HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 992 08/25/1964
DHDI-:'TANCE FO. -.:L.'12.
PLAl'Tr\T~12"" RJ?_9R~~_~~01'TAL OPEN ~~A._gE DIS~HI.gr~~
YH-E'REAS, the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of
Mount Prospect, constituted as a zoning commission, has
performed all statutory funct ions reouired of it and has
conducted public hearings on amendments to the Zoning Ordinance
of the8Village of Mount Prospect as set forth herein; and
WIJ:S:REAS, all publication reQuirements in reference to the
foregoing amendments have been duly complied with; and
WBEHEAS, the Board of Appeals act ing as a zoning comrnis-
sion has reported and placed its recorrrrnendations on file with
the corporate authorities of the Village; and
WHEHEAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village
of Mount Prospect consider it to be to the best interest of the
Village that the foregoing amendments to the Mount Prospect
Zoning Ordinance be in fact adopted;
NOW, THEHFFOHE, BF IT OHDAI"TFD by the Pres icen t and Board
of 'l'rustees of the Villap~e of Mount Prospect, Cook County,
Section 1. That the Mount Prospect Zoning Ordinance be
and is hereby amended by adding: thereto the following:
!13ection 23 A
Pid\.~,nmD '1ECt~'?ArrIONAL OPTW SPACE
'1)1 S f;~EiI err.
1.1 Purpose. The Planned Recreational Open Space District is included in this
Zoning Ordinance to bring about a more efficient and desirable use of land
through the preservation of large and useful open space areas. To this end,
it permits Planned Developments with clustering of buildings and vertical
rather than horizontal arrangement of 1 iving units.
1.2 Zoninq District Subclassifications. The Planned Recreational Open Space
District shall include one or more of the three (3) zoning subdistricts,
each of which shall have different permitted uses as outl ined in Section
2.1. The three zoning subdistricts are as follows:
PL-A Planned (Low intensity) Residential Subdistrict.
PL-B Planned (Medium intensity) Residential Subdistrict.
PL-C Accommodations and Office Subdistrict.
1.3 General Requirements for the Establ ishment of a Planned Recreational Open
Space District.
A - A tract of land under single ownership and/or unified control
having not less than one hundred and fifty (150) acres.
B - A Land Use and Zoning Plat for the Planned Development, ap-
proved by the President and Board of Trustees.
1 .4 Procedure.
1.41 Appl ication. Appl ications to zone property to a Planned Recreational
Open Space District shall be made on forms provided by the Village
and shall be accompanied by a Land Use and Zoning Plat, certified by
the Village Planner as being in accordance with this Ordinance.
1.42 Upon receipt of said appl ication and plat, the President and Board
of Trustees shall refer same to the Zoning Board of Appeals for pub-
1 ic hearing, report and recommendations.
1.43 The Zoning Ordinance establ ishing any Planned Recreational Open
Space District shall be effective when a land use and zoning plat is
approved by the President and Board of Trustees as being in accord-
ance with the requirements of this Ordinance and when said plat is
filed of record with either the Cook County Recorder or Registrar of
Deeds. The Village Clerk shall record same within five (5) days
after the passage of any zoning ordinance zoning property to the
Planned Recreational Open Space District.
1.44 The Purpose of the Plat. The primary purpose of the Land Use and
Zoning Plat is to designate with particularity the land to be built
upon (called building lots); the land to be preserved as open space
(called recreational open space lots) and the uses permitted (being
designated by appropriate zoning subdistricts) to be placed upon
specific land (called zoning tracts).
The recording of said plat is to inform all who deal with the Plan-
ned Development of the general nature of the restrictions placed
upon same and to act as a zoning control device.
1.45 Contents and Requirements of the Land Use and Zoninq Plat
A - The location and dimensions of the Planned Development, the var-
ious zoning tracts, recreational open space lots, building lots,
existing permanent buildings, and the zoning subdistrict design-
nations accorded to the various zoning tracts as well as ease-
ments and rights-of-way and the legal descriptions and the square
foot area of each; section and half-section 1 ines; zoning classi-
fication of abutting zoning districts;
B - The plat shall be drawn to a scale of one (1) inch to one hundred
(100) feet and certified by an III inois registered land surveyor
as being true and correct.
- 2 -
(a) Each zoning tract shown thereon shall be designated as being
in but one of the three var i ous zoning subdistricts.
(b) Each zoning tract shall contain at least one building lot
and one recreational open space lot.
- 3 -
2.1 Required Uses in any Zoninq Tract. There shall be a recreational open space
lot or lots which contain an area of not less than sixty per cent (60%) of
the zoning tract. This shall be computeQ as being in addition to any resi-
dual area remaining open in any building lot due to restrictions placed
2.2 Permitted Uses.
2.21 Uses permitted within the "PL-A Planned Residential Sub-District.'1
A. On building lots:
1. Multi-family or single-family dwell ings.
2. Community Centers.
3. ReI igious Institutions.
4. Any use or accessory use permitted for a recreational open
space lot (see Definitions, and Section 2.216).
5. Accessory uses incidental to the above.
(a) Garages and parking lots.
(b) Greenhouses and conservatories.
(c) Offices incidental to the operation of permitted uses.
(d) Tool and equipment houses.
(e) Buildings within which food, beverages, and accessory
sports equipment are sold.
(f) Signs as provided herein.
(g) Required publ ic util ity facilities.
B. On recreational open space lots:
1. Landscape gardens - arboretums.
2. Parks and playgrounds - publ ic or private.
- 4 -
3. Golf courses.
4. Tennis courts.
5. Swimming pools.
6. Skating rinks.
7. Any open athletic court or field.
8. Driveways.
9. Publ ie util ity facil ities and easements.
10. Lakes.
I l. Storm water retention basins.
12. Accessory uses incidental to the above, provided structures
and accessory facil ities (b) through (h) erected coincidental
with such uses collectively do not exceed the allowable per-
centages of ground area covered as 1 isted in the definitions
for "Recreational Open Space Lot" contained herein, and pro-
vided further that no single structure or accessory facil ity
shall exceed one acre of ground area covered and that perm-
anent stadiums or structures for outdoor seating of spectators
shall not be permitted, with the exception of temporary seat-
ing facil ities which shall not cover more than five (5) acres
of ground.
(a) Grade-level parking lots and below-grade parking garages
provided same do not cover more than four per cent of
the Recreational Open Space Lot area.
(b) Greenhouses and conservatories.
(e) Tool and equipment houses.
(d) Above-grade parking garages.
(e) Buildings within which food, beverages, and sports
equipment are sold.
(f) Signs as provided herein.
(g) Clubs, private athletic.
(h) Cl ub houses.
- 5 -
2.22 Uses permitted within the "PL-B Planned Residential Sub-District."
A. On Sui lding Lots:
1. Any use or accessory use permitted under Section 2.21A of
this Ordinance. (Note Section 2.6 as to PL-B Intensity
Standards) .
2. Retail food shops, dress shops, gift shops, valet shops,
haberdasheries and drug stores, and personal service shops
such as beauty and barber shops; restaurants ard private
clubs as part of multi-family dwell ings; provided said uses
are for the use of the tenants of the building or building
complex in which they are located and are accessible only
through the lobby of a multi-family dwell ing containing one
hundred (100) or more dwell ing units. No advertising or
display shall be visible from outside the building.
B. On Recreational Open Space Lots:
Any use or accessory use permitted under Section 2.21B.
2.23 Uses permitted within the "PL-C Accommodations and Office Subdistrict."
A. On Building Lots:
1. Any use or accessory use permitted under Section 2.22A.
2. Apartment hotels not to exceed one unit for each 2400 square
feet as provided in Section 2.6, including accessory uses as
set forth in Paragraph 4 below.
3. Hotels, motor hotels and lodges, including such accessory
uses as are noted in Paragraph 5 below. (See definition of
"Lodging Unitt' for density control.)
4. Club houses and accessory structures on the grounds of re-
creational clubs, golf courses and tennis clubs; including
the sale therein of sports equipment, if incidental to the
principal activity.
- 6 -
5. Accessory uses to Paragraphs 2 and 3 above which are:
(a) Retail food shops, dress shops, gifts shops, valet
shops, haberdasheries and drug stores, personal serv-
ice shops, beauty and barber shops, provided same are
accessible to the publ ic through the lobby with no
advertising or display visible from outside of the
building and provided same collectively ~o not exceed
fifteen per cent (15%) of the floor area of the prin-
cipal uses to which accessory.
(b) Art galleries.
(c) Catering establ ishments.
(d) Clubs, private.
(e) Convention halls.
(f) Exhibition halls and showrooms.
(g) Indoor recreational establ ishments.
(h) Lounges, within any permitted use herein, where inci-
dental to the principal activity.
(i) Meeting halls.
(j) Restaurants, within any permitted use herein, where
incidental to the principal activity.
(k) Theaters (indoor only).
6. General offices; health and medical institutions; convales-
cent, nursing and resthomes; hospitals and sanitariums but
not including institutions for the care or treatment of the
insane, feebleminded, alcohol ic or drug addict patients;
institutions for the care of the aged and for children;
laboratories; philahthropic institutions; provided same col-
lectively do not have a floor area greater than eight per
cent (8%) of the total zoning tract.
7. Special Uses.
- 7 -
(a) Commercial hel iports including aircraft landing fields,
runways and fl ight strips together with other auxil iary,
f ac i 1 it i es.
(b) Radio and television studies, stations, and towers;
transmitting and receiving.
B. On Recreational Open Space Lots.
Any use or accessory use permitted under Section 2.21B.
2.3 Buildinq Heiqhts.
2.31 In any "PL District", no part of any structure shall project above
and beyond 1 imits which are establ ished by height 9ontrol planes ex-
tending over the zoning tract at an angle of 45 degrees, said planes
starting at the crown center I ine elevation of abutting section or
half section I ine roads or the nearest boundary I ine of the zoning
tract, whichever shall be the further; provided that said building
does not violate state or federal law.IV//) PROIJ; oeD /h1~I'VO
BUIt-J) 1/1/6 ShA '-L- I?'~ c@ep .2'75 ree-C /111 he 191'--' .
2.32 On Recreational Open Space Lots, structures for principal uses listed
as permitted therein shall not exceed forty (40) feet in height.
Struct~res that are accessory to principal uses located in the Recre-
ational Open Space Lot shall not exceed twenty-five (25) feet in
2.4 Setback. No portion of any structure shall be placed within thirty (30)
feet of any boundary of any zoning tract or publ ic right-of-way provided,
however, that structures exceeding forty (40) feet in height shall be placed
not less than fifty (50) feet from any boundary of a zoning tract or publ ic
2.5 Maximum Ground Area Coveraqe. Ground area coverage of buildings shall not
exceed an area equal to fifteen per cent (15%) of the gross area of the
zoning tract.
- 8 -
2.6 Density Requirements. Intensity of use shall be computed on two bases:
first, as to the Planned Development as a whole; and second, as to the par-
ticular zoning tract. The number of units permitted shall be controlled by
satisfying both the requirements in accordance with the following:
Minimum Gross Area Required
Area Per Dwell inq Unit
Planned Development 7200 sq. ft.
Zoning tract 4800 sq. ft.
Planned Development 7200 sq. ft.
Zoning tract 2400 sq. ft.
Planned Development 7200 sq. ft.
Zoning tra~t 2400 sq. ft.
Zoninq Subdistrict
2.7 Minimum Floor Area Per Dwell inq Unit. In any Planned Development the fol-
lowing minimum floor area per dwell ing unit shall be required:
One Bedroom Dwell ing Unit
Two Bedroom Dwell ing Unit
Three Bedroom Dwell ing Unit
700 square feet
850 square feet
1000 square feet
2.8 Off-Street Parkinq and Loadinq.
2.81 No parking facil ities provided to serve existing use shall be removed
unless an equivalent number of parking spaces are provided in lieu
2.82 Off-street parking facil ities for separate uses may be provided if
the total number of spaces so provided is not less than the sum of
the separate requirements for each such use and provided that all
such parking is on the same zoning tract.
2.83 No less than fifty per cent (50%) of off-street parking facil ities
shall be self-parking facilities.
- 9 -
2.84 On recreational open space lots, parking shall not be permitted within
thirty (30) feet of any street.
2.85 On a building lot, parking in the front building setback area shall
not be permitted within ten (10) feet of any street. No parking in
the front setback area shall be permitted within thirty (30) feet of
any street unless trees or shrubbery exceeding five (5) feet in height
shall separate the parking area from such street.
2.9 Off-Street Parkinq Standards.
PL-A Subdistrict
2.0 spaces per dwell ing unit
PL-B Subdistrict
1.5 spaces per dwell ing unit
PL-C Subdistrict
Dwell ing Units - 1.5 spaces per dwell ing unit
Motels, Hotels and Lodging Rooms - 3 spaces for
every 4 units
Theaters -
space for every 3 seats
Restaurant Facil ities -spaces equal to 25% of
capacity, in number of persons
Banquet Facil ities - spaces equal to 40% of capa-
city, in number of persons
Other Uses - 1 space for every 400 square feet in
excess of 2,000 square feet
2.10 Off-Street Loadinq Standards
PL-A Subdistrict
2 loading berths for buildings from 10,000 to
200,000 square feet plus one
berth for every additional
200,000 square feet or fraction
PL-B Subdistrict
Load i ng berths as requ ired in any II PL-A" Sub-
- 10 -
PL-C Subdistrict
Load i ng berths as requ ired in any II PL-A" Sub-
2. I I Space Between Bui Idinqs.
2. III The space between one story buildings shall be a minimum of fifteen
(15) feet, and the space between two story buildings or one story
buildings and two story buildings shall be a minimum of twenty-two
and one-half (22t) feet.
2.112 The minimum distance between any two buildings of any other story
classification shall be thirty (30) feet or sixty per cent (60%) of
the height of the buildings or of the taller building, whichever is
the greater. If the shortest distance between two buildings is
measured from the corner of one to the corner of the other, and the
walls of the two buildings do not overlap, then the distance between
. the two buildings shall be not less than twenty-five per cent (25%)
of the height of the buildings or of the taller building whichever
is the greater. (See definition of overlap.)
2.12 Siqns. Signs are permitted in Planned Developments subject to the following
dential Subdistricts no sign, business sign, or advertising sign
shall be erected except the following signs:
A. A name sign identifying the Planned Development, the building
and/or its owner provided the surface area in square feet does
not exceed .25 times the I ineal footage of frontage of the zon-
ing tract.
B. Signs pertaining to the lease of dwell ing units in the Subdistrict
provided such signs shall not exceed ten (10) square feet in sur-
face area.
- I I -
C. Temporary signs, for one year, advertising a.new structure within
the Planned Development, provided such sign or signs do not ex-
ceed two hundred (200) square feet in surface area, are no more
than fifteen (15) feet nor less than three (3) feet above ground,
advertise only the development in the Subdistrict in which they
are located and are erected only at street entrances. Authoriza-
tion of such temporary sign or signs shall be obtained from the
Superintendent, who shall require and the appl icant shall deposit
the sum of $100.00 for each such sign to guarantee the removal of
same; said deposit to be returned to the appl icant upon the re-
moval of the sign. Such signs shall be reviewed from year to
year by the Superintendent or shall be terminated by him upon
sale of the last lot or dwell ing property or abandonment of new
construction and removed upon thirty (30) days written notice by
the Superintendent. Failure to commence new construction within
six (6) months shall be deemed abandonment.
D. One sign in each Subdistrict identifying an engineer, architect
or contractor engaged in the construction of a building in the
Subdistrict in which the sign is located provided such'sign
shall not exceed twelve (12) square feet in surface area, is no
more than ten (10) feet or less than three (3) feet above ground
and is removed within thirty (30) days following occupancy of the
E. Permitted signs may be located in any required setback area, but
not less than fifty (50) feet from an adjoining zoning district
which is not part of the Planned Development
Accommodations and Office Subdistrict the following signs shall be
permitted to be erected under the conditions specified and none
A. All signs permitted in the Pl-A and Pl-B Subdistricts.
- 12 -
B. Signs advertising activities in the Subdistrict as a whole, pro-
vided no sign:
1. shall exceed, in square feet of surface area, .5 times the
I ineal footage of frontage of the zoning tract;
2. shall exceed forty (40) feet in height above the ground;
3. is placed closer than three hundred (300) feet to a second
sign advertising activities in the Subdistrict;
4. is placed within twenty (20) feet of any portion of any
street or road, or is placed within fifty (50) feet of any
zoning district which is not part of the Planned Development.
C. No advertising sign shall be painted upon any wall in the Subdis-
t r i ct.
D. Temporary ground signs advertising the construction of buildings
in the Subdistrict are permitted and shall be subject to the
same requirements as temporary signs in the Residential Subdis-
E. Signs on the roof of no more than one (1) building within the
No billboards and no advertising signs, unrelated to the Planned
Development, shall be permitted in any Subdistrict. Illuminated,
non-flashing, signs shall be permitted within the Planned Recreational,
Open Space District. All signs erected in the Planned Recreational
Open Space District shall be subject to the provisions of Section
9.304 "General Provisions and Restrictions Applying to All Districts"
of the Mount Prospect Sign Ordinance, to the extent that such pro-
visions of Section 9.304 are not inconsistent with the provisions
- 13 -
2.13 Interpretation. In the event of confl ict or inconsistency between present
Mount Prospect Ordinances and Regulations, and the herein Ordinance and Reg-
ulations, the herein Ordinance and Regulations shall be conclusively pre-
sumed to have superseded the former and shall prevail.
- 14 -
AND SITE De vel cJ r IV\ eN7
.s j m De v'eJ-eJ P meN r
1. Finar"Plat. (11eRellv AFTeR Re;::e~~elJ IcJ AS The FINAL PLAT)
The owners of property in a Planned Recreational Open Space District
shall not be entitled to apply for building or occupancy permits until
they have filed with the Plan Commission a Final Plat, together with the
following supporting documents. One plat may be filed for the entire
District, or several plats may be fi led, at different times, each plat
to include one or ~ore zonbng tracts.
(a) A grading plan and profiles approved by the Village Engineer
showing all existing util ities; the existing center 1 ine elevations
of all streets and alleys in the proposed platted area; and the
center I ine elevations of proposed pavement. Elevations shall re
referred to some permanent bench mark. Profiles shall be
drawn to a horizontal scale of fifty (50) feet to the inch
and vertical scale of five (5) feet to the inch.
(b) A statement signed by the Developer setting forth the publ ic and/or
private street and uti I ity improvements he proposes to make in
the platted area, or in the abutting publ ic rights-bf-way,clearty
describing the same and agreeing to make the said improvements at
his own expense (subject to spproval of the Final Plat by the Village
Board) within the time I imit fixed by the Plan Commission.
(c) A statement of approval signed by the Village Engineer certifying
that the improvements described in the Developer's statement
meet the minimum requirements of this ordinance and verifying
the Developer's estimate of the cost of such improvements,
including the cost of engineering and inspection.
(d) A duly completed and executed corporate completion bond posted with
the Village by the Developer, in an amount equal to 100% of the
Developer's estimate, and certified by the Village Attorney as
val id and enforceable by the Village, securing the satisfactory
completion of all publ ic improvements in strict accordance with the
description, plans and specifications submitted by the Developer
to the Plan Commission for its approval.
(e) A certified survey of the platted area.
(f) Evidence satisfactory to the Plan Commission showing that all
taxes and special assessments due on the platted area have been paid.
Each Final Plat shall be filed with the Plan Commission by the owner
or owners of the entire land area included in the platted area, the owner
or owners of all structures then existing thereon and all parties
having encumbrances against both said land area and structures, herein-
after called the appl icants, accompanied by sufficient evidence to
establ ish that the appl icants, together with all parties having
encumbrances against the designated land and structures, are the owners
Each Final Plat shall be in strict accordance with the approved and
recorded Land Use and Zoning Plat, except for minor changes from the
said Land Use and Zoning Plat which do not cause either:
(a) a change in the basic character of the Development; or
(b) a violation of any of the standards or requirements of this
and shall be drawn on tracing cloth to a scale of not less than one
hundred feet to one inch. One blueprint of the said Final Plat shall
accompany the same. Each Final Plat shall meet the following requirements,
with respect to such portion of the Platted Area as the owners are then
proposing to develop:
Name: The name of the Development shall be shown.
Date: The date of preparation and a proper north sign shall be shown,
Leqal Description: A legal description of the Platted Area shall be
given which includes reference to the section, township and
range, government section I inesand corners, half section lines;
the location, dimensions and names of all streets, and other,
if any, lands to be dedicated to publ ic use; and the lines,
dimensions and names of abutting roads and streets shall be shown.
Street Names: All street names shal I be shown. Publ ic streets shall be
named in conformity with the street naming plan of the Village
or with adjoining streets. In the case of diverging publ ic
streets, the name shall be repeated.
Lot Lines: All lot lines shall be shown; lots and blocks shall be
numbered or lettered; bullding I ines and easements shall be
shown and determined by measurements.
Dimensions: Both I inear and angular dimensions shal I be shown.
Linear dimensions shall be shown in feet and decimals of a foot,
and all deflection angles, radii, arcs and central angles of all
corners along the property I ine of each street shall be shown.
Monuments: The description and location of all survey monuments
erected in the Platted Area shall be shown. Such monuments
shall be either iron pipe not less than three-quarters (3/4)
inch in diameter and thirty (30) inches long, or stone or concrete
not I ess than four (4) inches in diameter and twenty-four
.. /7
(24) inches long. Monuments shall be erected at all street
and lot corners, at all points where street 1 ines intersect
the exterior boundaries of the subdivision and at angle points
and points of curve in each street.
Street Connections: Provision shall be made for direct connections
with the existing streets adjoining the platted area.
Street Crossinqs: Provision shall be made for direct connections
with the existing streets adjoining the platted area.
Restrictions: Detail of building restrictions to be imposed on 'the
property shal I be shown.
Certificates, etc.: Al I proper certificates, seals and signatures
as required by law shall be shown.
Publ ic Street Widths: Section I ine streets shall be not less than
one hundred (100) feet wide; half section 1 ine streets
not less than eighty (80) feet wide and secondary and residential
streets not less than sixty-six (66) feet wide, unless
specified otherwise on Map No. I.
Streets Alonq Railroads: Streets platted along railroad rights-of-
way shall be so laid out that the nearest street I ine of such
streets shal I be not less than one hundred fifty (150) feet
from the nearest 1 ine of such railroad right-of-way. The
intervening area shall be dedicated for park purposes wherever
2. Improvement of Roadway.
The Developer shall, at his own expense, improve all publ ic section
and half-section 1 ine streets with a roadway not less than thirty-six
feet wide, and all other publ ic streets with a roadway not less than
thirty-one feet wide, (face to face of curbs), consisting of portland
cement concrete pavements not less than eight (8) inches thick or
paved with a waterbound macadam base, a one (1) inch cushion and
two-inch bituminous concrete surface. Each traffic lane in a private
street shall be no less than eleven (11) feet wide and shall be paved
in the manner described in this section. Buildings which exceed
three stories in height shall be served by no fewer than two traffic
lanes. Dead end streets shall not be permitted. Streets ending in
culs~de-sac shall be permitted where the street does not exceed
700 feet and the radius of the cul-de-sac is not less than 100 feet.
3. Additional Improvements Required for Planned Recreational Open Space
Districts Lying Within Village Limits.
The Developer of any Planned Recreational Open Space District lying
within the Village 1 imits shall also provide, at his own expense,
publ ic improvements as follows:
Curb: All publ ic streets must be provided with concrete curb of a
type, size and specifications approved by the Board.
Sidewalk: Sidewalks shall be provided along the frontage of building
lots abutting publ ic streets, when required by the Village
President and Board of Trustees. Said sidewalks shall be
constructed in one-course concrete or asphalted concrete not
less than four feet wide and four inches thick, consisting
of a mixture approved by the President and Board of Trustees.
Street Trees: Trees shall be planted and maintained along both
sides of all streets, and shall be spaced not less than
thirty (30) feet apart. The trees shall be one of the
Hackberry (Celtis Occidental is), Norway Maple (Acer
Platanoids), Thornless Honey Locust (Triancanthose Inermis),
Ironwood (Ostrya Virginica) or Columnar Maple (Platanoiders
Columnare), and shall be of a cal iber of not less than two
inches, and the Developer shall provide certification from
the suppl ier to the Village that said trees are free from
disease under the State of 111 inois Plant Inspection
Department standards. The trees shall be transplanted stock,
transplanting thereof having been done within four (4)
years from the time of purchase. The Developer shall deposit
with the Village Treasurer a sum of money sufficient to
guarantee the cost and installation of street trees as
required. The rate per tree required to be deposited shall
be determined from time to time by resolution passed by the
President and Board of Trustees. This section shall not
apply, however, to any zoning tract containing, and in which
the Developer maintains, an average of at least Jt) trees
per acre.
Publ ic Street Name Siqns: Publ ic street name signs of a type conforming
to signs then in use in the Village shall be provided at all
publ ic street intersections. The Developer shall deposit
with the Village Treasurer a sum of money sufficient to
guarantee the installation and cost of such street signs.
The rate per sign required to be deposited shall be determined
from time to time by Resolution passed by the President and
Board of Trustees.
Water Mains: The water system of the Village or of a franchised
system shall be extended throughout the entire
Development in such manner that every building lot in such
Development may be serviced by means of a connection within
its own frontage.
Fire Hydrants: Fire hydrants shall be installed in those
portions of all streets which are adjacent to building
lot 1 ines within the platted area, at intervals not
exceeding four hundred (400) feet. No fire hydrant shall
be connected to any water main which is less than six
(6) inches in diameter. All fire hydrants shall conform
with Village specifications.
Sanitary Sewers: A complete system of sanitary sewers shall be
constructed throughout the entire Development in such a
manner that every building lot in such Development may be
serviced by means of a connection within its own frontage.
Storm Sewers: A storm sewer system shall be constructed through-
out the entire development, which system shall be separate from
and independent of the Sanitary Sewer in accordance with
the Village Ordinance and regulations.
Dedication: All water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer mains
connected with Village mains are to be installed by the Developer
at his expense and dedicated to the Village of Mount Prospect
together with easements, not to exceed 10 feet in width pertinent
4. Pub1 ic Improvements to be Approved by the Board.
All plans and specifications and contracts for pub1 ic improvements
required by this ordinance such as street paving, sidewalks, water systems,
.;:R-' :2. /
and sewer systems, shall, before construction is begun, be
approved by the Village Board as meeting the requirements of this
Ordinance. All sewer and water mains located under publ ic right-of-
ways shall be publ icly owned.
5. ~,:~Il,me.. MOD IF/CATIONS
The Plan Commission, upon request of Developer, may approve
MODIFICArlO/llS C:ON'TAI/l/GD In' -rhfS A~TIC"e.
V(;I",:-"i..Il.!...from t~ Regulations~1in specific cases which do not
affect the general plan or spirit of the Regulations.
6. Approval of Final Plat by Plan Commission,
When the Plan Commission has approved the Final Plat, the following
official stamp shall be stamped or lettered upon the said Final
Plat, signed by the Chairman of the Commission, and attested by
its Secretary:
Approved by the Village Plan Commission of Mt. Prospect,
Cook County, III inois, this
day of
Cha i rman
The Plan Commission shall then transmit the approved Final Plat
to the Village Board together with a letter of transmittal
call ing the Village Board's attention to all variations (if any)
approved by the Plan Commission, and setting forth its reasons
for approving the same, and conveying to the Village Board such
other information concerning the Final Plat as the Plan Commission
may deem necessary.
With the approved Final Plat, the Plan Commission shall also
transmit to the Village Board the Developer's agreement with respect
to improvements, and all plans, specifications, estimates, completion
bonds and al I other documents, certificates and papers pertaining to
the Final Plat and the area platted thereon.
7. Final Approval by Villaqe Board.
When the Village Board is satisfied with the Final Plat, and with
all improvements, conditions and documents pertaining to the area
platted thereon, as meeting the requirements of this Ordinance, the
Village Board shall by resolution approve the said Plat, and
authorize and direct the president to affix the Village Board's
stamp of approval, and to sign the Plat for and in the name of the
Village. Said approval shall be attested by the Village Clerk, and
sealed with the corporate seal of the Village.
8. All Final Plats filed hereunder shall be binding upon the applicants
therefore, the:ir successors and assigns, shall limit and control
the issuance and val idity of all build ing and occupancy permits, and
shall restrict and I imit the construction, location, use and operation
of all land and structures included within such Plats to all conditions
and I imitations set forth in such Plats, except as otherwise provided
9. A Planned Recreational Open Space District is not a "subdivision" within
the meaning of the Ordinances of Mt. Prospect. Therefore J~rticle I I,
Subdivision Regulations", of the Mt. Prospect Ordinances, are in
no manner appl icable to a Planned Recreational Open Space District.
Section 2. That there be added to Section 31 of the
Mount Prospect '7oning Ordinance the following definitions:
,:j L/
ACCESSORY BUILDING OR USE. An "accessory bui lding or usell is one which:
(a) Is subordinate to and serves a principal building or principal use; and
(b) Is subordinate in area, extent, or purpose to the principal building or prin-
cipal use served; and
(c) Contributes to the comfort, convenience or necessity of occupants of the
principal building or principal U5e served; and
(d) Is located on the same zoning tract as the principal building or principal
use served.
I \
AMUSEMENT PARK. COMMERCIAL. An area characterized by mechanical devic~s, conces- \
sion booths, various motor operated machinery and open shows offering services to I
the publ ic through the sale of tickets or admission fees, typified but not I imite~
to roller coasters, merry-go-rounds, ferris wheels and concession booths. _""J
APARTMENT HOTEL. An "apartment hotel" is a hotel in which at least ninety (90)
per cent of the hotel accommodations are occupied by permanent guests (and at
least seventy-five (75) per cent of the units contained therein have kitchen facll-
i.ties). Maid and janitor service may be provided but facil ities are not neces-
sarily included.
ARCADE. A continuous area at ground level open to a street or plaza, which is
open and unobstructed to a height of not less than twelve (12) feet, and which is
accessible to the public at all times. The term "arcade'l shall not include off-
street loading areas, driveways, off-street parking areas or pedestrian ways
accessory thereto.
AWNING. A roofl ike cover, temporary in nature, which projects from the wall of a
building and overhangs the publ ic way.
BALCONY. A "balcony" is a permanent platform type structure, enclosed by a para-
pet or a rail ing, which projects from the wall of a building.
BEVERAGES. Any I iquid, alcohol ic or otherwise, for drinking.
BOUNDARY LINE OF "Z0NING TRAC"'. Any I ine separating a "zoning tract" from a
street, an alley, another "zoning tract" or any other land in a part of the "zon-
ing tract"; provided, however, that the designation of the outer boundary of a
"zoning tract" shall permit the establishment of a "building lot" and a "recrea-
tional open space lot" on the interior of the "zoning tractl', subject to the
minimum area requirements for said lots.
BUILDING HEIGHT. "Building height" is the vertical distance from the curb level,
or its equivalent, opposite the center of the front of a building to the highest
point of the under side of the ceil ing beams, in the case of a flat roof; to the
deck I ine of a mansard roof; and to the mean level of the under side of the rafters
between the eaves and the ridge of a gable, hip, or gambrel roof. Where no curb
level has been establ ished, the height of a building may be measured from the mean
elevation of the finished lot grade at the front of the building.
BUILDING LOT. That part of a "zoning trac~1 which is indicated on the Land Use
and Zoning Plat and designated as a site for construction of buildings in accord-
ance with the minimum floor area per dwell ing unit standards permitted in this
ordinance. A "zoning tract" may have more than one (I) "building lot."
BUILDING. PRINCIPAL. A "principal building" is a non-accessory building in which
a principal use of the lot, on which it is located, is conducted.
CLUB HOUSE. A building located on the grounds of recreational clubs, golf courses,
and tennis clubs wherein the sale of sports equipment and the serving of food and
beverages, including alcohol ic beverages, are provided if incidental to the prin-
cipal activity.
CLUB. PRIVATE. An association of persons, who are bona fide members paying annual
dues, which owns, hires or leases a building or portion thereof, the use of such
premises being restricted to members and their guests. It shall be permissible
to serve food and beverages on such premises, provided adequate dining room space
and kitchen facil ities are available.
CURB LEVEL. The level of the establ ished curb in front of the building measured
at the center of such front. Where a building faces on more than one street, the
"curb level" shall be the average of the levels of the curbs at the center of the
front of each street. Where no curb elevation has been establ ished, the mean
level of the land immediately adjacent to the building shall be considered the
"curb 1 eve 1 ."
DWELLING. A building or portion thereof, but not including a house trailer or
mobile home, designed or used exclusively for residential occupancy, including
one-family dwell ing units, two-family dwell ing units, and multiple-family dwelling
units, but not including hotels, boarding or lodging houses.
DWELLING UNIT. One or more rooms in a dwell ing or apartment hotel designed for
occupancy by one (1) family for 1 iving purposes and having its own permanently
installed cooking and sanitary facil ities.
FLOOR AREA. The sum of the gross horizontal area of the several floors of all
buildings measured from the exterior faces of exterior walls. Basement is in-
cluded if more than one-half (~) of the basement height is above the finished lot
grade level. Spaces devoted to off-street parking and loading, wherever located,
or mechanical equipment located on the roof, are not included in the floor area.
GRADE. "Grade" is the average level of the finished surface of the ground adja-
cent to the exterior walls of the building or structure.
sum of the gross ground areas of all buildings and structures including any areas
which are sheltered as a result of the walls of upper floors extending beyond the
walls of lower floors. The following are not included in ground area calculations:
a. Al I structures used for parking provided they do not extend more than
twenty-five (25) feet above the average curb level.
b. Open paved parking lots.
c. Arcades, balconies, and canopies.
d. Paved open areas for recreational purposes.
HOTEL, APARTMENT. A building containing dwell ing units or individual guest rooms
ninety (90) per cent of which are for permanent rather than transient guests.
(And at least 75 per cent of the units contained therein have kitchen facil ities.)
Maid and janitor service may be provided but kitchen facil ities are not necessarily
HOTEL, LODGE, OR MOTOR HOTEL. A building in which lodging or board and lodging
are provided and offered to the publ ic for compensation and in which ingress and
egress to and from all rooms is made through an inside lobby or office supervised
by a person in charge at all hours. As such it is open to the publ ic in contra-
distinction to a boarding house, a lodging house, or an apartment house.
DENSITY OF LAND USE. The overall relationship of structures and open space in
a developed property which correlates the amount of floor area, open space, I iv-
abil ity space, recreation space and automobile storage space of the property with
its site size or land area in contradistinction to density which relates only the
number of 1 iving units or people to land area.
LOADING BERTH. An open hard-surfaced area of land other than a street or publ ic
way, the principal use of which is for the standing, loading and unloading of
motor trucks, tractors, and trailers, to avoid undue interference with the publ ic
use of streets and alleys. Such space shall be not less than ten (10) feet in
width, forty-five (45) feet in length, and fourteen (14) feet in height, exclusive
of access aisles and maneuvering space.
LODGING ROOM. A "1odging room" is a room rented as sleeping and 1 iving quarters,
but without cooking facil ities and with an individual bathroom. In a suite of
rooms without cooking facil ities, each room which provides sleeping accommodations
shall be counted as one (I) "lodging roomJJ for the purpose of this comprehensive
amendment. In cases of hotel, motel or lodging developments, three (3) lodging
rooms shall be considered as equal to one (1) dwell ing unit for purposes of
calculating the minimum gross area required per dwell ing unit in Section 2.6.
LOUNGE. Any land, building, or part thereof, other than a boarding house, where
beverages and/or I ive entertainment are provided for compensation for three (3)
or more persons.
MARQUEE OR CANOPY. A "Marquee or canopy" is a roofl ike structure of a permanent
nature which projects from the wall of a building or overhangs the public way.
MULTI-FAMILY DWELLING. A row house, with fewer than nine (9) dwell ing units.
Also, a dwell ing containing three (3) or more dwel I ing units, designed with more
than one dwel I ing unit connecting to a common corridor or entranceway, originally
constructed for said purpose.
be considered as overlapping if the prolongation of the exterior I ine of walls of
either building would intersect an exterior wall or walls of the other building.
PLANNED DEVELOPMENT. The use of a tract of land containing an area of one hundred
~~~~)acres or more with two (2) or more principal buildings developed as a unit
under single-ownership or control; said tract being designated as a 'Iplanned
development" shall contain IIzoning tractsJ', Ilbuilding lots11, and 'Irecreational
lots .11
RECREATIONAL OPEN SPACE LOT. The platted area of a IIzoning tract'l equal to sixty
(60) per cent or more of said "zoning tract" reserved for open recreational space
with i n wh i ch accessor uses permitted therein sha I I co I I ec t i ve I y be I imi ted to the
fo I low i ng percentages of ground area covered:
0.5% on "recreational lotsJ' of 200 acres or more.
1.0% on "recreational lots" of 150 to 200 acres.
2.0% on J'recreational lots" of 100 to 150 acres.
4 . 0% on 'Irecreational lots" of less than 100 acres.
- ~4-
RESTAURANT. Any land, building, or part thereof, other than a boarding house,
where meals and beverages, and/or 1 ive entertainment are provided for compensation
for three (3) or more persons.
SETBACK. The minimum horizontal distance between the boundary 1 ine of a '~oning
tract'! and the nearest building line of a building or structure.
VILLAGE PLANNER. The official appointed by the Village President, by and with the
consent of the Board of Trustees, to function, when authorized by Ordinance, in
the administrative review of specific planning and zoning appl ications.
UNIFIED CONTROL. The combination of two or more tracts of land wherein the in-
dividual owners have mutually agreed that said tracts shall be subject to the same
private covenants and uses permitted under a specific zoning district classification
of the zoning ordinance of the Village of Mount Prospect.
USE, PRINCIPAL. A "principal use" is the main use of land or buildings as distin-
guished from a subordinate or accessory use. A "principal usell may be either
"permitted" or "special."
ZONING TRACT. A land area of at least thirty (30) acres in size, designated as a
tract to be occupied by one or more uses or structures permitted in a specific
Subdistrict within a Planned Recreational Open Space District. Such land area shall
be composed of at least one (1) "building lot" and one (1) required "open space
lot" and may be disignated as a IIzoning tract" only by the owner or owners thereof.
-.:Jo -
Sect ion 3. ~'1ha t the above ordinance shall be interpreted
as being comoatible wi th exist ing ordinane es of the V i11age of
Movnt Prospect except insofar as the same are clearly contra-
dictory, in which effect the foregoing ordinance shall prevail.
Section 40 ?\.ny person, firm, or corporation, or agents,
employees or contractors of such, 'J'rho violat e, disobey, omit,
neglect, or refuse to comDly with, or who resist enforcement of any
of the provisions of this ordinance, shall he subjected to a fine
of not less than ten (10) dollars nor more than one hundred (l00)
dollars for each offense, each day that a violation is permitted
to exist shall constitute a separate offense.
Sect2:~.9...!. That the Villa Fe Clerk be and is hereby
directed to publ ish the for egoj ne; amendments to the Mount Prospect
Zoning Ordinance in pamphlet form pursuant to the statut es of the
State of Illinois made and provided.
Sect ion 6. That thi s ordinanc e shall be in full foree
and effect :~rom and after it s passar;e, aDprovaJ end Tmbl icat ion
according to law.
P;\.SSED and APPROVED this
~:,~ day of _~_. 1964
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Village Clerk