HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 4442 06/16/1992 AGREEMENT I~'OR USE OF '~HE PUBL!O WAY
Mount. ,~r~pect.
That the ILLINOIS SELL TELEPHONE COMPANY (hereinafter ~eferrsd to a~ ~h~ Comp~n~'}, its
~he transmission of sounds and ${gnals ~ m~ns of elec~ or ~hL a~ e~ally for the ~ndu~ of
end thereafter until termi~at~ by ~y (60) da~s ~e~ ~ct~ e~t~ ~y the Musicality to the Com~y, or
~he C~m~ny to the Mu~l~pality. ~e omv~sl~s of ~hts Agreement ~a~l ~ r~ne~otiat~ u~o~ wri~en
from one ~a~ to the ot~r at any t~ a~er JuEy 1.2~. Any new terms $~ conditions agr~d to a~
of such renegotlatlon shall ~ eff~lve u~n the expiation o~ thl~ A~e~m m a~Or~n~ with ~he
~ontained heroin unless ~e pa~s a~ee
alloys and publl~ wey~ of the Municipally ahall be ma~e un~e~ th~ d~r~tlon ~ the J~Mduat d6~lg~ated by the
Municipality or ouch offi~r ee may ~ ~signated from ~me-to.tlme by the governing ~y of ih~
height above public tho~ughfame of alt aedal w~ms and oabJes hereafter c~ruoted shell confo~ to
De~ed, as ~t m J~tedere ~nr~s~abry w~h om;nar~ Iravel on the highways of tho Munlci~lJt? or ~th
municipal water or sewer pipes then in piece, and in cass of bringing go grade cr change of ~ade, or change of
wl~h of any street or alley, the Company~ pr~id~ ~ ~s notified thereof tn writing at least lhi~y (~0) ~a~s prior
te the commencement ~hemof, shsl~ cha~ge its structures ~o as to confo~ thereto, e~pt whom such cha~ge
of grade or ~ of any street or alley ts made in ~nn~to~ w~h the rearrangement, se~miion or
0f railroad crossings or Is ~n~den~ to any ouch ~ea~aflgement, ~eparation 0r a~eratio~, The tops O~ all vaults
considered Dy the Company within ~9 MunlCl~t!~ sheii p~ese~t $~ even eude~e with the pavemen~ at
~int where !a~d, and, subJ~ to the e~pt~on oo~lne~ In the lsat preceding eentence, shall be tow~ed or
raised by the Company to conform to the top of paving 0r ~mproveme~t as required by ~he governing oo~y
~he Muntclpall~ whenever %he grade of ~he street or alley In which any ~Uch vau~t Is ~ca~a may be at shy
hemaEer Iowe~ or
(b) ~e~lt Re~ulr~
removal el the ~elecommunfcations systems shall be subje~ te the issuance of a pe~ therefore by the M'TR,
No telecommunications facility shall ~ told or Ins~al~e~ In or u~der ~ny streets, s~leys 0r other public way un~t~
a ~rmit therefore Is ~ssued by the MTR, Said permit shalt ~icste ~he ~me~ manner an~ place of laylng~or
installing each teleoommun~ostion~ faolll~, Permit ~rovat shal~ be grante~ If the pro~sed Imp[oveme~s are
~nslstent with the use of ~he public way g~n~ed by this Agreement. Each application for a pe~tt shall
a~mpanied ~ prin~, pia~s and maps showing ~he proposed ~flon of each te~e~mmun~cat~o~ f~ct~tty
~ laid or Insaile~, %he t~aflo~ of each ~n~u~ ~ be enterS, ~n~ ~e number of manhote~ o~ other
to gain a~ess to sal~ con.alt, In the event of an emergency which the Core.ny believes poses e throat
Immediate harm ~o the public or ~o any of ~ Comps~'~ fac~litlea. ~he Company shelt be pe~ttted aCce~
to the public way to ameliorate ~he threatened harm w~thout ~e benefit of ~ perm~, provided h~wever, the
Company shall advise the Munlc{~li~y of the eme~ency at its earliest oppo~unl~y and seek e pm~r pe~l
within a rea~nable pedOd of ttme ~hereafler.
(C) Non~mpita~ee of
The Munlcl~ltty ~se~.es ~he ~igh~ ~ make ph~lca~ on-site Inspections of the ~ecommunlcst~ons systems
at its ~iscret~n. The Company ~h~ll ~rreot or subs~antlat~y co~rect any defaut~ o~ non~onformar~ ~h the
Municlpalt~'s wr~en, publicly avallable insta~letlo~ ~nd~r~, weather ~ con~itlon~ ~yond the
~ntro~ el the Core.ny per~i~ng, within ~i~y (~) days of receipt of written no~tflca~lo~ (hereinafter
~ day ~rreoflen per{od") from the MTR, If the MTR determines ~ha~ the Company has not oormcte~ or
substantially corrected the defa~t or non~n~rma~ce and has ~ s~vi~ the Company tn w~tlng, the
Core.ny mus~ submit a time ~ble within five (5} days of ~he lapse of the 30 day ~rre~ton ~dod ~o the
Municlpali~ s~clfy~ng the antiCipat~ date of completion. In a~ ems~enc~, effacing ~he public health,
safety and welfare in the public way as determined by the MTR, the Core.ny shall immediately
the default or nonconformance, tf the Muntdpaltty, In the exemi~ of Its reasonable discre~io~, determines
~ha~ the Company has not ~u~ts~tialty ~rre~ed ~he emergency w~h~ five (6) flays of such an o~der,
($5~) per day, each ~a~ after the five day ~Hod that the Company fails to eabstamIaliy correct the
(d) Mapa
Upon request 9¥ the Munictpa~tW, the Company shall file wEr~ the MTR a m~p which details existing anc new
la.litter. Subject ~o the pr~o~s of t~e IIl~nei~ Fme~em of information A~, ~!L Rev. Sial Ch 115. p~. 201 ~t.
·mugh ~ brach o~ t~ts ~reement by the Munlot~at~. The ~mpeny ~ Munloipail~ aome, to the ex[en~
~Aies, ~o Oompa~y shall ~et With the Municipality to eetalL ~o the extent ~Sible, I~s ~rrenfly planned
construction activities wtthl~ lhe Mu~toipat~ly,
~e Company, a~r ~oing =ny excavating or cons~ruc[~on work shslL a[ ~ts so~e cost and exoe~, p~ompt~y
re.ir and resto~ the sl~ ~n~u~)ng ali ~idewat~. pa~waye or ~vsm~nts distu~beO by [h~ Company to ~ne
condition In wh~h ff exisisd prior [o [he performance of the work, el" neany as prect~oabfe as determlne~ ~
the Munlol~lity in the exemtse of ~s reascnabte d~mtton~ in the event that any such sidewalk, p~r~way
or pavement ~ai~ ~come u~eve~ unsealS, o~ o~h~ise ~e~u~res repald~g, ~e~use o~ such d~stu~nce
Dy the Company, the~ t~e Com~n~, as soon as ellmattc ~nd~i~ns w~t p~mi~, sh~ ~r~mptly, ~ m~lDt
of noti~ from the MuniCipality ~ ~o co, ~use such st~ewa~ parkway ~r pavement to ~e r~patred or reslored
to the ~ndttion tn ~h ~t oxtste~ before s~id $~ew~k. p~rkway Or pavsme~ w~ ~ls~tbe~ ~ th9 Company,
Such ms~ratl~ shall ~ completed wli~tn ten (10) days e~er the da~e et commencgment of such ms,oration
~rk, In the evem that tl~ Company ~aiis to commen~ an~ comptete t~e restoration wo~ ~ the manner and
within tho ~Ime ~riods pre~rib~ heroin. ~he Mu~tpal~ may, bu[ Shal~ have no ~flgation ~o, pedorm such
public way or improvement csn~o~ be so mp6ired, reptscea o~ restored, the Core.ny sh~l justly compen~te
the Municipally. All excavations ~n t~wns or g~assy ~rkwsys sha~ be tmmedle1~i~ beckfl~e~, tem~s~ and then
restored within a reasonable ~ime thereafter ~e thG oMginel ~nd~tior~ wi~h sod or h~drosee~ ~n ec~oreance witt~
t~e a~llcable provis~ons of ~ts Agreement. The Company eha~l ~eep al~ st~c~ums which ~t shall =onsffuc~ by
signals during Ih~ f~nsl~o~on, repair or renewa~ work ~e~ormed hereunder es will ~easonab~y avoid ~snger to
life. limb end pr~e~.
~e ~ompany shalt, at its ~wn ex.nee, defend al~ su~[~ that m~y be brought sga~ns~ [he ~unlot~i!~y on
ao~unt of o~ in ~3nn~tiort wt[b the violation by the Comp~y of any o~ the 3b}~tions hereby Im~se~ upon
or ~sumed by It, or by meso~ of or ih ~nne~fl~ with any ~sms~e ~o life, {fmb or prope~ connected wl~h its
latium to meet its obligation hereunder ~r any of the stru~ures co~s[ructed er m~talned by It under or by
v~ue of ~hls Agreement, and held and save the Municipality hsd*asa ~om any and all ~isb[~ity ~d exp~nse
as heroin defined. As ~sed I~ this ~ct~o~, liabtt~ty a~d ~xpenses s~ll include judgments, c~ts s~d d~mage
for or a~eted with removal, relocation, alteration, repair maintenance an~ restoration o~ ~he structures or
~ltetaflon, ~epalr or matnton~noe of any pubilo ways, including bridges, tun~t~, v~lts, se~rs, water
~ndu~, pl~, poles end other public
The ~veml~g ~dy of ~he Mu~i~i~tty may, ~n~r the d~metlon of th~ Company or tis ~meys,
e~enses tncu~d by l~ ~n ~se of the eie~on ~ to a~ist,
The Compsn~ ehaK. st ~s own expense, indemnify an~ hold ~am~ess t~e Mu~ipe~l~ an~ ~s offi~6, agents
a~ empl~ees, ~rom liability, a~s~ng out of a~i judg~nts or s~lements, including makable a~omey
whet~er fm perusal inju~, bodily ~nJu~, prope~ damage or to~ or Interruption ~ uflll~ ~t~ eri~n~ out
of the m~atrumion~ Insl~lstJon, maintenance or other opem~tons of the Co~a~y.
D~r~g t~e term of lhl& Agreem~t a~ while the ~mp~y IS using a~y ~e or po~es erected or
for a~achlng Ihs Muni~ty'~ ~li~ and fire alarm signal wires, provided that ~he ~ltce Grid fire alarm system
~s pr~lde~ to the p~blic wt~ho~ charge. A~ such a~achments a~e t~ be Jn a~r~a~e
~e~ignated by t~e Compan~ and all wo~ w~fl be pe~o~m~ by the Mun~cipa!i!y at It~ ex~nse at the lop of
the spa~ avall~le for the u~ of ~e Company on any ef ~1~ pole~, it being un~mlo~ Ihat the po~es upon
which epa~ ta peri.ed ~r u~ by the Munlclpaltt~ shaft be ~n~ldemd, for the p~rpose o~ ~is agreement,
pemonal pro~y; pmvld~ that such wires shall be ~ pta~ end matnained by the Mu~ict~llty that th~ use
of the same will not I~e~em ~,[th the operat~o~ ~d ma{nte~enoe of th~ Company's equipment or Its use of
said ~lee, and pr~ided {uAher that a thl~ (30) Inch cltmbin0 s~. ~b~ll ~ malntelned betwo~ the
pins on poles jointly used with a~other pubfl~ ut~li~, All such po~ and fire alarm signal w~ms shaft ~ a~ched
co~piience w~th any miss for ~nstru~tion eno ~tnte~ance et e~e~dc power ~n0 ~mmunl~tJon tines as
may be order~ by ihs ifllnois Commeme ~mmission, The MunD~pality shaft, at ~ts own expense, Oaf enO all
~onnectto~ with the pm~nc~, use, maln~nanoe, e~ion ~ removal of the Manic,petites poi~c~ end tiro
· e Company from any and al~ a~mages, judgments, coals and expenses ~f any kind which may srl~ by
So I~g as Ihs Co~p~y exem~ses and ~joy~ t~e ri~h[$ ~ra~l~d ~o ~t hereunder, i~ ~h~t p~y to the
f~r e~h A~ t in~ that the Core.ny melntah~¢ a~,d oper~[~ w~th~ the Munlc~t~y: $0.3~ ~ Aoce~s Line
~t month ~r the ~lendar year 1991 ~ and ~emafler retr~cttve ~ Janua~' ~, 199~. ~n no e~n~ shaft the
p~.~snts for any yeu~ be le~ ~han t~e ~mounts t~ Munlclpall~y ~elve~ t~ ces~ ~or th~ ~a~enaar yGar
The Core.ny shatl make sal~ payments o~ a monthly b~sls. Oue the I~st ~ay of ~he su~c~e0~ng
month. "A~ss Line" ~s used In th~s Seoflon sh~fl mean ffhe connoting facility betwe~ a customer's premiss
I~roora~e~ lown named In Se~on 1 of t~ls O~dtnanoe &s mco~ed wi~ the a~rop~ale county rs~ra~r
as provided to the Company. The Municipality sgrem~ ~ no~l~ ~e Company of any ordinances a~nex~n~ to or
~hanges showing, ~f available, street n~e a~ numbsr
The Coming s~li, wi~ln red.five (45) ~ya ~ the effective date of this O~inanm m~ke an appropriate
adjustment ~ween ~ts to wh;oh the Munio~lt~ la entitled un,er ~hls Ordine~ce U~ p~ent that Ina
Municipality Is entitled to or ~s mcelve~ un~r a prior Interim Agmemet~t dated
for lhu pe~od ~mmenolng ~nus~ 1, 1~1,
Tho Corn~a~ agrees to pmvid~ annually, wtlhi~ u [uusoflable ~lme tree M~n~paf~[y's rsquest. [l~e ~ames,
s~Qras~S an~ numar of Access Lines for each o~ Its customsm wl~n the ~uniolpai~y, subject to the
Munlctpati~'s agreement not to disclose ~ld Informa~on= which Municipality =gees shall be ~eO ~[eiy
for the pu~es of verl~tng ~e numoer of t~e Company's A~asa { {nee within the Munic~pality. The
~d~menm required for o~ch ve~fioat~on shall upon reasonable ~dvun~e hotlY, be Subject to inaction
by the Munlclpality~ in ~omptling such re~ the company shall be oermlt~d to delete the na~s of those
cus~mem subsiding [o the Com~ny's ~n-~ublJshe~ listing
~e payments Quu hereunder s~aa Do In lieu of any perm,, license, InsPoct~o~ o~ o~er similar fees or charges
customa~y asse~e~ by the Munldpallty to businesses o~rsttng tn ~he puOllc way or oo~rat~ in a
busings ss t~at conduced by the Company Includlng, but not limited ~o~ all genemt business license fees,
I ~ Gom~ny shall, wltbo~ c~ge and when aireote~ ~y ~he chief ex.live ofl{ce~ et Ihs Mun~ci~lity, ~ve
within the same premises the cushier pr~i&6 wire a~ocla~e~ with &ach Acce~ Line pmv{~ad ~o
Munlclpall~ ~ the Comoany, p~vld~ that no~ more than one such cl~&nge of loca~o~ in a~y one year
A~se. Une shall be made ~ t~ Core.ny without expense to ~e M~n~ipali~y. ~Customur p~em~se wire"
Qefined as any wire ~lnnlng on the cue[creels side of Ihs net~rk i~te~aoe or eq~alent and anOIng
regts~at,on jec~ or connecting block, exclusive of wiring assisted with key or PBX systems and their
terminals ~ main dlstdb~ion fames.
Newly COnStr~o~ d~strlbution lines shall be Dlaced onUarornun~ I~ ~e exist raqu~ by the
Comme~ce Commi~ton, The ~mpa~y snail not ~ required to bu~' any eximlng aerial f~lltles~ However.
mu~h lactlitles wl~ be bu~. p~ded the ~st to ~m Company of buMS does not exceed the cost of an
aerial m~atton,
if ~ring the te~m of this Ordinate. the Company shell receive authority from the ICC ~ un~e~ke a
wl~ ~mgmm o~ programs of unde~munding its ex~t~r~g trenSm[sslon f~c~l~ies, the Company will budget
appmv~ ~ the iCC,
The Company te authorized Gnd C~lrected to td~ lr~s up~ ~ ~v~rh~n~n~ ~h~ ~lr~, ~w~u~s~ ~l~y~, .
from oomtng ~nto cor~ac~ ~th the w~re~ ~n~ ~ble~ of ~h~ Company, A~i s~ch t~mm~g ~h~ ~e ~n
with standar~ Ioca~ =rbo~cul~aral practice~, fl es~bitshe~. A~ trimming ~e~S shall ~e ~moved from the wor~
ama on a dally basis. The Municipality may, If ~ so elects, spec~' times, meshes at~d s~andar~s for the
Com~ny'a tree ~mml~9
remove, raise, ~r tour its s, rectums tempora~ty to pe~m~ the mov~g ~f a bulJ~ing, 3r any ~er object,
along a highway, pmv~d~ the benefited paffy or pa~les shell sgre~ to pay the Company ~n amount equa~
to the actual cost of affecting such tempora~ ~hsnges in im structures; and provided fu~h~r ~hat,
th9 determination of eu~ a~ua~ cost, the ~nefffe~ P~7 o~ pa~es sh~ll have ~e~3stted with the Company
sn amount equal to the cos[ as estimated by the Company. Should [~r~y amoun~ of such deposit
unexpended, offer d~u~ting the actual ~st tnvolwd, said amount ~hall be re~u~ne~ ~o the ~y making
In case the Company 8hatJ ~aJ~ or ~egt~ ~o ~ply w~th ~ny or ~ of ~he prov[slon~ of ~hl~ ordinate
by order of the Illinois Co~meme C~mmi~ion or of any other body, board, commission or cou~ of competent
JuHsdlaton, the Company ts othe~ise dlm~ed~ or un,ess ~ompl~a~ by ~he Company w~th such provision
prohibited or aajudgeO unta~l by an o~r of the Illinois Commeme Comml~o~ or by ~n o?der of e~y other
body, boa~; commission or ~u~ of ~m~lsn~ jurisd~ton), the Municipality ~ase~es the d~t to repeal
ord~nan~ or ~escln~ this ~n~r~c[, end fo~sit [h~ ~9hts hereby created c? ~Jgh[ to ~e created, ~mvided
no such repeal, mscl~lon or fodel~ure shell ext~t or ~ e;alm~d ~cau~e ~ such falluf~ Or ~eg[ec[, until
written not,ce of su~ failure or negl~t so c~s~m~d shetl hove bGen g~ve~ to the C~mpe~y, a~d a
op~unlty afforded It to ~mply with the provisions her~f or to prove ~hst sucl3 co~p~ence a~ready exists.
~n the even~ that the ~lltnot~ Commeme ~mmlsston or any othe~ ~y, board, commission or ~u~ o~
competent jurisdiction 8hs~i adjudge any pr~lston or proms[or~s hereof lnva~t~ or i~t~L or ~lrec[ a change
by the Company t~ any maker or thing hem~n ~n[~lned, such Invalidity or Illegality or change shal~ ~n ~e way
affe~ the remaining provisions of this ordinance, or their validity or legality a~'~d ~ht$ ordinate ~n all other
ms~cts shall continue in f~tt for~ and offer; as {f said provision ~t provisions ha~ not been ~ adjudged
invalid or illegal or such change directed.
No~tng ~nts~ned in this Agrsement shalJ prohibit [he Municipality {rom er, taring into an ~greeme~t with a~y
other entlt~ similar to {he o~ gra~ted herein to ~ns~, instal~, main[e;n arid operate t~ the Dublic way. T~
Municipality agrees ~hat ~ wIH u~ its ~m ~floRs to ob3a~ appropriate compensation ~rom any en~ ail e~tl~tes
t~t ~ek to us~ the public way t~ provide tele~mmunication esprits similar ~o ~he
pub~t¢ way, shall exercise the ~ghts ~ranted herein In such a manner as not unre~nabJy to Inte~em with
Municl~l~ c~enant~ that ~ sha~l ~ulre pdor ~ntractom, lmnchiseea. ~enseee or ~ee~. ~
~nner, to m~ ff:e rioters an~ nm InTeffe~ wl~ the flg~ts o~ ~e ~a~, gr~nte~ herel~
~e~N t2, ~MPAEY ~IHE~
w~eneve~ the w~o '~mp~' o~ t~ wor~ "ll~mo~s ~ll Tele~hon~ C~m~ny'~ am use~ ~n this ordinance.
I~TION t3.
~emof made, aasumea, ente~ into or taken thereunder, or any ep~losti~ of ~ pr~sion, ts ~or any
r~on heid t~ ~ Illegal ~ invalid, such tJleg~lity or ~nvalid~ shall not ~ffect ~ny other prov~to~ of
Agree~nt Or any ot~er ~venam, atl~u~atl~. ~h~g~tt~, ~gmeme~t, act or action. ~r pa~ the(ecl.
aseumeC, e~emd ~, or ~ten, ~oh of wht~ e~f be ~nstrued and e~force~ ss Il such ~le~al or Invall~
i~ and valid appll~tlon ther~t, eric each such Dmvl~ion, ~o,~ant, ~pu~ati~n, obl~ga[ion agreement,
or action, or ~ff there,, shall be deeme~ to be effete, o~ratIve, made, assumed e~r~d into ~
~e manner a~ te t~ fu~l ex~e~t pertained ~ law.
~emends and waivem required or pmvlde~ he~n~r or ~sJrea by the pa~Jes hereto sha~J be In
on d~llve~) or If sent by mgi~er~ or ce~iltea m~l, ~sage prepaid, r~um receipt requestS,
to the ~ies at t~e foilo~ng a~res~s (effective on
(!) IF TO COMPANY: A~ea ~enage ~-Commun~ ~
Lombard, ~llinois
Village of Mount Prospect
]00 South Emerson Street
Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056
This ord~na~ shall ~ in ~{t forc~ upon r~celpt ~, the C~rk of th~ ~u~clp~l~ ~f the Compar~y's ~*~ten an~
uncendlflo~sl ae~an~ o~ all ~he ~rovisi~m ef this ordmsnoe ex~ by I~ ~ro~r officers ~hemu~to
~uthodzod, u~dor ~o ~rpomto ~a~ of tho Oomp~n~, a~ o[tG~ IG ~y ;re ~rGte~ or Aes~ta~l
c~Gerald L/ F~¢ley/Mayor /" '
Ayes: Floros, Hoefert, Clowes, Corcoran
Nays: None
Absent: Busse, Wilks
Carol A, Fields, Village Clerk
~illaggoF_ Mou~nt Prospect
I Carol A. Fields .... Village _ __ . Clarkolthe
I~llnom, ~o hereby ~e~ that I em the keeper of the ordlnan~es ~ said Munl~i~a,ty' and ihat the
e~ foregoing Is a tins, cor~t an~ com~iet~ copy of O~ nsnce NUmber .~ pa~sed by
~i 1 1 ag~ gaa~d , of ~ld Munloi~lity on the _!6~h . Oayol June
A,D,19 ~2_, and appm~d by the Village Board thereof ~ the 16th
cay el J u,n~ .... A,D. 19 92 , as spears f~ the records of aclu
IN WITNESS ~HEREOF, I have hereunto ~t my h~d as Vi 11 age Cle~ of
llllnolo Bo~t ~olophone Core.ny, ~ and ~mu~ lie, V~o~ P~
~ ~n~ g~nr~r!/ ,~ by a~hOr~ vo~ I~ them by The Co~
~, dO he~ unco~itlonelly accept the ~om~ng Ordinance ~r
the pu~ cortm)n~ therein,
~ ~aq~ Secretary
I, ..~Eve~.yn M. Kasprak ,anotam/publicherebycertffTthat 'Brian T. O~Conno~c _.
personally known by me to be the ' ' Vice' Pre s ident: of Illinois Bell Telephone
Company. a~d.J°hn W ~ "McNult:~ personally known by me to be the
A~sist:an~: Secre1:ary of said company, appeared before me this 10th day o'f
~ovember ,1992 anc~ acknowledge that they executed the foregoing Acceptance on behalf of illinois
Ball Telephone Company as their free and voluntary act and that of the Company.
~'/x~ N.P.
i ....