HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 196 07/06/1937
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O~IN.;1.NCE NO. t qG,
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11l . .' Il.# , Illinois.
BE IT ORDAINED, By the President and Boord of Trustees')f the Village')f
~~, Ill1noi~
SECTION 1. That there shall be ancl 1s horeby created and esto.bl1shed 0.
Fire Department consisting of 0. Fire Mnrsho.l, two o.saistant Fire Marshals, a
Se<Jretary, a Treo.surer, and such members of said Fire Dopar"Q::lont as m.L'lt1 from tine
to tine be determined and appointed by tho President and Bocird of Trustees.
SECTION 2 Said Firo Departmont shall hold monthly meetings on the first
~ oach I:l.Onth, o.nd shall, on tho fir~t~'fJe~ch Deconbor, olect a Fire
Marshal, two assistant Fire Marshals, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, f')r tho ensuing
yoar, which said officors shall qualify and take office on the Firs~~'thO
following January.
SECTION 3 ThC~~ .~s~al shall, upon taking office and a.t tho regular
mOGting' hold on ~ho fir.;~.Jo.nua!'1J of each year, ap~o1nt such engine ElUn,
ladd.er rn.vn, hesenon, nozzle I:lCn, hy(lra.nt r.lon, and :':l.O.kC) such ether appointments and
proscribe such dutios as nmy be necessary and proper in tho organization and effective
Jpero.tion of so.id Fire Departnont during tho.t year The Fire Marsho.l shall have the
control and supervision, subject to tho ordor and dirocti0n of the Board of Trustees,
')f tho Fire Dcpartnont anG. all fire apparatus and equipment belonging to tho Villo,ge.
In case ef fire, tho Fire Marshal and his Assistants in their ~rder of rank, shall
take command at such fire, anQ tho officer hi~lest in ra.nk shall take command of tho
Fire Department and direct the managenent thereof for tho suppression of the fire, in
tho best :mo.nner possible; and when it nay be necessary f!)r the pr)tecti')n of othor
property to prevent the sprend of the c'Jnflagra U:m, and tho officer j.n c'J..~and n2.Y
ce.use buildings to be rOJ::L.vC\'l, torn down, or destroyad in tho bost manner p()sr:dblu.
SECTION 4 Tho Secretary shall keep a rocord ~f 411 meetings of tho
C~npany and the attendance of the nonbors, n rocoru of all fires and the attendance
r,f the monbers at such fires, and during the last week Jf Mc.rch of each year, file
wi th tho Village Clerk, 0. full report of such roc)rd of attcnd.c'.llco and firos which
f1iu roport shall be 1";1.O.UO under oath. He shall also keep such r)thcr rocoruo, nnke
LJCh roports, and keep and furnish such sto.tistics as nay bo required of him by In.w.
Tho Treasurer, bcfJro taking offico; shall oxecuto and file
wi th the Village Clerk, 0. sufficient b')ncl t'J the Village, tr:. bo approved by tho
Prcsic.ent c.nd Board ,)f Trustees, con:litioned f:)r the faithful perfornanco of his
du~iesunder this Ordinance.
, ,
and on behalf of said Fire Dcpa.rtnont 1 inclucl1ng the to.x or license fee for f:)ro1gn
The Treasurer shall receive all I;loneys oc""locted for
.. t '.
fire insuranoe companies, and shall pay the samo upon tho order of said Firo
Departnont for tho purposos of maintenance, use and bonofi t of such dopa.rtnont.
Such Treasurer shall ~ko monthly reports to said Fire Dopa.rtrlent of the condition
::>f the funcls in his hands and shall, on the first Tucscla.y of Dcoonber in each yoar,
make a sW-,Jrn report and stater.tent to the President a.nd Boarcl of Trustees of said
Village of all moneys received am"'.. disbursed by him as suoh Treasurer and the bc.lanco
Jf nr.meys in his hands. The books, records, and accounts ,')f such Treasurer shall
be faithfully kept and shall, at all tines, be open to inspecti-)n and an audit of
the President and B)ard of Trustees of said Village. He shall, at the expiration of
his term of office, surrender, pay and deliver to his successor in office, all books,
records, accounts, a.nd nonoys in his ha.nds as such Treasuror.
It sholl be the function ani duties of tho Fire Departnent
and every menbor thereof to .t:xtingl.lish accidental ')r Qestructive fires, to prevent
the occurrence or spread of fires, to enfJrcc 0.11 orc~nances relating to tho occurronc(
)r spread of such fires.
SECTION 7. .Any fireman in nttenclance at a fire wh() shall nogloct or
refuse to ()bey the orclers of the officor in connand at such fires, shall u:)I)n
conviction, be fined not less than five dollars.
SECTION 8. Every m.ale person ab::>ve the ago of twenty one years who shall
be present at a fire shall be subject t8 tho orders of the officer in command at
such fire and shall render all the assistance in his pewer, and in such nanner as he
may be directed, in the extinguishment of tho fire, and i~ the removal of and pro-
tection of pr;)perty, ::.n"c any pers::m refusing to obey such orders, shall upon con-
viction, be fined in any sum not exeeeding two hundrecl dollars, provided no person
shall be bound to obey any such officer, unless such ~fficor's official character shalJ
be Imown or made kn)wn to such person. It shall bo lawful for any fire marshal or
any assistant or other porson in comman0. of the fire company to require any pors:m
above the age of twenty..one years with or without any horso or toan.:)r with or
without any motor vehicle that such person may own or control, to assist in hauling
or convoying any fire apparatus to the place of tho fire, and- any such person wh')
shall refuse to renclor such assistance, when within his rnwor to do so, shall uP-Jnt
convictien, be fined n::lt less than five dolla.rs nor more thml two hundrod d'.~llo.rft.
SECTION 9~ It shall be the duty of 0.11 officers "f the :iro dopa,rtnont\
and all police officers of the munieipo.lity to soe that tho proviSions of this
ordinance are enforced and to arrest on view any person who shall be found violating
any of the pro~isions of this ordinance ,)r who shall hinder, resist or refuse to
to ob&cY any such )fficor in tho cl1scho.rge )f 11".s r~.ut.y, a.nd t. tha.t one. ill). ~uch
" t
)fficors are hereby vestocl with the usual power and autlnri ty ')f police officors.
SECTION 10. Whoever shnll use any fire enginJ, h()s~, cart, or any other
o.pparatus) bolonging to the municipality f.)r any private purpose, uthor than tho
extinguishment')f fires or wh~)ovor shall rc.."J'':)vo tho sonc)r ."'.ny part thero:)f fr')C'l
i tE r;:laco of dop.)(d t, or having the control thereof, shall pomi t such engine., hvs:",
cart or other apparatus to bo usecl for any private purpos(;s:>ther than aforosaicl,
shall upon conviction, be fined not more than two hundre(l C:Jllars
It shall be unlawful f'Jr any autonobilo, truck or other vohiclo t) pass
fron behind or to follow a fire truck within throe hum'lr>l (300) feet when such
fire truck is on its way to a firo ,Jr to drive ')r park I1n au t'Jr:)bile, truck ')r other
vehicle within 0. block of any fire. It shall be unlawful :f'r t.ny person or persons
to drive any automobile) truc,;~ or Jthor vehiclo ovor :)r acr:)ss any line ,)f hose in
. :se or lying across any stroet in the Villago of ~~i. I111n0is, and.
any violator thore)f shall, upon c'~)nviction, be fi:1.od in a-:w sun not less than f)nc
dollar nor noro them ono hunclrocl o.oll/lTs.
Whocvor shall wilfully or negligently broak, doface, or 1n any nnnner
injuro any fire ongine, hoso equipnent or other firo apparatus bolonging to tho
municipali ty or shall ronwo any screw, bolt, nut or par~ .- f c.ny such c11Gln..) .~r
)thcr apparatvs')r in any manner intorfcr." with the working or us. )f the SD.r.lO when
being used by the proper person or authority, shall upon c')nvicti --,n, be fined in
anY sun n)t loss than twonty..fi va dollars nur Y:J:,ro than two hundred dollars.
SECTION 11. This Ordinanco shall be in full force ano. affoct friJl:1 anct
after its passage, approval and legal publication, puxsuant to law.
F'--~ l ~__
Board. of Trustoos
~cf~....6dclt1/7 If~7