HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 527 12/04/1956
Ordinance No. ~ 7
AN OHDINANCE restz::iedu.g g;c '.~.-eights
of vehicles on. Council 'I'rail E<,~;?t of
Route 83.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Pr8~Jidcllf: &":\d Board of Truste:~a .of
the Village of Mount Proopect, Cook Cmmty, Illinois:
SECTION 1. Except for the ptrrp(~ee of mar-.J.ug deliveries "to a
dwelling actt1ally occupied for 1"e:;ddential pUI'p.:)ses, or to the m:cupaw.t
of said dwelling.J it shaH be unhwhtl to operate OIl th.at part of Connell
Traillyin.g E;ast of State Roili:e 83 {eomr:lonly k..~ovm. as Elmhurst f{oc,:,d}
v.'ittriu the Village of Mount PI":H~pect! any vehicle which, with its load
shall weigh twen~y thousand {2C: (00) p~:n.u.lds^ t;rIt, ~.
SECTION 2. 'l~he ViUugc M~.nage::; ahaJ.1 be and is hal"cby ~uthori:r:;5'd
an.d dire~dto cause signs to be e::ected <"_1.: periodic intervals on
Cou.nc'H Trail within the Vil1.a.g'i::' :Ji :l:/lount Prospect designating upCln r:n.lch
li'lignu the weight lin1.~.ts h0:t'ein pl"oscdbt'.,d.:
SECTION 3. .~.ny p9'roo:n" firm or corporation found guilty of
viclati:c.gthe p!"ov1S1:.ms nf this m:dinanc€:, or any ~ion thereof, Ghall h('>
fined not lesiJ than One Dolla.l" ($ L CO} no}' more than Two Hl,:uuiz-ed Dollars
($200.00) for e~ch violation.
~ECT1.0N 4. Tub Ordill~"lCC Bh;:~B be in full force and effect
from Z'.,{d after itf)'-p:':csage, appro'IT.;;.l and pablication accordin.g to law.
PASSED: this _~ day Ok -.;1Z~~
APPROVED, this .;/ !!... t.a y of -.;J1c ~ ~
"' 1956.
P:t'esident .............
~illage Cle;; (j
Dl'1PT 'i~HE". in ,.'1., l'"fOT''''~T OR~""r"n
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A. D. 1956,