HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 71A 03/12/1926 !/!;' 7/-A AN ORDINANCE FOR CONSTRUCTING AND LAYING A CONNECTED SYSTEM OF WATJIffi MAIN EXTENSIONS. TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY APPURT~NANCFsS IN EM"mSON S~~ SOUTH OF LINCOLN AVENUE. IN THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT. COtTNTY OF COOK AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Villa~e of Mount Prospeot. County of Cook and State of Illinois: SECTION 1 : That a looal improvement be made within said Village of Mount Prospeot. County of Cook and State of Illinois. the nature. oharaoter and desoription of which looal improvement as follows: A cast iron water supply pipe of ten (10) inohes internal diameter shall be oonstructed and laid along a line parallel with and twenty (20) feet west of the easterly street line of Emerson Street from and properly connected with the existing ten (10) inch water main in ~e~spm Street at the Southerly street line of Lincoln Avenue to the south line of the north sixty (60) rods of the southwest one-quarter of Seotion Twelve (12). Township Forty-one (41) North. Range Eleven (11) East of the Third Prinoipal Meridian. A suitabel ten (10) inoh by Six (6) inch cast iron cross shall be plaoed in said water supply pipe at a point twenty (20) feet south of the northerly street line of SUa- bonee Trail. . A suitable 'ten (10) inch valve shall be placed in said water supply pipe at the southerly street line of Lincoln Avenue. Three (3)1ire hydrants shall be plaoed in Emerson Street along a fine par~llel with and eight fa) feet west of the easterly street line-, one (1) at a point two hundred and seventy eight (278) feet south of the southerly street line of Lincoln Avenue. one (1) a t a point five (5) feet north of the northerly street line of SUa-bonee Trail and one (1) at a point twelve (12) feet north of the south line of the north sixty (60) rods of the southwest one-quarter of SectionTwelve (12). ~own- ship Forty-one (41) North. Range Eleven (11) East of the Third Principal Meridian. All cast iron pipe herein prOVided for shall be of the best quality of cast iron and shall have a weight per lineal foot respeotively as follows: Pipe of an internal diamter of six (6~ inches. 33.3 pounds per foot; and pipe of an internal diamter of ten (10) inches. 63.8 pounds per foot; and all XKXi of said pipe shall be of the type known as Bell and Spigot pipe. The OBst iron ten (10) inch be six (6) inch internal diamter .ross hereinbefore nrovided for shall be of the weight of 406 pounds. ~ All unconnected ends of pipe and all crosses and tees shall terminate with a bell end which shall be sealed with a cast iron plug. which cast iron plugs shall have the fol- lowing weights; For sealing pipe and fittings of ten (10) inches internal diamter. 38 pounds. and for sealing pipe and fittings of six (6) inches internal diamter. 14 pounds. !hree (3) fire hydrants shall be furnished and oonneoted to said water mains with the best quality of cast iron pipe of six (6) inches internal diamter, and of a weight of 33.3 poundS per lineal foot, in the same manner as hereinbefore specified for mE water mains. A suitabel tee shall be placed in said water mains respectively opposite each of sail fire hydrants and shall be conneoted with the hydrant by means of s~id connecting ~ pipe. Said hydrants shall be of the best quili ty of oast iron, bronze mounted and equipped with five (5) inch valve opening, two (2) two and one-half (2~) inch hose eonneotions and one fl} four (4) inoh steamer oonneotion, with a five and one-half (~) foot stand pipe extending from the water main oonneotions five and one- half feet (~) below the ground to a point suffioiently above the ground to plaoe the hose nozzles eighteen (18) inohes above the surfaoe of the ground. The ten (10) inoh by six (6) inch oast iron tees for fire hydrants conneotions shall have a weight of 421 pounds. Said ten (10) inch gate valve hereinbefore provided to be placed in said water supply pipe at . the southerly street line of Lincoln Avenue shall have a body of the best qURlity of cast iron with bronze mountings and the stem of said valve shall be of the best quality of bronze. Said valve shall be of the type known as "double Gate Valves", with two cast iron hubs or sockets, and shall be smooth and without imperfections and shall stand without leaking a hydraulio pressure of three hundred (300) pounds per square inoh, and shall be equipped with an~ adjustable extension valve box, which shall be of the best quality 'f oast iron and shall be cylindrioal with an internal diamter of 4t inches and shall weigh not less than 125 poundS. Suol box shall be prOVided with a detachable cover or lid, which shall be. even with the surface of the ground and shall be of the best quality cast iron. Such 'alve ~ox shall be so constructed as to allow for an extension of from five (5) to six (6) feet and six (6) inches (measured from the top of the body of the valve). Such valve cover shall have the word "WAT~" cast in raised letters on the top surface thereof. All tees, crosses and bends shall be of the 'est quality of cast iron. Said water mains shall be placed with the top surface not less than five (5) feet six (6) inches below the estab- lished grade of said system of streets and shall be laid in a workmanlike manner under the direction, instruotion, super- vision and superintendanoe of and subjeot to the approval of the ~oard of Looal Imrovements of the Village of Mount Prospeot, and as follows, to-wit: Each pipe shall be laid level upon a firm bed. EKoavations shall be made under the bell of eaoh pipe so that the entire length of said pipe shall lie upon the bottom of the trench. All pieoes of said pipe shall be close- fitted and shall be caulked with two (2) inches of well rammed. untarred rope yarn, above which shall be poured molten lead in such quantity that after being compacted by caulking around the entire circumference of said piep the lead will stand flush with the outside of the bell of the pipe. Spigots shall be plaoed ooncentrically in the bells of said pipe soas to admit of a uniform thickness of gasket or lead. The lead used shall be of the best quality of soft, caulking lead, free from antimony, tin or arsenic. In each jount of ten (10) inch pipe not less than 16 pounds of lead Shall be used, and in each joint of six (5) inch jipe not less than 10.25 pounds of lead shall be used. Wherever herein a "point" is desifnated for the be- ginning or termination of water mains the same shall be con- stued to mean the center line of said pipe, and wherever the line of construction is prescribed the same shall be oonstrued to mean the center line of the pipe; wherever herein a distance between parallel lines is mentioned said 4istanoe Shall be oonstrued to mean a distanoe measured along a line normal to said parallel line. Wherever a distance in the direotion of the length of one of said water mains is mentioned herein said ;' distance shall be construecl to mean a distance measured along the center line o~ said pipe, unless the same ie inoonsistent with the context. All o~ said improvement is to be construoted in a good and workmanlike manner under the superintendence of the Board of Looal Improvements of the Village o~ Mount Prospect, in acoordanoe with the terms of this ordinanoe. SECTION 2. That the reoommendation of the Board of Looal Improvements prociding for said improvement, together with the estimate o~ the oost the~eo~ made by the President o~ said Board, both hereto attaohed, be and the snme are hereby approved. SECTION 3. That said prop~sed improvement shall be made for the purpose of supplying the present and future inhabi- tants of the neighborhood of said improvement with water for domestio and oommeroial purposes, inoluding fire proteotion and such inhabitants of said Village shall have and they are hereby given the right of making servioe pipe and other conneotions between thetr respeotive lots, blooks, traots and parcelS of land and said water mains, and may use the water thus obtained upon suoh terms and oonditions as are or may be he~eafter lawfully imposed by the authorities of said Village. s~CTION 4. That said improvement shall be made and the whole oost thereof be paid for 8Y speoial assessment in accordance with an Aot of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled: "An Aot Conoerning Looal Improvements", approved June 14, 1897, and the amendments thereto. SFCTION I. That the aggregate samount assessed and eaoh individual assessment, and also the assessment against the munioipality on aocount of property owned by the munioipality and ~or the publio bene~it, shall be divided into ten (10) installments in the manner provided by the statute in suoh oases made and nrovided, and eaoh o~ said installments shall bear interest at the rate of six per cent (6~) per annum, according to law, until paid. SECTION 6. And for the purpose of antioipating the oolleotions o~ the second and sucoeeding installment o~ said assessment for said improvement, bonds shall be issued, payable out of said installments, bearing interest at the rate ot six per oent (6~) per annum. payable annually, and ~ signed by the President of said Village and attested by the Village Clerk, under the oorporate seal of said Village. Said Bonds shall be issued in aooordanoe with and shall in all respeots oonform to the provisions of the, Aot of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois entitled: "An Act Concerning Looal ImpDovements", approved June 14, 1897, and amendments thereto. SECTION 7. That the sum of TWO HUNDRJID FORTY DOLLARS (.240.00) of the amount of said assessment shall be applied toward the payment of the cost of making and oolleoting said assessment as is by law provided. S~CTION 8. That upon the passage and ap~roval of this ordianoe the President of said Village be and her is hereby directed to ~ile a petition in the County Court of Cook County, Illinois, in the name of the Village of Mount Prospeot, praying that steps may be taken to levy a speoial as~essment for said improvement in aocordanoe with the provisions of this ordinanoe and in the manner presoribed by law. SECTION 9. This ordiaance shall be in full force from and after its passage and approval. :Passed this 12th day of Maroh, A.D. 1926. ~~ ~, <';:',1 Approved this 12th day of Mar.oh, A.D. 1926. /1J~ ~, ~ o;L .L) ('4 < a esi ent. i "I " To': the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect, County of Cook and State of Illinois. Gentlemen: We hereby submit an ordinance for constructing and laying a conneoted system of water main extensions, inoludl~g valves, valve boxes, crosses, hydrants, hydrant connections, special oastings and fittings and all necessary appurtenances, to be constructed and laid in the Village of Mount Prospect as follows: A oast iron water supply pipe of ten (10) inches internal diameter shall be constructed and laid along a line parrallel with and twenty (20) feet west of the easterly street line of Emmerson Street from and properly connected with the existing ten (10) inch water main in Emmerson Street at the southerly street line of Lincoln Avenue to the south line of the north sixty (60) rods of the southwest one-quarter of Seotion Twelve (12), Township Forty-one (41) North, Range Eleven (11) East of the Third Frincinal Meridan. A suitable ten (lO)~inoh by six (6) inch cast iron oross shall be placed in said water supply pipe at a point twenty (2$) feet south of the northerly street line of Sha- bonee Trail. A suitable ten (10) inch valve shall be plaoed in said water supply pipe at the southerly street line of Linooln Avenue. Three (~) fire hydrants Shall be plaoed in Emmerson street along a line parallel with and eight (8) feet west of the easterly street line, one (1) at a point two hundred and seventy eight (278) feet south of the southerly atreet~line of Linooln Avenue, one (1) at a point five (5) feet north of the northerly street line of Sha-bonee Trail an~ one (1) at a point twelve (12) feet north of the south line of the north sixty (60) rods of the southwest one-quarter of Section Twelve (12), Town- ship Forty-one (41) North, Range Elev8.ft (11) East of the Thtrd Prinoipal Meridan; All in the Village of Mount Prospect, County of Cook and State of Illinois, and as described in detail in a resolu- tion adopted by this Board on the 2nd day of March, A.D. 1926; and together with said ordlnanee we also submit an estimate of the President of the Board of Looal Improvements of the cost of said proposed improvement, Includi~g all labor, material and other lawful expenses attending the same, together with a sum not exoeeding six percent(6() of the cost to be applied toward the cost of maing and oollecting the assessment therefor, and such other costs as is by law provided, and we hereby recommend the passage of said ordinance and the making of the improvement oontemplated therein. -Dated, Mount Prospeot, Illinos, this 12th day of Maroh, A.D. 1926. BOARD OF LOCAL IMPRO~TS To the Board of Looal Improvements of the Village of Mount Prospeot. and to the Fresident and Board of Trustees of said Village. Gentlemen: The Board of I~oal Improvements of said Village having adopted a resolution providing for the construotion and laying of a conneoted system of water main ex;enst~ons. inoluding valves, valve boxes,. crosses, fire hynrants, hydrant conneotions, speoial oastings and fittings and all neoessary appurtenanoes. to be oonstrnoted and laid as follows. to-wit: A oast iron water supply pipe of ten (10) inches internal diamter shall be oonstructen and laid along a line parallel with and twenty (20) ~eet west of the easterly street line of ~erson Street from and properly connected with the existing ten (10) inch watermain in Emerson Street at the southerly ltreet line of ~incoln Avenue to the south line of the north sixty (60) rods of the southwest one-ouater of Section Twelve (12). Township Ji'orty-one (41) North, Range ~leven (11) ~8St of the Third Prinoipal Meridian. A suitable ten (10) inoh by six (6) inch oast ir/on oross shall be plaoed in said water supply pipe at a point twenty (20) fe8t south of the northerly street line of Shabonee Trail. A suitable ten (10) inoh valve shall be placed in said water supply pipe at the southerly street line of Lincoln Avenue. Three (3) fire hydrants Shall be placed in ~erson Street along a line parallel with and eight (8) feet west of the easterly street line. one (1) at a point two hunnred and seventy eight (278) feet south of the southerly street line of Lincoln Avenue, one (1) at a point five (5) feet north of the northerly street line of Sha-bonee Trail and one (1) at a point twelve (12) feet north of the south line of North sixty (6.) rods of the southwest one-quarter of Sedtion Twelve (12), Town- ship 'orty-one (41) Worth, R~nge Eleven (11) East of the Third Principal Meridan; All in the Village of Mount Prospeot, County of Cook and State of Illinois, and having presented to said President and Board of Trustees a recommendation that suoh local improvement be made; I herewith submit an estimate of the cost of suoh looal improvement, inoluding all labor, material. engineering expense and other lawful expenses attending the same, and also including a sum not exceeding six per oent (6<) of the oost to be applied towerd the cost of making and oolleoting the assessment therefor, as is by law provided, viz: 10150 lineal feet of oa$t iron bell and spigot water supply pipe, of an internal diamter of ten (10) inohes, w6ighing sixty three and eight tenths (6~.8) pounds per lineal foot, including all necessary special oast- ings. filling joints with yarn and lead, excavat. ing and baokfilling, oomplete in plaoe ~ '3.25 per lineal foot- - - - - - - - -$3412.50 40 1inp.a1 feet of oast iron bell and spigot water supply pipe of an internal diameter of six (6) inches, weighing thirty thrp.e and three tenths (33.3) pounds per lineal foot, and including all ne.essary speoia1 castings, filling joint. with yarn and lead, excavating and backfilling, oompll'=!te in place ~ $1.90 per lineal foot- - - - - - - - - - 76.00 1 ten (10) inhh gate valve of best quality of cast iron, with stem and other working parte and mountings of best aua1ity of bronze, oomp1ete in place ~ 175.00 eaoh - - - - 75.00 1 cast iron valve box, cy1indirioa1 in shape, with internal diamter of four and one half inohes, weighing one hundred and twenty five (125) pounds, and so oonstruoted as to allow for an extension in length of from five (5) feet to six feet (measured from top of body of valve) oomp1ete in p1aoe, including cast iron cover, ft .5,00- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5.00 3 fire hydrants, cast iron, bronze mounted with five and one half foot stan~pipe, five inch valve opening, two (2) twd and one-half (2t) inch hose connections and one (1) four (4) inch steamer connection, all set in place 0 $110.00 each -b- - - - - - - 330.00 Engineering and inspection- TOTAL LABOR AND MATERIAI2 - - - - 201.50 -4100.00 Oost of making, levying and collecting the assessment and all lawful expenses attending the same, as provided by law, not to exceed six 6) per oent - - - - - TOTAl ~TIMAT~ COST Oli' SAID IMPROVIDrnNT 240.00 $4340.00 AND I H~~Y CERTIFY that in my opinion the above estimate does not exceed the probable cost of the above proposed improvement and all lawful expenses attending the same, as pro- vided be law. President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Mount Prospeot Illinois. Dated, Mount Prospect, IllinoiS, M~rch 12, 1926.