HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 79 07/06/1926 ,...."" ~, ',",,,", r--- - N~1~ Alf ORDINAllGB POR THE LEVYIlIG AND ASSESSMENT OF TAXJ$ FOR THE CURRENT FISOAL !BAR or !lIE YILLAGE Oll' MOUNT PROSPEOT, ILLDOIS, OOMMlDlCING Mal' 1, 1926 AID 1I&118'April 30,1921. WiBRXAS, The Presldent an4 Board ot Trustees ot the Tillage ot lount Prospect In the Gountlot Cook and the State ot Il11~~1., did on the 17th da1 ot June, ,J.~D. 1926, pa.s the usual appropriation ord1D.oee tor sald,vll1age tot! the tlaeal ,.ear beStJu11q oa1;1\. 1at da1 ot lIa7 1926 and endln.g on the 30th da1 ot April, 19J'1,# the ..ount ot which is a.08l'talned to the aggregate .'WI or Bfght7 !lIr.. lI111ldred :light,.-eight Dollars <.8388.00) which sald appropriation ,ordiJlanee was dul,. posted on the 18th da,. ot June4.D. 1926. BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees ot the Village ot )(OURt Prospect: . lotion 1. 'fhat there be and is hereb,. levied upon all the ,asabIe propert1 within the corporate limits of sald vll1age, tor the leal' ot 1926 the total sum ot Pltty six Kundred Bighty e1ght Dollars <.5688.00) tor the tollow1ng specit1c purposes -.nt1cmed 1n said appropriation ordinanoe and in the respective SUBlS'as to110ws, c Amount Appropriated POI' .tHet 11ghting 1300.00 'or .alarie. ot otticers and emplnee. 700.00 Por PlreBquipment 200.00 POI' Polloe Protectlon 450.00 Pol' lIea1th Pro,tection 100.00 POl' Blection,.lxpense130.00 1'01' Legal and Judlciar1 expense 100.00 Pop :rnold:ental hpe..es etc. 300.00 :ror ...lnt.....e "and pepairs ot stpeets 1200.00 POI' aalJ'l;t-.n., otpubllc grounds &bldg 100.00 11'01' 1'."".01 lb.s'balaent and interest on81'ec1.1A............. Ho. 1 and No.2 700.00 POI' Pr1noipa1"0Jl Water Wopks bond due .-~,~, 1:. 1927. POI' lnt.r~~,t.< AM We +'A'ft. Works bond due .~tll, 1927. POI' pa~~tQt 1."..rest on Well.. Or..k.___~g.A..e....n.... POI' Pr1..t;_1 _ Water Works Bond Bo. . For Intereat OD....ter WOl'ks Bond No. 2 P'ot- equipment aad too.ls TOTALS 1000.00 300.00 165.00 , 500.00 488.00 655.00 .8388.00 'I'otal &mOUllt levied :lst1.at.d &moatareeeivable trom sourees other than taxatiaa $8388.00 ~._._--_._.. .~.- --...----..-.----------"'-- Amount Levied 735.80 396.25 113~20 2M.70 56.60 '13.60 156.60 169.80 628.40 56.&0 396 ~2.5 1000.00 300.00 93.40 500.00 488.00 370'80 155B8 :00 5688.00 2700.00 16388.00 ,~ r- L_ ,,,....,, ~+i,"'# ,"'" /". Section 2. The Tillage Clerk is hereby direoted to rl1ewith the County Olerk c:L Oook- ~Ullt.,., Illinois ,on or before the third Tuesday in September, 1926, a copy or this ordinance duly eertiried by said clerk. . Section 3. This ordinance sha~l be in rull force and effect from and after its fassage and approval. . . Passed this 6th d ay of July A.D. 1926. Tillage Olerk. Approved this 6th day of July A.D. 1926. ~M~~ i lage President. ..-----_._-~..~~...,-,._-_.........-., .~