HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 383 09/15/1953
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.0 ORDIBUOB &JlDexlag eel"&l.
landa to the Vl11ag. .r .ount
proapeo'. n1.
WBEREAS. a wrltt.. petltlQn baa b.en tl1.d wlth th. Vl11age
Olerk ot the Vl11age ot .0\11\t hoa,.et D1' .ALlPOBSO .ALlPIlfI aD4
THERESA .ALFIn, hueband and wite, belng th. I.le ownera ot record
ot the hereinatter clalcrib.d land aad t.rrl t017, r.queatlng the
ann.xation ot aald tract ot land and. terri torr to tbe Village ot
Mount Pro.peet; and
WBRBAS, aald land. and territory ie not within th. corporate
llalta of aD7 municlpa11t1' but Is contlguoul to the Vl1lage of
.ount Prosp.ct. 1. uDbablte4 and h&s no ele.tora re.lding thereln;
WBEREAS, aald petltl.. etatea tbat no .le.tor. re.ide tberein.
1. under oatb and In all re.pectcOIlp11ea with tb. requlre_Dts
ot the statute In .ueh caa. _de and provlded; and
WHEREAS, tbe Pr..ldent and Board of Truete.. ot thla Vl11age
bave exam1ned aald petitlon eel hav. con.lured t. qu.atl08 er
the alU1exatioD of the 10.1'1'1 toJ'1 deeorib.d In aa14 petl tion and.
bel1....e it to b. t. the be.t Int.re.ta of tbe .unieipa11t1' tbat IUGb
terrltor7 b. aanexed theretoJ
Sectlon 1. !bat tbe allegatlona contalned 1n the pet1tloD are
seotlon 2. !bat the landa and terrl tory de..rib.', to-wlt,
'1'ha' par' ot 'he Ba.t halt or tbe Bonh..., Qaar'er of
s.otloa Bl...., Town port7-oDe Borth, Rang_ Il...n, Ea.t
otthe Tb.1r4 Prlncipal ..rlcl1aa,".or1bed a. tollowl'
C....n.ll'lg at a polnt In the '.rtla aad South Quarter (.;>
s..'lon 11_ 1.1i t..t Bor'R ot the oenter ot .a14 s.otlon
11; 'h.ae. W..t 1310.76 t..t to a pol.t 2.1. t.., Borth ot
tb. Ba.t aad W..t O1arter (-t) S.otlon l1ne ot ea14 Seetlon
and. 8.5 t..t Ba.t ottlle We.t 11... ot the Ba.t Halt (i-) ot
,be lor'bwe.t Qaart.r <t> .r .ald Sectlo., t~ne. ..rther17
987.'8 tee' toa polat lte.t Ba. t ot the W..t line ot 'he
....t Balt (i-> or tbe .ort..., Q)1art.r (.;> ot .ald SeetloJUJ'
tbenc. Ba.t ona llne 910.00 t.et Borth ot and. parall.l t.
.a14 Ba.t and We.t quarter <t> SeCtl0D liRe 1308.26 teet to
a polnt 1n the We.t 11_ ottb.e...t Balt (i> ot tt>> lorth-
.a.t QJaart.r (i'> ot .ald Seotloa,tlleace So.tll on .aid We.t
11_ 188.'11 t..t to a polnt 1.26 t.et _orth or th. Ba.t ad
W..t Quarter (i'> Seotlon llRe ot la1d Sectl0D the place ot
o.glDD1ac, .
.bleh terrltol7 1. contlguous to tbe Vlllap ot .ouat Pro.pee', 18
aot eurae.d tberela, 1. tu.d.nbablt.d, contal_ no .l..t.. h.ld1ag
therein, aad 1. un1ncorpora t.d, b. and th. SbIe 1. bareb, annex.d to
the Vlllag. ot .ount Pr08p.ct, .. tbat hereatt.r .ald t.rrltoZ07 .hall
b. Included wl thin the boundar7 lln.. and 11m1 t. ot s.ld Vlllage as ls
by la. In Iuch ca.. aade and pro.lded.
Sectlon 3. The Vlllage Clerk or tb.1. Vlllage 1. hereb1 directed
to tlle a cert1tled. 00P7 or th1. Ordlnanoe, tosetber .ith an accurat.
_p ot .ald annexed. te:rrlto17, wlth the Recorder or Dee" ot Cook
COUnt7, Il11nol..
BeOtloD 4. 'fhat thi. Ord1unce ahall be ln tall terc. and .ttect
trom and atter It. p...age and appro.al, aocortina to law.
:PABSlDI tbb /~ ..,..~ ~ 11163
Al':PROVEDI tbb /SI?> -7 et _"""-': 11163
,., ~rJ~
ADS. 7rwf'teeJ" C ,#
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