HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 70 10/06/1925
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BE IT RESOLVED by the President and Board of Trustees
of the Village of Vouat Prospect. County of Cook and State of
S~TIO. 1. That a local improvement shall be _de
within said Tillage of Mount Prospect. County of Cook and state
of Illinois. the nature. character. locality and description of
which local improvement is as follows, to-wit:
That a connected s~stem of water _ins. i~oluding valves.
valve boxes. fire hydrants. fire hydrant connections. speoial
fittings and all necessary appurtenanoes. be construoted and laid
in said Village. as follows:
.1 Cast iron water supply' pipe of ten (10) inches
internal diamter shall be oonstructed and laid upon a line
parallel with and 20 feet southwesterly' of the northeasterly'
street line of ~OSPECT AVEIUE. from and properly connected with
the existing 10 inch water supply pipe in Pine Street to the
intersection with a line parallel with and 20 feet southerly of
the northerl1 street line of Central Avenue; thence in CEITRAL
AVEIUB alongsai~ parallel line to a point 150 feet westerly of
the wester17 street line of Wa-Pella Avenue.
A suitable 6 inch on 10 inch cast iron tee shall be
plaoed in said water supply pipe at points respectively 20 feet
westerly of the easterly' street lines extended of Blmhurst
Avenue. I-oka Avenue and .a-Pella Avenue.
, A suitable 10 inch on 10 inch tee shall be placed in
said water supply pipe at its southeasterly terminus.
A suitable 8 inch on 10 inch tee shall be placed in said
water suPP17 piep at a point 20 feet westerly of the easterly
street line of Hi Lu.i Avenue.
Cast iron water supply pipes of 6 inch internal
diamter shall be constructed and laid along lines respectively
parallel to and 20 feet westerly of the easterly' street lines of
WA-PELLA AVElI'UE. I-OKA AV~!'4UE and EDmURST AVl'.;!'4u.15 from and pro-
perly connected with the water supply pipe last herinbefore
specified to be laid in Prospect Avenue and Central Avenue to and
properly connected with the cast iron water supply pipe herein-
after specified to be laid in Lincoln Street.
A cast iron water supply pipe of 6 inohes internal
diameter shall be constructed and laid along a line 20 feet
southwesterly and concentrio with the center line of the existing
State concrete pavement connecting LINCOL! STRZET And ELMHURST
AVguJ5 pavements from and properly connected with the 10 inoh
cast iron pipe herein specified to be laid in Pine Street by
means of a 10 inoh by six (6) inch cast iron tee.to the easterly
street line of Elmhurst Avenue.
A cast iron water supply pipe of 8 inches internal
diameter shall be constructed and laid along a line parallel
with and 20 feet westerly of the easterly street line of
HI LUSI AV~UE from and properly connected with the cast iron
water supply' pipe hereinaffer.e speoified to be laid in Prospect
Avenue to and properly oonnected with the cast iron water supply
pipe hereinafter specified to be laid in Lincoln Street.
Cast iron water supply pipes of 8 inohes internal
diamter shall be oonstruoted and laid respeotively along lines
parallel with and 20 feet southerlr of the northerlr street
lines of LINCOla STR~ andEVERGREEI AVE.U~, from and properlr
oonneoted with the oast iron water supply pipe hereinbefore
s~eoified to. be laid in Wa Pella Avenue to and properlr conneoted
with the existing oast iron water suPPlr piep in Pine Street.
Suitable 6 inoh on 8 inoh oast iron orosses shall be
plaoed in said water suPPlr pipes respeotivelr at piints as
follows: One eaoh at the southwesterly terminus of said pipe
and one eaoh at points respeotively 20 feet westerly of the
easterly street lines of I-OKA Avenue and Elmhurst Avenue.
Suitable 8 inoh on 8 inoh oast iron orosses shall be plaoed
in said water suPPlr pipe at point respeotivelr 20 feet westerlr
of the easterl1 street line of Hi-Lusi Avenue.
A oast iron water suPPl1 pipe of 6 inohes internal diameter
shall be be oonstruoted and laid along lines parallel with and
respeotivel1 20 feet westerlr of the easterly street lines of WI~
S~ and JlAII' Sfl!SM, from and properly oonneoted to the existing
water suPPl1 pipe in Linooln Street to points respeotively 300
feet southerl1 of the southerlr line of Birohland Avenue.
A cast iron water Supply pipe of 10 inohes internal diameter
shall be oonstruoted and laid along a line parallel with and 20
teet westerlr of the easterlr street line of PIlE STBEE! from and
properly oonnected with the existing water suPPlr pipe in Pine
Street and Linooln Street to a point 300 feet souther17 of the
southerl1 line of Birchland Avenue.
Eight (8) inoh gate valves shall be plaoed in the water
suPP17 pipes as follows:
In Hi-Dnsi Avenue, one each at the norther17 street
lines ot Lincoln Street and ~ergreen Avenue, one each at
the southerl1 street lines of ~ergreen avenue and Prospeot
In Lincoln Street, one eaoh at the easterl1 street lines
of Wa-Pella Avenue and I-Oka Aven.a, and one at the westerly
tt.eet line of Pine Street;
In Evergreen Avenue, one eaoh at the easterly street
lines of Wa-Pella Avenue and I-Oka Avenue, and one at the
westerlr street line of Pine Street.
Six (6) inoh gate valves shall be plaoed in the water
suPPlr pipes as follows:
In .a-Pella Avenue, one eaoh at the northerly street
lines of Lincoln Street and EVergreen Avenue, and one eaoh
at the southerly street lines of Oentral Avenue and EYergreen
In I-Oka Avenue and Mlmhurst Avenue respectivelr, one
eaoh at the norther17 street lines of Linooln Avenue and
JJyergreen Avenue, and one eaoh at the southwester17 street
lines of Prospect avenue and one eaoh respectively at the
southerl1 street line of Evergreen Avenue;
In Wille street and Main Street respeotively at the
southerly street line of Lincoln Street.
Ten (10) inch gate valves shall be plaoed in said
water suPPlr pipes at p6ints respeotively as follows:
In Pine Street, one at the southerly street line of
Linooln Street;
In Prospect Avenue, one at the easterlr street line
of I-Oka Avenue and one at the westerlJ street line of Pine Street;
In Central Avenue, one at the easter17 street line of
.a-Pella Avenue.
~ .
Wherever valves are looated in the above des.ribed pipes
at street lines same shall be oonstrued to mean the interseotion
of said water ~upp17 pipe and the intersection of the street line
or said street line extended to an intersection with said water
suPP17 pipe.
. 'ire lIydrants shall be placed in said water supply in
streets or avenues as follows:
In WA-P~ A'EDU_: On eaoh at points 8 feet
wester17 of the easterl)' street line and distant
respective17 220, 480, 880, 1150, 1530, 1820, 2220,
and 24~0 feet norther17 of the northerly street
line of Lincoln Street;
In HI-LUSI AVEIUE: Obe each at points 8 feet
westerly ~f the easterly street line and distant
respectively 220, 480, 880, 1150, 1530, 1820, 2120,
and 2360 feet northerly of the northerl)' street line
of Lincoln street;
In I-OKA AVENUE: One each at points 8 feet
westerly of the easterly street line and distant
respectively 220, 480, 880, 1150, 1530, 1820 and
2120 feet northerly of the norther17 line of
Lincoln Street;
In ~ST AVEIUB: One each at points 8 feet
wester17 of the easterly street line and distant
respective17 220, 480, 880, 1150, 1530, and 1880 feet
northerly of the norther17 street line of Lincoln
respective17: At points 8 feet westerly of the
easterly street lines and distant respectively 330,
580 and 940 feet souther17 of the souther17 street
line of Lincoln Street.
All cast iron ipe herein provided for shall be made of
the best quality of cast iron. Said Piepe shall have a weight
per lineal foot respectiTel1 as follows: Por pipe of an inter-
nal diamter of six (6) inches, thirty-three and three-tenths
(33.3) poundS; for pi~e of an internal diamter of eight (8)
inohel, forty-seven and five-tenths (47.5) pounds; for pipe of
an internal diamter of ten (10) inohes, 8ixt)'-three and eight-
tenths (63.8) pounds. Pipe shall be of the type known as bell
and spigot pipe.
All cast iron CTOSBeB shall have the following weights:
Bight (8) inches internal diameter, 3~2 pounds; eight (8)
inohes by six (6) inohes internal diameter, 325 pounds.
Cast iron tees herein provided for shall have the following
weights: Tea(lO) inohes internal diamter, 395 pounds; Ten (10)
inohes by eight (8) inohes internal diamter, 371 poinds; Ten tlO)
inohes by six (6) inches internal diameter, 352 pounds.
All unoonnected endS of pipe and of orosses and tees shall
terminate with a bell end which shall be sealed with a cast iron
Cast iron plugs shall have the following weights: 'or
sealing pipe or fittings of internal'diamter of ten (10) inches,
thirty-eight (38) poundsi for sealing pipe or fittings of inter-
nal diameter of eight (8J inohes, twenty-four (24) pounds; for
sealing pipe or fittings of internal diameter of six (6) inohes,
Pourteen (14) pounds,
'ire H7drant8 shall be conneoted with said water supp~
pipes with the best quality of cast iron water BUPP17 pipe of
8ix (6) inche. internal diameter and of a weight of thirty-three
and three-tenths (33.3) pounds per lineal foot, in the same
manner hereinbefore provided and specified for watar supply pipe.
! SUitable tee (in addition to the tees already herein-
before provided for) 8hal1 be plaoed in said water supply pipe
respeotively opposite eaoh of said fire hydrants and shall be
oonneoted with the hydrant by means of said oonneoting pipe.
Said hydrant shall be of the best quality of oast iron, bron..
mounted, 11th five (5) inoh valve opening, five and one-half (51)
foot standpipe, two (2) two- and one-half (2t) inoh hose oon-
neotions and one (10 fowr (41 inoh steamer conneotion.
In the above de8criptions of looations of fire hydrants
the respective distances of eight (8) feet from the respective
street lines shall be measured in a direction normal to s.id
street lines. In the above descriptions of locations for fire
hrdrants, distances other than the eight (8) feet distanoes
hereinbefore untioned shall be measured along a liae eight (8)
feet 4istaat from and parallel with the street liae ( ad~aoent
to said f~re hydrant and eight (8) feet distant therefrom) and
passing through said fire h1drants.
In the abowe described locations of gate 'alves when-
ever a distance in feet is mentioned it shall be so construed
to mean a distance measured along the center line of the water
suPP17 pipe in which said gate valve is placed, unless the same
be inconsistent with the oontext.
All valves shall have bodies of the best quality of cast
i.on, with bronze mountings, and the stems of said valves
shall be of the best quality of bronse. Said valves shall be
of the type known as "double gate valves" with two cast iron
hubs or sockets, and shall be smooth and without imperfections,
and silall stand, without leaking, a hydraulio pressure of three
hundred (300) pounds per square inoh.
Baoh of said valves shall be equipped with an adJust-
able extension ,alve box, which shall be of the best quality
of cast iron and shall be cylindrical in shape, ~th an internal
diamter of four and one-half (4f) inches, and shall weigh not
1esss than one hundred and twentyQfive (125) pounds. Each suoh
valve box shall be prOVided with a detaohable oover or lid,
which shall be even with the surfaoe of the ground, and shall be of
the best quality of cast iron. Eaoh such valve box shall be so
oonstructed as to allow for an extension of from five (5) feet
to s1x (6) feet (.easured from the top of the base of the valve).
Bach such cover shall have the word "Water" oast in raised
letters on the top surface thereof.
All tees, crosses. reduoers and bends shall be of the
best quality of cast iron.
Sa1d water suttl1 pipes shall be plaoed with the top
surface not less than five (5) feet six (6) inohes below the
surface of said system of streets.
Said water supply pipe shall be laid in a workmanlike manner
under the direotion, instruotion, supervision and superintendenoe
of and subJeot to the approval of the Board of Looa1 Improvements,
and as follows, to-wit:
Baoh pipe shall be laid level upon a firm bed. Excavations
shall be made under the bell of eaoh pipe so that the entire
length of pipe shall lie upon the bottom of the trenoh. All pieoes~
of said pipe shall be olose fitted, and shall be oaulked with at
least one and one-half (It) inohes of well rammed, untarred, rope
7am, above whioh shall be poured molten lead in suoh quanti"
that after being oompaoted by oau1king around the entire oiroum-
ferenoe of said pipe the leads will stand flush with the outside
of the bell of the pipe.
Spigots shall be oonoentrica1ly plaoed in the bells of
said pipe so as to admit of a uniform thiokness of 7arn and lead.
!he lead shall be of the best qualit7 of soft caulking
lead, free from antimony. tin or arsenic.
In eaoh Joint of ten inch pipe not lesS than sixteen
(16) pounds of lead shall be used.
In eaoh Joint of eight (8) inoh pipe not less than
thirteen (13) and twenty-five hundredths (O.25) poundS of lead
shall be used.
In eaoh Joint of s1% (6) inoh pipe not less than ten
and twenty-five hundredths (10.25) pounds of lead shall be used.
Wbsrever herein a "point" is deSignated for the begin-
ning or termination of water mains, the same shall be oonstBned
to mean the center line of said pi~~s, and wherever the line of
oonstruc~ion is prescribed. the same shall be construed to mean~
the canter line of the pipe. Wherever herein a distanoe 'etween
parallel lines is mentioned, said distanoe shall be oonstrued to
mean a distanoe measured along the line normal to said parallel
Wherever * distance in the direotion of the length
of one of said water supplu pipes is mentioned herein, said
distanoe shall be oonstrued to mean a dist$noe measured along the
oenter line of said pipe, unless the same is inconsistent with
the oontext.
Suitable oast iron bends shall be plaoed in said water
supply-pipes wherever necessary and where no other special oasting
is herein provided for.
Oast iron bends shall have the following w"ghts:
1/8 and 1/16 bends, six (6) inohes internal diameter, 105 pounds;
eight (8) inohes internal diamter , 150 pounds; ten (10) inohes
internal diamter, 202 pounds.
.!he loeal improvement herein provided for shall con-
stitute and.be a connected system, and said water Bupp17 pipes
intersecting with other supply pipes shall be oonneoted with suoh
other pipes at the points of suoh intersection whether or not the
connection is herein speoifioal17 set forth.
All the work herein provided shall be done in a work-
manlike manner under the direction and supervision of and subJeot
to the approval of the Board of Looal Improvements.
All materials of every kind and oharaoter to be used
in the oonstruotion of this imppvvement shall be of first olass
quality, suitable for the purpose for whlth the7 are provided
and used, and subJeot to the inspeotion and approval of the Board
of Loeal ~#Vvements.
All trenohes exoavated for the laying of water mains
shall be refilled with a&l the material exoavated, and tamped
or flooded so as to 1eav. the surfaoe of the roadway in as good
oondition for travel as before the oommenoement of the work.
SECTION 2. That the reoommendation of the Board of
Looa1 Imrpvoements of the village of Mount Prospeot providing ffr
said improvement, together with the estimate of the oost thereof
made by the President of said Board, both hereto attaohed, be
and the same are hereby approved.
SECTION 3. that said improvement shall be made and the
whole oost thereof be paid for by speoia1 assessment in
aocordanoe with an aot of the General Assemb17 of the State of
Illinois. entitled !I An Aot Conoerning Looal Improvements"
approved June 14, A.D. 1897, and the ameAdments thereto.
SECTION ,. That the aggregate amount assessed and eaoh
individual assessment and also the sssessments against the
munioipality on aooount of property owned by the munioi~ality
and for the publio benefit shall be divided into ten,(lO)
installments in the manner provided by the statue in suoh oase
made and provided and each of said installments shall bear
interest at the rate of six peroent (6<) per annum acoording to
law until paid.
SECTION 5. And for the purpose of anticipating the
oolleoting of the second and succeeding installments of said
assessment for said improvement, bonds shall be issued payable
out of said installments bearing interest at the rate of six
per oent (6~) per annum, payable annually and signed by the
President af said Village and attested by the Village Clerk under
the oorporate seal of said Village. Said bonds shall be issued
in acoordanoe with and shall in all respeots conform to the
provisions of the aot of the General Assemb17 of the State of
Illinois. entitled "An Aot Conoerning Looal Improvements"
approved ~e 14, A. D. 1897. and the amendments thereto.
SECTION 6. That the sum of Thirty Three Hundred
Twenty Dollars '$3320.00) of the amount of said assessment shall
be appliec1 towards the payment of the oost of making and .
oolleoting said assessment as is by law providec1.
Seotion 7. That upon the passage and approval of this
ordinanoe the President of said Village be and he is hereby
direoted to file a petition in the County Court of Cook Oounty,
Illinois, in the name of the Village of Mount Prospeot, praying
that steps may be taken to levy a speoial assessment for said
improvement in acoordanoe with provisions of this ordinanoe
and in the manner presoribed by law.
SECTION 8. That all ordinanoes and parts of ordinances
oonflioting with this ordinanoe be and the same are hereby
Passed this 6th day of Ootober, A. D. 1925.
~~rA ____
Village 'Ol~
Approved this 6th day of Ootober, A.D. 1925.
hi~.:~ ~
Yeas 6
Nays none
(!?,Ltfll L, ^'v------7 to 70
To the Board of Local Improvements
Of the Village of Mount Prospect,
and the President and Board of
Trustees ot Said Village.
The Board of Local Improvements of said Village,
having caused to be prepared an ordinance providing for the
oonstructing and laying of a oonnected system of water mains,
inoluding valves, val.e bo.es, fire hydrants, fire hydrant
oonneotions, and special fittings, to be oonstruoted and laid
in Prospeot Avenue, Bvergreen A.,enue, Linooln Street, Wa Pella
Avenue, Hi-lusi Avenue, I-Oka Avenue, Elmhurst Avenue, Pine
Street, Wille Street and )fain street,. In the Village of Mount
Prospeot, eounty of Cook and State ot Illinois, as more ful17
described in said ordinanoe;
And said Board ot Looal Iaprovements having presented
to said President and Board of !rustees a recommendation that
such local improvement as desoribed in said ordinance, be made,
I hereby s~it an estimate of the cost of such
improvement, including all labor, material andother lawful
expenses attending the same, and also including a sum not
exceeding su percent (6~) ot the cost to be applied toward the
oost of making and collecting the assessment therefor, as is by
law provided, vii:
'!!t lineal teet of cast iron bell and spigot water suPP17 pipe,
ot an internal diamter of ten (10) inches, nighing suty-
three and eight-tenths (63.8) pounds per lineal toot,
including all neoessar.r special eastings, filling ~oints
with yarn and lead, excavating and backfilling, complete
in place at $3.80 per lineal foot- - - - - -- -'12,388.00
6075 lineal teet of cast iron bell and spigot water
8uPP17 pipe of an internal diamter of eight(8) inches
weighing forty-seven and five-tenths (47.~) pounds
per lineal foot, and including all necessa~ speoial
castings, tilling Joints with yarn and1ead,
exoavating and baokfil1ing, complete in plaoe,at
$2.60 per lineal foot- - - - - - - - - - - - - -tl15, 79~.~0
10010 lineal teet ot oast iron bell and spigot water
8uPP17 pipe of an internal diameter of six (6)
inches, weighing thttty-three and three-tenths
(33.3) pounds per lineal foot, and including
all necessar.r special oastings, filling Joints
with yarn and lead, excavating and baokfil1ing,
complete in place at t1.90 per lineal foot - - - 19, 019.00
4 fen (10) inch gate valves of best quality of
oast iron, with stem and other working parts
and mounting of best quality of bronze, com-
plete in place at $70.00 each - - - - - - - - 280.00
10 Bight (8) inoh gate valves of best quality of
cast iron, with stem and other working parts
and mountings of best quality of bronze, oom-
plete in plaoe, at $10.00 eaoh - - - - - - - - - 500.00
15 Stx (6) inch gate valves of best quality of
cast iron. with stem and other working parts
and mountings ot best quality of bronze, com-
plete in place. at $40.00 each - - - - - - - -
29 cast iron valve boxes, oylindrical in shape,
with internal diameter of tour and one-half
(~) inches, weighing one hundred and twenty-
five (125), and so constructed as to allow for an
extension in length offrom five (5) feet
to six (6) feet (measured from top of
body of valve), complete in place, including
cast iron cover. at $5.00 each - - - - - - - - 145.00
38 lire ftJdrants, cast iron, bronze mounted with
five and one-half (51) foot stand pipe. five
(5) inch valve opening, two (2) two and one-
half (~) inch hose connections and one (1)
four (41 inch steamer connection, all set in
place. at tllO.OO each ~ - - - - - - - -- - 4180.00
total labor and materials
$55, 480.00
Engineering and inspection -
Cost of making, levying and colleoting the
assessment and all lawful wxpenses attending
the same. as prOVided by law, not to exceed
six (6) peroent - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
lEI! ~ ~ - - - - - ~ - ~ - · - - - - - ~ - ~ ~ teS.800.00
And I hereby oertify that in mJ opinion the above
estimate does not exceed the probable cost of the above pro-
!losed imprvoement and all lawful expenses, attending the same,
as provided by law.
Yu ~'1~ ' ~
Preslient~ t e oar of
Local Improvements of the
Village of Mount Pfospect,
Dated. Mount Prospect, Illinois, October 6th, 1925.