Minutes: September 21, 2021
Farley Community Room
Attendees: Karen Agoranos, Christine Barr, Evelyn Dorman, Gissele Drpich, Mayor Paul Hoefert, Doreen
Jorosz, Arlene Juracek, Ed Juracek, Manon Lowry-Berthet, Judy McGinnis, Mari Otto, Denise Rano,
Trustee Colleen E. Saccotelli, Patricia Usnik, Robert Usnik, Barbara VanArsdale❑
Not Attending: Mary Beth Rankin, Gabriel Saintus, Steve VanArsdale
Guests: None
I. Call to order: Chair Bob Usnik called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
II. Citizens to be heard: None
III. Approval of the minutes —: A motion was made to approve the minutes from July 15, 2021.
The motion was seconded and the minutes were approved.
IV. Chair's Comments: Bob Usnik
a. Greg Bernert has resigned from the Commission.
b. Introduced and welcomed new Commission member, Manon Lowry-Berthet, who is
formerly from a French town near our Sister City, Sevres.
V. Mayor's Comments: Mayer Paul Hoefert
a. Mayor Hoefert also welcomed Manon Lowry-Berthet.
VI. Treasurer's Report: Bob Usnik presented the Treasurer's Report. A motion was made to
approve, and seconded. Treasurer's Report was approved.
VII. Committee Reports:
a. French Market—Judy McGinnis provided updates on the results of the French Market,
provided feedback, and that the vendors did well. She thanked the Commissioners who
helped man the Sister Cities tent.
b. Celebration of Cultures —Trustee Colleen Saccotelli provided feedback on the
Celebration of Cultures that took place on August 29, 2021.
VIII. Open Discussion:
a. Denise Rano reported on the events that were recently held by other Sister Cities
groups in the area. Various members shared ideas on possible events for the coming
year, i.e. wine tasting, movie, etc. Also discussed was the information on the Sister
Cities website, and making sure that it is updated with new events.
IX. Adjournment: A motion was made and seconded to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at
7:00 pm. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 18, 2021 at 6:00 pm.
Submitted by Patricia Usnik, Secretary