HomeMy WebLinkAbout2919_001M, �s 017 THE REH-ULM"'. MEEIrlNIf." c), Pk -,A'6 AND W)ARD (W '1163SAIEES C'°' °` V111AC,E' OF D9,1INT Pr 17,CT JPJ,RTAP1 17, 1984 CUL To OMER FQar Krausecalleed tlxz rietixvg ot Order at 8:03 P.M. TJW=I0N 7he invocation was qiven by Tilastr,"c" Vin (k�ejft. HUL CAMLL Present upon roll call: NWjcw Chiolyn Frause Trustee 1'n 1ph Ar Eiur 7'mistex! 0,.,rald 'E'arlr�v Tirilstec, '11,C) Floros; 1r rt.cwrr- 1'101790 MUMUSICLS Trustee George Van Gecaffn Traste(7'hc )re Wattenberg There were 18 citizens present at this Board vveeting APTTENTL CW PUIEUES Tmstee Farley, secxxided by Trustee Arthur, move<J to appn.xre tj)e nanutes of the regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Truste,'.e's held January 3, 1984. jan xall call; Apes: Arthur, WrIcy, Flaros, Murauskis, Waattmivrg Nqq: We Pass: Van Gaon P&A)RML OF BILLS AND 7r.NA11K.'IA"L REENDRr' Wustee F%ros, sedan ed by Trustee Murau&is, nx.nn..ki to approve the folluding list of bi.1.1s: General PLuid $ 495,524.85 Reveilue Sharing E"jrid 16,887.89 Nk,,)tor. ruel Tax Fwid 50,428.20 C"Taimity Develqxner1- Block Cown, 5,3S9.01, Waterwoxks & Seweragn Fund: Operations & qWr!,,anance 24,70.90, Depreciation, 1. wexren t & Extkx-is ion 38,459,86 PaxAng System Revenise !Aind 10,606.43 Cap it -al lwpravaw:w impair ca Replacx"-nt F=r' 607.13 Untractars Sure& S1dewal1c Fund 30000 Tiust Elmd. 14,714.25 1797775902" Eton roll call: Ayes: Arthur, Parlay, Flpros, Murausk.-.Ls, lkw, Geian' inch uta: tl>erg NFqs- Nox)e Notion carried. Trustee Floros, secon3ad by Trustee Murnuskis, iroved to accej,)t tlae firvancial. r-eFX,)rt date,,d 31, .198.3, subject, to aufflt. Up,-.)rcal.7. call: Ayes: Arthur,, Farley, Flonz�s, Wrawskis, Van &'xmi, Nays. None Motion carnied. COMMUNICRrICH") AND PE,,f.7TIC?41S - CITIZENS TO BE IMAM) Nowille'. CUL TO OMER W11 C211 Al"PRONW., IvfnRUES APPITUVE FINANCIAL., IW- Rp MAYOR PORP DECREASE -IS 111CCUPR An Ordaixince wrcas presented for first reading Ehat wxild dWease IaCENOE & INCTEASE the nxr*x-,-r of Class "V' liqinr Licewses 1-y one (1) and. inczease CJW3S 'IS" LIQ It the rwaber of Class "S" liquoi: licermes h)y one f Kallem.; LICENSE BY CNE, rCIR Rastwxant, 1796 S01A.11 Elrdnurst Rraad. It also F.xrovidc,.0 for the, Y,UMNI'S RESTALMANT deletion of a Class "L" classification effeo,J,-ve_ wittl tlxrenewm:.-I. IXrr.-Lcxl, May 1, 19M it was the feeling of the Village Board that the proposing Ule elimination of the Class IS IQ= license, should stand tx-r ton readings, and iinasmuch as Kallens requestead a Class "S" 111(.jkxxa: lic*,.mnse, the pr(.TIosed ordironce should be amendcxj to Se perate t1s two issues. Tnz-,tee Aftbur, secon(,k,�,A by rnistee Phirauskis, novcxl to waive t1ve -r.Jes rey- juiring tvx) readiy."ags of an crdinance, as, Emenc.]ed,. Lyco roll call:Ayes: Arthur, T�Iarley, Floros, 1+tLaaa9kis, Van Watte"nberig Nqq: Nxte 011) !!, 3l1q&E2,S A,YnA sat for Waffic regulations on I -Oka between Golf Road and T ,nTxT,iis-t Bl'W11 was discussed. The ;,xqx)sals as foxtb by , tbe, .Bi far d, rawere as fol-Ifus - 1. Four way SA'OP at 1-0ka zuid Si,inset 1 2. lb Qft 5N=between 7:00 A.M. - 8:30 A.M. aind 400 P-TV1. - 6.30 P,M. atthe- fol Wing - obsticund Icnrquist Blvd; at 1-0ka at 1 Oka Eastlxxind ":calif Road at I Mui Ilii follcyoring srx)k.c-- in favor of the Board".. rer.maryandation- (kaarge Neubauer 811L S. 7 -0ka Jc.)arule1131ina 917 S. I - Oka Nory GMerl 809 S. 1-0ka Sally Harlem 909 S. I -Oka -i Steve Bina 917 S. I --Oka BeVerly Doring 810 S. T, Oka Jam.iaxy 17, 1994 PA(3E W) Tn,istee Arthur, seconded � y T.Y.n.i.stee Murasiikis, noved for passage iof ordinance No. 3391, granting Lhe, Class 'IS" liql",Xor license for the new rAfne-t-s of Vallens, as arx-_nded. COD. NO. 3391 7-Uq OR D11 VENDING' CIIAPIDR 13 rGP"' UIE VILUVZ corE. ()F �ULISTII PRX3111ESCII Qvon roll call; Ayvs: Axt-)wx, Farley, Floros, NUxauskis, Van Geon, Wattenberg mvion carried. An (,,xrdironce quill be presented flebruary 7th J!or sf,�_ond reading that woulA eliminate the liquor license classiLication "L% JAY HEDGES Dbyor Carolyn Kraus -,,a extendc,,.xJ congratailatinns and best wilhes to LEAVTNG VILLAGE Jzky Bedges (Assistant Villae,je Manager) far,, his two , years of dedicated service with the Village. JOAN FORTON & The Kr,,x al.'so best wisl."ies to Jb�.,.m Porton(Pf.,)Lice Dvpt.) CBAFIJE 1' NIS and C Me 17orton(FLre, E7e21 #.) on theix retirr.,srent.. JC>,in was ""i'1 with Ix)lice departwent J.".or 23 yc-,n.rs and Cheu.lie ­�as with the fire o.upxxrtnent for 20 pears. 011) !!, 3l1q&E2,S A,YnA sat for Waffic regulations on I -Oka between Golf Road and T ,nTxT,iis-t Bl'W11 was discussed. The ;,xqx)sals as foxtb by , tbe, .Bi far d, rawere as fol-Ifus - 1. Four way SA'OP at 1-0ka zuid Si,inset 1 2. lb Qft 5N=between 7:00 A.M. - 8:30 A.M. aind 400 P-TV1. - 6.30 P,M. atthe- fol Wing - obsticund Icnrquist Blvd; at 1-0ka at 1 Oka Eastlxxind ":calif Road at I Mui Ilii follcyoring srx)k.c-- in favor of the Board".. rer.maryandation- (kaarge Neubauer 811L S. 7 -0ka Jc.)arule1131ina 917 S. I - Oka Nory GMerl 809 S. 1-0ka Sally Harlem 909 S. I -Oka -i Steve Bina 917 S. I --Oka BeVerly Doring 810 S. T, Oka Jam.iaxy 17, 1994 PA(3E W) Mae residents bad call 40 Clek ' s office, stating ,Woula be um -Able to atteriel the rw-,ecanq but wanteel their feelings ay -*4n, on Ilie sW)jrct. Irlie f.bllm7ing r(-.-sidents stated thway wa.,ild nppxose tbe above. proposals - Sue Spinner 913 S. I -Oka Ilan Risevich !,),,'-5 L,. I-01ra PTs. NorgEavl 911 S. I -431 -ca Trustee MurauskAs, seconded by Trustec,� Van Geem�, nxx?C-'x] to F X010" the prc.4,�osals as stated. Cpcn roll call: Ayes., Art-�hur_ ,y, mu'rauskis, Will Geovm' d7lat-terlxara'j Nays: Rmie Noti.on caxxiel. P'n Drdirlance Will.. Le, pr e.sented Fxn.ieiry '7th for flsr.reading P%ldC 10�RTNG NW;mr Krause called the tfear�.i.ng, pursuant to notice publd,shed Plfflllc A the noaspapsy, fm We purpne of considering a request of Birks IU�RING: to increase HIE� taxi --cal) ral-,es 8:42 P M. BlITS I TPANSPORTKrION Birks Transportat-ion, rlins Prospect Cab in Mount,, Prcspqxx,t. and IMIIE INCMH70E Elk Gwave Village, A amkirV for a 20% acnos the boaxt rate increase. Birks also wanLs to drop its specia] rate fcx senicC r citizens, claindng tNit it was one of tl'ic maim, rcascrus -the firm lost ahx)ut$92,386 for the first 11 months of 19&3�., 21�p),xe service to boLh Pk)vuvt Pros7x:ct i.and EIR (,',rrxve (Inde,Birk's prcposal, -1 d4 cu:i!,b ra��es would increase fraxn $1 to $1-20 the first three-Uantbs mile and fr°cxn 10 to 12 cents for each additional or.e—tenth nvile. Wa.,-iting timi fwms =M be increased from 20 to 25 coos f(:)r each III minute, SerI.-I..(.'xr C.i.t-i.Zt-.'jjs I,,.-Ive ;8syK_,c'uO. fixed fare of $2.10 togo anywtexe within the village NOW. CK hIna-L, the Seniors pay 75 cents ard the village pays $1.35. Ran cne ca nare seniors share the same c,&, 1 -1 -Ley a3so s'hare the 7' nts fee,. Village manager Tar-!,. a,nce Par rgharl r(oxnrentdcxl denying the rate irwrease, baSEKI co a surven! 60 shamed seniors would havc, tn pay $1 ar more in 75, Ixuxxant of t L- Lues. The, Mayor aLx) cl Lhc-,: rate inceau:.>e their, rival ccxrqa.-xry, is jeraUng a9ar (.,,,tarrorj'c. rx)t cod an increase. Trustee Arthur, E, Mel ky, T,rusLee Murauskis rcared G -.o ctervy Bix1rs Transportation "n """a U[ Hann xall call: Ayes: Dbyar C%xalyn Krause Trustees Arthur, Murauskh� Nal 'F Is- Flioros, U.Ul Gr-'ErU nommmg Pbtim failed.. Tnxstee Far-ely, sec'X)r)(hy Trus!''(.*a van c;,�Pin nravel to coritinue the emsamsskm. (Dyn. the rate increase by Bixks Tranqpnrtation, saying the Y would like a nak debailel financial statcamt Mn 'Cbe crWqxIny. Utan roll call: Ayes Aftimr, Farley. Ploras, Van l4u, Nays: Mayor Cazuljn Kraus'::f Trustee Murausl-ds vbticn carried. PA(X, '11TREE January 17,84 VTUAGR� kEI P'S RE3,"OPT WELL #16 Last Crimmer tle Vjllagcf,':, Fbard a,undinre Q,,' HERAIRS $63,000 for tlae re�,.rair cAf WcAl -#16. Ite $63,000 requented wan, base,cl upon t1un lx_sln astirate of Sot it would camt toiehabilitatto this facility and bring its producLion bw-,,,k up tx:) levels� Uds pmp ims rwmmJy rawmd ("mw t5e hole aW a Ksual in- spectlon has reveal.e.cl nxx..'e ext.ensivdet.erio',,,:a!,icn to eritixe f,;axq) assatkon w�ras ariginally The Laynn lNles`-��rn Pimp ldaly mxs suknittal a deta.Llcx] of. iMpair costs based iWan the cn3rr-(--m',d: data. 91.iis figxe Ls $77,352.00 whi-t is $14,352.00 Lhe The Village Manager, Terraxx:;v Bur�.,.jNard stated bkot the well is vital Lo resMents living in saithern ani- fx.)ti tern 'Mlou[1t Pro.,,-qxact and musl: be repaired '..e.fbre s-anner. Tru,st-eo Farley, scxoiriled by '.11rus,,-ee axnre.d Lo accxapt the xe<-,aanendation of the Mmiager am]. the artainistration Lhat $14,500 in additional funds be authoyized for the repair of WeLl. #16 f"or as total not:: tc, exc-oed $77,500, to Layne,-Westpan ccxrffw.:u-jy, Qcn roll call: Qyzs: Arthur, Qwley, Floros, Mur auskis, WhHerferg, 19"i-ys: sale Pass", 17an Gkeem NbUco cariled. TREE TRIMMING 'Thc-tVillage Mmiager authorizaHon be given to wen R. that CONTRACT extend, a na¢3xj.jrp:g,, Q ,"4,000 1:0 ha%rn s�xzpe additicnal trees trigmed EXTENSION hay Ns Expit aWdlvf thik IX)t included Ln the arigiW bM 11-.-.naes ar�r�;� t,�he area, ay B C,entx-al llaad, can 1,�ij-c,ca, ra ftr d, I '111at axf-,',a was 'rg-)L, scheduled EDT HANnU, hn the gra llage"s traa- trinadrr- cc)nt rehf�'t to exF)eCted. TKy wuyv last trinumj Ln the stmraex of 1979 and are i,.n need of trixmijig, t,a...Js jr�jar -j , has Baa -rye d to hcv.)az the WAt pl,-icez as -qxecj.P Luj,ri 11, lama i n9y 24, 1-9833, wiiich ars is sd 0 Tree D.B.H. 3 - P2.5 12.6 - 24,51, 24.6 36.6 - 48.5''' 48. G" -t,- Ubi t 'Cost $ 9.45 mm 24. 80 38.30 46.00 6000 by Trnlsr't�'-"�e VJailjc thc� bidding , :,acedixre g -rant an aKterjsjj, ffj , C)f t rr r CC) 'nty-ac'ttc) Nels jbbn."son e E!,>dpert CATmW Wr an mnowit not W exceei $14,000, Ilan ir "all: Ayes: Arthur, xlev, MaLrausk"L"", Veal Grdem ys Vione NWWMC TEWACNE lose a rjecial franchix'.,,, a,,',;,�:arks nt, that, guaraw-eed, lo�xar ral:'es FTMCTUSE With, 1Mini liz, P,a-11 Ta Ull?1Kme! arwl end %'kp 20,000 a y�N r FUND rmre fox- cl The M1sfbrE"Y wEo askirlg, rill, Merdxer tr"Is t,0 as MIC11 as $500 2&r hi wj�'Irt who will advise the CXMM1r,i,)H,1PA (X') hl 'Alva. a tlr r atr l tattaa la ta grammitts May be mforcmd. TLIIst-4*8 Watt(W'bPXq,,, asoaKed by Trustee Arthuz moved to pledge $500 to jak a tr r t es t., Munic.ipal. r�S,, "(Jk� raajp that aa what: the r)f AT r r-,0ZLj, g, NV3,.l I mr-at to Q00 1011 call; Ayes,, Arthur, rar.'Iey, .Murauskis, Vzaj (,;e,(, Nays: N=2 January 17, 1900tion carried. PAGE EUTP 0-2 - W , 7W7- - 0— The Village Manager presem, he first draft of the props BUDGET budget with the total being'zp22,323,000. The Finance Cwmiss`6n will 1984-85 be reviewing the budget prior to the public hearings which will be held on February 14, February:!28,,"March 13 and March 27. They will. be shown on Channel 63, Cablenet's goverment access channel. NEW BUSINESS An Ordinance amending the various sections of the Village Code to delete all reference to quarterly billing for water and sewer was presented for first reading. Second reading of the Ordinance will be presented at the next Board meeting. A Resolution was presented that expressed the Village's interest in participating in the program established by the Circuit Court. Trustee Van Geem, seconded by Trustee Murauskis moved for passage of Resolution No. 2-84 A RESCUTION AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE COMMUNITY SERVICE REs.NO.2-84 SENTENCING PROGRAM ESTABLISHED BY COOK COUNTY AND IMP PIED BY THE THIRD MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur, Floros, Murauskis, Van Geem, Wattenberg Nays: Farley Motion carried. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Bar plat of subdivision,199 Rand Road BAT04AMS The subject property is required to place the land into lots of record P;AT OF due to recently passed special use to allow 2 coin operated amusement SMDIVISION devices. Trustee Arthur, seconded by Trustee Murauskis, moved to authorize the Mayor to sign and Clerk to attest her signature on the Bartmanns Plat of subdivision. Upon roll call: XVes: Arthur, Farley, Floros, Murauskis, Van Geem, WattexLberg Nays; None, Motion carried. Mayor Carolyn Krause announced the.,: was a iegislative breakfast to be LEGISLATIVE held on January 21, '"84. BRE QST The Mayor also suggested that she is planning to televise the Budget BUDGET ON Hearings on the 85 budget dLa-ing Febru-my Cmd March. Mayor Krame CABLE said -the meeting p1,..; ably, would be televise 1 from the public safety building, 112 E. Northwest Highway, or fran the senior (u.it.i.zens center, 50 S. Emerson Street. ADJOURT ADJOUFdZEW Trustee Van Cesm, se.ocnded 171 Trustee Murauskis moved to adjourn the meeting. Upon roll call: Ayes: Unanhw,;us Nays: None Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at. 10:13 P.M. CAROL A. FIELDS VILLN3E CLERK PACE FIVE January 17, 84 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT CASH POSITION FEBRUARY 2, 1984 Beginning Cash & Invest. Balance (per attached San. 12, 1984 -Receipts General Fund $ 215,725.77 Revenue Sharing Fund 57,140.79 Motor Fuel Tax Fund 497,375.69 Community Development 51,069.21 Block Grant 604.60 Illinois Municipal 25,000.00* Retirement Fund 64,672.54 Water & Sewerage Fund: 21,234.91 Operations & Maintenance 518,633.99 Parking System Revenue Fund 55,430.21 Capital Improvement, Repair 1,966.86 or Replacement Fund 510,257.24 Contractors Surety & 473,660.08 Sidewalk'Fund 30,524.00 Trust Fund 330,229.44 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT CASH POSITION FEBRUARY 2, 1984 $ 794,878.52 $ 902,155.23 * Includes draw down of $20,000.00 on letter of credit. Disburstments Cash & Invest. (per attached Balance -Receipts List of Bills) Feb. 2, 1984 $ 480,402.79 $ 639,863.26 $ 56,265.30 - 6,071.5B 51,069.21 97,123.13 10,011.46 584,4B7.36 25,000.00* 21,361.71 4,242.89 - 21,234.91 43,437.63 169,966.03 148,570.13 540,029.89 14,216.98 1,966.86 67,680.33 5,633.19 42,230.35 473,660.08 u 300.00 30,224.00 2,536.40 10,544.97 322,220.87 $ 794,878.52 $ 902,155.23 * Includes draw down of $20,000.00 on letter of credit. VENDOR CLEARING ACC PUNTS ALLSTATE L!_ nER CO - AMOCO =SIL. (:0vPAAJY L. ARENT EMPORIUM ASSOCIATES MR. E PARS. K A`G Y. HAN RONALD C. HULKA 4UNTINGTON TnWERS ASSOCIATES LAF`T IOF MOTOR SALES CO. ROBERT E. MAQTINSON RICHARD MURRAY MIKE N RI OPUS PAYROLL ACCOUNT SEARLE L A E =- 4 WNT — j. WFIOENBAC QTc VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 2 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 2/09/84 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL BOND REFUND D-234 s_: `x.00 SICO.00 PREM. LEAD—FREE GASOLINE $5154308 -543.1: BOND REFUND B-268 $100.13 = .0 TRAUMA BAGS Tl 3_.-7 1127.971, REFUND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT Lc; ROW S4, 30.0 W POND REFUND B-352 a 0. .. LIDUOR LICENSE RFFUND ll,'so.zy_ BOND REFUND A-10144 .0 REFUND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT ESCPOW s 9. . l .: REPLACE ACE DOOR PANEL ON P--12 s 0.90 12 0 BOND REPUNO A-9581 $1 M.01 SND RE -i§a}—"RISMAS TREE LOT 030,00 0113 -0 - _. BONE)_. BONN RCFUer —327 sl A.0c PAY PERIOD ENDING INC 2r2/84 S ._ i2 P4.Y PERTOD ENDING 212184 s - . 4 PAY PERIOD ENDING 2/2/84 34.QO PAY PERIOD ENDING 2/2/84 '',. q,74 €'sig P ER 1 ,. _ iN U I Nk':aS I{!R4 , ! 2 PAY — fti f ,'kIs �`C`?I'�-_riV PAY PERIOD ENDING !/Iq R4 S1 , . BOND REFUND B-221 BOND REFUND A-10625 BONO REFUND 5-383 BOND REFUND B-193 FREDIANT DEVELOPERS IMPtINSP. FEE .0] UMP, INSP. FE —HUNT IN TON TOWERS s ,_ ._= T832.1-2 BOND REFUND B-112 stoo.00 ,,. , , %473.516.01 r O , MITY 0 . E _ Pf,EN_r 9.-72 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 2/08/84 VENDOR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVnICE AMDU T TOTAI- CO TRA .TOR'S SURETY C SIDEWALK $300.00 TRUST FUND s5A GENERAL PUNE 5265.00 1L AGE MANAGER'S 59t T CITY MANAGFMENT OCIATION RETE i__ TCR, _.d _ ":1 TTLEjOHN. GLASS C VOWELL9 LTi`. LEGAL SERVICES QED P OP ES, STAT HERS INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 11,20 17.36 ETTY CASH ® FIRE DEPART E T TRAVEL. SUPPLIES E 'v CASH a MANAGEMENT SFRVICES TRAVEL E SUPPLIES >_ TRAVEL E SUPPLIES Ti CASH e POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAVEL E SUPPLIES 1109-92* ETlY CASH - PUBLIC WORKS TRAVEL"—!UTALIES $17.30 TRAVEL E SUPPLIES $6.00 $23-30* 3S MAS€ R MT PiROSPECT POSTAGE -METER MACHINE S50.00 soo, !LLAGE OF NOS HFI LD MANAGERS TRAI INN SESSION S12c.00 $125.00 jN BRIESEN A REDMOND. S.C. LEGAL SERVICES RENDERED $36.97 S36.9, ILLAGE MA A ERIS OFFICE ***TOTAL* $2094.49 OFFICE SUPPLIES STATF OF ILLINOIS — nEPT. OF LABOR UNEMPLOYMENT CAVS, T''MPURR VILLAGE DE ` .P.E !PLiOYEE HEALTH BENT COVER EMPL ; r COVER EMPLOVEF HEALTH E-40FIT now no FINANCE DEPARTMENT GENERAL FUNED S26089.36 -. n 9 h -- VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 3 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 2108/84 VENDOR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TDTAL, GENERAL FUND E2•794.49 PINANCE DEPARTMENT THE FORMS GROUP CuPUTER R-93ONS COMPUTER LL Z:liL� �ShIfiPAL FINANCE OFFICERS a84£ E">AF-S._re 3E- - viN$ ..«SS> r`L" lNT CITY MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION R ° _ r - rt AL KELLY SERVICFSv INC. TEMP. _ C° r - 3 ONTH .. .n 4 rix 24 'WEST STS' t .N _ -,S a <-...6 U PPIEF ,. U. W, FFE i _ _ _ OFFICE r — < POSTMASTER ( LIX OFFICE SUP! S W. OFFICEs Q > OFFW SUPPLIES CIPFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES STATF OF ILLINOIS — nEPT. OF LABOR UNEMPLOYMENT CAVS, T''MPURR VILLAGE DE ` .P.E !PLiOYEE HEALTH BENT COVER EMPL ; r COVER EMPLOVEF HEALTH E-40FIT now no FINANCE DEPARTMENT GENERAL FUNED S26089.36 -. n 9 h -- VF DSR VILLAGE CLERK'S OFFICE CRa-ST COMPUTER S P,'Lvq !NC. A P DICK M N; POLICE DEPARTMENT FREDRIKSFN L SONS JOSE GARCIA ROBERT GIBSON -'lODYEAR SERVICE STORE IERNMENI PERSONNEL rONSULTANTS E HERALDS PADDOCK P",IF•LTCATIONS PHIL HERMAN I.B.M. CORPORATION IBM ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CO. J H ADVERTISING SP"eIA ,':ES KALE UNIFORMS JOSEPH C. KOLANOW"Ki THOMAS A. LOPOTK'D JOE MITCHELL BUICK- INC. EDWARD NASIEK NORTHWEST POLICE Al ,; ;OEMY NORTHWEST SIATIONEP`_> - Yrl. OFFICE EQUIPMENT SALES CO. PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPARTMENT POSTMASTER MT PROSPECT STEPHEN RAMHOLZ WILLIAM ROSCOP SAFETY KLEEN CORPORATION SCHAUMBURG DODGE SONY INDUSTRIES VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 2/08/84 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION RECHARGE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS TRAINING EXPENSES TRAINING EXPENSES SPECIAL POLICE TIRES CSO TESTING MATERIALS CLASSIFIED AD SEMINAR EXPENSES COPIER FFB.PAYMENT COPIER III FEB.184 CHG. TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE EMERGENCY PHONE STICKFRS UNIFORM PANTS TRAININC COURSE SEMINAR=XPE"?4SFS TACTICAL- NTS AR RENTAL TRAINING FXPENSFS SEMINAR t:'GISIRATIO —4 MISC. O F ,— T C f i '. O P 1 F' f "DISC. OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC. OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 2 DRAWER FILE VINYL CHAIR MATS TRAVEL E SUPPLIES TRAVEL G SUPPLIES TRAVEL E SUPPLIES TRAVEL 6 SUPPLIES TRAVEL E SUPPLIES TRAVEL E SUPPLIES POSTAGE—METER MACHINE TRAINING EXPENSES SEMINAR EXPENSES CHARGES TO SERVICE PART WASHER OIL PRESSURE SWITCH• GAUGE P-16 REPAIR TRANSCRIBER INVOICE AMOUNT 521.50 &356.50 %4.00 $803.80 $225.0'0 $4.00) 123'75.89 �a5 529.20 $41..72 $115.00 S2%.9�; 1658.50 $4.00 sI0C.00 $4.00 x:60.00 ? 2 . _ 2 $1677 $43.86 1 0. i}C' 517821 $300 514.97 300 t600.00 $4.80 $4.00 $92.00 $19.66 S10P$07 POLICE DEPARTMENT TIRE CONNECTIONS lNi- TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 214 VITAL, RECORD BANG WASHINGTON RUBBER CO. XEROX CORPORATION POLICE DEPARTMENT FIRE C EMERGENCY PROTECT GN DEPT. ADOI SON BUILDING MAT I -R I AL Cr. AERO SUPPLY AMERICAN LAFRANCE B E H INDUSTRIES BERKEY CAMERA SHOP COLFAXBOCA INTERNATIONAL INC. BOCA INTERNATIONAL BUDGET SIGN COMPANY ROBERT CLARK COMMONWEALTH EDISON CONSTRUCTION BOOKSTORE4p INC. CREST COMPUTER SUPPLYi INC. DECISION DATA COMPUTER CORP. VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL PAYMENT DATE -Z/G8/84 FRONT END ALIGNMENT P-7 ALIGNMENT CHECK P-6 COMPUTER LITERACY REG.–WITHEY MICROFILMING INCIDENT REPORTS SEAL BEAMS FILTERS DEC.$83 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT S6a466.39 PAGE 6 INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL $16. 00 I10. co 526.00 $42.00; sl�-3.9 $593 Qq 4 7_ - "➢ p . -. BUILDING SUPPLIES S20-69 PAINTv SEALER '17.€5 CABLE• PUMP SHIFT $64.91 WEBBING $15.20 SKINNER VALVES S354.60 S434.71 DRAFTING SUPPLIES S11e24 FILM PROCESSING a_v FILM PROCESSING 5265.66 CODE REFERENCE MATERIALS $I34.00 S13-4.00 BLDG= INSPECTION GENERAL WORKBOOK 525.00 $25.0' MAGNETIC SIGNS 5180.00 $180.00 TRAINING EXPENSES $50.00 $50800 FIRE ENGINE PARTS MADE $1114.20 114.20 ELECTRICAL SERVICE $6.68 $6.68 1984 NAIL- ELECTRIC CODE EDITION $20$00 $20.00 COMPUTER RIBBONS 518.36 $18.36 MAINTENANCE CRT'WORKSTATIONv PRINTER $61.00 S6I.00 INSTRUCTORS FEE S200.00 VENDOR FIRE L EMERGENCY PROTECTION DEPT. KEITH DESIREE DES PLAINES CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH SALES f FORGE ELLEFSEN ILON LAMBDA ELECTRONICS CORP. \ .EST CITY GLAZEBROOK FIRE EQUIPMENT INC. GREAT LAKES FIRE EQUIPMENT HAGEN AUTO PAINT & SUPPLY EDWARD HINES LUMBER CO. IBM INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CDR ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CO. ILLINOIS EMERGENCY SERVICES MGMT.AS INDUSTRIAL GAS C EQUIPMENT INT CITY MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION J H ADVERTISING SPECIALTIES KAR PRODUCTS INC. -Y SERVICES9 INC. KNAPP SHOES KOSTAK ASSOCIATES KREST CUSTOM TAILORS# INC. MEANS SERVICE INC. ':MOUNT PROSPECT STATE BANK HEIGHTS AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY NATIONAL FIRE PRCT. ASSOC. NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS FIRE CHIEFS A NORTHWEST STATIONERS INC. VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 2108/84 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INSTRUCTORS FEE 1125-27 C 211-3 TRAINING EXPENSES WIPER SWITCH SEMINAR REGISTRATION-P.KNUDSEN REPAIR E RECALIBRATE GAS TRAC BUILDING SUPPLIES REGULATOR BODY BAOGES9 FLASHLIGHTS RESPIRATORS FILTERS TOOLS COPIER III FEB.184 CHG. LIFT OFF TAPE• RIBBONS TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE MEMBERSHIP DUES-L.PAIRITZ9P.WATKINS OXYGEN• ACETYLENE, ARGON CYLINDERS REFERENCE MATERIAL EMERGENCY PHONE STICKERS MISC. REPAIR PARTS MISC. REPAIR PARTS TEMP. SERVICES 12112916920922 C 23 TEMP. SERVICES -WEEK ENDING 1/8 £ 15 WORK SHOES ARCH. FEES -FIRE STN.Cr14 MAINT. SHOP UNIFORM CLOTHING UNIFORM CLOTHING CLEANING SERVICES RENDERED INTEREST -FIRE TRUCK NOTE DUE 1130 PRINCIPAL -FIRE TRUCK NOTE DUE 1130 WIPER BLADES# BRAKE HOSE PUMP# MUFFLER MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL# FIRE COMMAND TRAFFIC SAFETY SUBS MEMBERSHIP DUES 51984 ACTIVE MEMBER DUES OFFICE SUPPLIES INVOICE AMOUNT $200.00 $50.00 $12.31 $30.00 545.00 $47.75 532.21 5278.97 $28.00 530.74 $215.45 $75.60 537.97 $40.51 $16.00 517.50 515.00 5118.52 $237.34 $41.25 $290.81 S140.26 $38.70 $494.00 5361.31 $54 P .5 0 $637.49 $29965.73 S15#104.25 $12.48 $19.56 $62.50 $11.75 $75.00 $10.00 $11.84 PAGE 7 Q+l� $400.00 $50.00 512.31 530.00* 545.00 $4775 $32.21 5278.97 $28.00 $30.74 $215.45 $75.60 $78.48 516.00 x17.50 $15.00 5118.52 $278.59 $431.07 $38.70 $490.00 $909.81 $637.49 $189069.48* $32.04 $62.50 $86.75 510.00 _ EN .OR IRC L r:eRGENCY PROTECT -ON OEPTo PAL -MARS INC* PETTY CASH - FIRE 'DEPARTMENT PETTY CASH - MANAGEMENT SERVICES PIC COMMUNICATIONS* INC. POSTMASTER MT PROSPECT PRENTICE-HALL9 INC. PUBLIK OFFICE SUPPLIES INC. RELY ABLE OFFICE MACHINES RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF AMERICA SAFETY KLEEN CORPORATION SPECTRONICS: INC. SUBURBAN BUILDING OFFICIALS CONFER TECHNICAL PUBLISHING TOWERS CLEANERS TRACON INC. DEL ULREICH V C G PRINTERS INC. i [ � VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYMENT DATE 2/08/84 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES HIGH PRESSURE VALVES TRAVELe SUPPLIES TRAVEL.$ SUPPLIES TRAVELS SUPPLIES TRAVELS SUPPLIES TRAVEL: SUPPLIES TRAVELS SUPPLIES TRAVEL E SUPPLIES TRAVEL E SUPPLIES TRAVEL E SUPPLIES TRAVEL E SUPPLIES MONITOR REPAIR JAN.184 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE POSTAGE --METER MACHINE REFERENCE MATERIAL OFFICE SUPPLIES TYPEWRITER PART E REPAIR SUBSCRIPTION CLEANING SERVICES MOTOROLA CHARGERS PAGEBOY 1984 MEMBERSHIP -LES WUOLLFTT REFERENCE MATERIALS CLEANING BLANKETS BUILDING ADDITION -FIRE STN. *3 TRAINING EXPENSES PERMITS9 BOND REFUNn FORMSd P[_ATES CASUALTY C FIRE INCIDENT REPORTS TRAINING EXPENSES INSTRUCTORS FEE INSTRUCTORS FEE 1125-27 C 2JI-3 RETIREMENT DINNER FOR CHARLES`FORTON AMB TRUCK TESTS INVOICE AMOUNT $36.24 =$2 %61.28 ,29 20 6.`0 ISR X32.62 $9.91 3 . I a Z.00 e3. ,3.63 $7$45 I9.5 i2. U 55.01 SG.0G 0 si5T.53 S3x.00 36600 40 7 $50.08 S2315-99.40 $5C=.GCS 5175.2- $BTU*DD $50.00 X100.00 1200.00 S2116.60 370_ um I 4> S SQ9.6 $19.58* $361.0-7 MI5 $3b� $36.00 S40_75 She. $25.00 15.0 230599.4 1,50.00 $745.20 $50.00 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 2/08/84 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION PAGE 9 FIRE E EMERGENCY PROTECTION DEPT* ***TOTAL** $909762#99 GENERAL FUND %89016.07 REVENUE SHARING FUND $587.54 CAPITAL IMPRV. E REPL. FUND 3429159.38 HEALTH SERVICES DIVISION AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION BROWNING FERRIS INDUSTRIES FOSTER SOUNDS INC. KELLY SERVICES: INC. THOMAS Po LUEHRING MARKS PEST CONTROL CO. NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTHvTREAS N40.1.S.E.9 INC. "ETTY CASH — MANAGEMENT SERVICES POSTMASTER MT PROSPECT PUBLIX OFFICE SUPPLIES INC. V E G PRINTERS INC. XEROX CORPORATION HEALTH SERVICES DIVISION HUMAN SERVICES DIVISION AMERICAN TAXI CO.qINC. MEMBERSHIP—PATRICK LUEHRING RESIDENTIAL REFUSE PICK—UP JAN.'84 MICROPHONE CABLE TEMP. SERVICES RENDERED—HEALTH DEPT* MILAGE REIMBURSEMENT RODENT CONTROL ANNUAL MEMBERSHTP—ROBERT ROELS 1984 MEMBERSHIP TRAVEL & SUPPLIES TRAVEL & SUPPLIES POSTAGE—METER MACHINE OFFICE SUPPLIES BUSINESS CARDS XEROX FEE FOR DECa'83 SENIOR CITIZEN CAB RIDES $50.00 5869561.E!_ $25.50 $101.78 $43.80 $75.00 $40-00 $15.00 $27.10 S25*58 $50.00 513.86 521.50 S1-72.50 ***TOTAL** $50.00 $861561.31 $25.50 $101.78 $43.80 S75*00 $40.00 $15.00 $52.68*, $50.00* $13.86 $21.50 $172.50 $87*222.93 COMMUNITY DEVELDPMENT DEPAR-MENT DATAMENSION CORPORATION FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MOUNT PROSPE HUD USER ILLINOIS iUFNICIPAL RET1e vN! FUND PUBLIX OFFICE SUPPLIES INC. RELIABLE FIRE EQUIPMENT PtSMOKE ALARMS REPORT MANAGER 2.0 UPGRADE—COMPUTER RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION LOAN NESIDENTIAL REHAB* LOAN PUBLICATION IMRF PAYMENT FOR PAY OF 1/5 FICA IMRF PAYMENT FOR JANUARY, 1984 IMRF PAYMENT—JAN.484 FICA 1/16-31 OFFICE SUPPLIES- IODOD VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT 460B00 PAGE 10 3=49705.0 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT 5000 %5.00 $143.37 PAYMENT DATE _2/08/84 $192.93 VENDOR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL HUMAN SERVICES DIVISION S12.02 SIvT T. 3 %_097.63 BIRKS TRANSPORTATION COMPANY SENIOR CITIZEN CAB RIDES $411.75 SENIOR CITIZEN CAB RIDES 1*366.20 SENICIR CITIZEN CAB RIDES S33E.15 SENIOR CITIZEN GAB RIDES ,,.184_8 $2.39F COFFEE CUPBOARD COSRPORATTON COFFEE -,,, �00 COURIER 2000 CAB SERVICE -_1 .20 ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE ro. TELEPHONE SERVICE �32oR4 may- TELEPHONE SERVICE �'®=CD2 253.56 NATIONAL ASSN. OF SOCIAL WORKERS CYEARLY MEMBERSHIP—FRANCINE EISENMAN NORTHWEST STATIONERS INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES .--4.84 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1�� �, $30.20 POSTMASTER MT PROSPECT POSTAGE—METER MACHINE RELY ABLE OFFICE MACHINES LIFT—OFF TAPES V C G PRINTERS INC. BUSINESS CARDS �0�50 $20.50 WRITE SHOPPE OFFICE SUPPLIES x_.31.75 $31.75 HUMAN SERVICES DIVISION ST s L�;= ?-054.41 GENERAL FUND $ v054.4I COMMUNITY DEVELDPMENT DEPAR-MENT DATAMENSION CORPORATION FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MOUNT PROSPE HUD USER ILLINOIS iUFNICIPAL RET1e vN! FUND PUBLIX OFFICE SUPPLIES INC. RELIABLE FIRE EQUIPMENT PtSMOKE ALARMS REPORT MANAGER 2.0 UPGRADE—COMPUTER RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION LOAN NESIDENTIAL REHAB* LOAN PUBLICATION IMRF PAYMENT FOR PAY OF 1/5 FICA IMRF PAYMENT FOR JANUARY, 1984 IMRF PAYMENT—JAN.484 FICA 1/16-31 OFFICE SUPPLIES- IODOD 3100.00,- 460B00 3=49705.0 2Da'65.00 5000 %5.00 $143.37 $192.93 $135.84 $472.=4a $196.81 $190.8= $12.02 S12.02 SIvT T. 3 %_097.63 LT14 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT GENERAL FUND STREET DIVISION ACTION BUILDING MAIi TENANrF CORPORA ALLIED ASPHALT PAVING ANDERSON LOCK COMPANY APWA SUBURB=AN DRANO B E B OVERHEAD DOOR HALL SEED COMPANY G.W. BERKHEIMER CO. 4rS LAWN E POWER BUDGET CARPETS CAGE INDUSTRIES CENTRAL STEEL G WIRE COMPANY CENTRAL ACOUSTICAL SUPPLY HOUSE CENTURY SUPPLY COMPANY CHEM RITE PRODUCTS COMPANY CHICAGO TORO TURF—IRRIGATION, IN UNIFORMSCITY ARTHUR CLESEN, INC. CLIME COMMUNICATIONS COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE VILLAGE OF #PROSPECT APPROVALACCOUNTS PAYABLE REPORT PAYMENT DATE 2/Qq/84 # INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL ***TOTAL** $179748. 60 S196.8-1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOC GT %279551� 79 JANITORIAL SERVICES -3 8LD5S.JAN.r84 31,I55.0. JANITORIAL SERVICES—VILLAGE HALL JAN. I,5ffiDDs 0$00 PAVERITE 1160.00 Vi=a LOCK, KNOB PLUG, KNOB CYLINDER $126.44 1126.49 PRODUCTIVITY SEMINAR—C. BENCIC ;� OmDC; ��C�520.=i=.00 REPAIRS TO OVER-'EAL) DOOR STNa,.i t279.00=9.tC FLOWER SEEDS PIPET PARTS 1-8.66 S18.66 MUFFLER. CAP $10.35 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS $21.05 HANDLES, PULLEY, SPRING, PIR! 1-10.20 341.50, COMMERCIAL GRADE CARPET D SIV112.00 CLEANING SUPPLIES_ rf r= PAINT 6 SIGN STRIPPER $757.95 TOOLING PLATE, SHEET ALUM. $297.64 $297.64 CEILING TILES 3332 $3.32 BUILDING SUPPLIES $47o76 $47.76 CLEANING SUPPLIES $324$74 CLEANING SUPPLIES $106.75 $421.49 BRAKE CABLES, PADS, GASKETS $44.88 $44088 COVERALLS, PARKAS $123.92 $123.82 SPREADERS SPREADERS $37.64 COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT HOOK—UP $37.64 $82.50 $75*28 GARDEN CENTER SEMINAR REG. $30.00 382.50 $30.00* VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 12 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 2/08/64 VENDOR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL STREET DIVISION COURTESY Ht"j E CENTER GARBAGE CANS 135.90 535.90 CITIZENS UTILITIES CO. OF ILLINOIS UTILITIES SERVICE $48-05 $48.05 DECKER SUPPLY CO. SIGN MATERIALS b1�95 S961.95 DELTRON. INC. RETAINERSt COTTER PINS9 GREASE $174.35 59.74.15 DES PLAINES GLASS COMPANY DOOR MOULDING WINDOW REPLACEMENT 8 ELECTRIC SUPPLY CORP. BREAKER Z-3.50 S03 f EUROPEAN r DOMESTIC. CAR SERVICE REBUILT TRANS*tTOROUE CONVERTER ,:65.00 �r � EREDRIRSEN C SONS FIREPIXTINGUISHERS H ACETS 159.00 pi EIRE EXTTN-UIS*9ER4 RECHARGED. RTS PA FREUND EUIPMENTv 1NC. EQUIPMENT PARTS GENERAL WINDOW CLEANINGG CO. WINDOWS WASHES; OUTSIDE-VILLAGF HALL WINDOWS WASHEDSAY` r�ET 4q YO?UTSIDg�E®PUBLIC WINDOWS WAISHED UTS DE -SENIOR CTR$ S47*00 WINDOWS WASHED OUTSIDE -ANNE" BLDG. � ,2.00 $322.0 GLIDDEN PAINT PAINT E SUPPLIES 25.42 $25.41 GOODYEAR SERVICE STORES SUPER TIRES S75.5C We W. GRAINGER INC. LAMPS MOTOR 1 $ 169.41 GREATER OISTRIBUTINC_ IN' BATTERIES P J HARTMANN COMPANY GAS PUMPS REPAIRED sidlo.00 IBB`?, ON HEATING C04 INSTALL DUCTWORK, & REGiSTERS— .HALL $690.0 -469 _ INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES COP COPIER 11 JAN.1 84 CHG. � 0 $ •Q�50 ILLINOIS ARBORIST ASSOCIATION J 134 ILLINOIS FWD TRUCK & EQUIPMENT CO EQUIPMENT REPAIR FARC=, �? NLLS Jo JOHNSON PARKWAY TREE TRIMMING PARKWAY TREE TRIMMING $09135.35 113,9370.00 LEE*S DRAPERIES, INC. MINI BLINDS $162.41 $162.41 JCC. LICHT PAINT E SUPPLIES S115.18 5215.18 LYONS EQUIPMENT LOQ EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS $81.04 �-a� S81� t 4 MfCORD TTRF T1RFSe TURFS. M-gUNTTNrS MORTON THWKOLvINC. ROCK SALT '.2v795.06 ROCK SALT $6.094.45 $8v889.51 MRO SUPPLIES CO. AIR VALVEv GANGES S112.78 S112.78 MUNICIPAL ARBORISTS E URBAN FORESTL 1984 MEMBERSHIP -SANDY EORGAuS SILO.00 $1D.00* MYERS TIRE SUPPLY ADAPTERSv GAJ'uESv INFLATOR. $70.7 STREET DIVISION NATIONAL CH'_MSEA CH NORTHERN ILLTNOIS GAS CO. `RTHSIDE INTERNATIONAL 'THWEST MUNICIPAL CONFERENCE _�RTHWEST STATIONERS INC. P & W INDUSTRIAL SALES9 INC. PETTY CASH ® PUBLIC WORKS PROTECTIVE EOUIPMEC T !NC. PUPL IX OFFICE S XP i'±_-` ,_S INC. SAFETY KLEEEN € 0RPO :., N M° S CLASS iMERLER FORD INC. �)EMLER INDUSTRIES INC. JOHN SEXTON SAND GRAVEL STANDARD PIPE & SUPPLY INC. 11• M COMPANYTIME SAVERS INC. TRI SERVICE WATERPROOFING & CONSTRUCTION WASHINGTON RUBBER CO. PROSPECT REPORT TOOLS9 HYDROMETERS CLEANER GAS SERVICE MISC. AUTO REPAIR PARTS NURSERY & LANDSCAPE SEMINAR REG OFFICE SUPPLIES CHAIN SAW CASE TRAVEL. SUPPLIES TRAVELS SUPPLIES TRAVEL & SUPPLIES TRAVEL & SUPPLIES TRAVEL & SUPPLIES TRAVEL & SUPPLIES TRAVEL & SUPPLIES TRAVELv SUPPLIES TRAVELS SUPPLIES M70ICAL SUPP! IES OFFICE SU PLI"l CHARGES .I =CE PiiRT WASHER W114DSHIELD INSTALLED 344512 COOLANT RECOVERY TANK PIPE SUPPLIES, SAND9 GRAVEL PIPE SUPPLIES PLUMBING PARTS PLUMBING PARTS VALVES PIPE COVER PIPE COVER` V -BELT OXYGENS ACETYLENE CYL4v GRINDING OXYGEN C ACETYLENE CYLINDERS ELECTRIC MANLIFT RENTAL REPAIR P.W. & V.HALL HEATING SY WATERPROOF EAST WALL -VILLAGE HA FILTERS m t ,r $218.85 $276.24 X375.39 3 1.OA 47.9 y12�8s s13.I0 x12.84 $2.00 $3.00 128.3:. SI.6B 5.65 53.10 "•68.31 13 08 4;92.r0 29" 78 P29.63 $70.97 02.20 5133 . 6,s. Sloa03 548.24 $4.50 512.08 $164.23 5158.30 $130.00 $334.88 S350a00 16.16 $289.55 $276.24 $375.39 $649.58 130.00 S1-1.03 $47.90 $77.55:= %68.31 513.;;8 S92.0G S129.79 2 963 570.97 $502.20 S161.7l 512s08 $322.53 $130.00 $334.88 $350*00 VENDOP STREET DIVISION ''RN ENGIiNE COMPANY FSE STOE -R CT OR SA E " COMPA=NY Pw 9781 STREET DT -N GENERAL, FEND MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND ATr- AND SEWER D A" L_ALL !Nr. BADGER MLT --R INC BEARING DIST a U€TO S INC. B--RK--Y �j-- CAMERA SHO: B AIR TEMPORA`-jc< BROCK TOOL COMPANY BUSSE CAR WASH CENTRAL TELEPHONE OF ILLINOIS CHICAGO JACK SERVICES INC. CHICAGO TRIBUNE COMPANY VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 2/08/84 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION HEA{O LAMPS FILTERS FILTERS REPLACED TRANS.9PARTS9LA8OR 04527 EOMIPMENT PART VALVES KNOB MACHINE SUPPLIES INVOICE AMOUNT 126.08 124.54 819.82 $1=687.41 $2.82 '74.58 �2�v1 S249735.92 REVENUE SPEARING FOND $109011.46 CAPITAL IMPRV. & REPL. FUfN.ai' PAGE 14 TOTAL $281.60 $19687-41 E 2� s4C_I-=6& $59455x29 S70i COLIFORM E Cs3LDRIDE ANALYSES 8165.50 1 WATER METERS 5984.00 WATER METER PARTS 3287.25 WATER METERS X28.2 $1*699.54 BFARINGS9 WASHERS9 SHAFT 23X05 FILM PROCESSING jt $55.08 TEMP. SERVICE RENDERED $134.40 TEMP. SERVICE RENDERED 1/9-13/84 $336.00 SECRETARIAL. SERVICE €33:.00 %806.40 DRILL BITS 843.10 HAMME=R DRILL #220.00 HAMMER DRILL $36.00 $308.10 VEHICLES WASHED 815.75 S15.75 TELEPHONE SERVICE 82204 822.04 JACK STANDS S150o00 8150.00 CLASSIFIED AD 8315.70 $315*70 VENDOR WATER AND SEWER DIVISION CITY UNInORMS CLARK & BARLOW HARD§WARP COMMONWE tli T H EDI SON COMMONWEALTH EDISON GNTINENTAL IL.N -;.BANKeTRUST OF C ARMIES TIRE REPAIR S, RLICE INC. cUROPEAN & DOMESTIC C.AR. SERVICE JOSEPH D. FOREMAN E CO. FREDRIKSEN & SONS FRONlTIFR ELECTRIC SUPPLYt INC. GOODYEAR SERVICE STORES W. W. GRAINGER INC* JAMES E. GUENTHER THE HERALD, PADDOCK PUBLICATIONS INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES 00R. JoB.M. CORPORATION ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CO- ILLI.401S MUNICIPAL RETIRE="ENT FUND LEWIS INTERNATIONAL INC. J.C. LICHT METROPOLITAN PUMP CO- MEYER MATERIAL CO - MORTON GROVE AUTOMOTIVE N. & D. TOOLS NEW STEEL WAREHOUSE NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS CO* NORTHSIDE INTERNATIONAL VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 2/08/84 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION COVERALLSt PARKAS DRILL BITS ELECTRICAL ENERGY FnR. WELL PUMPS Nd ELECTRICAL SES V!CF JAN.084 VILLAGE SHARE -WATER SUPPLY TIRE MOUNTS & R_PAIRSv VALVES REBUILT TRANSMISSION 02730 COUPLINGS COUPLINGS FIRE EXTINGUISHERS W/BRhCKETS SWITCHES TRACKER L KADIAI_ TIRES MISC. TOOLS TOOL ALLOWANCE CLASSIFIED AU COPIER 11 J AN o' 84 CHG. IBM COMPUTER MAINTENANCE JAN.184 TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEP- : E ZL? VaCE T E L E kPI4; NE— < - RVI=v TELEP t E �-i RV ;CE TELEPHONE. SERVICE IMRF PAYMENT FOR PAY OF 1/5 FICA IMRF PAYMENT FOR JANUARYt 1984 IMRF PAYMENT®JAN.184 FICA 1/I6`1 PINS `2717 PAINT L SUPPLIES PIMP PUMP SAND ALTERNATOR REPAIRED $=2745 TOOLS STEEL PLATE GAS SERVICE GAS SERVILE LIGHT ASSY.t SEALSt GAUGESt HARNE INVOICE AMOUNT i-2_.83 $28.6,0 )V. .739.63 $12 f2!4.439.00 -7 2' v 4 C' I Dov 3>.34 se1-1. 12 IG.7 x511 3 I-99. =t 49 5G Z 1_ _s, 543 S16.4I $i4,97 S30.1I S,2 3S'a8 1,675,72 sI v I 8.54 s2.695.06 $1046.32 1.00 S89. 90 2765 S80.I6 X34. 30 SS S67.04 PAGE 15 TOTAL 5123.83 $78.80 $54038-63 612.74 $289439.00* $141.00 $350.0 6 ~30 aC $,i5< 5= 17- 2 8 . 2874 8333 53,877.60 £2,04.32 $15.00 $89.90 $176.25 $114.46 %87.04 ENDO WATER! AND SEWER DIVISION ISION NORT= FST STATI NEgS I C= OLYMPIA 0000 OF DES PLATNES9 TFCC. PETTY CASH — PUBLIC WORKS= PORTABLE T OL SALES E SEPVTCE9 NC POSTMASTER PROTECTIVE FOUIPMEN! 4C. WALTER SC U TZ STIDENER SUPPLY COMPANY SNAD OO # TOOLS CORPORATION E G PRINTERS !NCS WACKER CORPORATION WEST SIDE TRACTOR ®ACES ZIEBEIL WATER ,ERIC PROD CTS9 lNC WATER ANDSEWER DIVISION WATER 6 SEWER FuNn - of PROSPECTVILLAGE OF MOUNT APPROVALACCOUNTS PAYABLE PAYMENT DATE 2/08/84 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES PUMP FILTER PLUGS PUMPv VALVE TRAVELv SU P= -€t TRAVELi SUPPLIES T ` E1,9 SUPPLIES TRAVELe SUPPLIES TRAVEL & SUPPLIES TRAVEL E SUPPLIES TRAVEL t SUPPLIES TRAVEL. SUPPLIES TRAVE 4 SUPPLIES TRAVELS SUPPLIES IES ENGINE Mme;UNT 02746 POSTAGE Pr IMETER READING CARDS POSTAGE PERMIT WATER HDLs POSTAGE -METER MACE41NE SAFETY Sw ti.E AL L, WANILo LEAnDAK COUKING FRT. CSG. SOCKETS BUSINESS CARDS REPAIR PARTS FOR TSR PUMP EQUIPMENT PART EQUIPMENT PARTS FLANGES !ICE AMOUNT TOTAL T.5 S <0 0 S83.10 lo.8 SIO -R2! %728.97 Sze _7 .72 $2.73 '2l. 0J 15.30 14.0 S6. SO.4 A04.60 . 2 v ..; Eta -90.00 T_.6 $55.75 018.75 $18475 S23.9C s5e. .. 1344.86 f5z.20 552.2C DOR VILL G_ OF MLIUNT PROSPECT C[S IY 'ROVI REPORT kCH SR DESCRIPTION _$i ST T= DIVISION, ANDERSON L=XK COMPANY CHvi =CO rl N.W. TR SPQR ATS 10N CIO CPNEIR L WI OW CLEANING t- _v PARKTNC SYSTEM DIVISTON PARKING �,ZYSTv_M REVENUE FUND UNV ICE AMOUNT OTAH PERFECT—SEAR THRESHOLD DEC.�83 PARIN EVENU SHAME ll�U43.99 I 014S AS E UTSIDE-�R R EPLAT sza_oo I RP PAYMENT FOR PAY OF I rTl- 20 I RS OA�"r J .1 4 FICA- "116®31 `T01 . SI -17f0, 4. , EN G1 N E ER D 1 3 ,'AIONWEALTH EDI SON NORTHWFST STATIONERS !NC. PETTY CASH — MIANAGEMEN S-QVILEES TRE SURERt STATE OF ILi i OIS FNGII EFRIN DIVISION TRANSFORMERFACILITIES F'3Ca sup -LIES FFICc SUPPI IES RAVEL E SUP• e S,- ROADS F, ,.RE TSS UBSCR1PT IOtJ 46 ' 0 ani C VENDOR CCMMUNITY Ado r= 3= SERVICES CK A; b .. ATE<, _ E�S, INSTR ul M EN. T R F NTALS COMMUNTTY AND CIVIC 3-L ' ICP< GENERAL FUND VILLAGE OF . PROSPECTACCOUNTS PAYABLE ...O PAYMENT DATE 2/08/84 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION ASST.—EXPANSION O#HARE AIRPORT CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS & REM TRAVEL & SUPPLIES INSTRUMENTS RENTED INSTRUMENTS RENTED $4v267.01 INVOICE AMOUNT 181.46 _990600 —60 S42,67 m i TRUST AND OETS R - I L _T UN TRUST AND DEBTS L. UNIC10-AL RETIREMENT gin• EPARTM NTS TOTAL PAYMC-T ICA £ R !— F A y ' - _� 521,23$.9_ Y 94 P R 0 C L A M A T 1 0 N WHEREAS, the success of Scouting for Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Explorers depends on our community organizations; and WHEREAS, there are over 230 churches and synagogues, schools and parent -teacher organizations, service and fraternal clubs, and other community organizations that have been chartered in the Scouting program; and WHEREAS, the volunteer leaders selected by these chartered organizations are performing an outstanding service for over 9,000 boys and young men and women; and WHEREAS, the Northwest Suburban Council of the Boy Scouts of American and its corps of dedicated volunteer leaders are providing necessary support to the leaders in the over 330 Cub Scout Packs, Boy Scout Troops, and Explorer Posts. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Carolyn H. Krause, Mayor of the Village of Mount Prospect, do extend our sincere appreciation to all community organizations that support the Scouting program and to their volunteer leaders. I do further proclaim the week of February 5 through 11, 1984 as Scouting Anniversary Week and urge our citizens to join with me in expressing appreciation to the community organizations and their volunteer Scouting Leaders for bringing the "Spirit of Scouting" to our young people. Carolyn H. Krause Mayor Village of Mount Prospect Dated this 7th day of February, 1984. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 1-3 OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF MOUNT PROSPECT BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: That effective May 1, 1,984, the liquor license classi-fication known as Class "L" shall be deleted in its entirety from Chapter 13 of the Village Code, along with all regulations and references made to said Class "L" liquor license classification. If any Class "L" liquor licenses have been authorized by ordinance prior to April 30, 1984, then upon applicant meeting- all requirements of this Chapter 13, and upon application for renewal in accordance with Chapter 13, said Class "L" liquor license holder shall be issued a Class "S" liquor license. Upon the effective date of this SECTION ONE, Section 13.107.A entitled "Number of Licenses" shall be amended to increase the number of Class "S" liquor licenses in accordance with this Ordinance. SECTION TWO: That this Ordinance shall be in full . ..... - — force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. AYES: ABSENT: PASSED and APPROVED this _ day of 1984. Village President ATTEST: Village Cle ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 13 OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF MOUNT PROSPECT BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: That Subsection A of Section 13.107 of Chapter 1.3 "Number of Licenses", as amended, is hereby further amended by decreasing the number of Class "S" liquor licenses by one (1), from Eighteen (18) to Seventeen (17); so that hereafter said Subsection A of Section 13.107 shall be and read as follows: " Sec. 13.107. Number of Licenses Five (5) Class A Licenses Three (3) Class B Licenses Nine (9) Class C Licenses Two (2) Class D Licenses One (1) Class E License One (1) Class G License One (1) Class L License One (1) Class M License One (1) Class P License Fifteen (15) Class R Licenses Seventeen (17) Class S Licenses One (1) Class V License Six (6) Class W Licenses SECTION TWO: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED and APPROVED this ATTEST: Vi 11 a ge C le r k day of illage President F 1984. Village of Mount Prospect Mount Prospect, Illinois INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR CAROLYN H. KRAUSE AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES FROM: VILLAGE MANAGER DATE: FEBRUARY 2, 1984 SUBJECT: LIQUOR LICENSE ESTABLISHMENT OWNERSHIP CHANGE For sometime now, we have been discussing with VICORP Specialty Restaurants, Inc., out of Denver, Colorado, their acquisition of the Monterey Whaling Village located at Route 83 and Rand Road. They have now completed all the documents necessary for in al'711-1-cation including the coordination of fingerprinting of t1 aeir corporate officers through the Denver, Colorado Police Department. VICORP Specialty Restaurants, Inc., owns and operates 137 restaurants in 27 states. In May of 1983, they acquired the chain of restaurants, known as Poppin Fresh Pies from Pillsbury which appears to me to be the most recognizable name here in the Chicagoland area. VICORP is now accuiring Foodmaker, Inc., which owns the Monterey Whaling, Village as well as 70 other restaurants across t1ie country, therefore, they are not purchasing just this restaurant but the entire line of restaurants owned by Foodmaker, Inc. They plan no changes in management or facility at the present time. it will still be called the Monterey Whaling Village with the same menu. The necessary insurance and other administrative documents are in order and we find no reason to recommend to the Mavor and the Board dinal of this ownership change reauest. VICORP Specialty Restaurants, Inc., is planning to close on their purchase and sale agreement on February 17, 1984. I'here is no Ordinance change required. As a matter of policy, we bring these ownership change requests to the Board at public meetings. A representative from VICORP will be present at the meeting. V TERRANCE L BUR C�ARD TLB/rcw attachment RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION DECLARING MARCH, 1984 AS "ENERGY AUDIT MONTH "IN THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT WHEREAS, energy costs have soared in the past few years and experts have indicated that these costs will triple in the next decade; and WHEREAS, as a result of these rising energy costs a significant burden has been placed on the residents of the Village of Mount Prospect, especially those on fixed incomes, by diverting money necessary for day to day living; and WHEREAS, becoming energy efficient in our daily lives is a cost effective means of holding down our utility bills. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: The Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village ofMountProspect encourage the residents of the Village to participate in the Village sponsored energy efficiency campaign through a small investment and the implementation of various weatherization techniques. SECTION TWO: As a first step towards becoming energy eff.c.i.cnt, the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect do hereby designate the month of March, 1984, to be "Home Energy Audit Month" and call upon all residents to fill out aiid return the Audit Application distribution through the Village Newsletter. Participation in this energy audit will provide residents with an individualized blueprint from which to make improvements to save energy, thereby cutting costs. SECTION THREE: That this Resolution shall be in full farce and - ..... ..... effect from and after its passage and approval in the manner provided by law. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED and APPROVED this —___ day of 1984. ATTEST: M . ayor Village C I e rk CIS JOHN EDWARD PORTER I 10tH 0,sv,Ur7 or I LLNois APPROPRIATIONS "90R. HE41TH AND HUMAN SERVICES, AND EDUCATION COMMERCE, JUSTICE, STATE AND THE JUDICIARY LEGISLATIVE BRANCH Cotigrmq of the United tate R)au5e of 31rpre5entatibr5 Wasbin-Won, -n-C. 20515 January 13, 1984 Honorable Carolyn Krause Village President Village of Mount Prospect 100 South Emerson Street Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056 Dear Mayor Krause: 1530 L.—.— H-1 OF Cc Be:l;.alw W.--.", C).C, 20515 (2.02) 225-4835 .— .-I.E.. 601-A C--, IBNORTH C —ST­� W_— . I=js 60085 (312) 662 -DI p1 104 W. --R.— S, — 410 1-1— 60015 'Z) 940-0202 I650A-1— HE—s Raw S.".104 A...HEIGrrrs, 1WFiSl19 60004 (312) 3.92-0303 I am writing to seek your support for legislation, H.R. 2441, 1 introduced last April which prohibits the use of federal highway funds in any state in which the minimum drinking age is less than 21 for the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Currently 19 states have established 21 years as their minfinurn drinking age. I am hopeful that this legislation will provide incentive to the remaining states to raise the drinking age by establishing this as a criterion for receiving federal highway fUlIdS. This is sfinflar to the strategy used in the past for adopting 55 miles per hour as the nationwide speed limit in order to encourage energy conservation and reduce highway fatalities. The need for a uniform drinking age of 21 throughout this country is clear. Statistics demonstrate that there are 25,000 deaths annually on the nation's highways as a result of accidents caused by drunken drivers. it is tragic that teenagers represent 25% of that amount although they constitute less than 8% of the total number of licensed drivers. In addition, studies have shown that if the remaining states were to adopt 21 as their minimum drinking age there would be 730 fewer young people killed annually on United States highways. As you may be aware, last month the Presidential Collijilission on Drunk Driving released its final report. Among its recommendations was withholding federal highway funds from states which have not adopted 21. years as the minimum drinking age. I believe that the time is ripe for Congress to act in this area and I am working toward this end. For your information I have enclosed a copy of H.R. 2441 and my testimony before the House Subcommittee on Commerce, Transportation and Tourism on the topic of establishing 21 years as the uniform drinking age throughout our country. I would appreciate the Village of Mount Prospect' ' endorsement of my proposal and cine your comments on federal effo — z in this -,a, S'ncerAly, fohT, I". Po J' �er —j n E JEP: nkjl Member of Congress Enclosure THIS STATIONERY PRINTED ON PAPER MADE WITH RECYCLED FIBERS STATEMENT By CONGRESSMAN JOHN PORTER OCTOBER 19, 1983 Subcommittee on Commerce, Transportation and oouriom Mr. Chairmen: Thank you for the opportunity to share my thoughts with you regarding a national drinking age, We are all aware of the tragic qunber of highway deaths which result from alcohol-related accidents. There are 25,000 deaths annually on the nation's highways as a result of accidents caused by drunk drivers and teenagers represent 25B of that amount although the constitute Ie' than 80 of the total number of licensed drivers. - Research has shown that by raising the legal drinking age a state can dramatically reduce its alcohol-related accident rate among teenage drivers For example, my home state of Illinois raised its drinking age from 19 to 3' ~ for ' the consumption of beer and wine in 1988 and, following that change, decrease in alcohol-related accidents for youth 19 and 20 years saw a l2� of age. I am particularly sensitive to the need for states to raise legal drinking' e~ because I represent a Congressional district where the drinking age is 21 ~� borders Wisconsin where the drinking age is only 18. In factthe local ' r=c has nickramed that pact of my district "blood border" to signify �c��� the large number of accidents which occur there. As you shownbnov, the House of Representatives has already �o support for programs ^^i which encourage states to raise their drinking age to 21. During the last session of Congress I was pleased to lend my support to the drunk driving legislation which included inzemti,e grants for states to raise their drinking ages. In addition, z have M-sPoosored a resolution in this session of Congress wmzpo expresses the sense of the Congress that ftotes should oai 'se their drinking ages- ~ Unfortunately, as these hearings today indicate, many states have been slow to implement a uniform drinking age at 21, In tact, only 15 states have established 21 as the minimum age for the consumption of alcohol. ' . zamaware of Several options that the Congress could adopt to encourage states to raise their drinking age' 'Ifiese policy alternatives include: 7- incentive grants to the states, similar to those in last years' drum, driving legislation, a. establishment of a federal drinking age as in H.R. 3870, Congressman rluzio's bill and 3. restrictions linking the receipt of federal highway funds to a minimum drinking age of zl- Tbday, testimony is being heard regarding the chairman's bill, H.R. 3870, to Prohibit the sale ofalcoholic beverages to those under Zl. While z approve of the intent of this legislation, zbrIieve that my approach to this issue is a more effective way to encourage states to raise their drinking age and is less likely to face serious challenges in the court. Last April I introduced H.R. 2447 which prohibits the use of federal highway funds in any state in which the minimum drinking n9c is leas than 21 for the consumption of alcoholic beverages. This strategy is similar to that used in the� for pa� adopting 55 miles per hour as the natiowide speed limit in order to encourage energy conservation and reduce highway fatalities. I would like to share with the committee several reasons why z feel that H.R. 2441 is the best way to encourage states to raise their drinking age' ' - Establishing a federal drinking age raises several constitutional 9oestions, For exanple, under the 10tb amendment to the constitution, states are reserved the right to regulate certain activities conducted exclusively within the states borders. The establishment of a minimum drinking age has traditionally been considered within the scope of the state's police powers and as a result the federal government has not intervened in this area. My legislation conforms to this 200 year tradition by allowing the states to establish their own drinking age, yet providing a strong economic incentive for states to adhere to a minimum drinking age of 21. My proposal will berelatively simple to implemqnt. As with the 55miles per - hour speed limit, governors of each of the states could be required to pledge that his or her state will enforce a minimum drinking age of 21 as a prerequisite to receiving their federal highway funds. - Unlikeo.R. 3870, my bill does not require the federal governwnt I to enforce the drinking agej rather it allows the states to continue intheir role of ` In conclusion, z urge lou to consider H.R. 2441 as u viable alternative to several of the prcbleos pzned by H.R. 3870, especially in light of the serious constitutional cueatlonc 'sed~ I thank you for the opportunity to testify ' I 98TH CONGRESS IST SESSION He Re 2441 To amend title 23, United States Code, to prohibit the use of Federal highway funds in any State in which the minimum age for the consumption of alcoholic beverages is less than twenty-one. O, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIATES APRIL 7, 1983 Mr. PORTER introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Public Works and Transportation .1 A BILL To amend title 23, United States Code, to prohibit the use of Federal highway funds in any State in which the minimum age for the consumption of alcoholic beverages is less than twenty-one. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- 2 tives of the United States of A"wrica, in Congress assembled, 3 That (a) chapter 1 of title 23, United States Code, is amend - 4 ed by adding at the end thereofl�e following new section: 5 "§ 158. Limitation relating to mlinitnum drinking age 6 "The Secretary of Transportation shall not approve any 7 project under section 106 of this title in any State (or accept 8 any certification under section 117 by any State) in which the 2 I minimum age under the laws of such State for the sale or 2 consumption of alcoholic beverages is less than 21.". 3 (b) The table of sections for chapter 1 of such title is 4 amended by adding at the end thereof the following new 5 item: "158. Limitation relating to minimum drinking age.". 6 (c) The amendments made by this section shall take 7 effect on January 1, 1985. 0 HR 2441 Df RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF H. R. 2441 WHEREAS, legislation has been introduced in the Congress of the United States under H.R. 2441 by Congressman John E. Porter; and WHEREAS, H. R. 2441 proposes that any state having a drinking age less than 21 shall not be entitled to receive federal highway funds; and WHEREAS, all indications are that having a drinking age of 21 would indeed reduce the number of deaths and injuries caused as a result of people who drink and drive; and WHEREAS, the Village of Mount Prospect wholeheartedly endorses this legislation and all proposals that would attempt to reduce the risk of death and injuries caused by people who drink and drive. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTIONONE: That the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the V" 1 1 1 a 7- — I - """ ge of Mount Prospect do hereby express our strong support for H.R. 2441, and do call upon the Legislators to pass the proposed legislation on behalf of all residents. SECTION TWO: That a certified copy of this Resolution shall Se forwarded - --- ---- to Congressman John E. Porter. SECTION THREE: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval in the manner provided by law. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED and APPROVED this day of 1984. ATTEST: Village Clerk Mayor ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 22 OF THE VILLAGE CODE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: That subsections A and B of Section 22.504.2 . .. . ....... .... entitled -ed Water User Rates" of Chapter 22 of the Village Code of Mount Prospect is hereby amended; so that said sub--, -Au" sections A and B of Section 22.504.2 shall hereafter be and read as follows: Sec. 504.2. Water User Rates A. All Village users within the Village, having a direct or indirect connection with Village water mains or pipes shall pay the following rates: Water Rate - Per each 1,000 gallons of water consumed, or portion thereof $1.97 B. All Village users outside the corporate limits of the Village having a direct or indirect connection with Village water mains or pipes shall pay the following rates: Per 1,000 gallons Minimum Charge $3.94 $35.00/bi-monthly SECTION TWO: That Section 22.504.3 entitled "Sewer Rates" of... . .......... f Chapter 22 of the Village Code of Mount Prospect is hereby amended by deleting the wording "per quarter" from said Section; so that said Section 22.504.3 shall hereafter be and read as follows: 11 Sec. 22.504.3 Sewer Rates 1. All Village sewer users within the corporate limits of the Village having a direct or indirect connection with the Village sewer and water mains or pipes shall pay the following sewer rate, based upon the amount of water consumed to which sewer service is furnished: Per 1,000 Gallons $0.13 2. All Village sewer users within the corporate limits of the Village of Mount Prospect having a direct or indirect connection with the Village sewer mains or pipes, and not with the village water mains or pipes, shall pay a flat rate of $1.25 per month, per dwelling unit. 3. All sewer users outside the corporate limits of the Village of Mount Prospect having a direct or indirect connection with the Village sewer and water mains or pipes, shall- pay the following sewer rate based upon the amount of water consumed to which sewer service is furnished: Per 1,000 Gallons 4. All sewer users outside the corporate limits of the Village of Mount Prospect having a direct or indirect connection with the Village sewer mains or pipes, but riot with Village water mains or pipes, shall pay a flat rate of $2.50 per month, per dwelling unit. 1. SECTION THREE: That Section 22.505 entitled "Billing" of -- —.1- . .... ------- --- N Chapter 22 of the Village Code is hereby amended; so that said Section 22.205 shall hereafter be and read as follows: 11 Sec. 22.505. Billing Bills for the above charges shall be compiled and processed bi-monthly, or as the Director of Finance shall. determine. Users of both water and sewer shall receive a combined bill. 11 SECTION FOUR: That Section 22.506.1 of Chapter 22 of the Tn1age Code of Mount Prospect be amended; so that hereafter said Section 22.506.1 shall. be and. read as follows: Sec. 22.506.1. Late Payment Penalty; Service Shut Off All water and sewer charges shall be due and payable on or before the twenty-first day after the (.late of the statement for such charges. All bills unpaid after the 21 day period provided for above shall become delinquent and a penalty of ten percent (10%) of the total amount of such charges shall be added thereto and shall be due in addition to the charges for such services. Whenever charges for water service have remained unpaid for more than fifteen (15) days from the (late of the statement provided for, the water service may be shut off from the premises of such delinquent consumer, provided that the consumer shall be given at least ten (10) days written notice of intent to shut off such services, and the reason therefor, and an opportunity to request and obtain a hearing with respect to such unpaid charges before the Director. of Finance of the Village, and to receive a written decision from the Director, which, if adverse, shall further allow the consumer a reasonable period. of time, not less than five (5) days, to pay the delinquent charges prior to the shut off of services. Water service which has been shut off shall not be resumed until all. in arrears shall have been paid, including twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for expenses incurred in shutting off and turning on the water. It shall be the duty of Director of Finance to enforce the provisions of this Section whenever delinquency shall occur. " SECTION FIVE: That the billing procedures and rates set forth herein shall be effective with the first billing period following May 1, 1984. SECTION SIX: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED and APPROVED this day of 1 1984. ATTEST: Village PreWe"nt" __ ................ . . ......... _"' _.. _ --------------_- . ..... ........... ------- Village Clerk ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 18 (TRAFFIC CODE) OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF MOUNT PROSPECT BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: That Section 18.2002 entitled "Schedule II Prohibited of Chapter 18 of the Village Code, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding in proper alphabetical sequence the following: Name of Direction Prohibited Street of Traffic Turn Into . ........................ . . ......... .......... . ........ .. Golf Rd. Eastbound Left I -Oka (7 AM -8:30 AM and 4:30 PM -6:30 PM) Lonnquist Westbound - Left I -Oka (7 -AM-8:30 AM Blvd. and 4:30 PM -6:30 PM) Sunset Westbound Left I -Oka (7 AM -8:30 AM and 4:30-6:30 PM) SECTION TWO: That Section 18.2004.A of Chapter 18 entitled '"schedule IV Stop and Yield Signs" of the Village Code, as amended, is hereby further amended to include in proper alphabetical sequence the following: it Name of Direction of Street Traffic Movement At Intersection With I -Oka North & Southbound Sunset Sunset East & Westbound I -Oka SECTION THREE: -from That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: _.._____...__..........__..........v. ATTEST: Village President Village Clerk TAIlage of Mount Prospeci� Mount Prospect, Illinois INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: TERRANCE L. BURGHARD& VILLAGE MANAGER FROM: KENNETH H. FRITZ, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTO SUBJECT: ZBA-1-A-84, VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT TEXT AMENDMENT REGARDING COURT REPORTER DATE: JANUARY 31, 1984 This proposed text amendment would remove the requirements within the zoning ordinance for a court reporter. Currently transcripts are required for all zoning cases which has become a very time consuming and costly requirement. In an effort to speed up the cases and reduce the cost to petitioners, we are proposing removal of the transcript requirement. The substitution of summary minutes prepared by a recording secretary is felt to be adequate for most purposes as we have the cassette tapes in a fall -back position for more detailed study of the meeting. The petitioners would still be given the option of a court reporter if they so desired and were willing to pay for the service separately. The Zoning Board of Appeals considered the case at their January 26, 1984 Public Hearing where they recommended approval of the amendment by a vote of 5-2. MINUTES 1-- THE ZONING BOARD OF APP- -s VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ZBA Case No. 1-A-84 Hearing Date: January 26, 1984 Petitioner: Village of Mount Prospect Publication Date: January 6, 1984 Request: A text amendment to remove the requirement that an official transcript of the proceedings before the Zoning Board of Appeals be taken by a court reporter. Mr. Kenneth Fritz, Director of Community Development Department, presented the subject case stating that the proposed amendment is to remove the requirement for an official record to be made by a court reporter. By eliminating this requirement, the cases could be forwarded to the Village Board on a more timely basis and would reduce the cost of such hearings for the petitioners. It was stated, however, that should the petitioner want an official transcript, the petitioner can, at his own expense, make such arrangements. If the requirement of having acourt reporter is deleted, then official. minutes would be taken, a tape recording would be available for anyone wanting to listen to the proceedings and a verbatim transcript could be supplied at the petitioners expense. Mr. Petrucelli stated that he would recommend the zoning contain specific language informing the petitioner that it would be the responsibility of the petitioner to retain a court reporter if they deemed it necessary. The staff stated that an instruction sheet will be distributed when an application for a variation from the zoning ordinance is sought and that this instruction sheet would contain that language. Mrs. O'May,'seconded by Mrs. Brothers, moved to recommend granting the subject text amendment. Upon roll call: Ayes: Basnik, Brettrager, Brothers, Cassidy, O'May Nays: Petrucelli, Viger Motion carried. �­ Mr. Petrucelli stated that he voted no since staff did not say that the language informing the petitioner that a court report could be provided at the Petitioners expense would not be set forth in the ordinance. Mr. Viger declined to give a reason for his negative vote. Carol A. Fields Recording Secretary Village of Mount Prospect Mount Prospect, Illinois INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM J AT TO: TERRANCE L. BURGHARD, VILLAGE MANAGER FROM: KENNETH H. FRITZ, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: ZBA-4-Z-84, ZBA-5-SU-84, ZBA-6-V-84, ENSREC CORPORATION, 2000 S. ELMHURST ROAD DATE: JANUARY 31, 1984 The three petitions before the Village Board are a proposal by this developer for the vacant site located immediately South of Frank's Nursery and Edwardo's Restaurant. The request involves a rezoning from B-3 to B-4, a special use for a PUD, and varia- tions for the subject property. Three variations are requested: a 20 foot rear yard is required and 0 feet is requested, truck loading areas are required for each separate building, and the B-4 District has separate requirements for a car wash which necessitates the third variation. The parking requirements for car washes in the B-4 District is predicated upon automatic car washes whereas this is a self-service car wash. The Zoning Board of Appeals considered this case at their January 26 public hearing. At that time the petitioner indicated a willingness to comply with the requirements of the staff outlined in our report to the Zoning Board. These requirements involve reconfiguration of driveways, screening of any stored outdoor vehicles, provision for trash enclosures, requirements for handicapped parking, provision of truck loading spaces, and inclusion of landscaping within and at the perimeter of the site. The petitioner has endorsed all of the recommendations made by the Zoning Board and the Village staff. They have stated that it is their desire to limit the property to automotive uses so that no future conflicts of potential tenants would arise. The Zoning Board of Appeals recommended approval of this petition by unanimous votes for the zoning and PUD request and by a vote of 5-2 for the variations. The votes were contingent upon the specified changes to the site plan, limitations on uses, and installation of approved landscaping per Community Development approval. KHF:hg MINUTES OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ZBA Case No. 4-Z-84 5 -SU -84 6-V-84 Hearing Date: January 26, 1984 Petitioner: ENSREC ' Corporation 1620 Central Street Evanston, Ill. 60201 K. C. Kostakos, President Subject Property: 2000 South Elmhurst Road Publication Date: January 6, 1984 Notices Mailed Out: January 9, 1984 Requests: Re -zone subject property from B-3 to B-4 Special Use in the nature of a Planned Unit Development Variations from 14.2102.0 to reduce rear yard from the required 20 feet to 0; 14.2101.A.1 parking regulations to permit fewer parking spaces as it applies to the car wash; 14.2105.8. to eliminate the requirement for off-street truck loading spaces. Mr. Kostakos, President of ENSREC Corporation, presented the proposed project stating that the property would be developed with five one-story buildings, all of which would provide some type of vehicle maintenance facility, includes a self -serve car wash. Other tenants would be as listed below. Mr. Kostakos stated that this is an entirely new concept and not addressed in the zoning ordinance. It was stated that the auto services uses are permitted only in a B-4 district, that the PUD was necessary to have more than one building.on a lot of record; and that self -serve car wash facilities are not covered in the zoning ordinance, but under the definition of car wash, 171 parking spaces are required. A site plan was submitted with the application; however, following staff recommendations, the petitioner submitted a revised site plan at the meeting showing a traffic pattern within the development more acceptable to the staff and a change in the 'curb cut'. It was the request of the petitioner that parking spaces for the Project be calculated at one space per 300 square feet of building area, which would required 114 spaces. The project provdes for 150 spaces. The following representatives spoke on the case: ZBA 4-Z-84 5 -SU -84 6-V-84 James Tatooles, Project Engineer - 1098 S. Milwaukee Avenue Wheeling, Ill. Steven A. Hirsh, National Pride Car Wash 1895 Lake Avenue Highland,Park, Illinois William Strahan, Alarm King 9501 W. Devon Rosemont, Illinois Richard Barbour, Meineke Muffler 2135 S. Tunne Road Arlington Heights, Illinois Warner Amment, Motra Transmission Peter Flotz, Bartman Ashman. - Traffic Engineer 1814 Farwell Chicago, Ill. Perry Ramano, Alarm King franchisee 217 Fairview Mount Prospect, Ill. Page 2 of 3 Mr. Kostakos stated that the project would be developed in three phases, 2 buildings in each of the first two phases and one building in phase 3. No leases have been considered for phase 3, being the westerly'most building. M ' r. Petrucelli expressed his concern that no areas were provided for delivery trucks. It was stated that provisions could be made for truck delivery areas by reducing the number of parking spaces, since additional spaces had been provided - based on the one per 300 sq. ft. ratio. Mr. Viger asked if Elmhurst Road was a dedicated roadway. Steve Park stated that the subject property is a lot of record and the roadway was dedicated. Mr.,Viger requested the staff to re -affirm that fact. It was also Mr. Viger's feeling that the petitioner should have provided the amended site plan prior to the meeting and requested the case be continued in order to give him additional time to review the plan. Mrs. Brothers asked is screening would be provided and the petitioner stated that screening in the form of landscaping would be provided along the perimeter and interior, as to be approved by the Community Development Department. Mr. Basnik, along with other members of the Board, expressed their approval of the concept of this development for Elmhurst Road. ZBA 4-Z-84 Mr. Cassidy, seconded by Mrs. Brothers, moved to recommend the ZBA 4-Z-84 Page 3 of 3 ZBA 5 -SU -8, ZBA 6-V-84 granting of B-4 zoning for the property at 2000 S. Elmhurst Road, subject to the condition that the property be used as an auto related facility as presented. Upon roll call: Ayes: Basnik, Brettrager, Brothers, 'Cassidy, O'May, Petrucelli, Viger Nays: None Motion carried. ZBA 5 -SU -84 Mr. Brettrager,seconded by Mrs. O'May, moved to recommend the special use in the nature of a planned unit development be granted, subject to the petitioner providing truck loading areas, except for the car wash, and as long as the property is used for auto related facilities and in accordance with staff recommendations and that landscaping be installed in accordance with a plan approved by Community Development Department. Upon roll call: Ayes: Basnik, Brattrager, Brothers, Cassidy, O'May, Petrucelli, Viger Nays: None Motion carried. ZBA 6-V-84 Mrs. Brothers, seconded by Mrs. O'May, moved to recommend approval of a variation to reduce the rear yard from 20 feet to 0; to permit one parking space per 300 square feet of building area, as shown on the amended site plan; subject to the petitioner providing designated truck loading areas as established by the Community Development Department (except the car wash); and the other requirements set forth in the staff memo, attached to these minutes - Upon roll call: Ayes: Brettrager, Brothers, Cassidy, O'May, Petrucelli Nays: Basnik, Viger Motion carried. Mr. Basnik stated that he voted no because he opposed the conditions placed within the motion. Mr. Viger had requested additional time to review the site plan and therefore voted no. Carol A. Fields Recording Secretary Village of Mount Prospect Mount Prospect, Illinois INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Village Manager FROM: Director Public Works DATE: January 24, 1984 SUBJECT: Recommended Change in Traffic Code Section 18.2006 Schedule VI of the traffic code states, "No Parking Anytime. In accordance with Section 18.1315, and when signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall at any time permit a vehicle to park upon any of the following described alleys, streets or parts of streets." I recommend that the "first 110 feet west of Emerson Street (taxi stand) on the north side of Prospect Ave." be deleted from prohibitive parking restrictions. This area of Prospect Avenue is scheduled to be -reconstructed and. arrangements are being made to permanently re -assign a reserved parking area for taxi cabs on the east side of the train station on the north side of the tracks. We feel this move will be safer for all passengers, and will free up additional parking spaces for commercial use on Prospect Avenue. .............. . . . Herb,"ert E­lNee s Director Public Works HLW: j cc - Police Chief Deputy Chief Daley RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE FOREST RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Forest River. Fire Protection District has asked the Village of Mount Prospect to provide the service of the Fire Department of the Village to said District during 1984; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect have determined that it would be in the best interest of the Village and of said District to enter into an Agreement with the terms and conditions set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto for the provision of the Village of Mount Prospect Fire Department to service said District. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: The President of the Board of Trustees of the Village —6 -f --Mo tint Prospect be, and she is hereby, authorized to execute and the Village Clerk to attest, the Agreement by and between the Village of Mount Prospect and the Forest River Fire Protection District which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference. SECTION TWO: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect '"from and after its passage and approval in the manner provided by law. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED and APPROVED this day of 1984. Village Clerk . . ........ Mayor M POREST RIVER FiRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, A MINILCIPAL CORPORATION, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, HERETO, and THE VILLAGE OF' MOUNT PROSPECT, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, IIE14ETO, A G R E E M E N T WHEREAS, the Village of Mount Prospect, hereinafter referred to as "the village," a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Illinois and the Forest River Fire Protection District, hereinafter referred to as "the District," a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Illinois, are municipal corp- orations organized under the laws of the State of Illinois and as such have the power under State law to enter into agreements for providing fire Protection; and WHEREAS, the Village is desirous of providing such services to the Djstrict. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE VILLAGE AND THE DISTRICT AS FOLLOWS. 1. That for the period beginning January 1, 1984,to December 31, 1984, at 12:00 midnight said day, the Village shall furnish all fire fighting, fire protection, fire prevention, and other emergency services, including emergency ambul"ce service, by such volunteer or paid on call and/or regular firemen available to the Village as the Fire Chief of the Village shall determine, to the District for a certain area as shown and outlined in orange on Exhibit I attached hereto and made a part hereof. 2. That for the period of time during which this agreement shall be in full force and effect, the District agrees to pay and the Village agrees to accept as full payment for said fire protection, fire prevention services, and emergency services that amount of monies received from tax receipts collected during the period beginning January 1, 1984, and ending December 31, 1984, less all costs of running the said District including but not limited to all administrative legal salaries and other expenses incurred. a. It is understood that the District shall levy taxes at the maximum rate authorized by statute without referendum; and shall apply for and make all efforts to receive any available state and/or federal aid to fire protection districts as is, now available or may be made available during the term hereof; all such levies, however, shall be exclusive of the amount of taxes levied for payment of the bonded indebtedness of the District which existed prior to the discontinuance of the fire department of the District. It is understood that the District will continue to levy and extend taxes upon the taxable property in its territory for its proportionate share of such bonded indebtedness of the District at the time of the said discontinuance for the purpose of amortizing such bonds until such time as sufficient funds to retire such bonds have been collected. b. The payments by the District to the Village shall be made in the following manner: (i) The sum Of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.00) shall be paid upon the execution of this agreement. IWAM (i i) The SUM Of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.00) or, or before April 1, 1984. (iii) The Slim of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($-)00.00) un or before July 1, 1984. (iv) The balance remaining after all expenses have been paid shall be paid on or before December 31, 1984. 3. That the Fire Chief of the Village shall have the sole and exclusive right, duty, and responsibility to prescribe the manner and method of giving the alarm for fire and/or other emergencies occurring within the District's territory as outlined upon said Exhibit I. 4. That the Fire Chief of the Village or his authorized represer,tative shall have the sole and exclusive authority and responsi- bility to direct and control any and all fire fighting, fire protection, fire prevention, and other emergency operation carried on at the scene of any alarm or emergency occurring within that territory of the District shown upon the said Exhibit I. 5. That all fire fighting, fire protection, fire prevention and other emergency procedures conducted under the Provisions hereof shall be conducted in accordance with the regulations of the Mount Prospect Fire Department and the ordinances of the Village. Furthermore, the District agrees that within ten (10) days.of the execution hereof, it shall pass and approve ordinances identical in form and content to the ordinances of the Village which deal with fire fighting, fire protection, fire prevention, building construction as related to fire safety, and other emergency procedures. 6. That all expenses and cost of maintaining equipment, apparatus, salaries, insurance premiums, and any and all other items of expenses connected with the several services contemplated herein to be supplied by the Village to the District shall be borne by the Village. -3- The only expense falling upon the District shall be in the form of the payments scheduled to be made hereinabove under Paragraph 2b. 7. That, within seven (7) days of receipt of notice of annexation by any municipality of land and territory within its district (as shown in orange upon the said Exhibit I hereto), the District shall forward a copy of said notice (with the legal description contained therein) to the Village by addressing same to the attention of the Village Clerk - 100 South Emerson Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed by their respective officers and have affixed hereunto their respective corporate seals, all having been authorized by the adoption of a suitable Resolution passed and approved by each of the respective parties hereto. ATTEST: Vlff,ge -Clerk VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT BY: FOREST RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT By A Pes 12d-ean-itf ".- ATTEST: A Secretary DATED this 31st day of December, 1983. -4- _-- - EXHISIT RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF STREETS AND HIGHWAYS BY THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT - UNDER THE ILLINOIS HIGHWAY CODE WHEREAS, the Village of Mount Prospect, hereinafter referred to as Municipality, located in the County of Cook, State of Illinois, desires to undertake, in the year 1984, the location, construction, operation and maintenance of driveways and street returns, watermains, sanitary and storm sewers, street lights, traffic signals, sidewalks, landscaping, etc., on State highways, within said Municipality, which by law and/or agreement come under the jurisdiction and control of the Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois, hereinafter referred to as Department; and WHEREAS, an individual working permit must be obtained from the Department prior to any of the aforesaid installations being constructed either by the Municipality or by a private person or firm under contract and supervision of the Municipality. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: That the Municipality hereby pledges its good faith and guarantees that all work shall be performed in accordance with the conditions of the permit to be granted by the Department, and to hold the State of Illinois harmless on account of any damages that may occur to persons or property during the prosecution of such work, and assume all liability for damages to persons or property due to accidents or otherwise by reason of the work which is to be performed under the provision of said permit. SECTION TWO: That all authorized officials of the Village of R6-unt Prospect are hereby instructed and authorized to sign said working permit on behalf of the Village of Mount Prospect. SECTION THREE: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval in the manner provided by law. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED and APPROVED this day of 1 1984. ATTEST: Village Clerk I Mayor Village of Mount Prospect Nl^u^�Prospect" n;x^*m INTER@FFuCEMEWRANDUN! DATE: JANUARY 25, |984 Attached is is a copy of a new curfew ordinance change prepared by Dave Newman, Village Attorney. He prepared this ordinance along with the several code changes we are currently reviewing in the Police Department. The Police Department, along with the Village Prosecutor, is requesting the Mount Prospect Village ordinance on curfew he revised to comply with the State of Illinois curfew law. At the present time the Mount Prospect ordinance is applicable to individuals 17 years of age, while the State Statute is applicable to individuals 16 years of age. The recommended ordinance is attached to these documents. Presently our youth officers, as well as the Village Prosecutor, are having problems in court because of the differences in the two The inconsistency causes the following concerns: First of all, when 17 year olds are charged the courts become confused and dismiss the cases' As you know, under current law the person can be adjudicated as an adult at 77 years of age. Secondly, surrounding communities have ordinances in conformance with state law (16 years of age). These differences cause confusion and hostility among 17 year olds who are arrested in Mount Prospect, but reside elsewhere. A survey of the surrounding communities shows that only Des Plaines has an ordinance similar to ours, but theirs has different hours and different requlations. Because this o home rule policy change adopted several years ago, 1 request that the proposed ordinance be furwardnd tothe Mayor and Board for further discussion. �� ' Chief of Po/ice KWP: j 11038 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ARTICLE VI ENTITLED ''MINORS" OF CHAPTER 23 OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ILLINOIS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: Article VI entitled "Minors'' of Chapter 23 of the a g e- - Code �— e ci 98 Village d f- Mount Prospect, Illinois (1 1) is hereby amended as follows: A. By amending Section 23.601 entitled "Curfew for Minors" to read as follows: "Sec. 23.601 Curfew for Minors. A. It is unlawful for a person less than seventeen (17) years of age to he present at or upon any public assembly, building, place, street or highway at the following times unless accompanied and napervisod by a parent, legal guardian or other responsible co-iripanion at least eighteen (18) years of age, approved by the parent or legal guardian, or unless engaged in a business or occupation which the laws of this State authorize a person less than seventeen (17) years of age to perform: 1. Between one minute after twelve o'clock (12:01) A.M. and six o'clock (6:00) A.M. Saturday; and 2. Between one minute after twelve o'clock (12:01) A.M. and six o'clock (6:00) Sunday; and 3. Between eleven o'clock (11:00) P.M. on Sunday to Thursday, inclusive, and six o'clock (6:00) A.M. on the following day. 3. It is unlawful for a parent, legal guardian or other person to knowingly permit a person in his custody or control to violate Section A of this Section." B. By adding a new Section 23.602 entitled "Sale of Tobacco Pfoducts to Minors" to read as follows: "23.602. Sale of Tobacco Products to Minors. It:. stall be un r, Lor any -vendor, vo--i('ir�a ,,chine opqr3tor, tobacco deel.cr or other ire son op,:,ratlng a hasiness in this Village where tobacco projucts are sold, to sell, give or make available to any -,pers,i%n lc -ss than eighteen (18) Years of age, any Cigarettes, cigars, or other Whacco proaucts excapt upon the writWn order of oil adult kno"n to tLe vendor, operator or dealer." C. 3y adding a now Section 23.603 entitled Wenalty" to ye3d as foll=s: "Sec. 23.603. Peualty. Any p?rson convictod of a violation of any provision of this Article shall be fined not less Unni twenty-five ($25.00) dollars nor more than om2 hmnony (5J00,00) collars f-.)reac.h ofonse." SECTION TWO: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval, and publication in pamphlet form in accordance with law. _ PASSED and APPnonom this day of , 1984. A'.1'TEST; Village Clerk Village President - 2 -- WILLIAM o,AyxsNa M"pv MARYLYN C. KOCH, City Clerk Mr. Terry Burghard Village Manager Village of Mount Prospect 100 South Emerson Mount Prospect, IL 00050 Dear Mr. Berghard: � City of Rolling Mea=ows Y aan0x/nc*VprROAD ' ROLLING MEADOWS, ILLINOIS GO0Ox s94-a5oo January ll, 1984 Enclosed in duplicate is the Agreement for Plumbing Inspection Services, which has been signed by Mayor Ahrens. Also enclosed is a certified copy of the enabling Resolution. Please have both documents executed by the appropriate officials and return one fully executed agreement to this office. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Very truly Luke Deputy City Clerk Enclosures pc Rud Blane Building & Zoning Officer RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROLLING MEADOWS AND THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT FOR PLUMBING INSPECTION SERVICES ...... . . ...... .. -- — __-- - - - WHEREAS, the Village of Mount Prospect requires the services of a licensed plumbing inspector; and WHEREAS, the City of Rolling meadows employs a licensed plumbing inspector and is willing to lease the services of their licensed plumbing inspector to the Village of Mount Prospect. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: ONE: SECTION : That the Village of Mount Prospect and . .......... . . ­­__­ the City of Rolling Meadows have reached an Agreement whereby the Village of Mount Prospect will lease the services of the licensed plumbing inspector. SECTION TWO: That the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign and the Village Clerk authorized to attest her signature on the Agreement for Plumbing Inspection Services Between the City of Rolling Meadows and the Village of Mount Prospect, which Agreement is attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof. SECTION THREE: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval in the manner provided by law. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED and APPROVED this day of 1984. ATTEST: Mayor V111 a geC__1"' c -r- k-,-"-- ...... -- AGREEMENT FOR PLUMBING INSPECTION SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROLLING MEADOWS, ILLINOIS AND THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS THIS AGREEMENT, dated the day of ws 198 S between the City Of Rolling Meadows, Illinois (hereinafter referred to as the "City"), and the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois (hereinafter referred to as the "Village"); WITNESSETH AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Village, by virtue of retirement, will soon be without the services of a plumbing inspector licensed by the State of Illinois. 2. The City has such a licensed plumbing inspector who is willing to undertake the required Plumbing inspections of the Village at such periods of time when his services are not otherwise required by the City. 3. The City is willing to lease the services Of its licensed plumbing inspector to the Village under the terms as hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, -UPON THE CONSIDERATION HEREINAFTER SET FORTH, THE CITY AND THE VILLAGE DO HEREBY AGREE AS FOLLO'.-.S: A. COrLnencing on February 15, 1984 and continuing to February 14, 1985 unless sooner terminated, the City shall provide its licensed plumbing inspector to the Village to carry- out required plumbing inspections at the rate of $25.00 for each hour or a portion thereof. B. Said plumbing inspector shall accomplish pl=bing inspections for the Village at such times as do not d--srupt, i:iterfer or conflict with such inspector's duties wit- the City. C. The village hereby agrees that it shall ind-=unify and hold harmless the City from all claims or causes of action, losses, damages or injuries occurring or Otherwise arising out of the activities Of the City's plumbing inspector within the corporate boundaries of the village pursuant to this Agreement. D. This Agreement may be terminated at any time, by either party upon the giving of a seven (7) day written notice to the other party. Notice of termination shall be considered to be given when placed in the mail addressed either to the City Clerk of the City of Rolling Meadows, City Hall, 3600 Kirchoff Road, Rolling Meadows, Illinois 60008 or to the Village Clerk of the Village of Mount Prospect, Village Hall, 100 South Emerson Street, Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056. 4. This Agreement shall be in force upon its execution by the authorized officials of each municipality, together with affixing of the Corporate Seal thereon. MEAD CITY CITY OL1L.INGOWS B Y—, MAYOR ATTEST: 2 r - CLERK VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT 10 ATTEST: VILLAGE PRESIDENT Vf L-fAdff Village of Mount Prospect Mount Prospect, Illinois INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: TERRANCE L. BURGHARD, VILLAGE MANAGER FROM: KENNETH H. FRITZ, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: BLACKHAWK DRIVE PLAT OF EASEMENT NORTHWEST CORNER OF EDGEWOOD LANE AND BLACKHAWK DATE: FEBRUARY 2, 1984 The plat of easement before the Village Board was a condition of the special service area for the Blackhawk annexation to the Village. There are two easements adjacent to Lot 8 of the Subdivision. Each easement is ten feet in width and runs along the side lot line. The easements are needed to provide sewer service to this area. The Plan Commission recommended approval of the easement at their February 1, 1984 meeting. KHF:hg Village of Mount Prospect Mount Prospect, Illinois INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: TERRANCE L. BURGHARD, VILLAGE MANAGER FROM: KENNETH H. FRITZ, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTO SUBJECT: PLAT OF VACATION - WAVERLY STREET SOUTH OF LINCOLN DATE: FEBRUARY 2, 1984 E The plat of vacation removes from the Village right-of-way a 66 foot wide right-of-way on the South side of Lincoln. This right-of-way is an unimproved dedicated street which stubs into the Golf Course. The vacation is proposed in order to return it to the tax roles. As proposed, the vacation, 66 feet in total width, would be split evenly between the properties to the East and to the West. The Plan Commission recommended approval of the vacation at their February 1, 1984 public meeting. KHF:hg mm MINUTES COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE JANUARY 10, 1984 I. ROLL CALL Mayor Krause called the meeting to order a Present at the meeting were:. Mayor Caroly~ Trustees Ralph. Arthur, Gerald Farley, Norm, George Van Geem and Theodore Wattenberg. from the staff were: Village Manager "Terra' Assistant Village Manager Jay Hedges, Dire Management Services David ,Jepson, Director Warks Herbert Weeks and Deputy Director of Glen Andler. There were six persons incth three members of the press. Trustee Fl ro' the meeting at 8:15 p.m, II. MINUTES ,The Minutes of the.Committee of the Whole x December 13, 1983 were accepted and filed, III. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD There being no c izens present at the meet to make any presentation before the Commiti Whole, the Mayor moved on to the next item, IV. PUBLIC ;SERVICE EMPLOYMENT FOR. PROBATIONERS Mayor Krause' informed the Board that a lett received from Judge Geocaris, the Presidinj the Third Municipal District inviting our I in a Community Service Sentencing Program. explained that this would be for first- tim( primarily, andwould not involve people ',whc convicted of crimes against persons. Trust the administration whether or not the Baba had been addressed and Mr. Burghard explaix had consulted both Dave, a ana- the Villag( Gallagher Bassett, our insurance service. that there was some liability to the Villaf the M��nager's opinion, exposure would not t Mayor. Krause indicated that she felt that t publ. service _ rcix , <. .. b- "?"ef3 commwity as well as impress upon individu4 been °onvicted of crimes that they; have a c VI. WELL #16 T' ?RS Mr. Burghard referred the Village Bo,�-­re. --Director Herb Weeks' memorandum of January 4,_1981!, regarding repairs to Well #16. The Board had previously authorized a figure of $63,000 for repairs to'" #16 in October of 1983. Mr. Weeks' memo reviewed `- 1,�tail the factors which have increased these repairs gay $14,352 to a total of $77,352. Mr. Burghard requested Board ,authorizationto appropriate,,an additional $14,352 for these repairs, Mr. Weeks was whether or not this Well would remain on line after ,-,,,e Lake Michigan water pipeline was completed, He indicated that this would be used as one of the primary stand-by Wells for approximately,seven years during which time a shake down of the Lake Michigan water system would take place, Eventually, it is not anticipated that any of the existing Wells would be used on a regular basis but would merely be available as stand- bys. After general discussion, the consensus of the Mayor and Board wasthat there;,was no option, other than t,,,Q.,make, these necessary repairs and authorized the additional expenditures. This item will be placed on a subsequent Village Board Agenda for official approval. VII."MANAGER'S Uf`,.;��I` 1. Mr. Burgh. -,-d provided a general update on the progress of LAKE MICHIGAN WATER PROJECT which included the fact that bids have been opened and are being reviewed regarding the main pumping station at O'Hare Airport and,that A contract would be awarded sometime later this month after approval by the Executive Connittee. 2. Mr. Burghard indicated that the break up of the Bell Telephone System and AT&T will have a significant impact on municipal -telephone costs. In addition,,to. probable increases in rates, AT&T is apparently not willing to honor indefinitely FRANCHISE AGREEMENTS with municipalities. Currently, this amounts to approximately $20,000 per year for the'Village of Mount Prospedt'which is received in the form of discounted telephone line rates. The Northwest Municipal Conference is currently negotiating on behalf of m,-,,ricipalities to modify Franchise Agreements and in the ,perim, the Telephone Gbmpan.y has agreei to continue paying Franch,t,se,,,,Tees;,,,,,,at.,the present rate for the first ' threc,, quarte,L ,a l i84.Mr. ,�dded -hat 14 a administration will be reviewing the possibility of purcl,,.,sing a private phone system daring the upcoming budget year and this matter will be ,i,,',scussed during budget hear,;ngs. -3-