An Act oonoerning Local Improvemen~s", approved June 14,
1897, and the amendments thereto.
SECTION 5. That the aggregate amount assessea ana
eaoh individual assessment, and also the assessment a~ainst the
munioipality on aocount of property owned by the munioipality and
for the publio benefit, shall be divided into ten (10) install-
ments in the manDer provided by the statute in suoh oases made and
provided, and eaoh of said installments shall bear intereat at
the rate of Six per oent (6%) per annum, aooordin~ to law, until
SECTION 6. And f~~ the purpose of anticipatin~ the
collection of the second and- suooeedin~ installment of said assess-
ment for said improvement, bonds shalldbe issued, pa.yable out
of said installments, bearine: interest at the rate of Six per cent
(6~) per annum, payable annually, and sie:ned by the President of
said Villa~e and attested by the Villae:e Clerk, under the oorporate
seal of said Vil1a~e. Said bonds shall be issued in accordance
with and shall in all respects oonformto the provisions of the
Act of the General Assembly of the state of Illinois entitled:
"An Aot Conoernin~ Looal Improvements", approved June 14:, 189'7,
and amendments thereto.
SECTION '7.. That the SUlB of Eie:ht Hundred Ninety-five
and Sixty-nine hundredths Dollars ($896.69) flf the amount of said
assessment shall be applied toward the payment of the 008t of
making and oOllecting said assessment as is by law provided.
SECTION 8. That upon the passage and approval of this
ordinance the President of said Village be and he is he~eby
direoted to file a petition in the County Court of Cook County,
Illinois, in the name of the Villa~e of Mount Prospect, praying
that steps may be taken to le~ a speoial assessment for said
improvement in aooordance with the provisions of this ordinance and
in the manner presoribed by law.
SECTION 9. This ordinanoe shall be in full force from
and after its passa~e and approval.
Passed this 2nd day of January A. D. 1924.
Approved this 2nd day of January A.D. 1924.