HomeMy WebLinkAbout3. DRAFT MINUTES 06/16/2009 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT June 16, 2009 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Wilks called the meeting to order at 7: 1 Op. m. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Irvana Wilks Trustee Paul Hoefert Trustee John Matuszak Trustee Steven Polit Trustee Michael ladel Absent: Trustee Arlene Juracek Trustee John Korn PLEDGE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Trustee Hoefert led the Pledge of Allegiance. INVOCATION INVOCATION Mayor Wilks gave the Invocation. MINUTES APPROVAL OF MINUTES Trustee ladel, seconded by Trustee Hoefert, moved to defer the minutes of the regular meeting held June 2, 2009 until the July 7, 2009 Village Board meeting. Upon roll call: Ayes: Nays: Hoefert, Matuszak, Pol it, ladel None Motion carried. APPROVE BILLS APPROVE BILLS Mayor Wilks stated the next item on the agenda, "APPROVE BILLS" was noted by an asterisk, and unless there was a request to remove an item(s), all items further listed in that manner would be considered with one (1) vote, as business item "IX. CONSENT AGENDA. MAYOR'S REPORT MAYOR'S REPORT Randhurst Village Update RANDHURST Mr. Brett Hutchens and Mr. Jim Conroy - Casto Lifestyles Property VILLAGE UPDATE Mr. Hutchens provided a status report on the redevelopment of Randhurst Village specific to new completion date; financing; retail market/mall leases and AMC theater. · Opening Date - Spring 2012 The opening was pushed back primarily because of AMC Theaters plan to construct a theater that will serve as the "prototype" for their other theaters; construction to begin spring of 2010 - 12 months to construct. Project is well under way - asbestos abatement and interior demolition; replacement of mechanical system - Carsons. · Financing - partnered with JP Morgan; difficult time for financing but confident with strength of JP Morgan. · Leasing - 75% of new mall leased (including current tenants); retailers more positive about Randhurst than other locations - well-defined market. Anticipate retail market to start coming back in spring 2010. · Hotel- Hampton Inn - 120 room facility with pool. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect June 16, 2009 Page 1 of 9 AMEND CHAPTER 13 (ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS) ORD 5740 Mr. Jim Conroy provided a status report on the demolition process and construction schedule. · Interior demolition - "invisible approach" minimize inconvenience to existing businesses. Demolition debris is being recycled. · Exterior demolition - to begin mid-July (Existing businesses will remain open without disruption. ) · Parking Structure - begin construction 4 months after theater construction begins; 5 months to construct. · Former Egg Factory - interior gutting completed. Lease agreements; Chipotle, 5 Guys and T -Mobile - open late September early October. Villaqe Board Comments · Important to keep residents informed of progress as project moves forward - continue to provide status report at Village Board meetings. · Developer cognizant of tenants still open; has maintained clean site and traffic flow. · Moving through process in smart, productive manner. Mr. Vincent Macina 1700 block of Tano Lane · What will happen to the current AMC Theater Mr. Conroy stated the theater will be razed and new retail building will be constructed summer of 2011. Mayor Wilks presented for a first (1st) reading an ordinance to amend Chapter 13 (Alcoholic Liquors) of the Village Code. This ordinance grants a Class "F-3") (restaurant with lounge) liquor license to Edith's Place LLC d/b/a, Edith's Place, 1064 Mount Prospect Plaza. Granting the license would amend Chapter 13 (Alcoholic Liquors) of the Village Code by increasing the number of Class "F-3" liquor licenses issued by one (1). Assistant Village Manager Dave Strahl stated the owner of the establishment, Ms. Edith Seaman has complied with all Village requirements in the application process. Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Zadel, moved to waive the rule requiring two (2) readings of an ordinance: Upon roll call: Ayes: Hoefert, Matuszak, Polit, Zadel Nays: None Motion carried. Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Zadel, moved for approval of Ordinance No. 5740: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 13 (ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS) OF THE MOUNT PROSPECT VILLAGE CODE Upon roll call: Ayes: Nays: Hoefert, Matuszak, Polit, Zadel None Motion carried. The Village Board thanked Ms. Edith Seaman for choosing to locate her restaurant in the Village. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect June 16, 2009 Page 2 of 9 APPOINTMENTS CITIZENS TO BE HEARD CONSENT AGENDA BILLS AND FINANCIALS RES 35-09 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS APPOINTMENTS None. COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS - CITIZENS TO BE HEARD State Representative Mark Walker addressed the Village Board stating he was pleased to have the opportunity to attend tonight's meeting; connection to what is happening in the communities he serves. Heading back to Springfield - elected representitives working hard to turn the State around. Mr. Jim Baumel 101 North Fairview Avenue Concerned with the hours of operation at the new 7-11 at Northwest Highway and Fairview. Mr. Baumel feels the recent vandalism and late night activity is directly related to the 24 hour operation of the 7-11. He noted there were never any problems with the previous business - Citgo Station. Questioned the type of business the 7-11 draws between midnight and 5:00 a.m. and whether the Village could alter the hours of operation. Community Development Director William Cooney stated the 7-11 complied with all Village requirements and a 24 hour operation is permitted at this location. Villaqe Board Comments · Police reports have been reviewed - continue to investigate · Increased Police Patrol - determine if vandalism/activity level related to 24 hour operation. · Staff to communicate with Mr. Baumel regarding police investigations/patrols Mr. Vince Macina 1700 block of Tano Lane Mr. Macina questioned the installation of stop signs at various t-intersections in his area. He believes drivers stop at this intersections and the signs are an unncessary cost. He also inquired about the removal of grafitti. Mr. Ray Garland 917 South Louis Street Mr. Garland indicated there may be a negative environmental impact associated with having cars come to a full stop; increase of C02 emissions. Inquired about the use of Yield signs. Villaqe Board Comments · General overview of Village's Comprehensive Neighborhood Traffic program- uniform standards to ehnance safety. · Stop signs at t-intersection - declares who has right-of-way · Comprehensive programs includes post studies/recommendations · Yield signs not effective for traffic safety Grafitti - call 911 CONSENT AGENDA Trustee Zadel, seconded by Trustee Polit, moved to approve the following business items: 1. Bills dated June 1 - 10, 2009 2. Financial Report dated May 1 -31, 2009 3. A RESOLUTION REQUESTING CLOSURE OF A PORTION OF CENTRAL ROAD IN ORDER TO CONDUCT A PARADE 4. Request Village Board approval to accept Public Improvements at Briarwood Business Center (Road Improvements), Algonquin Road and Linneman Road. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect June 16,2009 Page 3 of 9 OLD BUSINESS AMEND CHAPTER 20 (ANIMALS) OF THE VILLAGE CODE ORD 5741 NEW BUSINESS PZ-10-09,520 BUSINESS CENTER DRIVE ORD 5742 Upon roll call: Ayes: Nays: Hoefert, Matuszak, Po lit, Zadel None Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS Mayor Wilks presented for a second (2nd) an ordinance amending Chapter 20 (ANIMALS) of the Village Code. This ordinance amends Section 20.104, "Sale or Possession of Certain Animals Prohibited," of Article 1, General Provisions, of Chapter 20 by limiting the number of dogs, cats or combination thereof per dwelling. Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Zadel, moved for approval of Ordinance No. 5741: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 20 (ANIMALS) OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF MOUNT PROSPECT Upon roll call: Ayes: Hoefert, Matuszak, Po lit, Zadel Nays: None Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Mayor Wilks presented for a first (1st) reading an ordinance granting a conditional use permit (gymnastics school) for property located at 520 Business Center Drive. Community Development Director William Cooney presented background information stating the petitioners Alex Kotlyar and Natalya Kuchinskaya have operated International Gymnastics, Inc. at 900 Business Center Drive since 2005. The petitioners would like to relocate the gymnastics school to property located at 520 Business Center Drive. The Zoning Code requires Conditional Use approval for the gymnastics school. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of a Conditional Use permit by a vote of 6-0 subject to conditions specific to: 1) parking restrictions 2) submittal of an egress study and 3) increase the number of on-site parking spaces to 34. Mr. Cooney stated the petitioners requested the rule requiring two (2) readings of an ordinance be waived and Mr. Kotlyar was in attendance to respond to questions from the Village Board. (Mr. Kotlyar's translator responded to questions from the Village Board.) Villaqe Board Comments · Limitation on number of students and teachers - petitioner feels the condition limiting the number of students (15) and teachers (7) at one time is fine. · Number of entrances - 2 entrances Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Zadel, moved to waive the rule requiring two (2) readings of an ordinance: Upon roll call: Ayes: Hoefert, Matuszak, Polit, Zadel Nays: None Motion carried. Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Polit, moved for approval of Ordinance No. 5742: AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (GYMNASTICS SCHOOL) FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 520 BUSINESS CENTER DRIVE Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect June 16, 2009 Page 4 of 9 Upon roll call: Ayes: Hoefert, Matuszak, Polit, Zadel Nays: None Motion carried. PREVAILING WAGE Mayor Wilks presented for a first (1st) reading an ordinance pertaining to a determination of RATES the prevailing wage rates. This ordinance required by the State of Illinois, adopts the prevailing wage rates established by the State of Illinois for public works projects provided by contractors. ORD 5743 AMEND CHAPTER 1 (VILLAGE PRESIDENT) OF THE VILLAGE CODE AMEND CHAPTER 19 (HEALTH REGULATIONS) OF THE VILLAGE CODE Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Zadel, moved to waive the rule requiring two (2) readings of an ordinance: Upon roll call: Ayes: Hoefert, Matuszak, Polit, Zadel Nays: None Motion carried. No discussion or questions. Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Polit, moved for approval of Ordinance No. 5743: AN ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO A DETERMINATION OF THE PREVAILING WAGE RATES Upon roll call: Ayes: Hoefert, Matuszak, Po lit, Zadel Nays: None Motion carried. Mayor Wilks presented for a first (1st) reading an ordinance amending Chapter 1 (Village President) of the Village Code. This ordinance certifies that the Mayor Pro Tem also assumes the duties of Local Liquor Commissioner. Villaqe Board Comments · Would like additional information/discussion regarding Mayor Pro Tem serving as Liquor Commissioner · Under the current Village Code the acting Liquor Commissioner is an "understood" responsibility of the Mayor Pro Tem; the proposed ordinance specifically spells out the Liquor Commissioner responsibility. · Clarification of Village Manager's responsibility - liquor related issues requiring immediate action The second reading of the ordinance to amend Chapter 1 (Village President) will be held at the July 7, 2009 Village Board meeting. Mayor Wilks presented for a first (1st) reading an ordinance to amend Chapter 19 (Health Regulations) of the Village Code. This ordinance amends Section 19.202, "Regulations with Respect to Customers of Solid Waste Collection Services," of Article II, Solid Waste Collection, of Chapter 19 of the Mount Prospect Village Code by inserting a new Subsection C, Exemption of Governmental Entities. Trustee Zadel, seconded by Trustee Hoefert, moved to waive the rule requiring two (2) readings of an ordinance: Upon roll call: Ayes: Nays: Hoefert, Matuszak, Polit, Zadel None Motion carried. No discussion or questions. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect June 16, 2009 Page 5 of 9 ORD 5744 AMEND CHAPTERS 8 (VILLAGE GOV.), 21 (BUILDING CODE) 23 (OFFENSES & MISC.) AND APPENDIX A ORD 5745 AMEND CHAPTER 21 (BUILDING CODE) OF THE VILLAGE CODE Trustee Zadel, seconded by Trustee Hoefert, moved for approval of Ordinance No. 5744: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 19 (HEALTH REGULATIONS) OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF MOUNT PROSPECT Upon roll call: Ayes: Hoefert, Matuszak, Polit, Zadel Nays: None Motion carried. Mayor Wilks presented for a first (1st) reading an ordinance amending Chapters 8 (Village Government), 21 (Building Code), 23 (Offenses and Miscellaneous) and Appendix A of the Village Code. This ordinance makes amendments to Chapters 8, 21, 23 and Appendix A to update current Property Maintenance and Crime Free Housing codes to address operational issues. Community Development Director William Cooney provided background information stating as part of the proposed updates to the Property Maintenance Code, the Enforcement Fee and related provisions of the Village Code were eliminated. The proposed revisions are more appropriate to the Residential Landlord and Tenant Regulations in Chapter 23 where they may be used to encourage compliance of all Village Code violations cited during a rental license inspection. The proposed ordinance relocates the existing provisions from the Property Maintenance Code to the Crime Free Housing regulations. Villaqe Board Comments · Crime Free Housing regulations for rental properties has been effective. Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Zadel, moved to waive the rule requiring two (2) readings of an ordinance: Upon roll call: Ayes: Hoefert, Matuszak, Polit, Zadel Nays: None Motion carried. Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Zadel, moved for approval of Ordinance No. 5745: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTERS 8 (VILLAGE GOVERNMENT), 21 (BUILDING CODE), 23 (OFFENSES AND MISCELLANEOUS) AND APPENDIX A OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF MOUNT PROSPECT Upon roll call: Ayes: Hoefert, Matuszak, Pol it, Zadel Nays: None Motion carried. Mayor Wilks presented for a first (1st) reading of an ordinance amending Chapter 21 (Building Code) adopting the 2006 International Building Code, 2006 International Mechanical Code, 2004 Illinois Plumbing Code, 2006 International Residential Code, 2005 National Electrical Code, 2006 International Fuel Gas Code, 2006 International Energy Conservation Code, 2006 International Property Maintenance Code, with local amendments. This ordinance amends Chapter 21 by adopting the 2006 versions of the respective International/National codes to reflect more current industry standards. Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Zadel, moved to waive the rule requiring two (2) readings of an ordinance: Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect June 16,2009 Page 6 of 9 ORD 5746 AMEND CHAPTER 24 (FIRE PREVENTION) OF THE VILLAGE CODE Upon roll call: Ayes: Hoefert, Matuszak, Pol it, Zadel Nays: None Motion carried. Mr. Cooney provided background information stated the proposed changes for Chapter 21 were presented and discussed at April 14, 2009 Committee of the Whole meeting. At that time the Village Board expressed concern with staff's recommendation to incorporate a construction signage requirement in the Building Code. Mr. Cooney presented three (3) options for the Village Boards consideration regarding construction signage; (1) original proposal requiring construction signage with contractor's contact information (2) require construction signage with Village contact information (3) no additional signage required. VillaQe Board Comments · No need for additional signage nor the cost associated with signage · Consensus for Option #3 - no signage requirement · Permit requirements are still in place Trustee Zadel, seconded by Trustee Po lit, moved to amend the proposed ordinance by deleting Section 21.106.A.6.e "Construction Site Signage." Up~n roll call: Ayes: Hoefert, Matuszak, Polit, Zadel Nays: None Motion carried. Mr. Cooney also addressed the question regarding signage on storage containers (PODS). He indicated staff research found that both of the leading POD companies have signage on all their units. Mr. Cooney stated the proposed time frame in the ordinance would limit the total time a POD sign could be displayed while on a residential property. Fire Marshal Paul Valentine also responded to questions from the Village Board regarding the proposed amendments to the Building Code specific to fire issues; generators; safety related issues - metal roofs, light weight construction, automatic sprinklers; and stand pipes - inspection requirements. Trustee Zadel, seconded by Trustee Pol it, moved for approval of Ordinance No. 5746: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 21 (BUILDING CODE) OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS, ADOPTING THE 2006 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE, 2006 INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE, 2004 ILLINOIS PLUMBING CODE, 2006 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE, 2005 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, 2006 INTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE, 2006 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE, 2006 INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE, WITH AMENDMENTS Upon roll call: Ayes: Hoefert, Matuszak, Polit, Zadel Nays: None Motion carried. Mayor Wilks presented for a first reading an ordinance amending Chapter 24 (Fire Prevention) of the Village Code, adopting the 2006 International Fire Code, with local amendments. The ordinance amends Chapter 24 by adopting the 2006 version of " the International Fire Code to reflect more current industry standards. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect June 16, 2009 Page 7 of 9 Mr. Cooney provided background information stating the updates to the Fire Prevention Code were coordinated between the Village's Fire Prevention Bureau and Building Division. In response to questions regarding the adoption of the 2006 International Fire Code, Fire Marshal Paul Valentine stated it was staff's recommendation to adopt the 2006 version rather than the 2009 Code. The 2009 International Fire Code was just released; limited application of standards. Would not recommend adoption at this time as there may be revisions. Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Zadel, moved to waive the rule requiring two (2) readings of an ordinance: Upon roll call: Ayes: Hoefert, Matuszak, Pol it, Zadel Nays: None Motion carried. Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Zadel, moved for approval of Ordinance No. 5747: ORD 5747 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 24 (FIRE PREVENTION), OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS ADOPTING THE 2006 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE, WITH LOCAL AMENDMENTS Upon roll call: Ayes: Nays: Hoefert, Matuszak, Polit, Zadel None Motion carried VILLAGE MANAGER'S REPORT VILLAGE MANAGER'S REPORT Assistant Village Manager Dave Strahl presented the items under the Village Manager's report. REVISED DEBT SERVICE POLICY A. Request Village Board approval to accept revised Debt Service Policy that sets parameters for issuing and managing debt and provides guidance to the Village Board for future debt services. Finance Director Dave Erb presented the updated Debt Service Policy and responded to questions from the Village Board. Mr. Erb presented the recommended change to the Debt Service Policy which would add a new section to formalize current practice specific to current and advance refunding of debt. 1) The Village will consider the refunding of current debt obligations (existing debt is redeemed and replaced by new debt) when conditions are economically favorable to do so. 2) The Village will consider the advance refunding of debt obligations (new debt is issued to replace or redeem old debt before the maturity or call date of the old debt) when conditions are economically favorable to do so. The recommended new debt service policy serves to further support the Village's existing financial controls. Trustee Zadel, seconded by Trustee Matuszak, moved to approve request to accept revised Debt Service Policy that sets parameters for issuing and managing debt and provides guidance to the Village Board for future debt service. Upon roll call: Ayes: Hoefert, Matuszak, Po lit, Zadel Nays: None Motion carried. Assistant Village Manager Strahl announced the following: · Fine Arts and Blues Fest - Saturday, June 20th Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect June 16, 2009 Page 8 of 9 OTHER BUSINESS OTHER BUSINESS · 4th of July Parade - interested in participating contact Jill Friederichs via Village Hall . Free fireworks display - Melas Park - July 15t and 4th · Parking Improvements - small triangle · Norwood lot - cleaned up ADJOURN ADJOURN There being no additional business for discussion Mayor Wilks called for a motion to adjourn. Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Polit, moved to adjourn the meeting. Upon roll call: Ayes: Hoefert, Matuszak, Polit, Zadel Nays: None Motion carried. The June 16, 2009 Village Board meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m. M. Lisa Angell Village Clerk Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect June 16, 2009 Page 9 of 9