Item Cover Page
Fiscal Impact (Y/N)
Dollar Amount
Budget Source
Action Item
Mount Prospect's Patrol Officers are represented by the Metropolitan Alliance of Police (MAP)
and are subject to a collective bargaining agreement (CBA). The patrol group's CBA expired on
December 31, 2022. The union and management started negotiations in the fall of 2022 and
restarted in January 2023 after promotions created vacancies on the union board. A tentative
agreement was reached in early October 2023.
Key features of the proposed CBA include:
• 12% wage increase over three years (3.5% retroactive to 1/1/2023, 4.0% eff.
1/1/2024, and 4.5% eff. 1/1/2025).
• 2% one-time retention bonus for employees hired on or before October 1, 2022 AND
actively employed at the time of payout. The bonus is based on the employee's October
1, 2022 base salary.
• Certified Police Officer Incentive rolled into base wage to benefit the department's
recruitment efforts.
• An additional Longevity Pay tier at 25 years of service ($1,200).
• Minor changes to Specialty Pays, specialty types and pay amounts.
• 2023 monthly medical insurance premium rate tables in the CBA are unchanged from
2022. The rate tables can increase up to 5% for 2024 over 2023 and again increase up
to 5% for 2025 over 2024 rates.
• Addition of a Safe Driving Incentive providing eight (8) hours of Time Due if a patrol
officer is not involved in an on -duty, chargeable squad crash in a calendar year.
* Reduction in pay back hours for Day and Afternoon shifts from 40 hours to 26.5 hours,
providing an additional 13.5 hours off.
The remainder of the proposed CBA contains minor changes and work rules but, by and large,
it is a continuation of previous agreements.
The proposed wage increases place Mount Prospect Patrol Officers 3rd in total compensation
out of the Village's eight comparable communities of Arlington Heights, Buffalo Grove, Elk
Grove Village, Glenview, Hoffman Estates, Palatine, Rolling Meadows, and Wheeling. The
Patrol Officers received 2.5% wage increases on 1/1/2021 and 1/1/2022 during the inflation
surge. As CBAs are being renewed, wage increases are greater than rates seen prior to 2022.
For example, Buffalo Grove and Palatine patrol officers received 3.5% wage increases for
2023. Per Bloomberg Law's Collective Bargaining Negotations & Contracts Manual
(10/7/2023), the National First Year Negotiated Wage Increases for state and local
government employees have a median of 4.4% and an average 5.5% year to date in 2023.
1. Approve a collective bargaining agreement between the Village of Mount Prospect and
the Metropolitan Alliance of Police, Mount Prospect Chapter #84.
2. Action at the discretion of the Village Board.
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends the Village Board adopt a resolution to approve a collective bargaining
agreement between the Village of Mount Prospect and the Metropolitan Alliance of Police,
Mount Prospect Chapter #84 (January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2025).
1. MAP Agreement 2023-2025 Redline 10.25.2023 - Draft V2.3
2. MAP Agreement 2023-2025 CLEAN 10.25.2023 - Draft V2.3
3. PatrolMAP84UnionContract 2023
January 1, 202 .30
December 31, 20252
TABLE OF CONTENTS1 Commented i M ]: A clean (non mazked up version) will
have an updated TOC
ARTICLE I. RECOGNITION....................................................................................................2
Section 1.1. Recognition & Representation: ......................................
Section 1.2. Fair Representation: .......................................................
.G•.fiG ..x1..,,3.,......q a •�rl ,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,,,22
Section 6.3 Bulletin Boards: .............................................................
Section 1.4. Chapter Officers: .............................................................
ARTICLE II. MANAGEMENT RIGHTS......................................................................................3
ARTICLE VII. VACATION......................................................................................................14
Section 2.1. Management Rights: .......................................................
ARTICLE III. LAYOFF..............................................................................................................4
Section 7.2. Vacation Schedule: .......................................................
Section 3.1. Reduction In Force and Reinstatement: ........................
ARTICLE IV. NO STRIKE CLAUSE.........................................................................................5
Section 4.1. No Strike Clause: ............................................................. 5
Section 4.2. No Lockout: ..................................................................... 5
Section 4.3. Judicial Restraint: ........................................................... 5
Section 4.4. Discipline of Strikers: ..................................................... 5
ARTICLE V. COMPENSATION AND HOURS OF WORK........................................................6
Section 5.1. Compensation: ................................................................. 6
Section 5.2 Duty Shifts and Patrol Work Schedule ...........................6
Section 5.3. Call Back: ......................................................................... 8
Section 5.4. Overtime: .......................................................................... 9
Section 5.5. Hours Worked: ................................................................ 9
Section 5.6. Court Time: ...................................................................... 9
Section 5.7 Special Assignments: .................................................... 10
Section 5.8 Travel Time Compensation: .......................................... 10
Section 5.9 Time-Due/Compensatory Time: ..................................... 10
Section 5.10. Exchanging Shift Assignments: ................................. 11
Section 5.11. Meetings: ..................................................................... 11
Section 5.12. Work Breaks: ............................................................... 11
ARTICLE VI. UNIONCII IAIGm"II"'IC:::IR SECURITY AND DUES CHECK-OFF.................................12
Section 6.1. Dues Deductions: ..........................................................
Section 6.2. Indemnity: .......................................................................
Section 6.3 Bulletin Boards: .............................................................
Section 6.4 Labor -Management Meetings: .......................................
ARTICLE VII. VACATION......................................................................................................14
Section 7.1. Vacation Program: ........................................................
Section 7.2. Vacation Schedule: .......................................................
Section 7.3. Vacation Cash -in Payment: ..........................................
ARTICLE VIII. HOLIDAY AND PERSONAL TIME..................................................................16
Section 8.1. Holiday: ..........................................................................
Section u.2.Personal Time: .............................................................. 1n
ARTICLE IX. LEAVE OrABSENCE .-----------------------JjB7
Section s1.Absence from Work: .................................................
Section o.2.Sick Leave: ................................................................
Section 9.3. Funeral Leave -----------------JJ91m
Section o.4.Military Leave:-----------------.
Section 9.5.Jury Duty: ..................................................................
ARTICLE X. EDUCATION BENEFITS ................................................................................
Section 1u1.Travel and Meeting Expense Allowances: .............
ARTICLE X1. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ........................................................................
Section 11.1. DeYnUUon:------------------'.
Section 11.2.Procedure for Grievance: .......................................
Section 11.3. reesamusxpensesovxnuuauon:--------.
Section 11/4.General Rules: .........................................................
Section 11.iNotice oY&4iion�����[Repmsen�Uon:----'��2
ARTICLE XVI. DISABILITY AND RETIREMENT BENEFITS ............................................
Section 11.6. oennmons:------------------.
Section 11.7. Miscellaneous Grievance Provision: .....................
xmnCLsXo.DISCIPLINE ................................................................................................ 2423
Section 12.1.Procedure ovDiscipline: ......................................... 24Z3
Section 1u.2.Discipline and msoha,gexnvesugauons:.............. 2423
Section 1u.3.Written Reprimand: ................................................. 26-24
Section 1u.4.Purge ovPersonnel File: ......................................... 26-24
Section 1u.5.Personnel File: ......................................................... 262-4
ARTICLE XIII. INVESTIGATIONS CONCERNING OFFICERS ............................................ 2I25
Section 1u1.Right mInvestigate: ................................................ 2725
Section 1x�.Right mRepresentation: ......................................... 2725
ARTICLE XIV. MsmCxLxmours|maumxmCs--------------------. 2826
Section 14.1. Medical Insurance: ..................................................
Section 1u�.Life Insurance: .........................................................
Section 14.3. Continuation ovBenefit: ..........................................
Section 14�. mgme Health Insurance Program: ........................
Section 14.*Retiree Health Savings Plan ....................................
Section: 1uaRetiree Health Savings Plan — Annual Contribution
Section: 1uJPersonal Physical Fitness Testing .........................
Section 14.0Section 1u*/FlexPlan Participation ........................
Section 15.1 Drug and Alcohol Tesung----------'�53-2
Section 15.0Drug and Alcohol Testing Following anOfficer
Involved Shooting ..........................................................................
ARTICLE XVI. DISABILITY AND RETIREMENT BENEFITS ............................................
Section 1u1.Employee Disability: ...............................................
ARTICLE XVII. UNIFORM BENEFITS ................................................................................ 3835
Section 1r1.Benefits: ................................................................... 83,5
ARTICLE XVIII. OFF DUTY EMPLOYMENT ----------------------'803n
Section 1u1.Employment Outside Department: ......................... 03-7
ARTICLE XIX. SENIORITY ............................................................................................... 138
Section 1s1.Seniority: ................................................................. 413m
Section 1o�.Probationary Terms ................................................ 4138
Section 19.3. Maintenance ovSeniority List: ................................ 138
ARTICLE XX. BOARD OrFIRE AND POLICE COMMISSIONERS ................................. 4239
Section 20.1. Board of Fire and Police Commissioners: ............. 4239
xmnCLsXXI. MATE mm|T,YPxTsmm|TTxRsxaOmxoLsxCcOMooxnOm................
Section 21.1. Mate mny/Patemny/Reasoname :4340
ARTICLE XXI|.FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE ACT .............................................................. 4444
Section 22.1.Family Medical Leave (nmLx):............................... 4u
xmnCLsXXIn SAVINGS CLAUSE ................................................................................... 454-2
Section uu1.Savings Clause: ....................................................... 54-2
xmnCLsXXIvsmnmswamssMsmT----------------------. 4643
Section 24.1.Entire Agreement: ................................................... 64-3
ARTICLE XXvTERMINATION .......................................................................................... 4744
APPENDIXA..................................................................................................................... 4845
Salary Schedule uouo-2ouu...........................................................
LongevityPay ................................................................................
SpecialtyPay ..................................................................................
CP.[\Pay ......................................................................................
Police Training Officer ...................................................................
Protective Vest Replacement Schedule .......................................
This Agreement entered into by the Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois, hereinafter
referred to as the Employer, and the Metropolitan Alliance of Police Mount Prospect Police Chapter
#84, hereinafter referred to as the Chapter, to promote mutually beneficial relations between the
Employer and the Chapter, and is set forth herein the full agreement between the parties concerning
rates of pay, wages and other conditions of employment for bargaining unit members of the Village
of Mount Prospect, as defined herein below and hereinafter referred to as "Officers" or "employees",
or when the context requires a singular noun, as "Officer" or "employee."
Section 1.1, Recognition & Representation: - "[Formatted. No underline
The Village recognizes the Chapter as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent with respect to
wages, hours and other conditions of employment for employees classified as sworn Police Officers
below the rank of Sergeant regardless of j ob assignment.
Police Department employees with the rank of Sergeant and above are not part of the
bargaining unit which includes Police Officers nor are they covered by the terms of this Agreement.
If, by operation of law, rule or regulation, Sergeants and above are required to be included in the
bargaining unit covered by this Agreement, such employees shall only be entitled to protection,
benefits, or other wages, hours or working conditions of this Agreement where they are specifically
named by name, rank, job title or other special identification.
Section 1.2. Fair Representation: - ,Formatted: Underline
The ,�'� , r recognizes its responsibility as bargaining agent and agrees to fairly
represent all employees in the bargaining unit.
Se.e..ti.&y.iyr.....:I.,;3;,... -t ;eiyr.deiir.
wh n: ven the nn)Ae g n d nk unse l in. this Agrnc mcn t«t sh.Al be cona^x&rmd to inch�lc hoth
Section 1.4, Chapter Officers: {'Formatted: Underline
For purposes of this Agreement, the term "Chapter Officers" shall refer to the Chapter's duly
elected President, Vice -President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Section 2.1, Management Rights: ( Formatted: No underline
It is understood that the management and the direction of the working force is vested
exclusively to the Employer except as specified in the other Articles of this Agreement. It is the
Employer's right to hire, demote, suspend or discharge; layoff, promote, assign or transfer employees
to any job or any work, any time or anywhere; to increase or decrease the working force; to determine
the number and size of the work shifts; to determine the number of employees assigned to any work
or any job; to determine the hours of work per day or week; to make_, revise and adn6rii »ter work
rules for the purpose of efficiency, safe practices and discipline; to establish performance standards
and to review employees under these standards; to determine the equipment to be used; to make
technological changes; to determine the number and location of its operations; to move, close or
liquidate its operations in whole or in part; to separate or reassign its employees in connection with said
moving, closing or liquidating; the right to transfer; to subcontract work; to determine the duties and
production standards; to combine jobs, to eliminate classifications or work; to require overtime work;
and to fill new j obs and set a wage rate subject to negotiations over such wage rate.
The rights and powers of management mentioned in this collective bargaining agreement do
not list or limit all such powers, and the rights listed together with all other rights, powers and
prerogatives of management, not specifically ceded in this Agreement remain vested exclusively in
The exercise by management of, or its waiver of, or its failure to exercise its full right of
management or decision on any matter or occasion, shall not be a precedent or be binding on
management, shall not be the subject or basis of any grievance, shall not be admissible in any
arbitration proceeding. The right of management shall not be amended or limited by any claimed or
unwritten custom, past practice or informal agreement, nor by any claim that management has
claimed, condoned or tolerated any practice or any act or acts of any employees. No practice which
has developed, either with or without the consent of the Employer, shall be considered part of this
e7on m t A�reernerrta unless it is in writing and included in this e.o4raa.tA�reernerrtt.
Nothing in this Article shall abrogate or alter any other Article of this Agreement.
Section 3.1, Reduction In Force and Reinstatement: - Formatted: No underline
The Village in its discretion shall determine when and whether a reduction in force or
reinstatement are necessary. If the Village so determines that these conditions exist, employees
covered by this Agreement will be reduced or reinstated in accordance with their length of service
with the Village as provided in Illinois Compiled Statutes, 65 ILCS 5/10-2.1-18. All affected Officers
shall receive notice in writing of the layoff at least fifteen (15) calendar days in advance of the
effective date of such layoffs.
Section 4.1, No Strike Clause: - '( Formatted: No underline
Neither the Chapter nor any o lieeFO iice�s, agents or employees will instigate, promote,
sponsor, engage in or condone any strike, sympathy strike, secondary boycott, slowdown, speed-up,
sit-down, concerted stoppage of work, concerted refusal to perform overtime, concerted, abnormal
and unapproved enforcement procedures or policies or work to the rule situation, mass resignations,
mass absenteeism, or picketing which in any way results in the interruption or disruption of the
operations of the Village, regardless of the reason for so doing. Each employee who holds the position
of oii:cce('3ti:cel. or steward of the Chapter occupies a position of special trust and responsibility in
maintaining and bringing about compliance with the provisions of this Article. In addition, in the
event of a violation of this Section of this Article, the Chapter agrees to inform its members of their
obligations under this Agreement and to direct them to return to work.
Section 4.2. No Lockout:
The Village will not lock out any employees during the term of this Agreement as a result of
a labor dispute with the Chapter.
Section 4.3. Judicial Restraint:
Nothing contained herein shall preclude the Village or the Chapter from obtaining judicial
restraint and damages in the event the other party violates this Article.
Section 4.4. DisciDline of Strikers:
Any o1hcc�O1i:cel who violates the provisions of Section 4.1 of this Article shall be subject
to disciplinary action and statutory penalties. Any action taken by the Employer against any
o1hcc � ( )IDccl. who participates in any action prohibited by Section 4.1 above shall not be considered
as a violation of this Agreement and shall not be subject to the provisions of the grievance procedure.
Section 5.1, Compensation: -'(^Formatted: No underline
Compensation of the Police Officers covered by this Agreement of the Village of Mount
Prospect shall be paid according to Appendix A attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein.
Said compensation shall include base pay, longevity pay and special assignment incentive pay. Said
compensation shall be effective January 1, 20230 and any and all retroactive pay shall be distributed
to the Officers in a lump sum on or before 3...hirfy....(30,) days after the date of execution of this agreement
by auufllornZed rept esenitafives of Barth_➢Iaifies. The retroactive pay lump sum is less any deductions (i.e.
health insurance) applicable per the collective bargainingagreement_ctt.... g�.�.a.> g9�.aw.
Section 5.2,, Duty Shifts and Patrol Work Schedule - ��Formatted: No underline
Day and Afternoon Shift Work Day: An Officer's duty shift is an eight (8) hour
scheduled period of time preceded by a fifteen (15) minute roll call briefing. Each Officer shall
take a paid thirty (30) minute break each duty shift whether or not the period is used for food
consumption. An Officer who completes a full shift will be credited with eight (8) hours of "time
worked" for purposes of calculating f�Ferrrrtmi overtime as required under the Fair Labor Standards
Act. 9f uury.....t)ffrc.er....ueir Ku.... lc]r+V l ...k,13n1� aid t)pprc, r=.....will 4 efe irk efl-sa4e l a 4aa
fie, 4ie, weirl ,-the efAife,e ]rricl bnpt: Nis k44r r c slh d in4o u-ork a al ]rt srih tir i be eo-in efl- a4ed
for s full eight (8) h urs if flee emirs shill is worked.
For purposes of calculating the accrual and use of paid time off the parties agree each day
shall consist of eight (8) hours, in keeping with the previous conduct of the parties, (i.e. vacation,
personal, time due, sick time of any other authorized and paid time off).
Midnight Shift Work Day: An Officer's duty shift is a nine (9) hour scheduled period of
time including a fifteen (15) minute roll call briefing. Each Officer shall take a paid thirty (30)
minute break each duty shift whether or not the period is used for food consumption. Durirj�
periods wh rr the xrurdrrrht shift affir.,cr s warp tt /3 ,r.,f dole the p'xrties xr e that those enuplove.e.s,
;are licit effttrtled to overtime pay for alhe rrrrrtii lhour w_orlced. p low ever, if a niidrjrfbt a»brfi off (.,.er is
lhired back to world ori tlhe day sfiift_ttlhe overtime pay be�iris wlherr tlhr_nurdrrrffit s1ii1t cnida» for diva
offic.er. An Officer who completes a full shift will be credited with eight (8) hours of "time
worked". fc r parr=per of c nil itlti &irrg: pr rruiara7u o4+er6irruc Kr re+rrctl under tl I;KrG 4rritltirr f
A .t. 91';m Olfie.erworks a douhlt shift, said E)flicvrwill be G.onipefisated for all boars worked after
Vl terrrrir tit rt of 1l rsirx ('�) l+oarr<ka..srrlt....i..f ie/slac, wkwkl ,+-the rtt+rte ece til s1-iif6 A nfieers-irfled
in to work a shortnurdnighl shill (asdefined`se intimi 5.4) will he G.oniperisale;d for a fall (9) hours
worked if -the entire -,hilt is worked:
For purposes of calculating the accrual and use of paid time off the parties agree each day
shall consist of eight (8) hours, in keeping with the previous conduct of the parties, (i.e. vacation,
personal, time due, sick time of any other authorized and paid time off).
Annual Shift Assignments: Officers will be assigned to shifts on an annual basis
according to the following procedure:
The 4 href= arl 14,4ieclloi:cc c4ief or hr,0iief or alhcvir designee will assign
officer € ilf:ccrs to rotating shifts for their first two ....�2,.), years from date of hire.
Absences beyond thirty (30) cumulative calendar days caused by leaves such as
military deployments, illness, injuries including duty related, will extend the
rotational period for the period absent. The Parties further agree that after the two
.0 ).....year rotation is completed those employees will be allowed to bid their shift
assignment at the next scheduled annual bid; until that time shift assignments will
be based on seniority. It is also agreed that the C'hiefofllohcel Ioi:cc t.,hi cf has the
authority to shorten the two CZ). year rotational at times for operational necessity.
b. On or about October 15rhof each year the Police 0iicl'or hr 0ii.e l or lfie.ir designee
may assign up to three (3) non -probationary obfl:c er t flicers to shifts in the coming
year without regard to their seniority. The C'hiefof 9l:�ce lIoiice Chie f 'or IIi,Chi.ef
or lfie.ir designee will provide these of4i e t ilf:ce�s with a written explanation for
their assignments.
The t laic f of N4ieellUi cc Chief or hist lief or Illeir designee will make the annual
shift assignments for oll:ccA.)f cegs not included in a. or b. above by seniority and
shift assignment preference (as reflected on the annual shift bid sheets). The phi€4'
of llohcc lUcc �hiefor r0ifor lfie.ir designee will deviate from this procedure
when necessary to balance specialties among the patrol shifts, and will utilize
seniority and preference when balancing specialties.
Patrol Section Day and Afternoon Shifts Work Schedules: The parties to this collective
bargaining agreement agree that the Village shall maintain the current "5/2 - 5/3" work schedule
for all Officers assigned to the Day and Afternoon Shifts in the Patrol Section of the Mount
Prospect Police Department. Pursuant to this schedule, Officers shall work five (5) days on—three
(3) days off—five (5) days on—two (2) days off, with the Officers' days off rotating
through the schedule.
As part of the Patrol Section Day and Afternoon Shift work schedules, the Chapter agrees
that all affected Officers shall provide lortw (dth)tv. °rrity rx,... ttri. 9._r]r. ,..a�. tt.l.p....(,2<.:.`r). "payback hours"
each year. Al IN.,. effected Officer's payback hours may be paid back by participating in the
following activities:
• Attending off -hours training assignments,
• Working overtime details,
• Attending court, or
• Working additional duty hours when the payback hours are completed by
mutual agreement of the Officer and the Chief of 11oficell'oii.c.c Chief or
fii,Ciiref or_Ificir designee.
An Officer will receive a two (2) hour minimum payback for off -hours training completed
on duty days and a four (4) hour minimum payback for training completed on an Officer's regular
day off. Routine weapons qualifications sessions will be considered training for purposes of
receiving these payback minimums.
The use of call-in time or court time as payback shall include the minimum hours
requirements set forth in this agreement.
Payback hours will be completed on a and one hAf basis, regardless of the
rate of pay. The Officer and the department shall endeavor to schedule payback hours.....( ...e,,.....2. ."l
hmuu s u� u,i.m nrru.rfl....�nud iu uQ.I to be completed as efficiently as possible in activities that accomplish
legitimate department purposes. Should an Officer not complete payback hours as set forth in the
schedule above, hc/sheflie.X shall forfeit accrued leave time to make up any difference, in the
following order; time due (calculated at straight time, hour -for- hour), personal, or vacation or
shall be ordered to work additional duty shift hours (calculated at sfi an g l time and one h uH`, ho un -
Patrol Section Midnight Shift Work Schedule: The parties to this collective bargaining
agreement agree to a "5/3" work schedule for all Officers assigned to the Midnight Shift in the
Patrol Section of the Mount Prospect Police Department. Pursuant to this schedule, Officers shall
work five (5) days on shift followed by three (3) days off withthe Officers days off rotating through
the schedule. The workday will be nine (9) hours. The Village agrees Officers working this
schedule will not be required to provide "payback hours."
Shift Assignment Grievance Limitations: The only offi� cn()ffic_cgs who can file grievances
to dispute the Chief's shift assignments pursuant to section (b) above will be the three (3)
o f nc cu ( fffnccgs assigned pursuant to the October 15'hcriterialisted in section b. In these cases, the
grievants have the responsibility of proving the tz`h: €f epi-f"4ieegU+ cc C4if-�*r4i,", fiiefor Vbeir
designee made the assignments other than for reasons of realizing a department goal or objective
or for a legitimate operational concern of management. These grievances, and these grievances
alone, shall be settled according to the following "expedited" grievance procedure:
The affected individuals shall file grievances alleging inappropriate shift assignments
no later than seven (7) business days following said assignment.
2. The Employer shall issue a written response no later than seven (7) business days
following receipt of the grievance.
In the event the Parties are unable to reach a resolution within seven (7) business days
of the f l jimi-(b a.12jer...,receiving the Employer's response the Parties agree that an
arbitrator will be selected pursuant to Article XI, Section 11.2 at Step Four, and a
hearing date set within twenty-one (21) days and that the selected arbitrator will be - ��Formatted: Font: 12 pt
required to issue an award within fourteen (14) days of the completion of the hearing.
Section 5.3,. Call Back: ( Formatted: Underline
Any Officer covered by this Agreement who is called back to work on an assignment which
does not continuously follow an Officer's regularly scheduled working hours shall be compensated a
minimum of two (2) hours for each call back from the time when the Officer receives notice to return
to work or the actual time worked, whichever amount is greater.
In the event that an employee is off duty and is called back to duty, said employee shall be
paid at the hourly rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) time the employee's regular hourly rate of pay, and
shall be paid a minimum of two (2) hours compensation. There shall be no pyramiding in calculating
premium pay.
Section 5.4, Overtime:
Formatted: No underline
Consistent with Section 5.2 above, each Officer covered by this Agreement shall be
compensated for all hours worked in excess the Officer's scheduled shift per work day at the rate of
time and one-half (1 1/2) the regular hourly rate of pay. Overtime is paid in quarter (1/4) hour
increments with seven (7) minutes being rounded down and eight (8) minutes rounded up. For
purposes of this Section, every Officer covered by this Agreement shall begin to earn overtime pay
after working in excess of 7.5 minutes after the end of fhe.rtlhe.i.r shift.
When overtime assignments for frf "SHORT SHIFTS" (defined as a £uL duty shift which is
below minimum manpower standards of hohloveu Iain depa, to mit meed and requires the continuation
fou in o e ih nun. tw2....L�..)..a rrarr.urrn..�...of an on -duty Police Officer covered by this Agreement) are not filled on
a voluntary basis and it becomes necessary to order an Officer to work, the Officer shall be chosen by
reverse seniority. Provided, however, no Officer, regardless of whether they are forced or volunteer to
work lir the .1,43,4. dtAy shi.44, shall be ordered to work more than one (1) shift holdover within three (3)
consecutive calendar days (e g ifyou Aork a holdover ori Moyiday, you will rr)ot he 1« reed to Aorly
rrrrirrthe holdover shill urrifil..... lhu da 72 hours) unless the Officer to do so IOr d' un 011ia:;,,;r
works past IN. cnd cii'lheir shilt due to a late, call" that Offict z° is sfnllll cligibic to be 1'ora."u] IN. 1'611owu 1p, gJay,
jjnc(,h.(,.I-tisalso agreed that the ("hiefol'llolice 11ohic brcfsrbrphi fortbnrrdesignee may deviate
from these standards when they believe unusual circumstances exist or particularly qualified Officers
Mike B
are necessary.
Section 5.5. Hours Worked:
- ( Formatted: Underline
'.—Hours worked'.- for purposes of calculating overtime or any other benefit shall include all
hours actually worked and any paid leave of absence which shall include but shall not be limited to
Sick Leave, Vacation Leave, Holiday Leave, Compensatory Time Off and any other authorized paid
time off.
Elective medical procedures that would require sick leave off due during key recognized
holiday periods of Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years will not be granted unless
sufficient manpower is available to cover these periods.
Section 5.6.. Court Time: -^Formatted: Underline
Employees shall receive time and one-half (1 1/2) for all Court time, and shall be paid for a
minimum of three (3) hours per Court call; once in the morning and once in the afternoon if so
scheduled. An Officer assigned to a specific Court call that continues on into another scheduled Court
call will be paid at the time and one-half (1 1/2) rate for actual time in Court but shall not be entitled
to an additional three (3) hour minimum. If a morning Court is continued to the afternoon call for a
lunch break, the Officer will be paid overtime throughthe lunchbreak until completion of the original
call. If a morning case is reassigned to the afternoon call by the Judge, a second three (3) hours
minimum will be paid.
Officers working the day shift who are in Court when, and after, their shift ends shall
receive overtime and not a three (3) hour minimum.
Midnight shift oflicc�()ffic.rs attending court will receive the three (3) hour minimum
court time benefit unless they are required to return to responsibilities connected tofii /heraihe.ir
duty shift responsibilities, afternoon shift ofhc e�ffficcrs attending court will receive the three (3)
hour minimum court time benefit.
Officers reporting to a Court location other than the location normally assigned, shall have
paid time computed when they sign out at the police headquarters if they are using a Village
provided vehicle; further they shall be eligible for necessary and reasonable out -of pocket expenses
(i.e. parking, mileage) to travel to such different courts (e.g., Chicago). It is understood the Rolling
Meadows Court is deemed a normal assignment. At remote court locations, overtime starts at sign
in, just as at the Rolling Meadows court location, unless a Village provided vehicle was utilized
by the affected Officer.
Section 5.7„ Special Assignments:
Special assignments shall be compensated at the rate of $45 per hour effective on the date of
ratification of this Agreement. Any change in payment amount will be applied at the time of the actual
work performed. Special assignments shall be equalized. The Village agrees that should it decide to
charge an administrative fee in connection with these special assignments said fee shall be reasonable.
Section 5.8„ Travel Time Compensation:
As to travel time, the Village agrees to compensate members for travel required by the
department, which shall require travel to a point in excess of 150 miles from Mount Prospect (to
include Champaign, Urbana) or those instances where the member is required to remain away
Section 5.9„ Time-Due/Compensatory Time:
Employees may opt to have overtime and/or Court time placed on the individual Time Due
R 4 orcl P-a�t1 at the rate of time and one-half (1 1/2) in lieu of monetary payment on the payroll
...... .........
check. Exception: Outside details in which the Village is receiving reimbursement at a flat rate or
actual time and one-half (1 1/2) rate must be taken by the individual as monetary compensation on
the payroll check
f` a �a esaie D.dB uu1n. hicenfive: Any e�aa� frrr.�.9� x I,xrr �.ttrffu ea iuu �rcr7u6ac.rA3ghe �1:�..�d6re..yn on '8uudy �I i I. . mus Formatted: Underline
..... ... ..... ..... ..... ...,
Y -y ) F Iavc eug1O°I (Z^)�a+aa�auS+af�°Iuauac-
due ad8dfleu.8.._W flle�a me Due Vi arrtlk bby uihe erid of.l;xatuary Vihe fallcaw rrrta calerrjdar �,.
The Department will allow a maximum of forty (40) hours to be carried over to the next
calendar year without loss. Officers with an excess of forty (40) hours on the Time Due Book as of
November 15 each year, will receive cash -in payment, such payment shall be included in the
o f uc ea € fffieeg's last payroll in December. Shift Supervisors will take the steps necessary to ensure
adequate manpower for their shift prior to approving time due.
Section 5.10. Exchan2in2 Shift Assignments:
Officers requesting to switch days off or switch duty tours with other Officers must submit
written requests at least forty eight (48) hours in advance of the first scheduled change, absent
emergency conditions. Emergency switches must carry the authorization of the (bael'oI' P ohccPohce,
Chief or Deputy Cbrcfor hi,Cbreff_car Vbeir designee. Switches must carry the approval of the
supervisors of all shifts affected by the change. The requests shall not be honored if granting such a
request would adversely affect police department operations.
Section 5.11, Meetings: -'{^Formatted: Underline
Any Officer required to be at a mandatory meeting which immediately proceeds or follows
his regularly assigned duty shift shall be compensated for a minimum of two (2) hours at time and
one-half the Officer's hourly rate of pay. Any Officer covered by this Agreement required to be at a
mandatory meeting on fiis hd.raiheir day off shall be compensated for a minimum of two (2) hours at
time and 1/2 the Officer°"s hourly rate of pay or four (4) hours straight time due. Said compensation
payment to be at the Officer°"s discretion.
Section 5.12. Work Breaks:
Breaks may be taken at the discretion of the Supervisor. The Supervisor shall ensure that
adequate coverage exists at all times during break periods. The Break period is considered on -duty
time and personnel are considered to be available for any assignment during any break period,
including all routine calls within their beat.
Section 6.1. Dues Deductions: -'� Formatted: Underline
Upon receipt of proper written authorization from an employee, the Employer shall deduct
each monthf's Chapter dues in the amount certified by the Treasurer of the Chapter from the pay of all
Officers covered by this Agreement who, in writing, authorize such deductions. Said funds shall then
be submitted to the Metropolitan Alliance of Police at the end of each month.
Section 6.2.. Indemnity: -'� Formatted: Underline
The Chapter hereby indemnifies and agrees to hold the Employer harmless against any and
all claims, demands, suits or other forms of liability that may arise out of or by reason of, any action
taken or not taken by the Employer for the purpose of complying with the provisions of this Article,
and shall reimburse the Village for all legal costs that shall arise out of, or by reason of action, taken
or not taken by the Village in compliance with the provisions of this Article, unless such action is
initiated or prosecuted by the Village, except for purposes on enforcing this section.
Section 6.3„ Bulletin Boards:
The Village shall provide the Chapter with designated space on available bulletin board(s),
upon which the Chapter may post its official notices.
Section 6.4„ Labor -Management Meetings:
The Chapter and the Employer agree that, in the interest of efficient management and
harmonious employee relations, meetings will be held if mutually........., agreed between Chapter
representatives and responsible administrative representatives of the Employer. Such meetings may
be requested by either party at least seven (7) days in advance by placing in writing a request to the
other for a "`labor-management conference"".° and expressly providing the specific agenda for such
conference. Such conferences, times and locations, if mutually agreed upon, shall be limited to:
discussion on the implementation and general administration of thisagreement;
a sharing of general information of interest to the parties; and
Formatted: List Paragraph
It is expressly understood and agreed that such conferences shall be exclusive of the grievance
procedure. Specific grievances being processed under the grievance procedure shall not be considered
at "``labor-management conferences,"' nor shall negotiations for the purpose of altering any or all of
the terms of this Agreement be carried on at such conferences.
Attendance at labor-management conferences shall be voluntary on the employee"s part.
Attendance at such conferences shall not interfere with required duty time and attendance, if during
duty time, is permitted only upon prior approval of the employee°'s supervisor. The Village in its sole
discretion shall determine its representatives at suchmeetings.
Section 7.1, Vacation Program: -'(-Formatted: No underiine
Full-time employees shall be entitled to vacation as set out below arid -c.orri »stent w itfi past
corristrur.,tiorri of Se4rtiori 7.1. based on continuous service of:
Up to six (6) months service
40 hours
Upon completion of Six (6) months to one (1) year
40 hours
Upon completion of One (1) year to five (5) years
80 hours
Upon completion of Five (5) years to six (6) years
96 hours
Upon completion of Six (6) years to seven (7) years
104 hours
Upon completion of Seven (7) years to ten(10) years
120 hours
Upon completion of Ten (10) years to eleven (11) years
136 hours
Upon completion of Eleven (11) years to twelve (12) years
144 hours
Upon completion of Twelve (12) years to thirteen(13) years
152 hours
Upon completion of Thirteen (13) years to eighteen (18) years
160 hours
Upon completion of Eighteen (18) years to twenty (20) years
172 hours
Upon completion of Twenty (20) years and up
184 hours
14K carrspk—lw an efft-Ae Y.ee4i Rid- dhArr wl wi 1-s=VWthff.y I;....2d➢-204he;...crral
will aG:a:trinulate vaa.atrorrr tinw at the amoral 184 hour rate.
Continuous service as utilized hereinabove shall be earned and calculated based on an
employee°'s starting/anniversary date and shall mean any period of employment uninterrupted by
separation. A normal full-time workday is considered to be eight (8) hours.
Vacation shall be taken during the calendar year January l," through December 31f. A Formatted: Superscript
maximum of to o0ne (2,�) years accrual shall be allowed to carry over from one calendar year to the
Formatted: Superscript
The Chief=ol` llohee➢�+� � ("hicl` in determining the annual vacation schedule will take into
consideration the desires of the individual employee, the interests of the Village and the needs of the
Department. In the event of conflict in employee scheduling, seniority will be considered . € nsploy ,. s
ars�ry-reaps+r=�,t�,+at=�rrtit-trrt]tfupa-Rc�-dry'ha-�`�j-A�Er�+r�;-9-we-4�rc-�rl� rf=r��+rra-rra:�s�-r�cr4Vtirrrcl,:-fir
inn forc.,hift rcE.lai trn o I l' guc.s arc s i 1cc t to.VB3G apprc] al of thG'.:::p'olrc c 'B3r for h.k, do z e..................
Employees entitled to more than eighty (80) hours vacation time shall be entitled to take it
consecutively with the authority of the t h of +a{ N4eelUo ca,.._( lao,.ef'.
Employees shall be entitled to split their allowable vacation into a maximum of five (5) units
(a unit being a minimum of three (3) vacation days or more). Officers may use vacation time in
addition to their five (5) splits with such time to be governed under the rules of personal time use.
l"a7uployee y nuay requr.st vac.atiorri tare ol`f` rip to er� ha (S) hours before shrff ifrrarrrrn7uum nuarripower
,larrrd ad are runt for l llifcc lesfrrl . oil ..:°equ ss are ufJc V to th ....approv �
... .
or Vbevrr de r�rrie.e. Such selections shall be equalized. More than two (2) employees may be on
vacation simultaneously on a shift in question subject to the approval of the Chief of PohcePAce
Chief, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, and further provided that any such splitting must be
approved by the Shift Commander, who shall not unreasonably withhold such approval.
Section 7.2. Vacation Schedule:
Regularly Scheduled Days Off (RDOs) shall not be considered part of an +rrll:ce )IhceCs
vacation leave for the purpose of determining the number of Officers on vacation.
Section 7.3. Vacation Cash-in Payment:
Officers who are eligible and request vacation cash-in payment, such payment shall be
included in the rrrffiecAlffi.ceCs regular payroll check with the last payroll in March and the first
payroll in September.
Section 8.1, Holiday: (^Formatted: No underline
Full-time employees shall receive the following holidays:
New Year°'s Day
Labor Day
Presidents" Day
Columbus Day
Memorial Day
Thanksgiving Day
Independence Day
Christmas Day
In the event that an employee works on any of the above days, they shall receive hourly pay
at the rate of c8rtu Ne time and one-half (2-1 1/2) for Ili eir rt,g.t I it d i y brpa hourly pay bc. Aonld
rq. enlarly-ecu: rve for working. Any employee working in excess his/hcr%henr_ regular duty shift on any
of the above listed holidays, shall receive time and one-half (1 1/2) for hours worked plus one (1) hour
of premium pay for every two (2) hours in excess of eight (8) hours worked on a holiday for
employee's assigned to the Patrol Section's Day or Afternoon Shifts. Any employee working in
excess #is/herthenr. regular duty shift on any of the above listed holidays, shall receive time and one-
half (1 1/2) for hours worked plus one (1) hour of premium pay for every two (2) hours in excess of
nine (9) hours for employees assigned to the Patrol Section's Midnight Shlftj I fi c tr vt J tsnoi ary _1,
Commented [BA3]: Existing holiday overtime pay
2 24 any_O llct.f .: w4Btkis tlttn o- iSc o -°'r sd 4B1' thr^ir" 10- p n1ar olOity �hnft..4Bn tny....of tho- bovo- ]i sto-.d hq,Aid s,
"premium pay" will remain in effect for calendar year 2023
shall t .c t.ivc, doibh. timt, 1'or any 4 vtatimt, htaair"s workt.d. Any O lic to who B is scht,d Oih, to be. of l on a
hybit is lhd into wok wpp reo-ivo-do.ibppiltin"int;, l4Bl tny..4.BVo- 1timt;,...h4BOia r w4Btico-of I,.Vio- 1dt tc tic.;t;'
ol'prt,n"V"niVir n pay sV.inst.ts Dec.^.,t.mbta 31, 2023.1
Commented [BA4]:EffUl/2024,double time for
overtime hours worked on a holiday
lnn kn4]4]n$non"n., offn4"e4 s iUce, ve en,g I (8) hol9 n 4 of ht9h4]Rny Pay on any of the above days
II..ei4 nh He, s trf of lh,e.y ae se.hed ifledp. Io wvoh k. o9 nhtrl. wvoyk.:.
In the event an ernpaprhy€,e=rao&s lean than eight N,9inns on any of the abovelays, they
Stapp W e-ive the tr€f uhn hourly pay lbh such hoins fix avhneE they- doesd o not avoi k,M hheh ih.En-
'bvFt➢h-ptnih .,..: hd➢�kiPrr xhxklp p'W ealaa 4edf 4y...'^a4)4nfeIing the 44,401 h+,M)a!ir--wt➢h-ptkifl...f+,Affh E"i 414
In the c veaA dmi t an €ag4oye€on a day d➢Hh whi—eha 41441ayF fapN, $h€y
Shape I leve� the less reeenve 6ghl t8) hoha s pay lbthe holiday in ad(lnlnt n to his $mae oil,
Section 8.2,. Personal Time: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
-'(Y Formatted. Underline
Each full-time employee shall earn four (4) hours per month off with pay during the calendar
year. Said time shall not be charged against vacation or sick time.
To be eligible, an employee must schedule the time and receive the approval of hi,'Olertheir
supervisor ] iinp21, i, i,s illn«ly..ni,d pi V4; S�t...p4,n.!,milll..._innnni, trff..uupr lir e ghl 0.,) f"➢.ohus heli.ru, shift � .inninhoinnV,➢:iCllIl,
manhprmvo standpanis ahe mel firh the shill m.ppeslnnhg oil Re vests ale sWpr C➢l lir the aprprt'oval of ilio
9l«te Chiefor hrscifi3c�... hill a]m.. o,..? ......
All personal time not used may be carried over to the next calendar year without loss, up to a
maximum of seventy-two (72) hours.
Officers who are eligible and request personal time cash -in payment, such payment shall be
included in the oflieeF OI'Iic eC s regular payroll check with the last payroll in March and the last payroll
in September.
Section 9.1, Absence from Work: (-Formatted: No underline
All absences from work must be reported to the Supervisor in charge prior to assigned
working shift pursuant to department policy.
Section 9.2.. Sick Leave:
( Formatted: Underline
Flac h 111.1 ..tr77ue etrgployee shall earrr er. 8. hour : per 17aontlh...p and sick leave to be used when an- -
- Formatted: Justified
1",t7uployee is physically unable to report io Aork pursuarit to the illrnois Sick Leaved crt A hi.ch includes
time off Gulf to arr7. l.lne , rIC1.l4.lry Or. 17;g� dre al a.pporrr7t7TaeICJt that. ( h➢1.rr7ob �'ae :r,.;hednle. ...(l4.it rde..eIn to ee.' s
»r.,heduled Aorkrn� hours. Qfie, Oflicer also 17iay utrlrre_tip to si(.,.k (6) ,drek leave days (forty er� ht (48)
Zhou 1Yi rx.rnium) per calerrd ar year .lor ab e rice duF to an illne rn�Y or nae 9, c al apparnt77uent of
WAS r7aplay.ee oto. red l trrarly member arrit9/or pot ffie per. orrr..,al (."are o a b anai.ly r7aerrad ea. � , u4,ed
raj this Section').2_only, the phrase _`fan6ly_inembaer" is debirie.d as the eniployce »: spouse, crh7.ld,
or7ue arc........p artner,....... tepc h7.ld.. r7uother, l atlhe,r, rblrrri,' 1-notlher rn-law, father-irr law randp arerit
�randrrh7ld or stepparent. the parties portber agree that upori r eque.st of the police Chi_ef or their
d r.gnee the errupl.ayee must provrde...medic al doc ument atiorri to c orrifirin the rclk leave tare A a used
..... ....... ......... ........ ......... ........ ..............
for a r easop7 covered by the 11lrnois `"bic.k Leave A .t. _
Q be. »e. »i(.,.k leave hours shall be earned_and rellected rn the. employee ,drek leave a_c.,grrual baaol
at the rate 3 69 d hQ]au ....��a�p rrad (r.:.c , 26 pgtty eriads e c tt.l.crrrd ar yegarl. ;,aah full trn
er�aplfyeo htia#1 ear<n ei fit (8 howl per --T:K)fih raid k,"lei+oto 4 dAh�-,,rrs Kar+4'4asp4ovee_+s
phy ic.allyunaltle it) report to work pursuant to 111e. Illinois Sack Leave Ac.l. In the; everrit tial an
......... ....... ........
eI napl vee periestc a Ka taw arse t rrscy; the X44+ce rraav-art7la lc=sav or khe; pa+rpo,e;ka...cal'
caring for the F,niplovee's-in an diaate l,anarly .pur a ant...to the 9llrnoi Sre k... I c ave Ac.i. F,niplovee , maav
Wilrle too ioKore than six (6) 9rc.k days per .year -to care for a ban6l,y inenther due. ko-rllne.ss, i-rrileary, or
1T@f jie'kal—apptliy7^..,.hrr,^. i falx:64-y a, za—' (�a-18.i'7C; C=I3i-ld, ,1rs, tyC!..Iifild-t-T @e:�vt:heY', pzat-l3f'r
sibling, mother-irr-kaw, bather in-law,, grandparent, or ,tcp grandparent. -1 he par6cs furtbr-r agree that
argon re�pate,t of the-�hle-1 eaf`b'olrc.e 9Ic.e �hre4 or-4�r�a-desiyRn�e the er7s1'�sy�-�,,��,.TM l�r�v7v&s:;-e=xl�:ar�atiaarr
or verification of 1an6ly enwrgeney; including proof tit hr,/ber prewrice was ne;c.,attry. I he -se hours
4 41 G e exam, d e]s, a r7se mthly ba rih B ] t4 at E grnrriirrf ikh Jariarxar each ye,af etaeh errapk vee oar
full -lira -a atrve dairy shall he credited v rtb eight (S) hour; sic.k-leave at the. end of tbev 17 tth
Formatted Justified
An individual may accumulate up to four hundred eighty (480) hours of unused sick leave.
Prior to February Ist of each year, the Village shall calculate how many sick hours above four
hundred eighty (480) have been credited to and remain unused by any given employee as of December
31st of the previous year. If between December 31st of the previous year and the following January
15th, the employee shall have notified the Finance Department of the Village in writing of his thheir,
desire to continue to accumulate in one or more groups of forty-eight (48) hours above four hundred
eighty (480) that have remained unused during the previous year, such employees shall be allowed to
accumulate such additional time above and beyonaour hundred eighty (480) hours to a maximum of
seven hundred sixty-eight (768) hours
In February of each year, the Village, shall compensate the employee at the rate of fifty percent
(50%) of the time accumulated above and beyond four hundred eighty (480) hours, or such other
number of hours provided the Village has been notified such additional number to be accumulated
and not compensated for as set forth hereinabove. Payment of requested sick leave shall be included
with the last regular payroll in February.
As to questions raised concerning sick leave, employees may be required to obtain a medical
release before returning to work after being off from work for three (3) or more consecutive working
days for their personal illness. If there is a dispute about the validity of the information in the medical
release, the parties agree to follow the second and third opinion provisions of 29 CFR 825.307(b)_ol
�.d;nc n.. ual ajj (.M i.s pi+>nnnuula atcc;9,...pu lsuu anu.l...to the FMLA.
� i Qbt iEi kttBiG, ;bA
the Vi-flage finds fl; - Formatted: Indent: First Zine: 0.58", Right: 0", Space
verify arrrtllne.,,,they will Visit the horn: (nnly after inakrnga Gall and go6n#rrjo respon,c. &bey � Before: opt
Ristfv bei-civ-cr4h right ka] urh t] h ar tlur Ro ii"44ver-i y the; rs paorted 41neY_4; i fh,
Out arrt-s l rnt d rrup k kt] rc c e p§ni G ki3 dr}§;rrijk rd riper ti3a, prar kae rnveak+e; l 9 airoC )fticcrrs un ay
reapuue, t ta>...:uuc cngl:t:l. l) flaaau¢u...s i.0unauu!Hly 16SL.H.f: c arrc not suu4ylectto sack Icave ncstr�cfions .�::iowevcn:....t.(i
these lf+auuas suc uusec l-46rc _or=tolleew�inr rnorrdediately prccvdirj� or follawrn� a sick perave absences,
......................................................... tluc i c as lua,>uun aic..uu4yncct tcn..tlic r cLnl,N. ar par arractcr of ss ck lc ave. restrrc tion, rise
Section 9.3ilY i,t� i unna lmk �tilra& it ae9 Leave: -'� Formatted: Underline
The Village agrees to allow any employee up to three (3) days leave with pay in order to
attend the funeral of anyone in the immediate family or to attend to necessary related matters. Said
time off shall not be charged to an employee's accrued time off. As used �n tilos S ccfion °) 3 only, Tthe
12ju ase ."immediate family'..', shall nn. uncle anc2nf tlfc c gnplaayce s,: father, mother, foster -father, foster -
mother, step -father, step -mother, step -children, brother, sister, step -brother, step -sister, spouseoi
csti.p aatn.et, children, ntnccc, na.eph.ea ,...grandparents, grandchildren, father-in-law, mother-in-law,
brother-in-law, sister-in-law, grandparents -in-law and includes a person who has an established civil
union with the employee pursuant to Illinois law.
Section 9.4. Military Leave:
The Village will follow the minimum requirements upon applicable Federal and/or State laws
as cited herein including, the Illinois Service Mcml,m F,anployrr_ancnt and _Rccanployancnt R,g atsana
Fn eays cent lcna�u�aiv Act puuasuucant to uift&cy L&l�inerrnx4 amp d& ,4i4ut€s-330 ILCS 610/4.
Section 9.5.. Jury Duty: {~Formatted: Underline
Police Officers are granted regular compensation for their regular work days when serving on
jury duty.
Section 10.1.. Travel and Meeting Expense Allowances: - Formatted: No underline
The Village, upon the Chiefs approval shall reimburse Police Officers for alterridarrice at
approved professional conferences and training seminars, providing such funds are available
wrtbrrrttN i)eparfinerrit's budget.
Conventions, seminars, workshops, and conferences, generally of a national scope or regional
(multi -state), gathering of national groups may be attended by Officers if the gathering of national
groups is specifically related to br a�ei.r technical area. In all cases, specific approval by the t"flrrac '
Po4aeelol.JC f fl1oe.f`isnecessary.
State-wide conventions, seminars, workshops and conferences may be attended by
Officers il'approved by Vie.PofiG.e 0iiefor d i�rrice.
Attendees may include Police Officers who can be shown to have an interest in the gathering
which directly relates to fiis/he.rtfie.ir area of work with specific approval of the tTo�c€'rrrf' p o4i� 1Uice
........ .............
Chief or d i} rriee.
Any Police Officer attending any conferences, meeting, seminar or convention and being
reimbursed by the Village or on Village payroll is expected to conduct themselves in a manner as if
they were still at work. Any improper conduct will be treated as if it occurred during regular working
Section 11.1.. Definition: -'( Formatted: No underline
A grievance is a difference of opinion between an employee and the Village with respect to
the meaning or application of the express terms of this Agreement excluding matters within the
jurisdiction of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners.
Section 11.2.. Procedure for Grievance: Formatted: Underline
Recognizing that it is to the benefit of all concerned to raise and settle grievances promptly, a
grievance must be raised within seven (7) days (as defined in Section 11.6) of the time the grievant
becomes aware of the facts giving rise to the grievance.
STEP ONE: The employee, with or without a Chapter representative, may take up a grievance
with the Watch Commander within seven (7) days of its occurrence. The Watch Commander shall then
attempt to adjust the matter and shall respond within seven (7) days after such discussion. If the
grievance is adjusted at Step One, the Supervisor shall notify the Chief and Chapter representative in
writing within ten (10) days thereafter the nature of the grievance and its resolution.
STEP TWO: If not adjusted in Step One, the grievance shall be reduced to writing and
presented by the Chapter to the t hi.e4i, P+AieM 4 cc Chicf within ten (10) days following the receipt
of the Watch Commander's answer in Step One. The ( hiel' o h,)IN c &oa4 c t hicl' shall attempt to
adjust the grievance as soon as possible, and therefore will schedule a meeting with the employee,
h4 lhe.rhlheir immediate Supervisor or Watch Commander, and Chapter Representative within ten (10)
days after receipt of the grievance from the Chapter. The t fli.i.e1 rpt P 44e c�U4 cc t hicl'shall then render
a decision, based on the supplied information during the meeting, within ten (10) days of the meeting.
STEP THREE: If the grievance is not adjusted in Step Two, the grievance shall be submitted
to the Village Manager or his designated representative within seven (7) days of the receipt from the
44uie l 4 P+4 i 0ohcc E hicl' of his response to the Step Two procedure. A meeting shall be held at a
mutually agreeable time and place and participants shall discuss the grievance and hopefully come to
an equitable solution. If a grievance is settled as a result of such meeting, the settlement shall be
reduced to writing and signed by the parties. If no settlement is reached, the Village Manager, or his
flicir designated representative, shall give the Chapter the Employer's answer within ten (10) days
following their meeting.
a. If the Chapter is not satisfied with the decision of the Village Manager, the Chapter may
appeal the grievance to arbitration by notifying the Village Manager in writing within
ten (10) days after receipt of the Village Manager's response in Step 4. Within ten (10) - Formatted: Font: 1 z pt
days of receipt of suchrequest the Chapter and/or the Village shall request a list of seven
(7) arbitrators who shall be members in good standing of the National Academy of
Arbitrators from the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS). Both the
Village and the Chapter shall have tlhright to strike three (3) names from the panel. The
order of alternate striking shall be determined by a coin toss, with the losing party starting
by striking a name first. The person remaining shall be the arbitrator. Each party retains
the right to reject one panel in its entirety and request that a new panel be submitted. The
arbitrator shall fix the time and place of the hearing which shall be as soon as possible
after his selection subject to the reasonable availability of Chapter and Village
The Arbitrator shall be notified of his selection and shall be requested to set a time and
place for the hearing subject to the availability of Chapter and Village representatives.
The Village and Chapter shall have the right to request the Arbitrator to require the
presence of witnesses or documents. Both parties may retain the right to employ legal
counsel ...ttl...Ifie..ir;c]�-.ti.._ex, erri4;e.
b. The power of the arbitrator shall be limited to the interpretation and application of the
written terms of this Agreement. In no event may the terms and provisions of the
Agreement be deleted, modified or amended by the arbitrator. &lehey....shall consider
and decide only the specific issue raised by the grievance as originally submitted in
writing to the Village, and shall have no authority to make 14,sA ee: decision on any issue
not so submitted to h4infliem. The arbitrator shall submit in writing lays-ffiept..._decision
within thirty (30) calendar days following close of the hearing or submission of briefs
by the parties, whichever is later, unless the parties agree to an extension. In the event
the arbitrator finds a violation of the Agreement, lrse ffi.eyshall determine an appropriate
remedy. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties. No
decision or remedy of the arbitrator shall be retroactive beyond the period specified in
Step 1 of this grievance procedure.
Section 11.3. Fees and Expenses of Arbitration:
The fee and expenses of the arbitrator and the cost of the written transcript, if requested by
both parties, shall be divided equally between the Village and the Chapter provided, however, that
each party shall fully bear the expense of preparing and presenting its own case including the costs of
witnesses and other persons (not employed by the Village) it requires to attend the arbitration. Should
only one party request a transcript, that party shall pay for the cost of the transcript.
Section 11.4,. General Rules: Formatted: Underline
a. Any decision not appealed by the employee or the Chapter as provided within the time
limits specified in each step shall be considered settled on the basis of the latest decision
and shall not be subject to further appeal. Any grievance not answered within the time
limits specified in each step shall be automatically appealed to the next step. However,
®time limits at each step may be extended_ by mutual written agreement of the Chapter - Formatted: Font: 12 pt
and the Village.
b. No matter or action shall be treated as a grievance unless a grievance is filed in
accordance with this Article. 22
No grievance settlement made as a result of the grievance procedure shall contravene
the provisions of this Agreement, exG.ept as expressly c a sly ax reed to by ariffiorized_
repro ye.rritafives_off 6 otfi abev Cliapter arid ffie, 'Vilkq e.
Section 11.5.. Notice of Unori h,!.Plu Representation: �Formatted: Underline
The Chapter shall certify to the Village the names of those olhcc� lhcc� s who are designated
as unit representatives. Q fie. Cliapter also inrist ripdate ffie, 'Vilkq e off Grbarrj�es A iabrrrr Mo (2) days of
VIhe. efffec. ive date off ffie. Gr arrj� e.. These of ieerrOI'licc� s shall be the only employees authorized to
function as representatives on eachrespective shift anddivision.
Section 11.6, Definitions: (
-'Formatted: Underline
Days, as referred to in this Article, shall mean Monday through Friday, excluding holidays
and weekends.
Section 11.7, Miscellaneous Grievance Provision: ~Formatted: Underline
All grievances shall set forth the specific grievance and contract provisions involved as well
as the relief sought. All meetings shall take place in a manner which does not interfere with Village
operations. Neither the grievant nor his representative shall be entitled to any overtime payments for
time spent in processing or investigating a grievance.
Section 12.1.. Procedure of Discipline: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - '( Formatted: No underline
If the Village has reason to discipline an employee, it will take into consideration methods to
do so which would not unduly embarrass the employee before other fellow employees or members
of the public.
Section 12.2,. Discipline and Discharge/Investigations: Formatted: Underline
Disciplinary actions instituted by the Village shall be for reasons based upon an employee's
failure to fulfill fiis/bert..fhe r responsibilities as an employee. Where the Village believes just cause
exists to institute disciplinary action it shall have the option, consistent with the principles of timely
progressive discipline imposed for the purpose of encouraging corrective employee action, to
assess an appropriate penalty which include the following penalties:
d 1e,¢$ I� r�tueu ,rnd� erl , a Warning
]Cefter of- _T%llr4a t1iUPI - Commented [NH5]: This change is consistent with
Written Reprimand; e.xisnng A..DM 26
Suspension; or
fhe 'VIII. c�rrro reyivc nridrerrec.6vedi:c.i.1lirrevoc,e-Formatted: Justified
ea k.
,Alfieri jrtstilicd based circ Vbe G irG.trinstari .es iaivolved ;arid severity oftlte. citferise.
Any disciplinary action or measure other than an oral and written reprimand imposed upon- - - 'Formatted Indent: Left: 0", Space Before: 0 pt
an employee shall be subject to review and appeal as provided for in this Agreement. An oral and
written reprimand shall not be subject to arbitration or to review by the Board of Fire and Police
Commissioners. However, an employee is entitled to write a response to any oral or written
reprimand and that response will be attached to the corresponding discipline. The 1 h1ioriCIa hzr
shall have the right to file grievances concerning discipline covering suspension without pay,
and/or termination, or an employee may choose the hearing process by the Board of Fire and Police
Commissioners. Filing of a grievance shall act as a waiver by the employee involved of the right
to challenge the same matter before the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners. A form
containing such specific waiver shall be executed by the employee prior to filing a grievance.
Seeking review by the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners shall act as a waiver by the
i3riierriCII hzr and employee involved of the right to challenge the same matter in the grievance
Nothing in the article, however, shall be construed in such a manner as to make the ....verk. ,l - - ^Formatted: Indent: Left: 0"
,Aamirig, letter cid' dire4rtiorrr, Or 'ATitteai reprimand, suspension or discharge of a probationary
o€ha er ( )I cerr the subject of a hearing before the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, or part of
the Grievance Procedure. 24
Section 12.3.. Written Reprimand: Formatted: Underline
In cases of written reprimand, notation of such reprimand shall become a part of the
employee's personnel file and a copy given to the employee.
Section 12 .4, Ilan L IZen noval of 1[lisc up finue to a urcn od Personnel File: - Formatted: Underline
Any written reprimand shall be removed from the employee's persorrmel record, if, from the
date of the last reprimand, eighteen (18) months have passed from the date of the incident resulting in
the written reprimand sought to be p*ur#ed-removed without the employee receiving any additional
reprimands or disciplines. The parties agree that the removal of reprimand shall be on the written
notice of the affected employee. Not withstanding the above, record of such discipline may be
introduced when relevant at a disciplinary proceeding before the Board of Fire and Police
Commissioners or arbitrator, whichever is applicable.
Section 12.5, Personnel File: - .{'Formatted: Underline
The Village agrees to abide by the lawful requirements of the " H.�.�1uoa s..Personnel Record
Review Act," contained in Illinois Compiled Statutes, 820 ILCS 40/1.
Section 13.1.. Right to Investigate - Formatted: No underline
The Village agrees to abide by the �aYM�nn8 Illinois V 7n if'o�m gIeace C 3lhce� s'
Ds6pla n as y Act, �z`omtrfP,ee& ILCS 725/C when appcabD e.
Section 13.2.. Right to Representation: - [ Formatted. No underline j
Any Officer interviewed regarding any matter which may result in discipline against the
Officer shall be entitled to representation by either a i 7ff a E.ai,.sptrc� .representative or i Jnion
....... .
�:,fl:� i� 2g-�:�:...attorney.
°^.ria t<air� �;: I-'^YeQuoim 133. Review of Recorded Media: - Formatted: No underline
Prior to the imposition of disciplinary action, the fJni n ChsnlaM will be provided an
opportunity to review the surveillance (e.g., video, photos, audio, or other recorded medium)
relevant to the discipline if the surveillance evidence is both: (i) in the possession or control of the
Employer and (ii) relied on by the Employer in making the discipline decision at issue.
Section 14.1, Medical InSUCnnCe:-'( Formatted: No underline
The Village agrees to maintain in full force and effect for the life of this Agreement, a health
insurance benefits program for full-time employees.
The Village shall continue to make health insurance benefits available to full time police
otlnc en € }ffpce.2s and their cQ.�..gnl,,).c dependents. The ViN ag � r• � �c xibe s��flut t ela eu �e: u� ue cNt#u.
and hospnfiflizafion :ff:S :aa1cc covenige :as 1onag :as cove nage i s aruuhshan1::af lytocovenige
a vai�aly�c, bon len the sigma nga, of ihk Age cemcnul Included in the above,fl:he Village reserves the
right to maintain or institute cost containment measures relative to insurance coverage, change
insurance carriers, plans or benefit levels, as long as the new basic coverage and basic benefits are
substantially similar. During the term of this Agreement, employees may elect appropriate
coverage in one of the health plans offered by the enrollment period established by the Village.
The amount of an employee's applicable monthly medical insurance premium contribution during
the term of this Agreement shall not exceed the amount of the applicable monthly insurance
premium required of other regular full-time non -represented Village employees.
Each employee, upon becoming eligible for the above coverage, shall receive a pend
9€ nfr � 0l a&qua pa an su�unnun uy ihal descw J)es the health insurance benefits and
the procedures for utilizing them. Employee's contribution towards the insurance benefits program
shall be as follows:
Effective January 1, 20203:
Monthly Premiums
11 /i7 202,E T411 n of (,wc ed rafes �9F 9 m,,
Coverage Type/Co-Pay Type
PPO Plan 1
HMO Plan 1
PPO Plan 2
HMO Plan 2
$.11 5.2.:..3;2
$.11,. 4..4_1
141 .21
Single Discount (10%)*
$ll5'} 40
$1440 12
$120 74
1 1..,1 ..0 42
Single +1
$3 ➢ 9.50
299 4)
257 25
Single+1 Discount (20%)*
$1'}7 Ill
205-4) 4-1
$3..'v' 096
$1 13..:.44.)
$144ll ;�;.4
$309,33 ...
2 94 b-5.7
Family Discount (30%)*
$2.72 27
$213.:. 3..8
$2.1..4}.; 3.2
1 222.26
1 7.08
y 9( 40
9 boe. )t
I `»25,41 b
1 4)
��F,ti.+;al+ F 1��ttar+C array
�Q�4b 4k4k `»54b-4bVb
`»Q�4b 4k4b
`»:`>4b 4k4b
1 mc,rge,nc,y Room Vkil Co Pay
S7500 `4,7.5.410
*Discount rote ovoiloble for eligible employees who sotisfy the conditions of oorticinoting in the
wellness progrom. See Wellness Partici otion Rewards section below.
Effective January 1, 20214:
Monthlv Premiums
..ddd�A24 will not AxceeiE..°fes ie6,d,9,. aFE ...
Coverage Type/Co-Pay Type
PPO Plan 1
HMO Plan 1
PPO Plan 2
HMO Plan 2
$ ll 85._97
46, ,-.49
$ ➢ 60.25
4 4-5 4.5
$ ll 63.47
$ ll 40.87
Single Discount (10%)*
130.82 2
Single +1
3 044.2 9
Single +1 Discount (20%)*
144.1 44.3
$23ll 27
20 09.76
1101 049
$408. 4ll_
117 52
Family Discount (30%)*
1 11121;
1 217:9-11
1 204¢-22
Doclor Co fray
`�1rF,c.+;al+F 11tar+C a�-fray
$�10b 4-14-1
�440b 414b
1 mc,rgenc,y Room Vkil Co Pay
ll 00.410
*Discount rote ovoiloble for eligible employees who satisfy the conditions of porticipotinp in the
wellness progrom. See Wellness Partici otion Rewards section below.
Effective January 1, 20225:
Monthlv Premiums
The monthly premiums for 20252 will not exceed rates below.
Coverage Type/Co-Pay Type
PPO Plan 1
HMO Plan 1
PPO Plan 2
HMO Plan 2
$.11 7: `}a:.
15 5,4`,19
Single Discount (10%)*
$.11:.5.4.. 8
$Jll ...3 2.
Single +1
197 514
$30 3 514
1 5 ;3
$;l 12 t; 9
$269 .44
244 i
Single +1 Discount (20%)*
$250 1.5
14 4 ..c74;
i:3 -:4I
&; 09
Family Discount (30%)*
$3 0...11..8
13 7 .i-,3
114 5-4
Doc°ior Co fray
`1x25 00
25 ibth
`r r+..c° alai Doc'1ox` 4'cx ra
`s4 b.00
;r Vt t ... ' 1 a
`»7.5 Q 4)
y75-4 4
y..1..0 4b-4k4k
*Discount rote ovoiloble for eligible employees who satisfy the conditions of porticipoting in the
wellness progrom. See Wellness Participation Rewards section below.
One-half of the employee's portion of the monthly premium costs shall be deducted from employee's
pay each pay period up to twenty-four (24) times per year. The co -pay amounts for employees apply
to both the PPO/indemnity and HMO insurance programs. Employees who participate in the HMO
will receive insurance coverage as dictated by the HMOprovider.
The Village of Mount Prospect shall be allowed to raise the maximum out-of-pocket expenses
for PPO Plans to the following:
2% of the employee's pensionable pay for single coverage and 4% of the employee's
pensionable pay for family coverage. The maximum out of pocket levels shall be established as
illustrated in Appendix C.
Wellness Participation Rewards: Formatted: Font: Bold
The Village shall offer the biometric blood draw annually and employees may participate
in the blood draw scheduled at the Village or at approved remote locations.M.f...Q9;.....as.
nl_epeniclen As uunicle� the plan unnuust Aso paihcnpMe nni_Ihe bi olnnelinc leslnn g and unnM lfie cinMe a
esl bhshed bel+>sv jni +uiclei._fl±u clue nlnf:,y. fou flee Snnielc pQ:y.us +unic i>n:...i nunnnly .nlsuui nnice...;Pn emn uusn;n (hscounnn:fl:::.
Fllnployees and Spouses prailncnpatrinip nn ffie ilnllage's health nnisuumnice planes unnuust aniniw ly
cpunntrlcle._flhc b1 olInelinc flynood (li uw unnd heahh insk assessnbepil.Cs) I�....be cingd,)�e fon ffi wellness
nnsuuiannce Pr einnhuui_n (hscouunl Wellness (hscouunils shall apply annnnuuxuHy Pf ovnded Ilie CinMna above
gn.c unnel. d;:hc (hscouunils shall lye q.p.phecl l+>..nllwnilli4y.._.nisuun niiee pancunnluonnn ah ni.g.4s nn flie:...fi,)H isr �.nf.g
`4nugle I .:p.
4 aun iiy.
lln, ruuulil l' i enila e
Inman Resouunces has the hstnnng of the ap1mwed �cunn+rte hmafion, nii the inshlncc s when the - (.-Formatted: InFi
dent: irst ine: 6
ennployee °nine& slxmse Cannot clnicct(y pailucnpate nnthe al the viflage Spouses
must Aso pan4u6pa4c in the hior n106C tesfing and a)Cct the c6te6a estabfished hdow to omdcto
1�n)Ph)yces and Spouses panfi6pafing an the viflage's heahh an sumnce Phans Inust annuafly- [Formatted: Indent: First line: 0", Space Before: . ................. ..............
4he fl and JKAh tea- ..:&' e A#A'Ae fof Owl weikwlss
insunance puemum dkcount Thc hiomel6c hh,)od (haw consWs ofat least a 37 pand ewfluafion
PT+44e)Wo+'XI plv!isuK�
scnOefiiflth W44 t4v4wik4:enee,ffift.1 heigJ4 and wea,014 The pul=po�w +A41w,
k�4 afftl JKA4h ie„- to-AeA paftieipants at an eafiy spage +4 �)s'4-we JKAflu:
afftl to- J+K�Vell+ aw isstws I'Fo+n k—tolfiun# eapastfoolpe Ahwlsse�, TJK......se"uup4, ...aase 44e4ly
TJK� V i I hige shi& 11:4 hav C any in4wlfia4on its 41, p-,AJmt afeas any em p4 (+Yee oF spi'm vie Inay
to he an an lullwahhy a811,gc non shAII the VdIage have any knoMedge of any heatutent The
4JK `dile as *bill neeeive nxFanaly ag#egakdapa ii p ue4aeip auua4s aaaec4 the heakhy fange
Wenness (hscounts ShAl aplAy annwflly plovadcd the oa4e6a above,ue mel The (hScounts shafl
he apphed to ulonthAy ansumncc paclnnwn) chan,ges in the 1,61h)Mng amounts:
114'Mive W -e
Single +1
(Health Inswance Nan
("I f') w C C
DaScount Pe�Centage
I / 1 /202 1
1 01yo
2 0',/,
2, ()',) 4
H, an Cua)Ployee has Single 1 1 4x fivaldy Covenige they woldd not he ehgJAC foa as Sr ngle
e�,weuageFvualy pf the effiph, e �Nu+leupakxl in 4helai aaue4siet9T041RHfh
............ ............
The PICSCa pfion co -Payment amounts shafl he as 1'oflows:
Effecfive Ulla
Geneirk Pii esciApflon
Birand Non Foirnukiry
flirftR4 Pirt"WH14tion
NQO;M 0��50;xu)
The pnesc; iiptnrnn co -payment amounts sha ii he as pk)WS
l ffec#vc 1Date
GewIPl esclr° ptuon
preset i ation
Birand Non FolrIaiunhniry
111raend, pirt"W14tionn
N Iliwtl0
V f/2tU.2.t..
N Ili wtl0P
f/ t/2492
N Iliwtil)
�S5 ;0)
6 etleiraul ProxriptiiaDIII, DnII1f, Camra linfoiriiaaaution, (auppllicA le^ to both 11110 and HMO plains).
Mani enRk& F....d&nimp acaxeanp -ja-jp...:&yc xw4pxt4k 44cnnup>i y e.,.....t- prwvj xc up- ....4F:n a W.....dacy
Supply wiith the Cara 14,nYce {paynmg tine °appnrnpo-hite case -nary aauuiolIInt that Conespram€&s to the ciasaufieaa4iion
04 the pfew ifAiioil: pre at gd n€nne, 1 i..4ennnn uk y, r+n l4nnaulusy Apt anvil pl
be paid by the cnrnp ioyee in an annriaaauin4 oftwo (2) biles the appnrnpniiite pnescIiptnrnn -pay lend
r9ependnrig-r+na 4hc, c8�n��s[ne�ctiFni enf 4tu:€ prae rcrinFni alsaagen�&enoe&-
l'r sennp>tirnn dlnaags than aunt; consndcnedl ` Ix6alty dlnaagsais dc4cnanioncdl by the picscriipfion dmg
py€nefntr- m ani ager 4141have a S,350 ern-paiyanienit atnienaanit. lr�,is k :,iH41nnit6ng a �c ahy (h:ug
prescnnpton fix prayinicn t the PIeSCIIiip Fiona annuselse prnc ltth+ 6zcd p4`44acj-)acSennliecfclnaag Is detemlined
ten- Ore a iraainatenanaee and aieina ep c4ff ze 4f+t� d eo-prapyrnieii4 a th 4 eofw!:paFmds k+ the of
the praescriprtnrnm he It gcnerc, nnrinn lixlnnlaly, of fix-midaany Slaii apply and nnrA the, `0'50 co -payment
atloi ant,,
the FannIAoycn has flae (6CIIefion to sclect nII�Saunaanncc cannnevi, piovided than henclits 8nc siilndaa� to
41:Wc 4rcnefits-nni.€ kff 4as+f exce�auion,,
Section 14.2,. Life Insurance: - �Formatted: Underline
The Village shall supply each ei...gi�bie....Officer covered by this Agreement with term life
insurance with a face amount equal to fi€ty 4lueua�anacI clinllaa s (°S50000)rn le mines base sadaly IolIilded
t. o. Clic next pin hen.....nnnptppape:.._rnf `(f,(4 y0 of n+>t._p.nlne ndy .f4. annitip��.c rnf `(f,0.0i4 rnn fp ay tli+int. and doiianrs
(`.50,000) Mlidleven IS higheI. Said insurance shall be at no cost to each covered employee. If
available from the life insurance provider of the Village, employees shall have the option of purchasing
aap- Orn an: addntn ual `~ 504)00 +n{ anddnt ona ll life insurance above the amount provided by the Village
provided the additional insurance coverage is at the employee's cost and neana iiniyu.g plain tenons._
Section 14.3,. Continuation of �Be�neflt� 'Commented [NH6]: We wantto be comphantwrth 11
PSEBA and any other applicable insurance continuation laws 1
As redmrred mnder Ifie. lllimoi y NibliGr Safety lardployee l�eme.fits A Grt (820 1L� `"b "320/1 et seq.)- � (tee 18 vs. w, etc) Please review.
wbenl..all iprplic.ntiom for PSS IM r received and a rfrove.p8....6ec nm:e im Officer aiffexed Formatted: Underline
....... ...... .... ....... .... .........
a._G nt n tropalhiG ir) t" or is killed it1 the ltnle of daa�ty, p.be Vill .ale, ,will petty tpie, fill ptet itis a for t e, ��Formatted: Indent: First Zine: 0.5
.... ... .. .... ..... ....
ronntinwarice of heattltlh im urarice for tlhe Officer, their sprom e,, -mFor depcnnderit r.fiddreri to tlhc ex.terit
........ ........ ...... ......... ......... ..............
recdmired snider PSFlIA.
4 fie.nr aan Olfie.er is killed inr-the° lime,, ofd lythe Village will pay the hall premium, for the
rontirma tcc of die bevrri e.urtem he.afh in,urane.e for die sporise. and nttrterr e.fiddn:n up to 111C agae of
>it43ke en 18) and shall k) p arc 41 l reiraia+nF,a 1cr F --a lacrrercl ap V�r� rritti 4oa+r a7se�r41� 4� na kb >;
Oflie.er',date of death or wild tlhc�porrse and n6nor c.hildreri-arc G.overed tirlder a separale be
irr a ftffee rt rrrl > regal Fed4o lar vrt& rr tare at- r Gry >;st kk-arrrsd a 4ak,()r k t t+al lam;
Section 14.4.. Retiree Health Insurance Program:
- ��Formatted: Underline
The Village agree s to offer for purchase to all retired bargaining unit employees of the Village
of Mount Prospect Police Department, with a minimum of twenty (20) years service to the Village,
health insurance as currently provided to members covered by this Agreement. The parties agree that
should a retired employee choose to continue fiis/h .rtihcir health insurance, fie./4-.,Vbcy rare eligible
only for the then current benefits provided to bargaining unit employees, and that retiree is also
responsible for payment of one hundred percent (100%) of the premiums for those benefits. The
parties agree that retired employees of the Village of Mount Prospect Police Department shall be
subject to changes in coverage and benefit levels as negotiated from time to time between the
Employer and the Chapter.
Section 14.5, Retiree Health Savings Plan..
- ��Formatted- No underline
Upon retirement, employees who meet the eligibility requirements and have accumulated
Sick Leave must participate in the Retiree Health Savings (RHS) Plan. Eligibility for participation
is defined as an employee who retires with at least twenty (20) years of service with the Village.
Provided the employee is eligible to participate, the Village shall deposit up to four hundred
and eighty (480) hours or sixty (60) days of sick leave converted to a dollar value using the
employee's regular rate of pay into the RHS for the employee's use as defined by the regulations
outlined by the RHS administrator. If an employee has accumulated sick leave hours above the
four hundred and eighty (480) hours, but below the seven hundred and sixty-eight (768) maximum
number of sick leave hours, the Village shall deposit into the employee's RHS account fifty pere.erit
(50)% of the value of the sick leave hours between four hundred and eighty (480) and seven
hundred and sixty-eight (768) calculated on the employee's regular hourly rate of pay.
If an employee leaves the Village's employment, and does not meet the eligibility
requirement for converting sick leave into the RHS, accumulated sick leave hours shall not be paid
out at time of termination of employment for any reason.
Section: 14.6,,, Retiree Health Savings Plan -Annual Contribution;-
Formatted: No underline
Fflecf:ve N/2021; 1 i:gjby.e........employees shall contribute forty-eight (48) hours of
accumulated sick leave which shall be converted to a cash equivalent of twenty-four (24) hours
annually into a Retiree Health Savings (RHS) account. If the employee does not have a minimum
of four hundred eighty (480) hours of accumulated sick leave available for contribution into the
RHS account, the contribution will not be made for the calendar year.
......... ,C 4S I d and v cation fimc.11 ol90. [s tu.e.cmmdatcd 3d ovc ffic IImI. AU.11 gll....c XVII....( E,rr tIIlllle9In1.$',
- � Formatted: Justified
�q.efenennced nn `lecfionns 7. n and Z .2 u.1e connvelledl n� a gate of Mo%' Cash ,_n dguuly ulenn� I en �b.e � :�� age.°.S.
payauud paces nnIo flee MIS accowl.t li'flne can pn oyee does haat have an snann+aunnt nn excess of flie
anasnnnannu m cannyayen snann+aunnt, flee connfi d'mfionn avnll_nn+at be made foa flee cAennd as yenn f+an Abe
enn pl oyee_
Section: 14.7,. Personal Physical Fitness Testing. - Formatted: No underline
The Mount Prospect Police Department will conduct bi-annual voluntary physical fitness
testing. This testing will be based on the Cooper Model, also known as the POWER Test, as used by
the State of Illinois basic training academies. Employees who meet or exceed the Cooper Fitness
Standards shall receive a one-time eight (8) hour bonus per calendar year at their straight time pay
rate as an incentive. No employee shall be subject to disciplinary action for failing to meet the
standards or goals of the physical fitness program described herein.
If necessary, an Officer may participate in two (2)_bi-annual voluntary physical fitness tests pert Formatted: Indent: First Zine: os"
calenndut....year, and if otherwise would be off duty, the ol'hce� C lhcet....shall be compensated at a
minimum of two (2) hours at their straight time pay rate, or for the actual hours in attendance,
whichever is greater. The maximum payout of straight time awarded in any calendar year will be eight
(8) hours added W trine en pn oyee's tna_ane die bank.
Section 14.8, Section 125/Flex Plan Participation: - .Formatted: No underline
The Village shall maintain a Flexible Compensation Plan whereby employees will be able
to defer pre-tax earnings into individual spending accounts to be used for un -reimbursed medical
expenses, dependent care costs up to a specified limit, and additional life insurance (provided such
is applicable under IRS regulations). Employees shall elect to participate in the program annually
and within thirty-one (3 1) days of hire for new employees.
Section 15.1�Drug and Alcohol Testln2,:,,-'(^Formatted: No underline
The Village may require employees to submit to a urinalysis test and/or other appropriate drug
and/or alcohol testing at a time and place designated by the Village when the Police Chief (or
designee) believes there is sufficient cause for such testing, defined for purposes of this section as
"reasonable suspicion". The primary basis of the "reasonable suspicion" shall be verbally
identified prior to the employee's submission to the test and will be documented in writing
generally within 24 hours thereafter.
The Village also may require employees to participate in random drug testing, provided that any
such program shall be administered by a vendor who conducts U.S. Department of Transportation
testing (i.e. the type of testing outlined in 49 CFR, Part 40). If random testing procedures are
implemented, up to fifty -percent (50%) of the employees in the bargaining unit are tested during
each calendar year.
Prohibition. Use, sale, purchase, delivery, or possession of illegal drugs including cannabis
or cannabis -infused substances at any time and at any place, whether on or off the job; abuse of
prescribed drugs; failure to report to the Chiefor hi, CCfii for tficir designee any known adverse side
effects of medication or prescription drug the employee is taking that is reasonably expected to affect
the employee's performance; consumption or possession of alcohol while on duty; or being impaired
by or under the influence of alcohol while on duty is prohibited. Officers who consume or possess
prohibited substances as part of their legitimate work duties, which have been approved and directed
by the t f' of 9 c gIoi ice t lro.ef (or designee) will not be subject to discipline for that reason alone.
Assistance. Officers who believe they may have a problem with the use or abuse of drugs
and/or alcohol are encouraged to seek assistance or a reasonable accommodation and without fear of
retaliation. It is understood an after the fact request for assistance will not excuse a prior policy, CBA
provision and/or SOP violation.
Violations. A policy violation or positive test result will be just cause for disciplinary action,
including dismissal if warranted by the facts involved.
Section 151, Drug and Alcohol Testing Following an Officer Involved Shooting:,- (~ Formatted. No underline
Pursuant to the Illinois Police and Community Relations Improvement Act, drug and alcohol
testing also will be required (even in the absence of reasonable suspicion) and completed as soon
as practical (but no later than the end of the shift) following an rrrf'ficc� ()f f i ccr involved shooting
incident that results in death or injury to aperson orper sorria, durirrrf tlhe frerffori-narric.e off bra» or
fir olffic.ial dtifr�,y...or irrt tlhe...irric off c9uty.,.....
The ll?nie tib fiaptcr agrees its members shall be required to abide by the Employer's General Order
that is in effect at the time of ratification of this CBA regarding "Reporting and Investigation of
Incidents Involving Subject Resistance and Officer Use of Force" and all other provisions of this
Article 15 of the CBA (collectively the "D/A Policy"). This Section 15.2 and the D/A Policy will
be construed in a manner that satisfies Public Act 100-389 (the "Act") and any other,4ale or federal - � Formatted: Font: 12 pt
laws; that applyiek;. .......................................................................................................................................................
Pursuant to the Act, an olhccft3f'licc; is considered "involved in" a shooting when the
officcatfI'D ce.l discharged a firearm thereby causing injury or death to a person or persons. If
multiple oflreef 3illicc� s discharge their firearms, and it is unclear whose bullet struck the person
or persons, then all office¢ (:3f hccrs who dischargedtheir firearm in the direction of the subject shall
be required to submit to drug and alcohol testing. By contrast, the phrase "involved in" does not
include oftrceOfficcs who did not discharge their weapon, even if they were providing other
forms of support and assistance during the call. Nor does the term "involved in" include
ofhc et Officcgs who discharge their weapons when it is undeniably clear their projectiles did not
actually strike any person or persons.
The parties agree any drug or alcohol test required pursuant to the D/A Policy shall be considered
a compelled, non -voluntary drug or alcohol test under threat of disciplinary action. Such OIS
testing shall only be done by urinalysis or breathalyzer. Blood testing will not occur for an OIS
required test under this Section 15.2 unless compelled by law. This does not limit the Employer's
right to obtain test results via other available legal processes. The samples, testing, and results shall
only be used for internal administrative purposes, including disciplinary action when appropriate
and as required by law. Except as necessary to enforce the D/A Policy or when required by law
(e.g. subpoena or warrant), the Employer will not share any test samples or results of testing with
any entity or person.
Section 16.1.. Employee D1sflb111tV: - '( Formatted: No underline
Any employee injured on the job shall continue to receive fiis/hekfie.ir regular salary for up
to one (1) year lru sns ant to the rrrnn o. s Nbhc 1-'Mpr oycc Dsabdn ty Act, 5 Hp C'S 345/1 (111-,11A"))
without charge to br /bc.rfli i.r sick leave days. Employees shall sign and deliver any Workers'
Compensation or similar payments to the Village while receiving the salary continuation benefits of
this Article.
At such time as the Village feels an employee is permanently disabled, the Village may refer
the matter to the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners or a designated arbitrator depending on
which party retains authority for such determinations.
Section 17.1.. Benefits: ( Formatted: No underline
The Village agrees to provide each employee with a uniform allowance as follows:
$650.8 5.0...shall be provided to the employee on their first regular payroll check in June
each effective year of this agreement.
The Village will determine the style and make of the prescribed uniform and equipment.
To the extent that uniforms and equipment, in the opinion of the Village, become
unserviceable in the line of duty, other than from normal wear and tear, the Village will replace the
item without any charge against the uniform allowance.
The parties agree that a newly hired Officer shall be allowed to receive hfs/herfheir first two
(2) years' uniform benefit upon hire for the purpose of purchasinginitial equipment. That
benefit shall be an amount equal to two (2) years of the current uniform allowance provided that the
ofhe�F ifficc� will not receive a uniform allowance in the second year of their employment once the
employee received the initial uniform allowance or the cost to buy uniforms and equipment, whichever
is lower. Should the OffieeFt ff�.cc . work for the Village of Mount Prospect for less than two (2) years,
he flicy shall be responsible to reimburse the Village of Mount Prospect on a prorated basis, for the
remaining full months of the two (2) year period. Should a new t iflicc- (. iff:ceg, elect to receive the
first two (2) years accelerated uniform benefit, thcyhe shall not receive any benefit until hefliey
commences the third year of employment with the Mount Prospect Police Department.
The employee shall be required to stand inspection and perform 11.n fila job in the uniform
prescribed with the equipment specified. Plainclothes d iflieeF I' icc�s will stand inspection in the
uniform prescribed at the time they went on plainclothes detail. If the uniform is changed, the Village
shall buy the first issue (which shall not exceed one), unless the Village allows a twelve (12) month
period between notice and mandatory effective date in which case the employee shall bear the expense
of the change.
IW annn,s body c imcn a nllfl+>iontst;aun:a and lcath rdtft ..bells shall be treated specially. If the
Village specifies a new gun-firearna or leAhe.r-myle ofdtity beH for the future and specifies an effective
date, it must bear the cost. If, however, no date is established, all new employees shall buy the
prescribed equipment and any employee buying a replacement frac aaarn,...bo(. y carrllp.4.�.��...rrgb )u..�f.sf un.. or
leaflher dtity beH shall buy the prescribed items.
If an employee terminates employment within six (6) months of receipt of his -gin l.Mhcia
uniform allowance payments, the employee shall reimburse the Village on a prorated monthly basis
for the remaining full months of the fiscal year.
Section 17.2. Protective Vests:
The Employer agrees that it will replace protective vests for participating d fhe FOI`Iicc� s on
an as- needed basis using a five (5) year schedule based on the dates reflected in Appendix °B°
attached hereto and incorporated herein. The parties further agree that if the Village purchases a
protective vest for an Officer covered by this Agreement, then that Officer agrees that hc./seaihey shall
wear that protective vest as part of fii: Kfie.ir everyday uniform unless the affected Officer receives
a written exception from the ihiefor Ci iefortfie.ir designee.
................................. ,. .. g
Section 18.1.. Employment Outside Department: - Formatted: No underline
The Parties agree that the current restrictions placed on outside employment shall remain in
full force and effect during the term of this Agreement, as provided for in Department policy A4 )M
I Od.
Section 19.1, SenloCltV:-'(^Formatted: No underline
The parties agree that they shall abide by the seniority rules as outlined under applicable
Illinois law as amended.
Section 19.2.. Probationary Terms: -'('Formatted: No underline
Each police appointee shall be on probationary status from the date the appointee begins
employment with the Police Department as a Police Officer and continue for a period of two (2) years
from date of hire.
( Formatted: Justified
Management agrees to provide probationary Officers with monthly written performance
evaluations the first year of service and bi-monthly written performance evaluations until their
probation is successfully completed throughout the second year. The t Iui€l i, P+AccqV�cc Chicfmay
extend an Officers probation period for a maximum of three (3) months due to performance or aptitude
The probationary term shall exclude periods of military leave rrrj. ... of 4k approved
rnedic.al leaves, including f.gbt d , duty; roved related rn di nl leave in excess of thirty (30)
.... .........
cumulative calendar days.
Section 19.3.. Maintenance of Seniority List: - .Formatted: Underline
A current and up-to-date seniority list showing the names and length of service of each Police
Officer shall be maintained for inspection by members and shall be updated on a semi-annual basis
and shall be utilized in assisting the assignments of shifts pursuant to Section 5.2 of this agreement.
Section 20.1.. Board of Fire and Police Commissioners: - ( Formatted: No underline
The pParties recognize that the Village of Mount Prospect Board of Fire and Police
Commissioners has certain statutory authority over employees covered by this Agreement, including
but not limited to the right to make, alter and enforce rules and regulations and impose disciplinary
sanctions. Nothing in this Agreement is intended in any way to replace and diminish any such
authority provided A.v arl .ble_Io..the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners is a dt ly aWhorizf,.sJ board
4.Ygie.Wllftwwas rcgt6red by lave-.
Section 21.1.. Maternity/Paternity/Reasonable Accommodation: - Formatted: No underline
�'berrrever � fer7u;xl e C9pprcrer b:ns, �tt r7uea9rc;�ttl or cror7ar7uorrr crorrx9iruorrr rel;xlea9 !o pr epoaanrrrcy or cal�Ia96arr�b ;xrric9
is inrrrcedofarcattaarrrrrxbleaccrorni-nodatiori!osal' lyp rl6rin fier . e.rrjfialjotafunction„thea.benleipxl!o!ybeee wlrr7iluIerr. 10 ffy
Ih77ei!Si�tpybaai.. ..._a...toiv
Depattrti-nevit shall provide rca sorrra blc a c.c.orm-soda ti rrs to ;arty employee Aho has att rnedrerattl or
rorm,norri c.orrrdifiont...rclalcd to rrc rrt r .y ar r.,hrl 86irhh. Q h�,ye is,oa� y will 6e tt�r8r� a»a»e� afft a G tta»e..b;V:::.
c.ase basis to errs»acre llhe.re isrrro umdue. hardship to the. l )epattrfinerrr! s busiric »s operalrorris. dbe 'Vilhq e
vyrllrrro! r eciairre xri er7uployee to take leavc if rothceft orrr ablexorm-nod atiorri c ttrrr be..pryf
.... l ..
thcycc hoos rrrot rathe, V:fI g
f.Ihc dcteriniflatiorri a to 'Allem a fjUc rittrrr! Officer sbowld crorrurruerrrce rruxlerrrrrly Iettve...ariar!a
delivery will be made ori att c.a »e by..G.a ,c basis, based ori rnedac.al rjex.,,oysity arid rrrr ac.c.ordarrrce vvillh
illrrmi arid federal law fbc r: riolbrrrip rni this �eclorri 21.1 that ecloye!o
.... .... ...... ........ ..... ....... ... ..... r.,re tt!e
lc�drlrarri-al rn-)kyrn rrr! that the ci7aployee wowld rrrot alhc rwr yc, bavc cae�led.
1_.l.i.f'rdale eIT 10ycc ..17aay ,apply for fi e, offpolrsu arrr! to lie Vrll ac=.e' I amily.. arrld Medical l cave
Acr! polrcry(` FMI,A") arid/or arrrolber rnedrerattl leave policy that is applrcra ale to errployeoa 'Allo have a
rn dic al c.orrrdrlrorri._th at r wir l ated to... rr gmaric.y or c. hi.ldbirtlh -While offs offie.m isc un 2 ar.d @ II A....or
rnedrerattl leave for this purpose, the. 011'i rer Aill use all ac.c. rrnulat d sr(.,.la: ln7ue, lane dare, ;arid persoatal
vac alrorrithroe (r7d;ly reserve u2 to mo L2) wcell of v-ac.�lrorrr). ybcrettfler, arrr mrnA.o cenrav apply far
9l. ad rIrly .d crrac ft ......0 der 12g) iorra rtilc arrad/ ]r oth r._elcc led di. ad rIrly...damelil,..._I 'Alilc.;li laic.°'y ,are
Enti-4oveeis,Ow....*i a:...:l a riaF14 oi�...hwwa .. � ti&a�s N��&at Bt�tati& ter s c &a BSI as tllrr s e �If�r
COwrrrrnawrrrw1cdical cer,ndifions r0aled to, pi.,egrimncv or chUd➢ria"#Iarr"e ero-#Med to, finie awt"t"and
cwtfiri caaiuirrarrw....rrnaa&acswp ccaric&ato-rrriw ri.ehltsti&-tca..:PFaLmafwv....car" ehihllwrr-th ai.�ee-atatted fa...t rrra-
off" and other” pi.jvfleges to, The ramie extent asoucer Officei.'s who take finie of fm., r bei
non -work related uaedivaaiconditions Time off,taken rund r" this Section and another" leave
p(9rc v wM run i-orircuri.,enfiv when Imth apply Those enip n,vees Mso, are entMedr ec
a reasonable a rcromanoalsrtuon to, assM them in the perta,r"u fiance oaf the essential it
f°ru-rictrcwrirs....(at tfrair w aticwrr...:l )FVkk &-it-ti o rircat cis autan-awry....euRd ua:....11raw &sfrk"()4lua:...
Dotaaur" enft's ordinfaur v h usunwss operaflons. ➢ hese ksues aur"e addressed esse of au case-fw-case
Na:a it aacaoac&iiir to t&ro:at IicraafaBo staata afi f"oefaaa-:at ht,,vs Enti*we s who-ri LtiuruooA'
foflowine the r"tfr of a sbHd also may r"acc^rve time off pursuant to the ViHaLWs F L.t.
cw'ak itw;;,
Section 22.1.. Family Medical Leave (FMEA): - Formatted: No underiine
d:.h. p'nr........... t c air ey...Vh a� he...:C rll-a e...wrll G orrd. ly uvi he Verrru,y op'Vbe F ar7rrrl
V -ani. Me r a l e rrve....
AGrV for efi� rble employee as set forth rrrr the, Vrlkq e' , ;appliG.able F ILA polrey Grorrrn;xrnie.d rrrr the,
Emaloyee plarridbook xpplir.,ttble as aVher erruploy Ofthe i.:aIl-a.gC.
96-i��rrirrit�cr=k,kocu�-Rev-k�3c pa�r�a�-t�3crr�...t4Jr�krr}§e;..rrsaaa�-c=errs-rly....°��ii�-k4x—rc-�aa?�rrYA.,mn,�=^�-�3a I;:.
Medical f,ave AG.l, as ainend d regardless ofc.onffic.ling terms oflhis Agrceinent.
Section 23.1.. Savings Clause: - '( Formatted: No underline
In the event any Article, Section or portion of this Agreement should be held invalid and
unenforceable by any 1,+Board, agency or ;court of competent jurisdiction, such
decision shall apply only to the specific Article, Section or portion thereof specifically E&Ienc.ed
�ified in the Bl,,roard, ;court or govcun menuA agency's decision I and uulJpon issuance of such a
decision,�t+uunn an u.uuQ1u+��nr fl...fll+�sucfl,ca�uund(rg+�vu!nunugepud ug Bucy, the Village and the Chapter agree to
notify one another and to nus anucaln t€-0 lrnomp fly begin food I'sufl h negotiations on a substitute for the
invalidated Article, Section or portion thereof.
Section 24.1.. Entire Agreements - '( Formatted: No underline
This Agreement constitutes the complete and entire Agreement between the parties and
concludes collective bargaining between the parties for its term. This Agreement supersedes and
cancels all prior practices and agreements, whether written or oral, which conflict with the express
terms of this Agreement. If a past practice is not addressed in this Agreement, it may be changed by
the Employer as provided in the management rights clause, Article IL The parties acknowledge that
during the negotiations which resulted in this Agreement, each had the unlimited right and opportunity
to make demands and proposals with respect to any subject or matter not removed by law or ordinance
from the area of collective bargaining, and that the understanding and agreements arrived at by the
parties after the exercise of that right and opportunity are set forth in this Agreement. The Chapter
specifically waives any right it may have to decision, impact or effects bargaining for the life of this
Section 25.1.. Termination: (^Formatted: No underline
This Agreement shall be effective as of the day after it is executed by both parties and shall
remain in force and effect until December 31,22:2,222.5. It shall be automatically renewed from year
to year thereafter unless either party shall notify the other in writing at least sixty (60) days prior to
the anniversary date and not earlier than one hundred twenty (120) days prior to expiration that it
desires to modify this Agreement. In the event that such notice is given, negotiations, if any, shall
begin no later than sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date.
Executed this day of 20202.02.3..
� Formatted: Centered
Salary Schedule 20230-20252
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0"
Effective Effective Effective
�� Formatted: Centered, Indent: Left: 0
� -
Formatted Table
1/1/202, () 1/1/202�k 1 1/1/20252
Formatted: Centered
Start "161x, � 1(➢`47 "w6%,61Prf % S69,667
5,2 1 (1 8,219 S81739
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0
I S68,149S7 S69 853S8 "w, 5°1°1S83
Formatted: Centered, Indent: Left: 0
210 0 2bys y 1 Z
o `' j Formatted: Centered
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0
�S . S
2 nf� 6(11 �� �,/�i;��k-1 cif t+f f "��F
� � » � ��
Formatted: Centered, Indent: Left: 0 6 464 0' 35.5
3 S.: 9 '4M (f "44476S.9 1:;r
,, ip" \ \� Formatted: Centered
9,541 3,123 `9/,,1"9'�a�����
o �� Formatted: Indent: Left: 0
4 S85,4450S9 S87,996`41 "~90'196
d �
� i,,n \\' -
I n� Formatted: Centered, Indent: Left: 0 I
6,458 00 7 16 S.104,830
�� a� Formatted: Centered
5 S92,7 1 6S I Ye)� 4 44 1 Y)7414)
0 "'
03924 mj 1 S112,945
o� �� Formatted: Centered
- -
6, 5100,821 S S10 x,342°6 5105 6125°61
"°i��'`� ��i� Formatted: Centered
112,737 117,247 22'527
Bio o''�� Formatted: Indent: Left: 0
lti�o�o _
W Formatted: Centered, Indent: Left: 0
Retroactive pay from .lannary 1, 202:x, to the_date this Ai,,reonet�t is ra(rfie2 6y antVirrrrred
4 �,�o�''� Formatted: Centered
re of Air- tner baa.A-4o .la a� 2013 0..shall be paid to
A °�� ��"� Formatted: Indent: Left: 0"
� n�
monb rs onph ed 1� �Ir�c Vflh r. on &e da(e this A z �bneni is r atrfr(9 and to members -, ho retired &� cru
� y y � '�
�" Formatted: Centered, Indent: Left: 0
Jan ny I Ld2 , ua 8p 8 xt Orf[r6s x[ru.... D xybn aaa.v 11 & axng,, wrtlnn thirty (30) days of the execution
Formatted: Centered
and ratification of the contract. Said retroactive a shall include all strai t, overtime, holiday hours
pay straight, y
and compensable hours worked. The retroactive pay lump suns is less any deductions (i.e. health
pi�'�i�Formatted: Indent: Left: o
insurance) applicable per the collective bargaining agreement. The Village reserves the right to hire
Formatted: Centered, Indent: Left: 0
Officers prior law enforcement experience up to the Yew.. lvtpp..5 wage level of the salary schedule.
Formatted: Centered
LonEevity Pay
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0
Formatted: Centered, Indent: Left: 0
After 5 years of service $600
Formatted: Character scale: 99%
After 10 years of service $700
���� Formatted: Centered
After 15 years of service $800
After 20 $900
� �
`�� Formatted: Indent: Left: 0
years of service
Afer25years ofservor'c S1,200
``AFormatted: Centered, Indent: Left: 0
`J Formatted Table
Employees shall receive longevity payments annually if their anniversary data predates
�� Formatted: Indent: Left: o
December 31 and the employee is on the employer's payroll at that time. Longevity payments shall
Formatted: Line spacing: single
be included with the employee's regular payroll check for the first payroll in December.
Specialty Pay
Foreign/Sign Language Interpreter
Evidence Technician
Breathalyzer Operator
Drug Recognition Expert Officer
Field Youth Officer
Range Officer
Truck Enforcement Officer
Accident Investigator
Fire/Arson Investigator
Folzc:c Field Training Officer
$3,011001 44e.ctnvc 4/1/2020 S 3,2.00...
1-11'ccfivc N/2025: S3,300
$ 5650
S 11'11`0:...1900
$ 650 (` i� nusc4s 112/3 Cl/2023)
S....6 0
$ 650
$ 650
$ 450
$ 450
$ 650
$ 650
The above special assignments shall receive their incentive pay pro -rated on each check
throughout the year commencing May 1. The employees assigned to the above classifications shall
receive payment as listed, but shall be paid simultaneously for a maximum of three such assignments
and Foreign/Sign Language Interpreter pay; provided however, Investigators shall only receive
Investigator day, sone& Foreign/Sign Language Interpreter day and l�,vna]enuce "4`ee unuu_enannu specna by Pays.
Formatted: Indent: First line: 0"
Formatted: Left I
[Formatted Table ....(
Formatted: Left, Right: 1.82'
(^Formatted:Right: 0.75
1111V Commented [BA7]: C.P.O Pay rolled int�payat
Jaanuueany 4, 2020 °Q,""'()() eauu liva y $3,000.
Jaanmu y C, 202 1 S2,800 aannnuaaHy
jaanuuany 4;...2022 ....... ......... ......... `�2,,r 00 eaf.111H c4ly
0€4n xnrn� a�@ atka nd alud saa�li 4ia 4oFi.I.y...0+aauut4€tE aiiuy aei#l4wa] �Fainin'g semilliws
nn onc]c n to Cccnvc (. 11 0 pay„
014ncenn-...41 41 Bre;......:Kaqua40e1......4eu- 4a1'€,..._awnaul an e atn4n4ion ...eKNite1 aancl
a(]un)nnns&c�ed by the Pohc c Chie4` fi')� c c nfific afion
CoRlu.R uH.n➢t En[m�9, eRnn,4°.,IYIlt,,,�f�' n- _ -- -( Formatted: Heading 2, Left
l ti`4`cc4nvc_01/01/2024, CJf4`(ccns ncccpvc `500a rinntiattlly ."
- - - - - - (Formatted: Font: Bold
J. Formatted: Justified, Space Before: 0 pt
., ..
&a��_A_ua,�a� Tra>n>ng Officer
(NFormatted: Indent: First line: 0"
All Officers assigned as Police Field Training Officers shall be compensated at the rate of one
(1) hour of pay at the affected Officers straight -time hourly rate of pay, for each day that Officer acts
as a Field Training Officer.
Protective Vest Replacement Schedule
Formatted Table
. ...................................................
8C11 IIINC'38 IAM, FRO113E::.:�11R, T K
G,3111 C)L MAF:,','K A
7A11 .999
&3/.1,..03/..:0: 0
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011 11 1, 1 ]ORK E:7:
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12/18/2008 1
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MCA L E.::.MA, IIMAC31. )E.:A F.::NA
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This nienioianduni of I indeistanding is heichy niade and enicied into by and betweeii the
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Anu°honny r,.ne°I✓m ,_Press d cnnp ChapaM b-'84 ]°✓lnchad I-AIennuau, q'ohcc Cllnnef
January 1, 2023
December 31, 2025
ARTICLE I. RECOGNITION....................................................................................................2
Section 1.1. Recognition & Representation: ...................................... 2
Section 1.2. Fair Representation: ....................................................... 2
Section 1.4. Chapter Officers: ............................................................. 2
ARTICLE II. MANAGEMENT RIGHTS......................................................................................3
Section 2.1. Management Rights: ....................................................... 3
ARTICLE III. LAYOFF..............................................................................................................4
Section 3.1. Reduction In Force and Reinstatement: ........................ 4
ARTICLE IV. NO STRIKE CLAUSE.........................................................................................5
Section 4.1. No Strike Clause: ............................................................. 5
Section 4.2. No Lockout: ..................................................................... 5
Section 4.3. Judicial Restraint: ........................................................... 5
Section 4.4. Discipline of Strikers: ..................................................... 5
ARTICLE V. COMPENSATION AND HOURS OF WORK........................................................6
Section 5.1. Compensation: .................................................................
Section 5.2. Duty Shifts and Patrol Work Schedule ..........................6
Section 5.3. Call Back: .........................................................................
Section 5.4. Overtime: ..........................................................................
Section 5.5. Hours Worked: ................................................................
Section 5.6. Court Time: ......................................................................
Section 5.7. Special Assignments: ...................................................
Section 5.8. Travel Time Compensation: ..........................................
Section 5.9. Time-Due/Compensatory Time: ....................................
Section 5.10. Exchanging Shift Assignments: .................................
Section 5.11. Meetings: .....................................................................
Section 5.12. Work Breaks: ...............................................................
ARTICLE VI. CHAPTER SECURITY AND DUES CHECK-OFF............................................12
Section 6.1. Dues Deductions: .......................................................... 12
Section 6.2. Indemnity: ....................................................................... 12
Section 6.3. Bulletin Boards: ............................................................. 12
Section 6.4. Labor -Management Meetings: ...................................... 12
ARTICLE VII. VACATION......................................................................................................14
Section 7.1. Vacation Program: ........................................................ 14
Section 7.2. Vacation Schedule: ....................................................... 15
Section 7.3. Vacation Cash -in Payment: .......................................... 15
ARTICLE VIII. HOLIDAY AND PERSONAL TIME..................................................................16
Section 8.1. Holiday: .......................................................................... 16
Section 8.2. Personal Time: .............................................................. 16
ARTICLE IX. LEAVE OF ABSENCE.....................................................................................17
Section 9.1. Absence from Work: ..................................................... 17
Section 9.2. Sick Leave: .................................................................... 17
Section 9.3. Bereavement Leave: ..................................................... 18
Section 9.4. Military Leave: ............................................................... 18
Section 9.5. Jury Duty: ...................................................................... 18
ARTICLE X. EDUCATION BENEFITS....................................................................................19
Section 10.1. Travel and Meeting Expense Allowances: ................. 19
ARTICLE XI. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE............................................................................20
Section 11.1. Definition: .................................................................... 20
Section 11.2. Procedure for Grievance: ........................................... 20
Section 11.3. Fees and Expenses of Arbitration: ............................. 21
Section 11.4. General Rules: ............................................................. 21
Section 11.5. Notice of Chapter Representation: ............................. 22
Section 11.6. Definitions: .................................................................. 22
Section 11.7. Miscellaneous Grievance Provision: ......................... 22
ARTICLE XII. DISCIPLINE....................................................................................................23
Section 12.1. Procedure of Discipline: ............................................. 23
Section 12.2. Discipline and Discharge/Investigations: .................. 23
Section 12.3. Written Reprimand: ..................................................... 24
Section 12.4. Removal of Discipline from Personnel File: .............. 24
Section 12.5. Personnel File: ............................................................. 24
ARTICLE XIII. INVESTIGATIONS CONCERNING OFFICERS................................................25
Section 13.1. Right to Investigate: .................................................... 25
Section 13.2. Right to Representation: ............................................. 25
Section 13.3. Review of Recorded Media: ........................................ 25
ARTICLE XIV. MEDICAL AND LIFE INSURANCE.................................................................26
Section 14.1. Medical Insurance: ...................................................... 26
Section 14.2. Life Insurance: ............................................................. 28
Section 14.3. Continuation of Benefit: .............................................. 28
Section 14.4. Retiree Health Insurance Program: ............................ 28
Section 14.5. Retiree Health Savings Plan: ...................................... 29
Section: 14.6. Retiree Health Savings Plan —Annual Contribution:
Section: 14.7. Personal Physical Fitness Testing: .......................... 29
Section 14.8. Section 125/Flex Plan Participation: .......................... 30
ARTICLE XV. DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING..................................................................31
Section 15.1. Drug and Alcohol Testing: .......................................... 31
Section 15.2. Drug and Alcohol Testing Following an Officer
Involved Shooting: ............................................................................. 31
ARTICLE XVI. DISABILITY AND RETIREMENT BENEFITS................................................33
Section 16.1. Employee Disability: ................................................... 33
ARTICLE XVII. UNIFORM BENEFITS....................................................................................34
Section 17.1. Benefits: ....................................................................... 34
Section 17.2. Protective Vests: ......................................................... 35
ARTICLE XVIII. OFF DUTY EMPLOYMENT..........................................................................36
Section 18.1. Employment Outside Department: ............................. 36
ARTICLE XIX. SENIORITY...................................................................................................37
Section 19.1. Seniority: ..................................................................... 37
Section 19.2. Probationary Terms: ................................................... 37
Section 19.3. Maintenance of Seniority List: .................................... 37
ARTICLE XX. BOARD OF FIRE AND POLICE COMMISSIONERS.....................................38
Section 20.1. Board of Fire and Police Commissioners: ................. 38
Section 21.1. Maternity/Paternity/Reasonable Accommodation: .... 39
ARTICLE XXII. FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE ACT..................................................................40
Section 22.1. Family Medical Leave(FMLA):...................................40
ARTICLE XXIII. SAVINGS CLAUSE.......................................................................................41
Section 23.1. Savings Clause: ........................................................... 41
ARTICLE XXIV. ENTIRE AGREEMENT...............................................................................42
Section 24.1. Entire Agreement: ....................................................... 42
ARTICLE XXV. TERMINATION..............................................................................................43
Section 25.1. Termination: ................................................................ 43
Salary Schedule 2023-2025...............................................................44
Community Engagement Pay............................................................45
Field Training Officer.........................................................................45
Protective Vest Replacement Schedule...........................................46
Maximum Out of Pocket Rates — 2023-2025 .....................................48
MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING - Payback hours..................................................49
MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING - One -Time Employee Retention Incentive ........ 50
This Agreement entered into by the Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois, hereinafter
referred to as the Employer, and the Metropolitan Alliance of Police Mount Prospect Police Chapter
484, hereinafter referred to as the Chapter, to promote mutually beneficial relations between the
Employer and the Chapter, and is set forth herein the full agreement between the parties concerning
rates of pay, wages and other conditions of employment for bargaining unit members of the Village
of Mount Prospect, as defined herein below and hereinafter referred to as "Officers" or "employees",
or when the context requires a singular noun, as "Officer" or "employee."
Section I.I. Recognition & Representation:
The Village recognizes the Chapter as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent with respect to
wages, hours and other conditions of employment for employees classified as sworn Police Officers
below the rank of Sergeant regardless of job assignment.
Police Department employees with the rank of Sergeant and above are not part of the
bargaining unit which includes Police Officers nor are they covered by the terms of this Agreement.
If, by operation of law, rule or regulation, Sergeants and above are required to be included in the
bargaining unit covered by this Agreement, such employees shall only be entitled to protection,
benefits, or other wages, hours or working conditions of this Agreement where they are specifically
named by name, rank, job title or other special identification.
Section 1.2. Fair Representation:
The Chapter recognizes its responsibility as bargaining agent and agrees to fairly represent
all employees in the bargaining unit.
Section 1.4. Chapter Officers:
For purposes of this Agreement, the term "Chapter Officers" shall refer to the Chapter's duly
elected President, Vice -President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Section 2.1. Management Rights:
It is understood that the management and the direction of the working force is vested
exclusively to the Employer except as specified in the other Articles of this Agreement. It is the
Employer's right to hire, demote, suspend or discharge; layoff, promote, assign or transfer employees
to any job or any work, any time or anywhere; to increase or decrease the working force; to determine
the number and size of the work shifts; to determine the number of employees assigned to any work
or any job; to determine the hours of work per day or week; to make, revise and administer work
rules for the purpose of efficiency, safe practices and discipline; to establish performance standards
and to review employees under these standards; to determine the equipment to be used; to make
technological changes; to determine the number and location of its operations; to move, close or
liquidate its operations in whole or in part; to separate or reassign its employees in connection with said
moving, closing or liquidating; the right to transfer; to subcontract work; to determine the duties and
production standards; to combine jobs, to eliminate classifications or work; to require overtime work;
and to fill new j obs and set a wage rate subject to negotiations over such wage rate.
The rights and powers of management mentioned in this collective bargaining agreement do
not list or limit all such powers, and the rights listed together with all other rights, powers and
prerogatives of management, not specifically ceded in this Agreement remain vested exclusively in
The exercise by management of, or its waiver of, or its failure to exercise its full right of
management or decision on any matter or occasion, shall not be a precedent or be binding on
management, shall not be the subject or basis of any grievance, shall not be admissible in any
arbitration proceeding. The right of management shall not be amended or limited by any claimed or
unwritten custom, past practice or informal agreement, nor by any claim that management has
claimed, condoned or tolerated any practice or any act or acts of any employees. No practice which
has developed, either with or without the consent of the Employer, shall be considered part of this
Agreement unless it is in writing and included in this Agreement.
Nothing in this Article shall abrogate or alter any other Article of this Agreement.
Section 3.1. Reduction In Force and Reinstatement:
The Village in its discretion shall determine when and whether a reduction in force or
reinstatement are necessary. If the Village so determines that these conditions exist, employees
covered by this Agreement will be reduced or reinstated in accordance with their length of service
with the Village as provided in Illinois Compiled Statutes, 65 IL,CS 5/10-2.1-18. All affected Officers
shall receive notice in writing of the layoff at least fifteen (15) calendar days in advance of the
effective date of such layoffs.
Section 4.1. No Strike Clause:
Neither the Chapter nor any Officers, agents or employees will instigate, promote, sponsor,
engage in or condone any strike, sympathy strike, secondary boycott, slowdown, speed-up, sit-down,
concerted stoppage of work, concerted refusal to perform overtime, concerted, abnormal and
unapproved enforcement procedures or policies or work to the rule situation, mass resignations, mass
absenteeism, or picketing which in any way results in the interruption or disruption of the operations
of the Village, regardless of the reason for so doing. Each employee who holds the position of Officer
or steward of the Chapter occupies a position of special trust and responsibility in maintaining and
bringing about compliance with the provisions of this Article. In addition, in the event of a violation
of this Section of this Article, the Chapter agrees to inform its members of their obligations under this
Agreement and to direct them to return to work.
Section 4.2. No Lockout:
The Village will not lock out any employees during the term of this Agreement as a result of
a labor dispute with the Chapter.
Section 4.3. Judicial Restraint:
Nothing contained herein shall preclude the Village or the Chapter from obtaining judicial
restraint and damages in the event the other party violates this Article.
Section 4.4. Discipline of Strikers:
Any Officer who violates the provisions of Section 4.1 of this Article shall be subject to
disciplinary action and statutory penalties. Any action taken by the Employer against any Officer who
participates in any action prohibited by Section 4.1 above shall not be considered as a violation of this
Agreement and shall not be subject to the provisions of the grievanceprocedure.
Section 5.1. Compensation:
Compensation of the Police Officers covered by this Agreement of the Village of Mount
Prospect shall be paid according to Appendix A attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein.
Said compensation shall include base pay, longevity pay and special assignment incentive pay. Said
compensation shall be effective January 1, 2023 and any and all retroactive pay shall be distributed
to the Officers in a lump sum on or before thirty (30) days after the date of execution of this agreement
by authorized representatives of both Parties. The retroactive pay lump sum is less any deductions (i.e.
health insurance) applicable per the collective bargaining agreement or allowed by law.
Section 5.2. Duty Shifts and Patrol Work Schedule
Day and Afternoon Shift Work Day: An Officer's duty shift is an eight (8) hour
scheduled period of time preceded by a fifteen (15) minute roll call briefing. Each Officer shall
take a paid thirty (30) minute break each duty shift whether or not the period is used for food
consumption. An Officer who completes a full shift will be credited with eight (8) hours of "time
worked" for purposes of calculating overtime as required under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
For purposes of calculating the accrual and use of paid time off the parties agree each day
shall consist of eight (8) hours, in keeping with the previous conduct of the parties, (i.e. vacation,
personal, time due, sick time of any other authorized and paid time off).
Midnight Shift Work Day: An Officer's duty shift is a nine (9) hour scheduled period of
time including a fifteen (15) minute roll call briefing. Each Officer shall take a paid thirty (30)
minute break each duty shift whether or not the period is used for food consumption. During
periods when the midnight shift officers work a 5/3 schedule the Parties agree that those employees
are not entitled to overtime pay for the ninth hour worked. However, if a midnight shift officer is
hired back to work on the day shift, the overtime pay begins when the midnight shift ends for that
officer. An Officer who completes a full shift will be credited with eight (8) hours of "time
For purposes of calculating the accrual and use of paid time off the parties agree each day
shall consist of eight (8) hours, in keeping with the previous conduct of the parties, (i.e. vacation,
personal, time due, sick time of any other authorized and paid time off).
Annual Shift Assignments: Officers will be assigned to shifts on an annual basis
according to the following procedure:
a The Police Chief or their designee will assign Officers to rotating shifts for their
first two (2) years from date of hire. Absences beyond thirty (30) cumulative
calendar days caused by leaves such as military deployments, illness, injuries
including duty related, will extend the rotational period for the period absent. The
Parties further agree that after the two (2) year rotation is completed those
employees will be allowed to bid their shift assignment at the next scheduled annual
bid; until that time shift assignments will be based on seniority. It is also agreed
that the Police Chief has the authority to shorten the two (2) year rotation at times
for operational necessity.
b. On or about October 15'h of each year the Police Chief or their designee may assign
up to three (3) non -probationary Officers to shifts in the coming year without regard
to their seniority. The Police Chief or their designee will provide these Officers
with a written explanation for their assignments.
C. The Police Chief or their designee will make the annual shift assignments for
Officers not included in a. or b. above by seniority and shift assignment preference
(as reflected on the annual shift bid sheets). The Police Chief or their designee will
deviate from this procedure when necessary to balance specialties among the patrol
shifts, and will utilize seniority and preference when balancing specialties.
Patrol Section Day and Afternoon Shifts Work Schedules: The parties to this collective
bargaining agreement agree that the Village shall maintain the current "5/2 - 5/3" work schedule
for all Officers assigned to the Day and Afternoon Shifts in the Patrol Section of the Mount
Prospect Police Department. Pursuant to this schedule, Officers shall work five (5) days on —three
(3) days off — five (5) days on — two (2) days off, with the Officers' days off rotating
through the schedule.
As part of the Patrol Section Day and Afternoon Shift work schedules, the Chapter agrees
that all affected Officers shall provide twenty-six and one half (26.5) "payback hours" each year.
Affected Officer's payback hours may be paid back by participating in the following activities:
• Attending off -hours training assignments,
• Working overtime details,
• Attending court, or
• Working additional duty hours when the payback hours are completed by
mutual agreement of the Officer and the Police Chief or their designee.
An Officer will receive a two (2) hour minimum payback for off -hours training completed
on duty days and a four (4) hour minimum payback for training completed on an Officer's regular
day off. Routine weapons qualifications sessions will be considered training for purposes of
receiving these payback minimums.
The use of call-in time or court time as payback shall include the minimum hours
requirements set forth in this agreement.
Payback hours will be completed on a time and one-half basis, regardless of the rate of pay.
The Officer and the department shall endeavor to schedule payback hours (i.e. 26.5 hours at time
and one-half) to be completed as efficiently as possible in activities that accomplish legitimate
department purposes. Should an Officer not complete payback hours as set forth in the schedule
above, they shall forfeit accrued leave time to make up any difference, in the following order; time
due (calculated at straight time, hour -for- hour), personal, or vacation or shall be ordered to work
additional duty shift hours (calculated at time and one-half).
Patrol Section Midnight Shift Work Schedule: The parties to this collective bargaining
agreement agree to a "5/3" work schedule for all Officers assigned to the Midnight Shift in the
Patrol Section of the Mount Prospect Police Department. Pursuant to this schedule, Officers shall
work five (5) days on shift followed by three (3) days off with the Officers days off rotating through
the schedule. The workday will be nine (9) hours. The Village agrees Officers working this
schedule will not be required to provide "payback hours."
Shift Assignment Grievance Limitations: The only Officers who can file grievances to
dispute the Chief's shift assignments pursuant to section (b) above will be the three (3) Officers
assigned pursuant to the October 15'h criteria listed in section b. In these cases, the grievants have
the responsibility of proving the Police Chief or their designee made the assignments other than
for reasons of realizing a department goal or objective or for a legitimate operational concern of
management. These grievances, and these grievances alone, shall be settled according to the
following "expedited" grievance procedure:
The affected individuals shall file grievances alleging inappropriate shift assignments
no later than seven (7) business days following said assignment.
2. The Employer shall issue a written response no later than seven (7) business days
following receipt of the grievance.
In the event the Parties are unable to reach a resolution within seven (7) business days
of the Chapter receiving the Employer's response the Parties agree that an arbitrator
will be selected pursuant to Article XI, Section 11.2 at Step Four, and a hearing date
set within twenty-one (21) days and that the selected arbitrator will be required to
issue an award within fourteen (14) days of the completion of the hearing.
Section 5.3. Call Back:
Any Officer covered by this Agreement who is called back to work on an assignment which
does not continuously follow an Officer's regularly scheduled working hours shall be compensated a
minimum of two (2) hours for each call back from the time when the Officer receives notice to return
to work or the actual time worked, whichever amount is greater.
In the event that an employee is off duty and is called back to duty, said employee shall be
paid at the hourly rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) time the employee's regular hourly rate of pay, and
shall be paid a minimum of two (2) hours compensation. There shall be no pyramiding in calculating
premium pay.
Section 5.4. Overtime:
Consistent with Section 5.2 above, each Officer covered by this Agreement shall be
compensated for all hours worked in excess the Officer's scheduled shift per work day at the rate of
time and one-half (1 1/2) the regular hourly rate of pay. Overtime is paid in quarter (1/4) hour
increments with seven (7) minutes being rounded down and eight (8) minutes rounded up. For
purposes of this Section, every Officer covered by this Agreement shall begin to earn overtime pay
after working in excess of 7.5 minutes after the end of their shift.
When overtime assignments for "SHORT SHIFTS" (defined as a duty shift which is below
minimum manpower standards or holdover for department need and requires the continuation for more
than two (2) hours of an on -duty Police Officer covered by this Agreement) are not filled on a
voluntary basis and it becomes necessary to order an Officer to work, the Officer shall be chosen by
reverse seniority. Provided, however, no Officer, regardless of whether they are forced or volunteer to
work, shall be ordered to work more than one (1) shift holdover within three (3) consecutive calendar
days (e.g. if you work a holdover on Monday, you will not be forced to work another holdover shift
until Thursday) unless the Officer agrees to do so. Or if an Officer works past the end of their shift due to
a "late call" that Officer is still eligible to be forced the following day, if needed. It is also agreed that the
Police Chief or their designee may deviate from these standards when they believe unusual
circumstances exist or particularly qualified Officers are necessary.
Section 5.5. Hours Worked:
"Hours worked" for purposes of calculating overtime or any other benefit shall include all
hours actually worked and any paid leave of absence which shall include but shall not be limited to
Sick Leave, Vacation Leave, Holiday Leave, Compensatory Time Off and any other authorized paid
time off.
Elective medical procedures that would require sick leave off due during key recognized
holiday periods of Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years will not be granted unless
sufficient manpower is available to cover these periods.
Section 5.6. Court Time:
Employees shall receive time and one-half (1 1/2) for all Court time, and shall be paid for a
minimum of three (3) hours per Court call; once in the morning and once in the afternoon if so
scheduled. An Officer assigned to a specific Court call that continues on into another scheduled Court
call will be paid at the time and one-half (1 1/2) rate for actual time in Court but shall not be entitled
to an additional three (3) hour minimum. If a morning Court is continued to the afternoon call for a
lunch break, the Officer will be paid overtime through the lunch break until completion of the original
call. If a morning case is reassigned to the afternoon call by the Judge, a second three (3) hours
minimum will be paid.
Officers working the day shift who are in Court when, and after, their shift ends shall
receive overtime and not a three (3) hour minimum.
Midnight shift Officers attending court will receive the three (3) hour minimum court time
benefit unless they are required to return to responsibilities connected to their duty shift
responsibilities, afternoon shift Officers attending court will receive the three (3) hour minimum
court time benefit.
Officers reporting to a Court location other than the location normally assigned, shall have
paid time computed when they sign out at the police headquarters if they are using a Village
provided vehicle; further they shall be eligible for necessary and reasonable out -of pocket expenses
(i.e. parking, mileage) to travel to such different courts (e.g., Chicago). It is understood the Rolling
Meadows Court is deemed a normal assignment. At remote court locations, overtime starts at sign
in, just as at the Rolling Meadows court location, unless a Village provided vehicle was utilized
by the affected Officer.
Section 5.7. Special Assignments:
Special assignments shall be compensated at the rate of $45 per hour effective on the date of
ratification of this Agreement. Any change in payment amount will be applied at the time of the actual
work performed. Special assignments shall be equalized. The Village agrees that should it decide to
charge an administrative fee in connection with these special assignments said fee shall be reasonable.
Section 5.8. Travel Time Compensation:
As to travel time, the Village agrees to compensate members for travel required by the
department, which shall require travel to a point in excess of 150 miles from Mount Prospect (to
include Champaign, Urbana) or those instances where the member is required to remain away
Section 5.9. Time-Due/Compensatory Time:
Employees may opt to have overtime and/or Court time placed on the individual Time Due
Bank at the rate of time and one-half (1 1/2) in lieu of monetary payment on the payroll check.
Exception: Outside details in which the Village is receiving reimbursement at a flat rate or actual time
and one-half (1 1/2) rate must be taken by the individual as monetary compensation on the payroll
Safe Driving Incentive: Any Officer who is not involved in an on -duty, chargeable squad crash
for a calendar year (defined as January 1 — December 31) shall have eight (8) hours of time -due added
to their Time Due Bank by the end of January the following calendar year.
The Department will allow a maximum of forty (40) hours to be carried over to the next
calendar year without loss. Officers with an excess of forty (40) hours on the Time Due Book as of
November 15 each year, will receive cash -in payment, such payment shall be included in the Officer's
last payroll in December. Shift Supervisors will take the steps necessary to ensure adequate
manpower for their shift prior to approving time due.
Section 5.10. Exchan2in2 Shift Assignments:
Officers requesting to switch days off or switch duty tours with other Officers must submit
written requests at least forty eight (48) hours in advance of the first scheduled change, absent
emergency conditions. Emergency switches must carry the authorization of the Police Chief or
Deputy Chief or their designee. Switches must carry the approval of the supervisors of all shifts
affected by the change. The requests shall not be honored if granting such a request would adversely
affect police department operations.
Section 5.11. Meetings:
Any Officer required to be at a mandatory meeting which immediately proceeds or follows
his regularly assigned duty shift shall be compensated for a minimum of two (2) hours at time and
one-half the Officer's hourly rate of pay. Any Officer covered by this Agreement required to be at a
mandatory meeting on their day off shall be compensated for a minimum of two (2) hours at time
and 1/2 the Officer's hourly rate of pay or four (4) hours straight time due. Said compensation payment
to be at the Officer's discretion.
Section 5.12. Work Breaks:
Breaks may be taken at the discretion of the Supervisor. The Supervisor shall ensure that
adequate coverage exists at all times during break periods. The Break period is considered on -duty
time and personnel are considered to be available for any assignment during any break period,
including all routine calls within their beat.
Section 6.1. Dues Deductions:
Upon receipt of proper written authorization from an employee, the Employer shall deduct
each month's Chapter dues in the amount certified by the Treasurer of the Chapter from the pay of all
Officers covered by this Agreement who, in writing, authorize such deductions. Said funds shall then
be submitted to the Metropolitan Alliance of Police at the end of each month.
Section 6.2. Indemnity:
The Chapter hereby indemnifies and agrees to hold the Employer harmless against any and
all claims, demands, suits or other forms of liability that may arise out of or by reason of, any action
taken or not taken by the Employer for the purpose of complying with the provisions of this Article,
and shall reimburse the Village for all legal costs that shall arise out of, or by reason of action, taken
or not taken by the Village in compliance with the provisions of this Article, unless such action is
initiated or prosecuted by the Village, except for purposes on enforcing this section.
Section 6.3. Bulletin Boards:
The Village shall provide the Chapter with designated space on available bulletin board(s),
upon which the Chapter may post its official notices.
Section 6.4. Labor -Management Meetings:
The Chapter and the Employer agree that, in the interest of efficient management and
harmonious employee relations, meetings will be held if mutually agreed between Chapter
representatives and responsible administrative representatives of the Employer. Such meetings may
be requested by either party at least seven (7) days in advance by placing in writing a request to the
other for a "labor-management conference" and expressly providing the specific agenda for such
conference. Such conferences, times and locations, if mutually agreed upon, shall be limited to:
a. discussion on the implementation and general administration of this agreement;
b. a sharing of general information of interest to the parties; and
It is expressly understood and agreed that such conferences shall be exclusive of the grievance
procedure. Specific grievances being processed under the grievance procedure shall not be considered
at "labor-management conferences," nor shall negotiations for the purpose of altering any or all of the
terms of this Agreement be carried on at such conferences.
Attendance at labor-management conferences shall be voluntary on the employee's part.
Attendance at such conferences shall not interfere with required duty time and attendance, if during
duty time, is permitted only upon prior approval of the employee's supervisor. The Village in its sole
discretion shall determine its representatives at suchmeetings.
Section 7.1. Vacation Program:
Full-time employees shall be entitled to vacation as set out below and consistent with past
construction of Section 7. 1, based on continuous service of:
Up to six (6) months service
Upon completion of Six (6) months to one (1) year
Upon completion of One (1) year to five (5) years
Upon completion of Five (5) years to six (6) years
Upon completion of Six (6) years to seven (7) years
Upon completion of Seven (7) years to ten (10) years
Upon completion of Ten (10) years to eleven (11) years
Upon completion of Eleven (11) years to twelve (12) years
Upon completion of Twelve (12) years to thirteen (13) years
Upon completion of Thirteen (13) years to eighteen (18) years
Upon completion of Eighteen (18) years to twenty (20) years
Upon completion of Twenty (20) years and up
40 hours
40 hours
80 hours
96 hours
104 hours
120 hours
136 hours
144 hours
152 hours
160 hours
172 hours
184 hours
Continuous service as utilized hereinabove shall be earned and calculated based on an
employee's starting/anniversary date and shall mean any period of employment uninterrupted by
separation. A normal full-time workday is considered to be eight (8) hours.
Vacation shall be taken during the calendar year January I" through December 31st. A
maximum of two (2) years accrual shall be allowed to carry over from one calendar year to the next.
The Police Chief in determining the annual vacation schedule will take into consideration the
desires of the individual employee, the interests of the Village and the needs of the Department. In
the event of conflict in employee scheduling, seniority will be considered.
Employees entitled to more than eighty (80) hours vacation time shall be entitled to take it
consecutively with the authority of the Police Chief.
Employees shall be entitled to split their allowable vacation into a maximum of five (5) units
(a unit being a minimum of three (3) vacation days or more). Officers may use vacation time in
addition to their five (5) splits with such time to be governed under the rules of personal time use.
Employees may request vacation time off up to eight (8) hours before shift if minimum manpower
standards are met for the shift requesting off. Requests are subject to the approval of the Police Chief
or their designee. Such selections shall be equalized. More than two (2) employees may be on vacation
simultaneously on a shift in question subject to the approval of the Police Chief, which shall not be
unreasonably withheld, and further provided that any such splitting must be approved by the Shift
Commander, who shall not unreasonably withhold such approval.
Section 7.2. Vacation Schedule:
Regularly Scheduled Days Off (RDOs) shall not be considered part of an Officer's vacation
leave for the purpose of determining the number of Officers on vacation.
Section 7.3. Vacation Cash -in Payment:
Officers who are eligible and request vacation cash -in payment, such payment shall be
included in the Officer's regular payroll check with the last payroll in March and the first payroll in
Section 8.1. Holiday:
Full-time employees shall receive the following holidays:
New Year's Day
Presidents' Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
In the event that an employee works on any of the above days, they shall receive hourly pay
at the rate of time and one-half (1 1/2) for their regular duty shift. Any employee working in excess
their regular duty shift on any of the above listed holidays, shall receive time and one-half (1 1/2) for
hours worked plus one (1) hour of premium pay for every two (2) hours in excess of eight (8) hours
worked on a holiday for employee's assigned to the Patrol Section's Day or Afternoon Shifts. Any
employee working in excess their regular duty shift on any of the above listed holidays, shall receive
time and one-half (1 1/2) for hours worked plus one (1) hour of premium pay for every two (2) hours
in excess of nine (9) hours for employee's assigned to the Patrol Section's Midnight Shift. Effective
January 1, 2024, any Officer working in excess of their regular duty shift on any of the above listed
holidays, shall receive double time for any overtime hours worked. Any Officer who is schedule to
be off on a holiday but is called into work will receive double time for any overtime hours worked.
The practice of premium pay sunsets December 31, 2023.
In addition, officers receive eight (8) hours of holiday pay on any of the above days
regardless of if they are scheduled to work or not work.
Section 8.2. Personal Time:
Each full-time employee shall earn four (4) hours per month off with pay during the calendar
year. Said time shall not be charged against vacation or sick time.
To be eligible, an employee must schedule the time and receive the approval of their
supervisor. Employees may request personal time off up to eight (8) hours before shift if minimum
manpower standards are met for the shift requesting off. Requests are subject to the approval of the
shift supervisor.
All personal time not used may be carried over to the next calendar year without loss, up to a
maximum of seventy-two (72) hours.
Officers who are eligible and request personal time cash -in payment, such payment shall be
included in the Officer's regular payroll check with the last payroll in March and the last payroll in
Section 9.1. Absence from Work:
All absences from work must be reported to the Supervisor in charge prior to assigned
working shift pursuant to department policy.
Section 9.2. Sick Leave:
Each full-time employee shall earn eight (8) hours per month paid sick leave to be used when
an Employee is physically unable to report to work pursuant to the Illinois Sick Leave Act which
includes time off due to an illness, injury or medical appointment that cannot be scheduled outside
employee's scheduled working hours. The Officer also may utilize up to sick (6) sick leave days
(forty-eight (48) hours maximum) per calendar year for absences due to an illness, injury or medical
appointment of an employee's covered "family member" and/or for the personal care of a family
member. As used in this Section 9.2 only, the phrase "family member" is defined as the employee's:
spouse, child, domestic partner, stepchild, mother, father, sibling, mother-in-law, father-in-law,
grandparent, grandchild or stepparent. The parties further agree that upon request of the Police Chief
or their designee the employee must provide medical documentation to confirm the sick leave time
was used for a reason covered by the Illinois Sick Leave Act.
These sick leave hours shall be earned and reflected in the employee's sick leave accrual bank
at the rate of 3.6924 hours per pay period (i.e., 26 pay periods per calendar year).
An individual may accumulate up to four hundred eighty (480) hours of unused sick leave.
Prior to February 1 st of each year, the Village shall calculate how many sick hours above four
hundred eighty (480) have been credited to and remain unused by any given employee as of December
31st of the previous year. If between December 31st of the previous year and the following January
15th, the employee shall have notified the Finance Department of the Village in writing of their desire
to continue to accumulate in one or more groups of forty-eight (48) hours above four hundred eighty
(480) that have remained unused during the previous year, such employees shall be allowed to
accumulate such additional time above and beyond four hundred eighty (480) hours to a maximum of
seven hundred sixty-eight (768) hours.
In February of each year, the Village, shall compensate the employee at the rate of fifty percent
(50%) of the time accumulated above and beyond four hundred eighty (480) hours, or such other
number of hours provided the Village has been notified such additional number to be accumulated
and not compensated for as set forth hereinabove. Payment of requested sick leave shall be included
with the last regular payroll in February.
As to questions raised concerning sick leave, employees may be required to obtain a medical
release before returning to work after being off from work for three (3) or more consecutive working
days for their personal illness. If there is a dispute about the validity of the information in the medical
release, the parties agree to follow the second and third opinion provisions of 29 CFR 825.307(b) of
the regulations promulgated pursuant to the FMLA.
Officers may request to use eight (8) hours annually for self-care not subject to sick leave
restrictions. However, if these hours are used immediately preceding or following a sick leave absence,
then the self-care hours are subject to the regular parameters of sick leave use.
Section 9.3. Bereavement Leave:
The Village agrees to allow any employee up to three (3) days leave with pay in order to
attend the funeral of anyone in the immediate family or to attend to necessary related matters. Said
time off shall not be charged to an employee's accrued time off. As used in this Section 9.3 only, the
phrase "immediate family" shall mean the employee's: father, mother, foster -father, foster -mother,
step -father, step -mother, step -children, brother, sister, step -brother, step -sister, spouse or domestic
partner, children, niece, nephew, grandparents, grandchildren, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-
in-law, sister-in-law, grandparents -in-law and includes a person who has an established civil union
with the employee pursuant to Illinois law.
Section 9.4. Military Leave:
The Village will follow the minimum requirements upon applicable Federal and/or State laws
as cited herein including, the Illinois Service Member Employment and Reemployment Rights Act
pursuant to 330 ILCS 61.
Section 9.5. Jury Duty:
Police Officers are granted regular compensation for their regular work days when serving on
jury duty.
Section 10.1. Travel and Meeting Expense Allowances:
The Village, upon the Chief s approval shall reimburse Police Officers for attendance at
approved professional conferences and training seminars, providing such funds are available
within the Department's budget.
Conventions, seminars, workshops, and conferences, generally of a national scope or regional
(multi -state), gathering of national groups may be attended by Officers if the gathering of national
groups is specifically related to their technical area. In all cases, specific approval by the Police Chief
Is necessary.
State-wide conventions, seminars, workshops and conferences may be attended by
Officers if approved by the Police Chief or designee.
Attendees may include Police Officers who can be shown to have an interest in the gathering
which directly relates to their area of work with specific approval of the Police Chief or designee.
Any Police Officer attending any conference, meeting, seminar or convention and being
reimbursed by the Village or on Village payroll is expected to conduct themselves in a manner as if
they were still at work. Any improper conduct will be treated as if it occurred during regular working
Section 11.1. Definition:
A grievance is a difference of opinion between an employee and the Village with respect to
the meaning or application of the express terms of this Agreement excluding matters within the
jurisdiction of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners.
Section 11.2. Procedure for Grievance:
Recognizing that it is to the benefit of all concerned to raise and settle grievances promptly, a
grievance must be raised within seven (7) days (as defined in Section 11.6) of the time the grievant
becomes aware of the facts giving rise to thegrievance.
STEP ONE: The employee, with or without a Chapter representative, may take up a grievance
with the Watch Commander within seven (7) days of its occurrence. The Watch Commander shall then
attempt to adjust the matter and shall respond within seven (7) days after such discussion. If the
grievance is adjusted at Step One, the Supervisor shall notify the Chief and Chapter representative in
writing within ten (10) days thereafter the nature of the grievance and its resolution.
STEP TWO: If not adjusted in Step One, the grievance shall be reduced to writing and
presented by the Chapter to the Police Chief within ten (10) days following the receipt of the Watch
Commander's answer in Step One. The Police Chief shall attempt to adjust the grievance as soon as
possible, and therefore will schedule a meeting with the employee, their immediate Supervisor or
Watch Commander, and Chapter Representative within ten (10) days after receipt of the grievance
from the Chapter. The Police Chief shall then render a decision, based on the supplied information
during the meeting, within ten (10) days of the meeting.
STEP THREE: If the grievance is not adjusted in Step Two, the grievance shall be submitted
to the Village Manager or his designated representative within seven (7) days of the receipt from the
Police Chief of his response to the Step Two procedure. A meeting shall be held at a mutually
agreeable time and place and participants shall discuss the grievance and hopefully come to an
equitable solution. If a grievance is settled as a result of such meeting, the settlement shall be reduced
to writing and signed by the parties. If no settlement is reached, the Village Manager, or their
designated representative, shall give the Chapter the Employer's answer within ten (10) days following
their meeting.
a. If the Chapter is not satisfied with the decision of the Village Manager, the Chapter may
appeal the grievance to arbitration by notifying the Village Manager in writing within
ten (10) days after receipt of the Village Manager's response in Step 4. Within ten (10)
days of receipt of such request the Chapter and/or the Village shall request a list of seven
(7) arbitrators who shall be members in good standing of the National Academy of
Arbitrators from the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS). Both the
Village and the Chapter shall have tl;rightto strike three (3) names from the panel. The
order of alternate striking shall be determined by a coin toss, with the losing parry starting
by striking a name first. The person remaining shall be the arbitrator. Each parry retains
the right to reject one panel in its entirety and request that a new panel be submitted. The
arbitrator shall fix the time and place of the hearing which shall be as soon as possible
after his selection subject to the reasonable availability of Chapter and Village
The Arbitrator shall be notified of his selection and shall be requested to set a time and
place for the hearing subject to the availability of Chapter and Village representatives.
The Village and Chapter shall have the right to request the Arbitrator to require the
presence of witnesses or documents. Both parties may retain the right to employ legal
counsel at their own expense.
b. The power of the arbitrator shall be limited to the interpretation and application of the
written terms of this Agreement. In no event may the terms and provisions of the
Agreement be deleted, modified or amended by the arbitrator. They shall consider and
decide only the specific issue raised by the grievance as originally submitted in writing
to the Village, and shall have no authority to make their decision on any issue not so
submitted to them. The arbitrator shall submit in writing their decision within thirty (30)
calendar days following close of the hearing or submission of briefs by the parties,
whichever is later, unless the parties agree to an extension. In the event the arbitrator
finds a violation of the Agreement, they shall determine an appropriate remedy. The
decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties. No decision or remedy
of the arbitrator shall be retroactive beyond the period specified in Step 1 of this
Section 11.3. Fees and Expenses of Arbitration:
The fee and expenses of the arbitrator and the cost of the written transcript, if requested by
both parties, shall be divided equally between the Village and the Chapter provided, however, that
each party shall fully bear the expense of preparing and presenting its own case including the costs of
witnesses and other persons (not employed by the Village) it requires to attend the arbitration. Should
only one party request a transcript, that parry shall pay for the cost of the transcript.
Section 11.4. General Rules:
a. Any decision not appealed by the employee or the Chapter as provided within the time
limits specified in each step shall be considered settled on the basis of the latest decision
and shall not be subject to further appeal. Any grievance not answered within the time
limits specified in each step shall be automatically appealed to the next step. However,
time limits at each step may be extended by mutual written agreement of the Chapter
and the Village.
b. No matter or action shall be treated as a grievance unless a grievance is filed in
accordance with this Article. 21
c. No grievance settlement made as a result of the grievance procedure shall contravene
the provisions of this Agreement, except as expressly agreed to by authorized
representatives of both the Chapter and the Village.
Section 11.5. Notice of Chapter Representation:
The Chapter shall certify to the Village the names of those Officers who are designated as unit
representatives. The Chapter also must update the Village of changes within two (2) days of the
effective date of the change. These Officers shall be the only employees authorized to function as
representatives on each respective shift and division.
Section 11.6. Definitions:
Days, as referred to in this Article, shall mean Monday through Friday, excluding holidays
and weekends.
Section 11.7. Miscellaneous Grievance Provision:
All grievances shall set forth the specific grievance and contract provisions involved as well
as the relief sought. All meetings shall take place in a manner which does not interfere with Village
operations. Neither the grievant nor his representative shall be entitled to any overtime payments for
time spent in processing or investigating a grievance.
Section 12.1. Procedure of Discipline:
If the Village has reason to discipline an employee, it will take into consideration methods to
do so which would not unduly embarrass the employee before other fellow employees or members
of the public.
Section 12.2. Discipline and Discharge/Investigations:
Disciplinary actions instituted by the Village shall be for reasons based upon an employee's
failure to fulfill their responsibilities as an employee. Where the Village believes just cause exists
to institute disciplinary action it shall have the option, consistent with the principles of timely
progressive discipline imposed for the purpose of encouraging corrective employee action, to
assess an appropriate penalty which include the following penalties:
Verbal Warning;
Letter of Direction;
Written Reprimand;
Suspension; or
The Village may skip one or more steps in the progressive and corrective discipline process
when justified based on the circumstances involved and severity of the offense.
Any disciplinary action or measure other than an oral and written reprimand imposed upon
an employee shall be subject to review and appeal as provided for in this Agreement. An oral and
written reprimand shall not be subject to arbitration or to review by the Board of Fire and Police
Commissioners. However, an employee is entitled to write a response to any oral or written
reprimand and that response will be attached to the corresponding discipline. The Chapter shall
have the right to file grievances concerning discipline covering suspension without pay, and/or
termination, or an employee may choose the hearing process by the Board of Fire and Police
Commissioners. Filing of a grievance shall act as a waiver by the employee involved of the right
to challenge the same matter before the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners. A form
containing such specific waiver shall be executed by the employee prior to filing a grievance.
Seeking review by the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners shall act as a waiver by the Chapter
and employee involved of the right to challenge the same matter in the grievance process.
Nothing in the article, however, shall be construed in such a manner as to make the verbal
warning, letter of direction, or written reprimand, suspension or discharge of a probationary Officer
the subject of a hearing before the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, or part of the Grievance
Section 12.3. Written Reprimand:
In cases of written reprimand, notation of such reprimand shall become a part of the
employee's personnel file and a copy given to the employee.
Section 12.4. Removal of Discipline from Personnel File:
Any written reprimand shall be removed from the employee's personnel record, if, from the
date of the last reprimand, eighteen (18) months have passed from the date of the incident resulting in
the written reprimand sought to be removed without the employee receiving any additional
reprimands or disciplines. The parties agree that the removal of reprimand shall be on the written
notice of the affected employee. Not withstanding the above, record of such discipline may be
introduced when relevant at a disciplinary proceeding before the Board of Fire and Police
Commissioners or arbitrator, whichever is applicable.
Section 12.5. Personnel File:
The Village agrees to abide by the lawful requirements of the "Illinois Personnel Record
Review Act," contained in Illinois Compiled Statutes, 820 ILCS 40/1.
Section 13.1. Right to Investigate:
The Village agrees to abide by the Illinois Uniform Peace Officers' Disciplinary Act, 50 IL,CS
725 when applicable.
Section 13.2. Right to Representation:
Any Officer interviewed regarding any matter which may result in discipline against the
Officer shall be entitled to representation by either a Chapter representative or Chapter attorney.
Section 13.3. Review of Recorded Media:
Prior to the imposition of disciplinary action, the Chapter will be provided an opportunity
to review the surveillance (e.g., video, photos, audio, or other recorded medium) relevant to the
discipline if the surveillance evidence is both: (i) in the possession or control of the Employer and
(ii) relied on by the Employer in making the discipline decision at issue.
Section 14.1. Medical Insurance:
The Village agrees to maintain in full force and effect for the life of this Agreement, a health
insurance benefits program for full-time employees.
The Village shall continue to make health insurance benefits available to full time police
Officers and their eligible dependents. The Village reserves the right to maintain or institute cost
containment measures relative to insurance coverage, change insurance carriers, plans or benefit
levels, as long as the new basic coverage and basic benefits are substantially similar. During the
term of this Agreement, employees may elect appropriate coverage in one of the health plans
offered by the enrollment period established by the Village. The amount of an employee's
applicable monthly medical insurance premium contribution during the term of this Agreement
shall not exceed the amount of the applicable monthly insurance premium required of other regular
full-time non -represented Village employees.
Each employee, upon becoming eligible for the above coverage, shall receive a benefit plan
summary that describes the health insurance benefits and the procedures for utilizing them.
Employee's contribution towards the insurance benefits program shall be as follows:
Effective January 1, 2023:
Monthly Premiums
The month lpremiumsor 2023 will not exceed rates below.
Coverage Type/Co-Pay Type
PPO Plan I
HMO Plan I
PPO Plan 2
HMO Plan 2
Single Discount (10%)*
Single +1
Single +1 Discount (20%)*
Family Discount (30%)*
*Discount rate available for eligible employees who satisfy the conditions of participating in the
wellness program. See Wellness Participation Rewards section below.
Effective January 1, 2024:
Monthly Premiums
The monthl premiums or 2024 will not exceed rates below.
Coverage Type/Co-Pay Type
PPO Plan 1
HMO Plan 1
PPO Plan 2
HMO Plan 2
Single Discount (10%)*
Single +1
Single +1 Discount (20%)*
Family Discount (30%)*
*Discount rate available for eligible employees who satisfy the conditions of participating in the
wellness program. See Wellness Participation Rewards section below.
Effective January 1, 2025:
Monthly Premiums
The month l premiums./or 2025 will not exceed rates below.
Coverage Type/Co-Pay Type
PPO Plan 1
HMO Plan 1
PPO Plan 2
HMO Plan 2
Single Discount (10%)*
Single +1
Single +1 Discount (20%)*
Family Discount (30%)*
*Discount rate available for eligible employees who satisfy the conditions of participating in the
wellness program. See Wellness Participation Rewards section below.
One-half of the employee's portion of the monthly premium costs shall be deducted from employee's
pay each pay period up to twenty-four (24) times per year. The co -pay amounts for employees apply
to both the PPO/indemnity and HMO insurance programs. Employees who participate in the HMO
will receive insurance coverage as dictated by the HMOprovider.
The Village of MountProspect shall be allowed to raise the maximum out-of-pocket expenses
for PPO Plans to the following:
2% of the employee's pensionable pay for single coverage and 4% of the employee's
pensionable pay for family coverage. The maximum out of pocket levels shall be established as
illustrated in Appendix C.
Wellness Participation Rewards:
The Village shall offer the biometric blood draw annually and employees may participate
in the blood draw scheduled at the Village or at approved remote locations. Spouses covered as
dependents under the plan must also participate in the biometric testing and meet the criteria
established below in order to qualify for the single plus one or family insurance premium discount.
Employees and spouses participating in the Village's health insurance plans must annually
complete the biometric blood draw and health risk assessment(s) to be eligible for the wellness
insurance premium discount. Wellness discounts shall apply annually provided the criteria above
are met. The discounts shall be applied to monthly insurance premium charges in the following
Single +1
Discount Percentage
Section 14.2. Life Insurance:
The Village shall supply each eligible Officer covered by this Agreement with term life
insurance with a face amount equal to one times base salary rounded to the next higher multiple of
$1,000 if not already a multiple of $1,000 or fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) whichever is higher.
Said insurance shall be at no cost to each covered employee. If available from the life insurance
provider of the Village, employees shall have the option of purchasing additional life insurance above
the amount provided by the Village provided the additional insurance coverage is at the employee's
cost and remaining plan terms.
Section 14.3. Continuation of Benefit:
As required under the Illinois Public Safety Employee Benefits Act (820 ILCS 320/1 et seq.)
("PSEBA"), when an application for PSEBA is received and approved because an Officer suffered
a catastrophic injury or is killed in the line of duty, the Village will pay the full premium for the
continuance of health insurance for the Officer, their spouse, and/or dependent children to the extent
required under PSEBA.
Section 14.4. Retiree Health Insurance Program:
The Village agrees to offer for purchase to all retired bargaining unit employees of the Village
of Mount Prospect Police Department, with a minimum of twenty (20) years service to the Village,
health insurance as currently provided to members covered by this Agreement. The parties agree that
should a retired employee choose to continue their health insurance, they are eligible only for the
then current benefits provided to bargaining unit employees, and that retiree is also responsible for
payment of one hundred percent (100%) of the premiums for those benefits. The parties agree that
retired employees of the Village of Mount Prospect Police Department shall be subject to changes
in coverage and benefit levels as negotiated from time to time between the Employer and the
Section 14.5. Retiree Health Savings Plan:
Upon retirement, employees who meet the eligibility requirements and have accumulated
Sick Leave must participate in the Retiree Health Savings (RHS) Plan. Eligibility for participation
is defined as an employee who retires with at least twenty (20) years of service with the Village.
Provided the employee is eligible to participate, the Village shall deposit up to four hundred
and eighty (480) hours or sixty (60) days of sick leave converted to a dollar value using the
employee's regular rate of pay into the RHS for the employee's use as defined by the regulations
outlined by the RHS administrator. If an employee has accumulated sick leave hours above the
four hundred and eighty (480) hours, but below the seven hundred and sixty-eight (768) maximum
number of sick leave hours, the Village shall deposit into the employee's RHS account fifty percent
(50)% of the value of the sick leave hours between four hundred and eighty (480) and seven
hundred and sixty-eight (768) calculated on the employee's regular hourly rate of pay.
If an employee leaves the Village's employment, and does not meet the eligibility
requirement for converting sick leave into the RHS, accumulated sick leave hours shall not be paid
out at time of termination of employment for any reason.
Section: 14.6. Retiree Health Savings Plan — Annual Contribution:
Eligible employees shall contribute forty-eight (48) hours of accumulated sick leave which
shall be converted to a cash equivalent of twenty-four (24) hours annually into a Retiree Health
Savings (RHS) account. If the employee does not have a minimum of four hundred eighty (480)
hours of accumulated sick leave available for contribution into the RHS account, the contribution
will not be made for the calendar year.
Personal and vacation time hours accumulated above the maximum carryover amount
referenced in Sections 7.1 and 8.2 are converted at a rate of 100% cash equivalent per the Village's
payout process into the RHS account. If the employee does not have an amount in excess of the
maximum carryover amount, the contribution will not be made for the calendar year for the
Section: 14.7. Personal Physical Fitness Testing:
The Mount Prospect Police Department will conduct bi-annual voluntary physical fitness
testing. This testing will be based on the Cooper Model, also known as the POWER Test, as used by
the State of Illinois basic training academies. Employees who meet or exceed the Cooper Fitness
Standards shall receive a one-time eight (8) hour bonus per calendar year at their straight time pay
rate as an incentive. No employee shall be subject to disciplinary action for failing to meet the
standards or goals of the physical fitness program described herein.
If necessary, an Officer may participate in two (2) bi-annual voluntary physical fitness tests per
calendar year, and if otherwise would be off duty, the Officer shall be compensated at a minimum of
two (2) hours at their straight time pay rate, or for the actual hours in attendance, whichever is greater.
The maximum payout of straight time awarded in any calendar year will be eight (8) hours added to
the employee's time due bank.
Section 14.8. Section 125/Flex Plan Participation:
The Village shall maintain a Flexible Compensation Plan whereby employees will be able
to defer pre-tax earnings into individual spending accounts to be used for un -reimbursed medical
expenses, dependent care costs up to a specified limit, and additional life insurance (provided such
is applicable under IRS regulations). Employees shall elect to participate in the program annually
and within thirty-one (3 1) days of hire for new employees.
Section 15.1. Drug and Alcohol Testing:
The Village may require employees to submit to a urinalysis test and/or other appropriate drug
and/or alcohol testing at a time and place designated by the Village when the Police Chief (or
designee) believes there is sufficient cause for such testing, defined for purposes of this section as
"reasonable suspicion". The primary basis of the "reasonable suspicion" shall be verbally
identified prior to the employee's submission to the test and will be documented in writing
generally within 24 hours thereafter.
The Village also may require employees to participate in random drug testing, provided that any
such program shall be administered by a vendor who conducts U.S. Department of Transportation
testing (i.e. the type of testing outlined in 49 CFR, Part 40). If random testing procedures are
implemented, up to fifty -percent (50%) of the employees in the bargaining unit are tested during
each calendar year.
Prohibition. Use, sale, purchase, delivery, or possession of illegal drugs including cannabis
or cannabis -infused substances at any time and at any place, whether on or off the job; abuse of
prescribed drugs; failure to report to the Chief or their designee any known adverse side effects of
medication or prescription drug the employee is taking that is reasonably expected to affect the
employee's performance; consumption or possession of alcohol while on duty; or being impaired by
or under the influence of alcohol while on duty is prohibited. Officers who consume or possess
prohibited substances as part of their legitimate work duties, which have been approved and directed
by the Police Chief (or designee) will not be subject to discipline for that reason alone.
Assistance. Officers who believe they may have a problem with the use or abuse of drugs
and/or alcohol are encouraged to seek assistance or a reasonable accommodation and without fear of
retaliation. It is understood an after the fact request for assistance will not excuse a prior policy, CBA
provision and/or SOP violation.
Violations. A policy violation or positive test result will be just cause for disciplinary action,
including dismissal if warranted by the facts involved.
Section 15.2. Drug and Alcohol Testing Following an Officer Involved Shooting:
Pursuant to the Illinois Police and Community Relations Improvement Act, drug and alcohol
testing also will be required (even in the absence of reasonable suspicion) and completed as soon
as practical (but no later than the end of the shift) following an Officer involved shooting
incident that results in death or injury to a person or persons, during the performance of his or
her official duties or in the line of duty.
The Chapter agrees its members shall be required to abide by the Employer's General Order that
is in effect at the time of ratification of this CBA regarding "Reporting and Investigation of
Incidents Involving Subject Resistance and Officer Use of Force" and all other provisions of this
Article 15 of the CBA (collectively the "D/A Policy"). This Section 15.2 and the D/A Policy will
be construed in a manner that satisfies Public Act 100-389 (the "Act") and any other state or federal
laws that apply.
Pursuant to the Act, an Officer is considered "involved in" a shooting when the Officer discharged
a firearm thereby causing injury or death to a person or persons. If multiple Officers discharge
their firearms, and it is unclear whose bullet struck the person or persons, then all Officers who
discharged their firearm in the direction of the subject shall be required to submit to drug and
alcohol testing. By contrast, the phrase "involved in" does not include Officers who did not
discharge their weapon, even if they were providing other forms of support and assistance during
the call. Nor does the term "involved in" include Officers who discharge their weapons when it is
undeniably clear their projectiles did not actually strike any person or persons.
The parties agree any drug or alcohol test required pursuant to the D/A Policy shall be considered
a compelled, non -voluntary drug or alcohol test under threat of disciplinary action. Such OIS
testing shall only be done by urinalysis or breathalyzer. Blood testing will not occur for an OIS
required test under this Section 15.2 unless compelled by law. This does not limit the Employer's
right to obtain test results via other available legal processes. The samples, testing, and results shall
only be used for internal administrative purposes, including disciplinary action when appropriate
and as required by law. Except as necessary to enforce the D/A Policy or when required by law
(e.g. subpoena or warrant), the Employer will not share any test samples or results of testing with
any entity or person.
Section 16.1. Employee Disability:
Any employee injured on the job shall continue to receive their regular salary for up to one
(1) year pursuant to the Illinois Public Employee Disability Act, 5 ILCS 345/1 ("PEDA") without
charge to their sick leave days. Employees shall sign and deliver any Workers' Compensation or
similar payments to the Village while receiving the salary continuation benefits of this Article.
At such time as the Village feels an employee is permanently disabled, the Village may refer
the matter to the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners or a designated arbitrator depending on
which party retains authority for such determinations.
Section 17.1. Benefits:
The Village agrees to provide each employee with a uniform allowance as follows:
$850 shall be provided to the employee on their first regular payroll check in June each
effective year of this agreement.
The Village will determine the style and make of the prescribed uniform and equipment.
To the extent that uniforms and equipment, in the opinion of the Village, become
unserviceable in the line of duty, other than from normal wear and tear, the Village will replace the
item without any charge against the uniform allowance.
The parties agree that a newly hired Officer shall be allowed to receive their first two (2)
years' uniform benefit upon hire for the purpose of purchasing their initial equipment. Thatbenefit
shall be an amount equal to two (2) years of the current uniform allowance provided that the Officer
will not receive a uniform allowance in the second year of their employment once the employee
received the initial uniform allowance or the cost to buy uniforms and equipment, whichever is lower.
Should the Officer work for the Village of Mount Prospect for less than two (2) years, they shall be
responsible to reimburse the Village of Mount Prospect on a prorated basis, for the remaining full
months of the two (2) year period. Should a new Officer elect to receive the first two (2) years
accelerated uniform benefit, they shall not receive any benefit until they commences the third year of
employment with the Mount Prospect Police Department.
The employee shall be required to stand inspection and perform their job in the uniform
prescribed with the equipment specified. Plainclothes Officers will stand inspection in the uniform
prescribed at the time they went on plainclothes detail. If the uniform is changed, the Village shall
buy the first issue (which shall not exceed one), unless the Village allows a twelve (12) month period
between notice and mandatory effective date in which case the employee shall bear the expense of
the change.
Firearms, body camera mounts and duty belts shall be treated specially. If the Village specifies
a new firearm or style of duty belt for the future and specifies an effective date, it must bear the cost.
If, however, no date is established, all new employees shall buy the prescribed equipment and any
employee buying a replacement firearm, body camera mounts or duty belt shall buy the prescribed
If an employee terminates employment within six (6) months of receipt of their uniform
allowance payments, the employee shall reimburse the Village on a prorated monthly basis for the
remaining full months of the fiscal year.
Section 17.2. Protective Vests:
The Employer agrees that it will replace protective vests for participating Officers on an as -
needed basis using a five (5) year schedule based on the dates reflected in Appendix "B" attached
hereto and incorporated herein. The parties further agree that if the Village purchases a protective vest
for an Officer covered by this Agreement, then that Officer agrees that they shall wear that protective
vest as part of their everyday uniform unless the affected Officer receives a written exception from
the Police Chief or their designee.
Section 18.1. Employment Outside Department:
The Parties agree that the current restrictions placed on outside employment shall remain in
full force and effect during the term of this Agreement, as provided for in Department policy.
Section 19.1. Seniority:
The parties agree that they shall abide by the seniority rules as outlined under applicable
Illinois law as amended.
Section 19.2. Probationary Terms:
Each police appointee shall be on probationary status from the date the appointee begins
employment with the Police Department as a Police Officer and continue for a period of two (2) years
from date of hire.
Management agrees to provide probationary Officers with monthly written performance
evaluations the first year of service and bi-monthly written performance evaluations until their
probation is successfully completed throughout the second year. The Police Chief may extend an
Officers probation period for a maximum of three (3) months due to performance or aptitude concerns.
The probationary term shall exclude periods of military leave, approved medical leaves,
including light duty and approved related medical leave in excess of thirty (30) cumulative calendar
Section 19.3. Maintenance of Seniority List:
A current and up-to-date seniority list showing the names and length of service of each Police
Officer shall be maintained for inspection by members and shall be updated on a semi-annual basis
and shall be utilized in assisting the assignments of shifts pursuant to Section 5.2 of this agreement.
Section 20.1. Board of Fire and Police Commissioners:
The Parties recognize that the Village of Mount Prospect Board of Fire and Police
Commissioners has certain statutory authority over employees covered by this Agreement, including
but not limited to the right to make, alter and enforce rules and regulations and impose disciplinary
sanctions. Nothing in this Agreement is intended in any way to replace and diminish any such
authority available to the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners as required by law.
Section 21.1. Maternity/Paternity/Reasonable Accommodation:
Whenever a female Officer has a medical or common condition related to pregnancy or childbirth and
is in need of a reasonable accommodation to safely perform her essential job functions, the employee will notify
her immediate Supervisor to schedule a time to review the various options available at the time. The
Department shall provide reasonable accommodations to any employee who has a medical or
common condition related to pregnancy or childbirth. These issues will be addressed on a case-by-
case basis to ensure there is no undue hardship to the Department's business operations. The Village
will not require an employee to take leave if another reasonable accommodation can be provided or if
the employee chooses not to accept the accommodation offered by the Village.
The determination as to when a pregnant Officer should commence maternity leave prior to
delivery will be made on a case-by-case basis, based on medical necessity and in accordance with
Illinois and federal laws. There is nothing in this Section 21.1 that requires an employer to create
additional employment that the employee would not otherwise have created.
Eligible employees may apply for time off pursuant to the Village's Family and Medical Leave
Act policy ("FMLA") and/or another medical leave policy that is applicable to employees who have a
medical condition that is unrelated to pregnancy or childbirth. While on otherwise unpaid FMLA or
medical leave for this purpose, the Officer will use all accumulated sick time, time due, and personal
vacation time (may reserve up to two (2) weeks of vacation). Thereafter, an employee may apply for
disability benefits under pension rules and/or other elected disability benefits for which they are
Section 22.1. Family Medical Leave (FMLA):
The Parties agrees that the Village will comply with the terms of the Family and Medical Leave
Act for eligible employees as set forth in the Village's applicable FMLA policy contained in the
Employee Handbook applicable to other employees of the Village.
Section 23.1. Savings Clause:
In the event any Article, Section or portion of this Agreement should be held invalid and
unenforceable by any Board, authorized government agency or court of competent jurisdiction, such
decision shall apply only to the specific Article, Section or portion thereof specifically referenced in
the Board, court or government agency's decision. Upon issuance of such a decision from an
authorized Board, court or government agency, the Village and the Chapter agree to notify one another
and to promptly begin good faith negotiations on a substitute for the invalidated Article, Section or
portion thereof.
Section 24.1. Entire Agreement:
This Agreement constitutes the complete and entire Agreement between the parties and
concludes collective bargaining between the parties for its term. This Agreement supersedes and
cancels all prior practices and agreements, whether written or oral, which conflict with the express
terms of this Agreement. If a past practice is not addressed in this Agreement, it may be changed by
the Employer as provided in the management rights clause, Article IL The parties acknowledge that
during the negotiations which resulted in this Agreement, each had the unlimited right and opportunity
to make demands and proposals with respect to any subject or matter not removed by law or ordinance
from the area of collective bargaining, and that the understanding and agreements arrived at by the
parties after the exercise of that right and opportunity are set forth in this Agreement. The Chapter
specifically waives any right it may have to decision, impact or effects bargaining for the life of this
Section 25.1. Termination:
This Agreement shall be effective as of the day after it is executed by both parties and shall
remain in force and effect until December 31, 2025. It shall be automatically renewed from year to
year thereafter unless either party shall notify the other in writing at least sixty (60) days prior to the
anniversary date and not earlier than one hundred twenty (120) days prior to expiration that it desires
to modify this Agreement. In the event that such notice is given, negotiations, if any, shall begin no
later than sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date.
Executed this day of
President, Metropolitan
Alliance of Police
President Mount Prospect
MAP, Chapter 484
Village of Mount Prospect
Village Clerk
Village of Mount Prospect
Salary Schedule 2023-2025
Effective Effective Effective
l/l/2023 l/l/2024 l/l/2025
Start $75,210 $78,219 $81,739
1 $77,210 $80,298 $83,912
2 $83,138 $86,464 $90,355
3 $89,541 $93,123 $97,313
4 $96,458 $100,316 $104,830
5 $103,924 $108,081 $112,945
6 $112,737 $117,247 $122,523
Retroactive pay from January 1, 2023, to the date this Agreement is ratified by authorized
representatives of both Parties shall be paid to members employed by the Village on the date this Agreement is
ratified and to members who retired between January 1, 2023 and the date of ratification. Payment will be made
within thirty (30) days of the execution and ratification of the contract. Said retroactive pay shall
include all straight, overtime, holiday hours and compensable hours worked. The retroactive pay lump
sum is less any deductions (i.e. health insurance) applicable per the collective bargaining agreement.
The Village reserves the right to hire Officers prior law enforcement experience up to the Step 5 wage
level of the salary schedule.
Longevity Pay
After 5 years of service
After 10 years of service
After 15 years of service
After 20 years of service
After 25 years of service
Employees shall receive longevity payments annually if their anniversary data predates
December 31 and the employee is on the employer's payroll at that time. Longevity payments shall
be included with the employee's regular payroll check for the first payroll in December.
Specialty Pav
Foreign/Sign Language Interpreter
Evidence Technician
Breathalyzer Operator
Drone Operator
Drug Recognition Expert Officer
Field Youth Officer
Range Officer
Truck Enforcement Officer
Accident Investigator
Fire/Arson Investigator
Field Training Officer
$3,100 Effective 1/1/2024: $3,200
Effective 1/1/2025: $3,300
$ 650
$ 1,000
$ 650
$ 650
$ 650
$ 650
$ 450
$ 450
$ 650
$ 650
(Sunsets 12/31/2023)
The above special assignments shall receive their incentive pay pro -rated on each check
throughout the year commencing May 1. The employees assigned to the above classifications shall
receive payment as listed, but shall be paid simultaneously for a maximum of three such assignments
and Foreign/Sign Language Interpreter pay; provided however, Investigators shall only receive
Investigator, Foreign/Sign Language Interpreter and Evidence Technician specialty pays.
Community Enmement Pav
Effective 01/01/2024, Officers receive $500 annually.
Field Training Officer
All Officers assigned as Field Training Officers shall be compensated at the rate of one (1)
hour of pay at the affected Officers straight -time hourly rate of pay, for each day that Officer acts as
a Field Training Officer.
Protective Vest Replacement Schedule
Full Name
Maximum Out of Pocket Rates - 2023-2025
* PPO Plan 2 Health Insurance Plan Family Maximum Out of Pocket is $1,500.
Metropolitan Alliance of Police Mount Prospect Chapter #84 and
The Village of Mount Prospect
This memorandum of understanding is hereby made and entered into by and between the
Metropolitan Alliance of Police Mount Prospect Chapter 484 (hereinafter the Union), and the
Village of Mount Prospect (hereinafter the Employer).
The purpose of the Memorandum is to provide/explain the that "Payback hours" as described in
Article V, Section 5.2 Duty Shifts and Patrol Work Schedule, will be retroactive to January 1,
"The Village agrees that "Payback hours" as described in Article V, Section 5.2 Duty Shifts and
Patrol Work Schedule, will be retroactive to January 1, 2023, with the understanding that an
Officer who has exceeded the required number of payback hours during 2023 (prior to the
ratification of the contract) will have those hours applied to the remainder of 2023 and 2024.
Anything that cannot be applied to 2023 or 2024 will be added to the Officer's time due bank."
This Memorandum of Understanding will take effect upon the signature of the Union and the
Employer and shall be added to the January 1, 2023, through January 31, 2025, Collective
Bargaining Agreement between the Union and the Employer as a fully enforceable and grievable
provision of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Anthony Lietzow, President Chapter 484 Michael Eterno, Police Chief
Metropolitan Alliance of Police Mount Prospect Chapter #84 and
The Village of Mount Prospect
This memorandum of understanding is hereby made and entered into by and between the
Metropolitan Alliance of Police Mount Prospect Chapter 484 (hereinafter the Union), and the
Village of Mount Prospect (hereinafter the Employer).
The purpose of the Memorandum is to provide/explain the two (2) percent One -Time Employee
Retention Incentive.
• The two (2) percent One -Time Employee Retention Incentive is non -precedent.
• The two (2) percent is based on the employee's October 1, 2022, base salary.
• To receive the incentive, the employee must be hired on or before October 1, 2022, AND
be actively employed at the time of payout.
• Payout will be within thirty (30) days of the Village Board's approval of the Collective
Bargaining Agreement between Metropolitan Alliance of Police Mount Prospect Chapter
484 and The Village of Mount Prospect, January 1, 2023, through January 31, 2025.
This Memorandum of Understanding will take effect upon the signature of the Union and the
Employer and shall be added to the January 1, 2023, through January 31, 2025, Collective
Bargaining Agreement between the Union and the Employer as a fully enforceable and grievable
provision of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Anthony Lietzow, President Chapter 484 Michael Eterno, Police Chief
WHEREAS, the duly authorized representatives of the Village of Mount Prospect in good faith have negotiated a collective
bargaining agreement ("Agreement') with the Metropolitan Alliance of Police Mount Prospect Chapter #84, ("Union")
concerning wages, hours, insurance, terms, and other conditions of employment for the term January 1, 2023 through
December 31, 2025; and
WHEREAS, the agreement has been lawfully and properly ratified by the membership of the "Union"; and
WHEREAS, the corporate authorities of the Village of Mount Prospect determined that it was in the best interests of the
Village of Mount Prospect to authorize the "Agreement' between the Village of Mount Prospect and "Union" and made
part of this resolution as Exhibit "A".
SECTION ONE: That the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois, have
reviewed and approved the "Agreement' between the Village of Mount Prospect and "Union" attached as Exhibit "A" and
made part of this Resolution.
SECTION TWO: The Village Clerk shall transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the President of the "Union".
SECTION THREE: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval in the
manner provided by the law.
PASSED and APPROVED this _ day of November 2023.
Paul Wm. Hoefert, Mayor
Karen M. Agoranos, Village Clerk