HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 739 12/20/1960 (5~ l -~7 RECOMMENDATION TO THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: Gentlemen: We herewith submit an Ordinance for a local improve- ment, entitled llAn Ordinance Providing for the Making of a Local Improvement in and for the Village of Mount prospect, Cook County, Illinois,ll as follows: Curbing, grading, paving, and otherwise im- proving Memory Lane and other streets in the Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois, as follows: That the roadway of Memory Lane from a point one hundred and thirty-two (132) feet, more or less, west of the west line of Elmhurst Road to the westerly edge of the existing pave- ment in Main Street; And the roadway of Elmhurst Road from the north line of Memory Lane to a point one hundred and fifty-nine (159) feet, more or less, north of the north line of Memory Lane; And the south one-half of the roadways of Thayer Street and of Henry Street, from the east line of Forest Avenue to a point one hundred and thirty-two (132) feet, more or less, east of the east line of Forest Avenue. The undersigned hereby recommend the making of said improvement, the extent, nature, character, locality and des- cription of which is set forth in said draft of ordinance herewith transmitted, and also recommend to you the passage of said ordinance. The undersigned also transmit to you herewith an estimate of the cost of said improvement as finally determined ,. by them and provided for in said draft of ordinance herewith transmitted. ~ Members of the Board DATED: This ~o'11... day of ~...J2f:~~ ,A.D. 1960. EST I MAT E TO THE BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS Gentlemen: I herewith submit an estimate of the cost of making a local improvement in the Village of Mount prospect, Illinois, as follows: That the roadway of Memory Lane from :.c point one hundred and thirty-two (132) f~d, more or less, "vcst of the west line of Elrn,hurat Road to the ';/esterly 3dg~ of the existing pc,v~rr'ent in Main Street; And the roadway of Elmhurst i:~...oaJ. from thti nortn lin/;; of M,'?mory Lane to a point one hundrea and fifty-nine (159) feet, more or lees, north ,', . t. ~'~ t, .. .,.. .~. Mae (Jf ...~...,. 1Aael . AM tIM. ..."........,.. ...M.....,. of 1"a.,... _eet aa4 of Henry Street. from the eaft line of Forest AVf.tnue to a point one hundre.:l an4 thirty-two (132) feet, more or less, east of the .an line Ot :r'orest AvenUe be improved according to the foUowini schedule: A. Memory Lane anu Elmhurst Road Constructing a pavement twe11ty-..ven (i7) fGet wide, a. measured ba.ck to back of the proposed Portland cament concrete combination curb and ,utter., each eighteen (18) iaches ~ide; and cCKleieting of a waterbouuC1 macaclam base COUJ'8e having a compacted tldcklut.. of eight (8) inches and biturnlDQu8 concrete binder and surface courses haviftg a total compacted thickness of two a.nd one-hall (2-1/2) illche., nbj.ct to rehabil- ~~,.- k' ~. , ~n..:~_'.ltn1 , ... ..1"..:" ...~.~~ .U...' ,_,,,,:,,.,., '. :;..:.,.....', ;;~~-'ii". .,"" . ,-".~., ;,"~: ", ,.; .~..c".! .'. ~:, , 'if! "~~~ .t ~ttL"_.'_ .' \t~ , .'~~':'~ . -:"'\ ",s~,' .j (,o,' . ~-- ~"!'- .. . Removing the exhtini concrete retainer curbs along the centerline of the rOaQ.ways and widening the exist1ng,pav.meah now ill the north balf of the right of way. to twenty-five (Z5) bet, a. mea.sured back to back of curb, constructing a. waterbound macadam base course having a compacted thickness of eight (I) laches and bituminous coocrete binder and svface couraes having n total cOMpacted thickne.s of two and one -half (2-1/Z) inche., together with a Portland cement concrete cembin&tion curb ac.d &Utter alOClaJ.he .Io-'..~.b.rly ed.ge of t~e proposed pa.vement widening. The ct>n.tructioD of the waterbound maca.d.am bas. COU1'ses . enumerated hereinbefore .haU be done on a cushion of atone scr..Diu.. or san4 haviug a compacted thick..... of oue (1) inch. The improvements .hall inchule aU aece..ary catch badns, storm water inlet. and connecting pip.. to eld.Ulll sewers. tee_tiler witll all , , nece.sary adjuatments and appw-t..aat Ceaflruau.ll. Detail, of the limite of t.... irnpro""m.ea\.dimeuaioaa, poelli.., .; and ele.,.dells of the varioua utt. of C_8tl'~ an slso_ oa tae <btwiil,. . , . attaclMd hereto and by reurencemtic1. a. part aerMf. They are .atit.1ed, "NOUNT P;ROS~ECT, ILLINOIS, PAVING W.w:),(CIl Y LAN.-AND OTHER. STREETS. SPEClAL ASSESSMENT 'NO. " ..d c...ute of _etenl m ,.1lMM. -l- " --'-l.~"-'4:,I.";'__-.,- ~ ~ . ~: ," ~....., \~.. ::.~>:~~:''': ~,;:"\l J:.'~ l The cost as estimated for the earth excavation includes the cost of shaping and compacting the earth surface on which th!~ subbase is placed, the:: hauling aad d.i:spusal o( all 8U.t'plUl:J excavdteu. material, auu.. the rernoval of existing road culverts as required on the plans, including all costs for labor and equipment. The cost as estimated for the topsoil includes the cost of all labor. equipment and material to haul topsoil to the site anJ to spread it in accord- ance with the specifications. The cost as estimated for gravel or crushed stone base repair shall include the cost of alllaoor, material and equipment to provide for the repair of the existing base course at locations shown on the cross -sections. The cost as estimated for the sand or stone screenings shall include the cost of all labor, materials and equi~Jment to put in place the cushion oi sand and stone prior to placing the base course. The cost as estimated for the '.vaterbound rnacadam basG course shall include the cost of all labor. equipment and m2.terials to construct the base course by spreading, rolling and compacting. The cost as estimated for the bituminous materials (prin,e coat) shall include the cost of all labor, equipment and material to apply said material immediately afte::t' completion. of the bas...: course and again prior to the con- struction of the bituminous concrete binticr course. The removal and disposal of dust. dirt and foreign material from the area to be primed \;:ill he considered incidental to the 'work under this pay item. The cost as estimated for gravel or crushed stone, Grade 7 or 8, shall include the cost of all labor. equipment and material to incorporate it into the structure. The cost as estimated for the combination concrete curb and gutter type 3 includes the cost of all labor, equipment and material required and the necessary bituminous expansion joints. -3- , The cost as estimated for combination curb a.nd gutter removal includes the cost of all labor and equipment to remove and dispose of off ~ the site existing combination curb and gutter. The cost as estimated for the Portl.mu cement concrete sidewalk (5 inches) includes the cost of all labor, equipment and material complete in place. Th~ cost as estimated for the }-'ortlanJ cement concrete driveway paven:ent (6 inches) includes the cost of alllauor, e1_luipment and material of the drivG\.'/ay complete in place. The cost as esthnated for the drivc::\iay fH\Vement removal includes the cost of all labor" equipment and material to remove and Jispooe of off the site existing drivevv'ay pavements conflictinG "-'lith the construction limits. The cost as estimated for the frames anll closed titls for inlets and catch basins includes the cost of all labor, equipment and material to place said frames and closed. lids at locations.shovm on the plans. The cost as estirnatcd for rnanholcs, valve vaults and catch basins to bo adjustc(..i includes the cost of all labor, equipment and material to adjust existing structures as shown on the plans. The cost as I'::stimated for inlets includes the cost of all excavation, backfilling, disposal of surplus excavated material and all labor and material, incluJine the cast iron frame and lid, complete in placeo The cost as estirnateci for storm SC'l.vers, Type II ("=tc..CI-'), 8 inches, includes the cost of all excavation, backfilling, disposal of surplus excavated material and all labor ,equipment and material for laying said storm se'Ner pipes. The cost as estimated for the trench backfill shall include the cost of all labor, t?qui1Drr>~nt and material to haul .md put in place said tren~h backfill. -4- ) The cost as estimated for catch basins and open lid shall include the cost of all excavation, backfill, disposal of surplus excavated material and all labor and mc,teri;)l for the concrete base, tlw ' walls and cast iron frame and lid complete in place. The cost as estimated for the inldS to be filled in includes all labor , equipment anJ material to fill the structure and to remove the frames and lids. The cost as estimated for the tree removal, Special 6 in.ch to 15 inch diametl3T, shaU includ~ tho cost of all labor anJ material to remOve and tlispose of the trees off the site. The cost as estimated for the retainer curb removal includes the cost of all lauor anJ. equipment to remove and dispose off the site existing retainer curbs as ShO'NU on the plans. That the estimate of the total cost of said improvement as prepared by the Village Engineers, including the cost of all labor cmJ. material complete in place; the cost of engineering and inapection; and the cost of making, levying anJ. collecting the assessment as provided by law, is $46, 2850 18~ The estimate is as follows: -5- MEMORY LAnE 805 cubic yards 484 cubic yard.s 465 tons 147 tons 1, 172 tons i, 6~2 gals. 12 tons 645 tons 71 tons 2, ~;92 lineal feet 1 bO lineal fect 246 square feet 97 square yards 354 squar::; yards 3 oach 7 each ! I l i I Earth Excavation (r' $1. 50 per cubic yard Top Soil (i' $4. 75 per cubic yard Gravel or Crushe,J. Ston:.; Base R'~pair Coars0 Aggregate @ $4. 75 per tOll C'uilhion of SctnJ or Stone Screedngs C $4. 5J pel. ton -.,1 ateroounJ MacaJam Base Course (j: $5.25 [.1':=1" ton 13ituminous ML~terial5 (Prime Coat) (' $0.26 per gallon Aggregat,:; ( ,:rhne Coat) (- $4.25 per ton Bituminous Concrete Subclass 1-11 G $13.00 per ton Gravel or CrusheJ Stone Gra~~ 7 ot' 8 ;. ;54. 50 p~r ton Combination Concrete Curb and GuttDr, Type :.r C $::;. 00 per lin,~al foot Combination (~urb &: Gutter Ron-coval (' $0. 75 per lin.::::al foot . Portland Cern ~nt Concrete Siuewall<. (5 inches) G..' $0.65 per s'iuare foot Portland. Cement Concrete Driv;::way Pilvement (6 inches) (C; $6. 75 per aquar,= yard Drivc'vvay Favemcnt ~'temoval o $1.50 per square yard Frames and Closed Lids for Inlets and Catch Basins @ $80.00 each Manholes. Valve Vaults and Catch Basins to be Adjusted (fi $50.00 each -6- l' $ 1,207,50 2,299.00 2,2J8.75 661. 50 6,153.00 426.92 51. 00 8. 385.00 319.50 8,676,00 135.00 159.90 654.75 531. 00 240.00 350.00 3 each Inlets r.: :;; 1 5 I). 00 e ac h 15 lineal feet Storn1. Sewers. Type 2 UtCCP) 8" (9, $4.25 per lineal foot 3 cuhic yards Tr~nch Backfill 0' $4.75 per cubic yard Engine.::ring anJ Inspection Total Labor and. Materials Cost of rnaking, levying anl collecting the assessment ;'.s provilieJ. by lav;, not to 0XC,,!cJ six percent (6;:) T otal ~stim"te 1 Cost of Memory Lane Improvement -.7- $ 450.00 63.75 14.25 3,296.68 $ 36,285.50 2,177.13 $ 38, 462. 63 J C::LMHURST ROAD 299 cubic yards 54 cubic yards 24 tons 190 tons lSl gals. 1 ton 60 tons 3 tons 322 lineal feet 42 S~iuare feet 15 S'iuare yards 2 ,Jach .1.2 inch diame:ter Earth Excava,tion @ $1. 50 per cubic yard Top Soil (c $4.7'S per cubic yaxJ Cushion of Sand &: Stone Screenings f $4.50 per ton v,:aterbounCl MacaJ.am Base Course (:) $5. 25 p~r ton bituminous Materials (Prirne Goat) (( $0.26 per gallon Aggregate (Pdme Coat) (0 :;>4.25 per ton Bituminous Concrete Subclass 1-11 If $13. va p;.;:r ton Gravel or Crusllet.l Stone Grade 7 or S (f' '$4050 per ton Combination r,C>rlCr;::t0 Curb and Gutter, Type A (, $ 3.00 per lined foot Portland Cem",ut COClcrete Sit:.o\c'C\lk (5 inches) (~ $0.65 per ::hiuare foot Drivr3way Pavement 3..ernoval C $1.50 per 6,-~uarc yard Manholes, Valve Vaults ani Catch Basins to be Ad.justed (ri' $50.00 each Tree Removal, Spwcial 6" to 15" Dia.) C $4. JO per inch Jiarr.eter Engineering and Inspection Total Labor and Materials Cost of makin~p levying and collecting the assessment as provided by law, not to exceed six percent (6S~) Total Estimated Cost of Elmhurst Road Improvement -8~- ; . 1 $ 448050 256050 108.00 99'7.50 39026 402.5 780.00 130 50 966000 27.30 22..50 100.00 48000 381.13 $ 4, 1 92 0 44 2510 55 $ 4,443.99 THAYEJ.. STRl:..:ET 103 cubic yards 2b cubic yards 8 tons 68 tons 54 galso 0.4 tons 21 tons 163 lineal feet 132 lineal feet 2 each Earth Excavation ([ ~ 1. 50 per cubic yard Top Soil (f ~4. 73 per cubic yard Cushion or Sand or Stone Screen.ings (f ~;4o 50 per ton ii' aterbound Macadam Base Course ~ :1>5.25 per ton Bituminous Materials (Prime Coat) @ $0026 per gallon Aggregat3 (~:Jrime Coat) ( $4.25 per ton Bituminous Concrete Subclass 1-11 (f' $13000 per ton Combination Concrete Curb and Gutter, Type A ([ $3.00 per lineal foot a.etainer CurbR.emoval ( $0.65 per lineal foot Manholes, Valve Vaults and Catch Basins to be Adjusted (ri $50.00 each Engine cring ancllns pection Total Labor and Materials Cost of making, levying and colbcting the assessment as provided by law$ not to exceed six percent (6%) Total Estimated Cost of Thayer Street Improvement -9-:-. $ 154. 50 133.00 36.00 357.00 14.04 1.70 273.00 495.00 85.80 100.00 165. 00 $ 1, 81 5. 04 108.90 $ 1,923.94 __..__..".w_,'--~.~,"~_ .,. .--- I , i:-:lENR Y STREET 56 cubic yards Earth Excavation ~: $1. 50 per cubic yard ~, 84.00 23 cubic yards Top Soil C $4. 75 per cubic yard 109.25 7 tons Cushion of SauQ. or Stone Screenings If $4050 per ton 31.50 56 tons \fatcrbounJ. Macadam Base Course ( $5.25 per ton 294.00 45 gals 0 Bituminous Materials (i.)rime Coat) (('7 $0.26 per gallon 110 70 0.3 tons Aggregate (Prime Coat) 0' ';;4.25 per ton 102:8 1 S tons Bituminous Concrete Subclass 1-11 (0 $13000 per ton 234000 13.2 lineal feet Combination Concrete Curb an..i Gutter. Typ,-, A ,;; $3000 per liu;;ul foot 396.00 132 lineal fe,.;t Retainer Curb Removal (i $0065 per lineal foot 85.80 Engineering and Insp-3ction 124. 75 Total Labor and, Mate rials $ 1, '372. 28 Cost of making, levying, anJ colbcting the assessment as provided by lai.V~ not to exc~ed six percent (67u) 82034 Total Estimated Cost of .d.enry Street Improvement $ 1,454.62 -19. TOT AL i:STIMATJ~D CGST OF COMPLETE IMPRGVSMENT Memory Lane. $ 38, 462. 63 Ehnhur st J.{oaJ T hay;: r Str e et denry Strct}t 4,443099 1. 9~30 94 1, 4540 62 Total $46,,285.,13 President, Board of ocal rovements Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois I hereby certify that, in my opinion, the above estimate does not ~xceeJ the probaole cost of the said improvement anJ all lawful costs attenilir~g tIle samejl as provided by -11- /" " ,"-:;'7-,' V:~::,~~:;. "...."{ " ,!,. :~'1 '"..... -,,"")" ......-. AN ORDINANCE '( ~ c; ___ ~ PROVIDING FOR THE MAKING OF A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT IN AND FOR THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT1 COOK COUNTY1 ILLINOIS BE IT ORDAINED BY the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois: SECTION 1: That a local improvement, shall be made in the Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois, the nature, character, locality and description of which improvement is as follows: That the roadway of Memory Lane from", point one hundred and thirty-two (132) f~<.:t, more or 1~a8, ">'e8t of the west line of Elmhuret Road . to the westerly edge of the existing pavl!lment in Main Street; And the roadway of Elmhurst Road from the north line of Memory Lane to a point one hundred and fifty.nine (159) feet, more or less, north ,. " ,....~.,.... ., MI'tiJ..,,,......~ ~:~:~,:,.;-'... ~'t. :).~! "....;.;J: ""', " , " j",.,;o ~,~',..'. .: . ",\~5, 't> ,,' "...... *."1 ........ '.......111I.,. .t"ft1W- .' !it ,.... !!4.. .' ,_. "'e' . .' " ' , ~ \."'1' ,~. ...... -, ~,,' ':1 $~ ,-~ Henry Street. from the e.<< line of l''''orest Avenue to a 'point one h1Uldred aa4 thirty-two (13Z) feet, more or les., ea.t of the... tiae of Forest '. :~ . Avenue be improved according to the following acheduJ.e: ~ A. Memory Lane and Elmhurst Road Con8tructing a pavement twenty-..ven (17) feet '.'lide, a9 measured back to back of the proposed ::;Iortland csmont concrete combination curb and lutt~r8, ea.ch eighteen (18) inches wide; and coulhting oi a. waterbound macada.m base COU1"86 having a compacted thickneslI of $ight (8) inches and bitumin.ous concrete binder and surface courses hi-wing d. tottll compacted thickness of two and one-half (2-1/2) inchcUi, subject to rehabil- ~ ~ GlUNt nBu.,..... ...... a. e)w)wa'." _a:wtap. ,,; .. H.~l ..... ... T~.r .....t l , , ' Kcmoving the existing concrete retainer curbs along the centerUre of the rOad\Nays and widening the existing pav8ments nay: in the north ha.lf of the right of '.,,-ays to twenty-five (25) f~et. as measured ba.ck to back of curb, constructing a watcrbound macadarr\ base course having a comprtcteJ. thickness of tdght (8) inches and bituminous concrete binder and surface courses having ;1 total compacted thickness of two and one -halt (2-1/2) inches, together with a l)ortland cement concrete cornoinAtion curb and gutter along the southerly edgu of the proposed pavement .....idening. Tht: construction of the 'xaterlJound rr!acadam base courses enumerated h~reinbet'ore shall be done on a cUllhion of stone screellings or sand having a compacted. thickness of one (1) inch. The improvements shall include all necessary catch basins, storm water inlets an;i connecting pip<:8 to existing 6~wers, together:ith all nUcl;l88ary adjustment" and appurtenant construction. Details of the limits ot the improvement, dimensions. poGitiona, and elevations of the various units of construction are shown on the drawings atta.cbed here~o and by re{~renee made a part bereoC. They are entitled, "MOUNT PROSPECT, ILUNOIS, ? A VING MEMORY LANE AND OTHER STREETS. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. " and coneiste of .even' (1) sheets. -2- GRA01l'JG The necessary grading shall first be done so that the pavement will be constructed to Cl. suitable finished grade. Grading shall include all cuts, fills and all earth and existing pave- ment or rock or other material moving, and the removal of all obstructions in the line of the improvem.,mt n~ces6ary to construct the roadway to the cross-sections sho\:n on the dra-';v'ings. The subgrale sl1:111 be brou6ht to the proper form and grade and shall be brought to a firm compacteJ surface by rolling, tamping or otner suitabl.::: means. All soft and spongy spots and all organic or perishable matter shall be completely removed frOlTi the subgrade and the space filled with gravel, broken stone, broken concrete or other suitable materials. A transverse section of the finished surface of the pavement shall be an 2.rc of a circle passing one -quarter inch ;:tbove the upper roadway edges of the gutter flag ;:m,d the el.~vations of the crown line of sail finished roadway at every point of the roadv..'ay of said streets between said. termini. At street intersections the grade of said top surface shall be n"odified to such a degr.;;e only as i6 necessary to make the top surface or said intersecting roadv.rays conform to each other and to produce a smooth, even surface. The pavement sh211 be constructed on the prepared subgrade behveen the curb and. gutter. All organic material (black dirt or topsoil) 'which is removed in the area to be improved as hereinbefore set forth shall be stockpiled on the site and used for the final dressing and grading of the parkways. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the amount of organic material (topsoil) available on the site is not sufficient to properly dress the parkways, additional organic material (topsoil) shall be brought to the site and spread over the -3- ~ parkways. The thickness of the organic material (topsoil) shall be not less than four (4) inches. The parkways, vihen complehd, shall be free of all stones, sticks, gravel, clay material and all other debris and shall be graded in such a manner that property owners adjacent to the improvements rnay sow grass seed. without further grading of the parkwa.ys. Seeding of the parkways will not be included in this improvement. COMBINATION CURB AND GUTT8R On each side of the roadway to be improved there shall be con- structed a Portland cement concrete combined cUl'b and gutter. The back of the curb shall be vertical, three (3) inches in height above the gutter line, and seven (7) inches in depth below the gutter line. The top face shall be constructed at right angles to the back of the curb and shall be one and five -eighths (1-5/0) inches wide. The roaJ,way face of th~ curb sh<.'ll ue in the form of a rc~verse vertical curve connecting the top face of the curb vvith the upper surface of the gutter flag, with two (2) arcs of circles having radii of four (4) inches. Tho'vvidth of curb from gutter line to back of curb shall be eight (8) inches. Th<3 gutter flag shall be ten (10) inches in width . and eleven and one-half (11-1/2) inches in thickness at the pavement edge and sh"ll ba lai-i with a rising incline toward the center of the roadway of one -half (1/2) of an inch. Construction joints shall be installed in said curb and gutter at twenty (20) feet intervals. The joints shall be formed 'by steel templates, one-eighth (1/1) inch in thickness, of a length equal to the width of the combined curb and gutter, and with a depth of at least two (2) inches greater than the depth of the curb and gutter. These templates shall ee left in place until the concrete liaas set sufficiently to hold its shape but shall be removed while the forms are still in place. -4- Concrete for the combined curb and gutter shall be composed of one (1) part Portland cement, two (2) parts of fine aggregate and three anJ one -half (3 -1 /Z) parts of coarse aggregate, \\ith only enough v.!ater added to make a workable mix. The ct)ment shall be of good grade PortIaau cement which rr1cets the latest requirements of tile American Society for Testing Materials. Mixing \~.rater shall be clean and shall be free of oil, acid or injurious amounts of organic matter. (Jlkalies or other salts. Fine aggregate shall consist oi sand having clean, hard, durable, uncoated. grains free from deleterious suhstancds. C ne hundred percent (100%) shall pass a one -fourth (i/ 4) inca screen and ninety-five percent (95%) shall ue retained. on a lOJ mesh scre0n. Not more than tVJenty percent (20(,70) shall pass a 50 mesh screen. It shall be well graded from coarse to fine, and. shall not contain more than fiv3 percent (5%) DY v;icigilt of clay or loam, none of which shall De in lumps. ~ihen the aggregate is mixed witll .f-'ortland cement ill tile propor- dons of one (.i) part cement to two (2) parts fine aggregate by v'Joight according to the standard method of making briquettes, th~ resulting mortar at the age of 7 and 28 ,:lays shall have a t~nsile strength at least equal to that developed in the same time by mortar of the proportions and consistency, made of the same cement and standard Cttaw'a sand. Coarse aggregate tnay he broken :iltone or gravel. The broken stone or gravel shall be clean, hard. durable rock. It shall contain no organic or other deleterious matter and shall be free from soft, thin, elongated or laminated pieces. One hundred percent (l00%) of the coarse aggregate shall pass a one and one-half (1-1/2) inch screen and at least ninety-five percent (950/0) shall be retained on a one -fourth (1/4) inch screen, 'JIJi.th a.ll intermediate sizes retained. -5- These ingredients shall be mixed in a batch mixer and the mixing shall continue until the same are uniformly distributed and the concrete is uniform in culor all..! homo~enous, and suificii;lnt water shall be added so as to produce concrete which can be spread into position \'\:ith a template, but the amount of water used shall not be sufficient to cause a separation of the coal'se aggregate from the mortar in handling the concrete; said. concrete shall be of a consistency such that the mortar ',vill flush to the surface under light tamping. The mixing of said concrete shall continue in the drum of th~ mixer not less than one (1) minute and the' drum shall be completely emptied. before receiving material for the succeeding batch. The drum shall rcvolv~ at a rate of speed not less than tv.elve (12) revolutions per minute. Thc method ,of measuring the matcrials for concrete, inclujing water, shall be one v/hich shall insure utliform proportion of each of the materials at all times. The cernent mortar used in the connection pipe joints or for other purposes in this improvement shall be composed of one (l) parti;)ortland cement and t'j';O (2) parts fine aggregate as hereinbefor~ described. \,'1 AT -SItTIO Ul~D MACADAM BASE COURS.8 The base course shall be constructed between the combincd curb and gutters on each si..le of thl; street roadways to be improved by first spreading and. compacting a one (1) inch thick layer of sand or stone screenings and t!l;:Jl.1 spreading, rolling and compacting crushed stone and stone screenings to an eight ((;) inch compacted. thickness, constructed in two (2) separate layers, aach four (4) inches in thickness. The top of each four (4) inch layer of the macadam bas~ COUTse shall be vvaterbound by saturating 'J.-ith water, adding screenings and rolling until all surface voids are completely filled and the top surface -6- of the base presents a rough, tight, granular surface. The crushed stone shall be of good quality limestone graded in size so that the maximum siz.e of crushed stone fragments used for the construction of the watel'bound base course shall pass 2. three (3) inch opening and not over fiv3 (5) percent of crushed stone fragments shall pass a three-quarter (3/4) inch opening. The percentage of \vear, as -ietermined by the Los Angeles abrasion method. shall not exceed 35, The stone screenings shall be of good quality limestone and shall ?ass G three -eighths (3/8) inch opening. Not more than thirty (30) percent or less than ten (10) percent shall pass a sieve having one hundred (100) meshes per lineal inch. The finisht!J. surface of said v,aterbound macadam base course after compaction shall Dc two and one-half (2-1/2) inches belay,; the sur- face of the completed pavement. PRIME COAT As soon as the base course is cor~1.p1eted an initial asphalt prime coat shall be applied to saU base course at a rate of twenty-five hundredths (0.25) of a gallon per square yard. Before applying the initial coat tht; area shall be dry and swept cban of all dust and debris. Said asphalt prime shall be applied vvith a pressure distributor and. shall be what is knoviU as Me -0, a mediurr: curing cut -back asphalt consisting of a petroleum residuum with a suitable distillate. It shall be free from water, show no separation on standing, and shall conform to the fol1o~Jing requirements: Flash point (degree Fahrenheit) "Tag Open Cup" Viscosity at 770 Fo (seco) Distillate (% by volume of total distillate to 680oF. ) ..Jistillate to 4370 F. Distillate to 5000 F. Distillate to 6800 F. 100+ 75 to 150 25- 40 to 70 75 to 93 -7- ~ Residue from Distillation to 6800 F. (':Yo volume by difference) Testing on Residue from Distillation Penetration at ::> Sec. (in tenths ot rom) Ductility a.t 770 F. (em) Bitumen soluble in Carbon Disulphide (t;'o) 50+ 770 F., 100 g. 150 to 300 100+ 99.5+ itEPALUNG OF '::::XISTING BAS~ COURSf: Base course s~ctions '\vh.ich are shown on the dra,wings to be reused shall be repaired by reshaping, rolling and dressing v'lith sufficient crushed stone as necessary to bring the completed base to proper grade and section. The additional stone utilh~ed shall conform to the following gr adations: Sieve Size Fercent Pa8sing Sieve i" i /2" r~'o. 4 Ho. 8 No. 16 l'~O. 200 100 60.90 40-60 25-50 20-40 5-15 All pothoL:s, deep depression, or ruts in the surface of the base shall be repaired by lightly scarifying or removing any foreign material . and filling with the aggregate set forth above. The repaired areas shall be compacted thoroughly by means of a pneumatic tired roller. ,vater shall b~ added if it is necessary to obtain the desired compaction. After the repairs have been made the base courS3 shall be brought to the proper grade and crovv-n by repeatedly 'Nettin.g );ith v.'at~r by means of a sprinkler. blading with a road grader or multiple-blade maintainer, add.ing additional aggregate and rolling with a pneumatic tired roller 0 After the surface of the base course has been brought to the proper grade and crown it shall be compacted by repeated wetting and rolling with a pneumatic tired roller. During this time the surface shall be kept in a damp condition. -8- BINDER COURSE AND SURFACE COURSE The bituminous concrete top courses. including a second prime coat, shall be constructed upon the settled and r0conditioned "l\'aterbound macadam base cours'~ bet,,,-een the concrete gutters by spreading, rolling and compacting thereon to a compacted thickness of hvo and one-half (2 -1/2) inches a combination of crushed Btone, ston,-~ screenings, mineral fi1l0r and hot asph;ilt cement. The second prime coat shn11 be of the materials and v,tith the methods hldreinbefore stato':i for the initia.1 prime coat. The asphaltic top courses shall be -""hat is commonly known as Sub-Class 1-11, being a hot mix bituminous concrete surface course of con1.pacted thickU\;1SS of t-,10 3nd one-half (2-1/2) inches. The rr,ateriCl15 \leed and methoJs of preparation and laying for the top courses shall con- form to the following specifications. The aggregates to bfj used in the bintier and surface course shall be heated to a temperature of 2500 to 3500 F. The heated aggregates shall be mixed in the pug mill mixer for a period of not less than five (5) seconds. Th\;1 c-.,sphalt cement shall then be added an:! the mixing continued. The time required to add the asphalt cement shall be not more Hun fifteen (15) seconds. The tOlal time required for ad.ding the asphalt coment and completing the vIet mixing period. shall be not 1\::68 than thirty (30) seconds, or longer if necessary to provide a homogenous mixture in which all particles of aggregate are coated uniformly. T he ingredients of the binder course shall be combined in such proportions as to produce a mixture conforming to the following specifica- tion limits by weight: Passing 3/4 inch Sieve }Jasl!ling 3/4 inch. retained on 1/2 inch Sieve Passing 1/2 inch, retained on No. 10 Sieve Passing l'.Jo. 10 Sieve Bitumen 95-100% 15-30% 35-50% 20-40% 4 -10/0 -9- The ingredients of the surface course mixture shall be combined in such proper pr.portions as to produce a mixture conforming to the follo'\\'ing composition limits by weight: Passing 1/2 inch Sieve Pas sing 11 Z inch, retained on No. 4 Sieve Passing No.4, retained on ['-Io. 10 Sieve Passing No. 10, retained on :~o. 40 Sieve Passing No. 40, r'~tained on No. 80 Sieve Fassing i{oo 80, retained on l'>l'O. 200 Sieve Faaeing i~o. 200 Si,.;:v{~ .3itu;ncn 95-100% 25-50% ( 10-30% (45-65% 5 -13% ) 7-22% } 25-40c;,~ 5 -1 30!v ) 4-8% 5-7% The binder course mixture shall be delivered at a ten'.per3.tur~ of 2500 to 3250 F. and the surface course mixture 8t a temperature of 2500 F. to 3500 Ii', Th~ bituminous mixturE! shall be placed true to cro'\:n and grade \-'/1th a spreading and finishing r):~achine. Bituminous mixtures may be spread and finish-:d by band nv.thods where machine metho\..~s are impr acticable 0 PlacinL~ of tb,e bituminous mi~ures shl'tll be as continuous as possible. Not more binder course mixture shall be placed in adva,nce of the laying of the surface course than ~an b.~ cover.ed by two (2) days run 't of the paving plant. The binder cour~e shall he kept clean until covered \;;lith the surface courSt;. Any foreign material on the surface of the binder course shall be removed before the surface course is placed. The machine shall spread the bituminous mixtures Ylithout leaving the surface and shall strike a finish that is smooth, true to cross-section, uniform in density and texture, and free from hollows, transverse corrugations and other irregularitieso In areas not accessible for machine spreading, hand spreading shall be used and shall 'comply with the folloVvingo Upon arrival at the work the binder and surface course mixtures shall be dumped upon approved steel dump pans outside of the area on -10- ;,:',hich they are to be spread. Immediately thereafter they shall be dis- tributed in place 'flith shovels and spread with rakes in loose layers of unifortn density aI~d correct d.epth. Immediately after the binder course mixture or surface course mixture is placed it shall be compacted thoroughly and uniforrr~ly viith a three -v.rheel roller. Where initial rolling causes undue displacement, hair -cracking or checking in either the binder course or the surfac8 course, the time of rolling shall be adjusted to correct these conJitions. Rollers shall be operated at a speed of not more than 150 feet per minute and shall weigh from 8 to 12 tons and have a unit compression of not less than 250 nor more than 400 pounds per inch of roller ,>vidth. After final compression the finished surface course shall at no point have a density less than 95% of the maximum possible density of a vQi.iless pavement composed of the same materials in like proportions. If the density of the finisheu pavement is less than 95%, additional rolling will be required. Rolling of the binder and surface courses shall start longitudinally at the sides of the pavement, overlapping uniformly on successive trips by at least one -half (1/2) th~ width of the rear \?heels. Succeeding trips . of the roller shall b~ terminated at least three (3) feet from the preceding stoPg Each stop shall be regulated to prevent trapping of water on the rolleu surfac~. The rollar shall not pass over an unprotected edge of the freshly laid bitumineus mixture except 'lflhen the laying of this course is to be discontinued for an extended length of time. The speed of the roller at all times shall be slow' enough to a,void displacement of the bituminous mixture; if displacement occurs, it shall be corrected at once by raking comd applying fresh bituminous mixture ',,/here required. To prevent adhesion of the bituminous mixture tQ the roller the wheels shall be kept moistened, but an excess of water will not be permitted. -11- Immediately after the initial rolling of the surface course a test shall be made for smoothness, with a ten (10) foot straightedge, to locate high a.nd low spots so that they may be altered \'vhile the mixture is still fresh. Binder course shall also be straightedgeJ in the manner described for the surface courSe. Rolling of the binder and surface course shall be continued until all roller marks are eliminated and the bituminous mixtur.J is thoroughly compacted.. In all places inaccessible to the rollt:rs, such as locations adjacent to curbs, gutters. headers, manholes, e.nd sinliler structures, t,he required comprel:lsion shall be secured with hot tampers. Any bituminous mixture that becomes lOC,lse, broken, mixed with foreign material or vv'hich is defective in finish or density or which d.oes not comply in all other respects with the requirements shall be removed, replaced v"ith suitable material and finished in accordance with these specific ation5. The mineral aggregates in such binder ;:~nct surface course mixtures shall \,Je clean, tough, d.urable fragments of crushed stone, consisting of angular fragrnents resulting from crusl:J.ng by mec;lanical means the follov.ing types of rocks quarried from undisturbed, copsolidated deposits: granite and similar phaneroc~ystallin'::: igneous rock; calcareous or dolomitic lirnestone; or massive metamorphic quartzite 0:1" similar rocks. Bituminous concrete surfacing shall be applied in two layers. the first to be of one and one-half (1-1/2) inch binder course, the second to be of one (1) inch thickness surface course. -12- ~ MISCELLAl'\fBOUS CCNSTR UC'fION The existing drainage structures, valve vaults and manholes within the limits of the improvements shall be adjusted to the proposed pavement or parkway grades. These structures shall be adjusted vvith Portland cement mortar and brick (Grade SW building brick made from clay or shale, or Grade A concrete building brick). Existing concrete curb and gutters shall be removed at returns if necassary to permit adjusting to the proposed. paving alignment. Existing lJrivate driveways along the route of the improvement shall be removed as necessary to insure the proper slope to the new curb and gutter grade and to facilitate the construction of. the new curb and gutter and sidewalk. The J.rivcvvays so removed shall be replaced with materhJs equivalent to the original materi."3ls and to the same 'width anJ thickness. Inlets and catch basins shall be constructed at necessary locations as shown on ttw .:lravv'ings. The floor of said catch basins and inlets shall be constructed of Portland cement concrete composed of one (l) part ,Portland cement, tv/o (2) parts of fine aggl.ega.t8 and three and one-half (3-1/2.) parts of coarse aggregate:. \vith only enough '\hater added to makB a \vorkalJle mixture. The concrete floors or bases for the catch bas~lls and inlets shall be eight (8) inches and four (4) inches, respectively. The walls shall be concrete rnasonry, five (5) inches in thickness, composed of good quality concrete masonry units made with Portland cement concrete and laid in Portland cement mortar. The mortar shall consist of one (1) part cement to three (3) parts sand, by volurn.e, based on dry materials. The concrete maSOfi:t'y units ,shall be constructed in horizontal courses with vertical joints broken. -13- Cast iron frames shall be set in full mortar beds on top of the concrete masonry walls. The castings shall be set accurately to the finished elevations of pavement or parkway so that no subsequent adjust- ment will be necessary. The space between the sides of the excavation and the outer surfaces of the catch basins and inlets shall be backfilled \vith sand or stone screenings. The 'backfill shall be compacted as h0rdnafter specified. The concrete pipu placed in the masonry 'Halls for outlet or inbt connections shall ext~nd through the ,,/aIls and beyond the outsiJ.e SUrl,JCC8 of the walls a sufficient distance to allow for connections, and the masonry shs.l1 be carefully constJ:'uct;J. aroun,i thc:.-n so as to prevent leakag~ along the outer surfaces. Mter the masonry 1.vork is completed it shall be kept moist and protecte.i from the del:nents in a satisfactory manner fOi" a period oi not less than forty-eight (48) hours. Catch basins shall be seven (7) fcet deep, measuring from the tOIJ of the masunry to the top of th<:: floor. The:: catch basins shall be circula.r in form, of an internal diameter of four (4) feet. The upper two (2) feet eight (0) inch\::s of the vvallB of the catch iJo,19in shall be drawn in from forty-eight (48) inches to twenty-four (24) inches in diameter. Existing catch basins to be used in this improvement shall be adjusted to grade and equipped with new Type A frame and Type B grate where required as described on the plans. Storm water inlets shall be sixteen (Ie) inches deep, n'1easured from the top of the floor. The inlets shall be circular in form of an internal diameter of two (2) feet. The catch basins and inlets shall be eqUipped with frame and lid, the combined weight of which shall be not less than five hundred and forty -14- (540) pounds for catch basins and not less than fiv!! hundred and six (506) pounds for the inl~t6. T he frames and lids shall be far.-ricated of close grained gra.y iron lUl.Ving a tensile st:r~i1gth of 20,000 poun::is per square inch. Castings shall be smooth, true to pattern and free from projections, sandholes or blGwholes. The 1.;ip6 use~ for inlet and catch basin connections shall be eight (<3) hlches in o.iamt:ter. The pipe shall be similar to reinforc~J. concrete culvert pipe h:cving a minimum strength of 2, 350 poun-ls per lineal foot an:i alla11 be laid .,t a pitch of one -eighth (1/8) inch per lineal foot. Joints shall be ma.:l.e of the best quality tarred manilla yarn (jute) and. ~Port1anJ cement rr~ortar composeJ of one (1) part ?ortland. cement ani two (2) r)arts of clean graded torpedo sanJ as h~reinbeforc specifieu. The material use,l in backfilling 8112.11 consist either of sand of 2- fine granula:c material resulting from the natural disintegration of rock or stone screenings prouuceu from crushing rock quarried from undisturbed. consoliJ.ated (Lei?osits. The aggregate shall be materiallesa than O~ 18'7 inch in she. The backfill. m2terial shall be placeJ. to a height of t';vdv,~ (12) inches above th~ pip~, in layers not to '~xcecJ. four (4) inches thick, and each layer snall be firmly compacted. '9y ramming or tampingQ The remaind~r of the trench shall be backfilleJ. "itl1 loose aggregate to th.; Bu'bbas\2: of the ?roposec:. pavement improvements and settler.nent secured by introd.ucing water through holes "jetted" into the trench to a point approximately two (2) feet above the top of the pipe. The backfill arouna cat.h basins and inlets shall be compacted by "jetting". Existing concrete curb and gutter, sidewalks and retainer curb conflicting with the conBtrtlction of the proposed pavement shall be removed. -15 - Existing trees interfering .with construction of thi.. improvement shall be removed as directed by the Engineer and disposed of off the site of tile imprQvemer..t. Stumps anJ .roots shall be removecl to a depth 01 twelve (12) inches below the surface of the subgrade. T he grades and elevations of <:ill parts of the improvements shall oe as indicate:l on the attached drawings. All elevations are given in feet and decimals thereof above Project Datum. .Project Datum for the pur- pose of th.is irr:prove~?nt is hereby fixed and established as a level plane one hundred (100. aO) fe:~t bolov" the Viest heaibolt of th~ hydrant at tht:: n.ortheast corner of ~'~Iiolrthv.{cst fUghway and For.;st Avenue for the ,I:ionry Street and Thayer Street improvernenb, and as a level plane one hundred (1000 OO) feet below the north headbolt of the hydrant at the southw~st corner of Memory Lane and. Elmhurst Road for the Memory Lan3 c.nJ Elmhurst Road improvements. . From each alevation point shown on the drawings for the street centerline, the top surface of the finishej pavement shall be a st.r;:dght line to the next elevatio;.'l point it'} each Jirection. . All ...;rork shall be done in a workmanlike manner under the super- intendence of the Boar..i of Locallmpruvements of the Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois. l , .J. ,1, -16- (l",.i.,,'..\ W :1 ~I ' :1 ,,' .{ SECTION 2: That the recommendation of the Board of Local Improvements of the village of Mount Prospect, providing for the improvement, and the esti- mate of the cost thereof made by the President of the Board of Local Improvements, both hereto attached and made part hereof, be, and the same are hereby approved. SECTION 3: That said improvement shall be made and the whole cost thereof, together with an amount not exceeding six per cent (6~) of the estimated cost, to-wit: FORTY SIX THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY FIVE and 18/100 ($46,285.18) DOLLARS, which is hereby provided for to apply towards the cost and expense of making, levying, and collecting said special assessment and all other expenses allowed by law, being the amount included in the estimate,there- for, shall be paid by special assessment, in accordance with the Revised Cities and Villages Act, approved August 15, 1941, and amendments thereto, not including Sections 84. 1-1 to 84. 1-49 of said Act. SECTION 4: That the aggregate amount herein ordered to be assessed against the property and against the municipality, if any, and also the assessment on each lot and parcel of land herein assessed shall be divided as follows: The said assessment to pay the cost of construction of said improvement and the cost of levying, making and collecting said assessment and all expenses allowed by law, shall be divided into ten (10) installments, in the manner provided by the statute in such case made and provided. So much of the aggregate amount of the assessment as represents the cost of levying, making and -2- collecting the special assessment and all expenses allowed by law, together with all fractional amounts so as to leave the remaining installments of the aggregate assessment equal in amount and each in multiples of $100.00 shall be apportioned to the first installment of the said special assessment. The first installment shall be due and payable on the 2nd day of January next after the filing of the first voucher issued on account of work done on the said improvement. The second installment of said assessment shall be due and payable one year thereafter, and so on annually until all assessments have been paid. IT IS HEREBY made the duty of the Board of Looal Improvements of the Village of Mount prospect to file in the office of the Clerk of the Court in which such assessment was confirmed, a certificate signed by the secretary of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Mount prospect of the date of the first voucher and the amount of the said voucher, within thirty (30) days after the issuance of the said first voucher. All installments shall bear interest until paid at the rate of six per cent (6%) per annum. Interest on all installments shall begin to run from the date of the first voucher issued on account of work done. Interest on such first installments shall be due and payable and shall be collected at the same time as the first installment. Interest on the second and succeeding installments shall be due and payable and shall be collected with the installments re- spectively as in said Act relating to special assessment provided. SECTION 5: That for the purpose of anticipating the collection of the second and succeeding installments of said assessment for the cost of -3- said improvements, the Village of Mount Prospect shall issue bonds payable out of said installment, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent (6%) per annum, payable annually, signed by the President of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect, and attested by the Village Clerk of said Village. Said bonds shall be issued in accordance with and shall in all respects conform to the provisions of the Revised Cities and Villages Act, approved August 15, 1941 and amend- ments thereto, not including Sections 84. 1-1 to 84. 1-49 of said Act. SECTION 6: That the President of the Village of Mount Prospect, be, and he is hereby directed to file a petition in the Circuit, Superior or County Court of Cook County, Illinois, in the name of the people of the Village of Mount Prospect praying that steps may be taken to levy a special assessment for the purpose of defraying the expense of said improvement so far as the same may lawfully be done and to ascertain what property will be benefited, in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, and in the manner prescribed by law. SECTION 7: That all ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict with this ordinance, be, and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 8: That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its pasaage and approval, PASSED: AYES: APPROVED: thereof, according to law. This r~o'r:;i-.. day of ik....~~A.D. 1960. NAYS: ABSENT: This day of Z22t:.~..l..",J,..l."-', A.D. 1960. ATTESTED AND FILED IN MY OFFICE THIS day of , A.D. 1960 ~~ -4-