HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 85 07/27/1926
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;\IT ()RTIF 1::~~c:rJL[',Tr'3. TEE n~> TIm! nT' iT\PICJT."','sni\
:s IIR .~~ ~S 'J" E~ A -;:;J- T J-I C) 1:':'C)1.T ...~ T: }~ ~3 ~, 1""1~:'-' ~7~:-'~ {'~ ~ ~'t (' F j?11 (, L J..
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+he President rnd 30ard of Trustecs of
tr-Ie ViII
of :,:ount P:eoF[lect, Cnuntv of (J001c ('me} St:)+,,:: n""
IIU nois:
SECTION 1. That ror the nur0088 nf nronl0tinc ~ublic
safety, the President ~n~ Pn~r~ nf Trustees 0f the Village of
Kount Prosnect, County of Conk ~nd Stpte or Tllino1s, ~ey from
time to tirtle Y)la(~p. 01' naUf1F' to be '()l~ned at such intel'sections
01 streets pne' tl:.OTnuc'h:f8Tes 88 4.1., their rlpscretinn the i.nterests
01' nllblin saf'etv li1aV T'er~ui:rp, sLtns C'omrnoYll.v l.('nnwn !'>p "St.nn"
siQ.'ns, 0'Y.' 1..1Rhts putl"'\n1ptinallv or !"\therwisp I"ynprr"ted, f01' the
nUTDose of rpQu1atinQ Rn{ nontrn11in7 thp treffin ~t Ruch street
and thorol:whfa1'e inten:;8cti..0ns; 8nd no ncrson 8118.11 ctrive R.ny
motor or other vehicle oh to or 8cr088 tbe intersections of
C'ny p,treet, :-..;ve.nU8 0r'it,hel' tnoI'0uu'hfHTS '1t whicll sud: 118to~..}1
signs shall heretofore have been nlaced or at ~hich such Ri~ns
may hereafter be nlacee, without brinvinc 8uch vehicle to a
:t'ul1 staT) immediatel y lJe:f:'ore the Si08Wr-I,l k line 8Inn;:' such
c....reet '"'1' t.~o"ou"n""""re on +1-18. C..,l" n.s T,'.Q' preof "1"1'0'(.' '....>1). c..........' SUC'D'
"l..'; >, ,:~.~. ~i: .l.o.'., ~ v. -.. - ~.. ,.. .
veh1c]p iR 0~~1'O~C~1'~ry nr
J.__ ~r_; _IV <-.~.,- _..G .LJ.. ...J,.'.,
pt such ~oint aq may be mnrked for
tl1at nuroose upon such street; anc~ no nSTf'.on 811a11. (i'dve 2.ny
motor nT nther veDicle Dl1 to or across pny st:r'eet, ~;;enue or
oti::e1' thornu;-hfcne 11t which Bucll si;:m?l li7hts :i1ay hC1ve been
neretofore or ~hal1 hereafter be insta~led vhile puch Ri~npl
.Lv:nt nBsts p :r.'f'C' J i.:-:-ht in tile r'JirectiDn from l':l1ich such
vel'li a1 e i 8 pnnrnc!(:llin"',
8110,1.1.. !JT iI1,~~.~
81..J.cil ve
-; ,,1 '"
..... '-',..L,. ,,",'
ston bLledi..8t.elv befnre the sidf"vip1k 1.ine ~~lomt such street or
thorouFhfrxe. I"'\n the sioP thercnf from TIhich such vehinle is
. . t' ~ . .- t "'~,
ppnropcn.ln~', 1"'\1' a , f.UC!.l n'..ll.!, ,,...:
May bA ~~r~e~ f0~
th2t ~ur'()ose
uuori' Q\l" h 8 tr (> et, r
s'llr,ll n:.it until such si=,'!1r,l li.c'-l:t hf'l8
Chani2:ed to PT8Fm ('Ill the sid e f:rom wb ich. such ve1-:.icle is ~n""'I'OCtch-
ing, befiJ1'e ent e1' infz: llDiJn or erc 88 in0' _ 1')1' before attelcmtinP-' to
enter UDon 01' to cross ~uch Rtreet 4ntersection at which SUCh
si,:;ma,l 1 ight s mav II rwe '08pn :LnstC:l11 ed .
SECTION 2. Any ~erRon, firm or co1'oora~ion violating
any ()f the Drovisinns
of tni s
()!'r'1.'n.-:onc"'. C>-1')~11
'.' . '-oJ "'(.'. J '"... ~.l ...\....._ ,
UDon being
found ~ui]ty of such vioJ,ation, be fined 8 sum not less than
ONE DOT,LAFi. (;,,;1.00) nor }'10T8 tjHJn T".':j;!;'I'Y FIVE: DOLLARS (,;;25.00)
for each Rnd everv offense.
Sb-::CTION 3. All n1'01n:'11ces or nart2- of ordi:1:::nceF Cnn-
Ilictin~ with this 0 inanc8. or any of its ~rovision8, are
rereby rep,=,e,led.
SECTION 4. This nrdinal1ce shell be in full force and
8rfect from nnd a.fter its -"Jas83.n:e, ()T)T)l'ovC';l end 1)ostin~)-, e.8
recuirec't by
l~.w 8'~O' 0:,-:.'1
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es Cl'd1nEnCe
P8,F;s8cl tl1.is 5)7tl.t !'::3:/ ()f ~..Tuly, A.D.1926.
". ....... ....''--- --vTjT~;"f-e- Oler'k.-
An"oraveCl this 27tl'l ('\AY of .July, A."-'.182S.
posted~__~ LJ.<'