HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 529 12/04/1956
Ordinance No. 52. CJ
AN ORDINANCE creating a Plan
Con"'lnllssion in and for the VilL.1.ge
of Mount Prospect, Cook Co\mtyv
lllinoi s,
SECTIOl!l:.. --PURPOSE. In order that adequate provisions be made
for the preparation of a. comprehensive Village pla.n for the guidancej direction
and control of the growth and development of the Village of Mount Prospect~ a
Plan Commission, which shall be a. department of the Village government, is
hereby created under authority of an act of the General Assembly of the State
of Illinois~ entitled "The Revised Cities and Villages Act" approved August 15,
1941~ effective January 1, 1942, ae amended.
SECTION Z. -.. )AEMBERSIDP, Said plan commission shall consist of
seven (7) members to include the following: The President of the Board of
Trustees who is also the president of the board of local improvements and the
Village Manager shall be membel's ex-officiio of the said plan C01'lnntBsion~ with
power to vote; and five (5) other membero, citizens of said Village appointed
by the President on the basis of their particular fitness for their duty on said
plan commiBsion~ and subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees.
SECTION 3. --TERM OF OFFICE. Members ex-officiis sball serve
fo1" the term of their elective and/or appointive offke. Of the five (5) citizen
members} three (3) shall be 2.ppointed for 8. term of four years, and, two
(Z) shall be appointed for a teJ.'ro of two yeara. Thereafter, such citizen
rner.n.bers shall be appointed for terms of four yea.rs. Vacancies shall be filled
by app(lintments for unexpired terms only. All members of the Commission
shall serve without compensation except thatb if the Boa.rd of Trustees deeme
it advisable.. the Secreta.ry may receive such compensation a.s may be fixed
from time to time by said Boa.rd of Trustees and provided for in the appropria-
tion ordinance.
SECTION 4. --PROCEDUREo.lmmediately following their appointment
the mt:mbera of the Plan Commission sha.ll rneet, ol'ganizGlB elect such officers
a.s it may deem necessary, and adopt and latel' change or z,.ltel', rules and
regulations of organization and procedure consistent with Villa.ge ordinances
and state laws; provided, however, that the Villag~ Mana.ger shall serve as
Secretary of the sa.id Plan Commission. The Commission shall keep written
records of its proceedings which nhall be open at all times to public ins~ction.
SECTION 5. --POWERS AND DUTIES" Said Plan Commission shall
have the following powers and duties:
(A) To prepare and recommend to the Village Board of
Trustees of Mount Prospect a comprehensive plan
of public: improvements ~ looking to the present and
future development and growth of said Village. Such
plan after is adoption by the Village Board of Trustees
will be known as the official plan of. Mount Prospect.
Such plan shall include reasonable requirements in
reference to streets, alleys, and public grounds within
the corporate limits and in contiguous territory outside of
and distant not more than one and one-half miles from such
limits D and not included in any municipality, such re<Juire-
ments, to be effective whenever such lands shall be subdivided
after the adoption of such plan.
(B) To prepare and recommend to the Village Board of Trustees
of Mount Prospect from time to time, such changes in the
plan as may be deemed necessary by the Village Board of
Trustees or by the Plan Commission:
(C) To prepare and recommend to the Village Board of Trustees
from time to time; plana andJ or recommendations for
specific improvements in pursuance of such official plan:
(D) To give aid to the officials of the Village of Mount Prospect,
charged with the direction of projects for improvements
embraced within the official plan, to further the making of
such improvement8~ and generally to promote the realization
of the officia~. plan:
(E) To arrange and conduct any form of publicity relative to its
activities for the general purpose of public understanding.
(F) To exercise such other powers germane to the powers
granted by this act as may be conferred by the Village Board
of Trustees of Mount Prospect.
The fhn and
the activities of the Plan Commission shall bG in coope:ration with and imple-
mented by any regional plan that may be adopted by other municipalities i!!
Cook County insofar as the same is possible.
the adoption of a.n official plan h"! the :manner prescribed in U'lis Act, no map
or plat of any subdivision or re -subdivision. p:renented for recl"od, affecting lanci
'\1irithin the corporate limits of the Village of Mount Prospect, or in contiguous
territory outside of and distan.t not more than one and one-half miles from such
limits and not included in the Village of Moun';; Prospect, shall be entitled to
record 01' shall be va.lid unless the 6ubidiviliio;n thereon shall provide for streets
aileys, and public grounds in coro.iormity \vith any reql..urements applica.ble
therto of such official pla.n.
SECTION 8. --IMPROYEMENTS. 'the Village Clerk shall furniah the
Plan Commission for its consideration a copy of all ordinances J plans and data.
I'elative to public improvelnentB of any nature. The Plan Commission may
report in relation thereto if it deems a repm:t necessary or advisa.ble, for the
conBideration of the Board of Trustees.
SECTION 9, __EXPENDITURES: The Commission may at the discretion
of the Board of Trustees employ necessary help whose salaries, wage3~ and
other necessary expenses sm\l1 be provided for: by adequa.te appropriation made
by the Villa.ge Board of Trustees fro:rn the public fund8~ If said Plan Commiasion
shall deem it advisable to secure technical C/,dvic;e or service" it may be clone
upon authority from the Board ox T:rustees and app:ropriations by the Board of.
Trustees therefore.
SECTION 10. ,--REPEALo. All ord.ir>.ances or parts of ordinances in
C01'lflict herewith be and the same a.re hereby repealed.
.. . . .
SECTION 11. --EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be in f'l.ul
force and e.tfect fl'om and after its passage approval and publicaticn, acco!'d3.ng
to law.
PASSED: '!'hi.415 daYof._~~ _._,1950.
APPROVED: This Zday of _ ft ~ ,1956.
Pre sident
' ~
.11&. Clerk _
this ./.:;/3daY of -?_ ~ ' 1956.