HomeMy WebLinkAbout8. MANAGER'S REPORT 07/07/2009 Moupt Mount Prospect Public Works Department INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ: VILLAGE MANAGER MICHAEL E. JANONIS DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS JUNE 30, 2009 PROPOSED SEPARATE SANITARY SEWER BASIN 141MPROV Background At the May 12, 2009 Committee of the Whole meeting, staff presented a discussion on e causes of and potential solutions to a sanitary sewer back-up problem in Basin 14. In summary, staff asserted that the cause of the back-up problem can be attributed to an excessive amount of clear water entering the separate sanitary system during storm events via private plumbing in single-family homes. Staff also suggested that the best, most cost effective solution to this problem was to eliminate the sources of private sector inflow by removing direct footing tile connections and installing overhead sewers in private homes. There was discussion amongst the Board generally supporting this proposed solution but no consensus was reached regarding the specific details of the program. Problem Statement Staff now seeks speCifiC direction from the Village Board regarding the design and administration of a program in which the Village would participate in the cost of removing footing tile connections and installing overhead sewers in private homes as a means of reducing basement flooding and removing unnecessary clear water from Village-owned sewers. Discussion 1) Staff suggests that the Village implement a program whereby residents are reimbursed for 2/3 of the cost to install overhead sewers and eliminate footing drain connections up to a cap of $12,000 per home. a) Is the proposed 2/3 Village - 1/3 homeowner split acceptable? If not, what split is acceptable? b) Is the proposed $12,000 cap per residence acceptable? If not, what cap, if any, is acceptable? c) Is it acceptable to strictly limit this program to costs associated with the elimination of footing drain connections and the installation of overhead sewers? 2) Staff recommends initiating a phase 1 Basin 14 overhead sewer installation and footing drain disconnection program funded to a level of $312,000. This level of funding would facilitate the requisite private sector sewer improvements in 26 homes. The Finance Department has indicated that the water/sewer enterprise fund currently has sufficient resources to support a limited implementation of such a cost-share program. Staff Page 2 of 2 Proposed Separate Sanitary Sewer Basin 14 Improvements June 30, 2009 recommends that if sanctioned, the program should be specifically budgeted and disbursements should be limited to available budgeted funds on an annual basis. a) Is it acceptable to establish a program exclusively for Basin 14 homeowners funded to a level of $312,000 in the 2010 budget? 3) Staff recommends expanding this cost share program to all single-family homes se~ed by the Village-owned wastewater collection system. Staff recommends initiating a Village-wide overhead sewer and footing drain disconnection program project funded to a level of $72,000 annually (or an amount supported by the waterlsewer enterprise fund). This level of funding would facilitate the overhead sewer installations and footing drain disconnections at 6 homes. The elimination of clear water from sewer systems would be beneficial for all Village-owned wastewater collection basins. a) Is it acceptable to expand this program to any home served by a connection to the Village-owned wastewater collection system? 4) Staff recommends a Village code modification that will specifically prohibit the installation of private property sewer backflow prevention or flood control devices that include by-passing pumping in areas served by separate sanitary or combined sewers. Research work in Basin 14 has clearly identified that clear water from private property is problematic for separate sanitary sewer basins. Plumbing devices that allow property owners to avoid basement back-ups by closing a mechanical valve on their sewer service line and then pump the water originating from their property over the valve into the Village-owned wastewater collection system under pressure only exacerbates surcharging conditions and can induce basement back-up problems for neighboring homes. . . a) Is there support for a code modification prohibiting backflow prevention or flood control devices that include by-pass pumping features? 5) Trustee Matuszak has suggested an alternative program design that differs from staff recommendations in the following manner: . Staff should identify basins with high flow rates. . There should be a balloon repayment to the Village upon the sale of the home. . There should be interest accrual on the principal at the rate of 3% per annum. · No loan forgiveness. . Program should be limited to basins with a high flow rate. a) Is there support for any or all of Trustee Matuszak's recommendations? Conclusion I would greatly appreciate it if you could include this matter on the agenda for the July 7th Village Board meeting. Appropriate Village staff will be available to facilitate discus ion as warranted. INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM Village of Mount Prospect Fire Department FROM: FIRE CHIEF ~.~ '1/? J01 TO: VILLAGE MANAGER DATE: JUNE 24,2009 SUBJECT: BID RESULTS - BREATHING AIR COMPRESSORS Request The Fire Department is requesting Village Board approval to purchase two (2) breathing air compressors. One compressor will replace a 15 year old unit at Station 13, 112 E. Northwest Highway and the other will be installed in the new fire station at 2000 E. Kensington. Backaround The Fire Department currently utilizes one breathing air compressor at the downtown station to fill self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA) bottles used by dive members of the Department. The compressor was purchased in 1994 and is need of replacement. This compressor has become more difficult and expensive to maintain. The manufacturer of the current compressor is no longer in business and locating repair parts is becoming more and more difficult. The compressor has met its anticipated life expectancy of fifteen years. The proposed purchase of two compressors will allow the Fire Department immediate access to a fill air bottles at two locations in the Village. The training tower at the new fire station will allow us to conduct more frequent training utilizing SCBA and the new compressor at this location will be a tremendous benefit. Having the second compressor also provides us with a backup unit in the event one of the units is down for service. In the past when our compressor was down we had to utilize a compressor from one of the neighboring communities which takes apparatus and equipment out of town. Bid Information Specifications were developed and mailed out to six (6) different breathing air compressor vendors and an ad was placed in the local paper. Bid Results Breathing Air Compressor June 24, 2009 Page 2 of 2 A total of four (4) bids were received and are listed below: Vendor Bid Price Air One Equipment Breathing Air Systems Max Air SCBA's Inc. $85,222.00 $89,848.92 $95,564.00 $102,240.00 Recommendation Based on the above information, I recommend a contract be awarded to Air One Equipment in South Elgin in an amount not to exceed $85,222. This price includes installation and training. The MAKO brand compressor being recommended is sold and serviced by Air One Equipment. MAKO has been in business for over 50 years and their compressors are used and recommended by a number of area fire departments. Budget Authorization Funding for the compressor for Fire Station 13 is provided in account # 5107701- 670011, Breathing Air Compressor, in the 2009 Capital Improvement Program budget on page 292. Funding for the compressor for Fire Station 14 is an identified project cost associated with the construction of Station 14. Michael J. Figolah MF/jm M:\1 Archives\06 June\Breathing Air Compressor Bid Results-JM(062409).doc MOUNT PROSPECT POLICE DEPARTMENT FORMAL MEMORANDUM ellF 09-82 CONTROL NUMBER FROM: MICHAEL JANONIS, VILLAGE MANAGER JOHN K. DAHLBERG, CHIEF OF POLICE ~\~ TO: SUBJECT: REQUEST TO PURCHASE EVIDENCE LOCKERS DATE: JUNE 7, 2009 Police Department Request The police department requests authorization to purchase and install replacement evidence lockers at a total cost not to exceed $19,500. Discussion Pursuant to department policies and procedures, all evidence and property taken into custody must be securely held pending its inventory and storage into the department's property room. Prior to processing by the property officer, evidence is placed in one of ten (10) generic sized lockers located adjacent to the property/evidence room. This system, installed in 1994, utilizes a "token and key" system whereby officers must insert a coin token into a locker, secure the evidence, remove the locker key and place the key in a secured mailbox which empties into the property room. The property officer . retrieves property from each individual locker with the key retrieved from the evidence mailbox. The sizes of the lockers are generiC and do not adequately meet the needs of varying shapes and sizes of property. The current system has only one locker sufficient in size to securely hold one long-gun and one secured refrigerator to hold perishable evidence. The current system does not meet the needs of the police department. Additionally, larger items which cannot be held in individual lockers are placed in a secured holding pen located in the underground parking facility. It is staff's recommendation to upgrade the current locker system to a modern system. A new locker system would be based on a keyless electronic system. It would no longer be necessary for a coin or key system to be used. Additionally, the property officer will make entry to each locker from within the property room via a reinforced door. Lockers would be of varying sizes to more closely fit the types of property commonly seized by the department. The total number of available lockers would be increased from ten (10) lockers with one secured refrigerator to eighteen (18) lockers with three (3) secured refrigerators. The new system would provide secure storage for three (3) long-guns as opposed to the current long-gun locker capacity of only one (1) long-gun. Page lof2 MOUNT PROSPECT POLICE DEPARTMENT FORMAL MEMORANDUM CHF 09-82 CONlROL NUMBER Enhancements to the large item evidence holding pen originally planned as part of the evidence locker replacement project will not be made in 2009. The large evidence holding pen is located under the entrance/exit ramp leading to the underground parking facility at the public safety building. The ramp had been scheduled for replacement in 2009; however, this project has been moved to 2010 at the earliest. It would not be practical to install the new pen prior to construction of the new ramp. It is staff's recommendation to purchase evidence lockers from Bradford Systems Corporation under the State of Illinois pricing contract, a competitive bid process. Replacement of the holding pen gating will not take place in 2009; therefore the department will request to carry over funding for this portion of the project to 2010. Conclusion & Recommendation Based upon the primary assessment to adequately meet the needs of the department's evidence/property locker system, staff looked at efficient use of space, an effective means to store property and an improved method of retrieving held property. Based upon these criteria, it is staff's recommendation to purchase an evidence/locker system and related materials manufactured by Bradford Systems Corporation. In conclusion, it is requested that the bid process be waived to purchase lockers manufactured by Bradford Systems Corporation through the Illinois State contract at a cost not to exceed $19,500. Currently, the department has sufficient funding in the capital improvement account 5107701-670031. Attachments Page 20f2 BRADFORD symMS CORPORA DON 430 Country Club Drive Bensenville, Illinois 60106-1507 630/350-3453 · Fax: 630/350-3454 bsc@bradfordsystems.com www.bradfordsystems.com Showroom: Merchandise Mart Chicago, Illinois 60654.1004 April 1, 2009 Officer Jim Hennan Mount Prospect Police Department 112 East Northwest Highway Mount Prospect, n.. 60056 RE: Pass- Tbru Evidence Locken & Wire Partition (BSC Project #'5 10062 & 1(063) Dear Officer Herman: Incorporating the ideas and suggestions from oW' meeting, we are pleased to present the following proposal for yoW' review. AD evidence locker materials can be purdwed through the IlJiDois State Contract our factory has negotiated with the state in order to guarantee the best possible price. Our pricing is based on OW' enclosed drawing. For the Property Area, we are proposing three pass-thru evidence lockers that will be built into the wall, allowing evidence to be deposited from one side and retrieved by the evidence technician from the other side. The full size rear door allows the evidence technician to efficiently remove items and reset the locker openings for use. The:front doors have push button locks for unattended evidence drop off with no keys required. . Each locker has :front doors in different sizes so a wide varieo/ of evidence can be stored. In addition, one of the pass-thru evidence lockers will also have a refrigerated unit with foW' lockable compartments so biological evidence can be preserved and secured. For the Parking Garage, we are proposing a wire partition. with a lockable sliding door to enclose a portion of the parking garage so a secured area can be provided for found property such as bicycles and other large items. Please see following descriptions and plans for more details. Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal. We look forward to working with you on yOW' evidence storage needs and providing you with the highest quality equipment and service in the industry. If you have any questions, I can most easily be reached at 630-369-9999. Bill Wilkening Bradford Systems Corporation Cc: Deputy Chief Mike Semkiu , cmmm PROPERTY ROOM-Evidence Locker Descriptions EVIDENCE LOCKER COMPONENTS: . Multipoint deadbolt locking system with double-walled welded doors and anti-pry tabs . Designed for unattended evidence drop-off (no keys required) . Stainless steel, continuous door hinges are self-closing and rest flush with locker . Nickel-plated recessed handles prevent items and clothing from. becoming snagged . Lockers are made of 14 and 16 gauge cold rolled steel construction . Instruction and number tags mstalled on all front doors . Mesh rear doors have keyed handles and allow visible accounting of evidence even with door secured . Built-in toe kick assists m alleviating strain when depositiDg heavy evidence into lockers . Trim kits and concealed fasters throughout offer a secure, pleasing appearance . High-quality powder coat finish resists lUSt and scratches REFRIGERATED EVIDENCE LOCKER COMPONENTS: . Magnetic seals on front and rear doors . Stainless steel double-wall interior . Push-button, keyless lock system . FOlD" separate lockable compartments . Refrigerated lockers will maintain a constant 38 to 42 degrees . Air circulating fan eliminates hot or cold spots . Alarm system to notify authorized personnel of any significant temperature variations Notes: 1. The above descriptions are not to be used as specifications for bid purposes. If requested. specifications CIUI be provided. Mount Prospect Police Department (BSC Project #10062 &: 10063) Page 2 4/1/2009 tm!m PROPERTY ROOM-Pass- Thru Evidence Lockers PASS-THROUGH EVIDENCE LOCKER SYSTEM: . 1 ED3P-08 pass-tbm locker, 36" wide x 24" deep x 82" high, with the following: (1) "c" door, 14-9/16" wide x 56-1/32" high (3) "E" doors, 14-9/16" wide x 18-19/32" high (1 with a drop slot) (4) "F'doors, 14-9116" wide x 9-19/64" high (1) "f'rear door, 33" wide x 75" high . 1 ED3P-05 pass-tbm locker, 36" wide x 24" deep x 82" high, with the following: (1) "C" door, 14-9/16" wide x 56-1/32" high (1) "0" door, 14-9116" wide x 37-5/16" high (1 with a 4-door refrigerated unit) (2) "E" doors, 14-9/16" wide x 18-19/32" high (1 with a drop slot) (2) ''F'doors, 14-9116" wide x 9-19/64" high (1) "f'rear door, 33" wide x 75" high . 1 E03P-I8 pass-tbm locker, 18" wide x 24" deep x 82" high, with the following: (1) "0" door, 14-9/16" wide x 37-5/16" high (1) "RSD4-4" unit behind one of the "D" doors, 14-9/16" wide x 37-5/16" high (1) "f' rear door, 33" wide x 75" high . 1 trim kit to close off the 4-7/8" gap on either side of the ED3P-051 ED3P-181ocker range PURCHASING DETAILS: Total Locker Materials Locker Discount of 40% Total Locker Net Commodity Number: $28,435.00 (11.374.00) 5021-558-7020 $17,061.00 Total Net Materials Non-Union Installation & Inside Delivery TOTAL $17,061.00 1.998.75 519,059.75 Accepted by: Date: Notes: 1. Please see page 2 for a detailed description of system components. 2. The IUt 1IUIIeritJk rejled the disCOllllt tile MIIII1II Prospect Police Deptutntent receives 0" II1l SptlCeStI11e1' IIUIIerUd.s t1uoIlgIt tile Illinois StIIte contnu:t# PSD4fJl5441. Freight is F.O.B. destination. 3. Retail sales tax additional if applicable. 4. All labor is based on straight time non-union labor during normal working hOllTs (1 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.). If OI1ertime is required, additional costs 'Will be incurred. 5. AbOl1e total is based on the assumption that no stairs need to be navigated dllring the delivery of the product If stairs are involved, additional labor costs 'Will be incurred. 6. A one-third deposit of$6,353.25 is required at the time of order placement. 7. Pricing in this proposal is valid for 30 days. Mount Prospect Police Department (BSC Project #10062 & 10063) Page 3 4/1/2009 ~ PARKING GARAGE-Lockable Wire Partition WIRE PARDON (OFF-CONTRACTI: . 1 wire partition, 21' 9" long x 8-5/14" high . 1 sliding door with cylinder lock . 1 hinged door with lock 47" wide x 61" high with 2 new posts WIRE PARnTION COMPONENTS: . Wire partition will be smface mounted to the existing cement struts . Panels shall be 10-gauge steel wire crimped and woven in to 2" xl" opening rectangular mesh and securely welded into a frame . Panels bolt directly to support posts . Posts shall be made of 2" x 2" 14-gauge steel tubing . Standard 3/8" wedge anchors hold partitions firmly in place . Base plates welded on posts allow direct floor anchoring . Sliding door shall be ~ of the same materials as the panels with two horizontal stiffeners across the width and two vertical stiffeners from center to top or bottom . Sliding doors shall be equipped with 2 four-wheel trolley trucks, 1-7/8" x 2-3/8" door track, and cylinder lock . Sliding doors have patented tamper resistant latch mechanism . Assembly hardware is inaccessible from the secured side of the partition . Standard 3/8" mounting hardware is the heaviest in the industry . Galvanized finish to prevent rusting PURCHASING DETAILS: Total Net Materials Non-Union Installation & Inside Delivery Estimated Freight TOTAL $4,350.00 1,260.00 380.00 55,990.00 Accepted by: Date: Notes: 1. The wire partition is not available on the Illinois State Contract 2. Retail sales tax additional if applicable. 3. Ail labor is based on straight time non-union labor during normal working hours (7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.). If avertime is required, additional costs will be incurred. 4. Above total is based on the assumption that no stairs need to be navigated during the delivery of the product If stairs are involved, additional labor costs will be incurred. 5. A one-third deposit of$1. 996. 67 is required at the time of order placement. 6. Pricing in this proposal is validfor 30 days. Mount Prospect Police Department (B8C Projed #10062 &: 10063) Page 4 4/1/2009