HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 60 06/03/1924 o All ORDI OJ !f THlVI 00 01 FOR THE LEVYIBG ABD ASSESSMD!f S lOR !fBB OURRDT FISCAL YEAR OJ' GoB OJ MOUJiT PROSPECT..t~IBOIS. OIlTG IlIlAY. I. Ifl' AID u.uIIG , RIL 30.1926.. .. Pr.sident and Boud of Trine.'.' of th. V1l1ag.of Jloat :.rJf....ot 1 th. Ooun'tiy of Oook and 'tih. S1;.t. of Illinoi., 411 on the let .,. of 11&.,. ....D. 192'._ passthe-llsual approp%"ution 01' inano. for ,said ViJU.age forth. fieoal yeal' b.,in- ning on the 1st y of _ 1924 and .n4ing on th. 30th da;y ot Ap%"il 1926, th. ount of whioh i8 asoertained to be the aggr.gat. eum of Sizwy fhr e Hundr.d nin.t.,. fiv. (6396.00) Dollars which said appropriation 01' inano. was duly posted on the 22nd day of Kay A.D.1924.IOW RBt " , DB If ORnl~1&D by the President and BOard of fruste.. of th. Village of M,unt pr08p.ot: . S.otion 11 IThat th.re b. and is hereby l.vied upon all the tax- able pl'oper1iy W~~hin the oorporate limits of said Villag., for th. .,..ar, , 1924 the,toal aum of ifirtvseve~ ~undred a~d ~hi{IV Die qo11ars , f I' the follow ng ap.o f 0 purpose. men On' in ..14 appl'opri&ti n ordinanoe and in the respeotive sums a8 followa, tow1t: ".:J I!EMS OJ APPROPR~ATION AlID LEVY. , Amount Appropriated. Amount Levi.d. \ JOI' Str.et Lighting..................... 900.00 ~ '01' Salari.8 of ffioers and employee.. .800.'00 Jlo%" Equipm.nt an other nee" for fir. p ot.otion...~...........l60.00 Jor POlio. prote t1on..............'.... ..116..00- lor purpo.. of h alth 'proteotion and a1nag..................100.OO v lor n.otion expe...... .'. ...'....'. .'..'...... 50.,00 v ~or legal anA 3\1.4101a:ry,d.partm.nt ' , .%p.ns.a...~..........200.00 . lor 1ao14ental .xpens'.,postag.,' ,,' I , , ~ prtnttas and ot..r oonting.n............100.OO. lor maat.nano. ant repaire of 811r.et..~500..oo' .leI' Mint .nano. of pujt1ie grounds and " bui14ing......,...............400.00v ~or paJment of installm.nt ant inte%"..t olS,.oi&1 Ae..a8m.nt NO'1 and NO.2......650.00v Fgr pr1no11&1 on water works bond ' lu. April l,l926.............l000.00v .lor int.re.t on wat.%" work. bond. . .. ..... .420..00 v $666.00 $592.00 ~lll.OQ 'i? 92.00 * 74.00 '.p 37.00 ;~148.00 !;, ~ 74.00 ~p740. 00 ,i', '*,296.00 ~H81.00 / ~1000. 00 $ 420. 00 (;~4731. 00 TOTAL .6396.00 , " fotal amount levi.d................... .'. . . ~. . . . . .....,p4731. 00 Estimate' ..ut8 re06i Table' from ' $ 1: $1664.00 10urO,. other than taxation ...... .',. , , ....6396.00 s,6396.oo S'o~io. 2. the Villa,. Olerk is hereby direoted to file with the Oouat7 Olerk of Oook Oouat7 Il11ao1. on or before the !b1rd !ue.4a7 in September 1924 . oGp7 of th18 ord1nanoe duly oert11'1e4 by sat4 olerk. Section 5. fh1s ordinance shall be in full force and effeot from. and after its passage and approval. Pas.ed this 3rd day 01 June A.D.l924. , , f;.~oE ~ Villag. O~el"k. j,,ppro"'et thi. 3rt day 01' JlU1e A..D. 1924. , /u~/ ~ Village President.