HomeMy WebLinkAbout4783_001NEXT ORDINAN 0. 3217 C,' -,Is Office NEXT RESOLUTI, NO, 40-82 VILLAGE BOARD VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT 0 R D E R 0 F B U S I N E S S REGULAR MEETING I. CALL TO ORDER Il. INVOCATION - Trustee Flores Ill. ROLL CALL Mayor Krause Trustee Arthur Trustee Miller Trustee Farley Trustee Murauskis Trustee Floros Trustee Wattenberg IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 1 1982 V. APPROVAL OF BILLS AND FINANCIAL REPORT vi. COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS - CITIZENS TO BE HEARD A. Presentation of Certificates of Graduation to the Mount Prospect Fire Cadets VII. MAYOR'S REPORT A. A RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS TO FIRE CHIEF LAWRENCE A. PAIRITZ, "OUTSTANDING FIRE CHIEF OF THE YEAR" (Exhibit A) B. Request for Class "S" -liquor license A request has been submitted to re -open the restaurant formerly known as Sambols, 1450 S. Elmhurst Road, to establish the Wheel Works Restaurant C. Request for Class "S" liquor license JUNE 15 Application has been made to create the Kum He Restaurant in the shopping center at Golf and Busse Road. This establishment will serve oriental food. D. Sidewalk Cafes A proposal has been submitted by businesses on Busse Avenue to have tables and chairs on the sidewalks outside their businesses. Regulations should be established to cdovern such a use. E. Appointments F. Announcements VIII. OLD BUSINESS A. ZBA 11-A-82, 12 -SU -82, 13-V-82, 15 N. Elmhurst Ave. 1st reading of AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 14 ENTITLED "ZONING" OF THE VILLAGE CODE REGARDING THE ADDITION OF CERTAIN USES TO THE B-3 BUSINESS, RETAIL AND SERVICE DISTRICT In accordance with the recommendation of the Zoninq Board of Appeals and approved by the Village Board, this Ordinance amends the text of the Zoning Ordinance to permit a mail order business use and . commercial with residential. use on the same lot. (Exhibit B) B. Ist reading of AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING A SPECIAL USE TO ALLOW A COMBINED RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERICAL USE ON CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED AT 15 N. ELMHURST AVENUE This Ordinance grants the stated special use for property commonly known as "Haberkamps Florist". (Exhibit C) C Ist reading of_ AN 0R[')1NA'HCE (`,RAYPING SPE(71FIEf) VARIM"IONS FOP PROPERTY LOCATED Xf 15 NJ. EMYTRMUST AVE. Ordinance grant s llt,h(,,s v,�.iriations to pc-,rrinit ;a residential andt-,,.ofnrr[e.r-,ref structure on (-.)ne lot; redt,icc,,s the si,/,r^ iaf thc" reqi�J,ro�,_l rear yardy reduccs the number of recjuira.2(1 p;irking and e1_J.MJA1dt_C_'S tJl�� required t.rurk Lo.-i.,ding sq)ace. (Exhibit D) D." ZUA IA -A-82, 15-Str-82, J6 V-82, 603 Vd, Lonnquist Blvd. Ist. r,,eading of At] ORDINANCE AY11,,N1,3TD1G CHAPTER 1.4 ENTI'1'1A,'T) "MNfNG" OF1111M VFL1,AG.R CODE ,RFCAFIMING 'JITF ADD-ETION OF DAY CARE, CENTER,., AS A SPEDC 1.AL USE IN THE IC 1, SINGIJ.�, FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICT 111hi,s Ordim-.ince prc�vidos fi_)r a t,c,,,,t "miendment to permiP_ day care an , a special u,e within thc 'R-1 District (Exhibit E) E. I s t readinq of M 01),T)MANCE APPT`,MT1NC', AND A1M_110MZ11a" G A SPEC TAL USE 'PC) ALLOW THE OF A DAY CATIZE CI.JT11J,1, ON CERTAIN PROPERTY KNOWN Al THE SUNISEl' PARK SCH001, This Ordinance qrants the speci-al use to p+�rjfll_ a day care center. J Sunset, Schoo. (Exhibit F) F% IM reading of AT.�l ORDINKNCF,' GRAMPING A VARIA1'10N FOR CERTATCPIROPERTY COM.MONYY KNOWN AS THFa SJNSET PARY ;3(_'HOGL PROPERTY A'1' 603 E. 1,011,kNttIST 13,OULEVARD in llnk.,, with -the prvcedjnq Ordinance, this variation penAAs rmre than one main use in a buiMing t() al%w a day care cenlor. (Exhibit G) IX. KANAGER'�.-; R1i,T10_RT A. i)1.+':1 Rum& t - .I., Waterffu-'lin improverne-mt Willow 1,ane B Ist xead-inq ()-f P14 010111,.fM_'E TO AMEN[) Tljf,,� APPOINTMIaNT M".)WEF,'S OF TflE VII.,LACE MANAGRP, In li.ne WlUi 't he di..wr..cL.i-on ")J-- the Village Board, t -hi -s Ordinarn�:e arronais tbo uocessary areas of 1 -he VjAJagc,,,,, Code to provide. or the appo.intment oE exoWt mnks within the Fire and Police Deparinwnts set forth in M noxL two proposed ordinances. (Exhi=gM C. Is(-. ceadinq of LN 0RDJNAN(2'E AMENDI.NlG ARIPICLE VIII' EN'T'P.T'LED "DEPARIMENT OF" OF CHAPIPER! 4 OF TFIE VII LLAGE' C:01)F: This Ordinance sets forth Uzi [nocedures Cor thu appointmeTiL M spocifbd exc,rnpt rinks wit-hin the policH Dc'rPatmeni-. (Exhibit Q D. Ist readinq of ANJ C)RnINANCTil AC MI,'NDING A11'1.'TCLE IX ENTITLE'D "FT" DE"PAPTMENT" OF' (71JAPTEM 4 OF' FHE VIL,1_,AG,E COUE This Ordimince fc.arth the proce(lures for. the appo i n dment of OX7 CfTlt)t r.itv]`­S WIA-113-TI t;he Fi.re Departxierit. (Exhibit K) 1E. ProqrLun, &ilfF,,,isurance Cont.raf,,�I.. In accordance with the djrtion c Vj.11age liloard, a contract �ias �_,een prepared to 1:)rovj_de u procjrael for ernployee rnedica_] bencfits F. Status Report X. NEW BUSINESS A. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXEC-17.1'ION OF AN AGREEMENT FOR THE REGULATION OF TRAFFIC AND PARKING FOR CERTAIN AREAS OF' "HUNTINGTON COMMONS" This Rosolution will authorize the rem�...wal ot. an Agreement with Huntington Commons Association for enforcement of traffic regulations. (Exhibit L) B. Ist reading of AN ORDINANCE AMENDIIJG CHAPTER 1-8 (TRAFFIC CODE) OF' THE VILLAGE CODE Inasmuch as Huntington Commons Road and Hunt Club Drive are now dedicated rights-of-way, -this Ordinaxice sets forth the, speed, and parki.nq restriCtiDns on those rcadways. This Ordinance also provides for 2 hour parking on Prospect Ave., in ]Ane with the recent improvement. (Exhibit M) 00 MOR,g­'AM,7,- M E RR` RE C, A IlESOIAJTION AUTHORIZING 9"HE EXECIPI.ION OF' A. NOTICE OFRENEWAL POR TRAFFIC C:ONTROL W17,11 -IN PANDHUFUS)T SHOPPING CENTER Thi..s Resolution reIIE:WS Itlue agreeMEMt foi- the Polic,e Department to enfo:rce traffic -reg,jlations withi.rr the Iparking lot of Rarifflau"st. (Exhibit N D ZBA 6--Z-82, 302 South Maple St9.'eE0-. This request is to re—zone the oxisting 'for fee' par'king lot at llrosTpec�t Av<,,,nue & Maple St.reet ffrom R-1 to P-2. T'he 'don Lng Board of Appeals re(�xmwnended app.rr.)va..I of the iequcst. E. ZBA 8 Z 82, Kens.I.ngton & WoLf The status ofthis roqu(-,-,.st. foi- ari industrial. site .1.s the petitionex, wiLl. .re,,, -carat :ice the ne,.J.4,3h.bors and legal. notice, forR datc. 1'', I., t. rea.ding of AN ORDINANCE AMENDING IU14 ORDINANCE ESTABLISHI"NCII, F.313SINESS REHABILITAIIIION LOAN FUND A.ND STANDARDS AND PPOCEDIJRFS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH In an to attract more businesses to avail tIIC',ITIse1vi,;s of the rehabilitatic.-ni Loan program, this Ordinance wou.ld amend the Cama iousLy pa,,-;sr:d Or-di-nance No. 3060 setting for:th the payment st.ructur,e. (Exhibit 0 G. Ist reading of AN ORDINANCE DFTERMINIING CERTAIN PREVAILING WAGES TO Bl,' PAID FOR CERTAIN PC.JBLI-C W0F(KS As reqwired by the State local gove�r-n.MEMtE; 'Inust pa, an Ordinance setting fojrh the wages to be paid foi,-, (Exhibit P Ij. Ist read,JLng of AN C)RDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTE,R L7 ENTIIRLIED "VEHICLAj,' 1110ENSES" OF TBE VILLAGE CODE This Ordinance (,,nstabli;hes a penalty forprunfz.has:ing a Villaqe vehicle stlickerafte:rtr�aa ec.pdred datE. (Exhibit Q. XI. ANY OTHER IMJSINESS XII. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE JUNE 9, 1982 I. ROLL CALL Mayor Krause called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m., in the Public Safety Building, 112 East Northwest Highway. Present at the meeting were: Mayor Krause, Trustees Ralph Arthur, Gerald Farley, Edward Miller, Norma Murauskis and Theodore Wattenberg, Trustee Leo Floros arrived at 7:35 p.m. Also present at the meeting were: Village Manager Terrance Burghard, Assistant Village Manager Jay Hedges, Chief of Police Ronald Pavlock, Deputy Fire Chief James Hilliger, Deputy Chief of Police Thomas Daley, Police Department's Technical Services Coordinator Robert Doran and Police Commander Joseph Bopp, Also present were approximately 13 persons in the audience. II. MINUTES The Minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting of May 25, 1982 were reviewed and filed. III. POLICE CHIEF'S REPORT Village Manager Burghard indicated that when Chief Pavlock assumed his position in August, 1981, he was given instructions from the Manager's Office to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, to develop a plan for reorganization and reassignment, and to develop such a plan working in close conjunction with the Fire Department, the Fire and Police Commission, and the existing budget limitations as they related to total expenditures and the number of personnel. Within this complex environment and in anticipation of declining growth rates in future budgets, Chief Pavlock has prepared a comparative analysis of our previous Police Department structure, the present transitional structure and the objectives for the future organization. Coupled with these changes would be the requirement to amend Chapter 4 of the Municipal Code so that it can build upon existing policies permitting exempt ranks and make our Municipal Code Ordinance more closely resemble the rules ,and regulations developed by the Fire and Police Commission and adopted by the Mayor and the Board previously. In conjunction with this, is a request to have the same system of rules and regulations and Ordinances available for the Fire Department. Chief Pavlock then reviewed some organizational charts and passed out copies to the Mayor and the Board of Trustees. The organizational charts depicted the supervisory staffing patterns for both exempt and permanent civil ivil service ranks in the Police Department upon Chief Pavlock's taking office, the structure as it exists today with certain vacancies, and an organizational' chart depicting the future objectives of Chief Pavlock and his staff. Basically, the Chief is interested in reducing the total number of supervisory positions from the current authorized 12 down to 7 and where feasible and practical to use civilians instead of trained police officers for certain administrative and clerical functions, The introduc- tion of civilians into the Department has already begun with the appointment of Mr, Doran as Technical Services Coordinator, Chief Pavlock stressed that the changes can be made within existing budgetary guidelines and with the same number of authorized personnel. The change, however, will be that some of the positions will be filled by civilians and the majority of supervisory positions would become exempt ranks as opposed to the present structure of permanent civil service positions, By using the exempt rank structure, which is already provided for in Chapter 4, the Chief w ' ill then be able to rotate personnel on an as - needed basis and they will maintain their exempt ranks based upon performance on the job rather than a permanent civil service rank. A general discussion ensued among members of the audience, the Board, the Village Manager and the Police Department staff. The bulk of the questions were aimed at clarifying the distinction between civil service appointments and exempt rank appointments. Mr. Beckstrom, of the Fire and Police Commission, was in attendance at the meeting and explained the role of the Fire and Police Commission and the coordination that has taken place through the offices of Chief Pavlock and Chief Pairit z with the Commission. During the discussion, Trustee Arthur requested that the Fire Department prepare an organizational chart along the same lines as those prepared by the Police Department to show the exempt positions and supervisory positions. Trustee Farley requested that the Chief of Police respond to some of the data that is included in the last monthly report that demonstrates declining arrests in certain areas such as traffic, parking, and declining number of hours on patrol. Chief Pavlock responded that he has been attempting to enrich the positions of the street police officer to make them more a generalist and that the Department has been moving towards selective enforcement in high accident or high crime areas and, therefore, there is some decline in the numbers. The Chief reiterated that his administration -2- d, is desiring to make quality arrests and citations rather than quantity. Some members of the audience inquired as to the cost of the recent Assessment Center for the Commander's position and the Village Manager responded that the Assessment Center itself cost $4,000 and that any expenses for polygraph and psychological exams would have been necessary expenditures for any means of recruitment. Members of the audience also asked other questions as they related to the STOP Program, a clarification of the role of the Fire and Police Commission, and the Ordinances being proposed by the Village Manager and the Chiefs of the Fire and Police Departments. Two members of the audience submitted petitions to the Mayor and the Board of Trustees indicating that the signatures were opposed to giving the Police Chief and the Fire Chief any power that would bypass the Village Fire and Police Commission. It was explained to the residents in the audience that authority currently exists in the Municipal Code as it has since 1977. IV, HEALTH AND LIFE INSURANCE Assistant Village Manager Jay Hedges reviewed for the Committee of the Whole the more recent activities in soliciting final price quotes for health and life insurance for the Village. After initial direction on the part of the Mayor and the Board, the administration solicited six quotes from self -funding administrators through three brokers. The lowest price quote with a three-year guarantee is from Fort Dearborn, a subsidiary of Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Fort Dearborn has an "A" rating and the insurance is written on an incurred claims basis. Mr. Hedges introduced Mike Duncan, broker representing Fort Dearborn, and a representative of the claims office of the Fort Dearborn Insurance Company. It was explained that if the Board desires to proceed with the self -funding proposal, the Village would have the contract on the Agenda for June 15 and the program could be instituted on July 1. Mayor Krause reported that she had discussed the matter with Mr. Ronchetto, Chairman of the Finance Commission, and he had raised two technical questions as to the price quotes regarding the rating of the insurance company and the method of claims made versus claims incurred. This matter seems to have been answered satisfactorily and it was the general consensus of the Committee of the Whole that the matter be scheduled for the June 15 Agenda for formal adoption of the contract with Fort Dearborn. -3- V. MANAGER'S—REPORT The Village Manager reported that the BUSSE/WILLS paving and pavement striping had been completed on Tuesday, .lune 8 and the project is now one day behind its revised ;schedule. The open house dedication is still scheduled for Sunday, June 20. The Village Manager reported that WELLER CREEK is moving somewhat behind schedule. They are now laying gravel at the bottom of the stream bed in anticipation of installing the interlocking blocks'. The Village Manager reported that he and Mr. 'Weeks, Director of 'Public Works, together with the Joint Action Water Agency engineers would be meeting with the Illinois Department of Transportation on Friday', June 11.IDOT has requested that the Agency consider a route alternative in order to minimize the traffic in construction disruption along Route ,83, The Manager reported that if this could be done without any additional cost to the Agency; or to the local community, we would recommend that an alternate route be accepted, VI. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Trustee Milker inquired ,as to the 'status of the alleged violation from the Church buses parked at Sunset School. The Village Manager reported that the Director of. Community Development had sent a letter to the Church indicating that they were in violation of parking in the front yard and storage of these vehicles would have to be moved elsewhere. 'Additionally, the buses driving over the sidewalks and the curbs i as well as the parkways was improper. VII. EXECUTIVE SESSION It was "moved, by Trustee' Arthur, seconded by Trustee Miller to adjourn nese Coin aii tee of the Whole meeting and to go into an F. ec;utive Session for the purposes of discussing labor negotiations. Motion passed unanimously and the Committee of the Whole was adjourned into an Executive Session at 9.10 p.m. VIII.ADJOURNMENT The Executive Session was adjourned at 9:19 p.m. and the Committee of the Whole immediately adjourned Village Manager' TLB/rc MINUTES COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE JUNE 9, 1982 I ROLL CALL Mayor Krause called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m., in the Public Safety Building, 112 East Northwest Highway. Present at the meeting were: Mayor Krause, Trustees Ralph Arthur, Gerald Farley, Edward Miller, Norma Murauskis and. Theodore Wattenberg. Trustee Leo Floros arrived at 7:35 p.m. Also present at the meeting were: Village Manager Terrance Burghard, Assistant Village Manager Jay Hedges, Chief of Police Ronald Pavlock, Deputy 'Fire Chief James Hilliger, Deputy Chief of Police Thomas Daley, Police Department's Technical Services Coordinator Robert Doran and Police Commander Joseph Bopp. Also present were approximately 13 persons in the 'audience. lZ. MINUTES The Minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting of May 25, 1982 were reviewed and filed. III`. POLICE__ CHIEF'S REPORT Village Manager'Burghard indicated that when Chief Pavlock assumed his position in August, 1981, he was given instructions from the Manager's Office to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, to develop a plan for reorganization and reassignment, and to develop such a plan working in close conjunction with the Fire Department, the Fire and Police Commission, and the existing budget limitations as they related to total expenditures and the number of personnel. Within this complex environment and in anticipation of declining growth rates in future budgets, Chief Pavlock has prepared a comparative analysis of our previous Police Department structure, the present transitional structure and the objectives for the future organization. Coupled with these change's would be the requirement to amend Chapter 4'of the Municipal Code so that it can build upon existing policies permitting exempt ranks and make our Municipal Code Ordinance more closely resemble the rules and regulations developed by the Fire and Police Commission and adopted by the Mayor and the Board previously. In conjunction with this, is a request to have the same system of rules and regulations and Ordinances available for the Fire Department. Chief Pavlock then reviewed some organizational charts and passed out copies to the Mayor and the Board of Trustees. The organizational charts depicted the supervisory staffing patterns for both exempt and permanent civil service ranks in the Police Department upon Chief Pavlock's taking office, the structure as it exists today with certain vacancies, and an organizational' chart depicting the future objectives of Chief Pavlock and his staff. basically„ the Chief is interested in reducing the total number of supervisory positions from the current authorized 12 down. to 7'and where feasible and practical to use civilians instead of trained police officers for certain administrative and clerical functions, The introduc- tion of civilians into the Department has already begun with the appointment of Mr. Koran as Technical Services Coordinator.Chief Pavlock stressed that the changes can be made within existing budgetary guidelines and with the same number of authorized personnel. The change, however, will be that some of the positions will be filled by civilians and the majority of supervisory positions would become exempt ranks as opposed to the present structure of permanent`` civil service positions. By using the exempt rank structure,, which is already provided for in Chapter 4, the Chief will then be able to rotate personnel on an as - needed basis and they will maintain their exempt ranks based upon performance on the job rather than a permanent civil service rank. A general discussion ensued among members of the audience, the Board, the Village Manager and the Police Department staff. The bulk of the questions were aimed at clarifying the distinction between civil service appointments and exempt rank appointments. Mr. Beckstrom, of the Fire and Police Commission, was in attendance at the meeting and explained the role of the Fire and Police Commission and the coordination that has taken place through the offices of Chief Pavlock and Chief Pairitz with the Commission. During the discussion, 'Truste'e Arthur requested that the Fire Department prepare an organizational chart along the same lanes as those prepared by the Police Department to show the exempt positions and supervisory positions. Trustee Farley requested that the (thief of Police respond to some of the data that is included in the last monthly report that demonstrates declining arrests in certain areas such as traffic, parkin;, and declining' number of hours on patrol, Chief Pavlock responded that he has been attempting to enrich the positions of the street police officer to make them more a generalist and that the Department has , been moving towards selective' enforcement in high accident or high crime area's and, therefore; there is some decline in the 'numbers. The Chief reiterated that his administration -2- is desiring to make quality arrests and citations rather than quantity. Some members of the audience inquired as to the cost of the recent Assessment Center for the Commander'sposition and the Village Manager responded that the Assessment Center itself cost $4,000 and that any expenses for polygraph and psychological exams would have been necessary expenditures for any means of recruitment. Members of the audience also asked other questions as they related to the STOP Program, a clarification of the role of the Fire and Police Commission, and the Ordinances being proposed by the Village Manager and the Chiefs of the Fire and Police Departments. Two members of the audience submitted petitions to the Mayor and the Board of Trustees indicating that the signatures were opposed to giving the Police Chief and the Fire Chief any power that would bypass the Village Fire and Police Commission. It was explained to the residents in the audience that authority currently exists in the Municipal Code as it has since 1977. IV. HEALTH AND LIFE INSURANCE Assistant Village Manager Jay Hedges reviewed for the Committee of the Whole the more recent activities in soliciting final price quotes for health and life insurance for the Village. After initial direction on the part of the Mayor and the Board, the administration solicited six quotes from self -funding administrators through three brokers. The lowest price quote with a three-year guarantee is from Fort Dearborn, a subsidiary of Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Fart Dearborn has an "A" rating and the insurance is written on an incurred claims basis. Mr. Hedges introduced Mike Duncan, broker representing Fort Dearborn, and a representative of the claims office of the Fort Dearborn Insurance Company. It was explained that if the Board desires to proceed with the self -funding proposal, the Village would have the contract on the Agenda for June 15 and the program could be instituted on July 1. Mayor Krause reported that she had discussed the matter with Mr. Ronchetto, Chairman of the Finance Commission, and he had raised two technical questions as to the price quotes regarding the rating of the insurance company and the method of claims made versus claims incurred. This matter seems to have been answered satisfactorily and it was the general consensus of the Committee of the Whole that the matter be scheduled for the June 15 Agenda for formal adoption of the contract with Fort Dearborn. -3 V. MANAGER'S REPORT The Village Manager reported that the BUSSE/WILLE paving and pavement striping, had been completed on Tuesday, June 8 and the project is now one day behind its revised schedule. The open house dedication is still scheduled for Sunday, .lune 20. The Village Manager reported that WELLER CREEK. is moving somewhat behind schedule. They are now laying gravel at the bottom of the stream bed in anticipation of installing the interlocking blocks. The Village Manager reportedthat be and Mr. Weeks, Director of Public Works, together with the Joint Action Water Agency; engineers would be meeting` with the Illinois Department of Transportation on Friday, June 11. IDOT has requester) that the Agency consider a route alternative in order to minimize the traffic in construction disruption along Route 8, The Manager reported that if this could be done without any additional cost to the Agency or to the local community, we would recommend that an alternate route be accepted. VI. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Trustee. Miller inquired as to the ,status of the alleged violation from the Church buses parked at Sunset School. The Village Manager reported that the Director of Community Development had sent a letter to the Church indicating that they were in violation of parking in the .front yard and storage of these vehicles would have to be moved elsewhere. Additionally, the buses driving over the sidewalks and the 'curbs as well as the parkways was unproper. VII. EXECUTIVE SESSION It was 'moved by Trustee' Arthur, seconded by Trustee Miller to adjourn the Committee of the Whole meeting and to go into an Executive Session for the purposes of discussing labor negotiations. Motion passed unanimously and the Committee of the Whole was adjourned into an 'Executive Session, at 9:10 p.m. VlII,ADJOURNMIENT The Executive. Session was adjourned at 9:19 p.m. and the Committee of the Whole immediately adjourned. `P RR.ANC.;E 'L, BURGHARD Village Manager TLB/rcw AN�� MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THZ"/ MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES JUNE 1,,1982' CALL'TO ORDER CALL TO ORDER Mayor Krause called the meeting to order at 8:03 P.M. INVOCATION INVOCATION The invocation was given by Trustee Miller. ROLL CALL ROLL CALL Present upon roll call: Mayor Krause Trustees Arthur Parley Floros Miller Murauskis Wattenberg APPROVAL OF MINUTES APPROVE MINUTES. Trustee Parley, seconded by Trustee Arthur, moved 5/18/82 Meeting to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees held May 18, 1982. Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur Farley Floros Murauskis Wattenberg Nays: None Pass: Miller Motion carried. APPROVAL OF BILLS APPROVE BILLS Trustee Miller, seconded by Trustee Wattenberg, moved to approve the following list of bills: General Fund $ 251,014.94 Revenue Sharing Fund 1,680.14 Motor Fuel Tax Fund 51,083.05 Community Development Block Grant 4,001.60 Waterworks & Sewerage Fund: Operation & Maintenance 68,829.94 Parking System Revenue Fund 647.72 S.S.A. #3 Construction Fund 2,635.84 S.S.A. #4 Construction Fund 770.00 Contractors.Surety & Sidewalk 500.00 Trust Fund 1,500.00 $ 382,663.23 Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur Parley Floros Miller Murauskis Wattenberg Nays: None Motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS - CITIZENS TO BE HEARD EAGLE SCOUT Jim Goumas, Candidate for Eagle Scout from Troop 23, CANDIDATE gave a brief presentation on the importance of water PRESENTATION heater safety. It was stated that Jim, in co-operation with the Mount P ' rospect Jaycees, will offer thermometers to residents to test the temperature of the water in their heaters both for safety and energy efficiency purposes. PETITION: Mr. Stan, Pawlaski, 218 South George Street, SOUTH GEORGE ST. presented a petition requesting the"Village to REQUEST FOR install curbs in their neighborhood. Staff will CURBS response to the request for cost and methods of implementing such a request. MAYOR'S REPORT None. OLD BUSINESS ZBA 27-Z-81, 201 E. Kensington Road ZBA 27-Z-81 This request for re-zoning from B-3 to B-4i for an 201 E.Kensington amusement arcade was officially withdrawn at the Withdrawn request of the attorney representing the petitioner. w Farley, X216, as OF THE rl ey Floros ' ttenb r rd presented amnt Bidder Gulf Coast Labe Jones Chemical Unicore Chemica Trustee Arthur, moved to accept Laboratories fo a cost of .537 of 45,000 lbs, $24,16.5.00 Upon roll calla Motioncarried. 5/8"x 3/4" Meter with Recordall Register 5/8 x 3/4" Meter with; Remote Reading Register 1" Meter with remote Trustee Wattenb moved to accept Meter Company f not to exceed $ Upon roll call Motion' carried. Price Per Total Based on Pound 45,000 lbs. ries .537 '$24,165.00Y_ No bid submitted No bid: submitted onded by Trustee Wattenberg, bid submitted by Gulf Coast GULF COAST Ger treatment chemicals at LABORATORIES pound, based on a total usage'° h tectal. would not exceed " es: Arthur Farley Floros Miller Murauskis Wattenberg ys: None ,aero received for liquid chlorine: Amount LIQUID CHLORINE L $17.50/cwt. 21,30/cwt. ?o. 25.`00/cwt. Co. Inc. "No Quote" Dnded by Trustee Wattenberg, FISHER-CALO CO. low bid submitted by Fisher -Cala chlorine at a'cost 'of $17.50/cwt --Is: Arthur Farley Flores Miller Murauskis Wattenberg (s: None. ad advertised for cold water was answered by the one bid WATER METERS Badger Meter Company )x. Make/ .its Model Unit Total_ Badger $26.65 $2,665.00 RCDL 25 Plastic Badger $36.65 .18,325.00 RCDL 25 Plastic Badger $63.`80 1,531.20 RCDL 40 Plastic seconded by Trustee Arthur, BADGER METER CO. law bid submitted by Badger' )ld water meters at a cost )0.00. �s: Arthur Farley Flores Miller Murauskis Wattenberg "s: None' Paqe Three June _1, 1982 Trustee Floros, seconded by Trul,>tc,(, ZBA 12 -SU -82 moved to concur with the Of the Zoning Board of Appeals to grant the requested special use req,.)est-.ed In ZBA 12-S1.1-82. Upon roll call: Alves: Arthur Farley Floros Miller Murauskis Wattenberg Nays: None Motion carried. Following discussion on the parking requirements, it was the opinion of the Village Board that a formula be worked out in order to meet parking demands on the proposed use of the commerical building, based on a minimum of 1.2 spaces, from the required 29 spaces. Trustee Floros, seconded by Trustee Farley, moved ZBA 13 -SU -82 to approved the requested variation in ZBA .1.3-V-82 subject to a formula being worked out as to the number of parking spaces per employee and/or customers. Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur Farley Floros Miller Murauskis Wattenberg Nays: None Ordinances will be drafted for first reading at the June 15th Village Board meeting. ZBA 14-A-82, ZBA 14-A-82, 15 -SU -82, 16-V-82, 603 W. Lonnquist Blvd. 15 -SU -82, & These cases consist of a request for a text amendment 16-V-82 to permit day care centers as a special use in an 603 W.Lonnquist R-1 District; to grant such a special use permit; and a variation to allow more than one use in a building. The following people spoke on these requests: Michelle Skowrun, President District 57 School Board Dale Coventry, Member District 57 School Board Judy Kermin Idle Nipper, 1216 Cardinal Lane J. Sarentino, 606 W. L6nnquist Blvd. Mr -J. 3eilend,600 W. Lonnquist Blvd. Mrs. R. Tornquist, 602 W. Lonnquist Blvd. Walt Fisher, 904 S. Can Dota Mr. Curtis Craddock, 906 S. Can Dota Mr. Beaton, Mount Prospect Nursery School. Ron Cassidy, 708 E. Cedar Mary Stembridge, 600 Greenwood Bill Dusek, Lonnquist Blvd. Mrs. Miller, 702 Lonnquist Blvd, Trustee Floros, seconded by Trustee Pliller, moved to approve the request in ZBA 14-A-82, to provide for a text amendment allowing day care centers as a special use in an R-1 District. Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur Farley Floros Miller Murauskis Wattenberg Nays: None Motion carried. Trustee Floros, seconded by Trustee Miller, moved to approve the request to grant a special. use to Page Five June 1, 1.982 r, to be placed laet«wecen two lots in order, -to prow d pedestrian access to llol,rraert Jr. l iqh School:. They previously,alala.rovdd action provided for the' sldeuralk. o be pla.coi beti�e-6-n lots 5 and 6. Following discussion the Bocliral authorized the re -location of the sidewalk, vacating the ,casement on, the plat of subdiv siort, and recrordaraS the necessary documents indicating a 5 foot sidewalk on tho south4eern l.ot, lire of Lot 4 in Semsi-ls Subd.r.vi,i4i6n; Trustee ax l.e , sedonded, by 'trust c,�e, Wattenberg, mored to authorize the 'vacation of giro easement 4hown on the Ser ar•''s Subdivision between Lots 5 and; 6 and: re -locate ti'aa 'I"a�eareht for Public Sidewalk' on the south lot l tie of Lott' 4 ih the subject;; subdivision, which docuarreant;r are to be recorded with the-, ococ-de>r of heeds of Cook C6,unty. Upon roll call: Ayes<. Arthur Farley 1"loros Miller Murau.skis a tr'tebbe r NAys; None Motion carrlcci. SHEPARD' S SUB. The Shepaxd's Plat of Subdivision was'presented ALGONQUIN & for approval. This property is located at DEMPSTER Dempster and, Algonquin Road is was the subject of a recent ordinance granting a special use. Trustee Farley, seconded Trustee rustee Arthur, moved to autkrorize the Ma or to sign and Clerk to sttest.. the S epard's Plat of Subdivision, subject to 20 ft. setback lanes beinq shown, brad language allowing aasezrrents for cable T.V. apl,esra. g on the Plat tlfaon, roll ca11. Ayes: Arthur Farley Flores Millet, Murauska.s .., . WAR" Iw'� eRa'A.Jer dys- orae, ... �p�.q yyW��,My^p NiN Motion carried. Trustee Arthur, seconded by Trustee Flores;, moved to adjourn the meeting. Upon roll call: Ayes; Unanimous Motiona.r.,ried,,. 'Rhe arue(-�tin,g was adjourned at, 11,:25 "),Il . 'ureal A. Fields: Village Clerk Pace Seven ° dune; 1, 1992 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT CASH POSITION JUNE 11, 1982 Balance per Last Report 5/28/82 Receipts General Fund $ 502,278.29 $ 51,652.51 Revenue Sharing Fund 101,663.70 861.41 Motor Fuel Tax Fund 548,512.59 - Community Development Block Grant 72,074.25 Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (1,356.19) Waterworks & Sewerage Fund: Operation & Maintenance 211,916.56 Parking System Revenue Fund 73,897.21 Corporate Purposes Construction Fund 1973 664,999.13 Corporate Purposes B & I 1973 186,306.57 Corporate Purposes B & I 1974 408,359.66 Trust Fund 302,839.00 51,173.56 6,288.74 4,013.01 2,375.00 Disbursements (per attached List of Bills) $ 210,136.43 991.06 10,827.14 11,258.55 17,236.30 12,286.41 84.85 96.80 37,545.90 82,684.00 4,808.34 $ 387,955.78 Fund Balance $ 343,794.37 101,534.05 537,685.45 60,815.70 (18,592.49) 250,803.71 80,101.10 668,915.34 148,760.67 325,675.66 300,405.66 CLEARING ACCOUNTS AP ) OIL COMPANY R09ERT W. 9UTENDORF rOMINICKS FINER FOODS DOOR SYSTEMS OF ELK GROVE SAM FERRARA 'CARIE HEIDE ILLINOIS RANGE KOCH & SONS PETTY CASH - MANAGEMENT SERVICES PROSPECT AUTO BODY STAV'S LANDSCAPING CO. TRIS51 CONSTRUCTION VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT CLEARING ACC'?UNTS GENERAL FUND WATERWORKS & SEWERAGE - OEM VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 6/16%82 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION REGULAR a.ASOLINE GASOLINE DEPOSIT REFUND CONST. WATER METER BUSINESS LICENSES REFUND OVERHEAD DOOR REPAIR REFUND FINAL WATER BILL REFUND FINAL WATER 'TILL FOLDING TABLESt STACK CHAIRS PLANS RETURN REFUND TRAVEL* SUPPLIES P-23 AUTO REPAIR PLANS RETURN REFUND PLANS RETURN REFUND CONST. WATER RE BUTFNDORF TRUST INVOICE AMOUNT $7t664.08 $21268.60 $86.00 $112.50 $11063.59 $2.80 $14.00 $11360.45 $15.00 $74.66 $21283.80 $15.'}0 $15.00 $14.00 ***TOTAL** PAGE 1 TOTAL $91432.68* $86.00 $112.50 $11063.54 $2.80 $14.00 $11360.95 $15.00 $74.66- $21283.80 $15.00 $15.00 $14.00 $141939.98 $101119.84 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GT $45.00 $16.80 TRUST FUND $41808.34 �.�� �.e...._.�.�..�...ww�.A�w.._�..�.�....wA•.........._..w...�.�.,. �._...x.�a.............�...a...-...t;.A.�_..A......_..�..,......_..._..Axxw.�.4�...w...;�x..; _:-�-; � ;....� r; : 4 ---",-z r'.�.^.�.�_ -U-C REPRESENTATION DIVISION T. A. COPPLE & CO. GOVERNMENT PERSONNEL CONSULTANTS PAT KIMBALL TRAVELt INC. PUBLIC REPRESENTATION DIVISION ATTENDANCE TAKING, TRANSCRIPTS $193.40 $193.40 POLICE APPLICANTS EXAMINATIONS $840.00 $840.00 AIR FARE $212.00 $212.130 ,**TOTAL** $I*245.90 GENERAL FUND $11245.90 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE • REPORT PAYMENT DATE 6/16/8Z VENDOR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL VILLAGE MANAGER'S OFFICE AMFRICAN PUBLIC 'WORKS ASSOCIATION FRAU EISENMAN PAT KIMBALL TRAVEL. INC. LITTLEJOHN,p GLASS & YOWELLv LTD. NORTHWEST ADVERTISING DISTRIBUTORS, PETTY CASH - FIRE DEPARTMENT PETTY CASH - MANAGEMENT SERVICES PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPARTMENT PEPERSEN & HOUPT HERBERT L. WEEKS VILLAGE MANAGER'S OFFICE GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES A NC -i OR CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE INSURANCE ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CO. ILLINOIS CPA SOCIETY DEAN MAGDALIN PRU-_ARE OF ILLINOIS REGISTRATION- A.WEEKS MEETING EXPENSES AIR FARE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED APRIL -MAY NEWSLETTER TRAVEL, SUPPLIES TRAVELS SUPPLIES TRAVEL. SUPPLIES TRAVEL, SUPPLIES TRAVELS SUPPLIES TRAVELS SUPPLIES TRAVEL, SUPPLIES ,LEGAL SERVICES LEGAL SERVICES SEMINAR REGISTRATION EXPENSES INSURANCE PREMIUM JUNE 182 INSURANCE PREMIUM JUNE. 1982 TELEPHONE SERVICE MEMBERSHIP COMPUTER PROGRAMMING HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE JUNEv82 1130.00 $130.0 $78.19 $76.19 $190.100 $190.00 $19347.00 519347.00 $1*521.63 519521.63 $50.70 $50.70* $150.00 $13.50 $26.42 $20.00 $69.90 $279.82* $44.54 $44.54• SIOV080.91 57057.00 5189037.91 $82.50 $82.50* $2*143.52 $90.00 • S255.49 rawyA611 DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES ***TOTAL** $269477.21 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 3 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 6/16/82 VENDOR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL GENERAL FUND $26:477.21 VILLAGE CLERK'S OFFICE INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES COR TYPEWRITER ELEMENTS PADDOCK PUBLICATIONS LEGAL NOTICE PUR. VILLAGE CLERK'S OFFICE GENERAL FUND POLICE DEPARTMENT TED ADAMCZYK ALL STAR CAR WASH ARLINGTON HTS CAMERA LEONARD E. BANAS ROBERT G. BARONE OA" REHUN LA )BESTHOFF MAk-N BONSTETTER JOSEPH I. rROPP WILLIAM RRODERICK ROBERT T. CASSIE KEVIN J. CONDON CURTIS 1000 INCORPORATED THOMAS F. DALEY ERNEST P. DETTMAR JR. DES PLAINES CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH SALES RICHARD L. DRAFFONE JAMES EDWARDS $75.30 $37.80 $37.80 $38.00 538.00 ;,':*TOTAL** $75.80 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 5350.00 $350.00:: WASH PLAN JUNE082 $131.25 5131.25 FILM PROCESSING $44.23 $44.23 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 5350.00 $350.00 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.00* UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.00* UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.00* UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.00* UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.00: UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.00* UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 5350.00* UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.00" NCR FORMS $29.42 $24.42 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.00* UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.00* RETAINERtBUSHING KIT 6 STRAP $21.06 $21.06 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.00* UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.00* VENDOR POLICE DEPARTMENT KEN'iETH FELEINGEP MIC-44EL E. FELTEN BARREN FIS`HFR JDAN FORTON =-ALAXY INDUSTRIESi INC. DONALD 0. GAVEL JOHN G13SON TED SORSKI OVERNMENT PERSONNEL CONSULTANTS MICiAEL J. GOY ANT19INY A. HALACHOULTS VATRTCK L. HALLIHAN -RE- -- A. HE"LUN-,) CHARY HFLl=EklBFIN 0'41L HFR4AN HOLIDAY INN HONaY 9t -P SNACK SHOP CORPORATION ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CO. THOMAS E. JACOBI CHARLES JANATA JOSEPH C. KOLANOWSKI RICHARD C. KnLBUSZ RONALD G. KOTCH ANTHONY J. KOTLARZ MICHAEL J. KRUCHTEN JAMES D. LANGE KENNETH R. LEE STEVEN G. LEONAR) DENNIS LEONARD LION PHOTO SUPPLY INC. ROLAND LISCHALK VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 4 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 6/16/82 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL ORGANIZATIONAL DEV. ASSESSORS FEE $300.00 $300.t UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.00;; - UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.00* UNIFORM ALL04ANCE $350.00 $350.004: DRILLS $114.85 $114.85 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.004: UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $390.00* UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $390.00* POLICE EXAMINATIONS $19200.00 $lfzoo.00 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.00= UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.00* UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 1350.00 $350.00* UNIFORM ALLnWANCE $350.00 $350.00* UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.00* UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.00* ORGANIZATIONAL nEV.CLiG.-ASSESSMENT $469.90 $469.80 PRISONER FOOD MAY#52 S23.85 $23.85 COPIER III PAYMENT $275.89 $275.89 TELEPHONE SERVICE $32.64 TELEPHONE SERVICE $9.13 TELEPHONE SERVICE $47.69 $89.46 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 1350.00 $350.00* ORGANIZATIONAL DEV. ASSESSORS FEE $300.00 $300.00 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.(' UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 S350.1 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 S350.00 - UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $390.00* UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.00* UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.00* UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.00* CAR ALLOWANCE JUNE#82 $40.00 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $390.00* UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.00* PHOTO EQUIPMENT S269.97 PHOTO EQUIPMENT $220.49 $490.46 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.00* VENDOR POLICE DEPARTMENT TF G A. LOPOTKO DON,uD C. MILEY DENNIS MORGAN RICHARD F. MULLER KIM NAGEL EDWARD NASTEK DAVID T. NICHOLSON THOMAS NOWAK NORTHWEST "MUNICIPAL CONFERENCE NORTHWEST POLICE ACADEMY NORTHWEST STATIONERS INC. CHRIS OLSTAD nLYMPIA DODGE OF DFS PLAINFS9 INC. RONALD W. PAVLOCK PETTY CASH - M.ANAGEMFNT SERVICES PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPARTMENT LYNN PEAVEY COMPANY TRIC E. PIEE STEPHEN RAMHOLZ ROBERT R. RANDOLPH RONALD RICHARDSON W, �M ROSCOP MIL-iAEL SALATINO GEORGE STEINER RALPH S. TIME? TIRE CONNECTIONS INC. ANDY TOTH RICHARD TRACY STANLEY TROYER VILLAGE SPORTS CENTER, INC. RICHARD WALKER BARBARA WARD WESTERN UNION VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 5 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 6/16/82 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 5350.00 5350.00* UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 5350.00* UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.00= UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.00* UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 5350.00 5350.00= UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.00 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 5350.00 $350.00* UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.00` PARKING & VIOLATION TICKETS $635.77 $635.77 CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS COURSE $220.00 $120.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES $15.30 OFFICE SUPPLIES $10.32 $27.12 UNIFORM REIMBURSEMENT $150.00 $150.00 WINDOW REGULATOR $36..22 $36.22 UNIFOR`l ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.00* TRAVELS SUPPLIES 5.70 $.70* TRAVEL, SUPPLIES $4.00 1. TRAVELS SUPPLIES 540.00 544.00* OFFICE SUPPLIES $63.68 $63.68 MOBILE RADIO REPAIRS $389.00 $389.00 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.00: UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.00* TRAINING EXPENSES $123.50 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $473.50* UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 8350.00* UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 5350.00* UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.00* UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.00* P -39P-249 FRONT END ALIGN & TIRE BALA $46.00 $46.00 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.00* UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 5350.00* ORGANIZATIONAL DEV. ASSESSORS FEE $300.00 $300.00 ROUNDS $39.00 $39.00 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE $350.00 $350.00= UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 5350.00 $350.00* FACILITY CHG. JUNE°82 $255.00 5255.00 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 6/16/82 VENDOR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT DAVID NYSORAL RIC -!ARD POST 3M BUSINESS PRODUCTS SALES 9781 POLICE DEPARTMENT GENERAL FUND FIRE & EMERGENCY PROTECTION DEPT. AUTD CLUTCH & PARTS SVC 3ERKEY CAMERA SHOP BURVS INTEGRATED SYSTEMS CORP. WAYNE RUSSE AUTOMOTIVE CHAMPION SALES CORPORATION COMMONWEALTH EDISON ESSENTIAL SERVICES SALES, INC. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CO. KRFST CUSTOM TAILORS• INC. DEAv MAGDALIN MOSER-SCHMIDT PAPER CO. HEI'SHTS AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY NADA AUTO PARTS NORTHWEST ADVERTISING DISTRIBUTORS. PETTY CASH - FIRE DEPARTMENT UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE FILM PROCESSING 526,256.61 REVENUE SHARING FUND $350.00 $350.0 $350.00 $350.01;-- $116.32 $116.32 ***TOTAL** $261526.58 HOSE, FITTINGSv AOAPTFRS, TUBES 593.94 493.49 FILM PROCESSING $7.98 $7.88 CARBON DIOXIDE $27.50 $27.50 MUFFLER. TAILPIPE, CLAMPS 5115.58 5115.58 OIL & CHEMICALS 429175.27 52 675.27 ELECTRICAL SERVICE $1.90 ELECTRICAL SERVICE 41.97 $3.87 ADAPTER 415.47 415.47 TELEPHONE SERVICE $154.58 $154.5P FIRE 'SEPT. HELMETS, INSIGNIAS S1:615.10 $1.625.1 COMPUTER PROGRAMMING $52.00 S52.0G NCR PAPER $240.20 $240.20 REPAIR PARTS 54.00 $4.00 AUTO PARTS $313.40 $313.40 APRIL -NAY NEWSLETTER $312.39 APRIL -MAY NEWSLETTER 5312.39 $62478 TRAVEL, SUPPLIES $12.94 TRAVELe SUPPLIES $18.14 r TRAVELe SUPPLIES $8..60 r TRAVEL, SUPPLIES $5.27 TRAVEL, SUPPLIES $1.35 , VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 7 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 6/16/82 VENDOR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL FIRE E E=MERGENCY PROTECTION DEPT. PE CASH - MANAGEMENT SERVICES PHOTO TOWNE PIC COMMUNICATIONS. INC. SAFETY KLEEN CORPORATION SNAP-ON TOOLS CORPORATION TELE -TIME SYSTEMS FIRE E EMERGENCY PROTECTION DEPT. GENERAL FUND TRAVEL. SUPPLIES TRAVEL. SUPPLIES FILM PORTABLE RADIO REPAIR CLEANING SERVICE TOOLS CABLE* PLUG* TAPES $5.764.46 REVENUE SHARING FUND CENTRAL DISPATCH SERVICE NORTHWEST CENTRAL DISPATCH SYSTEM SERVICE FOR JUNF*82 CENTRAL DISPATCH SERVICE GENERAL FUND HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT 3RO4NING FERRIS INDUSTRIES BR04N CLINICAL LABnRATORY R. I. BUSSE JUNE F. KERSTEIN $17*046.67 RESIDENTIAL REFUSE WATER SAMPLES TESTED TREE REMOVAL* LOT GRADED TELEPHONE REIMBURSEMENT JUNE*82 CAR ALLOWANCE J()NF*82 $2.98 $49.28=: $4.22 54.22` $19.97 $19.97 $65.00 365.00 $37.75 x37.75 $223.72 $223.72 $187.59 $187.59 * ='=*TOTAL** $69031.15 $266.69 $17*046.67 $17*046.67 ***TOTAL** 317*046.67 $86*478.74 $212.80 $19900.00 $26.50 $38.50 $86*478..74 $212.80 $I*900.00 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 6/16/82 VENDOR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT PETTY CASH - MANAGEMENT SERVICES XEROX CORPORATION HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT lh% SENIOR CITIZEN'S DIVISION RITA ADAMCZYK MR. & MRS '-HARLES BARNES BIR<S TRANSPORTATION COMPANY SHARON CRADDOCK MICHAEL DOROSH MR. E MRS. BUD GOODLING MR. & MRS. ORRIN HANSEN MAR,3F IBBOTSON JOE JAGUS TED JOSWTAK ANNE KORTH JOAN KOTERRSKI CHARLES J. LA PLANTE VIVIAN LEONARD EARLE MATTSON JEAN NEUBAUER ELOISE PURCELL BILL ROSS MURIEL SCOTT ERMA STEELE MR.& MRS. TABBERT TRAVELv SUPPLIES TRAVELS SUPPLIES XEROX CHG. APRIL'? -2 $58.75 $1.02 $59.7-1,: $160.00 $160.00 HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT 5/82 $6.00 $6.00 HOM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT 5/82 $6.00 56.00 SENIOR CITIZEN CAB RIDES $507.60 SENIOR CITIZEN CAB RIDES $464.40 $972.00 HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEIIENT 5/82 $3.00 $3.00 HOM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT 5/82 $3.00 53e00 HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT 5/82 $6.00 $6.00 HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT 5/82 $6.00 $6.00 HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT 5/62 $6.00 56.00 HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT 5/82 $6.00 $6.0 HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT 5/82 $3.00 S3.( HOM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT 5/82 $3.00 $3.Ou HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT 5/82 53.00 $3.00 CAR ALLOWANCE JUNF,82 $50.00 $50.00 HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT 5/82 $6.00 $6.00 HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT 5/82 $6a00 56.00 HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT 5/82 $12.00 $12.00 HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT 5/82 $15.00 $15.00 HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT 5/82 $9.00 $9.00 HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT 5/82 $3.00 $3.00 HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT 5/82 53.00 $3.00 HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT 5/82 $3.00 $3.00 VENDOR SENIOR CITIZEN'S DIVISION f TRAPANI !� _E WAGNER HELEN WHITLOCK CECELIA WINTERSTEIN SENIOR CITIZEN'S DIVISION RuEsmoommimm VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 6/16/82 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION CAR ALLOWANCE JUNE'82 HOM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT 5/82 HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT 5/82 HOM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT 5/82 51,185.00 4z It COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT VIRGINIA BECCO BERKEY CAMERA SHOP FDC DRAFTING AIDES CORP. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MOUNT PROSPE ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND PADDOCK PUBLICATIONS STEPHEN M. PARK VANS ARTISTS DESIGNERS SUPPLIES C 14NITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT GENERAL FUND STREET DEPARTMENT WEATHFRIZATION PGM. FILM PROCESSING DRAFTING PAPER RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION LOAN IMRF PAYMENT FOR MAYt 1982 BLOCK GRANT LEGAL NOTICE PUB. SEMINAR EXPENSES DRAFTING SUPPLIES AND EQUIP PAGE 9 INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL $40.00 $40.00 $3.00 53.00 $9.00 $9.00 $3.00 $3.00 ***TOTAL** $1:185.00 5471.00 $9.05 $47.00 510.041.00 5354.72 $53.96 $196.05 $49.82 ***TOTAL** $9.05 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GT $471.00 $9.05 $47.00 $10#041.00 $354.72* $53.96 $196.05 549.82 $111222.60 511,213.55 ARLINGTON AUTO PARTS AUTO REPAIR PARTS $70.90 $70.90 VENDOR STREET DEPARTMENT AUTO CLUTCH E PARTS SVC CHARLES RENCIC BERNIE'S TOPSOIL & EXCAVATING RERTHOLDIS FLOWER WARN BILL'S LAWN C POWER BW INDUSTRTES,INC. CHEM RITE PRODUCTS COMPANY ARTHUR CLESENv INC. COMMONWEALTH EDISON CITIZENS UTILITIES CO. OF ILLINOIS OErJRATIVE PAVING COMPANY DOU73LAS TRUCK PARTS GALAXY INDUSTRIES, INC. GENERAL ELECTRIC SUPPLY MOUNT PROSPECT LAWNMOWER NEENAH FOUNDRY COMPANY NORTHSICE INTERNATIONAL CARROLL A. OLSON ORKIN EXTERMINATION COMPANY PETTY CASH - MANAGEMENT SERVICES PETTY CASH - PUBLIC WORKS PERMALAWN INC RODNEY PIKE ROWLAND'S EQUIPMENT, INC. MR. SKODACEK STEINER CORPORATION VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 10 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 6/16/82 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL WHEEL CYLINDER ASSY & BOLT KIT $97.36 59701 SAFETY SHOE ALLOWANCE $50.00 550.00 PULVERIZED TOP SOIL 1218.75 PULVERIZED TOP SOIL $218.75 $437.50 CHEYENNE PIVET $156.00 $156.00 MUFFLERqCRANKSHAFT SUPPORT & KEYS $33.75 $33.75 ROLLER CHAIN, OFF -SPT LINK $591.78 $591.78 REPAIR ON CARPETWIN VACUUM $61.00 CLEANING SUPPLIES $298.46 $359.46 FERTILIZER $98.40 $98.40 ELECTRICAL SERVICE $4.89 $4.89 UTILITIES $48.05 $48.05 BRICK PAVERS AT R.R. DEPOT $200.00 $200.00 COOLING SYSTEM TREATMENT E CLEANER $53.25 MIRRORS $37.50 $90.75 DRILLS $114.85 $114.85 SWITCH $31.93 531.93 LAWNMOWER REPLACEMENT ENGINES $630.30 CONDENSER & POINTS $15.10 $645.40 GRATES $218.09 $218.09 AUTO REPAIR PARTS 552.20 AUTO REPAIR KITS $80.60 5132.80 SHARE THE COST TREE PROGRAM $44.95 $44.95 PEST CONTROL SERVICE STATION `3 $27.00 PEST CONTROL SERVICE STATION `2 $27.00 $54.( TRAVEL: SUPPLIES $1.76 $1.7b-, TRAVEL, SUPPLIES $1.80 TRAVELi SUPPLIES $14.67 TRAVEL, SUPPLIES $1.80 TRAVELv SUPPLIES $30.00 TRAVEL,r SUPPLIES $13.27 $66.54* HOPPING SHEARS $58.38 $58.38 SAFETY SHOE ALLOWANCE $42.27 $42.17 WHEEL & TIRE ASSY & BELT $104.43 $104-43 TREE COST REFUND $35.00 $35.00 CLEANING SERVICE -WORK CLOTHING $235.66 $235.66 VENDOR STREET DEPARTMENT S `ARD PIPE £ SUPPLY INC. F, -RIC TENNYSON TERRACE SUPPLY COMPANY TRI SERVICE COMPANY DENNIS VALENTINE JOEL VILLAREAL VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 6/16/92 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION SEAMLESS NIPP £ FORGED STEEL TEE SAFETY SHOE ALLOWANCE OXYGEN. ACETYLENE CYLINDERS REPAIR AIR COND AT VLG HALL £ SENIORS SAFETY SHOE ALLOWANCE SAFETY SHOE ALLOWANCE WATER SERVICE FOR R/R DEPOT PAGE II INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL $15.13 $15.13 $42.17 $42.17 $43.23 $43.23 $188.00 $198.00 $36.64 $36064 $50.00 $50.00 $33.60 $33.60 STREET DFPARTMENT ***TOTAL** $4,434.07 GENERAL FUND WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT ALLIED ASPHALT PAVING ARLINGTON AUTO PARTS BERNIE'S TOPSOIL £ EXCAVATING BRIvE ALIGN SUPPLY CO C !RITE PRODUCTS COMPANY A JR CLESEN9 INC. COMMONWEALTH EDISON CONSOLIDATED ELECTRIC COMPANY CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE INSURANCE DOUGLAS TRUCK PARTS ENVIROTECH SPARLING FLOLO ELECTRIC COMPANY GALAXY INDUSTRIES, INC. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CO. $3.974.67 REVENUE SHARING FUND 5454.40 7.90 TONS OF PAVERITE ASPHALT 5252.80 $252.80 AUTO REPAIR PARTS $333.02 $333.02 PULVERIZED TOP SOIL $218.75 PULVERIZED TOP SOIL $218.75 5437.50 LINED SHOESe DRUMS CUT $89.90 $89.90 CLEANING SUPPLIES $113.75 $113.75 GRASS SEED 5200.00 5200000 ELECTRICAL SERVICE $153.43 ELECTRICAL SERVICE 548.03 $201.46 REPAIR OF TWO WELL CONTROLS $306.31 5306.32 INSURANCE PREMIUM JUNE9 1992 $29859.29 $29854.29= COOLING SYSTEM TREATMENT £ CLEANER $53.25 MIRRORS $37.50 $90.75 WELL `5 GEARS9 BEARINGS $296.30 $196.30 PUMP 5576.00 $576.00 DRILLS $114.96 $114.86 TELEPHONE SERVICE $13.62 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND CHARLES KLFHM & SON NURSERY MARMION MILITARY ACADEMY NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS CO. NORTHSIDE INTERNATIONAL NORTHWFST STATIONERS INC. PADDOCK PUBLICATIONS PETTY CASH - PUBLIC WORKS POSTMASTER MT PROSPECT SCHJSTFR EQUIPMENT COMPANY SPRAYING SYSTEMS CO. STEINER CORPORATION TERRACE SUPPLY COMPANY WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT WATERWORKS & SEWERAGE - OEM VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 6/16/82 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE IMRF PAYMENT FOR MAY' 1982 BARK CHIPS LAND LEASE JUNE'82 GAS SERVICE GAS SERVICE GAS SERVICE AUTO REPAIR PARTS AUTO REPAIR KITS TOPS FORMS AND MARKERS RUBBER BANDS NOTICE TO BIDDERS PUB. TRAVEL* SUPPLIES TRAVEL* SUPPLIES TRAVEL9 SUPPLIES POSTAGE PERMIT -WATER BILLS BOX RENTAL CLAMPS WASHJET NOZZLE CLEANING SERVICE -WORK CLOTHING OXYGEN* ACETYLENE CYLINDERS OXYGEN GAUGE INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL $13.62 $13.62 $40.8, $4*655.46 $49655.46* $14.00 $19.00 $300.00 $300.00 $64.92 $41.35 $24.68 $130.95 $194.98 580.60 $275.58 $33.16 s10.08 $43.24 $30o00 $30.00 $6.40 $35.00 $7.41 548.81* $385.79 $13.00 $398.79 $189.00 $189.00 $60.20 $60.20 $235.67 $235.67 $43.23 $26.88 $70.11 :,'**TDTAL4:* $129269.f PARKING SYSTEM DIVISION COM'IONWEALTH EDISON ELECTRICAL SERVICE $22.28 ELECTRICAL SERVICE $12.28 VENDOR PAR,CING SYSTEM DIVISION ILv.®_JUTS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND PARKING SYSTEM DIVISION PARKING SYSTEM REVENUE FUND VILLAGE OF MOUNT .PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 6/16/82 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION ELECTRICAL SERVICE IMRF PAYMENT FOR MAYS 1482 584.85 PAGE 13 INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL $1.40 $26.46 558.39 $58.39* **TOTAL** $94.85 cNGINEERING DIVISION P E H INDUSTRIES SCR13ER 523.00 $23.00 BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. BUSSE/WILLE IMPROVEMENT 56.514.75 $69514.75 CIORBA GROUP* INC. N.W. HWY. LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS $19380.00 $19380.00 COm'-IDNWEALTH EDISON STREET & HIGHWAY LIGHTING $29759.43 MUNICIPAL STREET LIGHTING APRIL'82 869425.36 $99184.79 PETTY CASH — MANAGEMENT SERVICFS TRAVELS SUPPLIES $6.04 $6.04* PINNER ELECTRIC CO STREET LIGHT REPAIR $45.46 $45.46 ROSEMONT BUILDING E SUPPLY CO. BUILDING SUPPLIES $96.80 $96.80 SOIL C MATERIAL CONSULTANTS, INC. CONCRETE CYLINDERS E MOLDS DELV&PICK $127.50 5127.50 EP--NEFRING DIVISION - **TDTAL** $17,378.34 GENERAL FUND $6,454.40 MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND $105827.14 CORP. PURP. CONST. FUND 1473 $96.80 TRUST AND DEBTS FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MOUNT PROSPE TCORPO:RATE PURPOSE BOND $829600.00 CORPORATE PURPOSE BOND $84.00 592,684.00 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT • PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 6/16/82 VENDOR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION TRUST AND DEBTS ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND IMRF PAYMENT FOR MAY• 1982 $179236.30 CHARLES W. NICK PENSION JUNE182 $883.22 THE NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY CORPORATE PURPOSE BONDS S374504.00 CORPORATE PURPOSE BONDS $45.90 TRUST AND DEBTS ***TOTAL** GENERAL FUND $883.22 ILL. MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND CORPORATE PURPOSES 1973 $379545.90 CORPORATE PURPOSES 1974 PAGE 14 TOTAL $171236. $883.2� $379545.90 $138049.42 13REFE9,,11, ALL DEPARTMENTS TOTAL $387T955.78 I VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT FINANCIAL REPORT - MAX 31, 1982 SCTIPV�RY OF CASlt RECEIa S AND DZSIIURSEKENTS Cash & Invest. Receipts Disbursements Cash & Invest. General 6 Soee ial F.everzaQ=ltnds; Balance April 30, 1982 for Y,av, 1982 for Balance ny, 1982Adjustments• May 31. 1482 General Fund Revenue Sharing Fund 5 557,562 $ 508,901 $ 465,196 $ (90,232) $ 491,035 Motor Fuel Tax Fund 115,385 861 12,041 104,205 Community Development Block Grant Fund 605,339 102,919 73,661 42,952 6,299 642,547 Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund 19,279 - 4,335 16,178 24,970 3,560 90,321 Enterprise Funds: - (1,356) Waterworks & Sewerage Fund: Operation & Maintenance I., & 434,655 158,101 136,713 (225,361) 230,682 Bo Bond & Interest 40,804 3,400 - 44,200 Bank Reserve Fundd 58,225 20,758 - _ 78,983 Surplus Revenue Fund 463,507 1,847 - 465,354 - - - 225,361 225,361 Parking System Revenue Fund 69,608 9,983 2,863 - 76,728 Capital Pro leets Funds; Capital Improvements Replacement or Repair Fund 487,522 2,864 - Corporate Purposes Construction Fund 1973 Special 744,666 4,922 62,471 80,353 490,391 747,470 Service Area Construction 03 18,193 185 Special Service Area Construction 04 40,108 626 18,413 18,378 Debt Service Funds- - 21,621 Fire Station 1964 Public Works Building 1964 20,397 214 776 14,835 Fire Equipment 1964 27,012 310 1,140 26,132 Corporate Purposes 1973 16,267 117 365 16,039183,973 Corporate Purposes 1974 2,334 ' 186,307 Special Service Area 01 402,726 5,634 - 406,360 Special Service Area 02 14,862 158 - 15 ,020 16,454 65 - - 15,524 Trust b Aoency Funds: Contractor's Surety & Sidewalk Fund 90,556 450 70090,306 Trust Fund Library 302,034 4,569 1,647 - 304,956 Investment Fund Police Pension Fund 535,794 599 54,340 482:056 Firemen's Pension Fund 4,360,024 43,724 21,852 4,401,846 5,114,466 136,658 10,960 5,240,164 TOTAL $14,862,343 $ 485,481 $ 914,127 $ -0- $14,933,697 'Due to/Due From DAT= RUN 6/09/82 VILLAGE OF M�7U NT PROSPECT TI- RUN 13.48.42 ESTIMATED REVENUE REPORT ACCOUNTING PERIOD 01 EN OLNG 5f31/82 1982-83 Y -T -D Y -T -D CUR MO �G ENRAL FUND BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL T -X REVENUE X00-00-4001 PROPERTY TAXES -CORPORATE 683,650 56,970 7,621 J 00-00-4002 TAXES GFNRL CORP -PREY 978,950 81,579 _-000-00-4003 TAXES GENRL CORP -PRIOR 1-300-00-40^4 PROPERTY TAXLS-GARBAur 478,550 39,879 5,782 2-OOp-u0-40.05 TAXES GARSAGF-PREVIOUS =42,650 62,887 1-000-00-4096 TAXES GARBAGE ALL PRIOR 1-000-00-4U09 TAXES ST S 4RDG. - PRIOR I-OOO-00-4010 PRU�FRTY TAXES -PD C GRDG 20,500 1,7013 599 I-JOC-00-4021 TAXES RDA? C nRIDGE PREV 1-000-03-4012 TAXES PO € 9PI06C PRIOR I -J00-00-4013 RETAILERS 0CC'1PATTON TAX 3,315,000 276,250 243034 1-)00-00-4014 STATE INC( -4E TAX 1.100,000 91,666 110,534 I -J00 -JC -40I5 FOREIi.N FIRE INS TAX 16,000 1,333 1-000-00-4u54 PERSONAL PR'7P REAL TAX 21,700 I, 808 1,331 TOTAL TAX REVENUE 7.357,000 613,)80 36q,800 FEL REVFNUE 1300-00-4101 BUILuINC. PERMIT FEES 30,000 7,500 3,514 1-300-00-4102 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES .. 1000 2,093 647 I -3010-0G-41^4 PLU"61N` PERMIT FEES 14,000 1.266 620 1-000-J0-4105 -LAN EXAMINAT1,114 FEES 6,000 500 350 i -3^O -7^-L Ii7o STREET ".PEV;.'tG FEES 300 25 00 1-390-00-4107 'V"iICLE LICENSE FFES 360,030 30,00? 51,435 1-700-�.0-'4108 D'JG LICENSES 21.000 x750 2.935 i-0,00-0)-410.9 LI.UOR LICENSES 90.000 7,500 21620 1-JOO-00-42i0 BUSINESS LI�:ENSES 64.500 5,375 26,216 I -j00-0=0-4112 PUBLIC .MPR INSPECTIU°;S 6, 000 500 750 1 -300 -JO -4113 R=NTAL -EES 22x500 1,975 300 1-u00-00-4Ik4 FEES-9OAR0 ^F APPEALS 5.000 416 137 2-30=0-=J+)-4115 TELEPHONE F9ANCH[SE FEES 11,400 950 1-000-001-4119 ELEVATOR iNSPGCTI7NS .000 416 1,790 I-')00-00-4120 FALSE ALARM FEES 2.000 166 I-)00-00-4172 CABLE TV FRANCHISE 61500 541 €-i00-00-'0.122 ELECTRONICS GAME TAX 27,500 21291 SAL EEE REVENUE 756,700 63,054 103,369 p ANTS REVENUE 1-000-00-4151 GRANT -SENIOR CITIZENS 10,000 633 1,000 I-JOO-00-4152 GRANT -ILEO POLICE TRNG 18,000 1,500 1-000-00-4153 GRANT -STATE FIRE TRAIYG 13x000 11083 TOTAL GRANTS REVENUE 41,000 3,416 1,000 SERVICE CHARGE REVENUE 1-Z!00-00-4178 FOREST RIVER RURAL FPD 13,000 1,083 1-000-00-4180 N C S SERVICE CHARGE 110,000 9,166 9,167 TOTAL SERVICE CHARGE REVENUE IZ3,000 10,249 9,167 OTHER REVENUE I-000-00-4231 SALE OF CODE BOOKS 600 50 39 1-300-00-4232 ORDINANCE FINES Z75,000 22,916 IZ,013 1-000-00-4233 RECYCLING PROGRAM 7.621 5,791 599 243,934 110,534 1,331 369,800 3,514 647 625 350 50 63,435 2x935 2,620 26,2F6 750 300 137 1,740 103,369 1,000 1.000 9,167 9.167 39 12.013 UNREC'D VARIANCE BALANCE 49,349- 676.029- 81,579- 978,950- 34,09x- 472,'69- 61,837- 742.650- 1,109- 19,901- 32, 316 -3,071,06b - I8,863 969,466- 1,333- 16,000- 477- 20.369- 243,280-6,98.,200- 3,986- 86x486- 1,436- 24,353- 541- 13,375- 150- 5.650- 25 250- 33,435 _96,565- 11135 18,065- 4,880- 87,33"+_ 20.841 38,284- 5.253- 1, 575- 8,284- 5.250- 1,575- 22.200- 279- 4,863- 950- 11,401_ 1,3743,210- 166- 2.000- 541- 6,500_ 2,291- 27.500- 40,315 653,331- 167 9,000- 1."00- 18,000- 1,083- 13.000- 2,416- 40,000- 1,083- 13,000- 1 100x833- 1,082- 113,833- LI- 561- 10.903- Z62,987 - PAGE I LD-VGL245 BALANCE BAL 676,029- 99- 978,950- 100- 0 472,769- 99- 742,650- 100- 0 0 19,90!- 97- 0 0 3,071,066- q89,466- 16,000- .071,066-489,466-16,000- 100- 20,369- 94- 6,987,�00- 95- 86,486- 96- 24,353- 97- 13,375- 96- 5,650- 94- 250- 83- 196,565- 82_ L8,^65- 86- a?3- 97- 38,294- 5q- 5x253- 88- 22.500- qq- 4,E63- q7- 11,400- 100- 3,210- 64- 2,000- 100- 6,500- 100- 27,500- 100- 653,331- 86- 9,000- 90- 18,000- 100- 13.000- 100- 40,000- 98- 13,000- 100- 100,833- 92- 113,833- 93- 561- 94- 262x987- 96- 0 DATE R'fN 6104/32 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 2 TI'L RUN 13.48.4? ESTIMATED R'VENJE REPORT ID-VGL245 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 01 FNOING 5131/82 1482-33 Y -T -O Y -T -D CUR *Ili UNREC"D % BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL VARIANCE BALANCE BALANCE BAL GENERAL FUND OTHER REVENUE 1-.100-00_4234 PRO -RATA SHARE SA:70 1,947 153 153- 1®847- 1,847- 10- I-300-00-4236 FED DISASTER ASST FUNDS 0 1-300-00-4240 G.I.E. DEPOSIT RETURN 15,000 1,250 1,250- 15,000- 15.000- 100- 1-000-00-4248 INTEREST INCO*E 110,000 0,166 1^_.,731 10.131 555 49,264- 94,269- 40- 1-700-00-4249 MISCELLANFOUS INCOME 60,000 5,000 2,783 2,T83 _,217-57. 217- 57,217- 95- 1-000-00-4250 RAUENHORST STUDY 0 €-:700-00-42"s2 K -MART IRP;FEE 0 1-,'001-00-4256 POLICE TRAINING RFIMBURS 3,000 250 250- 3,000- 3,000- 100- 1 -000 -On -4271 TER FROM CONTRCTR SURETY 45,000 3,750 3,750- 45,000- 45,000- too - 1 -3,00-00-4272 TER FROM S A -PUBLIC BEN 70,000 5,833 5,833- F_„00,^- 70,000- TOO - TOTAL OTHER REVE`i lIF 530,447 49,368 25,566 25,566 21.8az- 554,981- 554,881- 96 - TOTAL 5ENERAL FUND 8,858,147 736,167 50-9,902 508.902 224,265-8,34 ,245- 8,349,245- 94- REVE NUE SHARING, FUND OTHER REVENUE 21-0OO-On-4241 FEDEPAL ALLDTM„NT 351,700 24,3,^,3 2°,308- 351,730- 351,700- 100- 21-J'00-00-4246 !NTEREST I.`aCG'-E 7,50:} 625 661 861 236 6,634- 6,634- 89 - TOTAL 3ThER °EVE`BUE 359,200 29,933 A61 951 24,072- 358,334- 353,339- !Do - TOTAL REVENUF T1 ARI;aG UND 359.200 21,933 861 801 29,072- 118,33--3513, 358, 339-100- `§OTvR FUEL TAX F!j Nn M.F.T. REVENUE 22-000-00-4221 ALLOCATTGN FROM STATE 7G O, 010 59,333 50,417 60,417 2,58.4 639,0;73- 639.083- 9€- 22-300-00-4222 REIMBURSE"T ON PROJECTS 12,000 1,000 1x000 I,0^d 11,00^- 11.007- 92- 22-000-00-4248 11TEREST INC7dE 75,000 6,250 11,944 11,944 5,6,44 63,1356- 63,056- 54 - TOTAL M.F.T. REVENUE 737,000 65,583 73,861 +3061 8.278 713,139- 713,139- 91 - TOTAL MOTOR FUEL TAX F' -OND 787,000 65,583 73,861 73,d61 8,278 713,139- 713,134- 91 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 3L CK GT GRANTS REVENUE 23-300-00-4155 GRANT 407,044 75,541 75,541- 907,049- 407,049- 100- 23-000-00-4200 INCOME FRM SALE OF PROP 0 TOTAL SRANTS REVENUE 407,049 75,541 75,541- 907,044- 407,049- 100 - TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GT 407.049 75.541 75,541- 907,044- 407,044- 100 - ILL. MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND TAX REVENUE 24-300-00-405S TAXES - CURRENT 114,000 9.500 1.372 11372 8.128- 112,628- 112,628- 49- 24-000-00-4056 TAXES - PREVIOUS 176,200 14.683 14.683- 176,200- 176.200- 100- DAT_ RUN 6/09/8Z TIME RUN 13.48.42 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 3 ACCOUNTING ESTIMATED REVENUE REPORT PERIOD OL ENDING 5/31/82 I0-VGLZ45 1482-83 Y -T -D Y -T -D CUR MO UNREC•0 • ELL. MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL VARIANCE BALANCE BALANCE t BAL `..,.X REVENUE 100-00-4057 TAXES - ALL PRIOR J00-00-4064 PERSONAL PROP REPL TAX 24,000 2,000 2,964 2,9640 964 -CAL TAX REVENUE 314x200 2b:183 4,336 4,336 21,847- 21,036- 309,864- 21,036- 88- TOTAL ILL. MUNICIPAL RETIR�MFNT FUND 314,200 26,183 4,336 4,336 21,847- 309.864- 99 - 309,864- 309.864- gq- L28RARY FUND OTHER REVENUE 39-300-00-4249 PROPERTY TAXES - 0 E M 899,200 74,933 34-000-00-4250 PROPERTY TAXES IMRF 1982 70.000 5,833 74,933- 894,200- 890,200- 100- 39-000-00-4251 PROP. TAXES -WORKING CASH 5,833- 70,000- 70,000- 100- 39-000-00-4252 PROP.TAXES-PLDG.RESERVE 30,000 21500 0 39-000-00-4253 PER. PROP. REP L. TAXES 12.300 1.025 2,500- 30,000- 30,000- 100- 34-OOD-00-4254 OTHER 1,025- 12,300- IZ,300- 100- TOTAL OTHER REVENUE 1,011,500 84.2910 84,241-1,011,500- 1,011,500- 100 - TOTAL LIBRARY FUND Lv011,500 84,241 84.291-1,011.500- 1.011,500- 100- W`ATIRW:^RKS C SEWERAGE - n&'° FEE REVENUE 41-300-00-4117 INSPECTION FE=S 3,000 250 41 -Ono -00-4118 WATER FEES 250- 3,000- 3:000- 100- 41-000-00-4201 WATER & SEWER COLLECTION 41-DOO-OC-4202 SEWER CHARGES 2,032,000 169,333 149,022 149,•322 20,312-1,832,479- 1,882,974- 93- 41-300-00-4203 WATER PENALTIES 2,300 30,000 141 2,500 25 2,533 25 167_ 2,276_ 2,275- 99- 41-000-00-42`04 `!ETER RENTAL 10,000 833 251 2,533 33 a 27.46.- 27,467- 92- 41-000-00-4205 WATER & SEWER TAPS 30,000 2,500 2,100 252 9.749- 4,749- 97- 41-300-00-4236 SEWER MAINTENANCE MSD 11100 1,403- 28,900- 28,400-96- 41-300-00-4240 MSD SETTLEMENT 0 -300-00-4Z48 INTEREST INCOME 0300-00 -4249 MISCELLANEOUS 120,000 10,000 3,748 3,798 6,202- 116,202-0 116,202- L FEE R> _VENUE 7.500 2,234,800 625 186,232 1,372 1,372 747 6.128- 6,120- 82 8Z_ _ 158:200 158.100 26.233-2,076,70!- 2,076.700- 43- TOTAL WATERWORKS & SEWERAGE - O&M 2,234,800 186,232 158,100 158,100 28,133-2,076,701- 2:076.700- 93 - WATERWORKS & SEWERAGE BD.& INT OTHER REVENUE 44-700-00-4248 INTEREST INCOME TOTAL OTHER REVENUE 700 700 700 700 700 0700 700 700 700 700 0 TOTAL WATERWORKS & SEWERAGE 9D.& INT 700 700 700 700 700 0 PARKING SYSTEM REVENUE FUND FEE REVENUE DATE RUN 6104!82 TIME RUN 13.46.42 46-000-00-4113 RENTAL - DEPOT TOTAL FEE REVENUE P.S.R.F. REVENUE 46-300-00-4211 METER COLLECTION UNIT ,".I 46-300-00-4212 NETFR COLLECTTON-UNITC2 46-JOO-00-4213 SPACE RENT RILLE ST.LOT 46 -300 -GO -4248 INTEREST INCOME TOTAL P.S.R.F. REVENUE TOTAL PARKING SYSTEM REVENUE FUND CAP. IMPR.,REPR.REPLACEMENT TAX REVENI}E 51-300-00-4016 TAXES CURRENT 5€-000-00-4017 TAXES PREVIOUS 51-300-00-4018 TAXES ALL PRIOR `I-:;OQ-Ov-4162 SAL- OF FIRE EQUIPMENT 51-300-'30-4163 SALE OF P.A. EQUIPMENT T3T1L TAX REVENUE ETHER REVENUE 51-"300-OQ-+238 SALE CIE EQUT.R4ENT 51-30.7-00-4245 INTEREST IVC04 -i00-OQ-4275 TAXES -CURRENT FIRE E1-300-00-4275 TAXES-PREVI"IUS FIRE 51-3QQ-00-4277 TAXES ALL PRIOR FIRE ,1-000-OQ-4278 TAXES CURRENT PW 51-30-00-4274 TAXES PREVIOUS PW 41-a30-00-4280 TAXES ALL PRIOR Pmt 41-300-00-4281 INTEREST FIRE Sf-Q00-00-4282 INTEREST POLICE 5t-000-00-4293 INTEREST PW TOTAL OTHER REVENUE TOTAL CAP. IMPR.,REPR.RE'LACEMFNT 'CORP. PURP. CONST. FUND 1473 GRANTS REVENUE 52-300-00-4154 EPA GRANT 5Z-000-00-4248 INTEREST EARNED TOTAL ,RANTS REVENUE TOTAL CORP. PURR. CONST. FUND 1473 SSA C3 CONST. BUSSE-WILLE OTHER REVENUE 35,000 2,416 1,104 1,104 36 36 1,046 1,046 35,000 2,416 2,166 2,186 173,300 14.440 21864 2,864 500,000 41,666 65,000 5,416 4,422 4,422 565,000 47,082 4,422 419ZZ 565,000 47,082 4,422 4,92Z 2,416- 35,000- 1,104 1,104 36 36 1,046 1,046 730- 3Z,814- 11,571- 170,431- 41,666- 500,000- 444- 60,078- 42,160- 560,078- 42,160- 560,078 - PAGE 4 IO-VGL245 BALANCE SAI. €1480- 42- 11480- 42- 56,542- 41- 36,216- 91- 7.344- 95- 14,765- 98- 114,417- 92- 116,847- 42- 44,417- 49- 87,700- 100- 0 0 5,000- 100- 137,617- 100- 0 35.000- I00- 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,104 0 36 0 1.046 0 32.814- 94- 170,431- 98- 500.000- 100- 60.078- 92- 560,078- 99- 560,078- 94- VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ESTIMATED REVENUE REPORT ACCOUNTING PERIOD 01 ENDING 5/31/82 1482-83 Y -T -D Y -T -D CUR MO UNREC"0 BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL VARIANCE BALANCE 2,160 180 ISO ISO 1,480- 2,160 180 180 180 1,480- 62,000 5.166 5,409 5,408 242 56,54Z- 40,000 3,333 39784 3,784 451 36,216- 7,720 643 376 376 267- 7,344- 15.000 1,250 235 235 1,015- 14,765- 124,720 10,342 4,803 4,803 584- 114,917- 126,880 10,572 4,483 9,483 584- 116,897- 45,600 3,800 683 663 3,117- 44,417- 87,700 7,308 7,308- 87,700- 5.000 416 416- 5,000- 138,300 11,524 683 683 10,841- 137,617- 35,000 2,416 1,104 1,104 36 36 1,046 1,046 35,000 2,416 2,166 2,186 173,300 14.440 21864 2,864 500,000 41,666 65,000 5,416 4,422 4,422 565,000 47,082 4,422 419ZZ 565,000 47,082 4,422 4,92Z 2,416- 35,000- 1,104 1,104 36 36 1,046 1,046 730- 3Z,814- 11,571- 170,431- 41,666- 500,000- 444- 60,078- 42,160- 560,078- 42,160- 560,078 - PAGE 4 IO-VGL245 BALANCE SAI. €1480- 42- 11480- 42- 56,542- 41- 36,216- 91- 7.344- 95- 14,765- 98- 114,417- 92- 116,847- 42- 44,417- 49- 87,700- 100- 0 0 5,000- 100- 137,617- 100- 0 35.000- I00- 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,104 0 36 0 1.046 0 32.814- 94- 170,431- 98- 500.000- 100- 60.078- 92- 560,078- 99- 560,078- 94- DATE RUN 6/04/82 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT TIM.. RUN 13.48.42 ESTIMATED REVENUE REPORT PAGE 5 ACCOUNTING PERIOD OL ENDING 5131!82 I0-VGL245 1982-83 Y-T-D Y-T-O CUR MO UNREC-D BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUALVARIANCE BALANCE BALANCE SAL 56-000-00-4248 INTEREST INCOME -)AL OTHER REVENUE 185 185 185 185 185 0 185 185 185 185 185 0 SSA 13 CONST. BUSSE-WILLE _AL 185 185 185 185 285 0 SSA C4 CONST. BUSSE-RILLE OTHER REVENUE 57-DOG-00-4248 INTEREST INCOME TOTAL OTHER REVENUE 626 626 626 626 626 0 626 626 626 626 626 0 TOTAL SSA `4 CONST. BUSSE-WILLE 626 626 626 626 626 0 CORPORATE PURPOSES 1473 TAX REVENUE 60-000-00-4014 TAXES - CURRENT 74,425 6,202 824 829 60-000-00-4020 TAXES - PPEVIOUS 104,725 4,243 5,373- 73.546- 73e546- 44- 60-000-00-4021 TAXES - ALL PRIOR 4,143- 104,725- 104,725- 100- 50-300-00-4064 PERSONAL PROP REPL TAX 15,500 1,24E 0 60-030-00-4248 INTEREST INCO-E 12,000 2,000 2,504 im29d- 15,500- 15,500- 100- TOTAL TAX PEVENUE 212.650 17,636 2.333 t.5Q4 2,333 504 15,303- I0e446- LO,496- 87- 204,317- 234,317- 44- TOTAL CORPORATE PURPOS_S 1473 211,650 17,636 2,333 2,333 15.303- 204,317_ 204,317- 44- CORPORATE PURPOSES 1474 TAX ?EVENUE 51-300-00-4022 TAXES - CURRENT 51-300-00-4023 TAXES 163,425 13,618 11893 1.843 11,725- 161.532- - PREVIOUS 250.450 20,870 162,532- 94- 61-000-00-4024 TAXES - ALL PRIOR 20x8 TO- 250,450- 250,450- 100- 51-000-00-4064 PERSONAL PROP REPL TAX 36,800 3,0660 i1-000-00-4249 INTEREST INCOME 42.000 3,500 3.742 3.066- 36,800- 36.800- 100- YAL TAX REVENUE 442,675 41.054 5,634 3,741 5,634 241 38,259- 38,254- 91- 35,420- 487,041- 487,041- 99- CORPORATE PURPOSES 1474 442,675 41,054 5,634 5.634 35.420- 487,041- 487,041- 44- FIR£ EQUIPMENT 1464 TAX REVENUE 64-000-00-4031 TAXES - CURRENT 4,780 348 55 64-300-00-4032 TAXES - PREVIOUS 7,310 604 55 343- 4.725- 4,725- 44- 64-000-00-4033 TAXES - ALL PRIOR 604' 7,310- 7.310- 100- 64-300-00-4064 PERSONAL PROP REPL TAX 348 24 0 64-000-00-4248 INTEREST INCOME29 1.200 100 62 348- 348- 100- TOTAL TAX REVENUE 13,638 2,136 117 62 117 38- 1,138- 1.138- 45- 1,014- 13,521- 13,52t- 44- TOTAL FIRE EQUIPMENT 1464 23,638 1.136 21T 117 1,014- 13,521- 23.521- 49- DATE RUN S/09/82 TIME RUN 13.49.42 PUBLIC WORKS 3UILOING 1964 TAX REVENUE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ESTIMATED REVENUE REPORT ACCOUNTING PERIOD 01 ENDING 5/31/82 1982-83 Y -T -O Y -T -D CUR MO BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL 65-300-00-4034 TAXES - CURRENT 16,740 65-300-00-4035 TAXES - PREVIOUS Z5.590 65-000-00-4036 TAXES - ALL PRIOR 65-000-00-4054 PERSONAL PROP REPL TAX I,ZI6 65-300-00-4248 INTEREST INCOME 11500 TOTAL TAX REVENUE 45,046 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING 1964 45,046 FIRE STATION 1964 0 TAX REVENUE 66-000-00-4037 TAXES - CURRENT 11,955 66-000-00-4038 TAXES - PREVIOUS 14.735 66-300-00-4039 TAXES -PRIOR 11383- 66-300-00-4064 PERSONAL PROP REPL TAX 700 66-700-00-4248 INTEREST INCOME 1,500 TOT„L TAX REVENUE 44,736- 28,890 73T,L EIRE STATION 1964 28,890 POLICE PENSION FUND 44,736- TAX REVE14UE 996 111 71-300-00-4049 TAXES - CURRENT 170.915 71-300-00-4050 TAXES PREVIOUS 209,670 71-000-00-4051 TAXES - ALL PRIOR 1,227- 71-300-00-4064 PERSONAL PROP RSPL TAX 26,000 71-)00-00-4243 POLICFMENS CONTRIBUTIONS 139,100 71-300-00-4244 BICYCLE SALE 71-300-00-4248 INTEREST INCOME 425,000 71-300-00-4249 OTHER 3.030 TOTAL TAX REVENUE 975,685 TOTAL POLICE PENSION FUND 975,685 FIREMEN S PENSION FUND 1,397- TAX REVENUE 2,406 214 T2-300-00-4052 TAXES - CURRENT 241,560 7Z-700-00-4053 TAXES - PREVIOUS 298,750 72-300-00-4054 TAXES - ALL PRIOR 2.192- 72-700-00-4064 PERSONAL PROP REPL TAX 38,000 7Z-000-00-4243 FIREMEN°S CONTRIBUTIONS 142,300 72-000-00-4245 OONATIONS 169,283- 72-300-OQ-4248 INTEREST INCOME 550,000 72-000-00-4249 OTHER 500 PAGE 6 IO-VGL245 UNREC°0 % VARIANCE BALANCE BALANCE SAL 1,395 193 193 1,202- 16,547- 16,547- 99- 2,132 2.132- 25,590- 25,590- 100- 0 101 101- 1,216- 1,216- 100- 125 117 117 8- 11383- 1,383- 92- 3,753 310 310 3,443- 44:736- 44,736- 99- 3,753 310 310 3,443- 44,736- 44,736- 99- 996 111 111 885- 11,844- 11.844- 99- 1,227 1,227- 14,735- 14,735- 100- 0 58 58- 700- 700- too - 125 103 103 22- 1,397- 1,397- 93- 2,406 214 214 2,192- 28,676- 28,676- 99- 2,406 214 214 2.192- 24,676- 29,676- 99- 14,242 1,632 1,632 12,610- 169,283- 169,283- 99- 17,472 17,472- 209,670- 209,670- 100- 0 2,333 3,458 3,458 1,125 24,542- 24,542- 88- 11,591 9.323 9,323 2,268- 129,777- 129,7T7- 93- 0 35,416 27,219 27,219 8.197- 397,781- 397,781- 94- 250 2.092 2,092 1,842 908- 908- 30- 81.304 43,724 43,724 37,580- 931,961- 931,961- 96- 81.304 43.724 43.724 37,580- 931,961- 931,961- 96- 20.130 Z,275 2,275 17,855- 239,Z85- 239,285- 99- 24,895 24.895- 298,750- 298,750- too - 0 3.166 4,693 4,693 1,527 33,307- 33,307- 88- 11,858 10.948 10,948 910- 131,352- 131,352- 92- 0 45,833 118,743 118,743 72,910 431.Z57- 431,257- 78- 41 41- 500- 500- 100- DATE RUN 6/09%82 TIME RUN 13.48.42 ,TQTAL TAX REVENUE TOTAL GIREMEN°S PENSION FUND "-)RARY INVESTMENT FUND OTHER REVENUE 76-300-00-4248 INTEREST INCOME TOTAL OTHER REVENUE TOTAL LIBRARY INVESTMENT FUND TOTAL ALL FUNDS PAGE 7 ID-VGL245 X BALANCE BAL 1,134,451- 89- 1.134,451- 89- 599 0 599 0 599 0 7.420,885- 89- VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ESTIMATED REVENUE REPORT ACCOUNTING PERIOD 01 ENDING 5/31/82 1982-83 Y -T -O Y -T -D CUR MO UNREC-0 BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL VARIANCE BALANCE 1,271,110 105,923 136,659 136.659 30.736 1,134,451- 1.271,110 105,923 136,659 136,659 30.736 1,134,451- 599 549 599 599 599 599 599 599 599 599 594 594 8,375,820 1,531,286 954,935 954,935 576,352 -7.420,886 - PAGE 7 ID-VGL245 X BALANCE BAL 1,134,451- 89- 1.134,451- 89- 599 0 599 0 599 0 7.420,885- 89- DATE RUN 6/09/82 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 8 TIME RUN 13.50.48 BUDGET EXPENSE REPORT ID-VGL246 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 01 ENDING 5/31/82 1982-83 Y -T -D Y -T -D CUR MO UNEXPENDED UNENCUR BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL VARIANCE BALANCE ENCUMBERED BALANCE BAC TOTAL CLEARING ACCOUNTS PUBLIC REPRESENTATION DIVISION MAYOR AND -OARD OF TRUSTEES TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 14,100 1,175 1,175 1,175 12,925 121925 92 TOTAL CONTRACTIIAL SERVICES 23,000 1,915 9,809 9.309 71894- 13,191 13,191 57 TOTAL COMMODITIES 2,000 166 166 2,000 2,000 100 TOTAL MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES 39,100 3,256 10,984 10,984 71728- 29,116 281116 72 ADVISORY BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 131350 1.110 683 683 427 12,667 I2,667 95 TOTAL COMMODITIES 150 12 4 4 8 146 146 97 TOTAL ADVISORY BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 131500 1,122 687 687 435 12013 12,513 95 TOTAL PUBLIC REPRESENTATION DIVISION 52,600 41375 111671 11.671 7,293- 40,929 401929 78 VILLAGE MANAGER'S OFFICE ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 85,069 7,088 6,615 6,615 473 78,454 781454 92 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4-900 398 LOD too 298 1-700 41700 98 TOTAL CO-M')OTTIES 1,500 124 10 to 114 1,490 1,490 qq TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 1,300 to- log 1,300 1,300 too TOTAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT 921669 7,718 6.725 6.725 993 851944 65,944 93 sENERAL COUNSEL ;DIAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 60.000 5,000 11106 I,106 3,894 58-994 59,894 98 TOTAL GENERAL COUNSEL 60,000 5.000 1,106 1,106 3,894 58,694 59,894 98 PROSECUTOR TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 17.250 1,436 1,588 11588 152- 15,662 15,662 91 TOTAL PqDSECJTrIR 17,250 1,436 11588 1,588 152- 15,662 15,662 91 PUBLIC INFORMATION TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 2,724 227 210 210 17 21514 2,514 92 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 19,800 1.649 103 103 1.546 19,697 19,697 99 TOTAL PUBLIC INFORMATION 22,524 1,976 313 313 1,563 221211 ZZ,ZII 99 PERS^N4EL MANAGEMENT TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 4,087 340 314 314 26 3,773 3,773 92 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,250 102 361 361 259- 889 889 71 TOTAL COMMODITIES 200 16 16 200 200 100 TOTAL PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT 5,537 458 675 675 217- 4,862 4,862 88 TRAINING TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 1,362 113 105 105 a 1,257 1.257 92 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 13,000 1.080 852 852 228 12,148 121148 93 TOTAL TRA14ING 14,362 1,193 957 957 236 13.405 13,405 93 DATE RUN 6/04!82 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT TIME RUN 13.50.4$ BUDGET EXPENSE REPORT PAGE g ACCOUNTING PERIOD 01 ENDING 5/31/82 ID-VGLZ46 1982-83 Y -T -O Y -T -O CUR MO UNEXPENDED UNENCUM 2 VILLAGE MANAGER'S OFFICE BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL VARIANCE BALANCE ENCUMBERED BALANCE SAL MICROFILMING _,TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES '�:OTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 bTAL COMMODITIES 0 .DOTAL MICROFILMING 0 0 SALARY ADMINISTRATION TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL SALARY ADMINISTRATION 350.000 24,166 24,166 350,000 350,000 100 350.000 24,166 29,166 350.000 350,000 t00 TOTAL VILLAGE MANAGER'S OFFICE 562,342 46,847 11,364 11,364 35,483 550,478 550,478 48 DEPART4ENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 85,781 7,145 6,114 6,119 1,026 79.662 74,662 43 TOTAL CQHMODITIES 7,770 645 403 403 242 7,367 7s367 45 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 4,420 1,500 367 125 3 163 3 364 4,417 4,417 100 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT 99,471 81282 6,688 163 6,688 38- 1,594 1,337 1_,337 89 92,783 92,783 93 ACCOUNTING TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 21,675 1,805 1,755 1,755 50 19,920 14,420 92 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 435 36 36 435 TOTAL COMMODITIES 500 41 435 100 TOTAL ACCOUNTING 22,610 1.882 1,755 1,755 41 127 500 20,855 500 20,855 100 42 PAYROLL TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 58,364 4,863 1,119 1.114 3,744 57.250 57,250 48 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1.135 94 94 TOTAL COMM301TIES ZZ5 18 1,135 1.135 100 TOTAL PAYROLL 59.724 4,975 1.119 1.119 18 3.856 225 58,610 225 58,620 100 98 °LE_TRONIC DATA PROCESSING TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 4,625 385 374 374 11 4.251 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 21,318 1,775 7,121 7.121 5.346- 14,197 4,251 92 TOTAL COMMODITIES 3.000 250 244 244 L 2.751 14.247 67 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 2.751 42 OTAL ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING 28,443 2,410 7,744 7x744 5,334- O 21:144 21,244 73 ''A ATER BILLING TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL 26,184 2.181 2.123 2,123 58 24,061 24,061 42 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 600 50 L 1 44 544 TOTAL COMMODITIES 100 B 544 t00 TOTAL NATER BILLING 26.884 2.234 2,124 2,124 8 100 100 100 115 24,760 24,760 42 COLLECTIONS TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 13,748 1,145 1,113 1.113 32 12,635 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 7,500 625 12,635 92 TOTAL COMMODITIES 100 8 625 7,500 7.500 100 TOTAL COLLECTIONS 22,348 1,778 1,113 1.213 8 665 100 20,235 100 20.235 100 45 TELEPHONE SERVICE TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 21,557 963 868 868 95 10.689 10,684 92 BATE RUN 6/09182 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT TIME RUN 13.50.48 BUDGET EXPENSE REPORT ACCOUNTING PERIOD 01 ENDING 5/31/82 1982-83 Y -T -O Y -T -D CUR MO BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICE TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 36.000 3,000 2,339 2,339 TOTAL TELEPHONE SERVICE 47.557 3,963 3.207 3,207 INSURANCE TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 8,433 702 682 682 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 515,000 42,916 11589- 1,589 - TOTAL INSURANCE 523,433 43,618 907_ 907_ ACC3UNTS PAYABLE TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 12,045 1,003 953 953 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,400 199 635 635 TOTAL COMMODITIES 100 8 TOTAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 14,545 1,210 1,588 /.588 TOTAL DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES 844,520 70,357 24,431 24.431 VILLAGE CLERK'S OFFICE ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 35,837 2,984 2,875 2.875 TOTAL-ONTRACTUAL SERVICES 16,700 1.348 165 165 TOTAL COMMODITIES 2,600 216 it 1t ,TOTAL A04INISTRATION AND SUPPORT 54,637 4.448 3,051 3,051 RECJRDS CONTROL TOTAL °ERSONAL SERVICES 5,712 476 457 457 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,955 162 TOTAL COMMODITIES TOTAL RECORDS CONTROL 7,667 638 457 457 LEGAL NOTICES TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 5,712 476 457 457 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 7,000 583 TOTAL LEGAL NOTICES 12,712 1,359 457 457 'USINESS LICENSES TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 5,858 488 476 476 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 860 71 TOTAL COMMODITIES 900 75 TOTAL BUSINESS LICENSES 7,618 634 476 476 ELE-TIONS AND VOTER REGISTRATION TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 400 33 TOTAL ELECTIONS AND VOTER REGISTRATION 400 33 OFF -SET PRINTING OPERATION TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 6,570 547 450 450 TOTAL COMMODITIES 8,000 666 TOTAL OFF -SET PRINTING OPERATION 14,570 1,213 450 450 TOTAL VILLAGE CLERK'S OFFICE 97.604 81125 4,891 4,891 UNEXPENDED VARIANCE BALANCE ENCUMBERED 661 33.661 756 44,350 20 7,751 44,505 516,589 44,525 524,340 50 11,092 436- 1.765 8 100 378- 12,957 45,926 820,089 109 1.183 205 1,497 19 162 t81 19 583 602 12 71 75 158 33 33 97 666 763 3,234 32,962 16.035 2,589 51,566 5,255 1,955 7,210 5.255 7,000 12,255 5,382 860 900 7,142 400 400 6,220 8,000 14,120 92,713 PAGE 10 ID-VGL246 UNENCUM S BALANCE BAL 33,661 94 44,350 93 7,751 92 516.589 IGO 524,340 100 11,092 92 1,765 74 100 104 12,957 89 820,489 97 3Z,962 92 16,035 99 2,589 t4O 51,586 94 5,255 92 1,955 100 0 7.210 94 5,255 92 7.404 100 12,255 96 5.38Z 92 860 100 900 I00 7,142 94 4 400 100 400 100 6,120 93 8,440 LOO 14,120 97 92,713 95 DATA RUN 6/04/82 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT T1:,E RUN 13.50.48 BUDGET EXPENSE REPORT ACCOUNTING PERIOD 01 ENDING 5/31/82 1982-93 Y -T -D Y -T -D CUR MO POLICE DEPARTMENT BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL . ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT TOTAL ...-kTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 320: 7t4 26.720 24.344 53.178 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 51.175 4.262 2,003- AL COMMODITIES 7.900 653 7Z0 AL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 7.000 583 6- TOTAL ADMINISTRATION AND SOPPORT 386.744 32.223 23.116 PATROL AND TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT 500 42,831 16,782 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 1.ZB6,488 107,245 92.785 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 200 16 22 TOTAL COMMODITIES 27.750 2,311 Z4 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 500 41 TOTAL PATROL AND TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT 1,315,438 109,613 92,831 CRIME PREY- PUBLIC AND YOUTH SERV. 49.595 41 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 50,790 4,230 3,512 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,550 377 156 TOTAL COMMODITIES 1,850 153 17 TOTAL CRIME PREV., PUBLIC ANO YOUTH SERV 57,140 4,760 3,685 INVESTIGATIVE AND JUVENILE PRGrRAM 2.183,593 4,558 978 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES -57,590 21,460 19,447 TOTAL CCNTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,550 295 109 TOTAL CUMMODITTES 3,550 295 7.775 TOTAL INVESTIGATIVE AND JUVENILE PROGRAM 264,690 22.050 19,606 �:ZOSSING GUARDS 328 1,367 20.022 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 53.430 4,451 3.535 TOTAL COMMOOITTES 500 41 TOTAL CROSSING GUARDS 53,430 4,442 3,835 'OL£CE EQUIPMENT, MTC. E OPERATIONS TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 36,526 3,042 2,622 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 34.430 2,910 626 TOTAL COMMODITIES 119,050 9,914 5,335 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 66,700 5,557 OTAL POLICE EQUIPMENT, MTC. C OPERATION 257,206 21,428 8,583 1 ,t AL POLICE DEPARTMENT 2,335.248 134,566 151,656 FIR: C EMERGENCY PROTECTION DEPT. ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 126.484 10,536 9.558 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 19,750 1,644 384 TOTAL COMMODITIES 14.500 1,624 610 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 6,000 448 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT 171,734 14,302 10,557 'IRE SUPPRESSION TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 886,358 73,959 66,084 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 15,190 1.265 TOTAL COMMODITIES 1,300 108 2.320 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 20,350 11595 328 PAGE 11 ID-VGL246 UNEXPENDED UNENCUM 2 VARIANCE BALANCE ENCUM4ERED BALANCE BAL 24.394 2.321 296.320 2.003- 6.265 53.178 720 62- 7.180 583 7,000 23.116 9,107 363,678 92,785 14,460 1.194.203 22 6- 174 24 2,287 27,726 41 500 42,831 16,782 1.222,607 3,512 718 47,278 156 221 4,394 17 136 1,833 3,695 1,075 53,505 19,497 1,963 238,093 109 186 3,441 295 3.550 19,606 2,444 245,084 3,335 616 49.595 41 500 3,335 657 50,095 2.622 420 33,904 626 2,285 34,305 5.335 4.584 113,715 5,557 66,700 8.583 12.846 248,624 151,656 42,411 2.183,593 4,558 978 116,431 384 1,255 14,361 610 1,014 18.890 448 6,000 10,557 3.745 161,182 66,084 7.775 820,274 1.265 15,190 2,320 2.212- 1.020- 328 1,367 20.022 296.320 42 53.178 104 7,180 41 7.000 t00 363,678 94 1.194,203 43 178 89 27,726 100 500 100 1,222,607 93 47.278 93 4.394 47 1,833 94 53,505 44 238,043 92 3,441 97 3,550 100 245,084 93 44,595 93 500 100 50,095 43 33,904 93 34,304 98 113,715 96 66,700 100 248,623 47 2,183,542 94 116,431 42 19,361 95 t8,B40 47 6,000 100 161,182 94 820,274 93 15,190 100 1.020- 78- 20.022 98 DATE RUN 6/04182 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 12 TIME RUN 13.50.48 BUDGET EXPENSE REPORT I0-VGL246 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 01 ENDING 5131/82 1482-83 Y-T-D Y-T-D CUR MO UNEXPENDED UNENCUM S BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL VARIANCE BALANCE ENCUMBERED BALANCE BAL FIRE C EMERGENCY PROTECTION DEPT. TOTAL FIRE SUPPRESSION 423,148 76,927 68,732 68,732 3,145 854.466 854,466 43 CODE ENFORCEMENT TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 222,447 18,532 16,913 16,413 1,614 205,534 205,534 92 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 11,160 427 1,337 1,337 409- 9.824 4,823 BB TOTAL COMMODITIES 4,400 407 36 36 371 4.864 4,864 49 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 500 40 40 500 500 100 TOTAL CODE ENFORCEMENT 239.00T 19,906 18,286 18,286 1,621 220,722 220,721 92 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 940,507 70,040 64,574 64,574 5,466 775,933 775,933 92 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 51900 441 441 51400 5,900 100 TOTAL COMMODITIES 4,400 366 170 170 196 4,230 4,230 46 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 6,700 558 2x034 Z,034 1,476- 4,666 4,666 70 TOTAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES 857,507 71,455 66.778 66,778 4,677 790,729 790,729 92 COMMUNICATIONS TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 15,100 1,258 331 331 427 L4.769 14,769 48 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 31500 291 241 3,500 3,500 100 TOTAL COMMUNICATIONS 18,600 1,544 331 331 1,218 18,264 18,264 48 ^QUIPMENT LTC. E OPERATIONS TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 44,710 3,725 3,538 3,538 I87 41.172 41,172 92 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 13,GO0 1,083 70 70 1.013 12,430 12,930 99 TOTAL COMMODITIES 43,000 3,583 2,680 2.680 403 40,320 40,320 94 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 124.600 10,383 10,383 124,600 124,600 100 TOTAL EQUIPMENT MTC. E OPERATIONS 225.310 18,774 6.288 6,288 12,486 219,022 214,022 97 EME2GENCY PREPAREDNESS TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 2,000 166 167 167 1- 1,833 1,833 92 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,354 145 145 2,350 2,350 t00 TOTAL COMMODITIES 300 24 24 300 300 100 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 3,400 Z82 282 3,400 3,400 100 TOTAL EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 8,050 667 167 167 500 7,883 7,883 48 TOTAL FIRE C EMERGENCY PROTECTION DEPT. 2,443,411 203,580 171,134 171.134 32,442 Z,Z72,273 2.Z72,Z72 93 CENTRAL DISPATCH SERVICE �GMMUNICATIONS TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205,000 17,083 17,047 17,047 36 187,453 187,953 42 TOTAL COMMUNICATIONS 205,000 17,083 17,047 17,047 36 t87.953 187,953 92 TOTAL CENTRAL DISPATCH SERVICE 205,000 17,083 17,047 17,047 36 287.453 187.453 42 AEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 28.484 2.373 2,082 2,082 241 26,407 26,407 93 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,765 345 81 81 314 4,684 4.684 98 TOTAL COMMODITIES 1.179 46 46 1.174 1,179 100 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT 34.433 2,864 2,163 2,163 701 32.270 32x270 94 OAT; RUN 6/09182 TIM_ RUN 13.50.48 HEALTH SERVICES ')EPART:MENT F'-3iJ. POOL, GENERAL HEALTH INSP. TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 74L CDNTRA-TUAL SERVICES :`AL COM,MODTTIES .T1L FOOD, P09L, GENERAL HEALTH INSP. AIY14AL CONTROL TOTAL-PSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL COMMODITIES TOTAL ANIMAL CONTROL WEIGHTS AND "EASE}RFS TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 3LOJO DONOR PROGRAM TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL COMMODITIES TOTAL `TLOOD DONOR PROGRAM SJLI'7 WASTE DISPOSAL TOTAL P=RSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTQACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL °ECYCLING CENTER TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL COMMODITIES TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL RECYCLING CENTER RAT=R ANALYSIS AL PERSONAL SERVICES L CONTRACTUAL SERVICES _AL HATER ANALYSIS TOTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT SENIOR C€TIZFN•S DIVISION INFO, REFERRAL, AND COUNSELING TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL COMMODITIES TOTAL INFO, REFERRAL, AND COUNSELING RECREATION AND EDUCATION TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL COMMODITIES VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT BUDGET EXPENSE REPORT ACCOUNTING PERIOD 01 ENDING 5/31/82 1982-83 Y -T -O Y -T -D CUR NO BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL 27,150 2,260 1,851 1,851 418 34 506 42 28,074 2.336 1,851 1,851 727 59 59 59 2,250 187 2,977 246 59 59 UNEXPENDED VARIANCE BALANCE ENCUM3ERED 404 25,249 34 418 42 506 485 Z6,223 668 187 2,250 187 2,918 1,783 148 155 155 7- 1,628 21205 182 66 66 116 2,141 450 37 258 3.100 37 450 4,438 367 221 221 146 4,219 6,404 574 536 536 38 6,368 1,057,210 89,100 39,100 1,057,210 1,064,114 89,674 536 536 83,139 1,063,57& 866 38 201 201 201- 201- 50 4 201 201 201- 201- 1,134,036 94,487 5,031 5,031 84,456 1.129,007 PAGE 13 ID-VGL246 UNENCUM Y BALANCE HAL 25,249 93 418 100 506 100 26,223 93 668 92 2,250 100 0 2,918 99 0 0 0 1,628 91 2,134 97 450 100 4,Z17 95 6,368 92 1,757,210 100 1,063,578 IGO 0 0 0 0 0 0 201- 0 202- 0 1,129,005 100 25,261 2.102 2.090 2.090 13 23,172 23,172 42 3,100 800 258 258 3.100 3,100 100 29.161 66 2,426 5 2,045 5 2,045 61 332 795 27,06T 745 49 27,066 93 10,850 1.350 903 111 866 866 38 9,985 4,984 42 50 4 III 1.350 1.350 IOD 4 50 50 100 OAT= RUN `'/04/82 TIN= RUN 13.50.48 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT BUDGET EXPENSE REPORT ACCOUNTING PERIOD 01 ENDING 5/31/82 FACE 1q ID-VGL246 SENIOR CITIZEN'S DIVISION 1982-83 BUDGET Y -T -D ESTIMATE Y -T -O ACTUAL CUR MO ACTUAL VARIANCE UNEXPENDED BALANCE ENCUMBERED UNENCUM BALANCE 2 BAL TOTAL RECREATION AND EOUCATIUN 12,250 1.018 866 866 153 11,385 11.384 93 HOME30UND SERVICES TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL COMMODITIES 17,436 25,530 1.451 2,126 1.452 1,104 1,452 1.104 1,022 15.985 24,426 15,984 24:426 92 96 TOTAL HOMEQDUNO SERVICES0 42:46b 3,577 2.556 2,556 1,022 40,411 40,4L0 94 COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES BA TOTAL COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES 1,919 130 2,044 159 EO 169 162 16Z 162 162 3- 10 7 1.757 130 1.887-- 1,757 730 1,887 42 100 92 TOTAL SENIOR CITIZEN'S DIVISION 86,426 7,190 5,679 5,679 1,514 80,750 80,747 43 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL COMMOQ%TIES TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL A041 NISTPATION AND SUPPORT 40,444 2,200 2x200 2,650 47,494 3,367 182 182 220 3,951 4,506 10 111 4,627 4.506 10 111 4,627 1,139- 172 71 220 676- 35,938 2,140 2.089 2,650 42,867 35,938 2:140 2.089 2,650 4Z.867 89 too 95 100 90 ZONING ADMINISTRATION TOTAL PERS-'NAL SERVICES TOTAL ZONING ADMINISTRATION 53, T37 53,737 4,476 4,476 21497 2,497 2,497 2.497 1,979 1,479 51.240 51,240 91.240 51.240 45 95 'LA'i NINE AND RESEARCH TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL PLANNING AND RESEARCH 780 780 780 700 780- 780- 780- 780- 760- 780- O 0 COMW DEVELOP BLOCK GRANT TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL CDMM30ITIES TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL COMM DEVELOP BLOCK GRANT 36,734 12.242 700 99.700 149,426 3,060 1,022 58 8,306 12,446 2,607 523 18,913 22.043 2,607 523 18,913 Z21043 453 499 58 10,607- 4,597- 34,127 11,764 700 80,787 127,383 34.127 11:7b4 TOO 80,787 127,383 93 46 100 81 85 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CDN TRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL C04M DEVELOP BLOCK GRANT 5aO 2,000 22,500 25,000 41 166 1,875 2,082 196 42 238 146 42 238 155- 124 1,875 1,844 304 1,958 22.500 24.762 304 1,958 22,500 24,762 bt 98 100 99 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL COMM DEVELOP BLOCK GRANT 1,500 25,000 26,500 125 2,083 2,208 12,524 12.524 12.524 12,524 IZ5 10.441- 101316- 1.500 12,476 13.976 1,500 12,476 13,976 100 50 53 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 2,500 72.500 208 6,041 125 14 125 14 83 6,027 2.375 72,486 2.375 72,486 95 100 F3ATE RUN 6109/82 TIME RUN 13.50.49 CO -!UNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT TOTAL COMM DEVELOP BLOCK GRANT iTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL COMM DEVELOP 3LOCK GRANT TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL CAPITAL EXRENOTTURFS TOTAL COMM DEVELOP BL0'K GRANT TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL CO -M DEVELOP BLOCK GRANT TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL CO"M UEVFLOP BLOCK GRANT TOTAL PERS` NAL SERVICES TOTAL C:3NTRACTUAL SFRVICFS TOTAL CAPITAL FXPE^lDITURES TOTAL CU?M DEVELOP 04LC.-K GRANT TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL COwM DEVELOP BLOCK GRANT TOTAL C04MUNITY 7EVe:LOPMENT nEPARTMENT -TREET OSPARTMENT - )MINISTRATION AND SUPPORT TAL PERSONAL SERVICES -TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL COMMODITIES TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL AOSBINISTRATION AND SUPPORT '"MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL CO-M3DITIES TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDTTURES TOTAL MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS MAINTENANCE OF GROUNDS TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT BUDGET EXPENSE REPORT ACCOUNTING PERIOD 01 ENDING 5/31/82 1982-83 Y -T -D Y -T -D CUR NO BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL 75,000 6.244 139 139 1.500 125 47 47 73,500 6.125 75,000 6,250 47 47 20,200 1,682 144.800 12.066 165.000 13,748 20,200 11682 99,800 8,316 120.000 9,998 5,000 416 25 Z5 4.916 64,000 5,332 25 25 1+000 83 76 76 _',500 208 116:500 9,'08 120,000 4,994 76 76 5,OGO 416 45,000 3+750 50,000 4,166 971,157 30,905 42,996 42,496 UNEXPENDED VARIANCE BALANCE ENCUMBERED 6,110 74,861 78 1,453 6,125 73,500 6.203 74,953 1.682 20.200 12,066 144,800 13,748 165,000 1,682 20,200 8,316 49,800 4.998 120,000 391 4,975 4,916 59.000 5,307 63+975 7 '?24 208 2.500 9,708 116,500 9,923 119.924 416 5,'000 3,750 45,000 4+166 50:000 37,909 428,161 PAGE 15 ID-VGL246 UNENCUM % BALANCE BAL 74,861 100 1,453 47 73,500 100 74,053 100 20,200 100 144,800 100 165,000 100 20,200 100 99,800 100 120,000 100 4,975 l00 59,000 100 63,975 too 924 92 2.500 100 116+400 t00 119,924 100 5.000 100 45:000 200 50:000 100 928,161 96 89.030 7,417 6,638 6,638 774 82,392 82r 342 43 4,500 4:550 373 794 373 4,500 4.500 100 1.000 83 391 391 403 9.159 4,159 96 104.080 8s667 7+024 7,029 83 1,638 1,000 4Tr051 1r000 100 97,051 43 80.443 6:702 7,449 7,949 1,247- 72,444 72,444 90 12.350 75e 575 1,028 1.028 12,350 12,350 100 78,000 15,293 6:498 1,526 L,526 4.767 74,049 74,044 48 246,368 20,521 4:475 9,475 6,496 11:046 78,000 236,893 78.000 100 236,893 46 51,124 4,254 4.578 4,578 3L9- 46,546 46,546 91 DATE RUN 6/09/82 TIME RUN 13.50.48 STREET DEPARTMENT MAINTENANLE OF GROUNDS TOTAL COMMODITIES TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL MAINTENANCE OF GROUNDS STREET MAINTENANCE TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL COMMODITIES TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL STREET MAINTENANCE SNOW REMOVAL TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL COMMODITIES TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL SNOW REMOVAL LEAF REMOVAL TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL COMM00ITIES TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURFS TOTAL LEAF REMOVAL STORM SEWER AND BASIN MAINTENANCE TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL COMMODITIES TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL STORM SEWER AND .BASIN MAINTENANCE FORESTRY TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL COMMODITIES TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL FORESTRY TRAFFIC SIGN MAINTENANCE TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL COMMODITIES TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL TRAFFIC SIGN MAINTENANCE PUBLIC GROUNDS BEAUTIFICATION TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL COMMODITIES TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL PUBLIC GROUNDS BEAUTIFICATION LI9RARY GROUNDS MAINTENANCE TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES UNEXPENDED VARIANCE BALANCE ENCUMBERED 431 5,245 70 850 182 52x641 607 49,929 333 4,000 1,776 30,197 2,250 27,000 4,966 111,126 4,154 62,816 486 5,850 4,273 54,691 541 6,500 9,454 129,857 2,971 38,583 333 4,000 607 7,300 41 500 3,952 50,383 1,799- 7,948 5,250 63,000 3,451 70,948 3,487- 102,957 9,926 116,078 418 9,669 6.857 227,704 17 28,364 1,381 16,600 1,398 44,964 656 25,056 258 3,100 6.318- 7,433 5,404- 35.589 PAGE 16 ID-VGL246 UNENCUM % BALANCE BAL 5,245 100 850 100 52,641 92 49,929 93 4,000 100 30,197 97 27,000 100 111,126 96 62,816 98 5,850 100 54,691 99 6,500 100 129,857 99 38,583 99 4,000 100 7,300 100 500 100 50,383 99 7,948 75 63.000 100 0 70,948 96 102,957 89 116,078 100 8.669 96 0 227,704 95 28,364 92 16,600 100 0 44,964 95 25,056 94 3.100 100 7,433 50 35,589 80 0 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT BUDGET EXPENSE REPORT ACCOUNTING PERIOD 01 ENDING 5/31/82 1982-83 Y -T -O Y -T -D CUR MO BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL 5,250 436 5 5 850 70 57,224 4,765 4,583 4,583 53,°04 4,482 31875 3,875 4,000 333 31,000 2,579 903 803 27,000 2,250 115,804 9,644 4,678 4,678 63,993 5,331 1.177 1,177 5,850 486 55,000 4,582 309 309 6,500 541 131,343 10,940 1,486 1,486 38,949 3,236 265 265 4,000 333 7,300 607 500 41 50,648 4,217 265 265 10,631 884 2,683 2,683 63.000 5,250 73,631 6,134 2,683 2,683 116,118 9,674 13,161 13.161 115,800 9,644 278- 278- 9.000 749 331 331 240,918 20,071 13,214 13,214 30,922 2,575 2.558 2,558 16.600 1,381 47,522 31956 2,558 2,558 26,617 2.217 1,561 1,561 3.100 258 15,000 1.249 7,567 7,567 44,717 3,724 9.128 9.128 UNEXPENDED VARIANCE BALANCE ENCUMBERED 431 5,245 70 850 182 52x641 607 49,929 333 4,000 1,776 30,197 2,250 27,000 4,966 111,126 4,154 62,816 486 5,850 4,273 54,691 541 6,500 9,454 129,857 2,971 38,583 333 4,000 607 7,300 41 500 3,952 50,383 1,799- 7,948 5,250 63,000 3,451 70,948 3,487- 102,957 9,926 116,078 418 9,669 6.857 227,704 17 28,364 1,381 16,600 1,398 44,964 656 25,056 258 3,100 6.318- 7,433 5,404- 35.589 PAGE 16 ID-VGL246 UNENCUM % BALANCE BAL 5,245 100 850 100 52,641 92 49,929 93 4,000 100 30,197 97 27,000 100 111,126 96 62,816 98 5,850 100 54,691 99 6,500 100 129,857 99 38,583 99 4,000 100 7,300 100 500 100 50,383 99 7,948 75 63.000 100 0 70,948 96 102,957 89 116,078 100 8.669 96 0 227,704 95 28,364 92 16,600 100 0 44,964 95 25,056 94 3.100 100 7,433 50 35,589 80 0 DATE RJN 6/04/82 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT TIME RUN 13:50.48 BUDGET EXPENSE REPORT ACCOUNTIN; PERIOD 01 ENDING 5131/82- 1982-83 Y -T -O Y -T -O CUR MO STREET DEPARTMENT BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL - LI¢RARY GRIL€NOS MAINTENANCE _TOTAL COMMODITIES ``kTAL L19RARY GROUNDS MAINTENANCE UIPMENT, MTC. AND OPERATIONS iii TAL PERSONAL SERVICES 61,479 5,12E TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,250 186 TOTAL COMMODITIES 93,825 7,817 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENOITURES 2,400 200 TOTAL IQUIPMENT, MTC. AND OPERATIONS 159,954 13,324 PQDL VEHICLE MTC. AND OPERATIONS 5,000 TOTAL TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 3,749 312 TOTAL COMMODITIES 11,550 961 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 6,500 541 TOTAL POOL VEHICLE MTC. AND OPERATIONS 21,799 1,814 TOTAL STREET DEPARTMFNT €,294,008 €07,777 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTKENT ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT TOTAL PERS+``NAL SERVICES 112,017 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4Z9, 205 TOTAL COMM3DITCES 12,150 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 1,280 TOTAL A-)`"INISTRATION AND SJPPDRT 554,572 �AI`iTENANCE OF PUBLIC RUILOINGS 8,426 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 13,412 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5,000 TOTAL COMMOOITIES 7,000 TOTAL MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC iUILDINGS 25,812 MAINTE\ANCE OF GROJNOS 541 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 26,159 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5,000 --TAL COMMODITIES 3,550 )L CAPITAL FXPEVO ITURES 4s650 AL MAINTENANCE OF GROUNDS 39,359 WELL MAINTENANCE AN0 REPAIR 4,-46 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 97,818 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 387,000 TOTAL COMMODITIES 49,200 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 158,000 TOTAL WELL MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR 692,018 WATER DISTRIBUTION MTC. AND REPR. 957 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 1021985 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 13,000 TOTAL COMMODITIES 23,200 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 56,000 TOTAL WATER DISTR19UTION MTC. AND REPR. 195,185 UNEXPENDED VARIANCE BALANCE ENCUMBERED 4.814 4,824 307 56,665 €33,787 103,787 €86 2,25E 3,612 3,612 4,205 9D,Z€3 40',,357 94 200 2,400 8,426 8,426 4,898 151,528 222 222 90 3,527 1,132 1,132 171- 10,418 46,200 34,451 541 6,501 1,354 1,354 460 201445 64,879 64,879 42,898 1,229,129 PAGE 17 ID-VGL246 UNENCUM 2 BALANCE SAL 0 0 56,665 92 2,250 100 9;,213 96 2,400 100 151,528 95 3,527 94 10,418 90 6,500 100 20,445 94 1,229,129 95 9,332 8,230 3.230 1,102 €33,787 103,787 93 } 5,759 25,P48 25,843 9.911 4 03.357 40',,357 94 1,009 373 373 636 11,777 11,777 97 100 100 1,200 1,203 100 46,200 34,451 34,451 11,749 520,121 520,121 94 1,150 22Z 222 928 13,590 13,590 98 416 54 54 362 40,46 4,-46 99 58Z 343 343 239 6,657 6,657 95 2,148 619 019 1,529 25,193 25,293 98 2,178 957 957 11221 25,202 25,202 96 416 300 300 126 4,700 4,700 94 295 295 3,550 3,550 100 386 386 4,650 4,650 100 3,275 1,257 1,257 21018 38,102 38x102 97 8,150 9,132 9,132' 982- 88,686 89,686 91 32,249 37,689 37,689 5,440- 349,311 349,311 90 4,099 2,141 2,141 1,958 47,059 47,059 96 13,166 13,166 158,000 158,000 t00 57,664 48,962 48,962 8,702 643,056 643,056 93 8,581 6,919 6,919 1,662 96,066 96,066 93 1,083 1,083 13,000 13,000 100 1,932 1,322 1,322 610 21,879 21,878 94 4,666 17 17 4,649 55,983 55,983 100 16,262 8,258 8,258 8,004 186,923 186,927 96 DATE RUN 6/04/82 TI4E RUN 13_5044 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT 4A TER VALVE AND '4YnRANT MTC. TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL CO-49DITIES TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL NATER VALVE AND HYDRANT MTC. WATER -ETER INSTAL-REPR.E REPL. TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CC'VTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL CO"Mt7DTTIFS TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL WATER METER INSTAL.REPR.E REPL. _CUIPM=,NT MTC. AND OPERATIONS TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL COMMODITIES TOTAL CAPITAL YXPENUITURFS TOTAL EOUIPMFNT MTC, AND OPERATIONS SANITARY SIWFri MTC. AN) REPAIR TOTAL PERSO%AL SERVICES TJTAL Z.N TrtACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL C-IMIOTTIES, TOTAL ,,API''' -.L EXPE',u ITORES TOTAL SANITA3Y S=W'4 MTC. AND REPAIR 4ATc2 SYSTEM I"P'�OVEMENTS TOTAL CAPITAL=XPENDITURFS TOTAL RATER SYSTEM 1'4PPOVEMcNTS SA=41TARY SEtd£R IMPRGVEMENTS TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL SANITARY SEWER 14PRC)VEMENTS TOTAL NATER AND SEWER •^EPARTMENT PAR<I'NS SYSTEM DIVISION lu,±INISTRATION AND SUPPORT TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL COMMODITIES TOTAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT COLLECTION SYSTEM MAINTENANCE TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL COMMODITIES TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL COLLECTION SYSTEM MAINTENANCE PARI ING LOT MAINTENANCE TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES VILLAGE 7F MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 18 BUDGET EXPENSE REPORT IQ -VG L246 ACCOUNTING PERI00 OL ENDING 5/31182 1462-83 Y -T -O Y -T -D CUR MO UNEXPENDED UNENCUM 7. BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL VARIANCE BALANCE ENCU.MUERED BALANCE BAL 33,401 2.782 257 257 2,525 33.144 33,144 99 400 33 33 400 400 100 11,800 482 432 111800 11,600 100 45,000 3,753 3,750 45,00^ 45,000 100 40,601 71547 257 257 7,240 40.344 40,344 100 55,668 4,637 5,251 5.251 6€4- 50,417 50,417 41 4,500 741 '91 4,500 4,500 t00 31,300 2,605 83 33 21522 31,217 31,217 100 Q 46:468 8,033 5,334 5.334 2,694 41,134 91.134 44 71:547 5,463 4,240 4,240 1,723 67,357 67,357 44 3,000 250 250 3,000 3,000 100 72,150 6,011 4,710 4,710 1,301 57,440 67,440 93 51,400 4,281 4,281 51,40D 51,400 100 148,147 16.505 8,950 8,450 7.555 189,147 184,147 45 45,045 3,753 3,424 3,424 324 •.1.62€ 41,621 42 4.400 374 374 4,500 4,500 100 71800 548 42 42 606 7,758 7,758 94 0 57,345 4,775 ?,466 3,466 1,304 53,874 53,874 44 160.500 13,374 13,374 1601,00 150,500 100 160.500 13,374 13,374 160.500 160,500 100 3,882 323 323 3.882 3,882 too 31882 32.3 323 3,882 3,882 100 2,113,889 176,106 111,554 111,554 64,552 2.002.336 2,002,335 45 6,263 521 521 6.263 6,263 100 54,425 4,443 1,374 1,374 3,614 53,546 58,546 48 250 20 20 250 250 t00 66,438 5.534 1,379 1,374 4,155 65.054 65,059 48 415 415 415- 415- 415- 0 0 0 415 415 415- 415- 415- 0 6,167 513 64 64 449 6,103 61103 99 IAT= RIIHN 5109/82 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE TI'"- RUN 13,50.43 ?UDGET EXPENSE REPORT 19 FD-VGLZ46 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 01 ENDING 5/31/82 1962-83 Y -T -O Y -T -D CUR MO UNEXPENDFQ UNEYE UH g BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL VARIANCE BALANCE ENCUM3ERED BALANCE BAL cAut FN; SYS T -=H DIVISION PAR!WT LOT MAr NTENANC- T°.L C%NTRAC T'..; AL SERVICES 300 25 27 27 2- 273 4TAL C0PM1DI T IES 4, D00 333 978 978 645- 3,022 273 3#022 91 lb CAPITAL EXPENGITURFS 46,900 3#907 3,907 0 46,900 100 -L PARKINS= L� 4AINTFNANCE 57.367 #.778 1. ,q 1,069 3,709 56,29° . 56#298 48 TOTAL PARKIN5, SYSTEM UIVISIGN _23,805 12,312 _,R63 _,663 ..449 120#942 120#942 98 YGINEERING VZYISiu^f dD`#INISTPATI^N AND SUPPORT .0TAL PERSCNAL SERVICES 48,623 +,050 1.327 31327 723 45,296 45,296 93 TOTAL 3,700 307 63 63 244 3.637 3.637 98 VITAL CC'"°'" I7`;ES 4.000 333 157 15 7 276 �4h43 . 3.843 96 TOTAL CAPITAL EYDEN [TURFS 1,000 83 39 99 6- =TI1 all `OTAL AU-JNIST=AT13N ANG SJPPURT 57,323 4,773 3,636 31636; 1,137 53.637 53,687 41 94 Pt;`L IP I"PROVt-LLT Pt ANNINc, TOTAL PERSC;VAL S'-RVICES 48,509 4,0=.1 119,-9 ..929 46.580 96 SAL CCNTRA'�TUAL SERVTC€S `0TAL 0 TO TA -L _?I. _._ ExPE°l OIT;=RFc 11) .'DVE ENT PLANNING 19.5:19 4,041 ?4 ., - 6 .#a=9 , - _8212 �,SBEC 6'1 96 _,..LIC I°'P1LOV °-ENT INSPEi TIGNS _ L _ RI=cS cc. .,: 1.923 x_7AL PJ.L1C I" R aENENT INS ,CTTONS L�. �6' 1,913 L 5 � ..___ 2 1 G 9 SLC -..0 -0'!!PZ-L AN- NRsI`iA'' iTsi --Cc =�.AL �-n.V1 sS 70TAL C: T Uii SERVICFS -. - } _-3 331499 40z -0 -,q 402-100 0 x813 TOTAL AcJT L -.X 0! '.7R' -S700,0002 -333 82 E x871 82, _; 13' 61� _r9 61 61 ?. 52- 288 .-�. L �L O.. �i;NT „GL A".!n JRAI`n A�,E 1.102#`1? 9=,832 52.471 82,471 s.61 IrC1Q,529 ds019a52a 93 FRA='IC ENGINEERING E ° AINTE',A`4CE .OTNL :'ERS-INAL S-RVICES 19,912 2,658 1,402 1,402 256 18,56. 15,509 93 L L C3JT A-T"AL ERVIC�S C i- 4 IJ D I T IES 106,250 8,852 8,852 106125.3 106,250 100 A L CAPITAL EXPEN3TTUR_S 40,000 3,332 3.332 40,000 40.000 0 L00 TOTAL TR 4 Ery I\ .RINGS E 1AINTE1110E 166,161 13,841 1.402 1,402 12,439 164,759 264,759 99 TREET LIGHTING TOTAL PERSDNAL SERVICES 5,256 438 1.054 1,054 616- 4,202 4,202 80 TOTAL --ONTRACTUAL SERVICES 99,300 8,316 9,177 9,177 861- 90,623 90,623 91 'OTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 328,500 27,374 27.374 328,500 328,500 100 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING 433.556 36,128 20,231 10,231 25,897 423.325 423,325 98 SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR TOTAL TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES COMMODITIES 4,592 382 345 345 37 4,246 4,246 92 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 25,000 2,08221082 25,000 25,000 100 0 TOTAL SFDE'�tAiK CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR 29.591 2.464 345 345 2.119 29,24b Z9m246 94 DAT-- RON 5/04f37 TIM? RUN 13.50.49 ENGINEERING DIVISION MOTOR FUEL TAX CONSTRUCTION TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL MOTOR FUEL TAX CONSTRUCTION TOTAL Epi INE --RING OIVIS:DN `IMMUNITY AN' CIVIC SERVICES IINMUNI TY ;ROU PS TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOT aL -roOM `.JNITY ; R:3UPS NA4F OF 4Tq v. JULY CELF9RATIT�N TQTAL PERSnNAL� SERVICES TOTAL. CDNTReCTUAL SERVICES TOTAL CUmmnDITIES TOTAL SHARE OF 411§ OF JULY CELEBRATION _,H ISTMAS CELG=ATIO`#S TOTAL PERSONAL SFRVICES T TITaL SERVI..ES TOTAL TOTAL C'IRISTMAS !c--O-ATI NS G .__ _.� -3.`tI TY -0- CIVi- _.-T9RY ^PFBATIONS 'OT,L C_ONTRA`TUAL StRVTC=S TOTAL CHRIST -AS '�!E`-ORATIONS TOTAL LI"RARY OPERATIONS TRUST AND DES IS POLICE PENSION TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL PGL€LE PENSICS 3.3. £SONO AND INTEREST TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL v.O. BOND AND INTEREST REV. -NUE 3IGNDS TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL REVENUE EONOS TOTAL TRUST AND DEBTS VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT BUDGET EXPENSE REPORT ACCOUNTING PERIOD 01 ENDING 5/31/92 1982-83 Y_T-I1 BUDGET ESTIMATE 23. 44t 1,952 35,000 2:916 390,648 32,552 449,CH9 37,420 2,304,192 192,412 Y -T-3 CUR MC ACTUAL ACTUAL 1,476 1.476 40,211 43,211 42,Id7 42,187 144,066 144,Ci66 UNEXPENDED VARIA`C€ BALANCE ENCUNHERED 24- 21,465 2,916 35.000 7,659- 350,437 4,767- 406,902 48.146 2,155,125 PAGE _-0 IO-VGL246 UNENCUM Y BALANCE BAL 21,465 92 35,000 100 356,437 90 406,402 91 2r 165, 125 94 9,100 673 4,365 4,365 3.692- 3,735 3,735 46 91100 673 4,?h5 4,365 3,692- 3.735 3,735 46 4,835 918 8113 9e°35 9,835 100 4,000 333 333 4, ^7 4,000 100 300 24 24 3 0.n 300 1Q0 14,135 1,171, 1,175 24,135 14,135 100 3,577 2244 248 31577 3.577 100 0,000 -CO 507 6, COO) 6,000 100 250 2,131 250 100 9,87 828 91B .H27 91827 100 32,06> a `-6h . +.365 1.691- 2716c7 27,697 86 1,022,500 34,291 1,;721,500 34,292 2,011,500 134,241 84,241 1,011,5J0 1,011,500 100 534,291 1,011,500 1,0.11,500 100 84.291 1.021.500 1,011,500 100 33,694 33,694 33,694- 33,694- 33,644- 0 1,155,000 96,24Q 24,970 24,970 71,279 1,237,030 1,130,030 98 1,155,000 46,249 58,564 58,664 37,585 1,046,336 1,096,336 95 634,615 52,976 2r 333 2,333 50,543 632,283 632,282 100 634,615 52,876 2,333 2,333 50,543 632,283 632,282 100 175.000 14,583 14,583 175,000 175,000 100 25,575 2,131 2,131 25,575 25,575 100 200,575 16.714 16.714 200:575 200,575 100 1,440,140 165,839 60,997 60,997 104,842 11929,194 /:429.193 97 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS TO FIRE CHIEF LAWRENCE A. rAIRIT7,, "OUTSTANDING FIRE CHIEF" (11' 'THE YEAR" WHEREAS, LAWRENCE A. PAIRITZ is a 24 year Veteran r.)f the Mount Prospect Fire Department; and WHEREAS, upon the creation of the Mount Prospect Fire Department in 1960, LAWRENCE A. PAIRITZ was the second person to be appointed to the Fire Department..; and WHEREAS, LAWRENCE A. PAIRITZ attained the rank of Lieutenant within the Department and was appointed Fire Chief of the Mount Prospect Fire Department in 1970, and continues to serve as Chief of the Mount Prospect Volunteer Fire Department; and WHEREAS, during his Lentare, LAWRENCE A. PAIRITZ has continuously displayed his leadership abilities, initiating numerous programs within the Village Of Mount Prospect, which programs have been used as models throughout the State of Illinois and the Nation; and WHEREAS, LAWRENCE A. PATRTTZ many hours of his time to numerous and Organizations in order to further t.he (-;f th(-., Fire S(,>rvicf--,., ev(--�Tywhere. NOW, THEREFORE, BF] IT RESOL',IED BY THE IvLAYOR AND BOARD OF' TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COLJNTY, ILLINOIS,., SECTION ONE: That LAWRENCE A. PAIRITZ, Fire Chief of the -1— g e &? TIE �" " Mount Prospect, has been honored by the Ill.i.nois Fire Chiefs Association and named "Outstanding Fire Chief of the Year" for his many contributions to the Fire Service. SECTION IVO: That the Mayor r--ind Board of Trustees of the VT1'17aFgiT—of'-Mount Prospect do congratulate Fire Chief Lawrence A. Pairitz on behalf of the Village and its residents upon being named "Outstanding Fire Chief of the Year" and do hereby express the acknowledgement of the Village of Mount Prospect for the many accomplishments achieved, SECTION THREE: That this Resolutiosj Shall be in full force azaci cft�ct from and after its passage and approved in the manner provided by L-iw. PASSED and APPROVED this day of 1982. ATTEST: May(�,)T- Village Clerk Village"6f Mount Prospect Mount Prospect, Illinois INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR CAROLYN H. KRAUSE AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES FROM: VILLAGE MANAGER DATE: JUNE 1, 1982 SUBJECT: LIQUOR LICENSE REQUEST We have received a liquor license request from the Wheel Works Restaurant desiring to locate in the facility previously occupied by Sambo's on Route 83. On June 1, the Village Manager interviewed Mr. Alan Hurst and a representative from the real estate firm handling the sale. The Wheel Works is in the process of incorporating for the functions specific to this location. However, the principals own some 26 restaurants in Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky. They have been in business since 1962 and are seeking a Class S license Restaurant with a Lounge. The Wheel Works will buy the property outright and their contract to purchase is contingent upon the successful achievement of a liquor license. They intend to make improvements both internally and externally to the structure and expect that if the license is approved sometime in July, they would start work in August and have set aside three months for reconstruction work. The operation is oriented towards family services and they attempt to establish a unique theme for each of their restaurants. Photographs of the interiors of some of their existing facilities will be available at the meeting together with copies of their menus. Their fees have been paid and they are in the process of submitting Dram Shop Insurance ar�� the Surety Bond. TERRANCE L. BURG RD TLB/rcw C: Director of Community Development Kenneth Fritz Vi11age'-1--.,f Mount Prospect S MOUnt Prospect, 1114iois 6 w- INTEROFHCE MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR CAROLYN H. KRAUSE AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES FROM: VILLAGE MANAGER DATE: JUNE 9, 1982 SUBJECT: LIQUOR LICENSE REQUEST The Village has received a liquor license application for a Class S, restaurant with lounge, located at 1747 Golf Road. This is the shopping center at the southwest corner of Golf and Busse. The Village Manager interviewed Mr. Yang, his attorney and his architect on Wednesday, June 9. Their facility will be approximately 4,570 square feet and they plan on making improvements internally and externally to the structure approximating $50,000. This is exclusive of furnishings. The restaurant will be Oriental. in style including a working stream within the restaurant. (The name of the restaurant is Kum Ho which is Korean for, ''the feeling of seeing the sunset on a tranquil pool.") The lounge area will meet our requirements of being less than. 25% of the gross floor area and the restaurant service will include a buffet and full. menu. Menus have not been printed as yet. The Community Development staff has reviewed the zoning and there is no objection; the Code Enforcement Division is in the process of reviewing the building improvement plans and we anticipate no problem; nor has the Police Department found any objections to the application or the principals involved. In that shopping center there are two other liquor licenses; one is Fellini's, which is a. Class R. restaurant and the other license is a Class C, retail package only, Gold Eagle Discount Liquors. Mr. Yang hopes to open his restaurant in July or. August, but cannot begin his building improvements until. there is some indication from the Mayor and the Board as to the policy of the liquor license. If the Board is in agreement, the staff should be instructed to prepare an Ordinance amendment increasing the number of availa'Class S liquor licenses. TERRANCE L. BU ,'ARD TLB/rcw V111ag"to-,if Mount Prospect Mmm� Prospect, HHriois gNTEROFHCE MEMORANDUM 'TO: VILLAGE MANAGER. TERRANCE L. BURGHARD FROM: MANAGEMENT INTERN WALTER WYSOPAL DATE: JUNE 9, 1.982 SUBJECTSIDEWALK CAFE The proposed plan for a sidewalk cafe in the Busse/Wille improvement area brings about concerns of feasibility for both the Village and the proprietors. Firstly, is it legally feasible for a private bi.i.siness to encroach upon the public right of way? Secondly, is the plan in the best interest for the safety of the citizens? My research focuses on these concerns and w.ill constra.ict guidelines for practical. adminisr-ration of such a project, Chapter Nine of the Village Code deals directly with. the use of streets and sidewalks: Section 9.1.01 - Supervision, All streets and sidewalks are under the superviSiOT) of th.e Director of Public Works. Section 9.105 - Obstruction and Encroachment, It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporarion to erect, construct, cause, create or Maintain any obstruction or encroachment on any public street, sidewaLk, alley or right of way. Section 9.1.10 - Private Use. It is unlawful to use as space for display of goods or -merchandise for sale or to make any signs for advertisement, Any diversion from these Codes has been done through the use of a special, permit, Case in POin.t. Ye Olde Town. Inn. has a special use permit permitting their store front overhang to protrude over the sidewalk. The following Villages were contacted for a comparison of similar Ordinances: 1. Permitted only on contiguous property. 2. Application subject to review by Public Works and Health Departments. 3. Open portion of sidewalk cannot be less than 5 feet. 4. Business incurs liability insurance of $200,000. 5, Business shall maintain sidewalk, 6. Permit fee is $50 plus 50G per square foot of sidewalk used. 7. Permit can be revoked for any reason. They use a special use permit given by the Zoning Department. CHICAGO Special zoning permit calculated on the amount of space used. A $500,000 liability is required. To serve liquor requires an additional. liquor license. ROLLING MEADOWS Special use permit from Building Department. The present Ordinance should be amended to permit such special use as opposed to the issuance of a special permit. This is due to the legal ramifications and the ability to establish one policy. The plan would give business a needed boost while keeping with the Busse/Wille improvement plan. Additional parking will not be needed because of the smallness of the plan. A minimum of 4 feet of open walkway should be left for pedestrian traffic. The permit fee should be calculated on a base $50.00 and an additional 50C per square foot of sidewalk used. The sidewalk used shall be contiguous to the store front. The business shall release the Village of all liability and incur insurance of not less than $200,000 per person. The license should be annual with powers of revocation held by the Village Manager. The business will perform all daily maintenance. The dispensing of alcohol shall be limited to beer and wine. Furniture shall be of good quality and be able to be broken down daily. Hours of operation should be between 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. The Health Department and Public Works Department should give their written approval before permit is issued. They shall also conduct inspections. 4z, WALTER WYSOPAL WW/rcw VillaqE J Mount Prospect rr,'M Mora rat Prospect, Illinois INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: BOARD OF TRUSTEES FROM: MAYOR CAROLYN H. KRAUSE DATE: JUNE 11, 1982 RE: APPOINTMENT - BOARD OF HEALTH I submit the name of Martha Jordan, 1205 Pendleton Place, to the vacancy on the Board of Health., created by the resignation of Chuck Bennett. Martha will serve until 1985. Martha has a Master's Degree from Loyola. in Social Work and works part time for the Salvation Army. CAROLYN H. KRAUSE CHK/rcw c: Village Manager Terrance L. Burghard Village Clerk Carol Fields Dr. Donald Dreessen, Chairman, Board of Health. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 14 ENTITLED "ZONING" OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS REGARDING THE ADDITION OF CERTAIN USES TO THE B-3 BUSINESS, RETAIL AND SERVICE DISTRICT WHEREAS, Edwin and Irene Haberkamp, owners of certain property located at 15 North Elmhurst Avenue, in the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois, have hereto filed an application seeking an amendment to Chapter 14 commonly known as the "Zoning Ordinance" of the Village Code of Mount Prospect, Illinois, to provide for the addition of a premium fulfillment/mail order business as a permitted use and the addition of a mixed residence and commercial use on the same property as a special use in a B-3 Business, Retail and Service District; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on said zoning amendment request (designated as Case Number ZBA-11-A-82) before the Zoning Board of Appeals of the village of Mount Prospect on the 20th day of May, 1982 pursuant to due and proper notice thereof published in the Mount Prospect Herald on May 3, 1982; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Board of Appeals has submitted its findings and recommendations to the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect and has recommended that the amendment request under ZBA-11-A-82 be granted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: Section 14.2001 entitled "Permitted Uses and Special uses" of Article XX of Chapter 14 of the Village Code of Mount Prospect, Illinois, 1981, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: A. By adding to the permitted uses set forth in subsection A of Section 14.2001 the following: "18. Premium Fulfillment/Mail Order Business" B. By adding to the special uses set forth in subsection C of Section 14.2001 the following: "To allow the, u of an existing residence together with an exi.st-ing commercial. use on the same lot of record. " SECTION TWO: his Ordiaan�e -�all '-)e in. ful,j, for,,-, and effect from aHd­­aTL er-­"its passage, approval and publicat-ion in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of 1982. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: VILLAGE CLERK ZBA 12 -SU -82, Pg. 1 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING A SPECIAL USE TO ALLOW A COMBINED RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL USE ON CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED AT 15 NORTH ELMHURST AVENUE, IN THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLLNOIS______ WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Haberkamp of 15 North Elmhurst Avenue, in the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois, have made application for authorization and approval of a special use to allow the continued use of an existing residence structure and existing separate commercial structure located on the same parcel of property as a combined residence and commercial use in a B-3 Business, Retail and Service District; and WHEREAS, the Subject Property is legally described as follows; The North 200 feet of the West 237 feet of Block 4 in the Ernst Busse's Addition to Mount Prospect, being a Subdivision of the South 543 feet of the East half of the Southwest quarter of Section 34, Township 42 North, Range 11 East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois WHEREAS, the proposed special use is requested to allow the use of the existing commercial structure on the Subject Property for the operation and conduct of a mail order business and for use as professional offices with the residence structure located on the same to be owned, used and maintained by the same person owning and conducting the mentioned commercial activity; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on said special use request (desigated as Case Number ZBA-12--SU-82) before the Zoning Board of Appeals in the Village on May 20, 1982 pursuant to proper publication of due notice there of in the Mount Prospect Herald on May 3, 1982; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Board of Appeals has submitted its findings and recommendation to the President and Board of Trustees of the Village that said special use be granted; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village have considered the requested special use and the recommendations of the Zoning Board of Appeals pertaining thereto and have determined that the Subject Property complies with the standards set forth in Section 14.704 of Article VII of Chapter 14 of the Village Code of Mount Prospect, Illinois regarding a special use, and that the best interests of the community would be served by the granting of said special use. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: The recitals set forth hereinabove are incorporated herein as findings of fact by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect. SECTION TWO: A special use for the subject property described above, to allow the use of an existing residence structure and a separate existing commercial structure located on the same property for combined residential and commercial uses as provided in the B-3 Business, Retail and Service District pursuant. to Section 14.20010 of Article XX of Chapter 14 of the Village Code of Mount Prospect, Illinois is hereby approved, subject to the following conditions: ZBA 12 -SU -82, Pg.2 a. The Subject Property and the residence and commercial uses to be conducted thereon shall remain in single ownership. b. There shall be no increase in the building area of the commercial building. C The commercial building shall be used for the combined business purposes of a mail order business and for professional office use by no more than four professional persons. d. No part of the attached greenhouse area shall be converted, reconstructed, altered or used for office purposes. e. Parking for the separate residence and commercial structures shall be contained within the required yards as provided for by Village ordinance, and no part of the commercial parking area shall encroach upon the northern part of the Subject Property being presently maintained as open yard area for residence purposes. SECTION THREE: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from anT-67�Fe-F-!Es passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of 1982. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ORDINANCE NO. WH1011m, Me EREAS, Mr. Mr, aod Mrs. Edwin Baberkamp, owners of certain property hereinafter described, located at 15 North Elmhurst Avenue, in the Village of mount Prospect, Illinois have filed an application seeking variations from certain provisions of Articles Z and %X of Chapter 14 of the village Code of Mount Prospect, Illinois, as hereinafter set forth; and wit: WHEREAS, the Subject Property is described as follows: The North 200 feet of the West 237 feet of 'Block 4 in the Ernst 13uooe'e addition to mwoot Prospect, being a Subdivision of the South 543 feet of the East half of the Southwest quarter of Section 34, Township 42 North, Range ll 8aoL of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois WHEREAS, Petitioners seek the following specific variations, to l. & variation from Section 14.I0I.F to permit the use of an existing residence structure and an existing separate commercial structure on the same Subject Property for residential and commercial use. 2. A variation from Section I4,2002.0 to reduce the required rear yard area from 20 feet to 17,63 feet. 3. a variation from Section 14-2005.a to reduce the required off-street parking spaces for commercial purposes from 29 to 7. 4. 8 variation from Section 14.2005,B to eliminate the required truck loading space. WHEREAS, a public bearing was held on Petitioner's request for the aforesaid variations (designated as Case Number ouA-I3-V-82) before the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Mount Prospect on the %Otb day of May, 1982, pursuant to due and proper notice thereof published in the d no May 3, 1982; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Board of Appeals has submitted its findings and recommendation to the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect that Petitioners' variation request be granted; and the President and Board of Trustees of the Village have considered further the variation requests and have determined that the same satisfies the standard set forth in Section 14.885 of Article nz of Chapter 14 of the Village Code, and further find that it would be in the best interests of the Village to grant the variations hereinafter set [octb, NOW, raEREpouo, BE IT OuDnzmEo BY THE pooSznnmr AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: The recitals set forth hereinabove are incorporated herein as findings of fact by the President and Board ZBA 13-V-82, Pg. 2 SECTION TWO: The President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect do hereby grant to the Subject Property the following variations: a. A variation from Section of Article I of Chapter 14 to allow the existing commercial structure to be used for combined mail order and professional office purposes (for no more than four professional persons) within one main building. b. A variation from Section 14.2002.0 of Article XX of Chapter 14 to reduce the required rear yard area from 20 feet to 17.63 feet. C. A variation from Section 14.2005.A of Article XX of Chapter 14 to reduce the required off-street commercial parking spaces from 29 to 12 such spaces. d. A variation from Section 14.2005.B of Article XX of Chapter 14 to eliminate the requirement for truck loading spaces. SECTION THREE: Except for the variations granted herein, all otheF_ip_pf�1cjj_G_JP_ Village of Mount Prospect Ordinances and regulations shall remain in full force and effect as to the Subject Property. SECTION FOUR: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of 1982. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ATTEST: __ VILLAGE _C-LERK_____ VILLAGE PRESIDENT ORDINANCE NO. 1111=0 W 1t21M*=MM6'2 Gil ---------- WHEREAS, the Board of Education of School District Number 57, Cook County, Illinois, for whose use and benefit the Sunset Park School property in the 600 block of West Lonnquist Boulevard is owned, and Allen and Lydia Schneider, prospective tenants of a portion of said school property, have hereto filed an application seeking an amendment to Chapter 14, commonly known as the "Zoning Ordinance" of the Village Code of Mount Prospect, Illinois, to provide for a Day Care Center for children between the ages of 2 and 5, when located in a public school building as a special use in an R-1 Single Family Residence District; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on said zoning amendment request (designated as Case No. DBA -14-A-82) before the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Mount Prospect on the 20th day of May, 1982 pursuant to due and proper notice thereof published in the Mount ---s Proect Herald on the 3rd day of May, 1982; and . 2 WHEREAS, the Zoning Board of Nopeals has submitted its findings and recommendations to the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees has considered further the application and the findings and recommendations of the Zoning Board of Appeals and have determined that it is in the best interest of the community to grant the amendment request. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: Chapter 14 entitled "Zoning" of the Village Code of Mount Prospect, Illinois, 1901 as amended is hereby further amended by amending Section 14.11.010 entitled "Special Uses" of Article XI entitled "R-1 District" thereof to add thereto an additional special use to read as follows: "Day Care Centers for children between the ages of 2 and 5 when located in a Public School Building." SECTION TWO: This Ordinance shall. be in full force and effect from' anj af er its passage, approval. and publication in pamphlet form in accordance with law. PASSED AND APPROVED this --- day of 1982. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT mrdffl�r� F �- 15 -SU -82, Pg. IBM -1 A MAUMMLmou WHEREAS, the Board of Education of School District Number 57, Cook County, Illinois, and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Schneider (prospective tenant -operators of a Day Care Center) have made application for authorization and approval to operate a Day Care Center for children between the ages of 2 and 5 as a special use on certain school property located at 603 West Lonnquist Boulevard, in the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois, presently zoned in the R-1 Single Family Residence District and commonly known as the Sunset Park School; and WHEREAS, the Subject Property is legally described as follows: That part of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of Section 14, Township 41 North, Range 11, East of the Third Principal Meridian, lying East of a line drawn from a point on the North line of said Northeast Quarter (1/4) 193.0 feet East of a point on said North line of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) 7.38 chains West of the Northwest corner of the East Half (1/2) of said Northeast Quarter (1/4) to a point on the South line of said Northeast Quarter (1/4), 193.0 feet East of a point on said South line 7.38 chains West of the Southwest corner of the East Half (1/2) of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of said Section 14, lying North of a line 751.0 feet South of the North line of said Northeast Quarter (1/4) as measured at right angles to said North line and West of the East line of a tract of land described as commencing at a point on the North line of said Section that is 1,206 feet West of the Northeast corner thereof; thence West along the North line of said Section, a distance of 605.83 feet to a point that is 7.38 chains West of the Northwest corner of the East Half (1/2) of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of said Section; thence South on a line that if extended would intersect the South line of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of said Section at a point 7.38 chains West of the Southwest corner of the East Half (1/2) of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of said Section, a distance of 1,152.38 feet to a point 500 feet North of the center line of Golf Road, formerly Seegers Road, thence East parallel to the center line of said road a distance of 627.82 feet; thence North, a distance of 1,147.20 feet to the place of beginning in Cook County, Illinois MMO WHEREAS, special use permission is requested solely for the use of four rooms of said public school building for the operation of the Day Care Center; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on said special use request (designated as Case No. ZBA-1.5-SU-82) before the Zoning Board of Appeals in the Village on May 20, 1982 pursuant to proper publication of due notice thereof in the Mount Prospect Herald on 212— May 3, 1982; and"- WHEREAS, the Zoning Board of Appeals has made its finding and recommendation to the President and Board of Trustees of the Village; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village have considered the requested special use and have reviewed the findings and recommendations of the Zoning Board of Appeals pertaining thereto and have determined that the Subject Property complies with the standards set forth in Section 14.704 of said Chapter 14 regarding a special use, and that the best interests of the community would be obtained by the adoption of the necessary ordinance to approve and authorize said special use. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: The recitals set forth hereinabove are incoT�ra-E-P-3-rein as findings of fact by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect. SECTION TWO: A special use for the Subject Property described —e -E- --fo above, o al 7; the use of four rooms of the same as a Day Care Center for children between the ages of 2 and 5 as a special use pursuant to subsection 14.11010 of Article X1 of said Chapter 14 is hereby approved upon the condition that the use of the subject school property be restricted to an area consisting of four classrooms. SECTION THREE: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon i passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this — day of 1982. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: -----v-i-L-L—AGE --PRr3S1D-KN-T--­ VILLAGE CLERK WHEREAS, at the instance of the Board of Education of School District Number 57, Cook County, Illinois, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Schneider have filed an application for a variation with respect to certain property commonly known as the Sunset Park School property at 603 West Lonnquist Boulevard, in the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois; and WHEREAS, the Subject Property is described as follows; That part of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of Section 14, Township 41 North, Range 11, East of the Third Principal Meridian, lying East of a line drawn from a point on the North line of said Northeast Quarter (1/4) 193.0 feet East of a point on said North line of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) 7.38 chains West of the Northwest corner of the East Half (1/2) of said Northeast Quarter (1/4) to a point on the South line of said Northeast Quarter (1/4), 193.0 feet East of a point on said South line 7.38 chains West of the Southwest corner of the East Half (1/2) of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of said Section 14, lying North of a line 751.0 feet South of the North line of said Northeast Quarter (1/4) as measured at right angles to said North line and West of the East line of a tract of land described as commencing at a point on the North line of said Section that is 1,206 feet West of the Northeast corner thereof; thence West along the North line of said Section, a distance of 605.83 feet to a point that is 7.38 chains West of the Northwest corner of the East Half (1/2) of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of said Section; thence South on a line that if extended would intersect the South line of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of said Section at a point 7.38 chains West of the Southwest corner of the East Half (1/2) of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of said Section, a distance of 1,152.38 feet to a point 500 feet North of the center line of Golf Road, formerly Seegers Road, thence East parallel to the center line of said road a distance of 627.82 feet; thence North, a distance of 1,147.20 feet to the place of beginning in Cook County, Illinois and WHEREAS, Petitioners seek a variation from provisions of Section 14.101.F of Article I of Chapter 14 of the Village Code of Mount Prospect, Illinois for the purpose of providing for more than one main use to be made of the school building on the subject premises; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on the variation request (designated as Case Number ZBA-16-V-82) before the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Mount Prospect on the 20th day of May, 1982, pursuant to due and proper notice thereof published in the Mount Pros pec!� Herald on May 3, 1982; and ZBA 16-V-82, Pg. 2 WHEREAS, the Zoning Board of i�ppeals has submitted its findings and recommendation to the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount prospect, and the President and Board of Trustees of said Village have given further consideration to the variation request and have determined that the same satisfies the standards set forth in Section 14.605 of Article VI of Chapter 14 of the Village Code, and further find that it would be in the best interests of the Village to grant the requested variation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION ONE: The recitals set forth hereinabove are incorporated herein as­F-F-Jlngs of fact by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect. SECTION TWO: The President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount -prospect do hereby grant to the property heretofore described the variation requested with respect to Section 14.101.F of Article I of Chapter 14 of the "Village Code of Mount Prospect, Illinois to allow for an additional use to be made of the subject school property for the purpose of conducting a Day Care Center thereon. SECTION THREE: Except for the variation granted herein, all - I c other-�if— I-fi'Village of Mount Prospect ordinances and regulations shall remain in full force and effect as to the Subject Property. SECTION FOUR: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from nJ—aF—EeF-its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this --- day of 1982. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ATTEST: -.-_VILLAGE -P'R—ES ffffiff AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE APPOINTMENT POWERS OF THE VILLAGE MANAGER BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PIRESIDEINT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF' MOUNT PROSPECT, (,'OOK COUNTY, IL1,1NOIS: SECTION ONE: The appointment powers of tne Village Manager as provided ,in the Village Code oil Mount Pc,.-)sPect, Illinois (1-981) are hereby amended as follows: A. By amending subparagraph B of Section 4.103 entitled "Powers and Duties" of Chapter 4 of said Village Code to read as follows: ""B„ To appoint and remove department heads, and to appoint and remove all. directors of departments, and all other appointed officials and employees except when the appointment power is vested in the elected officials of the Vill-age under the statutes of the State of Illinois or the provisions of this Code, or when the appointment power is specifically vested in some other appointe"l o,f is iaL of the Village pursuant to the provisions of this Village Code. No appointment shall be made upon any basis other than that of merit and fitness." B. By amending SectLon 8.1-02 entitled "Appointments" of Chapter 8 of said Village Code to read as follows: "Seo® 8.1.02. Appointments. All. officers, except elected officials, shall be appointed or selected by the Village Manager as provided by State statute, ordinance or the provisions of this Code except for those appointments of officers and employees expressly provided for by State statute, ordinance or the provisions of this Code, to be made by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village or to be made by some other specifically designated appointed official®" SEC'T.'ION TWO: This Ordinance shall be in full., force and effect from and a'fter its passage, app~oval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of 1982. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT - VILLAGE CLERK H Villagt__ f Mount Prospect Mount Prospect, U|Uiimois NTEROFFUCEMEMORAN0OM `S,���/ TO: Village Munaqer, FROM: Director, Public Works DATE: June 10" 1982 SUBJECT: Sealed 81d Results For Willow Lane Water Main Installation Sealed bids were opened on June 10, 1982 for the proposed installation of 1315 feat of 12 -inch "feeder" main to be installed on Willow Lane between Roberts Drive and Busse Road, This project is part of the improvements to the water distribution system which was recommended by u computer analysis of the system in a effort to improve the network. It is the last 12 -inch link between our new main on Busse Road and Frediani's subdivision adjacent to Roberts Drive. Funding for -this project can be found on Page 208 in the current budget in the amount of $143,000 for water main replacement. It was scheduled for replacement last fiscal year but due to shortage of funds it was delayed until this time. Bid results as follows: Atlas Mechanical $69,104.00 Swallow Const. Corp. $89,132.00 C.A.Sementa Contr. 71,858.50 Trine Const.Corp. 92,955.50 Gerardi Sewer Co. 73,457.50 Rossetti Cont.Co. 96,457.00 Cnrie Constr. Co. 74,360,00 Abbureno Const. Co. 98,400.00 League Sewer Const. 79`259�00 J. Rendina Const. 104,042.58 J.Congdon Sewer, 3erv. 84,307.50 G.D. Hardin,Inc, 107,720.00 Hoffman Excavating 85,895.90 C.B. Const, Cn,,Inc. 108,406.25 Joel Kennedy Constr. 86,245.00 Mancini Sewer & Water, 138,085,15 C.V.%antucni, Inc. 86,436.75 0annini Dros, 140,482.20 'This main will be installed under Willow Lane and although there will be some disruption of traffic and inconvenience to the residents no one should be without water service at any time. I recommend acceptance of the lowest bid as submitted by Atlas Mechanical, Inc. in the amount of $69,104.00. The apparent low bidder has pending contracts of like nature in Hinsdale and Wheaton and we are not aware of any reason why this contract should not be awarded to him. a 400 WOUOISSIUMOD 00110d PUP DJTd JO pjpoq sTouTITI aqq aupun paqsIlquiso so quamIjudea eollod aqq UT 'Aue IT 'queer quauemiad aaq 10 siq 04 qaaaaa llpqs suosxad no uosiad plus quawayal aq a0lad mo1jaaaqq SUBTsol u0saad eons no I a0pummuo:) qMM M/Pue Wpuuwwoo uoysTAla IgaTqo Aqndea go Uojqjsod aqq bulplaq suasiad aqq go Am sa5iKqosjp no spuedsns oollod go gajqo aqq quana aqq u, .1 'wepuennoo qoqem pan 10puemmoo U01STATU ao/pup ;alqo aollod Aqndaa go suolqlsod aqq bulploq suosiad aqq go lie no TuP a5liqOsTp no puadws oq pazTaoqqnp Aqwaq osle sl lawKuPH abQ01A age, go quasuo, pup aoTAps aqq qy& oollod go ger n$0 aqj `q slau%ss"Twwoo -!Tod PUP OaTa go pleog SToujjjj aqq aapun paqsTTqpqsa so quomqapdoa aollod aqq uy 'due IT 'Nue, quouemiad aaq/sjq oq qawaa Tlvqs u0saad pies -ao!Tod go JaTqo aqq abaeqOSIP no puadsns oq pazyoyne AqwGq sT aaSeutW MMITA OU -e -quew4ujodde sjq go amjq aqq qe plaq aq 4upa aqq woij qBnolinj uo so palapTsuoo aq 11eqs aq lyajqaa oq ajqjbjja 6ujGq 04 a0lad 4uea qdmaxa up oq paqujodde sl quam4aed0a 0011od aqq go awqwam P jj SuoTqlsod .Juea qdmaxa, so umoul aq Tleqs suoTqlsod qDjqm IsiapummoD qoqpm (V),Inoj PUP saapupmmoD UOTSIAI(I (p) anog '00Tjod go sjajqD Aindau (Z) omq laabpupW WAITA aqq 90 4uasuoo pup @OTApe aqq. qjjm 1quamqaPd@(j aollod qoadsoad qunow aqq go opyqno no ujqqjm moag ,quTodde oq pamTaoqqnP Qajaq sT w1jod go gajqD aqq, -Z *owjq go polaad aqjuj;apuj up vol aa6euvw 06PIlTA M Xq paquToddQ aq TlPqs Oqm 00110d go j@TqD, oqj aq TILtIs 4iraufqw(TaO pips go peoq axqj, 'Aabvupw "ITIA M 90 MWOD PUP u0T40Tpsjvn[ aqq japun aq j1pqs qolqm 'Golloa go quaw1judau P pnqsTjqPqso Aqajaq sT aaaqj -v .quawqujoddv !quamqaudaa go uoTipwo "joyp °oa%, :peaa 04 ,quya4uloddV :quaw4aPdva go UoTqvaaD. paTqTqua 108, uojq3aS BuTpume Aq papuawS Aqaaaq sl (T861) sjoujTTj Iloodsoad qunow go OP03 06P111A aqq go V aaqdPqD go ollod go quowqvvdaG. P00TWO IIIA WMV :9NC N01,1099 'SIONIMI AIM% XOOO '10adSOUd ianow do aDV'IqIA 3141 do SgalSfAll do GHVOR GNV IMUCISM all W 'OSMMUO 11 39 *SIONIqUI '13RdSOM IMOOW JO HOOD RMUIA alli AD v wwwo do anuod do m3w1HVd3Q =11INH IIIA aMMV GN3WV 01 RDNVNIC80 NV ON =VNIM0 MUM B. All of the personnel of the said Police Department shall. encompass such members in Fire and police commission rank and number as may be provided from time to time in the annual budget and the tax levy ordinance adopted by the President and Board of Trustees. The power of appointment, discharge or suspension of all officers of the Police Department, other than the Chief, Deputy Chiefs and Division Commanders and Watch Commanders, established hereinabove, shall lie with local and state regulations governing Fire and Police CoiTunissioners. C. The said Department shall also encompass such members of exempt rank, clerical assistance, Community Service officers and other employees the number of which the President and Board of Trustees shall provide from time to time in the annual budget and tax levy ordinance." SECTION TWO: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in accordance with law. PASSED AND APPROVED THls____.day 1982 AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: MHENERM18 VILLAGE CLERK VTLLAGF PRESIDENT ' ' (~^ � 411 5B � ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ARTICLE IX ENTITLED "FIRE DEPARTMENT" OF CHAPTER 4 OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. SECTION Article IX entitled "Fire Department" of Chapter 4 of the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois (1981) is hereby amended as follows: A. By amending Section 4,901 thereof entitled "Creation of Department: Appointment" to read: "Sec. 4.901. Creation of Department; Appointment. A. There is hereby established a Fire Department of the Village, which shall be under the jurisdiction and control of the Village Manager. l, The head of said Department shall be the Fire Chief who shall be appointed by the Village Manager for an indefinite period of time. 2. The Fire Chief is hereby authorized to appoint, from within or outside of the Mount Prospect Fire Department with the advise and consent of the Village Manager, one (]) Deputy Fire Chief, one (l) Director of Code Enforcement and three (3) Captain -Shift Commanders; which positions shall � be known a "exempt rank" positions. If a member of the Fire Department is appointed to an exempt ' rank prior to being eligible to retire, he shall be considered as on furl9ngh from the rank he held at the time of his appointment. ' a. The Village Manager is hereby authorized to suspend or discharge the Fire Chief. Said person shall revert to his or her permanent rank, if any, in the Fire Department as established under the Illinois Board of Fire and Police Commissioners Act. h. The Fire Chief with the advise and consent of the Village Manager, is also hereby authorized to suspend or discharge any or all of the persons holding the positions of Deputy Fire Chief, Director of Code Enforcement and/or Captain-' Shift Commander. c, In the event the Fire Chief suspends or discharges any of the persons holding the position of Deputy Fire Chief, Director of Code Enforcement and/or Captain -Shift Commander or such person resigns therefrom prior to retirement said person or persons shall revert to his or her permanent rank, if any, in the Fire Department as established under the Illinois Board of Fire and Police Commissioners Act. low 19 All of the personnel of the said Fire Department shall encompass such members in Fire and Police Commission rank and number as may be provided from time to time in the annual budget and the tax levy ordinance adopted by the President and Board of Trustees` The power of appointment, discharge or suspension of all officers of the Fire Department, other than the Chief, Deputy Chiefs, Director of Code Enforcement and Captain -Shift Commander established hereinabove, shall lie within local and state regulations governing Fire and Police Commissions. C. The said Department shall also encompass such members of exempt rank, clerical assistance, fire assistants and other employees the number of which the President and Board of Trustees shall provide from time to time in the annual budget and tax levy ordinance.'' B. DX amending Section 4,902 thereof, entitled "Office of Fire Chief" to read: "Sec, 4.902 Bureau of Fire Prevention; Electrical Inspector. A. In addition to directing the regular and volunteer Fire Department of the Village, the Fire Chief shall serve as the Chief of the Department of Code Enforcement. 1, The Department of Code Enforcement shall consist of the Director of Code Enforcement and other civilian members, as well as such sworn Fire Department personnel as may be appointed by the Chief for the purpose of administering and enforcing the regulations of the Village Coda relating to building,fire prevention and The Fire Chief and/or Director of Code Enforcement or their authorized agents and representatives shall have the power to order all work stopped on construction or alterations and/or repairs to buildings within the corporate limits of the Village whenever such work is being done in violation of any of the provisions of any ordinance relating thereto including the building and zoning codes of the Village. b. The Fire Chief and/or the Director of Code Enforcement or their authorized agents and representatives, shall have the power, for the purposes of making inspections at any reasonable time, to make or cause to be made entry into any building or premisas where work of altering, repairing and/or constructing any building or structure is commence?, 0. The Fire Chief shall also serve ex -officio as Chief Electrical Inspector and, as such, shall also serve as chairman of the Electrical Commission of the Village, ]. The Chief Electrical Inspector or his authorized agent or representative shall enforce all of the ordinances of the Village relating to electricity, and shall supervise, inspect and approve the installation of all electrical wires and apparatus. ~2- 2. Should any such. electrical wires or apparatus be found unsafe to life or property, the Chief Electrical Inspector or his authorized agent or representative shall notify the person ooninn" using, installing or building such electrical device and inform such person to place such wirer and/or apparatus in safe condition within a reasonable time, not to exceed five (5) days after receipt of such notice.'.' C. By amending Section 4.903 thereof, entitled "Duties and Responsibilities" to read: "Sec. 4.903 Fire Chief; Duties, In addition to the duties and responsibilities provided in this Article the Fire Chief shall have such duties and responsibilities as are, from time to time, impnsed by law or assigned by the Village Manager pursuant to Sections 4.103.K' and 4.|03.L, of this Code." D. By amending Section 4.904.therenf, entitled "Deputy Fire Chief; Office Created" to read: "Sec. 4.904. Deputy Fine Chief; Duties. The Deputy Fire Chief shall be second only in rank to the Fire Chief, and he shall have such duties as may be given him by the Fire E. By amending Section 4.905 thereof, entitled "8ppointments" to read: "Sec. 4.905. Volunteer Firemen; . Appointment: The membership of the Fire Department may be supplemented from time to time by volunteer"paid on call" firemen, the number and appointment of which shall be determined from time to time by resolution of the President and Board of Trustees upon ' recommendation of the Fire Chief." F. By amending Section 4.911 thereof. entitled "Compensation" to read: "Seo. 4.911. Compensation. All members of the Fire Department shall receive such salary or compensation as from time to time is established by the annual budget and tax levy ordinance of the President and Board of Trustees." 3 : This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in accordance with law. PASSED AND APPROVED 1M15 --'day n 1982 AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ATTEST: I RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT FOR THE REGULATION OF TRAFFIC AND PARKING FOR CERTAIN AREAS OF "HUNTINGTON COMMONS" WHEREAS, pursuant to the authority granted the Mayor and Board of Trustees in Section 8.507 of the Village Code of the Village of Mount Prospect, provided for in Chapter 95-1/2 Section 11-209 of the Illinois Revised Statutes, which Section provides that the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect shall have the power to contract with the owners of record of driveways and parking areas located upon, within, and/or through Planned Unit Developments lying within the corporate limits of the Village of Mount Prospect to regulate traffic and parking and enforce such regulations upon the said driveways and parking areas located upon, within, and/or through such Planned Unit Development; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect did enter into such an Agreement with the owners of that Planned Unit Development commonly known as "Huntington Commons"; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Bcard of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect and the owners of Huntington Commons, being a Planned Unit Development, desire to renew the Agreement to regulate traffic within the subject Planned Unit Development. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: That the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign and the Village Clerk authorized to attest her signature on the Agreement, attached hereto, for the regulation of traffic and parking upon Mallard Lane, Quail Walk, Partridge Lane and Dove Court, and certain parking areas of that Planned Unit Development commonly known as "Huntington Commons". SECTION TWO: That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to record this Agreement with Recorder of Deeds of Cook County. SECTION THREE: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval in the manner provided by law. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED and APPROVED this day of 1982 ATTEST: Mayor Village Clerk I AGREEMENT WHEREAS HUNTINGTON COMMONS ASSOCIATION, an Illinois not-for- profit corporation, hereinafter referred to as "OWNER", is the owner of the common areas utilized for parking as well as driveways located with that Planned Unit Development known as Huntington Commons, hereinafter referred to as "Huntington" and legally described as follows: Kenroy's Elmhurst -Dempster Subdivision, being a subdivision of part of the East 1/2 of Section 14, Township 41 North, Range 11, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois; and WHEREAS Huntington comprises a total area in excess of twenty-five (25) acres, all of which area lies wholey and totally within the corporate limits of the Village of Mount Prospect, hereinafter referred to as "Village"; and WHEREAS, the Owner desires to utilize the services of the Village for the purpose of regulating traffic and parking and enforcing same within Huntington; and WHEREAS, Section 8.507 of the Village Code of the Village of Mount Prospect provides for such agreement between the corporate authorities of the Village of Mount Prospect and the owner of record of driveways and parking areas located upon, within, and/or through Planned Unit Developments; and WHEREAS, the Owner considers it to be in its best interest to enter into an agreement with the Village to regulate traffic and parking and to enforce certain traffic and parking regulations within Huntington; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village believe it to be in the best interests of the citizens of the Village that traffic regulations, parking regulations and enforcement of such regulations be extended to include the areas described hereinbelow within Huntington. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE OWNER AND THE VILLAGE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Village, acting through its traffic engineer and Chief of Police, shall make an inspection of the parking areas and driveways with the Owner or its legally designated representatives, which inspection shall be for the purpose of determing what traffic regulations are necessary for the safe and efficient movement of traffic and to plan for the implementation of such regulations which may hereafter be promulgated by the Village through the passage and approval of ordinances regulating same; thereafter, the parties will make a determination as to what traffic signs and/or markings are necessary for the safe and efficient movement of traffic and to advise citizens as to what said regulations may be. 2. The Owner shall bear the costs of installing such signs and markings as are determined, pursuant to the terms of paragraph 1 hereinabove, as being necessary for the promulgation of the ordinances. 3. The Village agrees to enforce all such posted traffic and parking regulations on all of the parking areas located within Huntington as well as within and upon those driveways commonly known as Quail Walk, Partridge Lane, Mallard Lane and Dove Court, and the owner hereby consents to the issuance of traffic citations in the standard form usually issued by the Village for any and all violations hereof. 4. The authorization contained under the -terms of this Agreement shall be in addition to any other authority of the Vill-age existing by reason of any other Statute of the State of Illinois and such additional authorizations shall not be construed to be in lieu of any such other Statute. 5. This Agreement shall continue in full force and effect fro period of five (5) years from the date of its execution and thereafter said Agreement shall be automatically renewed for additional five (5) year periods; provided., however, that either party may cancel this Agreement at any time during the initial or any renewal period upon ten (10) days' prior written notice to the other, which notice of cancellation shall be recorded in the same manner as this Agreement. 6. A fully executed copy of this Agreement shall be recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of the County of Cook, as provided by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals this day of , 1982. HUNT INGTON COMMONS ASSOCIATION VILLAGE OF' MOUNT PROSPECT By: Village President age Cler ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 18 (TRAFFIC CODE) OF THE VILLAGE CODE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: That Section 18.2001, being Schedule I, cf Chapter 18, Traffic Code, of the Village Code of Mount Prospect be amended by adding thereto in alphabetical sequence "Hunt Club Drive,North & Southbound, 25 MPH, Entire Jurisdiction" and "Huntington Commons Road, East and Westbound, 25 MPH, Entire Jurisdiction"; so that said Section 18.2001 of Chapter 18 shall be amended to include: Name of Direction of Street Traffic Movement Speed (MPH) Description Hunt Club Dr. North & Southbound 25 Entire Jursidiction Huntington East & Westbound 25 Entire Jurisdiction Commons Rd. SECTION TWO: That Section 18.2006, being Schedule VI, of Chapter 18, Traffic Code, of the Village Code of Mount Prospect be amended by adding thereto in alphabetical sequence "Hunt Club Drive, East & West, Entire Jurisdiction"; and "Huntington Commons Road, North & South, Entire Jurisdcition"; so that said Section 18.2006 shall be amended to include: Name of Side of Street Street Description Hunt Club Dr. East & West Entire Jurisdiction Huntington North & South At Any Time Entire Jurisdiction Commons Rd. SECTION THREE: That Section 18.2011, Schedule XI -B, of Chapter 18, Traffic Code, of the Village Code of Mount Prospect be amended by adding thereto in alphabetical sequence "Prospect Ave., North & South, Btw. Emerson & School St.; so that said Section 18.2011, Schedule XI -B, of Chapter 18 shall be amended to include: Name of Side of Street Street Description Prospect Ave. North & South Btw. Emerson & School St. SECTION FOUR: That this ordinance shall be in full force and from and after is passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED and APPROVED this ATTEST: Village Clerk day of Village President , 1982. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION TO RENEW THE TRAFFIC CONTROL AGREEMENT WITH ROUSE-RANDHURST CORPORATION WHEREAS, the RANDHURST CORPORATION, owner and operator of the Randhurst Shopping Center located in Mount Prospect, Illinois, on the real estate legally described on Exhibit "A" hereto, and the VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, Cook County, Illinois, a municipal corporation, entered into an Agreement dated July 18, 1972, providing for regulation of traffic on the parking area of Randhurst, pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-209 of Chapter 95-1/2 of the Illinois Revised Statutes; and WHEREAS, the Agreement was for a term of five (5) years from the date of its execution and provided that it was renewable for additional periods of like duration; and WHEREAS, the Randhurst Corporation and the Village of Mount Prospect did renew the subject Agreement on July 7, 1977 for a period of five (5) years; and WHEREAS, Rouse-Randhurst Corporation and the village of Mount Prospect desire to renew the subject Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: That the President of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect is hereby authorized to sign and the Village Clerk of the Village of Mount Prospect is hereby authorized to attest the Notice of Renewal attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof as Exhibit B, which shall extend the aforesaid Agreement dated July 18, 1972, renewed July 7, 1977 and expiring July 7, 1987 on the same terms and conditions. SECTION TWO: That the said Notice of Renewal and said Agreement shall be binding upon the successor owners of the above Rouse- Randhurst Shopping Center, Inc. and upon successor municipal authorities of this Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois; and said Notice of Renewal shall be registered with the Cook County Recorder of Deeds. SECTION THREE: That this effect from and after its provided by law. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Resolution shall be in full force and passage and approval in the manner PASSED and APPROVED this day of 1982. ATTEST: Village Clerk I Mayor NOTICE OF RENEWAL WHEREAS, RANDHURST CORPORATION, owner and operator of Randhurst, a regional shopping center located in Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois, on real estate legally described on Exhibit "A" hereto, and the VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, Cook County, Illinois, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "VILLAGE") entered into an Agreement dated July 18, 1972, providing for regulation of traffic on the parking area of Randhurst Shopping Center, pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-209 of Chapter 95-1/2 of the Illinois Revised Statutes (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement"); and WHEREAS, the Agreement was for a term of five (5) years from the date of its execution and provided that it was renewable for additional period of like duration; and WHEREAS, the Randhurst Corporation and the Village did renew the Agreement on July 7, 1977, for a period of five (5) years; and WHEREAS, ROUSE-RANDHURST SHOPPING CENTER, INC. and the VILLAGE desire to renew the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, ROUSE-RANDHURST SHOPPING CENTER, INC. and the VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT agree that the Agreement shall be extended for a renewal term commencing July 7, 1982 on the same terms and conditions. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have set their hands and seals this day of r 1982. ROUSE-RANDHURST SHOPPING CENTER, INC. By: ATTEST: �'�.—ciE-;—tar—y ­--'-----­"-­­' (Seal) VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT By.- Village President ATTEST: V21LCleric (Seal) Villagt f Mount Prospect MotAnt Prospect, Winois INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO. TERRANCE L. BURGHARD, VILLAGE MANAGER k" FROM: KENNETH 11. FRITZ, COMMUNIl.-Y DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: ZBA--6-Z-82 LOUIS C. AND EDWINA DRU110T, 302 SOU'rH MAPLE STREET (MAP 8-S) DATE: JUNE 1.1, 1982 The petitioner, Mr. Druhot, is seeking a rezoning from R-1 Single Family to P-2 Parking. This request, if granted, would bring the existing parking lot facility into conformance with the Zoning Ordinance and would not allow any other business uses on the property. The site presently contains 135 parking spaces with parking stall size of 9 feet wide by 19 feet in length. The Village staff comments suggested improvements for parking lot lighting, a suggested redesign of the parking lot to meet current standards; and requiring that a subdivision plat be submitted for approval. The petitioner responded by submitting a redesign of the parking lot layout, addressing the issues raised by the Village staff. The petitioner has indicated a willingness to make the improvements on lighting and landscaping. The Zoning Board of Appeals on May 27, 1982, considered the proposal. for redesign of the parking lot layout and moved to make a recommendation to approve the rezoning conditioned upon the provisions suggested by the Community Development staff which stipulated upgrading of the parking lot to include current standards for layout, improve the lighting, and the introduction of landscaping to the site. The motion was approved by a 6-0 vote. Since the May 27 public hearing, Mr. Druhot has met with staff and has agreed to incorporate landscaping and improved lighting on the site. However, if Mr. Druhot conforms to the parking stall size of 9' x 20' the net result is a reduction in the number of parking spaces from 135 down to approximately 114 spaces. Therefore, he is considering filing a request for variation in stall size down to 91 x 18'. This reduction would allow Mr. Druhot to add an additional tier of parking bringing the total number of parking stalls close to the original number provided on site. This additional tier, resulting in the re- duction in the length of the parking stall, would still provide enough space on the perimeter of the property, adjacent to Maple Street for a landscaping strip. ME= MEMBERS PRESENT APPROVAL OF MINUTES: -8-Z-82: ZBA-9-SU- Rhone 312 / 392-6000 PROPOSED MINUTES OF MEETING ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Regular Meeting May 27, 1982 8:00 P.M. Ron Cassidy, Len Petrucelli, Bob Shipman, George VanGeem, Jim Viger, and Chairman Gil Basnik. Also present were Bill Amundsen, Zoning Officer, and Stephen Park, Village Planner Mr. Cassidy moved for approval of the minutes of the April 22, 1982 meeting. Mr. Petrucelli seconded the motion which was adopted by a vote of 6-0. 10-V-82. Illinois Ind ties Mr. Richard Wexler, attorney for the petitioner, appeared before the Board and requested a continuance of this particular case. His intitial request was for a continuance to June 17, 1982 at a special meeting. Mr. Viger questioned whether all information had been submitted and was informed that the revised plans were not submitted to staff at this time. Mr. Viger moved, seconded by Mr. Petrucelli, that the case be con- tinued without setting the date until all information is re- submitted to staff, and at that time complete re -notification be made of the new public hearing date. Mr. Wexler stated he would be in favor of this approach and the staff stated that they could ensure that the date would be set only after all information was submitted, and that re -notification could be made. The motion for continuation was approved by a vote of 6-0. ZBA-6-Z-82 Louis C. Druhot, 302 S. Maple Street (Map 8-S) Mr. Druhot, the petitioner, was present before the Board and stated his request for a rezoning from the R-1, Single Family District, to P-2, Parking District. Mr. Druhot discussed the Community Develop- ment comments and stated that he was attempting to comply'with the suggested conditions for this case. Specifically, he addressed the need for additional lighting on the site,for redesign of the parking lot to conform with current requirements and Ordinance requirements for a plat of resubdivision. The plat of resubdivision CARO WN H, KRAUSE rnayo 'rRUSTEES PALL"'N' ARD LYR GERA Lo J. FAnh Y t.E : ' G �1 NEOE EDWA" J' MILLER NORMA j MURAUSKIS Village of Mount Prospect THEODORE..).. WATIENBERG TERRANCE L. BURGHARD 100 S. Emerson Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056 village msnuger MEMBERS PRESENT APPROVAL OF MINUTES: -8-Z-82: ZBA-9-SU- Rhone 312 / 392-6000 PROPOSED MINUTES OF MEETING ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Regular Meeting May 27, 1982 8:00 P.M. Ron Cassidy, Len Petrucelli, Bob Shipman, George VanGeem, Jim Viger, and Chairman Gil Basnik. Also present were Bill Amundsen, Zoning Officer, and Stephen Park, Village Planner Mr. Cassidy moved for approval of the minutes of the April 22, 1982 meeting. Mr. Petrucelli seconded the motion which was adopted by a vote of 6-0. 10-V-82. Illinois Ind ties Mr. Richard Wexler, attorney for the petitioner, appeared before the Board and requested a continuance of this particular case. His intitial request was for a continuance to June 17, 1982 at a special meeting. Mr. Viger questioned whether all information had been submitted and was informed that the revised plans were not submitted to staff at this time. Mr. Viger moved, seconded by Mr. Petrucelli, that the case be con- tinued without setting the date until all information is re- submitted to staff, and at that time complete re -notification be made of the new public hearing date. Mr. Wexler stated he would be in favor of this approach and the staff stated that they could ensure that the date would be set only after all information was submitted, and that re -notification could be made. The motion for continuation was approved by a vote of 6-0. ZBA-6-Z-82 Louis C. Druhot, 302 S. Maple Street (Map 8-S) Mr. Druhot, the petitioner, was present before the Board and stated his request for a rezoning from the R-1, Single Family District, to P-2, Parking District. Mr. Druhot discussed the Community Develop- ment comments and stated that he was attempting to comply'with the suggested conditions for this case. Specifically, he addressed the need for additional lighting on the site,for redesign of the parking lot to conform with current requirements and Ordinance requirements for a plat of resubdivision. The plat of resubdivision Zoning Board of t teals Minutes May; 27, 1982 - Page ;Two is under preparation and the Board was shown a paper copy of that plat which also shows easements on the ilot immediately to the North for joint use of driveway. Mr. Druhot stated that he is eliminating the truck rental operation from the site as it is not in conformance with the zoning Ordinance. Mr. Druhot stated that the lot has been under his ownership since 1964 and has been a parking lot the entire time. Community Development staffcomments, of berth April 15 and May 27, were presented by Steve Park. Since the initial comments of April 15, Mr. Druhot has been working with the staff to meet 'those ;re-, commendations, particularly regarding redesign of the parking lot and provision of lighting and some landscaping. The staff 're- commendation of May 27 recommended approval of the case by the Zoning, Board of Appeals conditioned upon conformance with the Community Development staff' comments. Mr. Petrucelli stated he wished to add an additional requirement to landscape the interior of the parking lot as well, stating that the landscaping 'sloes not have to be extensive or unduly costly, but that this would improve the quality of the parking lot. Mr.. Cassidy questioned the depth of the parking stalls and the aisle. widths. Mr. Park responded that these are some of the questions that have yet to be resolved to ensure that the, parking lot would conform with the Village ordinances. Mr. Viger questioned how many aisles of parking exist currently and what is the existing layout of the parking. The initial sketch of the layout submitted with the case in April shows ,the existing layout of the site. The Zoning Board of Appeals members considered the facts and stated that the standards in the Zoning Ordinance for rezoning` have been met where applicable. The existing uses of the surrounding property include a Village -owned parking lot. The rezoning and redesign of the,parking lot with landscaping improve the area. The rezoning would allow the continuation of an existing use which is in con- formance with the general principles of the Comprehensive Plan, and there is demand for commuter parking in the downtown area. Mr. Petrucelli made a motion, seconded by Mr.' Cassidy, to recommend approval of the requested rezoning subject to the petitioner meeting the conditions recommended by the Community Development' staff' in their memo of April 15, 1982 and an additional condition of a reasonable effort; by the petitioner to include landscaping within the parking lot. The motion was approved by '`a vote of 6-0. ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Mr. Cassidy, seconded by Mr.°VanCeem the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. A), IF Recording Secretary Chairman Villi ge,f Mount Prospect Mount Prospect, Illinois INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO- TERRANCE L. BURGHARD, VILLAGE MANAGER FROM: KENNETH 11. FRITZ, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: BUSINESS REHABILITATION LOAN PROGRAM DATE: JUNE 10, 1982 _X K A draft of a revised ordinance has been prepared which amends Ordinance 3060 establishing the Business Rehabilitation Loan Program. The principal features of the new Ordinance will revise the amount of Village subsidy to Business Rehabilitation Loans from 6% or 7% (depending on the length of the loan) to a straight one-half of the interest on any approved Loan. Currently, the interest rate on a commercial loan is approxi- mately 17%. The principal. loan amount will remain at $25,000. The original Ordinance states that loans will only be available provided that the Village has sufficient funds available in the Subsidy Fund. Several local business property owners have already expressed interest in applying for Business Rehabilitation Loans if the proposed revision to the subsidy amount is approved. KHF: hg Attach. Vi I Ica C 3f IVI 0 Lin t; P r o E5 p e c: tt N%um Nown" Illinois INTEROFFACE MEMORANDUM TO: TERRANCE L. BURGHARD, VILLAGE MANAGER FROM: KENNETH H. FRITZ, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: REVISION OF BUSINESS BEHABTLTTATTON LOAN PROGRAM DATE: MAY 11, 1.982 Background Over the last couple of months, Teresa Zogby and I have been meeting with representatives of the Mount Prospect State Bank, the First National Bank of Mount Prospect, and the Chamber of Commerce to discuss revising the Business Rehabilitation Loan Program to make it more attractive to area businessmen. It was recognized that the program had drawn few applicants because interest rates were too high even with our interest subsidy. This ad hoe committee decided to conduct a survey of downtown businessmen and property owners to find out what terms would be attractive to them. Although the response rate to the survey was low, the majority of property owners surveyed indicated a willingness to finance impi-ovemcnt.,; to their property at an interest rate of up to 10%. Propalt With this information, and from our discussions, the committee proposes that the program be revised so that the Village pays one-half of the interest on an approved business rehabilitation loan. The maximum principal loan amount would remain at $25,000 Currently the Ordinance reads that the Village shall pay one-half the interest cost of Business Rehabilitation Loans "up to a maximum of six percent of the interest cost for loans of five years or less, or up to a maximum of seven percent for loans of six to ton years in duration". By eliminating this clause, the amount of Village subsidy would not be limited to any fixed percentage. However, it is unlikely that the amount of subsidy would ever he more than ter percent, since few property owners or bras inessnan would he inter c :,i interin hurrowing money with rates that high. No formal guideline for the type of improvements permitted as a Bu3incss Rehabilitation Project were ever adopted. I would therefore propose to include in the revised guidelines a pro- vision which states that a Business Rehabilitation Loan must Terrance L. Burg card - Page Two May 11, 1982 first be used to correct any existing health and safety code Violations. and then to correct anything that would become a health and safety code violation if not corrected immediately, The Village Rehabilitation inspector would determine if any such corrections are required. Beyond this, the loan could be used for any repair, remodeling, or rehabilitation to an existing business ., structure, exterior and/or interior. New construction or construction of additions to existing structures would not be permitted. The improve- ment would be limited to the structure itself and could include such elements as roof, ceilings, floors, facade, electrical, Plunking, heating and central cooling, painting, and structural work. Provided that the total loan did not exceed $25,000, up to ten percent of the maximum loan amount (or $2500) could be used for the following items: design or engineering assistance, signs, awnings, landscaping, sidewalk repair, or other approved items. Items which are not eligible include carpeting, alarm systems, appliances, movable room dividers, and other similar items, which are not part of the structure itself. Parking lot paving or repair would not be eligible at this time due to its cost. In any case where the applicant proposes to alter the exterior appearance of the structure, professional design assistance (an eligible loan item) would be required to help insure com- plimentary architectural design e2ements with surrounding properties. Design and engineering plans for all. proposed work would be reviewed by the Community Development Department for conformance with applicable codes and standards and for consistency with the objectives of the Rehabilitation Loan Program. Final approval of the Business Rehabilitation Project would be by the Plan Commission. Funf-.1inq and Prca cad TmpacL The Ordinance clearly states that this subsidy will only be available "provided that the Village has suffJ cient funds in the Business Rehabilitation Loan subsidy fund"; and the total amount of subsidy per loan would be established at the time of initiating the loan, We currently have deposited $25,000 in each of the two Participating banks for this pr engram, and have allocated an additional $75,00o to the program. If we estimate an average Of $15,000 per loan with the Villaqc paying 10% interest on each loan (higher than is expected), and each loan being five years in duration (expected average length of loan), then approximately Terrance L. Burghi..�.rd -- Page ',1'hree May 11, 1982 16-17 loans could be subsidized with the $125,000 currently allocated to the program. Financial Information The banks have agreed not to add a loan origination fee ("points") to the interest amount on these loans, but instead to charge the borrower for out-of-pocket expenses (title search, credit report, etc.) at the time of application. This provision could be included in the agreements with each bank. The banks also indicated that they could give us a 90 -day rate guarantee so the applicant could be informed in advance of what the maximum interest rate for loans originated during that period would be. I would like to review this concept with you and would plan to discuss the proposed revisions with the Village Board at their May 25th Committe of the Whole, Meeting. KHF: hg M.0 PHNOM 11,300MIEN Z 1. SECTION ONE: Village Ordinance No. 3060 entitled "An Ordinance EstaB`l19_hin_g K -Business Rehabilitation Loan Fund and Standards and Procedures in Connection Therewith" as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: A. By amending paragraph B of SECTION SEVEN entitled "Administration of Business Rehabilitation Loans and Business Rehabilitation Loan Subsidy Fund" to change subparagraphs 1 and 2 thereof to read as follows: 111. That such Business Rehabilitation Loans shall be payable over a period not to exceed ten (10) years, shall not exceed the principal amount of $25,000 and shall bear interest at the existing commercial mortgage rate in effect at the time a Business Rehabilitation Loan is approved by the Lending Institution. No loan origination fee will be charged by the Lending Institution, but the applicant shall be responsible for payment of all loan administration fees including therein the costs of obtaining the necessary title commitment reports and credit reports. 2p That the Village shall pay one-half the interest cost of Business Rehabilitation Loans, provided that the Village has sufficient funds in the Business Rehabilitation Loan Subsidy Fund and further provided that the Plan Commission approves the Business Rehabilitation Project and the Lending Institution approves the Business Rehabilitation Loan." SECTION TWO: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in accordance with law. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of 1982. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: WGIMM VILLAGE CLERIC C/' 66MMMUMMEDIM111V ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO A DETERMINATION OF THE PREVAILING WAGE RATES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION ONE: To the extent as required by "An Act regulating wages of laborers, mechanics and other workmen employed in any public works by the State, County, City or any public body or any political subdivision or by anyone under contract for public works," approved June 26, 1941, as amended, the general prevailing rate of wages in this locality for laborers, mechanics and other workmen engaged in the construction of public works coming under the jurisdiction of this Village is hereby ascertained to be the same as the prevailing rate of wages for construction work in the Cook County area as deter- mined by the Department of Labor of the State of Illinois as of June, 19_, a copy of which wage rates are on file with the Village Clerk in the main office of the Village. The definition of any terms appearing in this Ordinance which are also used in the aforesaid Act shall be the same as in said Act. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to apply said general prevailing rate of wages as herein ascertained to any work or employ- ment except public works construction of this village to the extent required by the aforesaid Act. The Village Clerk shall publicly post or keep available for inspection by any interested party in the main office of this Village this determination of such prevailing rate of wages. The Village Clerk shall mail- a copy of this determination to any employer, and to any association of employees and to any person or association of employees who have filed, or file their names and addresses, requesting copies of any determination stating the particular rates and the partiCLII.ar class of workmen whose wages will be affected by such rates. The Village Clerk shall promptly file a certified copy of this determination with both the Secretary of State and the Department of Labor of the State of Illinois and shall further cause to be published in the Mount Prospect Herald, a newspaper published and of general circulation ­W1ilT-_in this Village, a copy of this determination ' i -i which shall constitute notice that the determination is effective and that this is the determination of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect. SECTION TWO: This Ordinance shall. be in full force and effect from and af Cer-its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of 1982. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: VILLAGE PRESIDENT ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK P ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 17 ENTITLED "VEHICLE LICENSES" OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF MOUNT PROSPECT_� ILLINOIS _________ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, If,[,INOIS: SECTION : Chapter l7 entitled "Vehicle Licenses" of the Village Code of Mount Prospect, zlliomio, 1.981, is hereby amended as A. By amending Section 17.103 entitled "License Fees" of Article I of Cba9tec 17 to increase by $30.00 the annual license tees set forth for all motor vebicIes and trailers designated in subsections &, e and C thereof. B. By amending Section 1.7.107 entitled "Time of Payment; License Year" of Article I of Chapter 1.7 to read as follows: "Sec. 17.107. License Year; Time of Payment - Diauount Period. aegiuiog in 1982 and continuing each and every year tbcraaftec, fnc licenses shall be due and payable on or before the first day of may, and licenses issued shall expire on April. 30 following the date of issuance. IF, aL'toc the date license fees become due and payable hereunder, a person acquires a vehLoIe or becomes a resident of the Village, the license fees provided Inc in Section l7.103 shall be due and payable within taicty (38) days after such acquisition or cenideucy. Where the said fee becomes due and payable nix (J) mouths or more after the start of the license year, then upon application being made to the Village Clerk within the 30 day application period, a license --;ball be issued for the remainder of the year ogou paymeot ol one -halt (l/2) of the fee provided for io Section l7.l03, A discount of $20.00 of the annual license tee provided for in Section l7.IO3 shall be allowed to all persons who purchase the license on or before the May l due date or within the subsequent 30 day acquisition or residency period pcovi� ed for in this Section." SECTION TWO - This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, appcovaI and Publication in pampbIet form in accordance with law. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , l982. AYES: NAYS: VILLAGE -PRESlDENT------- ,17 Al f i'V 'Y i I I f Jw 0" cocitz c(11111fil -Ahlivis r � 71) -Fl R X, 0 f4L. - r , 9 o I�w�➢l�f mQ A ?1 i t �r 4 a Z' NORTHEAST SECTION 7 �f (' fMl �M � �➢� A I'� �p �,�� ��� 1rG dd �A�4 'M �,L �'G" " V �u � � �("w' y xy1� f1�1"P;,�ylu�,} . Y Q 1 w $ � °'h,^Xk d �r � "er� :�, ✓� NORTHWEST rroo SECTION � *un.✓�w .r i' a .I L j riP 1`�� ��� d 11 t l 10 11 i �1 I I[r, 1 Kinsi gton & �: Irl i�11 ilii 1, �r�l�Ii Woff Rd® i ,.4 �� A� 1 [ i� L J'I Tl �l( hi ,I,ATxh1J��1�� �' ra r . �luR"t Ave. 1, 4r, 3 Elm ✓fr''"*�*''"i�'i'�«w�. �"'"��I T' !j :kd I'I !IJI 11 ��,11",.` � 302 Maple St. .1--.603 „� 6;03 Lonn uist Blvd. y A11 V ii a-- I Iq'`�� � � �¢f � �- "`�«.,,� � !9 � ✓r I �l � �t i� � I,�i �, �I I� I �V I I1 y� S SECTION A 7+-T�� i VA4 6E.'iS j ,SOUTHWEST �SECTIONC ,�tJ,lAAI.......«..... l4l,l�,�l ���i4�t������������(�����F ����;gA �+6 f"�I "}i'�r✓eaaa � `�, j/ ; AC' int I i "Huntington Commons zi 1450 Elmhurst Rd. I� ._.�"w s