HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 783 08/23/1961
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AS '~1Q. fHO.r':bH'l'Y DIH'LCT1.JY SOG'l'rI OF CUT'I'HAL SCfiuGL
h"lj~:~l:SAS, the doard of Appeals of the Villa[~e of Tlount
Prospect, sittinc as a zoninf~ commission at a public~meeting duly
called and held accordin,g to lav; (Appeal Eo. bl-22), considered
tlle question of reclassifying from B-1 District, ~esidential, to
P-3 District, f2.rking, the r0;,al estate hereinafter described, and
W~,:GR8AS, the PresicJ.ent and Doard of Trustees of the
Village of I':lount Prospect, h8.vin,i: considered the recommendations
of said Zoning Doard of Appeals, find and Delieve that the high-
est and 'oest 1.:~se of said real estate here1n is tLat of 1:'-3 Dis-
tr ic t, Parldng,
um; ,
Board of Trustees
U'::W, Dj,~ 1'i' (j.i.~DAIJ.iLD by the Pres ident and
of t,r18 Villar~e of ~,TOu..Ylt :erospec t, Coo}~ County,
Section 1. 'll1:at an o:ed-Lnance entitled "An ordinance
classifying, regulating and restrictins the location of trades
and industries and the location of buildin~s desiClled for speci-
fied 1.1SGS; re[~ulatin~:; and liniting the hei~;:C1t G.nd bulle of build-
inc;s hereafter orectec3. or al te):'eo., re lating and liii1itinc; the
intens ity of the use of lot area~, and re[~nla t inf;: and deteE1ininp;
the area of yards, com~ts and ot~1er open ::;lJaees w::..thin and sur-
roundins such buildinps; establishin~ the boundaries of districts
for cLe saia purposes; and prescri'oing penalties fOI' tlle viola-
tion of its provisionsl! passecl and approved .:)eceil~b81> L~, 1-)23, and
<O'^118nd"'no""i-r, t>E""'eto 0..""'0" 101101"11 <OC' ()'rd'~I""nDce -,TO "2 n(' ""'le'''lo''O,.:) b-r
0...'- ~ 1..1. V 0 ...J.J. ,'iL :.. 1\...... ~iJ. 0...0 \ ._.Ll"o...l.." L . :> , O.w a~. 1 . \..-l c.~
an ordinance known and cited as the ~onin~ Ordinance of ~ollilt
Frospec t pass ed ancL approvecI 'j "ay 2, 1 '}l:.i i-, and as s'l'bs eqpentl;Y'
amended to date b,erecif, 'G8 a:Yi.Onr.t8U. b;)' reclassifying fro~n ::-1
District, ltesidential, to P-3 District, Parking, the following
described real estate:
.;,lOt b in Blocl: L.. in 1)US8e and ',Jille IS l:esubc3.ivision in fht West
half of ~-)ection' 12, 'l'ovmship 41 Earth, r:anc~e 11 l~ast of the
~L'hird princ ipal Feridian, Cool= county, Illinois.
Section 2. That said real estate as reclassified shall
be subject to all the limitations ancl conditions placed upon
property 5..n the p-3 Listr'ict, farldng, as defined in t1.'(,-) ordi-
nanc es afor e";lent ioned.
;section 3. 'That any person, firm or corporation i'lho
violates, disobeys, o:c:its, ner~lects or refl:.ses to comply with or
who resists the enforcenent of any of tiLe prov:isions of this 01'-
dJ..nanc8 shall be fined not :nore than One hUEdred (.lUO) :Dollars
fOI' each offense, ano. eaeL day t:!at 8. violation is permitted to
e=~ist shall constitute a se~.:;arate off6n~,(;.
Section li-. ;fiat this orClnance shall 08 in full force
and effect from 8.nd after its passa~e, approval and publication,
according to law.
p,A.sm'::D this -::.,::.J..i- day of A1.w;ust, 1;161.
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A.PPl'{0\!bD this ,,:LJ' day of August, 1)01.
Presideilt -- ~
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, 19b1, in the