HomeMy WebLinkAbout0121_001COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE A G E N D A Meeting Location: Meeting Date and Time: Senior Citizens, Center Tuesday, January 24, 1989 50 South Emerson Street 7:30 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER - ROLL CALL Il. ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES OF JANUARY 10, 1989 Ill. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD IV. BUSINESS LICENSES During the summer, staff recommended that we consider changing the time in which we collect Business License fees so that we could spread out the workload in the Finance Department. It was recommended that we consider having Business Licenses due on a calendar year basis. We are recommending that the Business Licenses that are sent out for May I of this year be good until the end of this calendar year. Since this is two-thirds of a year, the fee be for two-thirds of the amount we would normally charge. The businesses would then be billed for Business Licenses at the end of the calendar year for the full amount of a full year from January, 1990 to December, 1990. I am asking for the Board's concurrence to change the deadlines for Business Licenses to calendar year with this year's fee being two-thirds (May 1, 1989 to December 31, 1989). V. BENEFITS FOR PART-TIME EMPLOYEES Presently, we do not grant any benefits to our part-time employees who provide vital services to the Village. I am recommending that the Village grant Holiday Pay for those days in which the employee is precluded from working because the Village offices are closed as long as it is a normal scheduled work day for the part-time employee. Secondly, I am recommending that Vacation Pay be granted after one year successful service with the Village equivalent to one week's pay and after three years, two weeks pay and that two Personal Days be granted to employees in a part-time capacity. VI. GARAGE SALE PERMITS During the Budget review for fiscal year 1990, the Village Manager reviewed the time spent for different requirements in the Inspection Services area. One of the areas that we appear to be spending a lot of employee time on is Garage Sale Permits. This fiscal year, through the end of December, we issued 672 Permits. These are all ,issued without a fee. It is estimated that there are approximately 10-15 minutes spent working with the applicant. At 15 minutes per Permit, one employee spends approximately one month of their time dealing with Garage Sale Permits. I am recommending that we delete the requirement for Permits by deleting Section 23.1902 of Article XIX of the Municipal Code. This would only eliminate the required Permit. It would leave in place Limit on Length and Frequency of Sales as well as the rest of the Ordinance. I believe we have sufficient methods to enforce the occasional person who abuses garage sales by having them on a weekly basis. It would be much more cost-effective to eliminate the Permit itself. VIII.MANAGERIS REPORT IX. ANY OTHER BUSINESS X. ADJOURNMENT DEFERRED ITEMS Street Improvements - Cost Sharing Ten Year Road Improvement Program Sidewalk Policy on Major Roadways Village of Mount Prospect Mount Prospect, Illinois INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR CAROLYN H. KRAUSE AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES FROM: VILLAGE MANAGER DATE: JANUARY 18, 1989 SUBJECT: BENEFITS FOR PART-TIME EMPLOYEES A few years ago, the Village eliminated all benefits for part-time employees. Since that time, we have had significant turnover of part-time employees because of a lack of some benefits and I suggest that we institute some benefits for part-time employees for a number of reasons; morale, being fair to our part-time employees that we depend on to provide vital services and to keep pace with what other businesses are doing. There are three benefits which I feel we should provide to our part-time people and only three: Holiday Pay, Vacation Pay and Personal Days. I am suggesting that Holiday Pay be provided to any part-time. employee who is scheduled to work but is precluded from working because the Village offices are closed that day. If the part-time employee is not normally scheduled to work that day, they will not receive Holiday Pay. For example, a part-time employee scheduled to work Tuesday and Thursday would not receive Holiday Pay if the Village were closed on Monday. However, an employee who is scheduled to work Monday, Wednesday and Friday would receive pay for working that day because the Village officers were closed. If they are not scheduled to work, they will not receive Holiday Pay. The Village has granted Personal Days to full-time employees instead of designating Holidays throughout the year. I think it would be beneficial to the Village as well as the part-time employee to grant them two Personal Days which is one-half what the full-time employees receive. These days could be used in case emergencies come up closing on a home, illness or whatever. They would be paid for the normal hours they would have worked with prior approval of the Department Director and the immediate supervisor. The third benefit I feel we should grant to our part-time employees is Vacation Pay. After a part-time employee has worked with us successfully for one complete year, I would recommend that they be eligible for a one-week vacation which could be used with the concurrence of their immediate supervisor and Department Director. I am recommending they would accrue the equivalent amount of hours as they would normally work in a one-week period of time. I further propose that at the end of three years of part-time work with the Village, they would start accruing the equivalent of two weeks' Vacation Pay and that they will remain at two weeks and not have it increased any further. I am not proposing nor would l concur with any additional benefits, particularly medical o, sick leave. If this meets with the Board's approval, I propose to put this in place for next fiscal year beginning May 1' The total cost for this cndn, package would be less than $10,000 Village -wide. l believe it in important that the Village grant some benefits to our part-time help, hmwcvcr. I du not think it is necessary to include all benefits that are available to full-time ennp1oycco, JOHN FULTON DIXON