HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 525 11/20/1956
01'diIlanCe No. S:< 5
AN ORDINANCE amending an c>:r.dinance
entit1ed "An ordinatlCe creating a Plan
Commie sion. in aad .fm: the VHla-..ge of
Mount Prospect) Cook County, Illinois"
pa.s~ed_!anual'Y 4~ ~~__._____
SECTION 1. --PURPOSE" 111 Ol"del' that adeqt!.&.te provisions be made
for the preparation of a comp17ehen~1iYe Vil1a.ge pla.Il for the gtddance~ cU.reet:i.cn
and control of the growth 8_nd development of the Village of Mount Pl'ospecto a.
P},i\.n Commizsion" which shaH be a depal't-ment of the Village governrilent,; is
hereby created under a.uthority of a.n ad of. the Genera.l ASBembly of the State
of Illinois,;, J...aws 19Z1D Page Z60; 6\nd pursuant to an act entitled liThe Revig~d
Cities and Villages Act" a.pproved August 1.5 " 194:1 and effective JanuaJ.'Y 1
SECTION Z,. -- MEMBERSHIP. Said plan commission shall consist of
seven (7) members to include the following: The President of the Board of
Trustees who is alao the president of the boa.rd of local improvements and the
Village Manager ahall be members ex-officiis of said plan commission,. v,i.th
power to vote; andfive(5) other membexs, citizens of saidYilla.ge appoint~d
by the President of the BOi..u'd of Tl"Ust...:es 011 the basis or their pil,rticular
fitne6S for their duty on oaid plan co:~'rnniceionv and Bubject to the approval
of the Vill.~ge Bc,ard of Tn',stees.
SECTION 3 -- TERM OF OFFICE, 1iiembers ex-oifidia shall a:el've
- -
for the tern.1 of their elective andj or. appointive office, Of thefive {5} citizen
members" three (3) sMB be a.ppoin.ted for i1 i;e~..m of four years, ,and., two
(Z) sha.ll be a.ppointed for a term of tviO yea.ra. 'II he reaIteI' , uuch citizen
membera shall be appointed for terms of four yearrJ, Va.cancies shall be
filled by appointments for unexpired terms only. All members of the
Commission shall serve without compensa.tion except that, if the Village
Board of Trustees deems it advisable, the Secreta.ry ma.y receive such
compensation as may be fixed from time to time by r;aid Village Board of
Trustees and provided for in the appropriation ordinance.
SECTION 4. -- PROCEDURE. Immediately following their appointment
the members of the Plan Commission shall meet, organizes ebet such officers
as it may deem necesaary, and adopt and later change or alter, rules and
regulations of organization and procedure consistent with Village ordinances
and state laws. The Commission shall keel> written record.s of its proceedings
which shall be open at all times to public inspection. The Commission shall
also file an annual report with the President of the Boa.rd of Trustees, setting
forth its transactions and recommendations.
SECTION 5. -- POWERS AND DUTlESo Said Plan Commission shall
have the following powers and duties:
(A) '1'0 prepare and recommend to the Village Board of
Trustees of Mount Prospect a. comprehensive plan
of public improvements, looking to the present and
future development and growth of said Village. Such
plan after its adoption by the Villa.ge Board of Trustees
will be known as the official plan of Mount Prospect.
Such plan shall include reasonable requirements in
reference to stloeets, alleys, and public grounds within
the corporate limits and :in contiguous territory outside of
and distant not more than one and one-half miles from such
limits~ and not included in a.ny municipality. such require-
ment. to be effective whenever such lands shall be subdivided
after the adoption of such plan:
(B) To prepare and recommend to the Village Beard of Trustees
of Mount Prospect from time to time. such changes in the
plan as may be deemed necessa.ry by the Village Board of
Trustee 8 or by the Plan Commie sion:
(C) To prepare and recommend to the Village Board of Trustees
from time to time!l plans and/ or recommendations for
specific improvements in pursuance of such official plan:
(D) To give aid to the offi(~iB,lrJ elf the Village of M.Ot1J:'lt
P:rospectt charged with the d_i:r.,:a(,~ticLl of p?ojects
for improv€l1...tents 01'nbraced ~.";dthin the ofHdal plane
to further the making of sl.;\ch 5.mp~:avm31ents ~ and
gene1:'ally to prOIrlote the l'ea1i~0a.tion of th,c: oif.icial
(El To arrange and conduct a.uy iO:i::cn of pubUd.ty l'elative
to itt;ll activities fo:!.' the general pU:l'pose of puhlic
(In To exercise sv.ch other powers germane to the powel'9
granted by this Act as :may be conferred by the Village
Board of T!'12etees of Mount Pros.pect.
SECTION 6. __COOPERAT!2~~_,!!TH_~EG!<?NAL PLAN. The plan and
the acthd.ties of the Plan Com:,"nission shan be in cooperatio2 with and
implemented by any regional plan. that may be adopted by othel' municipa.lities
in Co!"'l, County in~ofar as the same is possible.
-.---- --.........
the adoption of an official plan in the mar.nel' prescribed in this Acto .no rnap
01" plat oi any subdivision or re-aupdivision fn.'esented for :l:ecCl:rd~ affecting
h\.nd within the corpol'a.te litnitilJ of;the Villa.ge of Mount P:t'ospectt or in
contiguous ter2'itory outside of anddistallt not tnOl'e than one and one -half
TD.Hes from such limits and not included in the Village of Iv10unt Prospect,)
shall be entitled to record oz shall be valid unless the sv.bdivision thereon
shall prov-ide lor streets, alleys t' and pubjj.c grounds in cOluormity with any
?~qu:LrerJ:..ent3 appli<:able thcreto OiBuch official plano
SECTION 8. _ ...nv!PROVEMEN'rS. ''fhe Villa.ge Clezk shall fuznish
- ----.-------...---
t1:"~'a Plan Commission 101: it5 conside:ratio:n a copy of all (}rdin<.m.ce~, plans
and cla.ta rela.tive to Ft..bEe irD.provemel"J.ts of any !le>.tU1'e. The Pla.n Coin,l"'l-::issicn
"ty.!ay l"epoxot in. relation tltezeto if if deen"18 a report necessary or advisableD
I'D? the consideration of the Village BC>a.!'d of TrusteefL
SECTION 90 .. EXPENDITURES The C,;)ynmieS1C)1'l ma.ya.t the dif3cl"etion
of the Village Boar.d of T:n..H3teeo employ necesea:ry he:p whose ~alaries~ wages.
o 0
<:;::ld cthet" !\ec,e:nJc;.:r)T ['.-pen,lics ("hall be provicl.~~d fOI' by adequate apP1'opriation.
)";:ade l;,'.T the V,-ll:~f'Je Board of T:~ugtee 0l :h-orn the: oublii~ fur.ds. If said :!?lan
. ., b ...
Con1rniasion ghall deern it ,~ch-i3a1:;ie ti:.! t!f.:c\.\:i: 2 t'3l::-mjeal ;;l.dvke .c,J: S~l"li(..e,
i'- "'. b d _"' ""1 r~t ::,.... '"1"" ,,'\1 ,.,'" 'O",""'d f '-'1" ......'..C4 , 1
_to m.....'i !!' O.!il.e hpon ~u"').o ,,-_y ...r!JnJ" ,'~ .,1--.3.1.:,'" ~:J"""".'" 0" Xt~""t,.."l5 anc.
F!.ppl.,~pri2j;ions by the Village Board of 'I'!'u.~t('\'5 the!'~f:n",,~.
SECTION 10., u.EFFECTIVE DATr!~o Thi1ii ordinCi.!!.ce shall he: iZl. full
f'O!'CCo 21.1'10. effect from a.nd a.fter its p?Boagc ac(~m:dil1,g to la,"\v"
this _L1A.;C6 cia y 'Of ._.__~ II~_~~
1tt,~, :z 0 ~ ~ I' 0 r M 1/e~.tJ.r-
,.AQ D. 1956,
4JJ 19.sG
T'1' ES 'l' ~
PUBLISHED in the Mount Prospect Herald
day of
A.D. 1956.
;1..10-1 /,l(jlrta.l l'P~
Ore/ 5~ /? "..i)