HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 81 07/06/1926
BE IT O,dDAIlUm by the President and Board of Trustees
of the Village of KO\l.D.t Prospect, Cou.nty of Cook and State of
SECTIOD 1. That &. local improvement shall be made
in the Village of Kount Pro.peat, CO\l.D.ty of Cook and St.teof
Il11.oi8. the nature, character, locality aJld descriptioll of
whieh improvement is as follows:
That a system of Titrified t11e house coaneotioB
sewers of six (6) inohes internal diameter and all neoessary
appu.rtenanoes, be oonstruoted and laid in said Village as
STl1EE! from LIICOLl STREET to the sOG. therl,
line of Prospect Park SubdiTisioll Bo~, 1,
being a su.bdi vision of the west half' of the
Borth sixty (60) r04s of the southwest qu.arter
of Seotie. Twelve (12), Township Forty-ea.
(41) North, Range Eleven (11) East of the
Third Principal Keridian;
hd ill P.i.WSPECT MANO.d AVENUE fro.
'rom and oonneoting with the pub1io ..wer8 in said
streets to lines distant from the oenter line of said streets
fifteen (15) feet; one of s\loh vitrified tile house oonneotion
sewers to be construoted opposite eaoh lot, block, traet or
parcel of land fronting upon said streets between said points
respeotiTely, whieh lots, blocks, traots or parcelS of land
are not now served by &ay house connection sewers and which
lots, blocks, tracts or parcels of land opposite to which the
house conneotion sewers are to be constructed, are described
as follows:
Lots One (1) to Twelve (12) both inclusive in Block
One (1); lots one (1) to two (2) and lots Four (4) to Fourteen
(14) both inclusive. and lots Sixteen (16) to Twenty-four (24)
both i5clusive in Block Two (2); lots One (1) to seveni.,n (17)
both inclusi Tat and 1pts :Nineteen (19) to Twenty-follr (e4)
both inclllsive, in Block Three (3); lots Twenty-five (25) to
Thirty (30) both inclllsive in Block FOllr (4); lots Sev~Jl (7)..
light (8). Nine (9), Ten tl0) and Twelve (12) in BloGk Five (5);
Iota One (1) to Twelve (12) both inc1llsive in Block Six (6);
lots One (1) to Ten (10) both inclusive aad lot Twelve (12)
1n Blook ~even (7); lots One (1) to Six (6) both inGlllSive
1. Bloak Eight (8); all in Prospeot Park subdiv~sion No.1.
beiag a su.bdivision of the west half of the north sixty (60)
rods of the sOllthwest quarter of Section Twelve (12), Township
'orty-one (41) North. Range Eleven (11) east of the Third Prin-
oipal Meridian;
Also lots Twelve (12) to Twenty-two (22) both in-
olllsi ve in Blook Two (2); lots One .(1) to Eleven (11) both
inolllsive in Bloak Three (3); lots One (I) to Eleven (11) both
inclusive in Block Six (6); Lots Twelve (12) to Twenty-two
(22) both inclusive in Block Seven (7); lots Twelve (12) to
Twenty-two (22) both inclusive in Block Ten (10); lots One (1)
to Eleven (11) both inclusive in Blook Eleven (11); Lots One
(1) to Eleven (11) both inclusive in Block Fourtee~ (14);
lots Twelve (12) to Twenty-two (22) both inclusive in Block
Pifteen (15); Lots Twelve (12) to Twenty-two (22) both inclu-
sive in Block Eighteen (18); Lots One (1) to >>ive (5) and
lots Seven (7) to Eleven (II) inclusive in Block Nineteen (19);
all in Prospect Manor Subdivision, being a subdivision of part
of the south three-quartera of the west half of the west half
of Section Thirty-four (34), Township Forty-two (42) North.
Iange Eleven (11) East of the Third Principal Meridjaa.
In addition to the house connection sewers herein-
before speoified there shall be constructed an additional
house oonneotion sewer opposite Lot Thirty (30) UBlook 'our
C,) of said Prospeot Park SubdiTision No.1, so that said
. tot Thirty (30) will be served by two (8) aouee oonneotion
. I .
se.ers spaced fifty (50) fe,et apart.
The t~).pipe used $hall be straight, s.()otl:l:,a~.d~oQ.Jld,
th":l'oughJJ 'urned aad vitrified. salt glaze a , tree f:t.. ,~1UlP8
or other 1mperfeotions and shall give a 0 leal" ringiAI ..'o:u.4
wheB. struok lightly with a namaer, and wi ththe least possible
Tariation from the speoified dimeIlsions or true oyl1.ndrioal
shape. All pipe must be straight in the direotion of the
axis of the oylinder and the inner &Jld ou.tersurfaoes of eaoh
pipe must be concentric. The standard thiokness of theeix
(6) inoh pipe shall be five-eighths (6/S) of an in.ch, "iih
a limit of variation BOt exoeeding.one-eighth (l/S) of u
inoh either way. all to be made with the ends lying in a
plane surfaoe normal to and at right angles with the axle
of the pipe.
Pipes having fire-checks of any kind extending through
the pipe and longer than the d.epth of the socket shall not
be us'ed. No pipe shall be used which has a piece spllllecl.
from the end longer than the socket. Pipes with shetter
spalls m.ay be used iftbe spall.d portion 18 plac.. :..l>per~
most. All pipe mu.st be of uniform thicknesS. The carve,.a.d
"yn connections mu.st cOJlform to all of the foregolq,~.qulre-
ments as to quality, for. and workmanship.
laaa pipe shall be laid true to grade with a o.niform
rise of one-fourth (t) inah per root from the sewer toward
the lot line and tro.e to grade on an even firm bed, and so
that it will not bear on the sockets. The socket end of the
pipe shall be laid up grade. The face of the spigot shall
be brought into oontact with the shoulder of the socket. The
spigot end shall be supported with suffioient mortar of oakaa
tee align the inside bottoms of the two pipes. The joints ml1st
be oompletely olosed with mortar, and eaoh joint must be thor-
oligh11 wiped out before 1a.ying another length otpipe.i A OJle-
eighth (1/8) elbow pipe shall be used for the first length
adjaoent to the "Y". Where the main sewer is a.t such a depth
that :tIerminal of house cOlll'lecti on sewer will be more than
eight (8) feet below grade of street, riser pipes shall be
used with necessary elbows so that terminus will no~ be more
.than eight (8) feet below the grade of the street. Connections
with said existing public sewers shall be made through existing
"Y" branches or !TT" branches.
The mortar used shall be composed of one (1) part
of Portland cement and two (2) parts of fine aggregate.
The terminal end of each house connection sewer
shall be closed with a vitrified tile round diel one (1) inch
ia thiokness and of the width of the exterior diameter of the
pipe to be olosed. The stoppers shall be set 1a the bells
of the ter.inal pipes and shall be sealed into place with
mortar of the kiJrl and qualit1 hereinbefore specified for
joints in tile pipe.
All fille aggregate or sand herein provided to be
used shall cORsiet of quartz particles or other equally hard
materials graded from fine,.. coarse with the coarse particles
predominating; said fine aggregate when dried shall pass a
screen having four (4) meshes per lineal inch. Not more than
twenty-fi ve percent (25~q shall pass a sieve having fifty
(50) meshes per lineal inch, and not more than five percent
(5%) shall pass a sieve having one hundred (100) meshes per
lineal inch. Said fine aggregate shall contain no vegatable
or other deleterious matter or more than three percent (3%)
by weight of clay or loam.
The cement used in the construction of this im-
pr ovement sha] 1 be of the best quality of Portland cemeJit.;
resulting from the tlle111atioJl to incipient fusion of an
intimate mixture of properly proportioned agillaceouB u,d
calcareous material. aAd to which no additions greater t~
three peraent (3%) have been made subsequent to oalcinat1'on.
Th.e resultant clinker shall be so ground as to produce a
cement so fine that at least seventy-eight peroeat'7S%)jf
the volume will pa~s thr.llIh a sieve having forty thOl1S&Il"
(40,000) meshes to the square inch and be so seasoned a8 to
produce an initial set in not lese than forty-five (46) ai.Jlutes.
The trenches for said house oonneotion sewers shall
be excavated in eaoh direotion as required and to the dept.
neoessary to seoure the proper grades. The trenches must be
wide enough to allow the oonstruction of the sewer in the manner
and of the size specified. If the sides of the trenoh w1l1
not maintain their Textical position, they shall be she.~ed,
shored and braced strongly.
All earth removed in exoavating for said house
connection sewers shall be returned to the trenches from which
it was taken and shall be replaced in layers not exoeeding
four (4) inches in depth. Each layer shall be thorcughly
compaoted by ramming and the earth shall be moistened sufficient y
to permit the return of all the earth to the trenches by ramming
as above specified. When completed the surface of the back-
filling in the trenches shall not be higher than the general
surface of the ground on either side of same, and the roadways
of all streets shall be left in as good condition for travel
as they were before the .oarunencement of the work. All riser
pipes shall be carefully tamped into place and braced where
'he entire improvement ehal1 be construoted ia a
complete am workmaalike lIlanner and in aa~ordanoe wi:th the
proviaio:ns of this ordinance.
SIO~ION 2. That the reoommendation of the !oard of
Looa1 lmprovements of said Village of MountProspec't. proTidi>>g
for said improvement, together with the estimate of the oost
thereof as made by the President of said Board, and sUDmitted
to the Board of Trustees, both hereto attached, be and the same
are hereby approved.
SECTION 3. That said improvement shall be made and
I.prov.ments hereto attaohed to apply OR. the lost of making,
levyimc and colleoti~ the assessment herei_, as provided by
la., be paid for by special assessment in accordance with an
Act of the General Assembly of the state of Illinois, entitled,
"An Aat Conoerning Local Improvements". approved June 1.,1897,
and in foroe July 1, 1897, and the amendments thereto; and
that the saidsUIn of ho Hundred and Seventy-fift Dollars <$275.)
shall be applied toward the cost of making and collecting such
aSLe8bent as is provided by .1e.w.
SECTION 4:. That the aggregate amount herei..
orderea. to be assessed and also the assessment op. each lot
and parcel of land ....U;~ as.sessment t1l2,t may,be made for
..... ~'
public benefit, shall be divided into :N.~'e r5-)) annual in-
stallments in the manner provided by the statute insl1eh case
made and provided. and each of said installments shall bear
interest at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum according
to law nntil paid.
SECTION 5. And for the pnrpose of anticipating the
colleotion of the secolld>,nd snbseqnent installments of,said
assessments for said improvement, bonds shall be ls811'11t.)~
"">,,,,"'''.1'', ,.
payable out of the said. installments bearing inter.st'ij~M
" .<;;1:(j',~~~:;S;"(i:.
rate of six percent {'6%) per annnm payable annually ,st..it):"
. ':,'::'~r-;:;:fi~/' oj"
by the President of the Board of Trnstees and cOlUlterlllned
by the Treasurer of said Village and attested by the' ~~.lage
Clerk of said Village and over the corporate seal of the said
Village of Mount Prospect. Said bonds shall be issll.ed in
accordance with 8Jld shall in all respects conform t'othe pro-
Tisions of the act of the Gell81al Asoembly entitled,. "An Act
Concerning Local Improvements" t approved June 14 ,A. D. 1897,
and in force July 1, A. D. 1897, and the amen....'. thereto.
SECTION 6. That npon the passage and approval of
this ordinance the President of said Village b. and he is
hereby direoted to file a petition in the County Court of Cook
County, Illinois, in the name of the Village of Mount prospect.
praying that steps may be taken to levy a special assessment
for said improvements in accordance with the provisions of
this ordinance and in the manner provided by lall.
SECTION 7. This ordinance s hall be in full forve
and effect from and after its passage and approval and shall
be known as Ordinance No. ~.
Passed this
6ht day of July~ A. D. L926.
Approved this 6th day of July. A. D. 1~26.
,#1 k...
To the President and Board of Trustees,
of the Village of Mount Prospect, County
of Cook and State of IlliJl..t.~
, r
We herewith Su._itaAordi.a>>e. for .o...tt"..~~..
.' .ri'C
> ,.:.~
:"'4 l.,.ug a system (j)f Titrified tile hOlle. ......1......r.
. , '/.' :,' ...~i';
" ,.f s,1x(6) inches internal diameter. .... allll:el"("~_!, ;';
.\......8S, to be constru.oted aad laid .pposit.all 1~
'*,ra.,s or pa.r eels of 1ud fronting on the h.re1Qnf
..teeta. betweell the hereinafter named poiats, t.-.~,
In JUll STREE!f, WILLE STROT au. J?J.':,
STHEET fro. LIICOLl STHER! to the BO 1l1fa,rl",
line of Prospect Park SubdiTisioa No.1,
i.iag a subdi TisioJl of the west half of t.,:
aorta sixty (60) rods of the southwest qa"~,
ter of Seotioa fwelTe (12), TOWBShip 'ort.~ :
oae ('1) lorth, Raag. EleTen (11) East of'
the Third Principal Meridiaa;
All in the Village of Mount Prospect,
'... State of Illinois;
I , . ~. "".',' ~
Together with u estimate of the Presideat of;~
l.-rd of Local Improvements, of the cost of sald lmpro~..at,
;~~. ?~:';':
laal uting all labor, material u.d other lawful exp...~.~~t..d-
. ........ .~, "',
i. the same and includillg a swn not exceeding slx P~"~i"
{6~) .f Buoh cost to be applied toward the cost of .,~:~i
'aDd oolleoting the assessment therefor, as is by law p"~ded;
':, ";,e,:,.\'-,
&ad r,oommend the passage of said ordinance and the aak1,. of
the improvement inoluded therein.
])....d, )lout Pro.peet ,Illinois, this 6tl1,~,d.,. of
July I A. n. ."1926.
L.... '.' .,a
,tl4f~~:" '.:f~~!~
Board of Looal Iaprovements.
To the Board of Local Improvemeats of the
Tillage of Monnt Prospeot, &ad to the Presideat
aB4 Board Qf Trustees of said Village.
The Board of Local Improvemeats of st;ld Village
haTiag presented to the President and Board of Tr.etees of
said Village, a reoommendation that the following looal 1....
ptoTement to be paid for by speoial assessmen, ,be aade'.
to..."it :
COllstruoting and laying Titrifi.ct tile hoase .0....-
ttoaaewer. of six (6) inches internal diameter, arut.alliee-
" <
eS8alJ7 app\U"t81lU10eS, to be oonstruoted aIld laid ..s follo_s:
"~ LINCOIJI STREET to the southerly line of l?ro8pe.et ru:~llli-
,,: ~"'" .,',
4iT1siO.'O. 1, beiq a su.bdivisioll of the w8sthalt' of the
aorta sixty (60) r04s of the sou.thwest quarter of\&..~J..
t~?,j~:;!~A~;~ ;
TW81.V8(12), Tewnsllip Forty-one ~4l) North, RUge 11...~a (11)
Bastef the !hird Prinoipal Meridiu.;
, ,"
to RilEY STBEE!;
All la the Village of 140nnt Prospeot, COWlty of Cook
aDd st..te ot Ill~.oi8i
Opposite all separately owned or subdivided lot.,
blo~ks, traots or pareels of land fronting u.pon said streets
betwe.. said pointa respectively;
I herewith su.bmit an estimate of the cost of su.oh
improvement inoluding all labor, materials aad other lawful
eXl..ses attending the same and inclu.ding also a sum not
exceeding six percent (67~) of the estimated cost thereof, to
be applied toward the payment of the cost of making and colleot-
ing the assessment therefor, as is by law provided, viz;
3540 lineal feet of vitrified tile sewer pipe
of six (6) i.ehes internal diameter, for
hou,se cOWleotio. .ewer8, inc1u.diag filling
ot Joints with Portland cement mortar,
eomposed ot oa_ partPortlaad eement aDd
two parts ot f1a..lsregate, exeafttioa
averase ellt eieat (8) teet, &Ild 11101adiJl,8
p1a.i>>l and t.p1q ot backfill, 0 OIlplete
1. place inela41na all necessar1 vitrified
ti1. stoppers and all labor and materials,
at $1.25 per lineal foot, - - - - - - - . "25.00
Inli.eering and inspection
Total labor and materials - -
- - . '645.00
Six pereeAt (6%) of the esti'"'lated cost
of the work to'be applied towards the
payment of the lawful expenses as pro-
vided by Section 94 of the Local Im-
provement Act of the State of Illinois,
Total estimated cost of said improvement- ~ t 4910.00
And I hereby certify that in my opinion the above
estimate does not exceed the probable cost of the proposed
improvement and all lawful expenses attending the same. as
provided by law.
hI~~ ~'n
President of the 01.1'0 Local
Improvements of the Villas e of
Mount Prospeot, Il1inoi8.
Dated, Mouat Prospeot, Illinois, JUly 6th, 1926.