Virtual — Go To Meeting
Minutes: January 21, 2021
Attendees: Christine Barr, Greg Bernert, Evelyn Dorman, Gissele Drpich, Doreen Jarosz, Mayor Arlene A.
Juracek, Judy McGinnis, Mari Otto, Denise Rano, Trustee Colleen E. Saccotelli, Gabriel Saintus, Patricia
Usnik, Robert Usnik, Barbara VanArsdale, Steve VanArsdale
Not Attending: Karen Agoranos
Guests: Mary Rankin
I. Meeting called to order: Chair Bob Usnik called the meeting to order at 6:03 pm.
II. Citizens to be heard: None
III. Approval of the minutes: Trustee Colleen Saccotelli moved to approve the minutes from
November 19, 2020, and Christine Barr seconded the motion. Minutes were approved.
IV. Mayor's Comments: Mayor Arlene A. Juracek
a. Mayor Juracek thanked Mary Rankin for attending the meeting. Ms. Rankin submitted
her application to join the commission.
b. Changes have been made to the mitigation criteria regarding COVID-19, and the Village
is now in the recovery phases. The Village is currently in tier 2 (no restaurant dining)
and will possibly go to tier 1 in a short time.
c. The Mayor explained why the Village has chosen the platforms that are being used for
our virtual meetings. Go to Webinar is preferred over Go to Meeting. With Go to
Webinar the user has better control with tiers of participation. This platform needs
Google Chrome or Firefox, or it works well with Safari for people using a Mac. If
members have technical issues with this, they may contact Howard Kleinstein.
d. It is possible that the March meeting will be in person. If any members are
uncomfortable coming to Village Hall, they are free to call in.
V. Chair's Comments: Robert Usnik
a. There are still 5 open positions, and Mary Rankin has expressed an interest in filling one
of those positions.
b. The $5,000 donation to the Emergency Relief Fund of Mt. Prospect has been
VI. Treasurer's Report: Greg Bernert presented the Treasurer's Report. Denise Rano moved to
approve, and Judy McGinnis seconded. The Treasurer's Report was approved.
VII. Committee Reports:
a. French Market—Judy McGinnis is working at confirming the date for 2021 and
considered moving it to August. After some discussion it was determined that the
Cultural Event is already scheduled for August, and market vendors are accustomed to
the second week of September. In addition, it could be difficult getting volunteers for
back-to-back events. It was decided that the date for the French Market will be
September 12, 2021.
VIII. Open Discussion:
a. Ideas were shared about organizing new events or activities in 2021. Some ideas were
to hold an art auction, wine tasting events, or doing something virtually with the library
since the library has been challenged due to COVID-19.
The guest, Mary Rankin thanked the members for being invited to the meeting. She said
that she had difficulty accessing the website for the Sister Cities Commission. Bob Usnik
and Mayor Juracek offered to have a virtual meeting with Mary in February to answer
any questions she may have about the Commission.
IX. Adjournment: Judy McGinnis moved to adjourn, and Evelyn Dorman seconded. The meeting
was adjourned at 6:42 pm. The next meeting is scheduled for March 18, 2021 at 6:00 pm.
Submitted by Patricia Usnik, Secretary