HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 131C 02/05/1929
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BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees
of the Village of Mount Prospect, Oounty of Oook and State of
SECTION 1. That a local improvement shall be made in
the Village of Mount Prospect, County of Cook and State of Illi-
nois, the nature, character, locality and description of which
improvement is as follows:
That a system of vitrified tile house connection sewers
of six (6) inches internal diameter and all necessary appurten-
ances, shall be constructed and laid in Emerson Street between
Shabonee Trail end Lincoln Avenue, from and properlY' connected
with an existing sewer in Emerson Street to points fifteen (15)
feet (measured at rignt angles) from the centerline of Emerson
Street and one ol)posi te to and extending toward each of the
following lot s, blocks, tra.cts or pa.rcels of lemd:
Lots One (1) to Eleven (11) both inclusive
in Block One (1) of Prospect Highlands, being a
subdivision of the westerly Three Hundred Seventy-
nine and four-tenths (379.4) feet of the East one-
half' (E 1/2) of the North Sixty (60) rods of the
Southwest One-half (SW 1/2) of Section Twelve (12),
Township Forty-one (41) North, Range Eleven (11)
East of the Tnird principal Meridian, except
the Nortn Tnirty-tnree (33) feet thereof, dedicated
for Public Road;
Lots One (1) to Eleven (11) both inclusive
in Block Two (2) of Prospect Highlands, etc.
The tile pipe used shall be straight, smooth and souild,
thoroughly bu:rned and vitrified, salt glazed, free from lumps
or other imperfections, and shall give a clear ringing sound
when struck lightly with a ha.mmer, and with the least possible
varia.tion from the specified dimensims or true cylindrical
shape. All pipe must be stra.ight in the direction of the axis
of the cylinder, and the inner and outer surfa.ces of e?ch pipe
must be concentric. The standerd tnickness of the six (6) inch
pipe shall be five-eighths (5/B) of' an inch; and of eight (B)
inch pipe three-fourths (~';4) of an inch, witn a. limit of va~'ia-
tion not exceeding one-eighth (l/B) of an inch either way, all
to be made 1,~;i th the ends lying 1.n a-ila.i.18 surf ,:we: :::11)]['))11'.;.1 to and
at right angles with the axis of the pipe.
Pipes having fire-checks of any kind extending through
the pipe and. longer than the depth of the socket shall not be
used. No pipe sh2~11 be used w ich hps a piece spalled from the
end longer than the socket. Pipes with shorter spoIls me.y be
used if the spalled portion is placed uppermost. All pipe must
be of uniform thickness. The curve ;:md "y" connections must
conform to all of the foregoing requirements as to quality, form
[tl1d wo:rkmanship. The pipe ShB.l1 be subject to inspection by
the SOclrd of Local I!:lprovements of the municipality in which sa.id
imp:rovement is to be constructed, for approval or rejection.
Only the best quality No.1 grade tl1.e socket pipe shall be used.
EfWh pipe shall be laid true to grade with a minimum
uniform rise of one-fourth (1/4) inch ?er foot fros the sewer
toward the lot line. EactJ. pipe shall be leid true to grade on
a.n even firm bed, ()nd so that it will not bear on the sockets.
The socket end of the pipe Ghall be J.a,id up gra.de. The f ace of
the spigot shall be brought into contact with the shoulder of
the socket. The spigot end. Shall be supported with sufficient
mortar and oakum to align the inside bottoms of the two pipes.
The joints shall then be co::np1etely closed with Dortar, ;:md ea.ch
joint must be tharroughly wiped out before l~ying anotner length
of pipe.
A one-eighth (1/8) elbow pipe shall be used for the first
length adjacent to the "yll.
Where the elevation of the lateral sewer permits, the
house connection sewer shall be laid such that its terminal
shall be not less than eight (8) feet below the grade of the
street in residential districts end not less than ten (10) feet
for business streets.
The mortar used i~1 the joints of the tile pipe shall be
composed of one (1) part of Portland cement and two (2) parts
of fine aggregate.
The terminal end Of each house connection sewer shall be
closed with a vitrified tile round disc one (1) inch in thick-
ness and of the width of the exterior diameter of the pipe to
be closed. The stoppers shall be set in the bells of the
terminal pipes and shall be sealed into place with mortar of
the kind and quality hereinbefore specified for joints in tile
Where a lot abuts on two of said streets ;)nly one house
connection sewer shall be built opposite said lot and shall be
placed opposite the short dimension of SBid lot. Connections
with said existing public sewers sha~_be made through existing
lIy" branches or "Tit branches.
All fine aggregate or sand here in provided to be used
shall consist of quartz part ic1es or other equally hard meteria1s
graded from fi ne to coarse with the coarse particles predominat-
lng. Said fine ci.ggrega,te when dr ied shall pass a screen having
four (4) meshes per lineal inch. Not more than twenty-five (25)
per cent shall pass a sieve having fifty (50) meshes per lineal
inch, and not more than five (5) per cent shall pass a sieve
having one hundred (100) meshes per lineal inch. Said fine aggre-
gate shall contain no vegetable or other deleterious matter or
more than three (3) per cent by weight of clay or loam.
The cement used in the construction of this improvement
shall be of the best quality of Portland cement resulting
from the calcination to incipient fusion of an intima.te mixture
of properly proportioned argillaceous and calcareous materials
a.nd to wnich no a.dditions greater than three (3) per cent has
been made subsequent to calcination. The resultant clinker
shall be so ground as to produce a cement so fine that at least
seventy-eight (78) per cent of the volume will pass thru a
sieve having 40,000 meshes to the square inch and be so seasoned
as t09roduce an initial set in not less than forty-five (45)
The trenches for sewer shall be excavated in each direc-
tion as required and to the depth necessary to secure the proper
grades. The trenches must be wide enough to allow the construc-
tion of the sewer in the manner and of the size specified. If
the sides of the trench will not maintain their vertical position
they shall be sheeted, shored and braced strongly. Sheeting 8.nd
bracing, if used, shall be re;noved as tne 11!,rork progresses in
such manner 8S to prevent ceving in of the sides of the excava-
tion or any damage to the pipe. The material excavated shall
be placed on the side of the trenches beyond the reach of slides,
and after said sewer hes been constructed or laid, said trenches
shall be completely filled and leveled off so as to leave the
roadway in as good condition for travel as it VJas before the
commencement of the building of said sewer.
All earth removed in excavating for said house connec-
tion sewers shall be returned to the trenches from which it was
tc"ken and shall be replaced in layers not exceeding four (4)
inches in depth. Each layer shall be thoroughly compacted by
raraming as above specified.
When completed, the surface of the backfilling in the
trenches shall not be higher than the general surface of the
ground on either side of same, a,nd the roadways of all streets
shall be left in as good condition for travel as they were before
the commenc emen t of the wo rk.
Said improvement shall be made in a workmanlike manner
under the superintendence of and subject to the inspection of
the Board of Local Improvements.
SECTION 2.. That the recommendation of the Board of
Local Improvements of said Village of Mount Prospect, providing
for said improvement, to@ether with the estimate of the cost
thereof, as made by the President of said Board, 2nd submitted
to the Board of Trustees, both hereto 8,ttached, be and the same
are hereby approved.
SECTION 3. That said improvement shall be made and the
whole cost thereof, including the sum of Twenty-five and 45/100
($25.45) Dollars, being the amount included in the said estimate
of said President of tne Bocud of Local Improvements hereto
attached to apply as the cost of making, levying end collecting
t~e assessment herein, as provided by law, be paid for by special
assessment in accordance with an Act of the General Assembly of
the State of Illinois, ent i tIed: "An Act Concerning Local Im-
provements", approved June 14, 1897, and in force July 1, 1897,
and the amendments thereto; and that the sa,id sum of Twenty-five
and 45/100 ($25.45) Dollars shall be applied toward the cost of
making and collecting such assessment as is provided by law.
SECTION 4. That the aggregate amount herein ordered to
be assessed and also the assessment on each lot and parcel of
land and any assessment that may be made for nublic benefit,
shall be divided into five (5) annual installments in the manner
provided by the statute in such case made Gnd provided, and each
of said installments shall bear interest at the rate of six oer
cent (6%) per annum, according to law until paid.
SECTION 5. And for the purpose of anticipating the
collecting of the second and subsequent installments of said
assessments for said improvement, bonds shall be issued, payable
out of the said installments bearing interest at the rate of
six per cent (6%) per a,nnum payable annually, signed by the
President of the Board of Trustees and countersigned by the
Treasurer of said Village and attested by the Villa,ge Clerk of
said Village and over the corporate seal of the said Village of
Mount Prospect. Said bonds shall be issued in accordance with
and shall in all respects conform to the provisions of the Act
of the General Assembly entitled, "An Act Concerning Local Im-
provements", approved June 14, 1897 and in force July 1, 1897
and the amendments thereto.
SECTION 6. That upon the passage and approval of this
ordina.nce the President of said Village be and he is hereby
directed to file a petition in the County Court of Cook County,
Illinois, in the name of the Village of Mount Prospect, praying
that steps may be taken to levy a special assessment for said
improvements in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance
and in the manner Drovided by law.
SECTION 7.. ThiS ordinance sha.ll be in full force and
effect from a.nd after its passage and approval and Shall be
known as Ordinance No.__
Pass ed tnis 5th day of February, A. D. 1'329.
Village Clerk.
Approved t his 5th day of February, A. D. 1929.
To the President and Bdard of Trustees
of the Village of Mount Prospect, County
of Cook and State of Illinois.
We herewith submit an ordinance for the constructing
and laying of a system of house connection sewers, and all nec-
essary appurtenances, to be constructed and laid opposite all
lots, blocks, tracts or parcels of land, more particularly
described in said ordinance, fronting on portions of the herein-
after named street" which lots, blocks, tracts or parcels of
land are not now s;;Tved by house connection sewers , to-wit:
EMERSON STREET between Shabonee Trail and
Lincoln Avenue;
All in the Village of Mount Prospect, County of Cook
and State of Illinois;
Together with an estimate of the cost of said proposed
improvement, including all labor, material and other lawful
expenses attending the same, including a sum not exceeding six
per cent (6%) of the cost to be applied tow8~d the cost of mak-
ing end collect ing the assessment therefor, and such other costs
as is by law provided, and we hereby recommend the passage of
said 0 rdinance and the making of t...'1 e improvement con templat ed
Dated, Mount Prospect, Illinois, this 5th day of February,
A.D. 1929.
I ,I J .
vC (.( . I 1 j ~y.J~// /
j72tf~ ·
To the Board of Local Improvements
of the Village of Mount Prospect and
To the President and Board of Trustees
of said Village.
Gent lemen:
The Board of Local Improvements of sa.id Village ha.ving
present ed to the President and Board of Trustees of S2 id Vil-
lage, a recommendation tha.t the following loca.l improvement,
to be paid for by specie.l assessment, be made, to-wit:
Oonstructing and laying a vitrified tile house connec-
tion sewer, of six (6) inches internal diameter and all neces-
sary appurtenances, to be constructed and laid as follows:
In EMERSON STREET between Shabonee Tra.il and
Lincoln Avenue;
All in the Village of Mount Prospect, County of Oook
and State of Illinois; opposite the lots, blocks or parcels of
land fronting on said streets and more specifically described
in the draft of an ordinance accompanying said recommendation,
and which lots, blooks, tracts or parcels of land are not neNY'
served by house connection sewers;
I herewith submit an estimate of the cost of such
improvement, including ,-ll.l labor and materials and other lawful
expenses attending the same, and inoluding also a sum not to
exceed six percent (6%) of the estimated cost thereof to be
applied toward the payment of the cost of making and collecting
the assessment therefor, and suoh other lawful expenses as is
by law provided, viz:
lia:D.eal feet of vitrified tile sewer pipe
of six (6) inches internal diameter, for
house connection sewers, including filling
of joints with Portland cerrent mortar, com-
posed of one pa.rt Portland cement and two
parts of fine aggrega.te, excava.tion average
cut eight (8) feet, and including ple.cing
and tamping of backfill, oomplete in pla,ce
including all necessary vitrified tile
stoppers and all labor and materials, at
$1.21 per linee~ foot - - - - - - - - -- - $ 999~30
ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION - - - - - - - - $ 25.25
TOTAL LABOR AND MATERIALS - - - - - - - - $424.55
Cost of making, levying and collecting
the assessment and all lawful expenses
attending the same, as provided by law,
not to exceed six per cent (6%) - - - - - $ 25.45
AND I HEREBY CERTIFY Ta~T, in my opinion, the above
estimate does not exceed the probable cost of the above proposed
improvement and a.l1 lawful expenses attending the same, as pro-
vided by law.
IV &-'~ ~/u-v I cJA,-J--'.,2-'v~
President, Board of Local Im-
provements of Village of Mount
Prospect, Illinois.
Dated, Mount Prospect, Illinois,
February 5th A.D. 1929.