HomeMy WebLinkAbout2. DRAFT MINUTES 06/02/2009 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT June 2, 2009 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Wilks called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Irvana Wilks Trustee Paul Hoefert Trustee Arlene Jl:Jracek Trustee John Korn Trustee John Matuszak Trustee Steven Polit Trustee Michael Zadel PLEDGE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Trustee Zadelled the Pledge of Allegiance. INVOCATION INVOCATION Trustee Korn gave the Invocation. MINUTES APPROVAL OF MINUTES Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Zadel, moved to approve the minutes, of the regular meeting held May 19, 2009. Upon roll call: Ayes: Nays: Abstain: Hoefert, Juracek, Matuszak, Polit, Zadel None Korn Motion carried. APPROVE BILLS APPROVE BILLS Mayor Wilks stated the next item on the agenda, "APPROVE BILLS" was noted by an asterisk, and unless there was a request to remove an item(s), all items further listed in that manner would be considered with one (1) vote, as business item "IX. CONSENT AGENDA. MAYOR'S REPORT MAYOR'S REPORT APPOINTMENT OF MAYOR PRO TEM Mayor Wilks stated, in accordance with the Village Code, the election of the new President/Mayor Pro Tem would be conducted. Mayor Wilks provided background information and the procedure for the nomination of Mayor Pro Tem. Mayor Wilks nominated Trustee Juracek to serve as Mayor Pro Tem for the term to run July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010, Trustee Korn seconded the nomination. Mayor Wilks then asked for other nominations; there were no other nominations. There being no other nominations Trustee Korn, seconded by Trustee Matuszak, moved for approval to close nominations for Mayor Pro Tem. Upon roll call: Ayes: Nays: Hoefert, Juracek, Korn, Matuszak, Polit, Zadel None Motion carried. The nomination of Trustee Juracek as Mayor Pro Tem effective July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010 was approved by the following vote: Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect Page 10f 7 June 2, 2009 Upon roll call: Ayes: Nays: Hoefert, Juracek, Korn, Matuszak, Polit, Wilks, Zadel None Mayor Wilks recognized and thanked Trustee Korn for serving as Mayor Pro Tem this past term. Trustee Juracek thanked the Village Board for the opportunity to serve as Mayor Pro Tem. Trustee Korn suggested review of the existing Village Code specific to the responsibilities of the Liquor Commissioner while serving as Mayor Pro Tem. As there was concern the existing code may leave some question as to whether the Mayor Pro Tem also serves as the Local Liquor Commissioner, it was the consensus of the Village Board that the Village Code be revised to include language, for the Mayor Pro Tem to also serve as the Local Liquor Commissioner. Village Attorney Everett Hill who was in attendance indicated he would draft an ordinance that specifically adds the responsibilities of the Local Liquor Commissioner to the office of Mayor Pro Tem, Chapter 1 of the Village Code. The ordinance amending Chapter 1 will be presented to the Village Board at the June 16, 2009 meeting. Mr. Hill also provided clarification to Chapter 1, Section 104. F. Acting Village President, Vacancy. If more than 28 months remain in the term of office, a special election is required to fill the vacated office. If less than 28 months remain the vacancy may be filled at the sole discretion of the Village Board of Trustees or special election called. APPOINTMENTS APPOINTMENTS None. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS - CITIZENS TO BE HEARD Ms. Cindy Niersbach 1331 Columbine Drive Ms. Niersbach who also addressed the Village Board at the May 19th Village Board meeting shared additional information regarding the potential safety issues associated with the installation of a stop sign in front of her home at Columbine Drive and Tano Lane. She restated her request that the Village Board reconsider their decision regarding the installation of the stop sign at this location. Ms. Niersbach distributed a letter and map to the Village Board which depict her concerns. Village Manager Michael Janonis stated the Police Department has been conducting research and compiling data of residential locations of similar stops. A copy of the information Ms. Niersbach presented this evening will be forwarded to the Police Department. Village Manager Janonis stated the Village should have response regarding this matter within the next couple of weeks. CONSENT AGENDA BILLS CONSENT AGENDA Trustee Juracek, seconded by Trustee Zadel, moved to approve the following business items: 1. Bills dated May 14-27,2009 2. Request Village Board approval to accept State bid for the purchase of office furniture for Community Center Connections in an amount not to exceed $19,555.27. Upon roll call: Ayes: Nays: Hoefert, Juracek, Korn, Matuszak, Po lit, Zadel None Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS OLD BUSINESS None. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect Page 20f 7 June 2, 2009 NEW BUSINESS AMEND CHAPTER 20 (ANIMALS) OF THE VILLAGE CODE PARKING LOT LEASE AGREEMENT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 5 AND 19 WEST BUSSE AVENUE NEW BUSINESS Mayor Wilks presented for a 1st reading an ordinance amending Chapter 20 (Animals) of the Village Code. This ordinance amends Section 20.104, "Sale or Possession of Certain Animals Prohibited," of Article I, General Provisions, of Chapter 20 by limiting the number of dogs, cats, or combination thereof per dwelling. Village Manager Janonis stated this ordinance was drafted in response to the recent controversy the Village of Wheeling experienced over the number of cats and/or dogs that could legally be maintained in a residence. The ordinance presented for Village Board approval is designed to erase any ambiguity from the Village Code; language changed from person to dwelling unit. VillaQe Board Discussion · Increase number to 4 - general consensus leave maximum number at 3 · Does code allow for home business - (Bill Cooney - Home Business license would not be issued) · Combine the term parcel with dwelling; include dog(s) living on property outside "dwelling" · The term parcel would not work for multi-family dwelling units; number of dwelling units on one parcel · Control of feral cats · Limitation of rabbits · Application of limitation to properties with two plats Community Development Director Bill Cooney stated he would discuss the control of the feral cat population with Health Coordinator Bob Roels and provide additional information regarding the Registered Colony program for feral cats to the Village Board. In response to the question regarding rabbits, Mr. Hill stated rabbits typically do not require the same regulations as they are seldom outside to cause the same problems as cats and dogs. Mr. Hill stated the proposed ordinance would be revised to incorporate language that will address the concerns raised by the Village Board. Mayor Wilks stated the ordinance would be brought back for a second reading at the June 16,2009 Village Board meeting. Mayor Wilks presented a resolution authorizing the execution of a lease agreement between the Village of Mount Prospect and Homebrook Prospect, LLC to allow the Village to construct and maintain a temporary public parking lot on properties located at 5 and 19 West Busse Avenue. Mr. Cooney provided background information stating the proposed surface lot would be a temporary parking lot to provide surrounding businesses with additional customer parking while final development issues are resolved for the small triangle area. The lot would be constructed over property owned by Homebrook Prospect, LLC and be screened by perimeter landscaping. In response to questions from the Village Board Mr. Cooney provide the following: · Parking is available for all downtown businesses · Parking hours with four (4) hour parking limitation to be posted - Police Enforcement · Development agreement for property has never been signed - zoning approval valid for up to five years Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect Page 30f 7 June 2, 2009 · Overhead wires (Mr. Strahl stated ComEd has already raised their wires and consolidated poles - Com Cast needs to raise their wires.) · Carriage House lot - not under this parking agreement There was a general consensus from the Village Board that a similar parking lot lease agreement should be pursued for the Carriage House lot. Village Manager Janonis stated discussion would be initiated with the owners of the Carriage House. Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Zadel, moved for approval of Resolution No. 33-09: RES 33-09 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT AND HOMEBROOK PROSPECT, LLC TO ALLOW THE VILLAGE TO CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN A TEMPORARY PUBLIC PARKING LOT ON PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 5 AND 19 WEST BUSSE AVENUE Upon roll call: Ayes: Hoefert, Juracek, Korn, Matuszak, Polit, Zadel Nays: None Motion carried. AMEND 2009 CDBG ACTION PLAN Mayor Wilks presented a resolution amending the 2009 CDBG Action Plan to incorporate an allocation of $98,234 (CDBG-R funds) through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 for the Village's Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG). Mr. Cooney provided background information stating the application for the CDBG-R funds requires submittal of a substantial amendment to the Village's 2009 CDBG Action Plan. Consistent with the goals of the Recovery Act to use the CDBG-R funds for hard costs associated with infrastructure activities that provide basic services to residents or activities through rehabilitation or retrofitting of existing buildings, staff recommend the Village's allocation be used for the Single Family Rehabilitation Program. The CDBG-R funds will enable the program to make necessary repairs and improvements to an additional 3 -4 qualified households. Villaqe Board Discussion · Funding great assistance to residents · Criteria for job creations - HUD ripple effect model Trustee Zadel, seconded by Trustee Korn, moved for the approval of Resolution No. 34-09: RES 34-09 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 2009 CDBG ACTION PLAN TO INCORPORATE FUNDS ($98,234) APPROPRIATED BY THE AMERICAN RECOVERY AND REINVESTMENT ACT Upon roll call: Ayes: Hoefert, Juracek, Korn, Matuszak, Polit, Zadel Nays: None Motion carried. VILLAGE MANAGER'S REPORT VILLAGE MANAGER'S REPORT A. Request Village Board approval to accept bid for 2009 Backyard Drainage Program in an amount not to exceed $252,600. Village Engineer Jeff Wulbecker provided background information including the bid process and recommendation. BACKYARD DRAINAGE PROGRAM The backyard drainage program is designed to assist residents in reducing backyard flooding. Staff have received over 100 requests for assistance through the program and based on the following criteria have identified several properties experiencing the worst flooding; depth of ponding, area of inundation, number of properties affected, structures Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect Page 40f 7 June 2, 2009 impacted and duration of ponding. Staff prepared plans to better drain each of these properties; each design includes an inlet in the backyard draining through a pipe connecting to the existing sewer system in the public right of way. To protect the receiving system from being overwhelmed, each design includes a restrictor that will control and slow the discharge into the receiving sewers. While serving to protect the Village sewer systems, the restrictors may cause water to pond in the backyards. To accommodate the ponding water, rain gardens will be installed around the inlets. The construction costs will be paid for with Village funds. Following construction, the property owners will be responsible for maintenance of the storm sewer and rain gardens on the private property; the Village shall remain responsible for the new storm sewer in the public right of way. Staff estimates installation can be completed at between eight (8) and eleven (11) sites during this first year of the program. Staff recommend the contract for the 2009 Backyard Drainage Program be awarded to the low bidder Martam Construction, Inc. in an amount not to exceed Martam's bid price ($240,543), plus a 5% contingency totaling $252,600. Mr. Wulbecker responded to several questions from the Village Board providing the following information: · Work should be completed this summer - restoration work in the fall. · Program is limited to residential properties. · Water is trapped in backyards - need sewer connection to get it out. · MWRD - gave approval for surface water to enter combined sewer. · "Fee in Lieu of Water Detention" ordinance - provided funding for program (may need to look for alternate funding source as collection of fees has fallen due to slow down in new construction). · Rain garden and restrictor - minimize impact of water on neighbor's property and in sewers. · Village will clean catch basin - homeowner responsible for maintenance of pipe/inlet and rain garden on private property. · Plantings for rain garden - not part of this request; will be brought before the Village Board at later date. Mr. Wulbecker also responded to questions specific to the rain gardens. · Village designed garden plans - planting list not complete · Homeowner backyard drainage agreement will be recorded with property. Villaae Board Discussion · Great program - relief to property owners. · Long-term maintenance of rain garden. · Recommend homeowner contribute to cost of project; purchase plantings for garden. · Plantings/designs - provide recommended planting list to allow residents to personalize garden. Resident Comments Mr. Roy Garland 917 South Louis Street · Wonderful concept - environmentally friendly. · Depth of plants - critical to success of rain garden. · Provide residents with estimated maintenance costs (Mr. Wulbecker stated information will be provided with backyard drainage program agreement.) Trustee Zadel, seconded by Trustee Polit, moved to approve request to accept bid for 2009 Backyard Drainage Program in an amount not to exceed $252,600. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect Page 50f 7 June 2, 2009 Upon roll call: Ayes: Nays: Hoefert, Juracek, Korn, Matuszak, Polit, Zadel None Motion carried. WATER METERS B. Request Village Board approval to accept proposal for water meter testing, installation, repair and building inspection in an amount not to exceed $93,200. Water/Sewer Superintendent Matt Overeem provided background information including the bid process and recommendation. To maintain the accountability of water consumption annual water meter testing, replacement and repairs are routinely performed. Approximately 800-900 properties are annually targeted for water meter replacement and private building inspections with an additional 125 commercial water meters tested. Staff recommend the Village Board accept the lowest, responsible proposal and authorize an agreement with HBK Water Meter Services for the contract ending December 31, 2011 with an amount for 2009 not to exceed $93,200 and for each subsequent year as the approved budget provides. Trustee Juracek, seconded by Trustee Zadel, moved to approve the request to accept the lowest, responsible proposal and enter into an agreement with HBK Water Meter Services for the contract ending December 31, 2011 with an amount for 2009 not to exceed $93,200 and for each subsequent year as the approved budget provides. Upon roll call: Ayes: Nays: Hoefert, Juracek, Korn, Matuszak, Polit, Zadel None Motion carried. 2009 COMPUTER REPLACEMENTS Trustee Hoefert related the positive benefits of the push pipe vs. open trench procedure for water service replacement. Mr. Overeem stated the Public Works Department also encourages the use of the "push pipe" procedure. C. Request Village Board approval to accept State bid for the purchase of replacement computers in an amount not to exceed $72,449. (Deferred from the May 19, 2009 Village Board meeting.) D. Request Village Board approval to accept State bid for the purchase of ruggedized laptops in an amount not to exceed $56,830. (Deferred from the May 19, 2009 Village Board meeting.) Village Manager Janonis provided an overview of the additional information compiled by staff in response to questions regarding computer inventory and purchases at the May 19, 2009 Village Board meeting; advantages to computer replacement schedule, planned upgrades of computers to Office 2007 and the operating system to Windows, staff productivity/efficiency and computer vendor standardization. In response to questions from the Village Board, IT Director Joan Middleton and Assistant Village Manager Dave Strahl provided the following information: · ruggedized lap top replacement cycle - 5 years rather than 4 years; ruggedized more expensive and durable. · inefficiency of running old PC/laptops with new systems · wireless capability with new laptops - enhance staff efficiency · Village use of warranties · old computers donated to schools Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect Page 60f 7 June 2, 2009 Trustee Zadel, seconded by Trustee Juracek, moved for approval to accept State bid for the purchase of replacement computers in an amount not to exceed $72,449. Upon roll call: Ayes: Nays: Hoefert, Juracek, Korn, Matuszak, Po lit, Zadel None Motion carried. Trustee Zadel, seconded by Trustee Hoefert, moved for approval to accept State bid for the purchase of ruggedized laptops in an amount not to exceed $56,830. Upon roll call: Ayes: Nays: Hoefert, Juracek, Korn, Matuszak, Po lit, Zadel None Motion carried. Village Manager Janonis announced the following: · CANCELLATION - June 9, 2009 Committee of the Whole Meeting Next regular Village Board Meeting - June 16, 2009 OTHER BUSINESS OTHER BUSINESS Mayor Wilks · Good bye to French Visitors - well received by community, great visit. · Italian Musicians will be visiting and performing with Community Band this summer Trustee Korn · Farmers Market begins season June 14th every Sunday through October. Trustee Polit · Youth Commission meeting - June 3, 2009 CLOSED SESSION CLOSED SESSION Mayor Wilks asked for a motion to enter Closed Session to discuss the following item: LITIGATION 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (11) - Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting. Trustee Zadel, seconded by Trustee Juracek, moved to meet in Closed Session to discuss Litigation 51LCS 120/2 (c) (11). Upon roll call: Ayes: Nays: Hoefert, Juracek, Korn, Matuszak, Po lit, Zadel None Motion carried. The Village Board entered Closed Session at 9: 17 p.m. ADJOURN ADJOURN The Village Board reconvened in Open Session at 9:44 p.m.; there being no further business to discuss the May 19, 2009 Village Board meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. M. Lisa Angell Village Clerk Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect Page 70f 7 June 2, 2009