HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 717 06/21/1960
17 896 137
WHEREAS, a Notice of Public Hearing on the question
of granting a variation on the use of the following-described
That part of the E~ of the NW\ of Sec. 12, Twp. 41
N, R. 11 EPM described as foDaws: Beginning at a
point being the intersection of a line 66 ft. south-
westerly of the Southwesterly right-of-way line of
the Chicago & North Western Rlwy. with a line 787.87
ft. W (as measured along the S. line of the E~ of the
NW~ of said Sec. 12) of the E. line of the NW\ of
said Sec. 12; thence Northwesterly along the line
66 ft. Southwesterly of the Southwesterly right-of-
way line of the aforesaid railway a distance of
130.77 ft. to a point; thence S. along a line which
is parallel to the W. line of the aforesaid E~ of
the NW~, a distance of 131.66 ft; thence W. 50 ft.
to a point which is 830.15 feet N. of the S. line
of the E~ of the NW~ of said Sec. 12; thence S.
along a parallel to the W. line of the E~ of the
NW~ of said Sec. 12, a distance of 92.94 ft. to a
point; thence E. along a line which is parallel to
the S. line of the E~ of the NW~ of said Sec. 12,
a distance of 161.27 ft. to a point on the line
787.87 ft. West (as measured along to South line
of the E~ of the NW~ of said Sec. 12); thence North
along the line 787.87 ft. W. (as measured along the
S. line of the E~ of the NW~ of said Sec. 12) a
distance of 162 ft. to the place of beginning, in
Cook County,
was duly published in the Mount Prospect Herald, a newspaper
of general circulation in the Village of Mount Prospect; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Board of
Appeals of the Village of Mount Prospect in the Village Hall
on the 3rd day of June, 1960, at the hour of 8:00 P.M., and
all persons who desired to be heard were heard and an oppor-
tunity given to all persons who desired to make remonstrances
and objections with reference thereto; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Appeals of the Village of
- 2 -
Ibmt Proepect, 8tlbeeqaent to sa1d heari.llc, rec~d that a
't'ar1ation not _ granted, ad
WBllt1'.l3, the corporate authontiea of the V:U1age of 1Io8t
Pro.pact, after couider1ng the atter .. aforeaa1cl,
DO JlI5Jdm I'D>> ,. I'OIJ..(M) I
1. fte petitioner and. CMler of eald property 18 Cheeter Bu.a8e.
2. That the aforesaid property 18 now _.eel ill the 1-1
(Licht Indutrial) Diatrict aad puraUUlt t. said Dietrict the 1utalla-
1;1on of guoUae papa 18 not pendtted.
3. !he applicantts petitlcm ia for the purpoae ot pel'ld:ttiDg
the 1Ilatallation ot l..ol1Jl. pupil 1n connection with the bum...
now operated 1>>7 the petitioner, and 11'1 Yiew of the nature of the bu1neaa
nw operated by the petitioaer to deDy petitionerts request would aaotmt
1;0 an econOllic hardship on tile petitioaer.
4. 1'hat the petitioner baa agreed, at a .etiDe of the
corporate a.thoritiee of the Viliace ot IIoant Proepect OIl Jae 7, 1960,
to eea1coat the prcperty' now ued .. a parkiftg area south ot ..bject
area u.d1a.~ and 1;0 blacktop said area during the Tear 1960.
5. !bat the pablic in'tereatl of the Village ot lIount Proepect
wUl be nbanoed b.r pel'llittlDe a 'tViation troa the ZoIl1I1g OrdiDaIlce
:in order to 1Dstall peolirle PIIIP8, sald 'tViatiGll to be ~ for
the period dar1Dg which Chester Bus8 ~1J'J. the ..er and occupant
ot the premsea herein delcrlbed,
BOIl, TUid'OU, BE If ORDA.DED B7 the Prea1dea1i and
. ,
- 3 -
. .
Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County,
Section 1: That there is hereby granted for the fol-
lowing-described property the right to erect and maintain on
said property two gasoline pumps on an island to be located
at the front of the following-described property and to be used
solely for the sale of gasoline to consumers on a retail basis:
That part of the E~ of the NW% of Sec. 12, Twp. 41
N, R. 11 EPM described as follows: Beginning at a
point being the intersection of a line 66 ft. south-
westerly of the Southwesterly right-of-way line of
the Chicago & North Western Rlwy. with a line 787.87
ft. W (as measured along the S. line of the E~ of the
NW~ of said Sec. 12) of the E. line of the NW% of
said Sec. 12; thence Northwesterly along the line
66 ft. Southwesterly of the Southwesterly right-of-
way line of the aforesaid railway a distance of
130.77 ft. to a point; thence S. along a line which
is parallel to the W. line of the aforesaid E\ of
the NW~, a distance of 131.66 ft; thence W. 50 ft.
to a point which is 830.15 feet N. of the S. line
of the E~ of the NW~ of said Sec. 12; thence S.
along a parallel to the W. line of the E~ of the
NW~ of said Sec. 12, a distance of 92.94 ft. to a
point; thence E. along a line which is parallel to
the S. line of the E\ of the NW~ of said Sec. 12,
a distance of 161.27 ft. to a point on the line
787.87 ft. West (as measured along to South line
of the E~ of the NW~ of said Sec. 12); thence North
along the line 787.87 ft. W. (as measured along the
S. line of the E~ of the NW~ of said Sec. 12) a
distance of 162 ft. to the place of beginning, in
Cook County.
Section 2: This variation is granted solely for so
long as Chester Busse, the petitioner, is the owner and occupant
of the premises described herein, and in no way shall inure to
the benefit of his heirs, successors or assigns, it being spe-
cifically understood that the authorization granted herein shall
cease upon Chester Busse no longer personally being the owner or
occupant of the premises.
... ...
- 4 -
Section 3: That the Zoning Plan of the Village of
Mount Prospect as amended, be and the same is hereby amended
to modify and conform to the instant variation.
Section 4: Tnat the Village Clerk shall cause
this Ordinance to be recorded with the County Recorder, Cook
County, Illinois.
Section 5: That this Ordinance shall be in full
force and effect from and after its passage, approv.al and
publication according to law.
Section 6: That all ordinances or parts of ordi-
nances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby re-
pealed, reserving however, to the Village of Mount Prospect
any rights which have accrued to it against any person, firm
or corporation under any ordinances or sections of the Zoning
Ordinance which may be and are hereby repealed.
PASSED this J/j,yI day of
APPROVED this 71/.;1 day
, 1960.
, 1960.
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I, E. Robert Reynolds, do hereby certitr that I am the d11l7
qualified and acting Clerk of the Village of Mount Prospect in the OountY'
and State aforesaid, and as such 01erk I am the keeper ot the recorda and
tiles ot the Board ot Trustees ot said Village.
r do turthtW certif'7 that attached hereto 1s a full, trae and
correct oopJ' of
duly adopted b7 the Board of Trustees of tJ'te Village ot Hount Prospect,
Oook County, nlin01s, at its legally convened meeting held on the
&q' 01' ,
, 19~, and that at the time of
adoption of said
the following Trustees voted "AYE":
Casterline, Ekren and Horris
and President L8JIUS
the following Tru.stees voted "NAY" r
the following Trostees being absent. Airey, Gav and Schlaver.
all as appears in the offioial records of sald Village in .. care and
Dated at Mount Prospect, nlinois, this
dq ot
Olerk, Village ot H t Prospect
Oook County, nlinoia
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