HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 691 09/18/1959 ~!f"H:n '" ""'^" O"'''-'''''>'~'>~~~",.."",,",,,,,,,,,"=~,,_,".,", AI ODXJWrQI ~ (;J I Ii I P1WlDUG JOB III RAU. 0' A J.Ocw. .......... fl. _ YllrlrMI 0' _lilt ,..." 0001 CO11ft', xw.XI "' . %IOBAIID If ,be "',ldent Ud loaN 01 IN,t... .t ,be Vl11_ .t Moun" boapeot, Cook GOUllt,. I 1111_1.. .......U. 1M' a 100al l.,ro...n' aball be M4e 1ft tbe V111... ot "Wit '..,peot, Cook OelIftt" Il11nol'.. tbe _'\IN, obara.'.., 1...11',. and "a..1,'10ft ot wh1eb 1........n' 1e a. tol10w" \ That a connected system of combin.cd sanitary and storm sewer laterals be constructed to serve that part of the east one-half (1/2) of Sec,tion 33, Township 4t. North, Rarig'c 11 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: The area bounded by the centerlinesof Dale Avenue in the west, Memory Lane in the north, I orest AVenue in the east and Northwest' Highway in the south (excepting therefrom Lot 1 to 8, inclusive, in Block 1 of Arthur T" l,llcIntosh and Company's Northwest f\"leadows and the east two hundred and thirty-one (231) feet of the north five b.undred and ninety-live (595) feet, more or 1eDsi of the southeast one- quarter (1/4) of Section 33. Township 42. North.,H,ange 11 East of the Third Principal .f\.'leridian); and Lots 21 to 32. inclusive. in Ho aoy Berry Company's Northwest Heigb.t8c I Lateral Sewer. to be connected to a 33-inch, 36-inch and 42-inch trunk line on Isabella Street and Oak Street of the Mount Prospect Sanitary .Relief Sewer Project of the ;'"ietropolitan Sanitary District "\ of Greater Chicago. alld to serve the Sewer District desc ri bed above. shall be constructed at the following locations: -1- ~ DALE AvENUE: MacAR T HUR ~ Nort~ of Gregory Street Beginning five (5) feet south of the south line of Memory Lane; thence sou.th with a 12-inch internal diameter lateral sewer three hundred and twenty-four {324} feoet; thence continuing south with a l5-inch internal diameter lateral sewer three hundred and twenty-three (323) feet; Between Gregory Street and Isabela Street In the westerly parkway, beginning forty (40) feet south of the south line of GI'egory Street; thence south with a 12 -inch internal diameter lateral sewer two hundred and ninety-seven (297) feet; thence continuing south with a 15 -ine h internal diameter lateral sewer to Isabella Street; South of Isabella Street: In the westerly parkwayp beginning forty (40) feet, more or less, north of the north line of Northwest Highway; thence north with a 12 -ine h interul diameter lateral sewer t'Y.o hundred and ninety (290) feet; thence continuing north with a 15 -inch internal diameter lateral sewel:' a distance of two hundred and ninety (290) feet. North of Gregory Street In the east parkway, beginning five (5) feet south of the south line 01 Memory Lane; thence south with a 12. -ine h internal diameter lateral aewer thl""ee hundred and twenty-four (324) feet; thence continuing south with a 15 -ine h internal diameter -2 - ,. "-', l,~ ~~- .' "';~>'< j,iteral 'i(,w~r it dlstance uf thre\' tluuc;reJ an,: t v. p n t v - t h r e >, I S l;) f e (. t , _~~.~"__~~_S~ t:i~~~ r..)t ~~~:~~. 1 ~:.:~~ l,~ St r.~e~ In thl' ea'>t f',Hkway. l)e~:""lDlnf: fourte~ll (l..j) leet nurl.!! 01 thf' SUl;tn LIlt ul Gil'gO!'Y ~)tr(:et; ti:f>nce r;()utll w:th d(>t-incb lnterlidi IdCtlllelt.'r liiteral ~ ewe.. t!.l' e e h u n d I' e <1 cHI d "I;" t y , 8 tH " r I (_~ () 'i:' f (' e t ; tht;'nle("_'ntlrH.;n;~ bUllthcCi';tl1rly witn:t 'i'd' h jn1t~r:-l<d (lid:neter lateral scwe; a "lSt;1l1\_t' llt' fOllr hun,ired and lb.: :ty-three (.L~)) feet to Isabella Stre,'t SOld n '.;f 15,\ tll' lla Str eet In the east parkway, at the inter section with the east parkway of Forest Avenue; thence westerly with a 12-inch internal diameter lateral sewer seventy (70) feet; thence continuing northeasterly with an 18- inch internal diameter sewer six hundred and two (602) feet; thence continuing northerly with a 24-inch internal diameter sewer two hundred and forty-five (245) feet;thence continuing northerly three hundred and seventy- eight (378) feet to Isabella Street; .3 - ..,,,. ,., _,.",.,,'''_'''e'"'_'_''"~'~'i'''.''~ .,,,,,_..O'''',,,....,,,,,-,,_.^,''''.,.,'''......<,_,_.. .. 'U., 1M ." I ,.,..1'-''''-''''''''''''''''' "."""..",._~~~~ 1.'1- _I" l ......,k.. .'r I ~~........-..."""'"..,.~.......,.._>-_.....;,,'-.~,...~..._".'~>---"F"....".. ..-. 0AK A VEN UE: r" ,""..... ""i,,~ North 01 Gl egory Street III the easterly parkway, belinning bve (5) feet IOcuth of the south hoe of Memory Lanei thence south wIth a 12.inch internal diameter lateral sev..er three hundt"eo and t.'oienty-four (3l4) feet; thence continuins south with a IS-inch internAl diamete r &eWe r three bund red and twenty -three (H3) feet tc Isabella Street; Between Gre8~ry Stl"eet _" Isabella Street In the easterly parkway, lEginmng forteen (14) ieet, north of the south hne of Gregory ~treet; thence south and aoutheasterly with a 27-1OCh lnterHal diar.Ietel lateral sewer three hundred and eighty-nine (89) feet to the i.ntersection of Oak Avenu.e witn Isabella Street. -4 - """I~""""''''~'1!<''',",~'~I''''''_~___-~''''''l>''..''II..".'' .J' ~.....~. ,.l "".".~'" 41>.. ~, ~ ,....;.,.,.-..""....",.... ,,.<I t, GREGORY STREET: Yw est of MacArthur Boulevard In tbe southerly parkway, bea1nning at the inter- section with Dale Avenue; thence easterly with a IS-inch internal diameter lateral sewer four nundred and forty-nine (449) feet to tne east parkway of MacArthur Boulevard. Between MacArth.ur Boulevard and Oak Street In the southerly parkway, beginning at a point . sixty (00) feet east of the east line of MacArthur Boulevard; thence easterly with a 15 -ine h internal diameter lateral sewer three hundred and 8ixty- four (304) feet to the east parkway of Oak Avenue. East 01 Oak A venue In the southerly parkway, beginning at a point forty (40) feet west of the east line of :F oreat A '.enue, extenlied south; thence westerly with an 18 -ine h internal diameter lateral sewer two hundred and eleven (lll) feet; thence continuing westerly with a Z i-ine h internal diamete r lateral sewer two hundred and ten (lIO) feet to tb.e easterly parkway of Oak A venue. WITHORN LANE; Along its centerUne; beginni.ng fifty (SO) feet west of the east terminus; thence westerly one hundred and seventy-five (175) feet with a lZ..incl). i.nternal diameter lateral sewer. to the easterly parkway of MacArthur Boulevard. -5- \ The entire improvement shall be construct.ed u more fully de.~ribed herein and ... shown on the pIau therefor attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. ..,- SEWERS AND APPURT'ENANCES: 1 Sewers shall be constructed of Reinforced Concrete Sewer Pipe and of Standard Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe, conforming to the following specifications and in accordance with detailed plans, ,designated Project NQ. 58-77. attached hereto. The reinforced concrete sewer pipe shall be made in sections of not less than four (4) feet in length, and so formed that when the sections are laid together and joints filled '9rith joint material.. they shall make a continuous and uniform line of pipe with a smooth and regular interior surface.. with the minimum wall thickness and amount of reinforcement as shawn in the follow.ing table. All pipes shall be ma:;ked with the date of their ma.nufacture, and no pipe shall be laid that is not at least fourteen (14) days old. Dimensions of Reinforced Concrete Pipe & DetaUsof Reinforcing: Cross .sectional areas of steel given in per lineal loot of pipe \. wa.ll (each individual steel wire to be placed in plane normal to the longitudinal axis of the pipe) and expressed in square inc hes per lineal foot of pipe wall (wires to be spaced not more than four (4) inches center to center). 1nte 1'n&1 Minimum Shell Square Inches Three -EdgeB&ring Diameter Thickness of Reinforcing Methods in Pounds of Pipe of Pipe Pe r Lineal Foot Per Lineal Foot in Inc hes in Ine hoa of Pipe Wall of Pi pe 10 1-3/4 1 line : 0.07 7....700, 27 3 1 lino : 0.07 3>>800 In addition to steel above specified to be placed in planes n.ormal to the axis of the pipe~ the steel mesh reinforcing sballcontain longitudinal wires each with a diameter of . 16Z l.nehes;said longitudinal wires shall be placed adjaceat to wi.re specified. in above table>> shall be spaced not- moz:e than t>>lnt (8) inche& center to center, shall be -7-- tf paralley to the axis of the pipe, and shall be firmly fastened to steel wires provided for inabo\<e table by welding or other suitable means. Standard Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe shall conform to the Arne rican Society for Testing Materialsi Designation C -13. All pipe shall be smooth, straight and soundi thoroughly burned and vitrifiedv well glazed, free from lumps or other imperfections and with the least possible variation from the specified dimensions or true cylindrical shape. All straight pipe shall be straight in the direction of the axis of the cylinder and the inner and outer surfaces of each pipe shall be concentric. The standard minimum thickness of the shell of the clay pipe herein provided shall be as follows: Standard Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe, AST M C -13;- 1211"" Fifteen-sixteenths (15/16) of an inch, 15" - One and one -eighth (1..1/8) of an inc hi 18" - One and three-eights (1-3/8) of an inch~ 21" -One and five-eights (1-5/8) of an inch, 2411 - One and seven-eights (1-7/8) of an inch. Joints for the Reinforced Concrete Sewer Pipe shall be of the tOllgue and groove type. Recesses shall not be less than III of an inch deeper tban tongue. Pipe shall be so fitted together and matched that when laid together and the joints cemel:lted, a smooth and uniform invert will be obtained. The joints shall be of Buena desigll that when jointed they will reduce leakage and iniUtrlltion to Ii minimum as well as to prevent any appreciable irregularity in the flow line of the sewer. No Joints shall be accepted where the finished work is not plainly visible for inspection. Types of joint shall be as approved by the Engineer. ,-8 - jC. ;, JOillt8 between 'adjoining bell and spigot of the Vitrified Cla.y Pipe shaUbe made by fitting the sewer pipe with an approved die -caa. tapered type joint. This joint shAll be made by fitting the spigot aad socket of the pipe with collars of bituminous compound having a meltilli point of 2.40 degrees to 2. 70 degrees F. A linill. or ring of the bituminous compound s~l1 be tlie-cast "\ into the Bocket of the pipe and around the 5 pigot of the pipe, of sue h size and dimension that when the spigot is shoved firmly il1to tM socket portion of the pipe, a tight fit between socket and spigot will be made. All pipe shall be dry and clean when joint a.bag alld collars are cast. No pipe shall be used if eit.h.er collar or lining shows allY void or unfilled space. ,,~t - ~'~~~~. Whea laying the pipes, the joint lining and collar shall first be painted with a bituminous solvent, whic h shall ea'Aae theH suda.cea, to become plastic or sticky, and when tbe pipes are shoved firmly together the joint material .hall unite and thus become taol'ouglUy waterproof. Sewer wyes for house cOllnections shall be installed at all locations shown on the drawing., shall be of vitrified clay pipe for twelve (ll) inches by six (6) inclles, fifteen (15) inches by six (6) inchea, eighteeJl (18) lnches by six (6) inches; twenty-one (21) inches by six (6) inchea, &~ twenty-four (24) inches by six (6) lnr;hes, and shall conform t~ the specifications lor Vitrified Clay Pipe and Reinforced Concrete Sewer pipe .munerated hereinbefore. Connection al1AU be of reinforce. co...- crete aewer pipe for twenty-sevoll (2.7) inches by six (6) inches. All houa. .ervice connections to the pro~eQ 33 -ine h, 36 -inc h "" '(> ", ',' and 42-inch sewers in Isabella Stl'eet shall be maOe with a special con-. nection as detailed on the plans. T he con;:. rete used in construction of the connections shall conform to the standards set forth in this Document. The ~ abovementi:uned connections s..hall be paid for at the contract unit price each for special house service connections. -9- ',,. .' ~~ . I.. _.. ~........._i _ _ ....__ _ ..;^~ ~._.-'.........~ ........__._-_..:-..:.....~ ..-1' _-.:... -'"__....... Manholes shall be four (4) feet inter1'13J. diameterp with curved concrete blocks five (5) inches in thi;:kness and concrete floor and , foundation, eight (8) ine hes in thickness, lying directly below the invert of the largest sewer entering the manhole. The upper two and one-half (2-1/2) teet of said manholes sha.ll be drawn in cone shape to an internal diameter af two (2) feet at the top by the use of concentric concrete riDgs or monolithic concrete construction, all as aetailed on the attached plans. All sewers entering a manhole shall terminate at the in8icl~ face of the manhole. All manholes shall be equipped with cast iron frames and coversll the combined weight of which shall not be less than three fulndred and sixty-ii.ve (365) pounds. The tops of the covers shall be set at tb.e elevation of the surface of the adjacent ground. The curved concrete blocks used in manhole construction shall conform to the American Society for Testing Materialsp Serial Designation C -139. The cement mortar used in the manholes or other purposes in this improvement shall be composed of one (1) part Portland cem.ent and two (Z).parts clean torpedo sandi with 100/0 hydrated lime. BACKFILLING: The material used in backfilling the trench arounci the pipe and toa depth of twelve (12) inches over the top of it, shall be free from large stones. The backfilling shall be tamped in six (6) inch layers up to twelve (12) inc hes above the top of the pipe. HOUSE SEWERSER VICES: , ^ House connections shall be pI"ovided from the sewer to points six (6) feet streetwa.rd from the property line. Said colta.ections shall be of six (6) inch vitrified clay pipe. The material and construction -10 - methods shall conform in all details to those described hereinbefore. A clay disk stopper shall be sealed into the end of each house sewer service. Where necessary~ existing water mains shall be raised or lowered and water service pipes relaid or adjusted. CONCRETE: The Portland cement concrete used in the construction of the manhole structures s hall be composed of the following materials: On'e (I) part Portland cement and two (2) parts fine aggregate and three and one -half (3 -1/2) parts of coarse aggregate with sufficient water added to produce a proper consistency. ,. Coarse aggregate s hall consist of clean, hard, toughf durable crushed :rock or pebbles, graded in size, free hom vegetable or other . deleterious matter, and shall contain no soft, flat or elongated pieces. The si:Ge of said crushed rock or pebbles shall be such as to pass a ' two (2-) iDe h round opening and 811.all range down so that, no mON than five (5) per cent shall pass a screen having four (4) meshes pet Uneal inch and so that no intermediate sizes shal+ be removed. Fille aggregate or sand shall coasist of quartz. particles or other equally hard material graded from fine to coarse~ .with the coarse particles predominating. Said fine aggregate wren dried shall pass a screen having four (4) meshes per lineal inch. Notmor-e than twenty (20) per cent s hall pas. a sieve havirig fifty (50) meshes p~r lineal inch &J;ld not more than eight (8) per cent shall pass a sieve having one' hundred (IOO) meshes per lineal inch. Said fine aggregate shall COlljain no vegetable or other deletedous matter or more than three (3) per cent by weight of clay or loam. The cem.ent shall be of a goodg:rade Of Portland cenlentwhich meets the latest requirement of the American &oci~ty for Testing -11- Materials, and shall be a. product resulting from the calcination to incipient fusion of an intima.te mixture of properly proportioned argillaceous and calcarous materials and to which no additions greater than three (3) per cent has been made subsequent to calcination~ The resultant clinker sball be so ground as to produce a cement 80 fine that at least seventy-eight (78) per cent of the volume will pass through a sieve having forty thousand (40,000) meshes to the square inch and be so seasoned as to produce initial set in not less than forty-five (45) minutes. Mixing water shall be clean and shall be free from oil, acid and injurious amounts of vegetable matter, alkalies or other salts. The ingredients of the CORcrete shall be thoroughly mixed until each particle of fine aggregate ia coated with cement and each particle of coarse aggregate is coated with mortar. A mechanical mixer shall be used which SRall mix the ingredient. at least one (1) minute, from the time all the materials. including water. are in the drum until the beginning of the discharge. The consistency 6f the mixed concrete shall be such that no separation of ~he ingredients ta8., place hi handling and: some tamping is ne~e8sary to bring the mortar to the surface. :BACKFILL UNDER E.TI8TING OR FUTURE PAVED AREAS: As directed by the Engineer, trenches caused by the c011$truction . . of the sewer. and house services which intersect dedicated stre.ets, shall be backfilled with sando screenings, pit-run gravel. crushed stone or pea-gravel from the spring U.. of the pipe to the Datural ground sur- face for a distance of eighteen (18) feet in eac h di rection from the centerline of the intersected street, measured parallel to the sewer trench. The trench backfill shall be thoroughly "jette." ill. a manner and with equipment satisfactory tort he Engineer. -12 - " EXISTING DRIVEW ATS AND STREET PAVEMENT: The existing driv~ways aad. street pavement shall be removed at locations where the s.ewer construction necessitates luch removal. The drive'Wa.ys and street pavement so removed shall be replaced with materials equivalent to the original materials and to tbe same width and t hic kne SJ5 . SHEETING AND BRACING LEFT IN PLACE: In locationS indicated on the drawings atta~h.d hereto, or as ordered by the Engineer in writing during actual construction for purposes of safety, wood sheeting and bracing .shall be left in place. , S.cp: sheeting and bracing shall be of sound timber. SPECIAL REINFORCED CONCRETE CRADLE ON VITRIFIED C1..A Y SEWER In locatiotl8 indicated on the drawings attached to t1ris Resolutioll, Or aa ordered by tbe Engineer in writing during actual constro.ction, tho sewer shall be constructed on a concrete cradle of dimensions sh.Qwn on the drawings. The concrete for t"hecradle shall be as outUned h.ereinbefore. '\:~ ' RESTORATION OF.t>RAlNAOE STRUCTURES: .Drainage structures, such as culvexots, drain tiles;. and jUllCtion box., removeddul"ing the- construction shall be replaced and the . . drainage shall be restored to its original pattern. RUTORATION O~. PARKWAYS~ Parkways diat~;rbed by thE! ,:aonstruction shall be restored with a layer of topsoil not less than four (4)inchefJ and ready for seeding. -13.. i,:".'., .. :~.... .All materials of every !dnd and character to be used in the construction of this improvement shall be of first-class quality, suitable for the purpose for which they ar~ to be used and subject to the inspection and approval of the BOard of Local Improvements of the Village' of Mount Prospecti Cook County~ Illinois. All of said work shall be constructed in a workmanlike manner under the superintendence of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County; Illinois. All elevations on the att~c hed drawings are given in feet and d.~hnals thereof above Chicago City Datum. Chicago City Datum is fixed and established 3.8 a level plane eighty-nine and thirty-five hundr.dths (89.35) feet below the nor(heasterly invert of the existing manhole on the ten (10) inch storm sewer at the intersection of " Isabella Street with MacArthur Boulevard. -14- ,< ">'....-M'''''.....,~..,;,.,''".'"~,..=_".'''"'':.."''. . ~ ft.., _be pM...' and h.... 0_. or MO.,...' ot ,.. '''''''"7 1n __. 411,.1._ Mfth'o", .....lM. ,hall have ,. ript '0 .OM'NO", aM ...a'ala .........., ......'1_ wl'''a..ld ...... U 1l&J' M '"V1... aM ..,.,..". ,be ".......1. 1'.&U1..... t1... or iM "111.....111o_t 'n.,..,. .x....~,~,,-~,...:"_.,,""'_ '.' '. ..i<lI,if '..,-,:~l :W--"li""".' --:h"'''-'''---'' ~. ~.. that the N........'l_ ot .... ..... ot Looa1 Iap"ve...t. .t the Y111_ .1 .., ....,.ot, prond1na t.. tM l........nt, ami 1M ..'1_" ., .. .oat .....r ..de b7 ... ,...lde.t ., the Boud .t l.oo&1 1..........., .t. beNto ."..be. .... .de pan henot, be I aa4 ,be ... aN beNb)' .p'.....4. .... ). "'a' ..14 l.,J'O"'''.' aMl1 1Nt .M .. ..... ..1. ooat 'heNet, top'he. with 8ft ~, not ex.e.4I.na .1x pel' ...t <'-) ot .. ..t....... ...t, ......t. OR IlUllDIID tIIlIIUII .'SAID 1118 JlII8ID 8Bft11r-II_ ... 1/100 JIOLLAU (.113,tTI.02), wh1ob. S.a beN"" ))ft...... t.. '0 applJ' tewu'4. tM ...t aM ...... 01 1IlaldAI, 18'71.., a4 .011"'_ ..14 .,..1&1 a...._ftt and all .'he. ..,...... all.... ...,. la., 'bel.. .. _nt 1IlolU4ecl 1ft the.e's..,. tMN'.r, .ball .,. pald ..,. .,......1 a.....- ..at, 1. .......... wltb the len... 01 tle. ... Y1U.... Ht, ...._4 I....' 15, 1941, Ud .......at. '''''''., .., '--I.. 1..iloM aM. 1...1 .. 84. 1..14, .t .&14 ,lot. .aTIOII .. that the _.... UM'MIftt .Rl.ft ...".. to be a....... acu.., ,. ,..,."" ami. ..alai' the tl\Ud.olpal1'r, lt a..,., &D4 U.. tbe ....._ftt Oft .Ulll.. aft4,..e.l .t lud. herein ........ .ball ... dln.' .. tol10.., ....14 ........_t .. ,., tM o..,.t o......t1olt 01 al.14 _......., aa4 ibe eo., of le.,s.hI, Uklhl .. ....'1_ 1&14 .......... .a' ... all ."'be. ..11.... ..,. l&w. .ball ... 41n.... u\o '-a (10) 1M'.11".", 1ft 'be ....... ......1... _ "'* .taw," 1e __ .... ._ aM ,..,vided. Ie nob ot tbe ......,. UiO\mt of tM ....._., ... ..,.... , ~ ...,.. tbe ..., of 1..,.lna,Makl.. ... ..1180'1_ ,be '''01&1 .....~... ..., aU .11 ..xpe.... ..11ow4 .,. l'1t,'~'_SbeI' With all tn.'10..1 aao\mt. 10 .. to le... .. NMlaUC 1..'-11...,. ot the ........ ........, equa11n ....t .... ..eb 1. .-1'1,1.. or .100.00 aha11 M apponlo.d to ,be tira' lIlaul1ae.' ot ....1. .,..1&1 a.......ftt. 'P !he t1..t lutall_at ....e"a_~...1)ar.'bl. .. \be ...... "r ot -2- ".~, .,,__~,...''* - _.}L~ Dt!L .21- .""'.-:."' :~- ~- -'-';;-:.~" "",""-" , Jaftu.J7 ..xt att.. the tl11_ ottbe tl.., ....... 1.... ... .ooout F' or .,.$ done on the .a14 l"I'O"....t. 1M ...oad 1.....1..' .~, .a14 ........., ,.ball lMt .. .. ,.,._18 eM ,... ......ne., ... I. Oft aftR'llal1J' .'i1 all ....._... ha.. Men. pd... st X.... .._ .. ." .r Wte '..... .t Leta1 I.,.......'. of the Vl11....' .OU.l'ltProIJMI.t t. file 1ft ,be .ttl.. .t ,be Clan or the Coutu whlob ..Ob .........,.... ..at1....., .. .8..-1fte.t. .1_4 __ ,. ......,., '., ,..... ., Lee..l IIIP.......'. .t tM fUl.qe .1 lIeU' ,.......t ., .. .... of ,be Iln't ........... aM .. _unt .t the .at. .....1', wi_ill thl", (JO) ..,. .,... ...'1....... , :1::'-:: :: ::-:~ :",7;~:J~::"U :;"~:-:l-U la.t.ll..." IbaU _ItA '0 N1\ ,... b4at. .,tIM tl...',...-.r 1...4 ......., .1 ,work __I %ate..".. ,uGh tint 1.'U",,,'t .hall 'be .. au ,.,.'b1.a.'.u.11 'be 0.11..,....,. ... -,... the tQa' 1.1\&11....t. 1.t_,.., o. tbe ...... au ........... .,tall... .nta lull he .. ,8.ft4 pava'l. ....hall ... .011...4 Wi'" '1M Ut- atal1.,,,'. ...,..'1..1r ..a la ,alC .let "1&.... to .,.,,1.1 ........at ,rov1ele4. ..."...., tor tile ,..,... ot aa'io.t. .beo.11..... .,.. ot taw ..... aft4.WlO....... "".1.." ot.uel ........, to. tM 0.,,' ., .al' ,.,.......,., t... '111&,. ot Moun' he,,,., .....11 1.,.... iona ,...\)18 0\1.' 01 aal' 1Mta,l1Mat I ~ 1ft....., at tbe I'll". ot '.is per ~.nt <.),.,_.,.,.a'b1. a---.llr. aSaM. 'D1 1ibe,,..,1un'tt of the loa" or TNt..' .t tbe ft.l1... or...., frO'Ject, an4 at'..,... \)7 ~ Vll1qeC1.. of _aid Vl.l1... . :sat. bon4s 8..11 'be 1...4 1n aCO.Haftc. w1 'h a.4 aball 1ft all re....'. coato.. to t" ,...vl.10.' ot tbe ':...1.." li'l.. aM .. Vl11as.. Aot, a,po.,.4 A\II..t 15,1941 and ........,. tu",'.. aot lhCludillt ",',loa- 84. 1-1 to 84. 1...4901 .uti Aot. _. ,,6. !hat tbe '".l....t ot .. ,"111". .1 ..at ,....- peet, N, aM .. 1. M"",d1Net.. t. 111e .. ... ,... fi.1! ,.tltS.on 1n tu ClrcW.t, super1.. or Count7 Co'" of OMit Oolaat" 1111.018, 1a tbe __ of th. people ot ,be 'ill... 01 ...- ",.,.ot PJ'q:lna'.t ".""7 be t.... ,ole"" . ,,,'lal ....._t t... tbe P\U'PO'. ot debt.,s.ns the expe... ot ..1d s....".... to tar .a ,be aa.. -1' 1&whl17b4t delle and t. a.certain what ,..pert,. will be be.tlte4, 1. acooHaac. with ,be pl"O'fl.S.on. 01 tllla oM1_.1 # aI'l4 1n the "'1" ,"'..lbe4 ..,. law. ~Il. that all oN1UJlc.., .1' ~. ot Ol'tiMM.', 1ft contlict wlib thl. oN1na.e, he, aM tM .... are be.._ ..pea184. ..'8. that tbi. oHlnanoe ahall " 1ft h11 'o..e an. ettect tl'Olll and atte.. 1t. pa..... aa4 8,,"val, tbeftot, ao.oI'41n& to law. :='/~~;;;~ff;t:: ':;~:' 1959....., AJlPIlO'9DI flU. I '1/._ of ~ ' A.IlI., 1959. PHlla.n, tlt.S... *".. ... ftr~tM'...ot t. ...11... .r Mo.t """.'. Oook Count" Ill1nolIJ AftiSftD A1Q) 'XLD IN MY omCl ms lift d&7 ot ~ ... A.D., 1959. ..~~ ~ lwt ,. ___no. ~,:,':a= == 0' "IBIS .WI ,........ GOO. ......, twlG!8 0..'18lI.' Ve MMWltb au_1' an OHiaanoe tor .. 100al lIIpN--'" e.t1'1.. -Aft ON1une. 'n1l1cU.na t." the Mald.aI of .. Loeal !lIpNft- ..., 1n aa4 t.... t. Yl11_ ot Moat pro.,..t, Cook eoua\7, 1111M18," ...tol1... . fha' . .....,.. 'r".. .t o._s... .an1.....,. aDd .t.n ..... 1....a1. be ...t~o'.' ,....... ,bat =':f,'= =~~..=t 111~, .~t~::~Ji trlMt,..l Men.ta, .....1..4 ..a toll.... '1M aN. lJcNDded. bsr the ".uJ'll1Ma or h1e .,... 1ft .. ...t, ......,. Lue 111 ,be 1UIrtb, ro..., A.... s.a .. .&at aM ......., IlS.IhP7 J.a ,be ...~ (....,.181 ....,... Lot' 1. t. 8. 1a llPiok.. _t. ...lINin.toa ot Lo'. 1 to , 1M1_1.., 111 mook 1 .f Aft... ,. ..S.... &a. c.....,'. Ie"-":Ie. -.. \be ..., we ......... u4 ......... 131) ,.., of tM ~ fl... ll..... ...... . 1llM........ ",. 1". C,ts) ''''t .on o. 1.. a. I,.. O'.'be ......., _........ (11', 01 s..,s." ", --- lb1p II. ......., ..... 11 Bu' .r th. fh1N :Prlncl... pal llerlct1aD) I ... Lot' 11 t. 31. lM1ut.., in H. Ref ...., C.....'. ........ .......,., .. .ltotm 1ft t. ,1au .... .peol- tl..'lo.. t~..t.r. !'be.u""iSM4 be.._,.Nc_ad the uklna of aa14 1.'.......nt, the enen'. _tUft, ebara".., lHal1t, and .....1'- tloa ot 1dllob 18 Ht to1'th 1n .a14 dratt ot ord1naftOe h.rewlth tn.MIIl tte4, &ft' al.. "0_1\4 to JOU tbe ,a....e of .&14 ...1MDoe. .. .....1IMeS al.. 'I'M..1t to ,ou heNwltb aD ..tlute of tbe ooat .1 ...14 1.,."w..nt .. tinal1, c1eteNlne4 ltJ' the. and pro.lcled to. 1ft .at4 dratt ot ol'41aUlCe be..with tran..t 'w". nte'~4..t, IIIUCl .t r.M1.1 DPNftii*'" .............,. ..II >>ABDa "'1' .., of I.D.; 1959. ilHWI". CJf ftiIf ~ w- .>'_~,o__~~i':",,;,;:~,,'-9r-~';~-['-~__r__'-~-~;-- --'i!l:__r'Vi""1~ -".--~ ~ :aSTIKATa '.fO .,. ... .r LOCAL .__VIDI'fS m.lt_ 0' ._....anet COOl. C01Jllf! ~ UU*ls Clentle.at I herewith au_1t an .,t1ute of the GO,t of MklD& a local llDPl'Ov....t 1. the 'flll,,8 of Mount ,..,peet, Il11aol'. a, tolloW8' /; " ./. ;r- -.:r--~ ~... -.... -..r:~- ... .,....., .~. .. '.l'~ .' .~~~ ,~' t" , , ' . , r-..:'>'\. " ~ .; , -~, :t?_ ' .. J: .'~ " ,~ ;,. :.. ,J ~ ~::5') V"' '-( . ' ,'" "J." . ,":."' ," . .,..,~ i' " \;;,l.,~;: ,?,)' " ..' ,;.,,. ;,. ~"''- 'l: ')'\,' -i " ,.~; ..'. '-. ~ t..~.~:. ",~,. ~ 'to '''; -~ ". ; t ,::~.~ ':~~>~ . .' "'~<:.ir, . 4/~ "}'~A;' I !I., { , , " .\. : ,",' .' '-.... :1;, { '''', " :#, ~.T . i i ~ "';r "'.:~.oj. ~.~~ ,;;-. .'; ~ , '~ T hat a eOlltJl:Jeted system'df !Ubn'1biqeci'SilnIta1:Y .lftf st6\crb;. se,wer laterals becocstructed to'aerve that' part 'of the ea:st oh(i~half (l/l) of Section. 33TowriShip4lNoi'th,Range 11 East.'" of the 'Thi.rd , ''''f< P:vincipal Meridian, described as follows: The area bouaded bytbe ceaterlinea of Dale Avenue in the we.t, I ,MemOry Lane in the n~~~i~~t~~~~eet Highway in tbe south (excepting therehom Lot 1 to ~inc1usive. hi Block 1 of Arth~n To Nlc1ntosh anel. Company's Northwest Mead.ows and tRe east two hundred and thirty-one (Z31) feet of the north five hVl1drecland. ninety-five (S'S) feet. more or leaa, of tbe aoutbea.tone- quart.r( 1/4) ~f SecliOD 31, Towll5blp 42. North.. Ran~e 11 1:.8t ,of the Third Prindpal Meridian); and Lota Z 1 to 32. inclusive,' in H. Roy Berry Company's < Northwest Heishts. . Lateral Sewer. to be connected to a 33~1.nch,':'!a~-iacb"..fid 4Z-inch trl1l1k line on laabella Stl'eet and Oak Street of the ,Mount Prospect Sanitary Relief SewerProjec:t of the MetropolitanS&nitary District , . , ' ' of Greater Cb.1caso. aad to serve the Sewer District desc ribed above, shall be constructed at the followin8 locations: -1-- , '. \, ,', ~, "';(..i-",,;.;-',,~"'J;~Io_~'::";"~~_.,"':-,~:~"':"""';~~"""";'u._~"";'z,:r.:~,::_...t_~~~..-,---~..~~~_,.-" j ","__...~~_~~:: _.~.,..,'.<:..~"i.;j.~,.~ :;-.: ,,'" ~_:-.~'-,~~~-~ DALE AVENUE: MaeAR THU.a . ,'110t}LEVA.an, r "'~. " ,',,. . North of Gre,oryStreet BostDlUn.fivf1 (') feet sO\lth .f tbe 80uth liDe of Memory LaM; tURe. aouth with.. U.-iac:h . lateraal alameter latol:a1 aewerthree becbeel,aDd t.......,~1'our (32..)f..t; thence cOlltiDu.1na .oatll -llll, i . -.' ._ . . ..~ ;l a15...iacl .ater_1 cain.ter lateral.ewer three hudred aadtwe.y-thHe ()Z3)feeti aetw".Ol'esory Sh.eetalllll~&~,la$tre"' l..",. I, : .' . . 11'1 tile ....terly parkway, begiu.inlforty(40) feet .outb. of the south Une of'GreloryStr..t~tbe11ce south with a 11<!'iach iaternal diameter late'1'aJ ..,..... two hundred aDa .iiMlty...eY~ (l91)te.u thellCe c:olllieui1'1i SO.tal with a 15-iMb int.l'Mldia....r taieral sewer ~ lfii.-.lbl Streeta Souta. of laabella Street; " \ III t,le w..t~dy,.rkway. beli...' forty (4.)'IMt, , mOfeor leas, urth.ol the nortk 11ne of Nortk....t , . Hiabway; thenee aorta with a lZ...1nc:a iate~ . cI1lUnetilr la.tereJ aewer two huadredand I!lnety . (~90) feet; tlt.lICe continWl'lg Dorta with a 15 -inell. " '- ,. ~ , , iat.rDal cl1.m...lat.~al ..wer a 41staace of two' bu..re4l ...... Jliaety'{I90)'t.et. I >>! ori~..' fIf.. ~1".'~!l't"~ , . .~,. - , ~ . ", ' . In ~be ea.t ,arkWay....i~liv..(5) feet ..th 'f::, . . 01 t~ ,aQ1ltb,llM ol.M~ry ,L,aneJ t~..(;.~"ll . . . with~ lZ....i'ft~hlMel'aa1 diame"l" lateral s.w~ three huadred and twe.ty..tou.~ (3.1,.) f.., tl\Cmc.A . iiI' coatiauinl .nt. wita. 15..b"~1a ....1'_1 ~r ..z... ;"'". lateral sewer a dlstance of three hundred and tv.,enty-three (313) feet; Betvyeen Gregory Street & Ila bell. ::itreet In the east parkway, beginning fQrteen (14) feet north of the south hr:e of G 1 egory Streeti thenc..c tiouth wlth ll. ~4"nh:h lntenlal dialneter lateral sewer three hundred and sixty-seven (367) feet, thence continuing southeasterly with a 27 -inch lnternal diameter lateral aewe 1" a dist.nc e of four uundrea and thirty-three ("3'3) feet tQ Isabella Street. South of Isabella Street In the east parkway at the intersection with the east parkway of Forest Avenue; thence westerly with a l2-inch internal diameter lateral sewer s€venty (70) feet; thence continuing northeasterly w1"th an 18-inch internal diameter sewer six hundred and twei- (602) feet; thence continuing northerly with a 24-inch internal diameter sewer two hundred and forty-five (245) feet; thence continuing northerly three hundred and seventy- eight (378) feet to Isabella Street; -3 - OAK A VENUE: N()r_~h 01 ~legory ~~ In tbe ea5terly parkway. beginning five /:5) feElt south of the south line of lVieroQry Lane; thence south Vvith a 12-inch internal diameter lateral < g~we r three hundred and twenty -fall r ':324) feet; tllence cuntinuin8 ~outb with a 15-inch internal diameter sewer three hundl"ed and twenty-thre-.e (3lj) feet to habella Street; Bt"tween G regory St~ & Isabella Street In the easterly parkway~ mginning forteen :14~ feet" north of toe south line of Gregory .:Jtreeti thenceeouth and .outhe8.!iterly wltD a 27-1och internal dian-leter lateral seVver three hundred and eighty-nIne p89,1 feet to tht-' lOt6'r"i6ctiOo of Oak Avenue with Isabella Street. -4 - GREGOR Y ST REET: West of MilcArthur Boulevard In tbe southerly pa rkway.. beginning at the inter- section with Dale A venue; thence easterly with a 15-inch interna~ diameter latt'ral sewer four hundred and !orty-nin~ {449) feet to the. east parkway of MacArthur Boulevardq Betw.aen MacArthur Boule...ard and Oak Street In the. southerly parkway. beginning at a point sixty (60) feet east of the east line of MacArthur Bhulevard; th~ncE' easterly with a 15-inch internal diarrleter lateral sewer three hundred and sixty- four (364) feet to the east parkway of Oak A\enue. East of Oak. Avenue In the southerly parkway; beginning ..t a point ~orty {40) feet west' of the east line of Fa"rest A-,.enue" extended 60uthithence westerly with an 18-inch internal diameter lateral sewe r two hundred and , elfive'n (211) feet; th~nce con.tinuing westerly with a ll-inch internal diameter lateral seWf'l" two hundred and ten {L.IO) feet to the easterly parkway of Qak A venue. W ITHOhN LANE Along its centerline; beginni'ug fifty (50) feet west of the' east terminus; thence westerly one hundred and seventy-five (175) feet with a l2-inch internal diam~te,r lat.eral sewer to ,the ~aste,:rly parJ:tway of MltcArthur Boulevard., -5 - ., I , \. The entire improvement shall be constructed as more fully described herein and as shown on the plans therefor attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof 0 ... -6- The cost>> as eBthnated, for the 12-inchi 15-inch, 18-inch, 21-inc hand 24 -ine h StaJidard Strenglh Vitrified Clay Pipe and 27-1nch Reinforced Concrete Sewer Pipe includes the cost of aU excavatiol1, backfilling" restoration of existing drainage culverts>> tiles. and the restoration of parkway with top soil, ready for seeding. and alllabol' and materi.ds,. complete in place. The cost. as estimated, for the concrete manhole bases includes the cost tor labor and material for said base. complete i. place and ready for use. The cost, asestimatedf for the cast iron manholol3 frames and c overs includes the cost of all labor and material tQ place~il.ici items ready for use. The cost, as estimated, for the manhole sidewalls includes the cost of all excavation, backfillingi disposal of surplU8 exc:anted material. and all labor :aad material for the conerete block sidewall aad cast iron steps. complete in place and ready for use. The cost, as estimated, for the 12-inch, 15-inch., 18-jnch, Zl-inch and Z4-1nch vitrified clay wyes alld 27-inch reinforced CGtlcrete sewer wyes, includes the coat of alllabor~ equipment and material in place. T he cost, as estimated, for the special house service connections includes all labor, ,lacing of concrete, materials and equipment, complete in place. The costi as estimated., for the si~gle service ri8$1:. 8 hall include the cost of aU exca\'"ation~ backfill, labor and materials, complete in place and ready for use. The cost~ as estimated, for the six (6) inch house sewer services shall include all costs for the excavating, laying of pip.. backfilling and dispo!lal of surplus excavated material, includiag labor, equipment and materiali complete in place and ready for use. ",:",,1- The cost~ as estimated9 for sheeting and bracing left in place shall include the cost of such material found to be, essential for safety in construction and ordered left in place~ in writing. by the Engineer. T he cost. as estimated. for the granular trenc h backfill includes the cost of all labor ~ material and equipment to haul the material to the site and to backfill the trenc h and dispose of excess e](;favated material. .'i' . The costi as estimatedg for the granular crushed stone refill includes the cost of all labor. material and equipment to haul the material to th.e site and to refill the trench. The cost. as estimated. for the Portland cement concrete driveway removal and replacement includes the cost of all necessary equipment. material and labor to remove and replace existing driveways conflicting with the proposed sewer constructiono The cost, as estimated>> for the bituminous pavement removal and replacement shall include all costs of restoring bituminous street and driveway pavements damaged during construction~ including labor>> material and equipment. The cost>> as estimated9 for th.e stone driveway removal and replacement shall include all costs of restoring bituminous driveway pavements damaged during construction. including labor. matedal and equipment. The cost. as estimated. for the pavement replacement. entire. shall include all costs to restore bituminous street pavements damaged by the conlitill:uction of sewers and house service~ including laborj material and equipment. The costp as estimated>> for calllt iron pipe and fittings to be relQoated shall include the cost of material necessary to make reloca- tions of existing water mains conflicting with the proposed sanitary sewer construction, togetner with all equipment and labor to perform said relocations. -~-al- The cost>> as estimated, for water service pipes to be relaid or adjusted shall include all necessary material~ labor and equipment. The cost~ as estimated" for the special reinforced concrete cradle on vitrified clay pipe includes the cost of /ill excavation, th,e pouring of the concretecradle~ including ",,11 labor and'ma.terialg complete in place and ready for use. . , '-':'ft- T hat the estirnate of the total cost of said impro\ elnents nladc by thf> President ofthi~ Board if> $113,978.02, which estimate is as I allow 5 2,059 lineal fpet 2, 368 lin~al feet 813 lineal teet 210 lineal feet 662 lineal fe~t 73 lineal fet't 1,-100 lincal feet 28 each 28 ea( h 233 ve .ti,- al fto 35 each 17 each Z each 2 eae h 6 eae h 8 eae h Ii" Standard Strength Vltnfied Clay Pipe Sf'wer <s $;.J 00 per lineal foot $ 10,295.00 15" Standard Streneth Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer ~~. $6, 50 per lineal foot 15,392.00 18" Standard Strength Vitnhed Clay PJpe Sewer l,.> $ 7. 50 pe r lineal foot 6,097.50 ll" Standard Strength Vltrified Clay Pipe Sewer ~ $8050 per lineal foot 1,785.00 l4" Standard Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewe r @ $10.00 per lineal foot 6,620.00 10" H einforced Cone rete Pipe St-'we r ~. $4.00 per lineal ioot 292.00 27" Keinforced Cone rete Pipe S~ wer ~. $13000 per lineal foot 18,200.00 Cone rete Manhole Bases i& $48,00 each 1,344.00 Cast Irun Manhole frames andCovers @ $75.00 6lH:h 2,100.00 Cire ula r Manhole Sidewalls @ $28075 each 6,698.75 ll" )( 6" Vitrified Clay Wyes @ $6.00 each 19!::i.OO I 5" x 6" Vi t r i fi e d C la y Vv ye 6 0; $7.50 each 127.50 Us" X 6" Vitrified Clay Wye'J \.-.: $9.00eaeh 18000 ll" X 6" Vitrifif>d Clay Wyes ((1 $ 10. ~ 0 e.a c h 21. 00 2.4" x 6" Vit.rified Clay Wyes ~., $ll,OO each 72.00 tI" X b" H~lnforced Concrete Wyes (s $ l.L 50 eac h W8 00 - 10- 1.:: each Spec ial House ~e I' VlC e C onnectlt.u 0, $ 50 00 ear h I::' eae h Single Servi.:e hisers _ $.FI OU each 3, 078 lin~.al teet 6" j!ouse 5e.....("1' Sel'vi'.es ~I $3 00 per lllle<.11 foot ) OOu r t Board Mt'3.3l1re YH'f'ting aud Rrac.lnj.( Lpft In Place ~ $ 300.00 PI" r thousand teet boa rd 111eaS l! re 2,122 Cd blC ya rds Trench Bac,.\tf1l1 Granl<lar ,~, $4 lO per cubi.. yard 1 7 5 c u hie: ya r d s Granular Crushed Stone Refill Ie $4. lO pf'r curn,: yard 158 square yards Portlanej Cement Concrete Dnveway H/;'010I,Hl and .Replacement (;: $ (-I. UO per s'1uare yard. 72 sy uare ya rcis B Itunnnous D 1'1 vewa y Pa vement .\erl1oval and j.eplacel1lf'nt ~. $ i. 50 per "yuarf~ yard li5 5ql.Are yard" Stone Driveway lZepla\.cnH'TJt. 0: $1. 2.5 per square yard 2,062 sqllare yardg Pa...elnent .l(epla( ement, Entire \.S $2.000 .'.OJ pouno5 Cast Iron Pipe & F ittlOgS to be Relocated, Adju'ited ur Helaid (~ $0 50 per pound 100 llnl'.'al feet Water' Service PIpes to be i{e1aid or Adjusted ~ $30 00 per lineal foot 30 cubiC yards Spel lal Keinforced Cone rete Cradle on Vitrified Clay Pipe Se.vel' ~, $30,00 per cubic yard l:.ngi nee nng " In" pect lun Total Labor & Matenals Cost of making, Ie vy} n8 a nG collecting the As se ss me nt, and all 1a w fLll c >.;pens e atte nti - ing the sarne, as provided by law, not to eXI eed six (0) per cent Total E~timated Cost of Improvement - 11 - $ 600.00 4 5 0 . 1\ i) 9,234.00 7~O.OO 8,912.40 7)')000 1,422.00 252.00 28 J 25 4,124.00 100.00 300.00 900.00 9,739.94 $107,139.34 6,838.68 $113,978.02 ,. ..t'r I hereby certify that. in my opinion. the above estimate does not exceed the probable cost of the said improvement and all lawful cost attendi ng the same as provided by law. President. Board of Local Improvements Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois. -12 -