HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 379 07/28/1953 .~ il /'1~ ~/eY~lJO.GI1 ~ 0 . , '" ( . .. Ordltlance No.3..7.fj AN ORDINANCE authorizing and provid- ing for the issue of $140,,000 "ater ReTenue Bonds ot the Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County" Illinois, for the purpose of defraying the cost of improving and extending the present waterworks system of said Village, prescribing all of the details of said bonds and providing for the collection, segregation and disposition of the revenues of the waterworks system ot said Village for the purpose ot paying the cost of operatlonand maintenance thereot, providing an adequate depre- ciation fund therefor, and paying the principal and interest of said Water Reve ue Bo s .--"'" . --... 'J \ \ \. ***** j ~ for the't b. WH~I. the Vl11age ot Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinol., is now and has for _any yearl last past been 0 anti maintainlng e. municipal waterwopks system in i.prove.ents and extensions reinforced of the construction of a V111ag.; and 1HlR~. it tsdee-'a adv!.able, best intefe.t of said ViiI.g.. that constrbcted to said existlnc muni ot 910,000 storage reservoir of a capacity concrete and brick puaping sta- tioD ..asuri electric mot approximately 250, 350 and 600 gal- lon per a1nu respectively; chlorination equipaent, pipe, val-yes, elee rical ork, aeration equipment, attd all needful ap- purten.nees, all to be located. on,the east side of Waverly Place 1D1J8e<,1ately 8 uth of pr.ospect Avenue; also the construction of an altitude control yalva and ehaaber on the supply line to the ex- isting elevated storage tank located at :Evergreen Avenue and North... west Highway) also the construction of a ten inch wate~ main in .Wa.verl)' Place from the afore..id pumping station to Central Road and a twelve inch ..ate!' main across the right-of-way of the Chicago and ffo:rth.este~ Railway, InCltlding all needtul val ves, ti ttings and appurtenance., all in accordance with the detailed plans and iJ // -., "'"~~n'~'n" , """" '""1 o o r) -'1- specifications therefor heretofore approved by the President and Board of Trustees of the sa.id Village of Mount Prospect and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk for public inspection; and WHEREAS, the total estimated cost of such improvements and extensions as prepared by the Village Engineers is the sum of One Hundred Forty Thousand Dollars ($140,000.00); and WHEREAS, 1n order to raise the funds required to construct said improvements and extensions to said municipal waterworks system, it will be neees8a~y that the Village borrow the sum of One Hundred Forty Thousand Dollars ($140,000.00) and in evidence thereot issue its Water Revenue Bonds 1n the principal amount of One Hundred Forty Thousand Dollars ($140,000.00), said Water Re- venue Bonds to be payable .olely and only out of the earnings to be derived from the operation of the municipal waterworks system; and ""';" WHEREAS, under the provisions of Article 78 of "An Act concerning cities, .illages and incorporated towns, and to repeal certain acts herein ~amed", effective January 1, 19a2, and all laws amendatory thereof and supple.ental thereto, said Village is authorized to issue water revenue bonda for the purpose of paying the cost of such imnrovements and extensions; and WHEREAS, the Village of Mount Prospect has heretofore pur- suant to an ordinance duly adopted by the President and Board of Trustees of said Village on the, firstday of November, 1944, issued and sold its Water Revenue Bonds, dated August 1, 1944, in the Eig- gregate amount of $27,000.00, all of said Water Revenue Bonds being presently outstanding; and WHEREA?, under the teras of said ordinance adopted Novem- ber 1, 1944, hereinabove referred to, it was covenanted that ad- di tional water revenue bonds would not be issued unless the reve- . nues derived from the waterworks system for the fiscal year then o o WHER~S, the earnings of the municipal waterworks system "'n"',","(" ''"'~"'"'" '" '"""'""'"'''''"'"'T'"'"'''' """"" ,," " ''" o o :4~ of sald Vl11age of Mount prospect for the 1ast rlscal year ending Jllly 31, 1953 have been examined by the President and Board of Trustees and are now being audited and said President and Board of Trustees have heretofore fOIJ.nd and do here by flnd and determine . that the revenues of said waterworks system for thE fiscal year ending July 31, 1953 are of such an amount that a::di tional water revenue bonds of the Village in the amount of $140,000.80 may be issued within the provisions of the 'restrictive covenants contained in said ordinances adopted November 1, 1944 and February 8, 1949 hereinabove referred to, such additional water revenue bonds to share ratably and equally in the revenues to be derived from the operation of said waterworks system with the revenue bonds of said Village now outstanding which are payable both as to principal thereof and interest thereon 801ely and only trom the revenues of said waterworks syste.; ----- IQ!, THER!FOR~, Be It Ordained b,y the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois, as follows:' Section 1. That the President and Board of Trustees have heretofore caused to be made an estimate of the cost of construct- , ing necessary improvements and extensions to the existing munici- pal waterworks system of said Village ot Mount Prospect as describ- ed in the preamble of this Ordinance, and all in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor heretofore prepared and ap- proved by this President and Board of Trustees and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk for public inspection, and have here- tofore estimated and do hereby estimate that the; total estimated cost of the construction of said improvements and extensions is the sum of $140,000.00. Section~. That the President and Board of Trustees do hereby determine th~ perioe of usefulness of seld waterworks system an~ the illl;)rOVement s a.nd extensions to be made thereto to 1 ~ ,~~~,~-"".v,~"",~"~"",, ,. -. ,,,,,,', " o o -5- be forty years. Section 3. That to pay the cost of constructulg such iw- [)roveaents and ?xtens1ons to the existing waterworks system it will require the issuance .')f $140,O(}).OO Water Revenue Bonds bearing in- terest at the rate of three and one-half per cent (3~~) per annum. Section 4. That for the purpose of defraying the cost of -- , imrroving r,~ld e:xtending the present municlpa l~.. ovmed v>[;;terworlts system of said Village of Mount Prospect as hereim..bove described in the pre6mble of this ordinb.nce, there be issued o:;nd sold w",ter revenue bonds of said Village, to be deslgn&ted "Weter Hevenue Bonds., in the principal amount of i140,000.00, which bonds shall Dear date of August 1, 1953, be numbered consecutively from 1 to 140, in- clusive, be of the deno_ination of '1,000.00 each, bearing interest at the rate of three and one-half per cent (3~%), payable on February 1, 1954 and semi-annually there~lfter on the first da.ys of August and February in each year and become due seriaLly, in nu- me~ical order '5,000.00 on August 1st of each of the years 1954 to 1985,incluslve, and tlO,OOO.OO on Al,lgust 1st of each of the years 19~8 to 1973, inclusive; provided, however, that said bonds num- bered ~8 to 140, inclusive, shall be subject to redemption prtor to their maturity, at the option of the Village, at par and ac- crued interest on any interest payment date on or ~fter August 1, 1958, in the inverse order in which they are numbered; that is to say, bond nu.ber 140 shall first be redeemed before bond ntrmbered 1~9 is redeemed, and so on, continuing such priority of redemption as toal1 aaid bonds subject to redemption prior to maturity. . at the MOUNT PROSPECT STATE BANK, Mount Prospect, Illinois, shall designl.\te the serial number and the aggregate principal amount of , W['tiliiih'i 'l~r~'Ia':,:~L;~i'ri , .""'[" ""- r r 'I ""n'Cj'''''''''' " ."" ,.., _r~,..., _., o o '.6. the bonds to be redeemed, and shell ind1e&te that on the deslgn~t... e~ date ')f redemption said bonds will be redeemed by payment of the 1')rincipal thereof and accrued interest thereon, and that fro. and after the designated redemption date interest in respect of said bonds so cal.led for redemption shall cease. Section 5. Both principal and interest of said water re- venue bonds shall be payable in law:ul money of the United ~tates of America at the Office of the Village Treasurer or at the MOUNT PROSPEC! STATE BANK, in the Village of Hount Prospect, Illinois. Said bonds shall be signed h! the President of the Village, sealed with the co~?orate seal of said Village, ~nd attested by the Village Clerk, and the interest cou;)ons attached to si:lid bonds shall be executed by the facsimile signatures of sB.id President and said Village Clerk, and said offici&ls, by ~~e execution of said bonds, shall adopt as and for their own proper signatures their respective facsimile signatures appearing on said coupons. Said bonds" together with interest thereon, shall be payable solely from the revenues derlv E:'d fro:n tbe water works system of said Village end such bonds shall not in Rny event constitute an inde:btedness of the Village or Mount Prospect within the lIIean1.~ of any constitutional or statutory limitation. Any of said bonds may be registered hS to E1rin- c1pal e,t any time Drior tG> maturity in the name of the holder on thl? books of said Village in the office of the Vtllage Treasurer, such registration to be noted em the reverse side of the bonds by the Village Trepsurer, and theras ft€r the princi-,',al of such regi- holder stered bonds ~hall c~'e p!:.yable only to t1.1.e reglstered.f,hls legal re:n'esentatives or essigns. buch regif,tered b'Jnds 8;-.,s11 t'A t.l'ans- ferable to the registered holder or buck tc) bearer :)nly u:m pre- Sfm',atton to tooVillage Treo..:urer, with ,;;, leg;;:l assignment duly ctC- kn<)wledged or anpr09'ed. RegistratLm of any of such rnnis shaLl not affect the negotiability of the cou~ons thereto attached, but such cJup~)ns shall be transfereble by delivery merely. ~ctlon 6. That said bonds and COUDons sh~.ll be in sub- ->"~"'W". We" "" w" "'11 Ii1I ,,- , r' ' - "" ,'W' , f""" ",- , " o o -7- Iltant1allYl.lhe following tormt (F"Jrm of Bond) UNITED STATES OF AMERIC~ STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK VILLAGE OFkOUNT PROSPECT WATER P.EVF~UE BOND NUltBEJ{ w.... ~.f:t____ !Qill! AL~ MEN ~ THESE PRESENTp that the Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois, for value received, hereb,y pro- mises to pay to Bearer, or if this bond be registered, as herein- after provided, then to the registered holder hereof, solely from the water fund of the Village of .ount Prospect, as hereinafter men- tioned and not otherwise, the sum of ______________________-- ______________Dollars <$ _____~->, in lawful money of the United States ot America, on the first day of August, 19____, together with interest thereon from the date hereof until paid, at the rate of three and one-half per cen t <3~~) per annum, payable on February 1, 1954 and seai-annually thereafter on the first days of August and February in each year upon presentation and surrender of the annexed interest coupons' as they severally become due. Both principal of and interest upon this bond are hereOf made payable at the oftice or the Village Treasurer or at the MOUNT PROSPECT STATE BANK, in the Village or .ount Prospect, Illinois. This bond is payable solel;v from revenues derived from the waterworks system of said Village and not otherwise, and is issued under liuthoritv of Article 78 of an Act of the General ~ssembly of the State of Illinois, entitled, "An Act Concerning Cities, Villages and Incorporo.ted ~o"ns, and to Repeal Certain ll.cts herein Named", efft=ctive Januar\ 1, 1942, and all laws aaendatory thereof and supplemental thereto, for the purpose of :]aying the cost of c'Jnstructing improvements and. extensions to the eXisting municipal waterworks system of the Village of Mount Prospect, and this bond "~" "..,. _"'m~,"'~"""""""'_ o o -8- does not constitute an indebtedness of said Village within any constitutional or statutory lImitation; Said VIllage covenants that it wI1~ fix and maintain such rates for water service and collect and account for revenues from said waterworks system suf- ficient to prom?tly pay prinCipal of and interest on this bond as the same becomes due. This bond is one of an authorized issue of One Hundred Forty Thousand Dollars ($140,000.00), numbered 1 to 140, inclusive, of the denomination ot One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) each, all of like date, tenor and effect except as to number, maturity and redemption privilege. Bons numbered 26 to 140, inclusive, are re- deemable at the option of the Village, prior to maturity, at par and accrued interest, on August 1, 1958 or on any interest payment date thereafter in the inverse order i"1 which they are numbered. That is to say, bond numbered 140 shall first be redeemed before bond ~Wlbered 139 is redeemed, and so on, continuing such)riority of redemption as to all bonds so redeemable. Notice to redeem any or all of s~id bonds numbered 26 to 140, inclusive, shall be given b.Y the Village by publication of such notice at leas' once in a newspaper published and of general circulation in the City of Chicago, Illin01s, the date or the publication of such notice to be not less than thirty (30) days prior to such redemptLm date, and when any or all of said bonds shall have been called for re- demption, and payaent aade or proYided for, interest thereon shall cease from and after the date so specified. Under said Act and the ordinance adopted pursuant thereto, sufficient revenues from the operation ot the municipal water- work. system shall be deposited in a separate fund designated as the "Water FundW of said Village which shall be used only in paying the cost of opea*ion and .-intenance of such system, providing an adequate depreciation fund, and paying the principal of and 1n- terest on the bonds of such Village thht are issued under authority of s~id Act and are payable by their terms only from the revenue I I t r T 17""- r "1"'~"'" . ""h''',!,'''' ~.....,>..>>....".....-..~"..,..."....,.,... . ".. . .~. o o -9- of such waterworks 8YSt... It is hereby certified and recited that all acts, c:mdl- tion. and things required to be done precedent toan4 ~n the is- suance of this bond have been done and have happened and have been nerformed in regular and due for. of law, and that provision has been made for depositing in said water fund sufficient revenues re- ceived from the operation of said waterworks system to be applied in the manner as hereInabove let for~h. This bond aay be registered as to principal only in the name of the holder on the books of said Village In the office of the V1l1age Treasurer, such registration to be evidenced by nota- tion of sai4 Village Treasurer on the back hereof, after hlch no transfer hereof shall be Yalid unless llade on said books and si.i- larly noted hereon, but it may be discharged from such registra- tion by being transferred to bearer, arter which it shall be transferable by delivery, but it may be again registered as be- fore. The registration of this bond shall not restrict the nego- tiability of the coupons Y,"I delivery merely. +N~l1TNES8WB'R19F, said Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois, Qr ita ~r..ldent and Board of Trustees, has caused this bond to be signed by the President of said Village, its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, and attested by the Village Clerk, and the coupons hereto a~tach.4 to be signed by the facsi- mile signatures of said President and said Village Clerk which officIals, by the execution ott,his bond, do adopt as and for their own proper signatureu thet. respectiY8 facsimile signatures appearing on said coupons, and this bond to be dated the first day of August, 1953. Pre.Ident, Viliage ot Mount---- Prospect, Cook County, Illinois. ATTEST: II 1 Village Clerk, Village ot Mount prospect, Cook Count,r, Illinois. '~ . "', r'"" "I.... ' ~ ., f " o o -10- (Form of Coupon) Number $ On the first day of _ ~_19, .' ~1-(unless the bond to which this coupon is attached has been co.lledforpaYJient prior to said date as therein provided for and payment made or provided ror), the Village of Mount prospect, Cook County, Illinois, will Pt(f to bearer i17 Dollars ($ ) in lawful money' of the Oni ted ~tates of America out of the Water Fund of said Village at the office of the ViLlage Treasurer or at the MOUNT PROSPECT STATE BANK, in the Village of Mount Pros;:>eet, Illinois, being interest then due on its Water Revenue Bond dated August 1, 1953, Number president;-Villageof Kount--- prospect, Cook County, illinois Attest: Village Clerk, Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County, lllinois (Fora for Registration as to Principal) Date of Reiistration ... In 'lUose lame Registered Signature of Village Treasurer - __........__ __ u...4 * (The clause wi thin the parenthesis appear- tng in the form of interest coupon shall be inserted in all coupons attached to bonds numbered 26 to ~40, in elusive, representing interest maturing after the optional date of the bond to which it is attached.) Section 7. !hat upon the issuance of the water revenue bonds herein provided for, the entire municipal waterworks system of said Villag. of Mount prospect, for the purpose of this ordi- nance, shall be operated on a fiscal year basis commencir.g the first day of August and ending the last day of July of each suc- < ~..,.'" ..."";'.;'-:H',"/''''''';''''' '.':i,:'.".... ,,' ".;;X'\"*~gf":.;-' '" " """'''''U''''''.'''' "'"", ",,"'" ,'",''' '" o o -11- ceeding year. From and arter the delivery or any bonds issued under the provisions of this ordinance, surflci~nt revenues from the operation. of the waterworks system of said Village of Mount Prospect shall be set aside as collected and be deposlted in a separate fund which i~ hereby created, to be designated as the' l! Water Ft.m.dw of the Villa.ge of Mount Prospect, which shall be. used only in paying the cost ot operation and maintenance of said system, providing an adequate depreciation fund, and paying the principal of and interest upon the water revenue bonds of said Vi1la.ge of Mount Prospect that are payable by their terms only fro. the revenues ot said waterworks system, and such water fund t, shall be used only for such purposes. It 1s hereby deter.ined that the amounts to be set aside 1n said water fund to be used for the purpose of paying interest upon and principal of said Water Revenue. Bonds issued under the provisions of this ordinance, as the same bee,.).e due, and in aiditlon to the amounts required to be set aside in said water fund for the purpose ot paying the principal and interest re- qulr,ments on these bonds now outstanding which by their terms are paya'le solely from the revenues to be derived frow the opera- tion of the waterworks system of said Village, shall be as follows: Period Year Ending ~ill Day of /u!.I 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 ~962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 PRincipal and . Int!U:est $ 9,900.00 9,725.00 9,550.00 9,675.00 9,200.00 9,025.00 8,e50.00 8,675.00 8,500.00 8,325.00 3,150.00 7,975.00 12,800.00 12,450.00 If:, 100. ,)0 11,75;).00 11,400.00 11,050.00 10,700.00 10,350.00 r>~"""""'~""'r ']' ., "r ," """'~"'''tl'r''T ","'"'' ", ".." ',..",.., ., .,' , '. o o -12- Distribution or amounts in said water ~und su~r1cient to cover the above required sums fOI' ;)rinci :!al and 1nterestof water revenue bodd. authori zed by this ordinance, for principal and interest on all outstanding water revenue bonds, and also for the purpose of paying the cost of operct1on, iLIaintenance, and an ade- quate depreclatbn fund, sr.i&ll be made monthly On the first day of each month, except that when the first day of any month shall be Sunday or a legal holiday, tl1en such distribution shall be made on the next succeeding secular day. Said water fund 2S hereinabove provided for shall be used solely and only, and Is hereby pledged for the Durpose of paying t'ne principal of and interest upon the water revenUE; bonds of sai:l Village of Mount Prospect that are payable b) thei r t erllS only from such revenues of the waterworks system, including the principal of and interest upon the water re- venue bonds he~ein authorized to be issued, to pay the cost of opera.tion, m.aintenance, and provide an adequate depreciation. fund, which depreciation fund srJ.all be accumulated at an annual rate of at least ?ne-h~lr of one per cent' ( 1/2 of 1%) of the value of the waterworks ~stem, including the improvements and extensions herein provided for. Section 8. While the bonds authorized hereunder or any of them remain outstanding or UDiJaid, rates charged for water shall be sufficient at all times to pay the cost of operation and main- tenance, to provide a depreciation fund, and to pay the interest on and principal of the water revenue bonds issu'2'd hereunder 2nd all outstanding bonds heretofore authorized which by their terms are payable from the revenues of said waterworks sv stem. imd there shall be charged against all users of said water, including the Village ot Mount Prospect, such rates and amJunt for v~ater service as shall be adequate to meet the requirements of this section. Compensation for services rendered the Village shall be charged against the Village and p~rment for the same from the corpor~te funds shall be marie monthly into the "Water Fund" created by this ordinance as revenues derived from the operation of thel..ater- "T/--''1!i''-!",ll''-'''''''''''''''''''''['''''''' ' ' "~"""7'r""="'" '1 ""11/ 'r'~"'""="rr,w",~,'~,,q~f' ,"=',"," , ''''0 " , ,", ' "" " o o ..lZ- work~ sys'tem 1n 'the sa,me manner as other revenues are required. to 'be deposl tad. Section, 9. Any sur)lus revenues deriVEd from the operation of ~atd watE'rwor1tts system shall only be user} in the 'urc:1Ci.Se and retirement of bonds issued o.} sa id Village,,, which by their terms are payable solely from the revenues derived frol:i the operation of the waterworks system of said Village, or invested in United States Government securities maturing not more than ten years from the date Ui.' sach purchase. ~ctiqn 10. Any holder of a bond or bonds or any of the coupons of any bond or bonds issued hereunder may eli-her in law or in equity, b? suit, act 1::m, m<and1.rrlus or other proceedings, enforce or comnel :')erforBw,nc€')f aLL d1.ltif~S r(')quired by this Ordinance, in- clndtng the lllaklng and collecting of sufficient w&ter Totes for that purnose arid a:lplicatlon of inco:e and revenue thereof. Section 11. It is hereby covenanted and agreed that while any water revenue bonds issued hereunder are outstanding, no ad- dt tional water revenue bonds shall be issued unless tt19 revenues rlerive'1 from the water\'Jorks system for the fiscal year then next preceding were sufriet ent to pay all costs of o;?eration ilnd main- tenance, provide an [:dequate depreciation fund cmd leave a balance equal to at least one hundred ten per cent (llO() of the aggregate of (a) the princi<,a.l and interest requirements for 'such year on all the bonds \otten outstanding payable from the revenues of the wcter- works system, (b) one yearts interest on the total issue of such addi tional bonds then proi1osed to be issued, and (c) an amount of principal of such additional bonds computed by dividing the total aeount of such issue by the number of years from the date of issue to the final maturity date of such additional bond issue. ~e~tlon lE. The Village of Mount Prospect hereby covenants and agrees with the holder or holder. of the bonds herein propo~ed to be issued, or any of them, that it will punctually perforJn all duties with reference to said waterworks system required. by the \ " . ..~( "".'pC"', ,< '''~''T ~.."" .", ., .,.,,,r, "'. " .'" o o -14- Consti tution and Lf,WS of the state of Illinois, including the malcing and col.lect~ ng of sufficient rates for w,-ter, end segregat- ing the revenues of said w2terwork. system and the application thereof to the respective funds created by this ordinance, and it '''1ereby covenants c.nd agrees not to sell, lea se, loan, mortgcge or in any nts,u.uer dispose of s,dd wcterworks sy'stem including any and all extensions and improvement~ tiwt may be made t:-lereto until all of the bonds herein authorized to be issued s:'\0.11 have been lJLid in full, both principal ;;md interest, or llnlesscnd until "jrovl sion shall have been Msde for the payment of all bonds and interest thereon in full; and the Village further covenants and eJ.grees lIrith the bo1ders of said, bonds t~ maintain in g30d Cillldition ar~ con- tinuously o,}erate said waterworks system. Section 13. Provt::lons of t'tis ordincnce shall cmsti tute a' c;'}ntract between th<; Village of tLo'~mt prOSi~ect 2nd the holders of t'1€> bonds ~'1erel1:l c ut~l:>ri ze.j to be issued, and after the 155- uance of t~e bands, no changes, addttions or alterations of any k~nd shall be made in any manner, eXc€)t as hFrelnJrovided, or until SllCh time 8.S all of said b:1nds issued he:reunder end the tn- terest thereon s'';.81l be paid in full, or unless cnd until provi- sion shali .r1c::ve been made for the pc;yment of all bonds &rld interest therecm 1n full. Sec:!:lon 14. Tha.t upon the execution of said $140,~)OO.OO Weter Revl!nue Bonds as her'ein provided, the same .shF",11 be delivered to the purcl1as~r thereof, namely, Nicho1bs &entllcci, of Sk:.)k1.e, Illinois, upon receipt of t~te )uc'chaselrlce there~6J:, the so.me being the sum of par ~lus ~.ccrued intet~st from the d~~e of S~ ld b011ds t-:J t}-lE' db.te of deliv.erJ~ t~hereofl f}.lus 9~~remilll11 irl c.:. -s:..m~ eC..lal to l/rct of the &mo~mt of 'bonds. issued, ccmtract for thes;,;,le of s~id h:mds, heretofore ent-ered into he b.nd t:-:e f:.C.;L') is hereby ~ retified, &'lproved and. c~mfirme.j, and t~'le i,roceeds of si::.le of 2i:,id bcmds she.ll be used f,?r t;:e ,ur 'OSt' of c:mstruc t Lng the im,)l"Jve- ments and extensi JrlS to "tne exist ;ng L;unici;)c.l W2. terw'Jrks s:lstern of '" , "n"',"" '. '~' "'''''''P''''''W_~''~''''~''.''''''W&''~'''''.E'''''''''' 'T' ' ~w , . o o -15- the VillaGe of: j\'.ount Prospect in accordb.nce with the ;)lans and spe_ cific:::ttons trl€ref,)r, ;1re)&red for t'.&1 purpose, her'et)forE &)prov- Ed by the Dresident 5nd Bc&rd of Trustees and now on file in t~e office of t~lC Village Clerk and o)en to the i;u;;JectL:.)1 of t~:e;'ubllC~ ~~ctioIl 15. If <iny secti0n,pa ragrur'h, cl", use or provt sL)n of this 0 >d111&nce shall be held invr..1 id.~ t:l€ invalldi ty of SUC~,1 section, p<:.regraDh, clause or )roYision shall lOt 8ff'ect cmy of the other provisions of t':is ordinance. Section 16. In the event the a~olmt of bonds issued is less - than the &ggl'ega te ar.:nunt hf.'rein &l.lt',orized, t'le ,!'ounts to be Det aside in the Water Fund to be used for the ~jurpose of p,,-ying )rirt... ~ i ) cipal t;.nd ~.nterest of Ws;ter Revenue Eond::;, hS provided in Section 7 hereof, shall be reduced )roportionately. Any &ccrued interest or surplus of proceeds received from t!e sale of stid b:mds i.~fter PBY- mentof the cost of such imprO\rec.ents and eXffmsL)ns shall be dcpo- s1 ted in the water fund and applied towc:.rd the pay mellt of interest or princi pal next mEturing. .e~cti:.illl 17. Tnat the Village of rV.Dunt ?ros pect herEby c.grees to carry insurE"nee on the w2terr-vrks s}'stem of the k~nds c:nd in the amounts wl1:i ch are llsually carried by priv"te(l0rties op~rat- 'Lng siriilar properti es, including, w L thou t lim~_ t.ng the icne!'<:,li ty of the foregoing, fire, windstorn inSUI'EnCe, 1ublic liEbility, ~nd cmy uddi tional insu.rance covering such risks c:.s ;;;;la11 he reco-:mend.. ed by a com:Jetent, inde:,endent enginEer e!l1)loyed for ti~(> ;>ur ;~O Sf' of mc:k:ng such rec01!1,men5f;t ims, [jnd all m'Jneys recel ved for l::)sses under such insllrance ;:-'011 cies shall bl=' de ;Josi ted in tte nViC~ ter Fund'! ,:end used in I:laking g.:;od the loss or der.1C;:&,:e 1.r1 I'Fspect of which they were paid eLther by rep~iring the prJ~erty d~mEged or replacing the property destroyed, End provision for making good such loss or d["m~', ge Sl:lB 1.1 be lib-de wi th in ninety day s frorn the cc,te of the los~. The p~ment of premiums for all insQrance polici€s re- quired under the provtsions of this section sfudl be considered & r!E intenEtnc~ and OpcI'[,tt:)r. expense. 1>1T'''''t''''t 11'[" , "f' '~,,' """1".,~,,~~..n','~%'"'' "'''''~' ....,..,' T' " """"~r..q^,w""'/'TW ',' " , - o o -16- The 'proceeds o~ any and all poltcies 1"or publiC l1ab111t~y s' all be paid :.nto t e Mainterw.nce and O;-ieration ~11J.no. t',nd used in [16.y"trtg t'1.e C1131.t:1Sm ~~;cc~,:mnt of whlc 1"1 the~' 1'Jere received. gQQtion lR. The Village of Mount Prospect covenants 2nd egress that so long as any of tLe b:mds herein authorized rematn out3t.c,nding pro~)er books hnd records Emd <iccounts will be kept by tl::e Villc:.',ge of fu.:)~nt Prospect 5e~)Circte andapc.rt from (:.11 other re- cords ,?'nd e.ccounts, s'l-!owi ng correct and com~'lete entr1 es of all tr&nsFctlol1S of the wtJt.erworl{s system, and that the holders of any or said bonds or anJ' dul)' authoriz~;d c.gent .or agents of such hold- ers shall hElve the right at an)' !.no. all re~s,mable times to in- spect the record.s, accounts ,mcl a.udit relating thereto, end to in- spect the zystem Emd ell i:'roperty comprising the f;y;:;tem. Said 'Ville;ge further covcnE,.nts emd C.!gre€s that it will/d. thin. sixty days following the close 0" EOe'er: fifc;~l yee::r c~;use en t..udit of such boo1Q; end Eccount $ to be made by c.n inde;;endent firm of certi fied ,ublt c c ccountant s, showing the receipts and dis'bursement s for and on account of' the s)'stem, and that such. audit will be av(':il~ble for inspection. by the bolder! of' eny of the bonds. EE..ch such audit, in addi tion to whatever matters lnf.r..Y be thought proi.\er by the accoUllt- c.:nt to t.lA 'included thE:!ein, ShE'.1l without limitlng tr.,c generalit.y of t'"'J.e foregotng, include th.efollowing: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) A staterr:E'llt in det.e.11 of the income and expendi- tures of the isyste fol' such fiscEl year. . A balance sheet as of the end of such fiscal year. The accOl.mtent' s comment regarding the me:.nner in which the village hes c~rried out the requirements of this ordln&nce, and the accountsntts recommen- dations for Emy changes or improvements in the operation of the system. . A list of all the insurance policies in force at the end of the ~iscal year, setting out as to each policy the amount of the policy, the risks cover-fOld, +,he ns~;e of the insurEr end the expira- tion date cf the policy. The nllmber of properties connected with the 'hater works system at the end of the year, the number of meters in operation at the end of tela year, i:ind the number of unmetered water customers at the end vf the year. __WTr,rr,,,w,,,,,t'[,"''!'c,,,,,ill''P",,,'P,,' """"""""",w,~,,,,,,," ""'!""'''''''-''''''W'VjIf' """""""~'"'='~"""''''''A''l~'''r ",' " "", o o . . -:17- (r) A state~~nt showing the total number of gallons of water pumped and the total ililmber of gallons of water sole; to mpterE~d water users during such fiscal year. . All ex)ense incurred in tbe making of the 2ud! t required by this section shall be regvI'ded end ~-;aid as a tnPintenance and operation expense, and it is further covenEoted Bnd Egreed that 8, COf'Y of each suer' E,udi t sha.l he furnished to the holder of any of the bonds at his request, and any hold.er of a bond or honds authorl ed under this ord; ncSnce sh;;'tll hcve the right to discuss with the accountant mrJ<:ing the cudit the contents or the audit and to ask for any &dditional information he may reasonably require. Section 19. All ordinances, resolutions or orders, or parts thereof, in conflict with the provisions of this ordin&nce, ere to the extent of such conflict hereby .repe~led. Section ~~O. This ordio;;.nce ~ fter its passagE: by the President ~md Board 0 f Trustees and approval by the President shall be publ i shed once in the Mount Prospect Herbld, ~. newpaper published in &nd having a general circulation in the Villcge of Mount Prospect, and if vfi thin twenty-one d~.ys Cort.er such publica- tiOD no pet! t10n is filed vd th the Clerk of' said Vill ge, signed hy twenty per cent (201.) of the number of voters voting for Village President at the last preceding Village ~lection ~sking t ~,,:i t t1-:,e qt..'l..€stion of const.ructing the Improvaments E'nd extensL)ns to the 1)resently aimed municipl-...l waterworks system c:nd the iSSUance of the bonds herein provided for be submitted to the legal vot~rs of this. Village, then this ordinanc(o $hBll be in full force end . effe.zt. If within s('iid twenty-one days a petition, signed by the requisite number of legal voters, 1s filed, then this ordinance shall not bec',)me effective until the question of constructing such improvements and extensims and the issuance of such bonds I ".- .':t",1W'--""~-'--""'- <" 0 ...... ......... o .18. has been submitted to and ap~roved by the leg21 voters of said Village. .PASSED b ------ p~e.ldent and Board of Trustees this ~~ __, 1953.. day of VOTE: Aye: ~/~('~e.( t _c,(~tt~ .~l-inLtchf.~l1bot:rrn-v ,<e; n j ~ Ih) ~ W,'r.re>)....; Hay: __-#-(h...~ .:..._--_----------- Absen t: dv'..e>.:z~___________~-___________ APPROVED: --~f -~-, "-953. RECORDED: ____ ____________, 195Z. Anproved this -- ~~~a President of the Vl~ a Prospect, Cook County, , 1953.. Attest: