HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 209 03/07/1939 NtUJ'1 ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE HELATING TO THE OWNEH- SHIP, CONTROL AND LICENSING OF DOGS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF THUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROE.PECT, IN THE COUNTY OF COOK AND STATE OF ILLINOIS: Section 1. License - Fee. Every person who owns or keeps a dog within the limits of the Village of Mount Prospect shall report to the Clerk of the Village of Mount Prospect annually, within thirty (30) days after the first day of May in each year, his or her name and address and shall at the same time give the name, breed, color and sex of each and every dog owned or kept by such person within the Village and shall pay to the Village Clerk the sum of Two Dollars (~2.00) for each and every dog so owned or so kept and shall cause such dog or dogs to be registered for license in the office of the Villag e CIE:rk. Dnon the payment to the Village Clerk of the fee herein provided for, the Vill.age Clerk shall furnish to the person paying such fee a licen:=;e tag and number of regi stry for eaerl dog for which such fee has been paid. ['ection 2. Collar- Tag - Registration. Every dog kept within the Village shall be provided by its ovmer or keeper with a good and substantial collar and he or she shall cause to be attached thereto in a secure manner the license tag issued by the Village Clerk for such dog for the current year and shall at all times cause such dog to wear such collar with said license tag attached thereto. Any dog found within the limits of the Village not wearing a collar with a license tag attached thereto, as herein provided, shall be impounded and disposed of as hereinafter provided. The Village Clerk shall keen a comnlete registry in a book to be kept for that nurpose of all licensed dogs, describing the name, breed, color and sex, and shall also enter therein the name and address of the owner as given and the numb er of th e license tag. He shall provide each and every year such number of metal tags as may be necessary (the shaDe to be changed each year), having stamoed thereon the year for which the license is naid, the letters M.P.D.T., and also the number of the tag, and it shall be his duty to deliver one of such metal tags, numbered to correspond with the number of the registry of the dog, to the person who paid the license fee noon such dog. Section 7). Fierce Dog at Larg e. - .Penal ty, Im- pounding and Disposition thereof. If any dangerous, fierce or vicious dog sha11. be in any street,. alley or other Dublic nlace INithin the Village of 'vlount Prospect, or uoon the orivate premises of any person other than the ovner or keeper of such dog, and shall there annoy and endanger any ;Jerson, the ovmer or keeper of such dog shall be fined not 1e':"8 than Two Dollars ($2.00) nor more than Twenty-five DoJlars ($25.00) for the first offense on the Dart of the olimer or keeDer in ner- mitting such dangerous, fierce or vicious dog to be kent in such street, alley or other nublic alace, or upon such private property and, UDon a second or subseouent conviction for a similar offense cammi t.ted thereafter, such ovvner or keener shall be fined not less than Ten Dollars (tIO.aO) nor more " -G- than One Hundred Dollars (~lOO.OO) for each offense. Any vicious, dangerous or fierce dog runninG" at large in any street, alley or other oublic olace within the Villar;e of Mount Prosoect, or uoon the orivate premises of any nerson other than the owner or keener thereof, or any dog which may in any manner unduly disturb the ouiet of any person or neighbor- hood within said Village, or ~htch ~ha]l bite any oerson or so injure any oerson as to cause an abrasion of the skin, is hereby declared to be a nuisance and such dog shall be taken uo and irwClounded in the Y]'1annerorovided herein for i mnound ine; dogs, but if such dog cannot be safely taken un and imnounded such dog may be slain by any police officer of said Village. Sect1_on 4. M1Jzzlinp;. It shall be unl awful for the OVi'ner or keeper of any dog to:Jermi t the same to he or to run at large UDon any street, alley or other oublic olace within the limits of the Village of Mount Prosoect at any time unless such dog sha]1 wear a sood anct substantial muzzle so made and so worn as to effectively orevent such dog from biting any nerson or animal. Any dogs found in or u~on 8.ny street, 811ey or other oul)lic -alace vii thin such Village of ~.nount Prosnect, not wearirt[ a good 2nd subst8ntialmuzzle as herein orovided for, shall be imoounded ano disDosed of as hereinafter orovicted. Section 5. Imnoundinv. It shall be the dutv of all oolice officers in and for the Villa~e of Mount Prosp~ct to take UD and cause to be i~nounded any and all dOES rllnning at large UDon any street, alley or other 111 . au.. ..~ 1 C olace viithin,i I said Village of Mount Prosoect, 1:1Rless such dog shall 'wear"R geoo'andsuhstantial tflU711e, so made and so wornastoeffE;:c- tiy~1y,pr,~yent".. ,sl1ch",dpg from biting any nerson or animal and " '7 -t)- Pyc.rnt ~C' c"t-lrlc,p"icc. .'. .o.,.~"~..,.,~i:",,:::.__., ._,9-t;"!",.;~,. ,~,';!.'>J:';"'~'i~'.4~".Av\l~ '..J.....,~.w ~;T.f,,1rL,Q,I~.ov,iQ..e,p.. i t ~~ha 11 be :'uch () 'Lc~pr' ::: ~t}~ (luty to tcke lln [;1'>(1 im:)Olln(; 81'lV COf~ fO'lDC; yit'hin tne 1 i f(1 it;' C T t 1. p V -i 1 17' (f P C f C lrr t P T' 0 ;' "! ( C t 1'1 C + 11' e G r -i n Q' c', C 0 1 1 c) r vi.th 3 n;ptcl tc;'c' etteehf'-r'! t1u:TFtO (:~"rO\iice0 for herein. fpct-'lC>D f. Pe~e..:r2'YL";.0ll..21~iJY11i,CE'.IJ2~o roO';, P,r."] lln- liceDserl rioO' im'lo"f'r"ed ]!priEr the ''lrovi SiODS of Uii C' OrciiY)encp r!lCJY 'he T'pricCmp0 ry\' cHI' nrr"r,n V''';th-in t:rref (;') 1~8"C' frr)(( trp dAte of' -im'c)01JY1diyl~ nnOD'I~<'T"ent bv cllch nt:cr::'on to the DOUYld keener or npT'~nn -in cn e cf U'C GOUDO 'hhFJ'p 2nc11' c3cp: i 'c: COD- finpd. for thpuse of the Vi1180'e of %ouDt PT'OSDPCt. thp f01- lov,-iIl"" fept:': A redp~ntjon fpe of ~vo Do11pT'C' (t~.0n) Tor any d 0 f1'. the a 1]'1011 n t 0 f' t 'h P 1"; (" ('" n c: p f E F'; 3 fl (1 t'n e c n',y, n T () n e Dol 1 2, l' (9 J "n n ) ('J::' P. f E' e for t a 1r -i f1 F 11 T) c' YFi -i rr:j 011 DO j f1 P' c: 1J C h d 00', W h i c h .. shall be "'f'iri in cHirl'q";.on tn the co::,t of KPeDiny ~11ch CiC:W vlj-iJe iJl t};e DOl1Y1d at t"e rntp (IT Ylot to exceEd fifty cents (r=nf,\' cJ riav nT' froeti.e))") tJr.('y.l'of'. Tf' c11C'b rinO' l'E not y'edeel'J1ed , " / ,,,it-'hin three (7,) 02Y:=: aft.eT> 1wlr.:;: imoo"nci€C1, tlr1E ')ouno keener ~r-1811 CAllCPC1Jcb GOO' t.o he lr-illeri ;-"1"11": rurieo. ~pr>t,':;or"", PeciPlnr)ttQJ:~_.-9.L,_L-ici:D....:c:e~L__J)__QE:. p. 1i censed do~ moll be redeemed 1::'11 tllFc' C"T1,Fr or K:-ee:'\FT t},prpof v,ithin three (7) nay;.' frnr' t,1---e ir'nD01Jn(lir thereof UDon thE: DC"yrnE::Dt to tr e 'OOl1l'riK:-P enp,' cf t,1 F" ~ cunF.: fees ;;; f Dr e ;.',cri 'hFd i r t}, e '01'e- cedinF c:ection witt ViE" exce'otion of' P'E: Jicen~'E fee. If 211Ch dof'" ~hc~ 11 not be rr( eemE"d 1-1'/ tn e o':ner or l<:eFner tl, ereof v-i U'- in three (7) day~, such dOF may be redeemed by any :ler~on vitr- in five (~) Clay::' after dote of' imnOl1ndiflp 1'Don the nayr'lcnt of the ~amp feps HC are nrovioed in Dreced-ing section of' this OrcFnance. If ::,uch doC' ~'hF,J 1 not have bepn rp(Jeempd v\l. tnirl five (I;) r)8V:=' arter hF~':;r'z imnOlln-'jpn rprp";n. the ~'8.lT'E 011 be disDo~ed of i~ the same manreT' as ~rovi(Ed in thE nrfeening sect5ol'. _I: _. Section 8. ~!!ches!g heat. No OVTIe~ or keene~ of any 'oi tch shall permi t the same to run at lEtrge VTi thin said Villa.ge of Mount Prospect while Itinheatlt and 8ny bi+:.ch so found running at large shall be taken up and impounded in any pound of said Village and such dog shall be disposed of or the same may be redeemed upon the paJ~ent of the same fees and in the same manner as licensed dogs may be redeemed which have been impounded, provided such dog has been duly licensed, but if it has not been duly licensed it shall be disposed of or it may be redeemed in the same manner as unlicensed dogs and upon the payment of the same fees. Section 9. Defini tions. The word Itdog" whenever used in this Ordinance, except where specifically distinguished, shall include all animals of the canine species. The vmrd lIolivner" 0" !!keepe~H s(1'111 include -"my nerson who shall harbor or suffer or permit any dog to ~emain on any premises within said Village under his or her charge or co~trol. Section 10. l.imi!ati,Q,g as tQ. Rumber of ;QQ.K.e.. No person shall suffer Or permit more than two (2) dOfs to be or remain in or about any o~le builJin0' or lot within said Village. under his or her charge or control at anyone time. Section 11. Penalty. Any person or persons who. < shall violate or fail, neglect or refuse to comply l.vi th any of the foregoing provisions of this Ordinance, where no other penalty is prescribed, shall, on conviction, be fined in a sum of not less than Five Dollars ($f).OO) nor j'lore ths.n One Hunc'red Dollars ($100.00) for each a~d every offense. Section 12. This 0 inance shall 'oecor'le in +'1111 force :;)jd effect on the -7 Qc<. -f-~ '.oy of _??t~!J~~. I'. -5- 1939 upon ~JU bli ca tion hereof as required by law and shall be known as Ordinance N(). , oassed this ---7----- day of ~~____, A. D. 1939. a,u ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ 0.."-<. ---'-7f "~- __--.l~ '"c~ \~~~C-I'-,-~" President of the Village Board of Mount Prospect, Illinois. ATTEST: ~ _L~ ~'I..-'!/.ld~'L___ Clerk of the Vlllage Eoarp of Mount Prospect, Illi.nois. -l3-