HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 409 07/06/1954
GODlAlfCE No. 4-0. r
All OUIRBeB a__lag the
Vl1lap ot. ,oun.t pro.,.e t
zoalDI 0rc11naaee.aa A.DCled
WDRIASI tbe Zonlag C...l..10n ot the V1l1ale ot Rout Pro.,
at a pU11c .etine du17 oalle4 &ad. he14 accord.lnl to 1awI conalde -
ed tbe .uastlon ot reelas.lty1ag tro. R-l Res14eace Distrlct to
1-1 Llght IDdustr;y Distriot, the real e.tate hereinatter de.cribe
WHDEASI the Pre.ideDt aDel Board. ot TrUteeal bavlll& 00Ds14e
ed the reeoa.D4atio. ot tbe la14 ZODlnS CO_l.lloRI tlnd aM
belle.e that the hlgh.st and beat .s. tor the real estate hereln
1a that ot 1-1 Llght Induatry uae;
HOW, TBERElfORE, BE IT ODADfD,b7 the Pre.ldent and Board
- ~.-
ot Trastees ot the Vll1age or "Mount Prospectl Cook couat7,
DCtI.1f 1. Tba t an ordinanoe e.tl tled "An ordinanoe
ola..lf71ag, regulatlns and reatricting tbe 10catloD ot trades
and industrles and the locatlon ot bui141ags dellgned tor a,eeitl
ue.; regulating and llaltlq the height and bulk ot bulldlnes
hereatter erected or altered, regulatlng and 11.1t181 the tatenal
ot tbe use of lot areas and regulatlq and .eterminlng the area of
yards, courts and otber open spaoea wlthln and surroundlng auch
buildlngs; establl.bing tb. boundarles ot dlstricts tor the aald
purposes; and preacriblns pena1tles tor the vl01atlon of lta
provlslons", paase. and .,pre.ed Dec..ber _, 19231 known a.
Ordinaac. 110. 52, as _nde4, be further amended bY' reclaa.lf,.lng
fro. R-l .esldenoe Distrlct to 1-1 Llght Industry Dlatrlct, the
tollowlnl real eltate:
Parcel "A"
That part ot Lot "A" In Klrchhoft's Sub41.1s1on 18 Seetloa
33, T_blp -'2 .orth, Ilanp 11 "at ottbe ThiN Pr1Re1pal
Jlerldlanl whioh 11.. So.tll ot . 11M drawn tro. a point oa
tbe West 11M ot 8a14 Lot "A" wh1eb la 1315.3- ft. South
ot the Korth.e.t ooraer ot" aa14 Let t. a po at on the East
11M et aalel Lot "A: whleh 1. 931.07 tt South ot the Rortheaat
coner ot aald Lot " A" .
paroel "n"
!bat part ot Lot "1)"18 Elrebhottt. aubellYlal.D In a.ctlon 33~
TOwnshlp '2 Korth, llaap .11 Ba.t ot the 3rd Prlnolpal "rlcllaa -I
d..crlbed a. toll..a:' o._.aolng at the a_tawea t .oner ot I
::;:.;0:.... o. ;~; ::r......~.r:: :..~..:.IlIW.:...Ia.'.l.t.......\1.t:.. t l:;-..O...t :~.L; :a ".~.:..~f.' teetlJ1.
then.e Ba.t parallel t. the Sou'h 11M ot Lot "D" loe te.t;
tbenoe Seuth parallel to theV.at 11M ot Lot ~J)" 2G1 teet to tbe
SOllth llne ot Lot "J)" I thenoe Bait a101ll the South llne ot Lot "D"
667.69 teet ..re 0.. 10.. to tJ10 South.a.t ooraer ot LOt "])"; th.n.~
Xortb.oaterly aloDg tho Ia.torly 11&. ot Lot "D" 2806.62 te.t Hr. II
. or 1... to tbe South 11M ot theK.t ot tbe X.I.t ot the S.W.t I
ot aald Seotlon 33; tbenc. W..t along the Soutll 11_ ot the w.t I'
or the X.E.! ot the s.w.t or ao.t10. 33, -77.87 teet to the We.t
line ot tb. E.t or tho a~v.t or .a14 S.etlo. 33. thenoe Borth
I alonl the W.at 11ne or tbe E.i or A14 s.w.i 660.03 r.ot to the
)forth ll...t aald s.w.t ot sectlon 33; th.... v..t alons the
lIorth llne or aald S. .w.... ., ot 161 teet; th.nce SOl1th par. a1l.l to
the Weat llne or tb. E. ot the .ald S.w.t, 660.17 t..t to the
South 11M ot the R.t ot the x.v.i ot theS.W.t ota..tlo. 33;
tb...e We.t alG.1 .alel South 11M, 2S_.80 te.t to a p.lat on
A14 South 11ne 215.20 teet Ba.t ot the We.t lla. ot Let "D";
theno. Kerth parallel to and 215.20 te.t Eaat or th. We.t 11n.
or .ale1 Lot ">>"'557.30 te.t..re or 1... t. a p01Dt Oil .ald
parallel 11.. 'eo reet Soutb ot tbe 1Dt.r..etlo. ot ...ld
parallel 11De wlth the South...ter17 line ot DaYl. stre.t,sa1d
I Soutbwesterly llne ot Davi. street Milll 66 teet Sellth...ter17
ot the Southwe.terly liae ot the Blght otway or th. ehlo.... and
Borth...tera "11"7; th.llce Ve.t..D a line dran at rlpt angl.a
to the V..t llne ot Lot "D" 215.28 r.et to the V..t 11M or Let
"D" thenoe I.tltho. tbe ...t l1ne ot Let "I)" 2537.23 te.t ..re
or,l... to the plac. ot _eslnalnl.
Paree1 "a"
Lot "a" In Xlrebhottt s8u41vl.lon In Sectlo. 33, '....hl'
Jr.2 Borth,. JtUage 11 Ba.t ot th. '!'bird Pri..lpal ..rlell",
exeept that part thereot lying Korth ot the Sou,th. 11aeot the
)forth! ot the X.E.*, ot the S.w.t or 88otlo. 33. ad Veat ot
the East llne of the We.t lot the W.E.t ot the B.B.t ot the
a.w.t ot Sect1o. 33. atoresald.
Paroel "H"
Lot "H" In Elrchhort.. Sub41Yl.10. in se.t1.. 33, '1'own.hl,
-'2 Borth, . Rup 11 Ia.t or the Thlrd Princlpal Merldian, exoept
the Ea.t 1'0.2' tt. thereor aa4 .x..pt the We.t 150 rt. ot tbe
Ea.t300.2Jt. ft. or tbat; part ot .ald Lot "R" l7!ag S.uth ot a
11M 250 ft. Borth ot ...4 parall.l tethe.SOllth llne or .a14
Soctlon 33.
IECTleR 2. That salel real ..tate a. reelassltled sball
be sUbJeot te all ll.1tatlo.. and .on41tlo.s plaoe. upon pro-
pertle. In I-I Llght Indu.try Dl.trlct a. cletlDed la sald ordlnanoe
beretetore ..atloned.
. ,
SlC'lIOIf 3. Any per8.D, tira or ..rporation who v101ates,
41..'M,.., oalts, neglect. or retu.e. to ..ap1,. With or who re-
.1.te the el:lteree...nt of &DJ' ot the prov181... ot thl. ordlRaDce
.ha11 1M tlne" not le.. than Tea :Dollar. ($10. GO) nor ..re than
ORe BUDdre4 Dollars ($100.00) tor each otte..e, eaoh clay that a
vlo1atloD 1. per.1tte. to exist ahall constitute a .eparate
DCTIO. Ji.. That tlli. ord1nan.e .hall be in tull toroe
and ettect tro. and at tel' it. pa..age, approval &D4 pUblioation,
aC8ord1Dg to ;:" law.
PAS8D; tbia 6th clay ot July, A.D. 1954
APPIlOvBD: this 6th day ot July, A.D. 1954
I~~~ ~)
I Viiiace7!:f!.?r-
POLl8BBD i.. ..t;l1e Jl8IlIT PROSPECT BElU.LJ)
the .... /.~ 87 ot July ..D. 195~