HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 696 10/13/1959 1"'"""'\ .) \.., ,# ORDINANCE ~ q ~ AN ORDINANCE TO CREATE A LOCAL oIfciANIZATICfi FOR erVIL DEF.ENSE F -q BE IT ORDADIED BY THE; PRESIIJIi-ll."!T MID BCAIm OF' Tn.U~F.I;;S OF THE VTLLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS Section 1: ShC4"'\; Title" 'This ord.ina..l1oe 't-."::tth ~lme:adment2 thereto shall be known as WJ:he Givll Defooss Ord:i.nanc0.. It Seotion 2~ Estabb1:sh.~ent .!U'ld P'lJ:::E,.oae of~he Village alvil Defense OrO'~lJ:ilzaaoii . .... .- -. ~-::::...g:::-'-'--_.,"'- There is established in this Vills&.'e a local organization for civ.U defense, to be known as the VillageC'lvil DefenSe Clrganization (herein sometimes referred . . to as "the Local Clivll Defense (h~t.ttmizat:'Lonn) 0 The Local Civil Jefenee Organiza- . . . tion is created fox- the pUl"Pose of performtng such civil defense i"'lJIlctions. as shall be prescribed in the S'!iate Civil Dnfenae Plan and Program, and by sJ.ch orders, r\Uea and r>egulati01l3 as fJJJJ.y be pX'OOfalgated by the Governor, with ~his Village;l and outside its tEnrlt,orial U.m:tte if re<luir@d und.er 2XlY" mutual aid agreement or compscr& entered i.''lto mldel" the pro'i1iaions of the nllno:ts 01 v.U Def'enee Act of 1951 0 SeeM.on.. 3: ---...~ Members of the Urgunizationend Their ~ointment and Terms of om:.;;---~ .,~ The Local Civil ~fenae Orga:nl~,":;l'lki.a.1. :?haJ~ consist of the .followlng (all of Wt1O'1ll are designated as "msmber'sll "r t.i18 Organization) ~ (a) IJ1reetor of Civil Defen~e (b) Deput.y Director of Civil Defense (c) Snch other persOns aa 111.ay be npp'Jinted or designated to render set'vic<;.s in canncct'ion ui_th . the perforiuance' of .the f'uncttons of the IlOCal Civil DP...i'.e'1:lEe Orgamzation" The Director and Deputy' D-h'ector sha~n be ~gpointed. by the President o~. the Village by and with the ~~onsent of' the Bi.}~rd of fL'rustees a All other membaru of the :Locsl Civil Dei'ense Organization shall be fipl1ointed, or designated" by the DirectorQ Every l~am,ber of the L')cal Civ.il IRll'ense Qrganization may be removed at any time by the Director" _'....._,.,"'.,..,~"....'.""',."._,'~" ".~~"...~,..~..,_~",,,,,,,,,",,u,;,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,".,,,~..~....~....._,., '" ... c /'~\ '.,.",;1 Section 4: The Oath Every member of' the Looal Civil Defense Organization, and every person who is appointed to serw in any capacity in omneotian therewith, shall subscribe and file with the Director, the following oath, 1;0 be administered and attested to b;y an officer authorized to take oaths in this state: ttI, , do BoleslT swear (or affirm) that I will support and def'end and bear true f81th and all.glance to the constitution ot the United states and the institutions and facilities thereot, both publio and private, against all enemies, foreign and domesticJ that I take this obligation freel;y, without any mental reservat:1on or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and f81 thf'ully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter 0 And I do .further swear (or affirm) 'that I do not advocate, nor am I nor have I been a member of arq poll idcaJ. party- or; organization that advoca1;es the overthrow of the Oo~ of' the United states or of this State by force orv1ol~ceJ and that during such time as I am affiliated with. t~e VUlage C1 v11 De1."ense Org~,ation, of the V1llage of Mount Prospect, Illinois, I will not advocate nor beoome a member of any political party at:' organization '..~.. that advocates the qvertbroif or the government ot the United states or . ! f of tM,~ State by t~,~ or violence. 11 Section 5.: Powers aria Duties ot ~the Director SUbject to the directiOn and control of the President and Board of 'I-rustees . of the Village, the Direotor';shall be responsible tor the organization, adm:l.nBtra- . tion, training and operation' Qf the Local Organization and of the members thereo.f. He sball preside at meetings ot the Ci U1. Defense Board and shall be cbief' '. . .. --~. ~-. executive offieer ofthe_Loc~_o-.tvU. .Dei'~se ,-organization" ---He shall have all ...~~ . " ...:....-:~.~---".- ...._~. .: .-, ~ ."- \ the powers arid shall pertorm all' the d.uti.es pl~escribed for the Direetor of . Local Ci'Vil Defense Organizatiol1 by the Illinois Civil Defense Act ot 19S1. Section 6~ POW91'S and Dut:lt!s. of th$' __}~'plltr Director , , to The Deputy Director shall be ohief a)ssistant^ the DJreotor and during the a13senoe, or inabilitY', or failure, of th~ Director to act, shall have the powers and perform all the duties. ot the Dir~crtor 0 -2- "......'...".".,__..'....'"...,''''__'f'~''''''''__..._..__~_1!'\ l~l'l.... ...:',.r .... ~, _ . ',';-...-"''''''-'"" c .""""'\ ......,. Section 7: Powers and Duties of the Local Civil Defense Organizaticn The Director shall be ex officio ohairman of the Local Civil Defense Organization. The Local CivU Defense Organization shall meet at the call of the Director and shall advise him on all matters pertaining to c1Y1l cletense. The Loca1. Civil De.tense Organization shall, frcm time to time," recOllll18l\d for adoption (or resc1nd) by the President and Board of Trustees of the 'V'.L11age of Mount Prospect, such regulations as it may deem necessary or advisable in ordw to pronde for the acoomplishments of the purposes of this Ord1nance and of the Illinois Ci v.U Defense Act of 19$1 including but not 11m ted to: a. The creation of separate departments for the performance C?f the several functions of the Local CiVil Defense OrganizatiOl1J b.. The assigmnent at each department ot a 1Ile1IIber or 1DBIDbers ot the . Local Civil Defense Organization, and specification of the n'lmlbet-, . and method of appointment, or subordinantes to 881"W in each department J 06 The specification of the duties and f'unct1ans ot eaoh department, . . . . . particularly with respect to preparation for any emergency which lD8y'reqttLre the active interposition of tI:e Local O1vll Defense . . . . Organization in order to protect the c01llDUDity, and with respect to action to be taken upon OCC1,1rrenoe of any- sach emergencn d. The formulation of a plan ot action, to be coordinated with the state Civil Delenae Plan and Prop-a, and to sene. particularly . . .. . the residents of this Village and of" any surrounding areas, if required by agreement between the Looal 01 vll Defense Organization and other simUar organizations. e.. The adoption ot provisions tor organisation, sep81.'atelT or in oooperation with the state Ci'Vil Defense Agency" ot "mobile support teams," as def1ned in the illinois Oiv.l.l Defense Act of 1951, and tor recruitmf:nt of residents ot the Village tor assistance in 08l"l7ing out the plan or program tor c1vU de.tense. " . The regulations of the Looal Oivil Def'ense Organization shall not become ef':f'eotive. until approved by the President and Board of Trustees of the V1llageot Mount Prospect. -3- ...,......,.,..",...._""""."0...,"" ____.... '! ..... ~""I._-"'~,"''''~..,'_.,..,.. - I"'" .~ o Section 8: Compensation for Serv.Lces under Call by state Agency Every member of the Local Civil Defense Organization called to duty by the Governor or the state Direc::tor of Civil Defense ,PU1"suant to Section 8 of the D.linois Civil Defense Act of 1951, shall receive far wcm duty the compensation to which he may be anti tIed under that s tat'ete to be paid by the state, w by the Village, sub.1ect to reimbursement b;r the state. ~ation 9: Conpensation for other Serviee~ Except 313 pl"tf'irided in Sect.ion 8, hereof';: the compensation of~ mew.be::cs of '~11S IJocaJ. G1."~;iJ.. Def6T;,sC 01~~~~(rr(tza;:.5..;:.rrl ahal.1 'be as follV'i;s: -.............. The Il:i.fractor, ,::;nd Deputy Dil"ecc.or, shall racei va no compel1sation for their services in the Local Civil Defense Organization, but this prcrv1s1on shall not affect the:lr compensation for $erv.ices,.:to .~he Village in any other capacity. other members of the Local Civil Defense Or~zation, who may be paid employee~ or officers of the Village, shall reeeive no additional compensation because of their services to the Local Civil Detense Organization. Members of the Loosl ai.vil Defense Orgam.zation who are neither mElDbers of the Civ.U Defense Board nor et'llpIoyees or o.t.fica"s at the Village, shall receive tor ti1me spent in trstning, 01'" on othm." duty, such conpensati. on (if' any) as may be fixed 01' approved by the President and Board of Trustees of the VUlage.. Section let Raimb\D."sement by state , ~- . ,.\,. The Village Treasurer shell rec~i.ve arid'ailocate to the appropri~te funds any reinbursamenta 'bY the S"...ate tor expenses incident to service of members of the Local Civil Defense Oi.-ganization and an~. otJ;lerraimbursement made by the state incident; to 01 vU defense acti'rl ties.. Seoti an 11: O.t'i'ioe The V:illage YLanEtger is authorized and directed, to provide auoh space in the Village HalJ. and elsewhere as maybe available and necessary- for the accOIIII1Odation or the 100al Civil Defense Organization, together with such cler-lcal help as may be req'l.rl1~ed" Section 12z Eff,~t~ve Da~ and Duration ot the Or.dlnance The Ordinance sball taka street upon :it s passage and shall remain in effect so long as '~he I111no:ta 01 vj~ Defense Act o.f 1951, as he:t"aafter amended, ahall cont.inue in effect" 1fl'4-'? PASSED THIS /ai--A day of ~ APPROVED this /3l[ day of ~~ ~~-~-- Vill.~~i,. Cf!:e1'k .. _".~...,__ J 1959 $I 1959 ~Ql~ - . _d __ ~_ ."~'_____ '\l:Sl)Q~~iIl!~~~l1: "..