HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 86 08/03/1926
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~ IT ORDAINED, by the President and Boa'1'd ot Trustees ot the
Tillage ot Mount Prospect, Illinois.
...tion 1. An.,. person who s~llguard or protect "'7 building
'1'8Il1...,# per_on, or propert., within the Tillage ot lIollBt ~8pe8t
1- h,reb., detined as a IIpeeial Policeman; provided that thi8 ~ll
.ot "pl., to regularl.,. appalnted Poliee Otficers ot the Till"" 01'
to an.,. aneritf or Deputy Sheriff of Oook Oount.,._ It shall be ualaw-
hl to tollow the business ot Special Polieemu., 8.8 herein defined,
withou\ being tirst appointed and licensed as herein provided.
a.etien 2. On the Applioation ot any person, persona, or eor-
po~tiaa, shawing the neeessit7 therefore to appoint any ~umber of
.,pecial Polioe.e. to do .peeial Poliee dut7, the Oh1et ot Police
anall thereupon investigate the candidate. tor otfice ot Ipeoial
polioemen and shall report his recommendation to the President and
the ..ard of Trustees of ~h& Vill~~. It the President ot the Board
ot !rustees deemsitadvi'sable, he may appoint said candidate as
said Polioeman, with the adviee,and consent ot the Board ot Trustees,
..dsa14 appointee shall then give bond to the Tillage in the sum
01.'100.00 Dollars to be approved b.,. the Board ot Trustees, par-
able to the Tillage and condition tor the faithful pertor.manee ot
the duties ot the ottioe as Special Police Otfioer tor the pay-
...t,ot all moneys received by suoh otficer aocording to law.
leotion 3. Said Special Polioeman atterdeliver~/J:.L1s bond
to the Ilerk ot the,.Tillage, as provided f'or ~ the prece1Hng se....
~oa, shall be immediately sworn in br the President of' the Board
"t trustees or Olerk of the Tillage. No person shall be appointed
a_ 'peeial PQ~iceman unless he is a citizen of the United Itat.s
and a r..ident C}f this Oounty tOI' a period ot more than one yea"..
botion 4. BveI'Y person appoin1ied a Special Poli"'shall
. .~ve i.sued to him by the Chief of Police a Oertitioate .....,p A,poiJit-
ijt.'~.i.......,.......t..... ex,1ring one year fI'om the date of' its issuance, aad......in ad. ditlo..
"i'. ~,."..to. a star 01' emblem of' oftice with the words ".pe01al Poliee
'.. ......, eel' , Village ot Mount Prospect. , '
~<..." ,-~
".1ilon 5. Bach person appointed Special PolicemAUl shall
~po.it ~e sum or Two DollaI's ($2.00) with the Ohief' of Polioe,
aad ,hall receive theI'etor a suitable emblem or badge ot otfice,
the .... to be selected by the Ohiet ot Police, provided tbatwhere
an7 lPe.ial Policeman pI'ovided his own emblem 01' badge suitable
to the Ob.1ef' ot POlice, while on duty, shall wear said badge upon
the ollt.ide ot hi. O\1teI' cca t. Upon the returD. ot an.,. badge to the
abief' ot Po110e, be shall cause the Two Dollars ($2.00),deposit to
be retUJlded.
. ,~
Section 6. Persona appointed Special Policeman shall possess
all powers ot regular Police OfticeI's at the times and places tOI'
which they are respectively appointed only.
Section 7. Spec~al Policeman may be removed, ordisoharged,
trom service by and at the discretion of the Ohief of Police at any
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time, and any person so removed so discharged shall1mmediatelT
return to the ahiet"of Police his Certificate of Appointment and
badge issued to ~.
Iection8. lothing herein contained shall be construed to
give Special Police Otticers the right to carry oonoealed-weapons
except.when they are assigned or called tor duty by the Oh1et ot
bction 9. by person not appointed and licensed as a
I)ecial Policeman in acoordanee with the terms ot this O1'dinance,
who shall talselT assume or pretend to be a Special Policeman,
or wear Or dIaplat anT badge, purporting to designate -him as
I,eoial POliceman, shall be tIned not less than Ten ('10.00)
ltollars. and not more than !wo Jlundred ('200.00) Dollars tor each
ott..se; and anT person violatiag any ot the other provisions of
this ordinance shall be tined not less than Pive ('5.00) >>ollars
Bor more than One Jlundred ('100.00) Dollars tor each otfenae.
lection.10. All ordinancea or parts ot ordinances in conflict
.herewith, are hereby repealed.
Section 11. This ordinanee shall be in torce and etfect trom
and atter its passage and due pUblication.
4t'. ~
T ~ge President.
PASSIm: Au.p:. 3. 1926.
APPROVED:~Al1P: 3. 1926.
PUBLISBED:Aug 7. 1926.
Tillage Clerk.