HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 772 08/01/1961
OHDINAHCE NO. _11 "j.,
VfrlEREAS, the Board of Appeals of the Village of mount
Prospect, sitting as a zoning commission at a public nleeting duly
called and held according to law (Appeal No. 61-20), considered
the question of reclassifying from R-l District, Single Family
Residence, to B-l, B-2 and 2-3 Districts certain real estate
hereinafter described, and
V~lEREAS, the owners by and through their duly authorized
agents have agreed not to permit vehicle ingress or egress from
the areas zoned B-1 and B-3 Districts to and upon F10undry Hoad;
and have agreed to erect at their expense a fence 710.13 feet
along the east side of Eln1hurst Hoad; and have agreed to dedicate
a parcel of land 33 feet wide at the westerly most portion of the
property described herein to the Village of IVIount Prospect, a mun-
icipal corporation, so as to make Elmhll.rst street a full street
at such place as would be contiguous to the property described '.
herein; and have agreed that the property described herein will
be served by sanitary sewer and that the water used for any build-
ings to be erected on said property will be purchased from the
Village of Mount Prospect; and will endeavor to comlnence construc-
tion on their proposed shopping center within one year from date
hereof, plans for which (as revised) having been approved by the
Architectural Comraittee of the Village of :10unt Prospect, and
WHEH&'\S, the Pres ident and Board of '-Crus tees of the
Village of Mount J:'rospect, having considered the reconnnendation
of the said Zoning Board of Appeals, and having considered the
fact that said zoning requests petitioned for are interdependent
with a petition for annexation of said property, and taking into
consideration that certain representations and promises made, as
noted above, will be fully complied with, believe that the highest
and best use of said real estate is as set out in petitioners' pe-
tition, namely 3-1, B-2 and B-3 Districts.
NOW, TE:Si~tEFCHE, bE IT CHDAINED by the President and
Board of Trustees of the Village of ~ount Prospect, Cook County,
Section 1. That an ordinance entitled !IAn ordinance
classifying, regulating and restricting the location of trades
and industries and tile location of buildings designed for speci-
fied uses; regulating and limiting the height and bulk of build-
ings hereafter erected or altered, regulating and limiting the
intensity of the use of lot areas and regulating and determining
the area of yards, courts and other open spaces within and sur-
rOtu~ding such buildings; establishing the boundaries of districts
for the said purposes; and prescribing penalties for the viola-
tion of its provisionsl! passed and approved December 4, 1923, and
amendments thereto, and known as Ordinance No. 52, as amended by
an ordinance known and cited as the Zoning Ordinance of i:Iount
Frospect passed and approved !\Iay 2, 19~-L~, and as subsequently
amended to date hereof, be maended as follows:
(a) By reclassifying from R-l District, Single Fanlily
Residence, to B-1 District, Business, the following described
'rhat part of the :0::ast :1alf of the Southwest quarter of Section 27,
Township ~2 North, Bange 11 bast of the 'rhird Principal I:Ieridian,
lying South of the center line of Rand Road, described as follows:
Cormnencing at the Southwest corner of the East half of the Soutll-
west qual"ter of said Section 27; thence :d;ast along the South line
of the Southwest quarter of said Section 27 for a distance of
758.61 feet~ thence North on a line forming an angle of ~O degrees
40 minutes 4-0 seconds, as measured from West to North with the
South line of the Southwest quarter, for a distance of L~87 .35
feet; thence East along a line which makes an angle of 90 degrees
58 minutes, as measured from South to East with the last described
line, for a distance of 253.91 feet to the center line of Rand
Hoad; thence Northwesterly along the center line of Hand Hoad for
a distance of 29d.3L~ feet to a point of comnencement of a curve;
thence Northwesterly along a curve having a radius of 15,626.10
feet and being convex to the Southwest for a distance of 725.96
feet; thence Southwesterly along a line which makes an angle of
98 degrees lU minutes with the last described line, Deasured from
Southeast to Southwest, for a distance of 316.80 feet; thence
Wes t along a line which makes an angle 0 f 216 degrees 35 !ninutes,
measured from Northeast to West with the last described line for
a distance of 33.0 feet to an intersection with the West line of
the East quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Section 27,
Township 42 North, Range 11 East of the Third Principal Meridian;
thence South along said west line of said East half of the South-
west quarter for a distance of 1,043.13 to the place of beginning,
except that part of said parcel taken for Rand Road, and except-
ing therefrom that part of said premises described as follows:
Beginning at a point in the South line of said Southwest quarter
758.61 feet East of the Southwest corner of the East half of said
Southwest qu~rter; thence North on a line forming an angle of 90
degrees 40 minutes 40 seconds, as measured from West to North,
with the South line of the Southwest quarter, a distance of
487.35 feet; thence East on a line fonning an angle of 90 degrees
58 minutes, as measured from South to East with the last described
line, a distance of 253.Y3 feet to the center line of Rand Hoad;
thence Northwesterly along the center line of Rand Road 298.34
feet to a point of cOmnlencement of a curve; thence Northwesterly
along a curve having a radius of 15,026.10 feet and being convex
to the Southwest for a distance of 102.06 feet; thence Southwest-
erly along a radial line of said last described curve, a distance
of 236.1~ feet more or less, to a~ intersection with a line 200.0
feet ~iest of and parallel to said line forming an angle of 90
degrees 40 minutes 40 seconds, as measured from West to North
with the South line of said Southwest quarter; thence South along
the last described line, a distance of 6uO.35 feet more or less
to the South line of said Southwest quarter; thence West along
said South line of the Southwest quarter, 200.0 feet to the place
of beginning, and excepting also from said parcel the South 333.00
feet, as measured along the West line of said East half of the
Southwest quarter of said Section 27, Township 42 North, Range 11
East of the Third Principal l'c'=eridian, in Cook county, Illinois
(b) By reclassifying from R-l District, Single Family
Residence, to B-2 District, BUSiness, the following described
Part of the East half of the Southwest quarter of Section 27,
1'ownship 42 North, Eange 11 East of the Third Principal r:eridian,
described as follows: Beginning at a point in the South line of
said Southwest quarter, 758.61 feet East of the Southwest corner
of the East half of said Southwest quarter; thence North on a
line forming an angle of 90 degrees L~o minutes 40 seconds, as
n:easured from West to NOl'th, vvith the South line of the Southwest
quarter for a distance of 250 feet; thence VJest parallel with the
South line of the Southwest quarter for a distance of 200 feet;
thence South for a distance of 250 feet to a point in the South
line of the Southwest quarter; thence East 200 feet to the point
of beginning.
Hesidence, to
By recla8sifying from R-l District, Single Family
3-3 ~istrict, Business, the following ~escribed
1:'art of the East :Clalf of the Southvlest quarter of Section 27,
Township 42 North, Range 11 ~ast of the Third Principal ~eridian,
described as follows: COITmlencing at a point in the South line of
said Southwest quarter 758.61 feet East of the Southwest corner
of the East half of said Soutllwest quarter and running thence
North on a line forming an angle of 90 degrees 40 minutes ~_o
seconds, as measured from West to North, with the South line of
the Southwest quarter for a distance of 250 feet to the place of
beginning; thence continuing north along an extension of said line
for a distance of 237.35 feet; thence East on a line forruing an
angle of 90 degrees 58 minutes, as measured from South to East
with the last described line, a distance of 253.93 feet to the
center line of Hand Road; thence lJorthwesterly along the center
line of Rand Road 298.34 feet to a point of commencement of said
curve; thence Northwesterly along a curve having a radius of
15,626.10 feet and being convex to the Southwest for a distance
of lu2.06 feet; thence Southwesterly along a radial line of a
last described curve a distance of 236.15 feet, more or less, to
an intersection with a line 200 feet West of and parallel with
hereinbefore described line which forms an angle 90 degrees 40
minutes 40 seconds, as Measured from West to North, with the South
line of said Southwest quarter; thence Sough along said parallel
line a distance of 350.35 feet more or less, to a point which is
250 feet North of the South line of said Southwest quarter; thence
East 200 feet to the place of beginning.
Section 2. That said real estate as reclassified shall
be subject to all the limitations and conditions placed upon
property in the respective districts to which they have been re-
classified, as defined in the ordinances of the Village of T'ilount
Section 3. That any person, firm or corporation who
violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or
WllO resists the enforveillent of any of the provisions of this or-
dinance shall be fined not more than One hundred (~;?100) Dollars
for each offense, and eacll day that a violation is permitted to
exist shall constitute a separate offense.
Section ~_. That this ordinance shall be in full force
and effect from and after its passase, approval and publication,
according to law.
PASSEl) TEIS -1_ day of Lyv-.4/, 1961.
APPIWv.8lJ THIS -L day of ~1 ~' , 1961.
President .
~~~J'. w;J-A~
Village Clerk
PU13LISnED this
Ie day of
ItC" . t:
l .,A.....! .
, 1961,
in ___-tlJ;,A.~..CJ