HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/27/2007 P&Z minutes 31-06
CASE NO. PZ-31-06
Hearing Date: September 27,2007
1303 Wolf Road & 1700 E. Euclid
(Northeast Comer of Wolf and Euclid)
Gendell Partners Euclid & Wolf, LLC / Dan Wander
August 8, 2007
03-25-300-014-0000, 03-25-300-016-0000, 03-35-300-011-0000
I) Map Amendment, 2) Conditional Use approval, and 3) Variations
Richard Rogers, Chairperson
Joseph Donnelly
Leo Floros
Marlys Haaland
Ronald Roberts
Keith Youngquist
Mary McCabe
Judith Connolly, AICP, Senior Planner
Ellen Divita, Deputy Director of Community Development
Dan Wander, Luay Aboona, Todd Shaffer, Peter Uliasz, Jeff Glenner
Chairman Richard Rogers called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Leo Floros made a motion to approve the
minutes of the July 26, 2007 meeting and Joe Donnelly seconded the motion. The minutes were approved 3-0,
with Marlys Haaland, Ronald Roberts, and Keith Youngquist abstaining. After hearing one previous case,
Chairman Rogers introduced Case PZ- 31-06, a Map Amendment, Conditional Use approval and a Variation at
1303 Wolf Road at 8:20 p.m.
Judy Connolly, Senior Planner, stated that the Subject Property is located at the northeast comer of the
intersection of Wolf Road and Euclid Avenue. It has an irregular shape, and includes two vacant commercial
properties and a portion of the Commonwealth Edison right-of-way (ROW) with related improvements. Two of
the Subject Properties are zoned B4 Commercial Corridor, and the CornEd ROW is zoned CR Conservation
Recreation. The Subject Property is adjacent to the Wisconsin Central Rail Road line to the north and east, and is
across the street from RX Single Family and CR to the west, and RI Single Family and B3 Community Shopping
are located to the south, across Euclid Ave.
Ms. Connolly said the Petitioner proposes to resubdivide the properties and construct a 2-story, 23,000+ square
foot commercial/retail center. In order to do so, the CornEd Right of way has to be rezoned and the project site
has to be consolidated to a one-lot subdivision. The Petitioner submitted a plat of re-subdivision that indicates
that the proposed Lot I contains the commercial/retail center and the proposed Lot 2 is the remaining CornEd
ROW. She said the Petitioner has entered into a long-term ground lease with CornEd, and the Petitioner owns the
areas noted as Parcel I and 2 on the plat, whereas Com Ed will retain ownership of its ROW listed as Parcel 3.
Also, relief is required from the Village's zoning regulations, and the Petitioner has requested variations for the
proposed setbacks and building height.
Richard Rogers, Chairman
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting September 27,2007
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Ms. Connolly stated that the Petitioner's site plan indicates the site will be modified, allowing for right-in/right-
out only access from Euclid Avenue, and full access from Wolf Road. The site plan indicates the proposed
building will be located closest to the Wolf/Euclid frontages, with a drive-thru lane along the perimeter of the west
and south elevations of the building; parking for the entire development will be located north and east of the
Ms. Connolly said the proposed building complies with the Village's required setbacks and the site is below the
75% lot coverage limitation. She showed a table noting the proposed perimeter setbacks are less than the required
10-feet in some areas which requires relief along the north lot line, and along sections of the west and south lot
Ms. Connolly stated that the Petitioner's submittal indicates multiple tenants will occupy the building, however
not all leases have been finalized. Therefore, the Petitioner's parking analysis is based on anticipated leases, and
the actual leased spaces may differ.
Ms. Connolly said the site plan shows that 127 spaces will be provided, and the Petitioner is not seeking a parking
Variation. Therefore, the site will be required to comply with the Village's parking requirements. She showed a
table reflecting the Village's parking requirements, the Petitioner's anticipated tenants, and the required amount of
on-site parking. The table shows the site will meet the Village's parking requirement subject to the second
restaurant being a sit-down restaurant instead of the fast-food restaurant without a drive-thru as noted on the
Petitioner's parking analysis table.
Ms. Connolly stated that the Petitioner prepared elevations for the proposed buildings. The revised building
height measures 36-feet, 4-inches from grade. The additional height is necessary for screening purposes and the
majority of the building measures closer to 29-feet from grade. However, a Variation is necessary because the
maximum building height in the B4 District is 3-stories or 30-feet, whichever is less, and the proposed height is
36-feet, 4-inches.
Ms. Connolly said the Petitioner submitted a landscape plan that includes a variety of plant species. The
perimeter of the property includes year-round plantings and lawn. Due to the high traffic volume and speed along
Wolf and Euclid, Staff suggests replacing the lawn with a salt-hardy ground cover material that requires minimal
maintenance. In addition, there is an opportunity to include additional low-growing plantings along the south lot
line which will also enhance that view by minimizing the impact of the drive-thru window.
Ms. Connolly stated that the Petitioner's plans call for the installation of two trash enclosures. Details on the trash
enclosures were not submitted and the enclosures will be located along the north lot line, in the required 10-foot
setback. Staff does not object to the proposed locations because the adjacent property is the CornEd ROWand it
will not be obvious how close the enclosures will be to the lot line. However, Staff recommends the Petitioner
construct the 3-sided enclosures out of a brick material that matches the building or at least a smaller size colored
CMU material. The enclosures are required to have a 6-foot tall gate on the 4th side.
The Petitioner submitted a traffic study, which the Village's Traffic Engineer reviewed. The Traffic Engineer had
minor comments which relate to:
1. The Traffic Impact Study showing an increase in delay with several of the individual
movements at the intersection of Wolf Road and Euclid Avenue. Therefore, the developer must
contact the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) to determine if timing modifications
need to be made to provide the optimal timing program taking into account the additional traffic.
2. Also, the site plan shows the proposed Wolf Road driveway to be located within the limits of
the southbound left-turn taper along Wolf Road. Consequently, the developer must contact IDOT
Richard Rogers, Chairman
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting September 27,2007
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to determine if any pavement marking modifications need to be made so as to prevent a conflict
between left turning vehicles into the site and vehicles turning left at Euclid Avenue.
Ms. Connolly said the Petitioner submitted a lighting plan for the parking lot. The plan indicates the proposed
light levels for the commercial development. While the light levels listed on the plan are within the Village's
limitations, the uniformity ratios, which relates to the spacing of the light fixtures, do not comply with code,
which could create dark spots. Also, parking lot light and wall mounted fixture information was not provided.
The Petitioner is not seeking relief from the Village's lighting regulations and is required to modify the plan to
comply with the Village's regulations.
Ms. Connolly stated that the Petitioner's site plan indicates two freestanding signs will be installed, which is
allowed per the Village's Sign Code because the project has frontage on two streets. One freestanding sign would
be located north of the Wolf Road driveway and the second would be located east of the Euclid Avenue driveway.
The information submitted indicates the size of the both freestanding signs appears to comply with the Village's
Sign Code regulations, but the Wolf Road sign would be located within the required 10-foot sight triangle. The
sign needs to be relocated to ensure its location complies with the Village's Sign Code regulations. In addition to
the freestanding signs, the Petitioner's elevations indicate wall signs for each tenant; compliance for those signs
will be confirmed at time of sign permit application.
The proposed development (Lot 1) would be zoned B4 Commercial Corridor; the CornEd ROW (Lot 2) would
retain its CR District designation and remain unimproved. She showed a table summarizing the proposed and
required bulk regulations for the B4 District and that the proposed development requires Variations from the
perimeter parking lot setback and building height.
Ms. Connolly said the standards for a Variation are listed in the Zoning Ordinance and include specific findings
that must be made in order to approve a Variation. These standards relate to:
. A hardship due to the physical surroundings, shape, or topographical conditions of a specific property not
generally applicable to other properties in the same zoning district and not created by any person
presently having an interest in the property;
. Lack of desire to increase financial gain; and
. Protection of the public welfare, other property, and neighborhood character.
Ms. Connolly stated that the Subject Property has an irregular shape and the building was designed so it would
not be located under the CornEd lines. While the building itself complies with the Village's bulk regulations, the
site does not have the required 10-foot landscape setback along all four sides of the Subject Property. Also, the
building height was increased for screening purposes and to provide architectural interest.
The proposed development was designed to minimize the scope and number of Variations and still create a viable
retail development in an underserved area of the Village. The location of the CornEd lines and the shape of the
Subject Property create challenges in complying with the Village's zoning regulations. However, increasing the
quantity and quality of the perimeter landscaping as previously noted would mitigate the impact of setbacks less
than 10- feet. Also, the intention of the additional building height is to protect the public welfare and neighbor
Ms. Connolly said in order to approve the proposed drive-thru, the request has to meet the standards for a
Conditional Uses, as listed in the Zoning Ordinance. These standards relate to:
. The Conditional Use will not have a detrimental impact on the public health, safety, morals, comfort or
general welfare;
Richard Rogers, Chairman
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. The Conditional Use will not be injurious to the use, enjoyment, or value of other properties in the
vicinity or impede the orderly development of those properties;
. There is adequate provision for utilities, drainage, and design of access and egress to minimize congestion
on Village streets; and
. The request is in compliance of the Conditional Use with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan,
Zoning Code, and other Village Ordinances.
Ms. Connolly stated that the Petitioner's plans include closing two of the four existing drives and locating the
driveway in a manner that ensures safe access. Also, signage and striping will be added to ensure vehicles know
how to access the drive-thru. The Village's Traffic Engineer reviewed the proposal and only had minor
comments. In addition, the drive-thru is located over 300-feet from the closest house, with a gas station being
located closer to the homes than the drive-thru.
Ms. Connolly said the property is located along a commercial corridor. The Subject Property is adjacent to the
Wisconsin Central Rail Road line, and is across the street from Single Family homes and a church to the west, and
Single Family homes and a gas station to the south. The Comprehensive Land Use Map designates the subject
properties as Neighborhood Commercial, which the proposal is in keeping with. Also, the proposed B4 zoning
designation is noted for the Neighborhood Commercial designation.
Ms. Connolly stated that the development is located in close proximity to a train station. Currently, the area lacks
a pedestrian connection from the Subject Property to the train station. Based on the information submitted by the
Petitioner, it is reasonable to expect that train commuters would patronize the coffee shop en route to the train
station. Consequently, requiring the Petitioner to participate in a cost sharing program with Prospect Heights to
install sidewalk from the Subject Property to the train station would ensure the development complies with the
goals and objective of creating pedestrian access and linkages through out the Village (the Petitioner is required
by code to provide sidewalk for the Subject Property). Subject to providing the ped-link, the request is in keeping
with the Village's recently adopted Land Use Map and Comprehensive Plan.
Ms. Connolly said the standards for Map Amendments are listed the Zoning Ordinance. When a Map
Amendment, or commonly referred to as rezoning a property, is proposed, the Planning and Zoning Commission
has to find that the rezoning request would be:
. Compatible with existing uses and the zoning classifications of property within the general area
of the property in question;
. The permitted uses listed in the proposed zoning classification would be compatible with the
surrounding property;
. The suitability of the property in question to the uses permitted under the existing and proposed
zoning classifications; and
. Consistent with the trend of development in the general area of the property in question, and the
objectives of the current Comprehensive Plan for the Village.
Ms. Connolly stated that two of the properties are currently zoned B4; however a portion of the CornEd ROW
requires rezoning from the CR District to the B4 District. The request and proposed development would be
consistent with recent developments approved in the Village and it would be an appropriate use for the Subject
Ms. Connolly said the proposed development meets the Map Amendment, Variation, and Conditional Use
standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance, subject to the Petitioner addressing items noted in the Staff report.
Therefore, Staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Commission approve the following motion for the
Richard Rogers, Chairman
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting September 27,2007
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properties located at the northeast comer of Wolf Road and Euclid Avenue (1700 E. Euclid Avenue, 1303 Wolf
Road, and a portion of the CornEd right-of-way):
"To approve:
1) A Map Amendment to rezone portions of the Com Ed ROW from CR Conservation Recreation to B4
Commercial Corridor subject to:
a. Obtaining approval from CornEd for the project;
b. The Petitioner participating in a cost sharing program to install sidewalk from the Subject
Property to the adjacent train station.
2) Setback Variations to allow less than a 10-foot landscape setback along the perimeter of the property
as shown on the Petitioner's site plan prepared by OKW Architects dated August 28, 2007:
Pro osed Perimeter Setback
4' - Re uires Variation A roval
7' at narrowest setback - Re uires Variation A roval
10' (com lies)
7' at narrowest setback - Re uires Variation A roval
3) Variation approval to allow a building height of36'4" as shown on the Petitioner's revised elevations
prepared by OKW Architects dated August 28,2007;
4) Conditional Use approval of a drive thru subject to the following:
a. All parking lot areas designed to store storm water detention must be clearly designated on the
plan. It must also be noted on the plan that no future pavement overlays will be permitted in
paved areas designated to store stormwater detention.
b. Wolf Road is under the jurisdiction of the Illinois Department of Transportation and Euclid
Avenue is under the jurisdiction of the Cook County Highway Department; work within the
rights-of-way will require approval from these agencies.
c. Development of the site in general conformance with the site plan prepared by OKW Architects
dated August 28, 2007 but revised to include 3-sided enclosures constructed from a brick material
that matches the building or a smaller size, colored CMU material.
d. Development of the site in general conformance with the landscape plan prepared by OKW
Architects dated August 28, 2007, but revised to include more low-growing, year-round plants
along the south lot line.
e. Prior to obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy, the Petitioner shall complete the required Plat of
Resubdivision, which creates the proposed two lots of record and shall include an easement over
the 36" water transmission main, upon receipt of that information from the Northwest Water
f. Prior to obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy, the Petitioner shall prepare a cross access easement
and connection document to allow for future development north of the proposed Lot 1.
g. Prior to issuance of a Building Permit, the Petitioner shall submit a lighting plan that complies
with the Village's lighting regulations for the lighting within the development.
h. The Petitioner shall construct the site according to all Village Codes and regulations, including,
but not limited to: the Sign Code; the installation of automatic fire sprinklers and fire hydrants be
located and constructed according to Development and Fire Code standards; and all site
improvements must done as noted in Sec. 15.402 of the Village Code."
Richard Rogers, Chairman
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting September 27,2007
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The Village Board's decision is final for this case.
Chairman Rogers thanked Staff for their comprehensive report. Keith Youngquist asked if the only full access is
on Wolf Road. Ms. Connolly confirmed and added that the entrances and exits were designed to least impede
traffic patterns in that area.
Chairman Rogers asked if the Subject Property would be consolidated into one lot of record. Ms. Connolly stated
that the property would be two lots of record; the CornEd Right of Way and the proposed development. She
showed exhibits displaying the proposed two lots of record.
Joseph Donnelly asked if there is a menu board proposed for Starbucks. Ms. Connolly said the Petitioner would
be allowed to have a menu board. Mr. Donnelly said he would like to see that menu board located away from the
street side. He said the menu board should have been presented as part of the complete package.
Chairman Rogers asked about the proposed signage for the tenants at the center. Ms. Connolly said the Sign Code
does allow for display of up to six tenant names on the identification sign.
Chairman Rogers swore in Dan Wander of Terraco, Inc.8707 Skokie Boulevard, Skokie, Illinois, Luay Aboona of
KLOA Inc. 9575 W. Higgins Road, Rosemont Illinois, Todd Shaffer of Haeger Engineering 1300 North Plum
Grove Road, Schaumburg, Illinois, and Peter Uliasz of OKW Architects, 600 West Jackson Street, Chicago,
Mr. Wander thanked Staff for a comprehensive presentation. He gave a brief overview of the project and stated
that this project has been years in the making. Terraco is looking forward to developing an under-served area of
the Village. He gave a brief history on the lease agreement and land ownership. He showed a site plan
demonstrating the location of the power lines, the proposed buildings, and parking.
Mr. Wander stated he would like to address the conditions of approval as presented by Staff. He said they have
met with Prospect Heights and have made monetary commitments for the future development of pedestrian
sidewalks to the Prospect Heights train station. He stated they would work with IDOT to secure the necessary
permits for curb cuts. Terraco is willing to abide by the Village requirements for landscaping and screening. Mr.
Wander stated that they have secured a lease with Starbucks; however that project is not far enough along to
discuss the details of the menu board.
Mr. Uliasz gave a brief synopsis of the project. He said the high-tension wires going over the Subject Property,
added height restrictions to the building, forcing them to locate the building closer to the west lot line. The
building placement was dictated by the constraints of the lot. He stated the curb cuts, drive thru lanes, and
parking orientation were all dictated by street traffic and the railroad crossing. Mr. Uliasz gave an overview of the
proposed signage, trash enclosure locations, and lighting for the project. He also summarized the proposed
landscaping plan. He stated that the high-tension lines running over the site have limited the height of light poles
and tress that can be placed on the property.
Mr. Uliasz said aside from Starbucks, they are looking at securing national tenants for the lower level and a
medical clinic for the second floor. He showed elevations of the project, with a distinct second floor to
distinguish the medical office building from the first floor retail. He showed examples of the proposed fayade
materials to the Commission.
Chairman Rogers asked if the stucco-material is drivet. Mr. Uliasz confirmed that the material is not drivet. He
said it is on insulation board and has a nice texture. Chairman Rogers asked why the landscaping was not
continued all the way to the railroad tracks or to the tip of the "triangle." Ms. Connolly clarified that the Village
Forester will determine how many parkway trees can be planted on site and the developer is financially
Richard Rogers, Chairman
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting September 27,2007
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responsible for providing parkway trees every 40 feet. Mr. Uliasz said they are agreeable to planting whatever
trees are required or suggested by the Village Forester. There was general discussion regarding planting trees in
various areas on the proposed site. Chairman Rogers reiterated the need for parkway trees all the way to the
railroad tracks.
Chairman Rogers stated that the Village Code has requirements and restrictions to signage and he wants Starbucks
to be aware of these restrictions.
Mr. Donnelly said Prospect Heights has a bike trail running along the tracks into the parking lot. He asked if they
are going to make the sidewalk an additional 3-feet wide to accommodate the bike path. Mr. Wander said they
had only discussed the sidewalks at this point. Mr. Shaffer said the sidewalk width will need to be coordinated
with Mount Prospect and the adjacent municipality. Chairman Rogers said there is a need to connect the Subject
Property to the bike path. Mr. Donnelly stated there is a push to have additional bike paths along the power lines.
He said he would like the bike path issue addressed. Mr. Wander said it would be limiting to try and
accommodate both a sidewalk and bike path. He said discussions with Prospect Heights did not include a bike
path. Ms. Connolly said she is not sure if there is enough physical space to allow the 8-foot pathway in the Wolf
Road ROW. Chairman Rogers stated that he would like the possibility of a bike path discussed with the
Mr. Donnelly asked about headlight screening from the drive thru lane. Mr. Uliasz said the proposed landscape
screening should be sufficient to screen headlights from the street.
Keith Youngquist stated that the plans show the second egress doors will be along the drive thru lane and asked if
the deliveries are anticipated through the front entrances. Mr. Uliasz said the tenants will be receiving small
deliveries such as FedEx through the front entrances. Mr. Youngquist asked for clarification on the trellis element.
He said the elevations are unclear as to the size of the trellis. Mr. Uliasz stated that the trellis would start near the
drive thru window, tie into the comer of the building, and project out on the east side of the building for the
outdoor dining area. The trellis over the drive thru lane is cantilevered and there is no support column for that
part of the trellis. There was general discussion regarding the building materials and the elevator/mechanicals
screening. Mr. Donnelly asked if this is a LEEDS building. Mr. Uliasz said no. There was general discussion
regarding the roof elevations and the elevator mechanicals. Mr. Uliasz said the roof height at the coping ranges
from 33.4 feet on the south end to 30.4 feet on the north end. Mr. Youngquist asked if all the mechanicals can be
accommodated at one end of the building. Mr. Uliasz said the sloping design of the building would allow
additional mechanicals to be screened if necessary, behind the parapet wall.
Chairman Rogers asked if the second floor is office space or clinic space. Mr. Wander said it is slated to be
medical office use; including appointments. Ms. Connolly said the parking has been calculated to accommodate a
medical clinic use.
Mr. Donnelly asked again if Terraco is purchasing the CornEd property. Mr. Wander stated that they have made a
99-year ground lease agreement with CornEd. Terraco will be paying the property taxes. There was additional
discussion on the lots of record and the 99-year ground lease agreement. Mr. Donnelly asked if the lower power
line going over the east end of the Subject Property will still feed the residential area south of the Subject
Property. Mr. Wander said that power line is being relocated and as far as he knows, will continue to service the
residential areas.
Chairman Rogers had questions regarding water detention. Mr. Shaffer said the drainage on the site runs from
north to south. Their proposal does not require detention from MWRD, but the municipality does. They are
providing a combination of underground storage and parking lot storage. Chairman Rogers asked how large of an
area this covers. Mr. Shaffer showed the area of the parking lot where the underground water detention would be
located. Mr. Shaffer said Illinois American Water serves this area of the Village and they have contacted them to
provide service to this property.
Richard Rogers, Chairman
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting September 27,2007
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Mr. Donnelly asked if the Fire Department has reviewed the plans for truck access. Ms. Connolly confirmed that
the Fire Department has reviewed and approved the plans.
Chairman Rogers called for further questions; hearing none, the public hearing was closed at 9:44 p.m.
Keith Youngquist made a motion to approve Map Amendments, a Conditional Use, and Variations at 1303 Wolf
Road as presented by Staff, with the additional conditions as follows:
1. The landscaping will be extended to the edges of the property;
2. The drive thru lane cannot be used as a default loading zone; and
3. The Petitioner will provide revised elevations and site plans to the Village Board.
Marlys Haaland seconded the motion
A YES: Donnelly, Floros, Haaland, Roberts, Youngquist, Rogers
NAYS: None
Motion was approved 6-0.
After hearing four additional cases, Joseph Donnelly made a motion to adjourn 11: 17 p.m., seconded by Ronald
Roberts. The motion was approved by a voice vote and the meeting was adjourned.
Stacey Dunn, Community Development
Administrative Assistant
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