HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/18/1992 VB minutes IZIHUTEB OF ~afs RBGULIR MNRTIN~ OF
~ ~YOR ~ ~ OF. ~US~B
OF 3'~
~U~U8T ~8~ ~992
~r.r..~ 0~ C~L TO O~ER
Mayor Farle~ called the meeting to order at 7:33 P.M.
Present upon ro11 calX: Ma~or ~eral~ Farle~
T~stee Mark Busse
T~stee Timoth~ Corcoran
T~stee Leo Flores
T~stee I~ana Wilks
~sent: T~stee George Clowes
T~stee Paul Hoefert
The ~nvocat[on was given by Mayor Farley. I~O~TiON
T~stee Busse~ seconded b~ T~stee Wilks~. ~PPRO~
move~ to approve the m~nutes of the re~lar MI~TES
meeting of the Mayor and Board of T~stees .
held Au~st 4, 1992.
Upon roll ~a11~ Ayes= Busse, Corooran,
Flores, Wilks
Nays: None
Motion carried.
~ OF BI~
T~stee Flores, seconded b~ T~stee Busse, aPP~
.moved to approve the following list of bills: BILLS
~eneral ~nd $ 750,908
Refusal D~sposal ~nd 2,672
Motet'Fuel T~ Fun~ 215,444
co.unity Development Block Gr~t F~ 5,877
Illinois ~ioipal Retir~ent F~ 80,858
water ~ Sewer~ 414,610
Parking Syst~ Revenue F~ 4,901
Risk Manag~ent F~d ~9,313
Vehicle Replao~ent F~d 3,493
Motor E~ipment Pool Fund -
Capital Improv~ent, Rep1. or Rep. 55,12~
Do~to~ Redev. Const. Fun~ 1,189
Police a Fire Buil~ing const. 9,249
Flood Control Revenue F~ 233,766
Co~orate ~ose Improv~ent 1990 -
Debt 8e~ioe F~s -
Flexoomp T~st ~d 12,~84
Escrow Deposit Fun~ 106,514
Police Pension ~n~ -
Fir~en~s Pension ~nd -
'Benefit T~st Fund 2.167
~pon roll ~a11: Ayes: Busse, coroor~, Flores, Wil~s
Nays: None
T~stee Yloros, seoonded b~ T~stee Busse, moved to FI~CIAL
a==ept the f~n~ial =epo=t for the period end~ng ~RT
July 31; 1992; s~jeot to audit.
~pon roll ~a11: A~es: Busse; Coroor~ Floros; Wilks
Na~s: None
Motion Garried.
Richard Hendricks, 1537 E. ~merson Lane, commended
Wal-Mart and the staff in resolving the storage behind
the Wal-Mart store, noting thatthe cardboard is now
being baled. --
COMMITTEE SYSTEM 'Mr. Hendricks also suggested the Village Board go back
to the Committee system, which
may be of some assistance to the
Board when various items need to
bo discussed.
V~CATE ALLEY Mr. Davies, 203 South Owen, asked the status of
consideration to vacate the alley behind his property.
Village Manager Janonis stated that information is
being gathered relative to vacations and should be
ready within the next 2 weeks. Mr. Janonis will keep
in touch with Mr. Davies.
BOXWOOD AREA Kathy Brandt, 500 Dogwood Lane #301, asked when the
Village would be addressing the various problems in
the Boxwood area.
Village Manager Janonis pointed out that the Village
has been ver~ active in the Boxwood area involving
thousands of dollars and man hours, noting that
Boxwood Drive was completely replaced, and the
increased involvement of the Police Department, etc.
PROCLAMATION Mayor Farley presented a proclamation to the parents
CHRIS WALLER, of Chris Waller, a resident of the Village who
OLYMPIAN participated in the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona as a
member of the O~mnastics Team. Mayor Farley noted
that Chris Waller was presently on tour throughout the
nation. Tho Mayor also presented a medal depicting
the Village logo to Mr. & Mrs. Waller and asked that
they express the congratulations of the Village Board
and residents on his accomplishments.
RICH SCHUTZ Mayor Farley noted that another resident, Rich Schutz,
OLYMPIAN had also participated in the 1992 Olympics as a member
of the Weightlifting Team, and a proclamation and
medal will be presented to him at the next meeting on
September 1st.
AMEND CH. 13 ~n Ordinance was presented for second reading that
CLASS -W# LIQUOR would increase the number of cl&ss -W" liquor ~icensss
ANNAOS POLISH REST. by one for Anna~s Polish Restaurant, 2 West Busse
2 W. BUSSE AVE. Avenue.
This Ordinance will be presented for second reading at
the next mooting of the Village Board on September
MODIFICATION FROM ~nOrdlnence wes presented for second readlnq that
DEVELOPMENT CODE: would grant a modification from the Development
430 LAKEVIEW CT. Code (Chapter 15) to allow a structure 25 feet
DETENTION POND from a storm water detention pond; rather than tho
required 75 feet. The Plan Commission had considered
this request and recommended approval.
ORD.NO. 445? Trustee Busse~ seconded by Trustee Floros, moved for
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passage of ordinance No. 4457
~on roll call: A~es: Busse, Corcor~, Flores, W~lks Nays: None
Hotion card,ed.
~Ord~nanoe was presented for ~irst read~ng that ~ CH. ~8
would ~end Article XX o~ Chaptor ~8 (~raffio Code) 'T~FXC ~DE
by bringing, the v~llage Codo governing speed limits
~nto confo~ance w~th posted speed l~n~ts. The
S~fety Conission had reoonended approving these
T~stee Wilks, seconded by ~stoe Busse, movedto
waive the ~le ~e~ng two readings of an Ordinance.
Upon roll call~ Ayes~ Busse, Co~oo~, Flores, Wilks
Hays: Hone
Ho2~on carried.
T~steo Wilks~ seconded by T~steo Busso~ movod Eof O~.NO. 4458
EOF passage o~Ord~nanoo No. 4458
~ O~N~CE ~lN9 ~TIC~ ~ OF C~ER ~8
Upon roll call: Ayes~ Busse, co,torah, F~oros, wi~ks
Ha~s: Hone
Hotion carried.
ZBA 36-V-92; 800 Ironwood Dr~ve ZBA 38-V-92
~ ordin~oe was presented for first reading that 800 IROneD
would gr~t a variation to allow a 240 s~aro foot
accesso~ building, rather th~ the ~20 s~are
feet pe~itted.
Ho. Di~e Gear, 709 Hac~er~, stated that she
objects to the proposa~ due to the fac~ that it
n~ght create flooding in her rear yard.
Richard Kendricks, L537 E. ~o~son Lane, sta~ed
tha~ ho ob3ects to ~he staff g~ving reconendations
on re~ests go~ng before the Zoning Board of Appeals.
· h~s Ordinance will be presented Sept~er ~st for
second reading.
SBA 44-V-92, 2~4 North Wille street ZB~ 44-V-92
~ Ord~n~oe vas presented for ~rst reading 2L4 N. WIL~
that wou~d grant a variation to alloy an accesso~
st~cture ~.9~ feet from the side yard, rather
th~ the red,red S'.
Th~s ordin~ce will be presented for second read~nq
on Sept~er ~st.
SBA 45-V-92; ~04 North Eas~wood SBA 45-V-92
~ Ordin~ce was presented for first read~ng that ~04 ~
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would grant a variation to allow an addition to the
existing principal structure 5.5 feet from an
accessory structure, rather than the required 10'.
The Zoning Board of Appeals reoc~mended granting this
request by a vote of 4-0.
At the request of the Petitioner, Trustee Corooran,--
seconded by Trustee Wilks, moved to waive the rule
requiring two readings of an Ordinance.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Busse, Corcoran, Ploros, Wilks
Nays: None
Motion carried.
ORD.NO. 4459 Trustee Corooran, seoonded hyTrustee Nilks, moved for
passage of Ordlnanoa No. 4459
Upon roll call= Ayes: Busse, corooran, Ploros, Wilks
Nays: None
Motion carried.
ZBA 46-V-92 ZBA 46-V-92, 15 South Wa Pella
15 S WA PELL~ An Ordinance was presented for first reading that
would grant a variation to allow a detached aooessor~
building with a 4 foot side-yard setback and 6 inch
rear yard setback. The Zoning Board of Appeals
recommended granting the variations requested by a--
vote of 4-0.
At the request of the Petitioner, Trustee Busse,
seconded by Trustee Wilks, moved to waive the rule
requiring two readings of an Ordlnanoe.
Upon roll 0a11: Ayes: Busse, Corcoran, Floros, Wilks
Nays: None
Motion oarried..
ORD.NO. 4460 Trustee Busse, seoonded hyTrustee Corooran, moved for
passage of Ordinance No. 4460
Upon roll call: Ayes: Busse, Corcoran, Ploros, Wilks
Nays: None
Motion carried.
ZB& 49-SU-92 ZB& 49-SU-92, 400 East Gregory Street
400 E GREGORY An Ordinance was presented for first reading that
CHRISTIAN LIFE would grant a Special Use in the nature of a Planned--
CHURCH/COLLEGE Unit Development to allow an addition to the existing
struoture with plans to build a library in a few
years, as well as variations to reduce the n,,m~er of
required parking spaces from 365 to 332 and to allow
approximately 4?.?5% lot coverage, instead of the
permitted 45%. The Zoning Board of Appeals
rsocmmended granting these requests by a vote of 5-0.
This Ordinance will be presented September 1st for
seoond reading.
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SB~ $0-BU-92, 999 North Elmhurst Road (~ewel Food SB~ 50-BU-92
8tore) ~EWEL/OSCO
~n ordinance was presented for £irstreadinq that I~DNURST
would grant an amen~hnent to the Pl~e~ Unit
Development governinqR~hurst Shopping Center
(Ordinance No. 3604) to allo~ the const~ction of
a new ~ewel Food Btore in the general location as
the ~istinq st~cture. The Zoning Board of
~ppeals reco~en~e~ ~enial of this
The Traffic Engineer for ~ewel/Osco stated that
the entr~ce to the ~ewel packing lot off the
propose~ new confi~ation cE East Drive will
be cEE-set, which would discourage motorists from
using the .arive~a~ as a cut through.
~t ~as note~ that the Petitioner ~ill install
sidewalks along Euclid ~venue.
T~e attorne~ representing the restaur~t located
on Euclid ~venue to the east of the R~hurst
propezty ~epeate~ his objection to the proposal.
This O~dinanoe ~ill be presented Sept~er 1st for
second roading.
~ Ordin~ce was p~esented for secon~ readin~ that
woul~ adopt the Official Comprehensive PI~ for
the Village' of ~o~t Prospect for X992.
for passage cE Ordinance No. 4461
Upon roll call: ~yes: Busse, Corcoran, Floros, Wilks
Na~s: None
~otion carried.
~ Or,in,ce was presente~ for first rea~inq that woul~ F~D P~IN
adopt the most recently revise~ State ~ Federal floo~ ~GU~T~ONS
plain re~lations.
Chuck Bencic~ Director of Inspection Se~ices, state~
that the propose~ Or,in,ce was drafted by the governing
agency, which does not give the Village the authority
m~e ch~qes. ~. Benoit reco~ende~ waiving the secon~
rea~inq ~ adopting the or,in,ce in or,er to continue
to ~alify for Flood Plain Insurance.
waive the ~le ~e~irinq two rea~inqs of ~ Or,in,ce.
Upon roll call: ~2es: Busse, Corcor~, Floros, Wilks
Nat~: None
Motion o~ried.
T~stee Corco~, seconded b2 T~stee Busse, move~ fo~ O~.NO. 4462
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passage of Ordinance No. 4462
Upon roll call: Ayes: Busse, Corcoran, Floros, Wilks
Nays: None
Motion carried.
V'j'T~mGEIrAm'Ac~,R.Sp. NPONT
BID RESULTS:. Village Manager Michael E. Janonis presented bid
results for various items.
PARKWAY The following bids were received for parkway
RESTORATION restoration:
Bidde~ cost Der Sauare Yard
G--~ino Landscaping, Inc. $ 4.00
Hellmer and Associates S.50
D & J Landscaping, Inc. 7.00
GP~MBINO L&NDSCAPE Trustee Busse, seconded by Trustee Wilks, moved to
concur with the recommendation of the a~ministratlon
and accept the low bid submitted by OAmbino
Landscaping, Inc. for a total expenditure for parkway
restoration not to exceed
Upon roll call= Ayes: Busse, Corcoran, Floros, Wilks
Motion carried.
SHADE TREES Bids were received for the purchase and planting of
trees in parkways. The bids were based on a variety
of species and sizes of trees, a copy of the
tabulatlon of bids is attached to these minutes.
KLEHM NURSERY & Trustee Corcoran, seconded by Trustee wilks, moved to
LAND OF LINCOLN concur with the recommendation of the administration
and accept the low bid from Klehm Nurser~ for the
purchase of 2-1/2- diameter trees and from Land of
Lincoln for the purchase of 1-1/2~ diameter trees for
a total expenditure not to exceed $?9,000.00.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Busse', Corcoran, Floros, Wilks
Nays: None
Motion carried.
SEWER TV SYSTEM The following bids were received for the purchase of
a van mounted internal sewer TV inspection system:
Bidder Price with Trade-In
Cues, Inc. $107,070
Jack Doheny Supplies, Inc. 136,767
National Diversified Products 139,790
CUES, INC. TrUstee wilks, seconded by Trustee Floros, moved to
concur with the recommendation of the administration
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nd authorize the purchase of a van mounted internal
sewer TV inspection from Cues, Inc. in an amount
not to exceed $107,070.
Upon roll call: &yes: Bussa, Corcoran, Flores,
Nays: None
Motion carried.
A request was presented from the Fire Chief to waive LIFE PAC 10
the bidding process in order to purchase specialized
equipment, specifically a Life P&c l0
cost of $8,99S.00. It was noted that there is only
one supplier for this equipment.
Trustee Corcoran, seconded by Trustee Busse, moved to
vaive the bidding procedure in orderto purchase
a Life Pac 10 unit, which is specialized equipment.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bussa, Corcoran, Flores, Wilks
Nays: None
Motion carried.
Trustee Corcoran, seconded by Trustee Busse, moved PHYSIO
to authorize the purchase of a Life Pac 10 unit from CONTROL
Physic Control in an amount not to excee~
Upon roll call: Ayes: Busse, Corcoran, Flores, Wilks
Nays.: None
Motion carried.
Trustee Wi~s, seconded by Trustee Floras, moved'to BXBCUTXVB
go into an Executive Session for the purpose of SESSION
discussing Personnel and Land Acquisition.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Busse, Corooran, Flores, wilks
Nays: None
Motion carried.
The Board went into Executive Session et 9:18 P.M.
Mayor Farley reconvenad the Meeting at 10:00 P.M.
Present upon roll call: Mayor Farley
Trustee Busse
'Trustee Corcoran
Trustee Flores
There being no further business to come before the . ADJOURN
Village Board, Mayor F&rlay adjourned the meeting.
The meeting adJourued at 10:91 P.M.
Carol A. Fields
Village Clerk
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