HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 370 10/14/1952
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BE IT 'OR, ,PAINEP, BY :r,', HE ~~,nm,d;'('1;; ~P!:"BO",~aDbF TfID,' S'rESS OF THE
. : ;1 l. :~ ~ i:.
as folIows: "
SECTION 1. Th~t the ILLINOIS ~EL.r:.TELEPHONECOMPANY, its 'lessees, successors and
as~igns, are h~rel:>ygranted theJightt9~,~onstruct, erect, renew, maintain and operate in, upon, along, across,
\1nd~~and Qver th~streets, altey~aridl?'ll:>Uc,,)V~Ys,of the said ""Village of Mt., , P:r,9spect
(here, i,pafter'fO, :r co, n" v, ,enien,ce c" an"ed ~4e,:r,A.; it,' ~~~,i,p ~li, ty, I,),'lin~s pf P" 0,,' ',I, e,~,1.,a, ~c.,ho"rs, "Wl,:,re, ~",,', ,ca, b",les, c,o, ndlli,',t, s,~a, U,lts,'
laterals ,and otherfixtur~s and equIpment, and tQ use the same for ~he transmlsslonof, sounds apd slgn.al~
by ~eans of' ele(:trici~y, 3:Ud especially, ;(or ',the,~!>,ndud ,ofa ,g;en~rl;L~ t~l~~hone l:>~sine's~, Jor, ~he! I>er~o~ ,,?J
tw," ,en.t,Y-, five" ,(?5) ye,~r,s .from an~, aft~,r, th, e,effe~~v, e",d~t~,o, i,thlS Qr,dm"a,n, ce"an,d t,h, ,ereafte,r un, t1l,te,' r~,",l~ated
by, s~:c!y (~}days; wrItten notIce, eIther by the MunICIpality to theCpmpany, or by ,the Company to tn,e
MUOlClpahty. . ' " .,'
, ,
SECTION 2. The Jocl;Ltion and height above or the depth below the public thoroughfares of the
existIng tin,esof poles, anchors1 wires,cables, conduits, y~ults, laterals apd otherfuctt1r~s and equipment of
said Cqmpany withirit~e, Muni~ipali~y '~re hereby approved, and the 'same sha:lrbe maintained and operated
l1nder ~nd subject to the provision,s of,this ordin;lnce. Any change in or extensi<m qf any of said poles,
anchors~ wires, cables, conduits, vaults, laterals' or other fixtures and equipment . (herein re{erred to as
'<<str, uctptes"), or th,e constrl1ction, ;()f a~y, "ad, di,t, i, onal' s'tructu, res; in, upon, along,a, cr, .0, ,S$, "uti.de, r'o, r over the
streets;, alleys and public ways of the Munkipality shall be made under the 'dire,ction of the Chairman of
the Cqtnmittee on Streets and Alleys of. the, Municipality, or such officer as may be designated, from time
to time by the governing body of the Municipality for that pu~pose, who shall, if the1?roposed change,
extension or construction conforms to the provisions hereof, issue written permits therdor.' The height
above 'public thoroughfares of all aerial wires and cables hereafter constructed shall conform to the require~
ments of, the Illinois Commerce Commi~si6n or other regulatory body having jurisdiction .thereof. All
structures hereafter installed shall be so placed, ,and all work in connectiori ~ith such instaUation shall be
so performed' as not to interfere unreasonably with ordinary travel on the highways of the Municipality
or with any municipal water or sewer pipes then in place, and in case of bringing to' grade or change of
grade, or change of width Of, any stre, , e t or alley; sajd Company, provided it is notified thereof in, writing at
least thirty (30) days prior to the commencement thereof, shall change its structures so as to conform
thereto, except where such change of grade ortbe width of arr;y ,str7et or alley is made in copnection with
the rearrangement, separation or alteration of railroad .crossings Or is incident to any such rearrangement,
separation or alteration. The tops of all vaults constructed by said Company within the Municipality shall
present an eve1jl surface with the pavement at the point where laid, and, subject to the exception contained
in the last preceding sentence, shall be lowered or raised by said C;ompal,lY to conform to the top of paving
or improvement as required by the governing body of the Municipali,ty wh~never t~e grade ,of the street or
alley in which any such vault is located may be at any time hereafter lowered or raised.
SECTION 3. Said Company, after doing' any excavating, shall leave the surface of the ground in a
neatly graded condition, All sidewalks, parkways or pavements disturbed by said Company shall be re-
stored by itto as good condition as before said sidewalk, parkwa:y or pavement w~s disturbed by it, and in
the event that any such sidewafk,parkyvaj 9~H~vem!';nt shall become uneven" uns~ttled, or otijerwise re-
,quires repairing, because of such di~tl1rbarice bY', the Company, then said Company; as soon as climatic
conditions will permit, shall, promptly, upon,receipt Of notice from the Municipality so to do, cause such
sidewalk, parkway or pavement to be repaired or restored to as good ccm1itionas before said sidewalk,
parkway or pavement was disturbed "hysaid, Company. ,Said Company, shall keep all structures which it
shall construct by virtue of t~il> ordinance" jna reason~ply s~fe condition at, all times, and shall maintain
such barriers, and danger signals dttring the construction, repair or renewal work performed hereunder as
will reasonably avoid damage to life, limy;> and property.
SECTION 4. The said Cotnpanyshall, at its own expense, defend all suits that may be brought
against the Municipality on account of or in connection with the violation by the Company of any of the
obligations hereby imposed upon or ~ssumed by it, or by reason of or in connection with any damage to
life, limb or property as a result of any of the structures constructed by it under or by virtue of this ordi-
nance, and shall save and keep harmless the Municipality from any and all damages, judgments, costs and
expenses of every kind, that may arise by reason thereof; provided, that notice in writing shall be imme-
diately given to said Cotnpany of any claim or suit against,the Municipality which'; by the terms hereof,
the said Company shall be obligated to defend, or against which the Company has hetebyagreedto save
and keep harmless the Municipality and provided further that the Municipality shall furnish to said Com-
pany aU information in its possession relating to said claim or suit, and cooperate with said Company in
the'defens1eof said claim or suit. The governing body of the Municipalityniay, if it so aesires,assist in
de~ending!a:ny such claim or: ,suit, but, solely, under the .d!rec90n of the Company or, its attorneys, and the
Company shall not be reqUired to reImburse the MUnICIpalIty for expenses incurred by it in case of the
election so to assist, '
! '
.. .
, ' ' ; '. ' ' " , ',)' z).. :p;l~;)aJ;!tL;~q.qO q~]l~'.IQ
re8a11! .10 P!1'BAU! p;2~nfpl: ~ 1I9~'~OU puq iUO~il~OJd JO'P!~!AOJdP-I'B~'n,~~;~~aBa pU'B aO.IoJ UnJ U! ;nuH
-uo:> U'Bqs spadsa.I Jaqlo 1L~ Jl!~O~VU!pJOS!ql pUV 'Al!Jv8aI' W Al!PU'B~ .I!~ql,.fC), 1;:;lUVU!P.IO S!ql JO SUO!S!AO.Id
8u!u!'BwaJ aqll:>a.lJ'B A'BM. OU U! U'Bqs a8u'Bqo .10 Al!I'B8a11! .10 4!P!I'BAU! qons 'pau!VluOO u!aJaq 8u!ql .10 Jan'BW
AU'B U! Auvdwo=> aql Aq a2uvq:> 'B pa.I!p .10 'I'B8aII! .10 P!I'BAU! JoaJaq SUO!s!AOJd .10 UO!s!AO.Id AU'B a8pnfp'B
U'Bqs UOlP1Pspnf lualad~o;> JO pno:> , .19;, UOlSS~UJWO:> 'p.I'Boq 'ApOq, ~aqlP A;U~, ,.10, UO~SS!WlfI<:>:) ,;}?Ja~w~Q
SlOU1III P!'BS l'Bql ~uaA;)' at{l UI 'SlSJD 'Ap'eaJlv;):>U'B!1dWoo ,,1Pn,S,: tettl' . aAoJdol .to JOOJaq SUO!s!AOJd ,~qi
ql!M. Aldwo:> Ol l! pap.Io.lJ'B AHunpoddo alq'BUOS"8;}.l v puv '.4lvdm6n P!US Ol ~uaAf8 u;)aq 3.<\'-Bq Huqsi:pdwrep
os pa18au .10 aJnJ!'BJ qons }O a:>llOU uanpM. mun 'l:>aI8au .10 ;unU"8J q:ms JO asnv:>aq paW!"8p aq .10 lSlxa
U"8qs a.Inl!apOJ .10 UOlsspsa.I 'l"8adaJ q:>ns ou l"8ql paP1Ao.Id 'pal"8a.I:> aq ollq8nos .10 pal"8a.I:> Aqa.Iaq slq2p aql
l!apoJ PU"8 'P"8JlUOO Slql pupsa.I .10 a:>U"8Ulp.IO Slql l'Bada.I Ol lq2p aql SaA.IaSaJ Al!I"8dP1UnW aql '(UO!P!P
-spnf lualadwo:> JO pnoo .10 UO!SS!wwo:> 'pJ"8oq 'ApOq Jaqlo AU"8 JO Jap.Io U"8 Aq .10 UO!SSlwwo=> aoi::>wmoj
sloumI aql JO JapJo U"8 Aq InJM.'Blun pa8pnfp"8 .10 paHq!qo.Id S! UO!s!Ao.Id q:>ns ql!M. AU"8dwo=> P!"8S Aq a:>U"8
-!Idwo:> aql ssalun .10 'papa.I!p as!M.Jat{lo S! AU"8dwo=> P!VS 'UO!P!pspnf lualadwo:> JO pno:> .10 UO!SS!wwo:>
'p.I"8oq 'ApOq .Iaqlo AU"8 }O .10 UO!SS!wwo=> a:>Jawwo=> S!OUmI ~ql JO JapJo Aq ssalun) a:>u"8u!pJO S!ql JO
~UO!s!4.oJd aqlJo UU .10 AU'B1{l!~AldWOOOH;)a12au .10 J!"8J llvqs Au,,4~p~ 1>!V~:~sl1~ tJl '8 .NOI~::):iJS
" . ",(, ' , 'j'" ", , "; , ' "', ,: ,]!~qd~paql i.3UPl-k~ Apvdaql o:j. pauJma.t
aqIlvqs lUrtoW~ P!~S . '(JaAlo~u! lSOO]~hl:>~!aql2uH;)npaI>' JalJv'paptiad~~n. ut-eW~J ,l!~od~p qjns }O luno~
A;u~.l>'Inoqs 'AUV~WO=>, aql~Rpat!lqt!r\s;rs:v ~so:> aql Ol ,lllrib~ ~uno~~:uvXu-ed.~oJ"aqi, ql!M. .pal!s6dap )aA,'eq
'n;tlqs . sa!pvd JOAPv~t>?l!Ja~~q, ~J;B,' rl$p;)J~mov" ~pps . 10, ~O!l~UraLt;J,~~p' ~tti ~tl!puad 'l~ql J;)q+,mJ;l>;)PIAOJd
:1,>W~: :sa,lnpn.IJssl~ U!.S;)2u,tto.':N.ref()d'fU~l'tpns 8u,H.:>;;)1J~, l()'+So:> ,~-enl:>ll' .aql Ol 1'Bt;Lbal~l1o~~ u:e~u-ed~o=>
::l;q~ ',~:ed, pl ~aJ8'e l1-eq~~a!pvcr,.Io. ..().m;d,~l~~uaq r ~q~ ,pap!~d.I(f oX ~M.q2!q ','e.8uo~ p~f q? :J;nJlOA 1f~'fP?~!-P,I!~q
'e JO' .sU!AOW aql l!WJ3d Ol AU.1-eJodtUa:):' saJU:j.:>ri.llS Sl!" .1;)M.Ol '.10 as!,eJ .10 aAOwaj n'eqs'os oPOlA.>>lvd1;')p~n Vi
aql JO ApOq .8U!U.1aAo.8 aql WO.IJ a:>Hou UanpM. ,SA-ep (S) aAY .1al}-e AU'edwo:::> aq~ '1, NOIbas ", ,
, '" ,"~ ,. ,',f, " 'aJnn-eJ .IdUo#dtW~lu!q:>n~}d a;)H~~})':~d~a?a.I
uodn AHdVJoJd saH!l!:>'eJ pu~, a?!A.1~stt;)nsa.1oisaJmM., AU'edwo=> aql luql)~a,j~' "saH!n:>'e} .Ioa~!AJ~s P!'BS
JO ~OHdn.l.I~lU! .10 a.1nI!v} AU'e JOlUUO:>:>U Uo .10 ~sa!l!I!:YeJ.Io aO!A.Ias l>r~,~J() ~!qsrr:a:nJ aqlol p~d,~?J ql!A\
Au-e<Jwo~aHl Ol q:>,vHv U'eqs AtH!,q'!l o~ ,'~lnp~q:>s: l-e~dHdo U'e .Iap~nsJaq!,~:>.~Clllsol alq-e1!'eA'lla:>!AJ~s:e-;)l;
p~pualxa AUV aptl.pu! Ol ,pan.1lSUo~ aq lOU nvq~ 'ubn:)as S!ql U! p~sn, S'll ',/~,~!^;I~ra8n'llq;')xa al-eJ l'BJ1J'B:>O'L,
'sauoqdalalSSal1!Snq;)Un l'enp!A!pu!P!'es JO ~S!S'eq !~ttt'BS aql no 'anl'eA aq+.paa?~,lOU, saop 'SJaqp~sqns, P!'BS
Ol JOp.1aqlpa.lJa U! aw,!lol alU!lVJ9.IJ sa2.1-eqo InJM.vI s,Au-edmo=> aql uodn,p::ls-eq 'Japuna.Iaq 'Paqs!tl.Inr o~
sa!lm:>-eJ pu-e a:>!A.Ias ~uoqdalal RV JoanI-eA' al'B8aJ82'e ~ql l-eql luapc~ ~ql ol~palv:>ol S! AHl'edplunW a1JJ
q:>iqM. U! a2u-eqoxa auoq~alal aqlU!S.1aqp:>sqns Sl! Ol AU'edwo=> ~ql Aq pa.Ia~o aUI!l Ol aW!lwo.:q s~H.!Ip-eJ
.10 a:>!A.IaS a.8u-eq:>xa ssau!snq al'ell-eu I'llool .IaqloAuv aA"8q Ol 'uorintoS;),lAq 'pala A'BW l\ln-e'dpr~mw
aql JO ApO,q .8t1!u.I~A02 aql 'sauoqdatal ssau!snq aun ,1'Bnp!A!pU! P!'BS' JO . awos .10 nv JO na!I ul "Al!IM
-P!unW aql 0,+ as~~dxa lnoql!~, Auvdwo=> P!-eSAq ap'llw aq ll-eqs .1apunaiaq paqs!'(unJauoqdalal AU-e JO J-e~A
auo AU"8 U! ,ubH~oot JO a8uvq:> tpns ;)UO U-eql a.IOW lOu l-eql pap!AoJd 'sauoqdalal P!"8S, JO AU-e JO U?P'e:>oI ~lp
a8u'eq:> ll"8qs '4uvdp!unw: aql JO ApOq .8.u!u.IaAo2, aql JO 'uoHnlosa.I Aq papa.I!p uaqM. pu-e a8.I-eq:> lnoql!M.
'Au-edwo=> aqJ. 'W.IoJ Ivnsn s,Au'lldwo:::> aql UO,Al!{-e~!:>!unw aql Aq ap-ew ~q n-eqs .1oJa.Iaql l,lo!l"8:>nddv
'uoHnlosa.I Aq loaJ!pawH Ol alI;1H WO.1J n'll'qs 10a.Ia4~<,(poq 8U!U.I~A04al{l s-e Al!I-edp!unW aql U!ql!A\
sa:)"8rd q:>ns U! pallVlSU! ~q U"8qs s;)uoqdalal ,P!-eS 'lCluO Al!{-e'dP!UnW ~4.l }O ssau!spq .IoJ sauoqdal~l ssau!snq
~un l-enp!A!pu! ' ,,( 6t) U881-eU'p~ . '~.8.I'eq:> JO aa.IJ 'Al!lvdp!unW ~ql Ol tts!u.1nJ 11!M.
l! '.Iapuna.Iaq H Ol paluvJ8 slq2p ~qlsAofua pu~ sasp.IaxaAu-edwo=> P!'BS s-e 8uOI OS i '9.NOI~=>:3:S
'JoaJaql uosva~ Aq :jS!.I'e AVW qO!qM. pup1 AU'B. 'JO s';)suadX;)' puv Slso:> 'sluaw8pnf
'5~8"8w-ep 11-e pu-e AUt! WO.IJ'AU~dUIOj1ppilS ssaJllu'llq d~a:>J PU"8 aA-es 01 saa.I8-e ,,(qajaq PU"8 "Ol~.Iaq lu-ens.Iud
s~:>u'llualJnddv .I!~ql pt:te Sa.I!Mt'!u.8!~ iaii!lv a.IY pU'ea:>!Iod S,Al!I'lldp!unwaql JO t-eAoWa.1 :to uOH~a.Ia 'a:>u-eu3l
-u!-ew 'asn 'a:>uasa.1d aql'ql!M. uO!loauuoo U! .10 }O Uosva.I Aq Hnsa.I A-eW l'eql Apado.1d .10 qtun 'aJ!Iol A.1nfu!
AU-e JO luno:>:>-e uo sHns .10 spu-ewap 'SW!-ep 11-e pU~Jap'?sua~xa UM.O Sl! l-e 'l1-eqs AlU-edp!unW aq~ 'A8.Iau~
l-e:>ppal~ JO Alddns aql J01 pasn a,I!M. q;>ns M.OI~CJ, laaJ (~), .I?oJ,u-eql ,ssaI lOU ~u!od 'B l-ealod q:>ns Ol paqnl
-l-e ~q U-el{s a.I!M.. feu.8!S W.I-eI'B a~!J.ICl, ~:>!l9c1q~ns uaq~,,:~,s~I .10 sa.I~dw'll (S',) :sLJ:rual-9Ag pU'B uaA;"S .8tJ!A.I.IV:>
l!n:>.Ip lq~nlua:>sapu-e:>u!.IO :>.I-e sa!.Ias llQ.IJn:> lU"8~~;UO~ -e,.IO 'puno.I~ ?l ,ss.aI .lOSllOA (OSt) ^lHJpa.Ipunq
U~Aas JO l!n:>.Ip lua.IJnO, pa.I!p'B~.0'pun9.I.8 Ol AlI-e~.IO~ slf.ll: .10 sHoA. (~'zlpaJpun4~AY~AluaM.;J' .1,0 'S.IOl:>np
-UO:> u~aM.laq SS;}I .10 SHOA tooo'S,) pu-es~,oql' aA!J Jp ,lU~~.1n:> 2u!l'llU.1;Jlt-e, ItffJ~ladr :).,u'lll~uO:>-e ,3upCu-e~ ',~asod
-.Ind .1~M.od .10' 8u!l-eaq ':8u!lq8U .1oJ ll.I;:)ua l-e:>pP~Ja )0 ,,(Iddns aql .IOJ'P"'Sn' aJ!M. :,{u-e sf' a,.Iaql qO!qM.UO alod
v uodn pal.toddns s!l!n:>~p sl1 JO pvd'fu'e ,u!a.1!M. IV~!s'UU-el'll a.IY plI-ea:>U9d q:>hs fU"8 .~s'-e:> uJ 'sa.Iadw'B
(S.t) sqlual-aAY pu-e uaAas JO S~~?,xaU! 8U!A~i-e:> 'l!?:>J!=> lq8n lUa;}Sapu-e:>uJ. ifO:>J-e S';)!.laslua.I.In:> Ju'lllSUO:>
e .10 'punoJ8 Ol sHoA (OS1,)~llg:,l>;)~pun.q uaAas ..8u!paa:>b lua.I.In:> pa.I'!llI'B!lualO'd lU'lllsuo:> -e .10 'punoJ.8 Ol
AU-eW.IOU slloA (ooS'Z). paJpunq aAY-AlUaM.l .10 's.Iopnpuo:> UaaM.laq slIpA(Ooo'sJ PU:esnoql aAY ~ulpaa:>xa
lua.I.In:> ~u!l-eU.1all-e 1"8!lualOd lU"8lSUO:> -e 8U!A.IJ-e:> ~.I!M. AU"8 S! ~.Iaql !P!qM.UO ;}tod "8 uO,dnpaljoddns S! l!
'a.I!M. q:>ns JO l!n;>.Ip aql JOl.IOO,4tJl U! '}! .IOU 'sn-eM. (OSJ) Al}Y paJpqqq ~Uo sp~xa,JaM.Od pOln!WSU"8.Il
aql J1 .IOU 'sHoA (00'17) p~.Ipunq .I,U01 u'llql ~.IOUl, JQ a,8-elloA, -e A.I.I"8:> n-eqs sa.!!1\\. .q:>ns }!Au'\3d;UJo:) P!'\3S JO s~lod
P!'lls jo AU-e Ol paq:>-en-eaq ll-eqs S~.I!M. l-eu2!sWJ-er-e, ;uy pu-e. a~!Iod q:>ns ON '; ~uPH!.pU9,:> ~~!M.OnO}aql uodn
AluO pu-e 'SaA!l-elu~Sa.IdaJ p~z!.loq~n-e. s,Au-edwo=>, P!-es JO Uo!s!A.Iad;ns pu-e. uoq:>a.IIP ';jqt Japun paU!VlU!-eW pu-e
p~q:)"8n-e ~q U-eLJs S~.I!M. l-eu8!s WJV1-e ~.IY pu~a:>Hop: '~pns nv 'Al!1!ln :>nqnd .Iaqlou'e. :IH!~pasn AllU!Of. salod
uo su!d alod aql uaaM.laq pau1-elU!'eW aq 'U-eqs .a:>-eds .8uNW!P q:>U! (~) ..\PP,Jl,'e'l-e"l.l JaqpnJ p;lp!AOJd pu-e
's~rod pres JO ~sn sH .1.0 lu~wct!npa: s,Au-edwo=>~'ql JO aou-eualU!-eW pu-e uO!l-e.la~~~LJlLJ~!M. a.Ia}JalU! lOU lHM.
aw'lls aql JO asn aql :).,vql Al!I-edp!unW aql AqpaU!-elu!"8W PU"8 panld os aq lIvq~S;):.11M. q:>ns l-eql p<>p!AO.Id
: Al.Iado.Id l-euosJad .s-e 'luawa~.t2-esPH Jo~sodJnd aql..IOJ 'pa.Iap!suo:> aq lI'eqsAl!{-edp!unw aql pamw.Iad
S! ;)nds q:>!qM. uodn s~lod ~ql l-eql poolsJapu>>8u!~q l! 's<>lod Pl-es JO AU'll uo AU'edwo=>. aql JOfsn aql .1oJ
;){q"8I!"8A-e a:>-eds aql JO dOl aqll'\3 'asuadxa Sl! l'l AHl-edp!unW ~ql Aq 'suo!l"8:>ypa<ls ,s,4:u-edwo=> aql ql!A\ a:>u-e
-p.Io:>:)-e U! 'pa:>'llld aq O:j. W.I~SSOJ?auo JO su-ealU.Aq S~.I!M. l'eu2!s W.I-el-e ~.IY pl1v.a:>n9d's,4n-edpgmwaql .8U!
-A-.x.I"ll:> .IO} a:>vds luap9:Jns JO ash ~qlAlH'Bdp!unw aqll!W.I~d 11!M. l! '.Iapumpaq.,pau!'BlU!'eW ,10. pal;l;).Ia,sarod
.10 alod AU'll .8u!sns! Au-edwo:::> P!"8S auqM. 'lUt!.18 8u!08a.IoJ aql JO uO!l'e.I~P!suo:> uI 's, NOIJ,;):3:S
T ',.'" ,n
J ,U. rll!ll.*i,~;;.jj4~"";;;"'ll! ,,,'.._;.j.,;..,..,,.......,. fJM
, .
" .
SECTION 9. All grants, franchises, rights, licenses and privileges heretofore made or granted by
the Municipality by ordinance or otherwise to said Company and all rights of said Company under grants,
franchises, rights, licenses and privileges made by the Municipality to others from which said Company
may have purchased any part of its poles, lines, equipment or plant, are hereby revoked and repealed, It
being the intention that this ordinance shall contain all grants, franchises, rights, licenses and privileges of
said Company, and all obligations of said Company in connection therewith.
SECTION 10. Whenever. the word "Company" or the words "Illinois Bell Telephone Company"
are used in this ordinance, they shall be construed to mean the Illinois Bell Telephone Company, its lessees,
successors and assigns, and this ordinance shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of th.e said Com-
pany, its lessees, successors and assigns.
SECTION 11. This ordinance shall be in full force upon receipt, by the Clerk of the Municipality,
of the Company's written and unconditional acceptance of all of the provisions of this ordinance executed
1:IY its proper officers thereunto duly authorized, under the corporate seal of said Company, and attested by
its Secretary or Assistant Secretary;
SECTION 12. Under the terms and conditions stipulated in Section 6
hereof, the ~ny will .f'umish nineteen (19) individual line business '
telephones durJ.ng the first five-year period of this ordinance twent (20)
during the second five-year period, t".nty-one (21) during the 'third ~ive-,ear
period, twenty-two (22) during the fourth five-year period, twenty-three (23)
during t~e firth five-year period, and thereafter until the termination of
_this ordinance.
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OF F1CIAL 3-9300
November 4, 1952
Village ot Nt. Prospect and tbe
President and Board. ot Trustees thereot
Mt. Prospect, n1inois
illinois Bell Telephone CompaDT here~y presents thtm, its
written and unconditional acceptance ot theprov1sions ot a certain
ordinance passed by the Board ot Trustees of the Village of Mt. Prospect,
Cook County, nlinois, on the 14th day ot October, A.D. 1952, and
approved by the President thereot on the 14th dq ot October, A.D. 1952,
entitled, "An Ordinance granting to the nlinois Bell Telephone Company,
its lessees, successors and assigns, certain rights in the Village ot
Mt. Prospect, Cook County, illinois," and hereby, in compliance with the
terms of said ordinance, files this acceptance with the Village Clerk ot
said Village.
Yours truly,
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