HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 231 06/22/1943
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1942. PUBLISHED JUNE 19. 1942.
ILLINOIS, that an ordinance entitled DAn Ordinance to-Establish
and Maintain a Garbage System for the Collection and Disposal
of Garbage in the Village of Kount Prospect", passed and approve'
June 10, 1942, published June 19, 1942, be and the same is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Section 1.
Definitions: For the purposes of this
ordinance the word "garbage" is hereby detined to mean any
rejected or waste household tood, offal, swill, or carrion.
The word Imanure" is hereby detined to mean the excrement ot
all domestic animals and fowls, stable bedding, or all hay,
straw, shavings, grass, weeds or leaves which have been used
tor stable bedding. The term laiscellaneous wastel is hereby
detined to mean dust, and all retuse ex~ept excrement, dead
animals and parts thereof, and articles and substances herein
included under "garbagel, and "manure".
Section 2. SUDervislon:
All matters relating to
or atfecting the collection, removal or disposal ot household
refuse or waste material in the Village of Kount Prospect, shall
be under the direction of the Health and Drainage Committee, and
shall be under the supervision of the Superintendent of Streets.
Section 3. Collection and DisDOSa! ot Waste Katerial:
The Superintendent ot Streets shall cause all garbage and
miscellaneous waste material, as same are hereinabove defined,
to be collected regularly and systematically throughout the
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Village. All garbage and all miscellaneous waste shall be
collected in the manner prescribed by the Board of !rustee.
and shall be disposed of at such places as may be designated
by the Board ot Trustees; provided, that papers, dry leaves,
and other refuse trom plants, except branches of trees, may
be burned upon the premises upon whiCh they accumulated if
proper precautions are taken to prevent the spread ot fire,
but in no event shall any material be burned upon any public
street or alley.
Section 4. Recentacles - Number - Size - Iind-
Location: For the proper and economieal separation and
collection ot the classes ot waste material hereinabove de-
fined as garbage and miscellaneous waste, every owner or tenant
ocoupying premises in the Village ot Rount Prospect shall pro-
vide a separate receptacle tor each class ot waste above enum-
erated, and every such owner and tenant shall cause the retuse
and waste material trom said premises to be placed in said
receptacles a8 follows:
All garbage in one receptaole, and all bottles, cans,
broken orockery and other kinds of miscellaneous waste shall be
placed 1n another receptacle.
The several receptacles shall be sufficient in size
and nuaber to hold one week's accumulat10n, and shall at all
times be maintained in good order. The filthy, leaking or
defective receptacles shall be promptly cleaned or repaired or
replaced with new ones. The garbage receptacles shall be metal
or of such other material as shall be approved by the Board of
Trustees. Receptacles shall be fitted with strong handles on
the sides and Shall be watertight. Garbage receptaoles shall
have a capaoity ot not Ie" than twenty (20) gallons. All
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receptacles anal1 be sUbJeot to the approval ot the Superin-
tendent ot Streets.
Garbage shall be drained of moisture and wrapped in
paper betore it is deposited in the receptacle. Receptacles
to which garbage is trozen, through tailure to observe the
above regulations, and all garbage receptacles containing
water, slops, or manure will not be emptied by the collector.
Seotion 5. Duty ot Householder: It shall be the
duty ot every owner or his agent or tenant occupying or in
possession of any building, hous., or dwel11ng place in the
Village, which is a private residence, and tor which a recep-
tacle for garbage and a receptacle tor miscellaneous waste, or
either of them, have been provided, to place or cause to be
placed suoh reoeptaole, tor the removal ot the contents thereot,
at such plaoe and at such times as the Superintendent ot Streets
may direct. It shall be unlawful for any person to place any
such receptacle in any alley, street, lane, parkway, park or
public place within the Village.
Section 6. Contents - Removal: It shall be unlawful
tor any person to deposit 1n any receptacle tor garbage, any
article or thing but garbage. It shall be unlawful for anr
person other than a soavenger employed or licensed by the Vil-
lage or the owner, occupant, tenant or person 1n possession ot
the premises tor which a receptaole for garbage and tor m1soel-
laneous waste, or either at them, has been provided, or his
agents or employees, to deposit any article or thing in suoh
receptao1e or to remove, displace, injure, deface, destroy,
uncover, or in any manner disturb such receptacle or any portion
of its contents.
Hereatter no ragp1cker or other collector shall be
permitted to gather or collect or remove from any street, alley
or other public place in the Village, or to intertere with or
disturb, any of the receptacles tor garbage or other refuse
provided tor b1 this ordinance, or to remove therefrom any ot
the contents thereot.
Section 7. Retuse in Streets and Alleys: It shall
be unlawtul for any person, firm or corporation to deposit or
place in any manner whatsoever, in or upon any sidewalk, street,
alle1, park or public place in the Village of Mount Prospect,
refuse ot any kind whatsoever; provided that this section shall
not apply to the depos1t of material under a permit authorized
by an ordinance of the Village ot Hount Prospect, nor to goods,
wares or merchandise deposited upon any street, sidewalk, alley
or other public place temporar1ly, in the necessary course ot
trade, and removed therefrom within two (2) hours after being
so d~osited; nor to artlcles or things deposited In, or con-
ducted into the Village sewerage system through lawful drains
1n accordance with the or4inances ot the Village of Mount Prospect
relating thereto.
Seotion 8. DeDos1t of Waste Material: 10 pile or
deposit of manure, offal, dirt, ashes or garbage, nor any
accumulation of any offensive or nauseous substance shall be
made within the Village of Mount Prospect or upon any open
space enolosed within any portion thereot, or upon any open
grounds, except according to a permit obtained from the Health
and Drainage Comm1ttee,and according to its regulations; and
no person shall place or ca..e to be placed upon any public
vay, or upon the root ot any building, or upon the surtace ot
an,. lot or parcel of ground, an,. straw, ha,.,Shavings, or other
substance, which has been used as bedding for animals, for the
purpose of drying such substance or storing the saae; nor shall
any person burn or cause to be burned any such straw, hay,
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shavings, or other substance which has been used as bedding
tor animals, in any place other than a place designated by
the Health and Drainage Committee, and then only upon a permit
issued in writing by the Health and Drainage Committee tor
that purpose.
Sectlon .~ Garbage and Materials Not ReBoved tro.
Stores and Dwellings: The Village at Haunt Prospect shall
not remove garbage, tin cans, bottles, or other rubbish pro-
duoed in stores, restaurants or taverns, but these must be
disposed at by the owner or occupants ot such store, restaurant
or tavern at his or their own expense, and also all ashes,
large bottles or other rubbish must be disposed ot by the owner
or occupants at houses, tlats, apartments or tenements at his
or thelr own expense. The Village ot Haunt Prospect shall not
remove any glass, old turnaces or pipes, or other metal or
glass waste tram hardware stores, tinshops, or plaoe at business
ot glaziers, sheetmetal workers or contractors, nor gutters,
plaster, turnaoes, and other debris trom building or remodeling
operations, or manure trom any plaoe, allot which materials
must be removed by the owner or occupant ot the premises upon
which said materials accumulated.
Section 10. Swill and Otfensive Liauids: No swill
or garbage or ottensive material ot a liquid nature or partly
liquid nature not removed or required to be removed by the Vil-
lage of Mount Prospect shall be transported through nor along
any street or alley in the Village except in tightly covered
and bound casks or boxes, and none ot the contents at such casks
or boxes shall be allowed to tall, leak, or spill therefrom.
Section 11. Penalties: Any person who violates,
disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with, or who
resists any ot the provisions ot this ordinance, or who retuses
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or negleots to obey any ot the rules, orders or sanitary regu-
latlons ot the Health and Drainage Committee promulgated 11l
pursuance to the provisions ot this ordlnance, or who omits,
neglects or retuses to coaply with, or who resists any otticer
or or4er or special regulation ot said Health and Dralnage
Committee pursuant to the provlsions at tbis ordinance, shall,
upon conviction, be subject to a tine not exceeding Two Hundred
Dollars ($200.00) and Dot less than TworDollars ($2.00), and
such person shall be deemed gullty ot a separate and distinct
ottense tor every day during which he violates or retuse.,
neglects or tails to comply with any ot the requirements ot
this ordinance.
Section 12.
All ordinances or part s ot ordinances
whlch maY contlict with thls ordinance are hereby repealed.
Section 13.
This ordinance shall be in full torce
and ettect trom and atter its passage, approval and publication
according to law.
PASSED, tbis 22nd day of June, 1943.
Recording Votes:
Aye. !Jz::~f:~
~ ~...- ~
-' f~~~
Nay.: None.
APPROVED, this 22nd day ot June, 1943.
5\ L'~~~~ J
)resldent ot oard 0 Trustees ot ~illage
of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois.
Published this day ot
Recorded this - day ot
, A. D. 1943.
, A. D. 1943.
Vll1sge Clerk