HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 283 04/20/1948 FMO*AGH 1&6c 4/'20148 I. r ,- I J-%3 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ZONJNG ORI).JlI.A.NC..E~..AS AMENp]:D ****** JV~REAS,. the Zoning Commission of the Village of Mount rospect at a public meet"'.ng duly called anc held according to aw, considered the auestion of reclassifying fr0m B Business istrict to I-I Industrial District, the reaJ estate hereinafter II ~escribed; and II II WRER]lA!h t,,~ President and Board oj' Trustees,aJ'ter con- If; dering the recommentiation of the said Zoning Commission, fi.n(i hat tho existing use is a non-conforming use and as s11cn may be ontinned indefinitely; and taking into cr)TIsidel"ation the repre- entatlons made that the second floor of the present structure nd the chimney thereon are to be l'eT"oved to imp1'0Ve the appear- nce of the premises in q'lestlon and the fact that. other tl'l'Jproye- I rents ten0:!n.g to beaut:lf~' thE' premises are to be made and which till enhance the east entrance to the Village. t'be President and ~oard of Trustees further find that it would be in t.he be~t I!i ~nterest of public welfare t.hat the present non-conforming use be !!:I tlas~dfied 'lnto a confnrming use; il NOW, THERRFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND ~OARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT. COOK COUNTY, tLLINOTS: II SECTION 1. That an Ordinance en ti tIed tl An Urdinance il ----- Ia.8sifying, regulating anr; t"e~trjcting the locati.on of trades nd lndustries and the location of building~ 0esignen fol' spec i- ied uses; regulating and limiting the height and bulk of build- gs hereafter erectf'0 or' altered, re~uJating and ltrnitlnp the .ntens:!ty of the use of lot areas and regulating anrl deterl!ltnjng . -2- I Ithe area of yards, court~ and other open spaces wit'hin and s1.1.r- roundlng such nU'fldings; esta.blishing the boundarie~ of districts lor thr said :.o'J~:!oses; ann prescribine; penalti.es for thE=' viola- , Ition of its provl g'.ans. passed and a"prove~ December 4, 1!l1'3 , and amendments thereto, ana knmvn as Ordinance No. 52u as amended, be fl1.:rt~~T amended by recla~~5fyinf' from B-EusinAss D1strict to I-I Innustrial District, t'hf' folloV'ring 0f'scribed real estate: Lot One (1) in the Re~lJbr1:tvision of Block Ten (10) in Busse and Wille's Res'lbClivision in Mount Prosoect, Illinois, in the West Half(W 1/2) of Section Twelve (12), Township Forty-One (41) North Range Eleven (11) East of the Third PrinctnaJ Meridian, in Cook County, Illtnois. flECTJ;Or{._t2_e. That said real estate as reclassified shall e subject to all 1imi tations and condt+:! ons ba.sed l1pon pronpr- tj es in I-I 1nr'hJ strial Di~tT..;('t as defined in said OTdtnanr"e ereinbp.fo~e mentioned. .e.FlCYJ.9li.2"! Any 'Oerson, f~""'''''' or corporati on who violates, isobeys, owlts, neglects or l'Pf'n~es to comply with o't" wy.,o re- the enf"'~('ement of any of the provisi..ons of this Ordinance ,hall be fined not less than Ten Dollars ($10.00) nor more t'h~m ne Hundred DoD.ars ($J 00.00) for each offense, each day that a iolation is ryf':rmitt~d to exist ~rall cons+:itute a sepa:rate of- .l?"Ylf'e. SECTIONi~. This or-d"nance shall be in f'1111 force and ffect from and after its passage, approval and mlblicat~on ac- orn i"Y) .?, to :l.aw. PASSED: tris 20t11. da:" of April, 1948. APPROVED: this 2IJtr ~ay of April, 194q. .~ .a;~Jij)~.-:::. President TTEST: ~~-- cting Cl~r!':: '" PUBLISHED in the MOUNT PROSPECT HERALD the ~2_t:!( day of' Arril, 1948