HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 784 09/05/1961
10/8/3 J:/6 1
ORDINANCE NO. --1.f-1..
~{EREAS, the Board of Appeals of the Village of Mount
Prospect, sitting as a zoning co~nission at a public meeting duly
hela~according to law (Appeal No. 61- 2~ ), considered the ques-
tion of amending and supplementing the Zoning Ordinance of Mount
Prospect, including the establisrunent of a special use provision
therein, and
WliEREAS, a tentative ordinance was dul
the Mount Prospect Herald on the 10 day of
preceding the meeting and in full accordance wit
, 196 I ,
and -
WHEHEAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the
Village of Mount Prospect, having considered the recommendation
of said Board of Appeals acting as a zoning commission, find and
believe that the adoption of said ordinance amending and supple-
menting the Zoning Ordinance of Mount Prospect so as to provide
for a special use is desirable and to the best interests of said
NOW, THEREFORE, BE rr OHDAINED by the President and
Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County,
Section 1. That an ordinance entitled "An ordinance
classifying, regulating and restricting the location of trades
and industries and the location of buildings designed for
specified uses; regulating and limiting the height and bulk of
buildings hereafter erected or altered, regulating and limiting
the intensity of the use of' lot areas and regulating and deter-
mining the area of' yards, courts and other open spaces within
and surrounding such buildings; establishing the boundaries of'
districts for the said purposes; and prescribing penalties f'or
the violation of its provisions" passed and approved December 4-,
1923, and amendments thereto, and known as Ordinance No. 52, as
amended by an ordinance known and cited as the Zoning Ordinance
of' Ti10unt Prospect, passed and approved May 2, 1944, and as sub-
sequently amended and supplemented as follows:
To add thereto Section 3.02 SPECIAL USES:
(a) Purpose. The development and execution of' a zoning
ordinance is based upon the division of' the Village into districts,
within which districts the use of land and buildings and the bulk
and location of buildings and structures in relation to the land
are substantially uniform. It is recognized, however, that there
are special uses which, because of their unique characteristi~s,
cannot be properly classified in any particular district or dlS-
tricts without consideration, in each case of the impact of those
uses upon neighboring land and of the public need for the particu-
lar use at the particular location. Such special uses fall into
two categories:
(1) Uses publically operated or traditionally affected
with a public interest;
(2) Uses entirely private in character but of such an
unusual nature that their operation may give rise to unique prob-
lems with respect to their impact upon neighboring property or
public facilities.
(b) Initiation of Special Use. Any person, firm or
corporation owning or lmving an interest in the subject property
may file an application to use such land for one or more of the
special uses provided for in this ordinance in the zoning district
in which the land is situated.
(c) Application for Special Use. An application for a
special use or expansion of a special use shall be f'iled with the
Village Clerk on a form prescribed by the Village Manager. The
application shall be accompanied by such plans and/or data pre-
scribed by the Village T!Ianager and shall include a statement .in
writing by the applicant and adequate evidence showing that the
proposed special use will conform to the standards set forth in
paragraph (f) of this Section 3.02.
Cd) Hearing on Application. Upon receipt in proper
form of the application and statement referred to in paragraph
(c) of this Section, the Board of Eppeals shall hold at least one
public hearing after notice as provided in Section 16 (c) <'5)
(e) Authorization. For each application for a special
use the Board of Appeals shall report to the President and Board
of Trustees its findings and reco~mendation, including the sti-
pulations of additional conditions, and guarantees that such con-
ditions will be complied with when they are deemed necessary for
the protection of the public interest. The Board of Trustees,
subject to the requirements of this Section and the Statutes of
the State of Illinois, may grant or deny any application for a
special. use. Special uses sball only become effective by an
ordinance duly passed by the President and Board of Trustees.
(f) Standards. No special use shall be adopted by the
Board unless the following standards are found to exist:
(1) That the establisrunent, maintenance or operation
of the special use will not be detrhlental to or endanger the
public health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare.
(2) That the special use will not be injurious to the
use and enjoyment of other property in the inunediate vicinity for
the purposes already per1llitted, nor substantially diminish and
impair property values within the neighborhood.
(3) That the establishment of the sp&cial use will not
impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of sur-
rounding property for uses permitted in the district.
(4) That adequate utilities, access roads, draingge~
and/or other necessary facilities have been or are being proviaed.
(S) That adequate .ealUHs have bee. or will be talten
to proy1.. ingre.s and egress ao de.igned aa to M1n1~.e trattl.
conseatioD in the publlc .tr.etl.
(6) !hat the .,eclal ule shall 11'1 all otAer respect.
cont"ol'lL to the applicable replation. ot the di.triet 111 wblca
It ls located, except aa luch regulations IU.'J' 11'1 each iDatanoe be
=4i11e4 b7 tbe Board ot Truste.s purS\1lmt to the reeo...ndatlon
ot tbe Board ot APpeals.
(I) Conditions and Guarantl... Prior to the grantiDl
ot aDJ .p.cl~ use the Board ot Appeall ~ reco...n4, and the
Board of Trult.es shall. stipulate, .ueh conditions and re.trio-
tiona upon tDe .stabll...nt, location, cOllltruction, maintenance
and operation ot the apeeial use as deemed nec..s8.rJ' tor the pro-
tectioD of the public tnterelt and to seoure co~liane. with tbe
standards and require..ntl lpecified 111 paragaph (t) of thi.
Seetlon. 111 all cales in which special u..a are p-qte. the Board
ot Tr\18t... ehall require luell eyidence and parantie. al it -.,
de.. nec..e&1'7 as proot tl1at the conditione atIpu1at~4 ill connec-
tion there.ith are being, aDd will be, cOlIPlled with.
(h) Require.Dte tor Authori.ed Special Usea. Each
.pecialu.. hereatter authori.ed .ball be required to ad1lere to
the ott-street parking, heighte and .et-back regUlatIons of thil
ordinmce applicable to the particular us. diltriot 1a which the
special use i8 authorlzed.
(i) Reyocation. In aDJ oale where a Ipecial Wle haa
not bee~ .stabliahed wit1d.1\ one ,.ear after the date o~ the grant-
ing tb.reo~, then without ~urther action OJ' the a.artl of APpeals
or Boardo~ Trustees, the special us. authorization ahall be null
and yoid. . . .
Section 2. 1'0 uuaend Section 8, 1...1 Diatrict, paragraph
(a) ot tbll ZoniDg Ot.-dinance o~ the Villaee of Mount Prospect b7
add1ng the ~ollowil.1St "14. 'fruck and bus terainall and the
garaglq and parkins.ot..aaid vehicle. al a .pecial u.. only."
Section 3. To amend Section " 1-2 District ot the Zoning
Ordinance of tbe Village of !,Iount Prospect b1 adding the tollowing:
"lS. '!'ruck: and bus terBdnall and i;he larag!Dg and. parking ot .
.aid vehicle. as a epeclal use onl7."
Section 4. To ...nd Section 16, Board ot APpeal8,
paragraph B, Jurisdiction of the Zoning ordinance. ot Mount
Prospect, b7 adding the tollowiD.g~ "It shall hold a hearir1g and
nblJl1t reco_nelation. to the president andBoard of !l.'r1l8tees
concerning applications tor .pecial us.. in acoordanee with
Section 3.02 of the Zoning Ordinances ot the Village of Mount
. Section 5. Penalty. This ordinance shall be adminis'"
tered. and entorced bJ' the Superintendent ot Building COD.8tructlon,
who is berebJ' designated as the enforcing ofticer. The Superin-
tendent ot Building Construction mq institute, in the nauae 01'
the Village ot MounteProapect, any appropriate action or proce.d-
ing. . against a violat()r as provided b'f statute. Art1' person, tirm.
or corporation, or agents, emplo.,e.. or contractor8 ot such, who
violat., di80be,., omit, neglect, 01' ret\18e to cOllp17 with, or who
resist entorcement ot any ot the provilions ot this ordinance,
ahall be subjected to a tine ot not le s. than 110.00 nor lII01'e than
$100.00 tor each ottense; each daJ tbat a violation 18 permitted
to exist aball constitute a separate ottenae.
BeetloD 6. 'hi. or41lW1oe .h&11 1M 18 hll tOl'oe ...
.tt.ct ~0Il aDd &n.r 1ta p"I&88, approyal ..4 pllb1ieat1oQ.
acoordillS to law.
, ~ of ..J i.d ti~'1 I~ 1961.
daJ ot ~;J;:;~~ 1961
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PUBLISHED 1D tile Hoat Proapeot Herald tAli ~ 1 cia,. ot ~1:--J~
~9'1.., .. .