HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 154 07/05/1932 "".. ~ ",-. ..... r II L o . o N~ 15'A:f AN OllDIlIANOE PROVIDIlfG rOR THE LEVYIlfG UD ASSES8IDT OrTAIES lOa mE CURREN! FIICAL YEAR or 1'iI VILLAGE or MOUlfT PROl!PEC!,ILLINOIS,OCI.UIEICIIG MAY 1,1911 UD QDIlfG APRIL Ie ,191S. WlEIEAS tae President and Board of Tra.tees of the Village of Mouat Prollpeot,ia the Cowaty of Coot aDd St&te of Illi.oie,did on the 7th day of June,A.D.1912, pa.a the annual Appropriation OrdinaD08 for said Village '''''''''. Ii> for the fi..al year beaiDDing on the lat day of May,A.D.1932 and--ending on the 30th day of April,A.D. 1933, the &Bount of which is estimated to be the aggregate sua of '17,962.50, whioh said Appropriation Ordinance was duly published on the 10th day of June,A.D. 1932, now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board .of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospeotj SECTION (1). That there be and is hereby levied upon all the taxable property wi thin the oorporate liai t. of said V1118&e of Mount Prospect,for . ~ \.v' S't> the year 1912, the t.W 8\Ul of 'lD,1ie9..00, for the following specific purposes aentioned in said Apprepriation Ordinance, and in the respective suas a. follow.,to-wit: For street lighting For Balaries of offioers and eaployees For fire equip.ent For police proteotion ~or health proteotion For.drainace For legal and Judioiarr expenses For inoidental ezpe..e. 'or election supplies 'or tool. and equipment For etreet BainteRanoe For sidewalk .aintenanoe For aaintenanoe of publio grounds 'or .ainteRaDoe of public buildings 'or public benefit installment. in speoial assessaents los. 1,2,14,15 and 26 'or prinoipal on Water Works Extension ~ond due dune lst.,1933 For iaterest on water Works Extension Bond due June lst.,19JZ,and Dec..ber lst.,193S For payment of install.ent and intereat due in 1933 on Weller Creek Drainage D18trt.t 'or payment of install.ent and interest due in ~93! on Peehaaville Drainage Distriot For prinoipal on Pire Truok Bond No.4 due June 1.t. ,19S! 'or interest on lire Truok Bond i.eue due June 1st.,19SS, and December Ist.,1.933 'or Municipal BRad,in aooordanoe with .allthorisatioB of yeter8 in general eleotion held in April,1927 100.00 TOTAL AMOUNT LEVIED ITEMS OF APP1l0PlUATION AND LEVY Estimated amount reoeivable from Bouroes other theR taatioD AMOUNT AMOURT APPROPlUATED LEVIED . 2800.00 . ~.oo 1100.00 .00 ~o .00 200.00 1800.00 900.00 200 . QO-.....w 100.00 100.00 SO .00 900.00 .&50 .00 1000.00 500.00 lDO .00 50 .00 1400.00 500.00 19" .00 350.00 0.00 y 60 .00 400.00 200.00 ,100.00 50 .00 .42010.00 2100.00 SOO .00 SOO .00 162. SO li5~,~ 1300.00 1300.00 200.00 200.00 SOO.OO 500.00 SOO.OO 300.00 100.00 10612.50 TOTAL . 17 ,ge~. 50 73~.OO , 1796Z".5O o o SECTIOR (2). the village alert is hereby direoted to file with the County alerk of Oook County,Illinois, on or before the third Tuesday of Septe.ber,A.D..1912, a oopy of this ordinance, duly certified by said Clerk. J SEOTION (I). !hi s ordinanoe IIhall be in full foroe and effe otfrom and after 1 ts pall_ce aad approval. PASSED tAi. .f /day et July,A.D. 19:52. APPROVED this I day of July,A.D.19S2. ] -, ..J >I ~ II!I. .1 J