HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 524 11/06/1956
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Ordinance No. _5;.21-
of Cool( and State of IllinoiBt has the general power and authority to
regulate the use of the streets in said Village and to regulate the tra.ffic
thereon in the intel'est of public health. safety ~md welfare ot the inhabitants
of said Village. and purs7.1.ant thereto has heretofore by ordina.nce
provided for the installation of parking meters in certain congested areas
in. said Village~ and h~_s established regulations for their use and operation
WfIEltEAS, the President and Boa.rd of Trustees of this Village
recognize that e:deting traffic conditions upon the streets of the Villa.ge
ot MO\LTlt Prospect are crea.ting additional congestion and disruption of
the genera.l use and enjoyment of such Ett"eets, and the se conditions
necessitate and require that additionCl.l parking facilities be acquired
and ther.eafter be mainta.ined and operated by said Village in order that
motor vehcile congestion upon the streets of said Village be remedied
and effectively controlled for the public health, safety., we12re, con-
venience and necessity of said Village and ita inhabitants; and
WHEREASt the President and Board of Trustees of this Village
have hel"etofore determined and do hereby detel'mine and declare that
in addition to the establishment of the parldng r.neter zones and the
regulation and control of traffic upon the streets of said VHlage, as provided
hy ordina.nce knoWn as:
pa.ssed and app70ved on the lad day of October p 1956, it is neCe8&al"Y
for the public benefit, public healthD sa!etYI) welfare, convenience and
necessity of said Villag~ that said Village purcha.se or otherwise acquire
the followmg real estate to provide additional parking facilities for off-
street parking" namely:
Parking Lot No. .!..
Between Northwest High"W-a.y and the Chicago &t. North-
western Railroad. right....of.way 'between Emezson Street
and a point 490 feet East thereof;
Between Northwest Highway and. the Chicago It North-
western Railroad right-of-way betl,.'1een Emerson and
Main Street.;
Between Northwest Highway and the Chicago &: North-
westent Railroad :dght-of-way between Main Street and
a point approximately 640 feat west of Main Street
and improve said tra.ctll by the removal of tl.eeB thereon:; gradingv drainingo
and surfacing such tracts; providing and improving proper ingress and
ep'eS8 thereto; mstaJ.l.ing lighting equipment" whee! stcp~p making
provilliOll for metersD fencing and a.U other work,ry including landscapingp
to make said tracts available for oft-street parking for motor vehicles
to relieve con.gestion upon the street.s of :!laid Village in. a.nd adjacent
to the centra.l businesfl district tnereQf; and
WHEREAS9 the President and BoaI'd of Tru.stees ha.,,-e c:a.t1sed
to be prepared aU needful surveys, pla.ns, mapH~ sped.f1.caUons and
an estiJ.nate of the coatt of acquiring!> improving and eq,\upping tbe above
described areas for off-street pal'kingo all of which hafll ooen Ilub:m.itt;,p,d
to a.nd heretofore approved by the Pl.an Conu"UI.!I sion. of sa;.d Village ,)
and are now em file for public inspection. i!l the of'fit:e of tbe ViUa.ge Clerk.
01 said VillAge; and
WHEREAS~ the total estimated cost of acquirillgf, improving;,
equippmg such additional parking fadlitiesu as pl'epared for the
President and Board of Trusteeso is the sum of $160000000; a.nd
WHEREAS!! pursuant to t.he provbiollr!il of Article 52.. 1 of the
Revised Cities a.nd ViLlages Actp a.s atl'len.ded:1 and all other laws there-
unto eftab1iag~ said Village ie a,uthorized to issue P~.rldng Revenue Bon.ds
for the purpose of payi..ng the cost of a,(,:q,ui:d.Y.lg,; improving and equipping
such parldDg facilities; a.nd
WHER EAS v the Preflident ~..nd Board of TruBltees of tbia Village
do hereby deterlnine that it is advisable and ne(~fHI8ary that revenue
bonds in the principal Bum of $lO~ 000. 00 be issued to pay part of the
~ost of acquiring!, improving and equipping ouch parking faC.':i1itie8!) the
oo.1a.nce to be paid from fundS! on hand ava.lIable for aaid purpoze; and
WHEREAS the income and revenue derived irom the operation of the
parking facilities of this Village has not been and is not now pledged or hypo..
theca-ted for any purposeD except for the payroentto the Chicago &: Northweste:n
Railway Company of thirty-three and one-third (33 1/30/0) per cent of the gr.CH;i,;
revenue a.s provided in the agreement and lease wit.h the Chica.go &: Northwest..
Railwa.y Company consentin.g to the installation of meters; a.nd the payrnent to
Magee-Hale Company of thirty-three a.n.d one-tbil"d (33 1/3'0) per cent of the
gross revenues to be applied to the cost 01. a(:qtliaition and installation of said
meters until the same are paid in full and the payment of the bonds to be iasue-o
pursuant to this Ordinance) and there are no outsta.nding bondsD certifkates nr
or other forms of indebtedness payable from or Becu:!"ed by or con.stituting .-in:!
charge or lien upon the revenue derived froln the operrition of said par.king
:facilities of said Village.
SECTlO~ 10 Ti:>..at the words Hmo"tor vehicle parking system"
or "motor vehicle parking fac::ilitiea"v or lfparking system"!) or
"par-king !a.cilitieav" or "sYQtemTl 01: facilitiesllt> whenever used in
this Ordinan.ce shall be unde?stood to mean a.nd shall include all motor
vehicle parking facilities of the Village of Mount Prospecte 1m ludil'lg
specificallyv but not limiting the generality of the foregoing/)
the following:
10 All parking meters orother eql.upment, machinery or
deVices for obtaining revenue from street parr-ang or
{rom oif str~et parkingo
20 All Villa.ge owned or leased or operated pazoking lotsc
garages~ buildings and other facilities) equipment and
accessories used or useful in connection therewith which
provide public parkingo
3. All real esta.te ~md rights in real estate owned or leased
by the Village and used or useful in the operation of the
motor vehicle parking facilities of said Village.
4. All extensions 0 improve:m.e:nts~ enl~,rg0ments and addition.
to motor vehicle parking facilities of said Village which
may be acquired by said Village while any of the bonds herein
a.uthorized remain outstanding.
5. All intangible property of every r.a.ture acquired or usedill
cOIlDection with the operation of the motor 'vehicle parking
facilities, including all f~anchi6eso termso licenses, leases I)
contracts and agree mente.
SECTiON 2. That it is hereby detel4Jnined and declared Dece"sary
.fo'l'" the public benefit, safety and welfare of the Village of Mount Prospectv
Cook Count1~ Illinoiso that ita motor vehicle pa.~king facilities 'be extended
by the acquisition of real estate to provide off-streat parking facilities for
"motor vehi(;lesg by the inlprovement thexeofc a.nd by the purchase of all
necelHfary equipment therefor ~ together with all necessary legal, financial
and engineering expenses necessary and incident thereto, a.ll a:a provided
by and described in the preambles of this ordinance.
SECTION 3. ThAt the Prehlidf,:mt and Board of Trustees of tlU.Gl
Village heretofore have had pl"epared an estimate of the coat of such
improvements and extensions to the motor ...rebicle parking f..dUties of
said Vi1lage~ including the cost of the aeqvisition of t1.1e necessa.?y land
to be a.cquiredQ and do hereby determine the estimated cost thel'eof to
be the Bum of $16v 0000 00f) and do hereby determine that t~moior
vehicle parki.ag system of said Village be improved and extended as des-
cribed in the preambles of tbis Ordinance ~ and that all of said motor
vehicle parking facilities be establishedp :zr..a.intainedv regula.ted a.nd
(:ontrolled in accordance ylith the provisions and terms of this Ordinance.
SECTION 40 That folt' the purpol'le of paying the cost of acquiring
a.nd improving such ~,dditional park!l'1g fat,;ilit;iem au hel':einbeiore provided.
there shall be and there hereby is authorized a.nd directed to be issued
revenue bonds of said Village m the principal sum of $lOv 000. 00 which
bonds llIlal1 be designated nparking Revenue Bonds;, Series 1956",
Said bonds shall bear date or Decemberl r. 19.56
D sball be numbered
from 1 through 10, sball be of the denomiXtation of $1000.00 each, .hall
bear interest at the rate of five pel'(~ent (5'0 ) per annumv Baid interest
to be payable May 1" 1957" a.nd semi-annually thereafter on the first
daye of November ~nd May of eaeh year I' a.nd until the principal thereof
shall have been paidli and sa.id bonds shall mature on Ma.y 1 in. ea.ch of
the years and in the amounts a8 folhnrs:
Bonds Numbered Date of Maturity AmoUDt
1 and Z May 1,9 1958 $2.000.\J0
3 and 4 May 111 1959 $ZOOO.OO
506 and 7 May II) 1960 $3000.00
8099 and 10 May l~ 1961 $3000.00
- 5"-
providedp however~ that bonds numbered 5 through 10 shall be
redeemable at the option of the Village as a whole or in part in the
inverse order in which they are numbered, prior to their maturity, on
any interest payment date on and after May 1, 1959. at a price of par
and accrued interest.
Notice of redemption of any or all of said bonds shall be given
by publication at least once not less than thirty days prior to the date
of redemption, such publication to be made once in THE MOUNT PROSPECT
HERALD, a newspaper published and of general circulation in the Village
of Mount Prospect. Illinois, and such notice of redemption shall (a) designate
the date and place of redemption, such place to be at THE MOUNT PROSPECT
STATE BANK, in the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois and (b) designate
the numbers and the aggregate principal amount of the bonds called for
red-amption (c) the redemption price. and (d) state that on the designated
date of redemption said bonds will be redeemed by payment of the principal
thereof and accrued interest thereon to date of redemption, and that from
and after the designated date of redemption interest on the bonds so called
for redemption shall cease, unless funds are not available for such
redemption upon presentation of the bonds.
SECTION 5. Both principal of and intere at on said bonds shall be
payable in lawful money of the United States of America at THE MOUNT
PROSPECT STATE BANK. in the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois.
Said bonds shall be signed by the President and attested by the Village
Clerk and the seal of said Village affixed thereto, and the interest coupons
a.ttached to said bonds shall be executed by the facsimile signatures of
said President and said Village Clerk, and said officials, by the
,....... ,
execution of said bonds v shall adopt as and fox their own proper
signatures their respective facabrJle oignatu:res a.ppearing on said
eouponso Sa.id bonds" together with interest the:<..eon~ B~..all be pa}t-able
solely from the revenues derived from the motor vehicle parking system
faeilities of said Village IJ and such bends shall nl:>t in any e"'l'ent constitute
an indebtedness of the Village of .MotUl'\: Pt~o\)pact within the r.re aning
of any c'Ol'lstih.,ticnal or statutory limitation,.
Any of said bonds ma.y be regiatel'ed as to principal at any tiuiev
prior to matudtY/Jm.the name of the holder on the books of said Village
in the Office of the Village Treasurer J smell regil'rtration to be noted on
the reverse side of the bonds by the said Treasul'el" of said V!Uageti
and thereafter the principal of stich reglst<ered bonds sha.ll be pa.yable
solely to the registered holder, his leg~.l 3."ep!'esentativea 01' assliuiJo
Such registered bonds s}-l.all be triU'lsfel'able to allothel" registered hold.er
or back to the bearer only upon presentatiO!l to the Treaeruerc with. a
legal assignment duly ac1,nowledged 01' apPl'oved. Registration of any
of such bonds ehall not affect the negoHabiHty of the coupons thereto
attached, but such coupons shall he tranl';:,fe:rahle by delivery ulE'l3:'ely.
~E!fON 6. Tha.t aaid bonds a.nd {;Cfl'tpons shall be in. substantially
the follo\wing form:
(FORM 01<'" BOND)
Mount Proepect~ Cook CountyI' Illinois!, 101' value receivedg hereby
pro:n.'liaes to pay to th.e bearerv or if this bond be registered, aa herein..
after provided. then to the registered holder hereof. solely from the
Parmg System Revenue Fund of said Village as hereinafter mentionedo
and not otherwise, the Bum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1000.00)
on May 1D 19 0 tcgether with interest on said sum from the date hereof
until paid at the rate of . five ~r cent
<< _ ,S%
) per annumo
pa.yable l\.4"...ay 11) 19570 and semi..".nnually thereafter on the first day.
of NO'\l'ember and :'r-Aayin each yea:.r upon presentation and surrender of
the al.nnexed interest couponeae they severally become due.
Both prmcipal of and interest on this bond a.re hereby made
payable in lawful n'1.0ney of the United. Siafes of America at THE MOUNT
PROSPECT STATE BANKo in the Village of Mount Proapeeto I11inoieo
This boni:. is payable Illolely from tbe revenues derived and to be
derived from the motor vehicle pl'_~king facllitieg of sD.id ViUa.ge and
not othel'wiaep and ill ielS'lted under authol'ityof Article 5Z., 1 of "The
Revised Cities and Villages Act"D effective January 1~ 19420 a.s a.mendedo
an.d a..111aw!J amendatory thereof and En.lpplementa.l tbe:retoo for the
purpose of defraying p;:n~t of the cost hi improvi..ng and extending the
motor vehicle parking facilities in and for aaid Villa-gel> a.nd thb bond
does not constitute an indebteclnelJl!J of said Village within aJ2.y COD.8titutional
or statutQry limitationa
This bond is one of an authorized issue of $10,000,00
numbered 1 through 10, of the denomination of $1,000,00 each, all of
like date, tenor and effect, except as to number, maturity and redemp-
tion privilege, and bonds numbered 5 through 10 are subject to redemp-
tion at the option of the Village as a whole or in part in the inverse order
in which they are num1!ered, prior to their maturity, on any interest
payment date on and after May 1, 1959, at a price of par and accrued
Notice of redemption of any or all of sa.id bonds shall be given by
publication at least o:r..ce not less than thirty days prior to the date of
redemption, such publication to be made once in THE MOUNT PROSPECT
HERALD, a newspaper published and of general circulation in the Village
of Mount Prospect, Illinois and such notice of redemption shall (a) designate
the date and place of redemption, such pla.ce to be at THE MOUNT
PROSPECT STATE BANK, in the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois and
(b) designate the numbers and the aggregate principal amount of the bonds
called fo<<, redemption (c) the redemption price and (d) state that on the
designated date of redemption said bonds will be redeemed by payment
of the principal thereof and accrued interest thereon to date of redemption,
and that from and after the designated da.te of redemption interest on the
bonds 80 called for redemption shall cease, unless funds are not avai1abl~
for such redemption upon pre sentation of the bonds.
Under said Act and the ordinance adopted pursuant thereto the
l'evenues derived and to be derived from the operation of the motor
vehicle parking facilities of said Village shall be deposited in a separate
fund designated as "Parking System Revenue Fund of the Village of
Mount Prospect", which shall be used only in paying the cost of
equipment, acquisition, operation and rnaintenance of the parking facilities
of said Village, payin.g the principal Of and inte:r>l"lst on the bmuls of
said Villageo that are issued undex th:~ authority of said Act,!land are
payable by their terms only from the :revenues of the motor vehicle
parking facilities of said Village and creating end mainta.ining the
several accounts established by the ol'dmance authorizing the :!0sue of
bonds of which this bond is one c
It is hereby certified and recited that all acts, conditioms and
things required to be done pl"ecedent to and inth~;i9sua.nce of tbis bondp
have been done and have happened and have been performed in regular
and due form of law~ and that provimion is made for depositing !n said
Parking Sy$tem Revenue Fund the entb:e 4:evenuea received from the
operation of the motOl" vehicle parking facilities of said Village to be
applied in the manner a.s set for thin the ordinance p1.\rBv.ant to which this:
bond is issued, and it is hereby covenanted and agreed that charges and
rates will be charged tor the use of fJaid motor "vehicle parking laciUties
sufficient at all time S. to pay the princip~J. o! and intereat upon all bonds
issued by !laid Village which are payable solely {loom the revenue. of
said motor vehicle parld.ng facilities and to create and maintain the
oever.al account., establisMd by the ordinance authorizing the issue
of bondo of which this bond is one.
This bond may be register.edas to p:d.ncipal in the na.me of the
holder on the books of said Village: in the Office of the Treaame1" of
zaid Village", s'tlch registration to be evid.enced by notation of said Treasurer
em the back hereofo after which no txansrer hereof shall b~ valid unless
made on sa.i~ books and simila,lo1y 110ted hel"eOD9 but it ma.y be discha.3."ged
from ouch registration by being transferred to bearer) alter which itshall
be transferable by d.elivery~ but it may be again loegistered. as before.
The registration of tIns bond shall not :restrict the negotiability of the
coupons by deiivel'Y merely.
I "".~
IN WITNESS WHEREOF (> said Village of Mount Prospect/] Cook
Count Yo Illinois:) by its President and Boa.rd of TrusteelB9 has caused this
bond to be signed by its President end attested by the Village Clerk and
its corporate seal to be hereto afIixed8 and the COUP0118 hereto attached
to be signed by the facsimile signE'.tul"es or said President and said Village
Clerk;, which officials by the exectttion of said bond do a.dopt as and fOl- t
their own proper signatures their l"espective facsimile aignatt'tres appeal"-
int on said coupons v and this bond to be dated the
Village Clerk
(Form of Coupon)
On the lust day of
~ 19
* (unless the bond to
which this C:OUP011 is attached has t.h~:rtofol"e b~en called for prior payment
and payment made 01> provided for)t' tr..e Village of Mount Prospect/] Cook
Count Yo l11inoist> will pay to bearer out of the Parking System Re-tfenue
Fund of said Village __~
Dolla.rs ($_r,
in layaful money of the United States of. America at THE MOUNT PROSPECT
STATE BANK in the Village of MOl.mt Pl'cu~pectg I1linois~ being interest
then due on its Parking Revenue Bondo Series of 1956~ dQ.ted
.-.............-. "q"
Pre sident
-~1I:fag~ Clerk
*(Th.e clause within the parenthef3~a shall be inserted in all coupons
attached to bonds numbered 5 through 10 after the callable dates of the
bonds to which they us a.ttal.chedo)
(Form of Registration Certifica.te)
~ Whos~ Na.:ne Regi~t~~~
Signat.!,re ~ Village TreasUl"el'
From an.d afte? the date tha.t this ordinance becomes
effective" all motor vehicle parking facilities of said Village of Mount
Prosped" foy the purpose of this ordina.nce" shall be operated on a, fiscal
year basis~ commencing the first dayof' May and ending on the last day of
April of each year 0 and the entire revenues derived fl'Cni:1 the operation of
said motor vehicle pa.rking facilities of said Villa.ge shall be set aside as
collected and be depoeited in a separate fund which is here by created to be
designated 8.S the "Parking System Re~."ellUe Fund of the Village of Mount
Prospect"o which shall be used only in paying the reasonable costs of the
equiping9 ac:quisitiono maintenance and operation of said facilities ~ cU'1d
paying the p:dndpal of a.nd interest upon the bonds of said Village authorized
under the terms of this ordinance a,nd which by their terms are ~ya.ble from
said revenuesr and for the creation and maintenan:ce of the severa.l accounts
specified in Sectio:l S hereofD and such Parklrsg System Revenue Fund shall
be used for such purposes and is hereby pledged therefor 0
SECTION 8. That there shall bf; established nix (6) liepa-rate accounts
in sa.id Parking System Revenue Fund! to be designated severally the
''Land Acquisition Account"v the "Meter Acquisition Ac;count"p the 'Ope ration
and Maintenance Accouuttl" the Bond and Interest Account"r the "Replacement
Account" [' and the Surplus At~count!l D in which there shall be deposited on the
first business day of each month all mon~ys held in the Parking System
Revenue Fundo in accordance with the following provisionsL' and in the order
the a.ccounts referred to a.re hereinafter inentioned~
(a) There first shall be credited in, the La.nd Acquisition Account
beginning on the first day of ~J:ilnuarYA 1',.1 " 1957 and on the first day
of each and eve 1'y month thereafter an am'6tm.t equal to thirty-three and ore-
third (33 1/30/0) per cent of thegross l'even;~s of the ope'ra.tion of the Parking
t., \\
System which amount shall ~ tranBmitted/t.~ the :re<:eiving agent for the
) \.
. ,
Chicago &: Northwestern Raihvay Compa,ny on o!' before the fifteenth
business day of each month as and t(n- the ground rental :for Parking Lot
Number One (1) as provided in the ag:ree:rnent. and leai~e "vith the said
Chica.go an,d Northwestern Railwa.y Company (;onsenting to installation of
meters in s<aid Parking Lot Number One (1),
(b) There shall be (~redited in the Iv1etel" Acquisition Account
beginning an the first day of _}anua.ry_ ,1
~ 1957. a,ud on the fh"st
business day of each n10nth thereafter an amount equl<ll to thirty-three 4lnd
one ".third (33 1/3%)pe? cent of the 2;;:083 revenue,s of the operation of the
Parking System which amount shall be tl'ansnritted to the :Magee -Hale
Company on ot: before the fifteenth business day of ea.ch month to the applied
to acquisition &nd installation of parking l'netf~r8 in Lot Number One (1) as
provided in the agreem.ent with the sa.id M(:\gee~Hale Compa.ny. When the
f1:l11 contract price has been. pa.id to the M,j.gee-Hale Company then the
Meter Acquisition Fund shall be (<::}osed 1'>ud the re'iren'Lles theretofore credited
tC) the said fund shall no longer be so (:!'t;:dited but shall be credited to the
Surplus Account"
te) Th.ere first shall be credited in the Operation and Maintenance
Account such 2. sum of money as is neceSSal"Y to pay the reasonab~e cost
of opel'ating and mainta.ining said lnotor vehit~le parking syst.em ~der an
effici-lnt and economica.l management [oJ,' the period of one. month; :Which shall
include" without limiting the generaJity of the foregoingo salaries; wages,.
cost of materials a,nd supplies" pUl'chase of pov'fel" for Hghti:..'1g" msuranc:e
a.nd all other i1xpenaes incidenta.l to the operation and maintenance thereof,
The Village covenants(; however" that there will be charged to the lvf..ain-
tenance and Operation Account for police protection. enforc.em~nt and
supervision of the motor vehieie parking facilities only thoBe salaries an.d
I '7
~) ~..."",
- ...~
expenses of the Police Department nece3.sadly required for enforcement"
super'l',,,ision and protec.tioTl of said fa~~ilitieso
{d) 'There shall be cl'edit:.:~d in the Bon.d and Interest Account)
beginning ~Ja.nuary 1
19 51 ;, and 011. the first busine l'j ~~
day 0 f each month tht.H:f'J\ftel'? a.n an1.0unt equal to one-fifth
(1/5 j
of the interest becoming due on May 1" 1957? and therea.fter one-sixth (1/ is}
of the interest becoming due on all cn:'.t3tan:fing parking revenue bonds on
the next succeeding interest pa.ynlent date; an.d beginning May 1" 1957 and
on the first business day of each month thereafter 9 an amount, equal to at
least cm.e-twelfth (1/12.) of th.e princip&.l becoming a.ue on its outsta.nding
par'king revenue bonds on the n.ext s'l.u~{;eeding pl'indpal paynlcnt da.te c
Funds to pay said principal and interest as pr'm,~.ded by this; ()rdir~.)'1.t'e
together vfith. aUlns sufficient to pay the fee3 and expense~ of the paying a;;enJ
herein deaignated" or its Ou{:{',essors" shaH be transmitted to such pa.ying
;\i.gent trom time to time and. at least fifteen (IS) d..'!.ys prior t(\. the expressed
maturity of any principal or due d~te of b1~ei:e8tn
(e) The;:-e next shaH be ere dited. t." the Replacement Ac(;o'U'nt beginnh:I,U
_ Ja~~.~rYH!" .__~
19 57 the Bum of $100" 00 each. munth ~~lftt
-_.-.- -- ..._---~
said Ac:c;ou..~t ,,~,ggregatt~s the sun1 of $14 000.00" ,uld the:reafter no furth€'!
2l.mo\.mts shaH be c:redited to s~,id A{C",(i'l.ll1.t exc-:ept that" whene'Ve:r a.ny :r.n{\:1'i,t
18 pa1,d out. of e~id Accounts., c;r~,dits t$.) B~.id AC('{Hmt shaU be l'eeum,,*il'~H
,;ontinued until such tj,}':ae >:'..8 the A,~!;Q1.rn.t h;;:"s f"g6~i~ be'en restored tlJi tha
."'g.gT"g.'...... '..m"'.....{. ,..C $l'f filOJ'\ f) 'I''' Th'" .:>'1,...~1.., ...f ,"""'d () ""onn?- ","l.,.~1'. b- .' .'
~"~. '_ ~_ t>..,l,~ t,:-, -V" ",--a.f.l-. vJ.. ~,;" V t. '.$ t'; . ........... .~"-',.:..l..,,""'.~ v.., ;';"e:.:;,z....,.,. 4o'..'fc.!>If.-.' u...._,"~ oU,1'M,a,.3. l.'l;:; t..J.~':o\-'
and he Id lOJ: use and sh~~U be '".jHhdl'd\\Vll frorn /Jaid A{:f;ou.nt, il'om tinH. t,
hi'!'-::' a$ ordered by resolution of the P!'es:!dent and lkr.t~d of T:rU!'jtf:;e'~"
fo1' the purpose of replJi1,(;ing p2,rklng f~c;iHtias or p:~rking met.e!'f~ U~..!l;t
b<.?f'ome obsolet:3" outW01:'I1 O~ un'l.~,:IMrJ}le, eX:4:e-pt th~,t the fU1).ds held in BdJ{'
t. ,f)~ t'ii.,,'I'
, -'~
; .
Account to the extent necessary to prevent or l'emedya default in the
payment of the inte:l."est on or principal of the bonds herein authorized
shall be tra.nsferred to the Bond Account" and whenever such a transfer
is made, the amount so transferred shall be added to the next credit herein
required until lull reimbursement to said Replacement Account has been
made. FundI! held in such Account may be invested from time to time by
said Village in interest bearing bonds or other direct and genera.l obliga-
tions of the United States Government having maturities within the time
such !unda shall be needed, and such securities may be so14 from time to
time pursuant to resolution of the president and Boa.rd of Trustees as
funds may be needed for the purpose for which said account was created~
and the proceeds derived from the sale of any such securities, and all
interest accrued on said securitiesa shall be credited to said Replacement
(f) All moneys remaining in the motor vehicle parking system fund
of said Village at the end of a.ny fiscal year, as established by this Ordinance
after crediting the required amounts in the accounts (a) to (e)~ inclusive
as hereinabove set forth, shall be credited to the Surplus Account.
Th~ funds of said Surplus Account shall be used at any time to make
up any deficiencies in credits to any of the accounts (a) to ~el . f,;'ldusive.
hereinabove provided foro and if all credits have been made to said
accounts (a) to (e), inclusive
as provided for by this Ordinance
and there re.main funds to the credit 01 oaid Surplus Account at any time i!
sa.id funds may be used up to and including _lv.tay 1
D 1959,
to pay the cost of improvernents, enlaI"g~ment8 01' extensions of 'the parking
facilities of said Villa.gea or in lieu thereof may be used for the purchase
in the open market of any of the outstanding Parking Revenue Bonds of
~ t:~~
~ J,.j~
said Village which by their terms are payable from the revenues derived
from the operation of the parking facilities of said Village at a. price of
not to exceed the maximum redemption pl."ice thereoig plus accrued interest
to date of payment. and any such bonds eo purc.hased shall be ca,ncel1ed
and not reissued.
On and after
May 1
f 1959~ the funds of said
Surplus Account shall be used only in redeerrdng any outetandi13.g Pa.rking
Revenue Bonds of said Village which by the!!' terms are paya.bIe iron.i
the parking facilities of. said Village as said bonds bee'orne redeemable,
at a price not to exceed the maximum I"ademption price thereof"
Funds in the Surplus Account x.nCl.y be invested from time to tin"..e
by said VHla.ge in interest bear:in.g bon.ds 01' other dir.ect al1d general
obligations of the United St~,tes Govern.ment. ha.~..ing mattu"itieeJ within
the time such funds shall be Ileeded.; and r.n.td-: fJecurities may be sold from
time to time pursuant to resolution of the President and Board of Trustees
as funds may be needed for the PUXP050 for which said account 'WaS created.
The proc.:eeds derived iron"} the Balr~ of such sot:u:rities and any interest
accl"ued from such securities shall b3 c:recl5.ted to said Surplus Account"
SECTION 9. If within a.ny rrAonth the revenues 01 said motor vehicle
parking facilities are in~".fii4~ient to credit the required amounts in any of
said Accou-'1.tsJ the deficiency shall be made up the ne~;:,t following month
or months after all credits into an .At:;counte enjoying a priolo claim of
tOevenues have been made in full.
When and so long ae the amount held in the Bond and Interest
Ac(;;ount from whatever Bou:rt"e receiverl she.ll be equal to the aggrega.te
principal amou.nt of all said bonds ii.'erna.ining outstandingo together with
interest thereon to matul"ity., no further payments sha.ll be m,a,de into
the Bond A(~(;f,)unt.
.....' If.>-
That the Village 'Of }.1oi.mt Prospect covenants and
afll'ees with the holders of said bonds e.nd c.ou'Oons hereh',! authorized tr...at
o ~
so long as the bonds or any of them l'en1ain outstal1c1ing and unpaid, either
as to principal 01' interest:
(a) The Village \~/ill rnaintahl the syatem in good repair a.nd working
order and will operate it efficiently and will faithfully and pUllctually per-
form all duties with reference to the system required by the Constitution
and Laws of the State of Illinoisp including the making and collection of
su.fficient 1"c.tes and charges {Ol' the use of the system9 and the segrega.tion
and a\IJplication of the revenues of the systelr." in the manner provided in
this ordinance.
(b) That the Village will establish and maintain at all times
reasonable fees, charges and rates f.Ol' the use of all parking facilities
sufficient to pay the reasonable costs of operation and maintenance, to pay
interest on and principal of all revenue bonds of said Village which by their
terms are payable from the revenues of said [aci1ities~ and to provide for
the crea.tion of the respective accounts as provided in Section e of this
Ordinance and wUl provide for the collection and deposit thereofp and the
segregation and application of the revenues of said system and fa.cilities
in the manner provided by this ordinance; and th~J: the Village will from time
to time nlake all needful arId pl"Oper l'epai:i:s, l'eplacements, additions
and betterments to the equipn"lent and facilities of said system eo that it
may at all times be opel'ated properly and. adva.ntageouslyc and when any
parking meter or other equipment of fc.cilitiea of said system shall have
been worn out!' destroyed or otherwise unfit fo!' proper use,~ it shall be
promptly replaced or repail'ed so that the value aud efficiency of the
facilities shall be at all times fully rnaintainedp and its revenues unencum-
bared by reason thereof; p~ovided, how0ver~ said Village shall at its
..-l ..,I'
: .
, . .
" ..,.
d"'cret' b ,., . ~t. .~. ...... .c.'!'... I~-
i<) ....101), 'a .~l.1.'Iol'1Ql':\Zel'.:~ !=J p:;,.Q..J'l....~ :':a':a..l~.1.;')O .~or "l'ee-o.t~-S~l'e~i1; pa.r~g.,
not to exceed 10';} of the !':quare ioo!: t".rea of all of .said Qff.street parking
(c) The Vil1ag~ will1':.Ot peri:"'.nit frae pal"king, exc'apt as in (b) above,
o-r: ae~Vic'e to be supplied by the ayttte1'o to th.9 Village or 'any depa.rtment
" .
thereof or to any person, fh'm or COl.'po::c.ti"n, public or private, 01" to
any p~b1iC'a.gency or i~Stl.\lmenta1ity, and all ~:r:sons oomg any part of the
s:y:o.t.em fo;.' t~e parldng of. vehicles. shall pa.y for such aai-vices the established'
rate 01' cherge;
(en That the Village will eBtablish 6uch rules and regula.tio~s for
the cmltrol and operation of said facilities nec~ssa.l"Y for the efficient and
. economical opel"ationthel'~\Of and r~teo and charges aha!! be fixeel and
, . . ~.. ".
l'Errise~ from time to time a:~ may:be 1'13c'3ssary to prod'l!~e funds sufij.c.ient
for 'aU.the purposes herein p~~vide'd;
. . .
(e) That th::t Vjllage will establish much rules and regulations as
to.the'.ute o{any such ~ar~.ing facilities to aSSl.'1re th~ ma:::dlnum :use or
.' . -'. '... .
cccupanc'y thereof;
. .
(f) Th~t s'o long as any of the bonds authorized. herein are outatanding
the Village will ma~t.ain all.d ca.rry adequate public lia.bility ins.ura.:n.ce
. .
against c!aim~ aris~'g out of the' o~ration of the parking facUities. .Said
insl;trai'ice shall be. carried in a respoll!>ible inGurance' company O~ companies
. . .
authorized to do busiitese in t~e State of rHLT),ois, and.the cost thereof s~l1
be deemed to be a Dtaintenance and opel'i.ition cost;
(g) That ~h~ Village will main.tain pal"Icing met.a!'s and c'ol1ect tatee
1.;hel'efl"om in the' ma~nel' requil'ed by thb orcl.i:i.lance o~ 2.11 p".1bl1cnt:a:eets
where such pa;;'.ldllg' meters are pl'ecently hGted a.a of "the date of the
passage of this Ordinal'lCe~ a.n.d on such stl'oSets and in off..stl"eet llal'Y..ing lO~B
where pal'lting i't1ete:t"s shall hal'eaftel' b!3 located. until all of the bonds
authorized by ~hia ordinal'lC~ have been pa.id. il'l. ft'!.ll~ bot~ as to principal
.... /tg -
~ .~
. -
- ,
and. inte:;'43st; pl:ovi,!\:;d1 hO\!/eV'~l'; ':;lli;:; covena.nt shall not b!3 construed to
.. ... 't " .' , . -: . I ' ,. .. .. . de
P':Ol"LlI::ll ll~-:;aSBa:...y c.L1~:ng'3S llt '\:.L18 ~OC2.':lon 0:': C't.~Cll ~:a:'..'.~"'11g met3~B rtJa ",.
D,l'.!\CeSsa:l.'Y by Stl''3'~'~ -'iiidGt'l111g Ol' Gt::"3\3t cloGings 01' rn.~1)f.:tii:t1:~ic}1.l or changes
, ., 1 I.- " .. . It' ~, .J' 1 --:J' .
111 Cil'3, _ocalolon m: pa:~'l:l!lg :n:~r3'CS..'S 'CO p..'OVlf..l3 eCa~ll&:la'!' elh.. 7.l.ecesaary
tl'afiic l.'.egulation an.d CO:i.ltl>ol, In'oY'id-3d. such change 'l.vill1.'1ot lessen the
th~n CU.l:l'0n:t income a.n.d 1.'eVentl~ to b'3 ~bl'iv3d i;$'Ol'n :3t~ch n~0tel'S or, impair
th~ payzne::'1t of the pl'incipa.1.e.l~d int31'es'c 01 th.3 bonds Clt'!.thorised;
, .
,{h} 'j~h~t ths Villaga ~....vil1 "'!"iEiintain ~l.1ld k'3ep pl'OpCl' 'Oool,s of l'ecol'ds
and a.ccounts (sepa,3:ate fl'om all O'i:i;1.3.~.' l"3CO:;;'ds and ac'countz 01 said Villag3)
in ~.vhich c o:':"~plet~ ~l'ltl'ieG shall be :n:a.de of all tl'~ne3.cHonEl ~..el~~ting to the
"d ~~-' ~"1'" '1 d' "'I b" oL' , ,
sal pa.!'t'tlng .:.aC1 It:le5, mc..U"lng ",~l:) l'l..u::n ex 01: !'.(Le~Gl'f;, :an o-r.:;l;"Vlce' on I'.n;reet
.kid Qfi"$t2'~et a.t yacU."IS end, .?l'1d g,dd -:,Tillage herehy CtWCD.ants that it will
c::t\'tse the 'b.-ooks al'lcl c'l.?CcuntIl of sai.l'pa ?!dng fllcHitie!S to l:ro';; f,l.t\dited ih"mually
, ,
by certified pt'l.blit aCCOullt1:l'hta and withi....'l n~t more tbc;J.n thi/:ty claya af.ter
the close of ~2!,ch :fia'c~l yeal' will fi~e w:ltl~ THE LIONS CLUB OF :MOUNT
P!lOSPEC'l"' a~d THE ,:MOUNT PROGPECT STATE BAN1{. .thID o~dlinal
p-I.ll'chasera of EiE\.id bOi'lds, comple'~e ope~1atil1i illCOn".lEl mtatexnenta of said
facilities in rec;taonable detail covering such fiscG.l year and will furnish
upon written request not mar e t.han thirty day~ after the CltHle of ea.ch fiscal'
year copies of such. operations and incom3 st~tementt.f ro any holder of any'
8aid bonds an.} willpsl'mit THE llIOHS CLUB OF MOUNT PROSPECT
and rrI.:rf.C . MOUN'r PIlOSPECT STATB B.ANK. c:&.O any holder OJ' hoIdel's. to
in13psct at ;!:l.ll r-ea,5tmable tin.es said i~:Z!.:d:hlg :i:aiCUiti~!~ ~.nc1. .1:111 recol.ds and
aCCouIltB ~.nd elate, l'elating ther.eto, .anct 'co f'lil'tlish to '1'B"E I.IONS CLUB OF
:MO!JH'X' ::?ROS~'?EC"r t~nd ~!'I.U~ ,MOlH('l' ,F''T.tGSl-'EC1' S:rl~.'r~ :6Jl.HK, 01' any
ho::'dt;; l' or neldel-s of sa.id bOil-da th0tl outstanding all data a.nd info1":t.nation
:-..cl;~tinf~ to said fa.cilities which nl.n.y be reasonably requested;
. jq-
_, I
(i) That so long as any of the bOi'4ds a.uthorized hereunder are
outstanding the Village will not sell, lease, loan, mortgage or ill any
manner dispose of or encumber said park1.ng facilities until all of said
bonds hereby authorized shall be paid in full, both principal and interest,
or unless and until provision shall have been :made for the payment thereof,
and that said Villa.ge wUl take no action in rehtion to said facilities which
would unfavorably affect th~ security of the bonds or the prompt payment
of principal and interest thereon;
(j) Any holder of a bond or bonds 01' any of the coupons of any bond
or bonds issued hereunder may either.in law or in equity, by suit, action,
mandamus or other proceedil'lg enfoxce 01' c:olnpel performance of all
duties required by this ordinance: including the making and collection of
sufficient chargee and rates for the use of said motor vehicle parking
facilities, and the application of the income and revenue therefrom.
SECTION 11. That is is hereby covenanted and agreed that while
any of such bonds herein authorized to be issued are outstanding, no prior
lien bonds or other obligations payable from the income and revenue derived
from and to be derived from the opel"ation of the motor vehicle parking
facilities as herein defined shall be issued; equal lien bonds may not be
issued unless (1) average annual net revenues derived from th.e motor
vehicle parking system for the t\"ro pl"eccding fiscal years were sufficient
to pay aU costs of opera.tion and rr~aintenance and leave a balance equal to
one and one-half times the average armnal xcquirements. for principal of
and int erest on all bonds then outstanrHng payable frOIl'1 the xev'"'enues of
the said fa.cilities and on such additional bends or ot}-l..er obligations
proposed to be issued, and (2) 2'.11 mcmthly credits to the Replacement
Account have been rt"..ade du:dng said f'iH:a.l year as specified in Section 8
<:..- c;< Q ~.....
. ,
- . .
Notwithstanding the restrictions upon the issue of bonds or other
obligations as hereinabove provided, said. Village shall have the power and
reserves the right to issue bonds to refund part of the bonds hereby a.uthorized
with the consent of the holdel's thereof, and such refunding bonds shall share
ratably and equally in the revenues derived and to be derived from said
motor vehicle parking facilities and in the pledge the:reof ma.de under this
ordinance with the bonds hereby authorized that are not refunded, provided
that if less than all of said bonds then outstanding are refunded in such
Inanner that the interest rate is increased or the refunding bonds mature at
a tlate earlier than the n12.turity of the bonds refunded thereby, then such
refunding bonds shall not share ratably and equally in said revenues of
such motor vehicle parking facilities with the unrefunded bonds remaining
outstandingy but in such case the pledge of revenues to the payment of
such refunding bonds shall be junior a..-.,.d subordinate to the pledge of the
revenues for the payntent of the unrefunded bonds herein authorized, unless
the holders of such unl'efunded bonds consent in writing to the maturities
and to the interest rate or rates of such proposed refunding bonds.
SECTION lZ. The provisions of this ordinance shall constitute a
contract between the Village of Mount Prospect and 1he holders of the bonds
herein authorized to be issuedJ and after the issuance of the bonds no
changes, additions or alterations of any kind shall be made to this ordinance
in any manner except in accord".nce with the provisions of this ordinance!) or
\.mtil such time as all of said bonds isSl..1ed hereunder and the interest thereon
shall be paid in full, or unless and until provision shall have been made
for the payment of all of said bonds and interest thereon in full.
SECTION 13. That aa soon as ma.y be after this ordinance becomes
effective, sa~d bonds shall be executed and be by the Treasurer of said
Village sold and delivel"ed to the purchasers thereof, na.mely~
"_.t:LJ -
... f..
STATE BANKv at par and accrued interest from the date thereof to date
of delivery, all in accordance with the proposal of said purchasers for
the purchase thereof: which has been accepted and approved.
SECTION 14. That the proceeds de:l'ived from the sale of bonds
authorized hereby shall be used solely for the acquisition and improvement
of the motor vehicle parking facilities herein described, all in accordance
with plans and specifications therefor, heretofore approved by the Plan
Commission and the President and Board of Trustees, and now on file in
the Office of the Village Clerk for public inspection. Any surplus bond
proceeds remaining after completion of said improvement shall be tra.ns-
ferred to the Bond and Interest Account and applied only towards the
payment of principal and interest on the bonds hereby authorized to be
SECTION 15. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of
this ordinance shall be held invalid, the invalidity of such section~ paragraph,
clause or provision shall 'not affect any of the other provisions of this
SECTION 16. That this ordinance after its passage and approval
by the President shall be published in THE MOUNT PROSPECT HERALD,
a newspaper published and of general cil'culatim in said Village and shall
be in full force and ell'ect as provided by law.
6~ day of
. ~age 'Cle
My-: /$ Itj50
-- c2;{ .....