HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 909 05/14/1963
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-,--,~,C1AH ),- PUJJ1IC 1:~..:.~D I,'uI, A. VJBLL Srl'E OF
CL1~Til.IF PHOiij~T-'{ UVWED i:r:{ 'l'Lt:; T.IOlI1Fl' rHOSPEC'l'
vf.tU::.JL:_J\.S, tbe Villarce of i!oUQt Prospect, a municipal
corporation, is a :m_micipal corpol'at ion orr:anized. under the lows
of the state of Illinois, and
V/~:~~I{Ljl.~), t11e ~~Iourlt Prospect Park District is a Park
District organized under the laws of the state of Illinois, and
VJI:LHEAS, said T;ount Pro spec t Park Dis tr ict ~L8 the owner
in fee simple of real estate hereinafter clescri:J8d, and
VJI-lLFtl::;J\S, the t err i tories of the Village of j',Tcunt pros-
pect lie within the territories of the I.Tount Prospect Park Dis-
trict or partially within and partially without the boundaries
of the T'o'lmt Prospect Park IJistric t, and
, the real estate llcreinafter described lie
within the limits of both the Villa.f~e of T'ount Prospect and the
'''iount Prospect Park District, and
VJ!::L['I:IJ\~S, the Village of VOlL'lt Prospect is in need, for
the benefit of the taxpayers of both municipalities, of a well
site to be located on the real estate hereinafter described, and
VlL.',l\LAS, it is deemed necessary by the President and
'.:oard of r['rpstees of the Villa.0:e of' ;.70unt Prospect and convenient
that the hereinafter described real estate be used for and im-
proved with a well and necessar;;r housing therefor so as to fur-
nial! water to the res idents of the 'Iilla;;>:e of T.ilount pros.lJec t, and
WE.i::-Rc.AS, the Villap:e of "Tount Prosp ec t and the TCount
Prospect park District have agreed to the following:
1. That the I/iount Prospect/District will deed to the
Village of I10unt Prospect the hereinafter described real estate
subject to the conditions: ~t'T/L0,.:JLi.f'CJU
a) rrba t the plans for all buildings and Lrnprovements
to be placed on said real estate by the Village will be subject
to the approval of the Fount Prospect Park District.
b) 'l'hat said real estate will be inproved with a well
and well site and will be used only for said purpose by the
Village and that upon the termination of said use by said Vil-
lage that all right, title and interest in said real estate held
oy the Village will revort to tbe Eount Prospect Park District
for park purposes and that the Villar~e pay unto the Park District
the sum of ",J,500 in consideration for the conveyance of the real
estate hereinafter described as well as any and all other costs
which may be incidental to the conveyance of said hereinafter
described real estate.
NOW, 1'E::H,;FOL:G, .0;;'; I'l' Ol:DAINED by the Pres iclent and
'30ard of 'J:'rustees of tbe Villap;e of ]\"ount Prospect, Cook County,
Section 1. That the President and Board of Trustees
of the Vi11ac;e of ount Prospect do hereby declare that there is
a public need for a well site and housing on the following de-
scribed real estate:
The North yo feet of the West 90 feet of Lot 69 in H.
Hoy Berr7)T Company's Northwest Heights, a Subdivision
of that land lyin;:; north of the Chicago Horthwestern
Hailway in the l\forthwest quarter of the Southeast quar-
ter of Section 33, r'::'owDship 42 rTortll, Hange 11 East of
the 'l'hird principal ~ eI':I.dian, recorded Yiarch 17, F)2G,
Cook County, Illinois.
Section 2. That the President and Village Clerk be
authorized to sign any and all documents, contracts and papers
whatsoever necessary to cause the conveyance of the aforementioned
real estate to the Village of yount Prospect in accordance with
the terms and conditions aq'eed upon between the two municipali-
ties as hereinabove set forth.
Section 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force
and effect from and after its passaF"e and approval according to
PASSI;D this I Lj
AP?JWV2;D this -L!:L
da~T of 1-rt ~ ' 1963.
day of __~ a.-;;__, 1963.
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