HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 240 05/02/1944
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AN ORDINIJJCE to arilend an Ordinance entitled', It AN OHDIlJiJ.JCE classifying,
regulating and restricting the location of trades and industries and
the location of buildings designed for specified uses; regulating and
limiting the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered,
regulating and liniting the intensity of the use of lot areas and
regulating and doterninin(; the area of jrards, courts and other open
spaces within end sl~rounding such buildinGs; establishing the bound-
aries of districts for the said purposes; and )rcscribing ~enalties
for the violRtion of its provisionsn passed end Bpproved Decoober 4,
1223. and enondnents thol'etol"Ewd knq\1~n BS OrdinnncCUJo. 52.
That an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance classifying, regu-
lating and restricting the locati0n of trades and industries and the
location of buildinGs designed for specified uses; reGulatinG and
limitinG the heiGht nnd bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered,
regulating and liniting the intensity of the use of lot areas and
regulating and detornining the area of yards, courts and other open
spaces v;ithin and surrounding such buildings; establishing the bound-
aries of districts for the said plITposes; and prescribing penalties
for the violation of its provisions" passed flnd approved Decenber 4,
1923t end amendments thereto, and known as Ordinance Ho. 52, be and it
is hereby amended so that the S8ne shall hereafter be and read as
e.ec t ion IT.~__Q!m2..r11l
A. sHOltr rrITLE. This ordinance sholl be known E1nd nay be
cited as the Zoning Ordinnnce of Mount Prospect.
B. SCOPE OF R}~GULJ~TIOHS.. Except foS provided by this
ordinance and except after obtaining written pernission fron the
. (~
Superintendent of Building Construction it shall be unla~ful in the
Village of ~1ount Prospect:
(1) To \~st8blish any use of n building, structure or land,
ei thar by itself or in addition to another use.
(2) To expand, chnnga or re-establish an~r nonconforning use.
(3) To erect n nev~ building or strllcture or p~irt thereof.
(4) To rebuild, structurally alter, add to or relocote any
building or structure or part thereof.
(5) To reduce the open sp8ce or plot 8refl below thflt
required for a building or structure, or to include
any nert of sllch required open space or plot area 8S
thft required for an pdjoining building or structure.
c. InCIDl~IJTAL Us}~S. . Unless otherwise prohibited or
restricted, D permi ttod use elso allo\',s uses, buildin~ end structures
custoncrily incidentr,l thereto if locpted on the snme site or building
plot. However, such inciclentDl uses, buildings end structures shell
not be estnblished or erected prior to the establishment or construc-
tion of the principel use or building and shell be conpatible in
cherscter with that of the principal use.
D. ':(Elr?ORARY um~s. Pernitted anywhere 81"e tenpo1"nry
buildings and uses necessarily incidentnl to residentiol devGlopnent
or constructi::m 'work for not to exceed one (1) yeer. Hov/over, such
buildings sholl be renoved Dnd such us 3S shf';ll be abnndoned s inul tnne~
ousl~ with developnent or construction work which is comuleted or
abandoned in less than one (1) year.
. ~.
Ilj"".,. ./'
E. OTHER HESTHICTIOlJS. This ordinance sholl not nullify
the more restrictive provisions of convenants, egreenents, resolutions,
other ordinances or Imvs but shLll prevnil notvJi thsteuding such pro"
visions which ore less restrictive.
~tion 2. AI2plic [l tions, Perni ts end Oc cupBncy certifier t~~EL
A. Applicr.tions for perui ts, r's required by Section I-B
shell be filed in written forn with the Superintendent of Building
Constructi,n, shell stnte the legal description of the property as of
public record Dnd the nene of the oVJner rnd flpplic8nt rncl shell
describe the uses to be esteblished or expended. Erch nryplicrtion
shsll be accoMpnnied by two copies of n diMensioned drcwing of the
building plot shov;ing the loc(;tion and size of buildings nnd struc'-
tures, lot Broas to be used, end auto parking rrerS or gnrnge spnce.
Both cpplicetions nnd drcrwings shell give such other infornDtion as
may be required for the enforcenent of this ordinance.
B. Tho Superintendent of Building Construction sholl issue-
e written pernit, or deniol thereof with rersons in 'writing, vdthin
15 days from the dnte of the ~ of the npplic~ltion. InV~~~nt
the pernit or daninl thereof is not issued v;ithin 15 dnys the anpli-
cent may oppeel directly to the Zoning Board of APpeals which shell
order the issuunce of the :?ernit or denial thereof with renSOllS in
c, Except ~here nn extension hos been obtained in writing
from the Superintendent of Building Construction, pernits heretofore
end hereafter issued sholl expire within 90 dAYS if ~~ substantiol
beginning hns not been nnde in the construction or estnblishT1cnt of
the use app.lied for f1nd 'within one yer.r if not conpleted. Pernit Clnd
other fees shall be as estrblished by resolution of the Villc~e Bonrd
of Trus tees.
D. No pGrnit for excf.1vntion for, or the erection or oltern-
tion oft ony building or structure sholl ba issued until written nppli-
ceti~n h8s been nnde to the Superintendent of Building Construction
for en occup8nc~T certificate. Ho lond, building or structure now
existing or herenfter erected or structurally altered shall be occupied
or uSBd in whole or in port for any purpose whatsoever, Hnd no chcnge
of use s11811 be mElds in any l~nc., building or pfrt thereof, until nn
occupcncy certificcte shall !leve been issued, stating thctt the build-
ing end proposed use compl~r vvi th the provisions of this ordinance.
Within ten (10) days rfter the erection or alteration of a building
or structure is conpleted, the Superintcmdent of Building Construction
shell issue An occupancy certificate or n written deninl thercof
strting the reesons therefor. In the event of n denial an appeal nay
be tcken es in the CGse of the building pernit. Hothin~ in this
section shell prevent the continunnce of the present, Im,iful occup~ncy
or use of Dny existing building or structure.
SecBon_ 3...!- Distri~
For purposes of this ordinnnce, [;11 Innd vJi thin the Villcge
of Mount Prospect is hereby divided into the following districts,
(listed in order from the nost highly restricted closs to the lenst
highly restricted clcss) designC',ted GS follows:
R-l District - Single-fanily Residence
R-2 .District - Duplex Residence
R-3 District - Apartnent Residence
B District - Business
I-I District - Light Industrial
1-2 District - Railroad
The boundaries of such districts are hereby estRblished as
shown on the Zoning Plan, which accor1panies and is hereby made 8. part
of this ordinance. Any land ~hose clessification is not shown thereon
and land hereafter annexed to the Village of Haunt Prospect is hereby
clessified as in the R-l District until diff3rontly classified by
amendment of this ordinance. M1 official copy of the Zoning PIRn P.s
emended from tine to tino shall be maintained and exhibited in the
office of the Vil10ge Clerk.
Section 4. R-l District
In the R...l Districts the only uses lJ-/hich nay hereafter be
estrblish;3d are:
1. Single-family residence on a lot not less then 50 foet
wide and 7,000 square feet in area, or, a sneller lot
only if of public rGcord on the adoption datu of this
2. Public school, elenontary and high, or' pnrochial school
without dornitory acconm,odations u1d hnving a curriculum
equivr..lent to a public eleI1entAry or high school
3. Church
4. Village pork, library or nuseun excluding connercio1
enterprises therein
5. Gardening but excluding operetions causing noise, odor
or pollution to such nn extent or in such locntions as
to be detrinentnl to neighboring residential property
SpecifiQnlly excluded fron this District are:
1. All signs except signs ndvertiping the premises upon
which they are lOCAted for sale or lease if not exceed-
ing 10 square f!;et in r.:re8.
2. Renovnl of black dirt or top soil, stone, grnvel or
3. Raising of live stock
4. PriVAte gnrnge housing nore than two Dotor vehicles,
storage of trucks in the open nnd in buildings, except
that the occupant of the prenisos IillY store in e garage
one truck not exceeding 1~ tons capacity
5. A professional office except thrt of a surgeon,
physician, dentist, 11:\\ivyer, clargym:n, or other pro-
fessionn1 person using his residence for consultation,
eI1ergenc~r treatnent Drperforrmnce of re ligious rites
only and not for the generAl prnctice of his prOfession
Section 5. R-2 District
- -
In tho R-2 Districts the only USGS which nny hereafter be
estr.:blished are:
1. Uses pernitted in the R-1 District
2. Duplex residences on lots not less than 60 feet wide
and 8,pOO square feet in area
Uses specifically excluded from the R-l District are also excluded
from this District.
~ec'tion 6.
R-3 District
In the R-3 District the only uses which nay hereafter be
established are:
1. Uses permitted in the R-l ond R-2 Districts
2. Residenti~l apartments in nur~ber not exceeding one
family living unit for each 2,400 square feet of lot
3. General hospitals for hunnns, orphanages, hones for aged
ar e r.t!~
and similar institutions \vith sleeping ~oons in number
not exceeding one for each 500 square feet of lot area
Uses specifically excluded from the R-l Dnd R-2 Districts are also
excluded from this District except that a priv~te garage may be pro-
vided to meet the requirenents of Section 11.
~ection 7. B District
In the B District the only uses which nay hereafter be
estEblished ore:
1. Uses permitted in the R-l, R-2 and R-) Districts
2. Lodging house or hotel, with sleeping rooms in number
not exceeding one for 88ch 500 square feet of lot area
3. . Retail business nnd retnil service establishments except
uses 2 to i) inclusive of Section a
4. Aniffifd hospital
5. Retoil greenhouse or nursery
6. Restaurent, tavern or confectionery
7. Professionol or business office
8. Undertaking or funercl parlor
9. Advertising sign, billboard, or poster panel
10. Privpte nUBic, dnncing, business, vocntionnl, or other
school or college
11. Lodge hall, tenple, or private club
12. COrJIilerc iel s'\'vinL1ing pool
13. Theatre or cor'lnorcial nm.usenent plnce
14. Bus passenger station
15. Tenporary carnival or circus, operating not longor than
10 days
16. Villnge hall, police or fire station or other nllnicipnl
build ing
Section 8. I-I District
In the I-I District tho only useB which may hereafter be
established are:
1. Uses pernitted in the R-l, R-2, R-3 and B Districts
2, Bakeries enploying nore than eight persons therein
3. Blacksmith or welding shop
4. Bus or truck storage yard
5. Fuol or building onterinl storage yard
6. Laundry, cleaning or dyeing works employing nore than
eight persons therein
7. Print shop cI1ployinc; nore thrm eight persons therein
8. Public stables
9. Public service buildinG or use
10. RoofinG or plastering shop
11. stone yard
12. storage wRrehouse or tank
13. Lieht nenufl:\cturinr; or industric:l uses which do not
create detrinent8l noise, odor, sraoket funes, gas,
vapor, dust, vibrotion or Are otherwise detrinental to
other property in the Village
Scction 9. 1-2 District
In the 1-2 District the only uS8swhich may hereafter be
established are~
1. Railroad trackage and incidental equipnent
2. Necessar~T structure to carry trackage over or under
intcrsecting streets
3. Signal system
4. Drainage structure
5. Leased wire
6. Tean trrlck with incident81 drive,mys
7. station, platforn and neans of access thereto
8. Freight, baggage or n8il hA.ndling facilities
9. Ticket office
10. Waiting roan
11. Station driveway
12. Motor vehicle parking spAce
13. stornge of nnintenence tools, equipment Clnd In.c'1.ter ials
14. W::.tchnen's shelter
Section 10. Nonconforming Uses
.Any use, lawfully existing or under construction on the
adoption date of this ordinance or of n loter anendnent .thereto, which
does not conforn to the use provisions of seid ordinance or anendnent
shell be known as a nonconforming use, Such nonconforming use, build-
ing or structure nay be continued, nnintained, or changed to a conform-
ing use; but a nonconforning use shall not be (a) changed to a use of
a less restricted clnhs, nor (b) expanded, nor (c) reestablished if
discontinued or changed to n ~onforning use for one year or nore, nor
(d) continued if the building or structure be destroyed or damaged to
the extent of 50 per cent or nore of its value,
A complete record of the location, value, nature and extent
of all nonconforning uses shall be made and kept by the Superintendent
of BuildinG Construction.
Section 11. Auto Parking or Ga~~?e Space
For everyone of the following uses hereafter established
there shall be nrovided on the sane lot v'Ji th the nain building
adequate accessible autonobile parking spaces consisting of either
garage or surfaced area in the following proportions:
1. Duplex Residence or Residential Apartnents - One auto-
nobile parking space for each fanily living unit
2. Bot.l, Bo.plta1, orphanag., JIoa. tor .&pt .....1-.11_
laa1il".tlou - 0.. .,,'..bU. part1ag .pa.. fe ..ll
_,000 a..ure f..' of th. total fl... ana 1a U. _la
lUl1141Q. .xolu81.. of \he ".....t
,. ft..". 0.. ."....bl1. puJd... .pa.' tor .aoh fl..
...'a 1A tile ..av.
.. 'u,1141a8 aball ...r.at'.r M ....,... or ........llT
alter.' a. ..., 'h. ..U1as 1.1'.1 ot \h. u.pperaoe' .'ory '0 'b. ....
ter _lIi.'lon, a..-'17 of per.o.., rep1ar .plo,.., .. ......
et _..o!lall41.. or .tlppll.. .x...d. a;. t.., aM". tll. 8._as. .a
...4. al... ,. tro.' of 'the 10" .ppo.l ,. ~. ltu114lJl&. .,..pl'.,
.,,~.,., ..ttlu.a parapet. and n.....aJ7 root ."."81'. ..... ."eM-
....... ., a,ee4 24 t.., lA h.lsh'- 8th. ,V.. ..... \Jwl 'ba114lap
Pall .0' .s...4 '0 t.., in ho1&b' oxo.p' IlUIllolJa1 .'or ......
1~'''tA 1~........u~1.. 1M' 'f~
h ,. R-1, a-2 ani R-.3 41e'rlo"a 'here .hal1 '" '"ft....
04 ..t....lae4 all .,.. _00..,184 ap.o. aloag .oll l1a. of ... 'ala-
lac ~ _leh 1. a .14. llae ot .1 tiler \Ia. 1.' ...4 or 'la. ln
....,.,.. ..lag a wi'. fit ao' lee. 1ib.aa 10 per .ea' of th. wl4~ ot
tk. 1.' wld.e" ... a.' ao..a 10 I.., in w14 '11. b..."., boa tIlle
r.su1a'loa ar.: (a)lae14aa\a1 or ......ar7 ba1141... lee.teA ..~.
~n 7. t.., tr_ til. troat .\r.., 1a. bat ..oh '.11cll.nga .ball ...
be located within 20 feet of thcl side street line of a corner lot,
(b) steps, open terrnCGS anc~ underground structures, flnd (c) eAves,
chimneys, bay v'iindovis or other ordinary projections f~xt8ncHng into
such Y2rds not more than 18 inches.
In the B, 1-1 and 1-2 Districts side yards shAll not bo
required but if provic1.ed sh811 be not less thrln 3 feet wide.
Section 14. H.inin~ Front Yar}:.
Any building or structure hereafter erected or relocated in
the Village of Mt, Prospect shall be set back fron the front lot line
a t leas t 30 fe~t if it is for a us e allowable in the It.-l, R..2 or R- 3
District. Exceptions: (a) B proposed residence building need not -
cet back fron a residence building existing in the sane block on the
.3.1cption date of this ordinance nore than 1 foot for each 3 feet of
r1 is tanc e betv,een such buildings, (b) open steps and terraces, and
(c) eaves, chinneys, bay windows and other ordinary projections ex-
tending into such yards not nore than 18 inches.
Section~ 15.
Hiniuun Reur Yard
Any building or structure hereafter erected or reloC8ted
shall be set back from the rear lot line at le8st 25 feet in the R-l,
R..2 and R-3 Districts, and 20 feet in the Band 1-1 Districts.
Excepted fron this regulation are: (a) incidental or accessory build-
ings in the R-l, R-2 and R- 3 Dis tric ts on inter ior lots ane. on corner
lots if located at least 5 feet from a rear lot line which is also the
side line of the adjoining lot; (b) steps, open terrAces And under~
ground structures, and (c) eaves, chinneys, boy windows or other
ordinary projections extending into such yards not nore than 18 inches.
Board of AppeRls consisting of five nembers to serve respectively for
the following terms: One for one yeE1r, one for two years, one for
three years, one for four years, and one for five yeers, the successor
to each member so appointed to serve for a terr1 of five years. One of
the members so eppointed shall be designated by the President nnd
EOG::,d of ~1:ru2 toes as the cha irman of se id Board of A})pe81s EO t the time
of his appointnOf.J,: nnt he shell hold his office as such chFlirnan dur-
:.ng the terI:l of h5.8 eppointnent as a nenber of said B08.rd of Appeals.
~Le terms of-Loffice of all nenbers of said Boord of Appeals shall
''::j':p-~.::-'e en the 15th dey of Hay of thc~ yeers respecti 'Jo::"'y in which their
2~C~Jf80rS are apnointed or as soon thereafter ~s tha successor shall
have been duly appointed and qualified. The Presi.dent and Bonrd of
I':!:'ustees shnll have the power to remove any nenber of the Bonrd of
Ap~381s for cause and after public hearing. Vacancies shell be filled
for the unexpired term of the ner'1ber whose place has becone vacnnt by
appointment by the President and Board of Trustees~
B. All meetings of the Boerd of Aopeals shall be held at
the cell of the chnirI.1an and at such other times as the BOf:lrd may
determine. The chairman, or in his absence the acting chairnan, may
administer oaths 2nd conpel the attendance of witnesses. JLll meetings
of the Board shall bo open to the public. The Bonrd shall keep
Irlrmtes of its proceedIngs, showing the vote of 8ech nember upon
every question, or if absent or failing to vote, indicating that fact,
Bnd shell also keep records of its examinations and other official
actions~ Every rule, regulation, every amendment or repeal thereof
and every order, requirement, decision, or determination of the Board
sh8ll immedietely be filed in the office of the Board and ShHll be a
public record. The village clerk of the Villnge of Hount Prospect
shell act as 'secretary to the Bonrd of Appeals.
C. The Board of Appeals shnll hear nnd decide appeals from
and review flny order, requirenent, decision, or deterninntion made by
the Superintendent of Building Construction in the administration or
the enforcenent of this ordinance. The Board of Appeals shall also
hear and dec ide nll r1fl tters referred to it or upon Yihich it is
required to pass by reason of the adninistretion or enforceuont of .
this ordinance. The concurring vote of four members of the Board is
necessary to reverse any order, requirement, decision or determination
of the Superintendent of Building Construction or to decide in fE\vor
of the applicant [lny nntter upon which it is required to pnss under
th.is ordinance or to effect any vnriation in this ordinance.
D. (l) .An oupenl to the Board of Appeals nay be tElken by
any person aggrieved or b~ any officer, departnent, board, or bureau
of the Villege of Mount Prospect. The euryeal shell be tfiken, within
such time as shall be prescribed by a general rule of the Board of
Appeals, by filing notice of BPpeal, specifying the grounds thereof,
with the Superintendent of Building Construction from whom the appeal
is taken and with the Board of Appeals. The Superintendent of Building
Construction fron ~hon the appeel is taken sh81l forthwith trcnsmit to
the Board of Appeals all the papers constituting the record upon which
the action appealed from was taken.
(2) An appeal stays All proceedings in furthernnce of
the action anpealed from, unless the Superintendent of Building Con-
struction from whon the anpeal is taken certifies to the Board of
Appeals, after the notice of RPpeal has been filed with hin, that by
reason of fActS stated in the certificate a stay would, in his opinion,
cause imminent peril to life or prDperty. In this event the proceeding
shall not be stayed otherwise than by a restraining order which may be
granted by the Board of ....pneols Dr by a court of record on a :xplica tion
and on notice to the officer fro!1 whOrl the oppeal is taken, and on due
cause shown.
(3) The Board of J~ppeals sholl fix a reosonable time for
the hearing of the appeal and give due notice thereof to the pRrties
and decide the rppeal \vithin n rensonoble
+- .
Upon the hearing, any
party mry e,~ear in person or by agent or by attorney. The Board of
Appeals mry reverse or affire, wholly or partly, or m~y modify the
order, requirement, decision, or doterninAtion as in its opinion ought
to be mode in the nrenises, and to thrt end hes nIl the pt)wers of the
Superintendent of BuildinG Construction from whon the anpeal was taken.
E. Vlliere, in a specific case, after ~ritten denial of a
permit by the Superintendent of Building Construction, an application
for e vcriation is mede in writine to the Board of Appeals, explaining
that because of certain exceptional conditions peculiar to applicant's
property or its environmont that strict application of the regulations
of this ordinanc9.wnuld result in oracticnl difficulties and particular
hardship up()n the owner, the BOBrd of Appeals shall cems ider the cas e /!;
et a public hearing, fifteen (15) day's notice of which shall hEve been
given as prescribed by statute, and shall determine and record all the
facts which tend to sustain or fail to sustain the granting of a varia-
tion from the requirements of this ordinance. If the Board of Appeals
determines, by a concurring vote of not less than four menbers, that
the proposed variation or sone nodificati04 of it will not (1) reduce
the minimum area of dimensions, nor increase the maximuT1 dinensions by
more than 25 per cent, (2) iopair an adequate supply of light and air
to adjacent property, (J) increase the congestion in public streets
unreasonably, (4~ increase the hazard of fire, (5) endanger the
public safety, (6) diminish or impair the values of property within
the surroundin~ areas, (7) or in any other respect impair the public
Health, s~fety, confort, norals and ~elfare of the people, it shall
adopt a motion enbodyin~ such findings, and may direct the issuance of
a permit.
F. All persons, jointly or severally, aggrieved by any
decision of the Board of j~~peals, or any officer, departnent, board or
bureau of the Village of Hount Prospect, may appeal to a court of
record in the manner and within the tine prescribed by the statute.
Seotion 17. Definitions
1411 _ ,
For the purpose of this ordinance certain terns and 'words are
hereby defined as follows:
DUPLEX RESIDEHCE: 1Wo single family living units arranged
side by side separated from each other only by a comnon wall. For
purpose of this ordinance a duplex residence shall be considered as one
FA1ULY: Exc epting d:oma8t~~":employees ~ any number of persons
related by blood, marriage or adoption, or not to exceed five persons
not so related, living together in a room or roans comprising a single
housekeeping unit shall be considered a family.
LOT: Land occupied or to be occupied by one main use or one
main building and its accessory buildings together with such open
spaces as are required by this ordinnnce, and hovinr, its principle
frontage upon a street or pUblic place shown on a plat of survey which
has been submitted to and approved by the Village Board. A lot may be
land so recorded by the Recorder of Cook County, or registered by the
Registrar of Titles of Cook County, Illinois, but it nay include parts
of or a conbination of such lots when adjacent to ono another.
STRUCTURAL ALrrER1~TIONS: Any change in the supporting members
of a building or struc ture, incl uding among others, any change in the
bearing walls, columns, beans or girders
STRUCTURE~ Jillything erected the use of which requires
permanent location on the ground, or attached to something having a
permanent location on the ground, including but without limiting the
generality of the foregoing, advertising signs, billboards and poster
'. .,J'
Section 18. Enfo~ceMent and ~enalties
This ordinance shall be adninistered and enforced by the
Superintendent of Building Construction, who is hereby designated as
the enforcing officer. The Superintendent of Buildinr, Construction
may institute, in the nane of the Village of Hount Prospect, any
appropriate action or proceedings against a violator as provided by
statute. Any person, firn or corporation, or agents, enployees or
contractors of such, who violate, disobey, omit, neglect, or refuse to
comply ~ith, or who resist enforcement of any of thd provisions of this
ordinance, shall be subject to a fine of not less than ten (10) dollars
nor more than one hundred (100) dollars for Gach offense. Each day
that a violAtion is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate
eecti?n 19. Amendments
The regulations inposed and the districts created by this
ordinance may be anended fron time to tine by an ordinance duly passed
by the President and Board of Trustees as authorized by l~ticlo 73-8
of the Revised Cities and Villages Act.
Section 20. Zoning ,Q~qnission - Am.endIlents - HCf;rings
A. The President and Board of Trustees shall appoint a
Zoning Co~~ission consisting of five nenbers, to serve respectively
for the following terns: One for one year, one for two years, one for
three years, one for four years, and ono for five years, the successor
to such member so appointed to serve for a tern of five years. One of
the members so appointed shall be designated by the Pr'esident and
Board of Trustees as the chairnan of the Zoning COQflission at the time
of his appointrlent, and he shall hold his office as such chairman dur-
ing the term of his appointment as a nenber of said connission. The
term of office of all members of said Zoning Conmission shall expire
on the 15th day of May of the years respectively in which their suc-
cessors are appointed or as soon thereafter os their successors sholl
have been duly appointed and qualified. Vacancies shall be filled for
the unexpired term of the member whose place has become vacant by
appointment by the President and Board of Trustees.
B. The Zoning Cor~lission shall conduct public hearings
whenever the regulations inposed or the districts created by the zon-
ing ordinance of the Village of Mount Prospect are sought to be anended.
At least fifteen (15) da~rs' notice of the tine and place of the hearing
shull be published in the official paper of or a paper of general
circulation in the Village of Mount Prospect. After such public hear-
ing the proposed amendment of the regulations imposed or the districts ~;
crarted shall be presented by the Zoning COI1mission to the Board of
Trustees. Written protest against any proposed aMendment of the
regulations or districts, signed and acknowledged by the owners of 20
per cent of the frontage proposed to be altered, or by the owners of
20 per cent of the frontage inned~ately adjoining or across an alley
~herefrom, or by the owners of 20 per cent of the frontage directly
opposite the frontage proposed to be altered, roay be filed with the
Clerk of the Village of 110unt Prospect at any time before the proposed
amendment, shall be acted upon by the Board of Trustees, and in such
case the amendment shall not be passed except by a favorable vote of
two-thirds of all the menbers of the Board of Trustees.
2ection 21. Va_liditx
Should a court of competent jurisdiction declare any part of
this ordinance to be invulid, such decision shall not affect the
validity of the remainder.
~_:~.ism 22. ~"Then Effecti ve
This ordinnnco shall be in full force and effect from end
after its passage, approval and publicationVto law.
Passed by the P~esident and Board of Trustee8~f the Village of Mount
Prospect, Oounty of Cook and State of Illinois, this 2-::!!:!L day of May, I.P. 1944.
/4j C ~~
- Village Clerk
Approved this ).... ~. day ot May" A.D., 1944.
Publishe4 ~1..t t.