HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 402 05/04/1954 Ord1Dance Ho. 4cJ2 All ORDDJdCB annexing .eru1a 1.... .. to the Village ot Mouat pr.apect, Illinoi.. WBUBAI, a written petition haa been tile. with tneVillage Clerk ot. the Village or MO\1Ilt Proapect \)7 PIOdmt '1'R1JS'1' AD BAVDGB BAIlt, a corporation or I111nola, aa Trustee ader the proviaio.. ot a 'l'PU8t Acree_nt elated Dece.ber 22. 1953 &Il4 kno.. .a 'fRat RO. 9~2 a. te Lota "a" anel "H", and. a8 'lr\1atee uncier tbe proyi.iona or a '1'rU8t Agreement dated Maroh 29, 19'!f. and known as 'l'PUat Ro. 9600. as to Lot. "A" aacl "I)". 'e1Jlg the ..le owner or reoorel ot the herelnatter de.erib84 lane! aDd territor,., req.e.tins the anaexation ot aaid traots or lancl and territor,. to the Village or Mount Prospect; and WHlRlAS, aalel 1&D4 and territo17 ia not within the .orporate li.it8 of &D1 municipality but is oontiguous to the Villa.. ot Mount proapeet. 1. UDhabitecl &a4 has no ele.tors reaidi.g therei. and LAW DFFICES DF F'RANK M. OPEKA VIIRIAS , aai4 petition atat.. that. DO electors re.id. there is uder oath ud in all resp.ct. complie. with the "fl..ire_ate the Ita tute in auoh cue -.4. and provided; and WDbA8, the preaident aDCl Board ot '!'rUatee. or thia Vil1ap have exaa1necl aaid petiti.. and have conaidered the que.tion ot tbe anneuti.a or the territo17 "eacrlbed in aald petlti_ and M1ieve it to be to the b.at intere.ta ot the anmicl,a1it7 that sueh terrltory be auexed thereto; .... Theretoret BE 1'1' OIDADIBD BY '!'HE PIUIDD'f .AJID BOARD or TfttJSt.rD8 II' '1'D VILLAR Oil MOlIft PROSPECT, COOl: COOTI, ILLDfGIS: SeetieD 1. <<.rhat the allegations contained 1ft the petition are true. seotiOD 2. That the lands Ul4 tenitol'7. de..ribed. to wit par.el "A" That part .t Lot "A" in Kirchhott's Subdivisi.. i. section 33. Tenahlp .\2 ..rth, JlaIap 11 Bast of the 'fhi" Princlpal Jleri4lian. which 11.. Scntth ot a 1iDe cIrawn tro_ a point OR the We.t li_ of aald Lot "A" whioh i. 1315.3~ tt. South of the Rorth.e.t .orner ot. ..14 Lot to a po tat on the But I I1J1ae or aald LOt "A" whlch la 931.07 rt. .outh or the .ortheaat coraer or aald Lot ".". Parcel "D" fbat part or Lot "." ta Kirchhorr'a ,...lyl.lo. In S.ctlon 3 # Townahip '2 .ortll# -ae ,II Baat or the 3r4 Priael,al "ri4ian dea.rlied a. rollowllse_..iDS at the South...t .oraer ot aa14 Let "." th.ue ...t aloas the "11th 11M ot Lot .." 7" te.t the... Berth paral1el.:~te tlae Wea' 11_ or Lot "." HI,teet; th...e Baat parallel to tIM ...th 11M or Let "." 1M teet J tbe... ....tIl parallel' to tM w...t l1Deor Lot "." "teet te the Sfttb 11M ot I,ot"." J the... BaIt aloae the ._'h liRe or Lot "1) , 661." teet ..re 01",1... te tbe S..t....t .onet- ot' Wt ... J tae e ..rtb...terly aloRS tu _.ter17 line or Let .D~ 1086.62. teet _ or Ie.. to the South l1ne ot tile B.tor the..E.! er the 8~..i or .ald...tl.. 33; tile... .e.t aJeag the 80llta 11M ot the B.i ot the X.B.! or th. 1...* or Beetl.. 33, _11.87te.t to tbe West 11M or the B.i ot the 8.V.! or .a14JS..tl" 33J th.... Borta aloag the ...t line or the :I.i er aa14 I.V.! "0.03't..t to the .orth liDe or sa14 a.v.! or se.tle. 33; the.oe W.ataloag the Borth 11_ or ...14 I.V. i, 167 re.t; th...e s_th parallel to the Ve.t 11M or the B.i ot the ..14 a.v.i, 668.07 teet to the south l1ne or the w.i ot the B.v.i or tae a.v.. ors..tt.. 33; tae..e V.at aleae aale1 south line, 28_.80 teet to a polnt 0. sald South 11M 21~.20 reet :sast ot ,the Veat line or Let "U" J ~..oe .orth paral1.l to ud 215.20 't.et But or the ..st liDe or sald Let "." 557.30 teet ..re or les. to a pelnt Oil ..14 parallel. li1le,.... teet 8ou'tA or the later.e.t10n or.a1d parallel 11M wlta tho 10..th..a.rly11ne or DaYl. 8tNOt#s.1d So..th.o.terl;y l1ne or DaYla Itre.t be1as 66 reot S..th....r17 or tho $olit.w.sterly lae or the Rl&11t ot Val er tlw Chloaloaad. ..rth...ten ..11_&7J the.ee v..to. a 11M dnn at rlpt agIo. to the Vest 11M or Lot "B" 215.28 reet to the Ve.t 11M or Lot "D"l th.... .o.th o. the vo.t 11M' or Let "DB 2531.23 re.t "1"8 or lea. to the plaee or begluiDg. parcel "Ul! Let "G" In J:lrebhorr's SllhdlYl.1on in Seotlon 33" Towa.hlp _2 Borth", llaD&e 11 Baat or the Thl" PriDclpal .erldl&R# except that part thereor ly1Ds Borth or the South I1n. or the Rortit! or the R.B.* or the a.v.! ot seetlo. 33" p4l We.t .r the Baat 11.. or t.. We.t i ot the B.E.t or the ..B.t ot the S.W.t of Sectlon 33" atoreA14. ' parcel "K" Lot "HR.1n "Jt1rchhort'.8ubdlY1alon 1. seetton 33" Townsh1p -'2 Iforth# 1laJ1I. 11 Eaat ot the Thlrd PrlDe1pa1...r141aa" except the But 150.2_ rt. ther.ot and,except the W..t 15ttt'.rth. Eut 3H.2' tt. ot that part otaa14 Lot "." 171Dg 80.ta or a , 11Jl8 250 rt. Wortll or aDd. ,arallelto the South l1ne or sa14 seotlon 33. whlch terrltory ls oootlgu_ to the Vlllage ot Mount Prospect" 1. Dot ..braced th.reln, 18 uninhablted" contalns no electorad N81dlng therel. and 18 uniDoorporat.cl" be and the .ue ls hereby annexed to the Vl11age or Mount Prospeet .0 that hereatter sa14 LAW Ol'FICE8 OF FRANK M. CPEKA terrlto17 aaall .e in.luted wlthln tbe bel1l'1dary liMa and 11.ita or aa1d V1llage aa 1a by law In auoh ca.. .cte and provided. ..'loB 3. !he Vl1lage Clerk or this Vl1lage 1a hereby direoted to rile a certiried oOPY or thia ordlnaaoe~ together wi th an aocurate ., or aald azmexed tenl '817 ~ w1 th the .ecorder ot "eds or cook county~ Il11n01s. 88ot1_ ,. !hat thia ordinance shall be 1n full toree and erreet tro. and atter 1t. pa.sag8 and approval# acoording to law. PABID: APPllOVED: this _th day or 1&7. 195- tb1a _to day ot Ma7. 195- II II I A~ST: jlA/~~ r /~ ell k.. '~- - I. ., I -r ,~ a.a.5 Ili/1r,cb IJ6ob'u>- Iqni~ AYIS: ~1""if'leeJ,' OLl /I ./ ~ .> lAYS Ii ~/;:'flee': ~ /.r~ D8D'l': I/()..".., €- ~ffiRj{j)~ pre a ideat pi Vjer LAW OFFICES OF FRANK M. CPEKA