HomeMy WebLinkAbout2860_001NEXT ORDINANCE NO. -z'HO NEXT RESOLUTION NO, 9-78 0 R D E R 0 F B U S I N E S S REGULAR MEETING VILLAGE BOARD VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT I. CALL TO ORDER Ii. INVOCATION - Trustee Flores III. ROLL CALL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1978 8:00 P.M. Building Director All MEET YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS FOR TALK AND COFFEE SATURDAY, MARCH 4TH, 2ND FLOOR, VILLAGE HALL 100 S. EMERSON -- 10:00 A.M. TO NOON Mayor Krause Trustee Floros Trustee Murauskis Trustee Hendricks Trustee Richardson Trustee Minton Trustee Wattenberg IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 7, 1978 V. APPROVAL OF BILLS AND FINANCIAL REPORT Vi. COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS - CITIZENS TO BE HEARD VII. MANAGER'S REPORT A. A RESOLUTION REQUESTING EMERGENCY AID FOR HIGHWAY REPAIR ON STATE CONTROLLED HIGHWAYS #12 AND #83 (Exhibit A) B. Hiring Request - Part-time secretary, Health Services Department - Senior Citizens C. Status Report - Various Village programs and projects VIII. MAYOR'S REPORT A. A RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FOREST VIEW GIRLS BOWLING TEAM (Exhibit B) B. Presentation of Certificates of Merit C. Announcements IX. COMMITTEE REPORTS A. BUILDING COMMITTEE 1. 2nd reading of AN ORDINANCE INCREASING FEES BEFORE THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS (Exhibit C) 2, ZBA 52-Z-77) 101 S. Maple ZBA 53-V-77) 3. ZBA 54-Z-77 East of Randhurst, north ZBA 55 -SU -77) of Kensington Road ZBA 56-V-77 ) B. FINANCE: COMMITTEE 1. Mount Prospect Public Library Board C. FIRE AND POLICE COMMITTEE: D. JUDICIARY COMMITTEE MEET YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS FOR TALK AND COFFEE SATURDAY, MARCH 4TH, 2ND FLOOR, VILLAGE HALL 100 S. EMERSON -- 10:00 A.M. TO NOON 1. No Parking signs in Sunset School area 2. Traffic Code changes due to "S" curve reconstruction 3n lst reading of AN ORDINANCE RECODIFYING CHAPTER 20 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE (Exhibit D) 4. Scavenger bid proposals F. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE 1® 2nd reading of AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR SEWER AND WATER MAIN RECAPTURE AGREEMENTS (Exhibit E) X. OTHER BUSINESS A. Certification of results of election held by Public Works employees 2/17/78 B. Di. Mucci's Tamarack-Thornwood Park Plat of Subdivision - Tamarack & Palm C. Robert Joseph Plat of Subdivision fl2 - Northeast corner Euclid & Wolf D. Robert Joseph Plat of Subdivision #3 - Southwest corner River & Euclid E. Robert Joseph Plat of Subdivision #4 - Northwest corner Elmhurst & Algonquin F. Renewal of lease with increased rental, V & G Printers, Northeast corner Busse Avenue & Main XI. ITEMS TO BE REFERRED A. ZBA 8 -SU -78) 2 1 010 Camp McDonald Road, ZBA 9-V-78 ) refer to Building Committee B. ZBA 10-V-78) Northwest corner Northwest ZBA 11-Z-78) Highway & School, refer to Building Committee XII, COMMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENTS XIII. FOR INFORMATION ONLY XIV. ADJOURNMENT RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION REQUESTING EMERGENCY AID FOR HIGHWAY REPAIR ON STATE CONTROLLED HIGHWAYS #12 & #83 WHEREAS, the extxeme weather of the 1977-78 winter season ha, h a d a gre a t imp a ct on t h e p a venie, it t sirrf aces of cer t a i n S t a, t e T'0, U t e s w i t h i n t h e V j I I aa. g e o f M o Lan t Pr o s p c e.'t , a, 11 d WHEREAS, U.S./Ill. Route 12 (Rand Road) and III. Route 83 (Elmhurst Road) have greatly deterio-rated. due to the freezing thawing conditions; and WHEREAS, such deterioration has resulted in innuiaerable 0 V pot holes" causing motorists to suffor severely damaged tires, wheel alignment, and lost hub caps; and WHEREAS, the Village Of MOUTIt Prospect has neither the legal right, nor the responsibility, nor the furids -to repair thE� aforesaid conditions with its own forces, and must properly look to the State of fllino.js; NOW, THEREFORE_ BE IT RESOLAIED 13Y THE MAYOR AND BOARI) OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, 11A,1NOIS-, SlsCTION ONFM That the Department of Transportation, of the State of Illinois be requested to make emergency repairs immediately, and advise Hiis municipality of array permanent resurfacing which will elifainate this ,tnnual damage. SECTION TWOW That State Senator David J,, Regner of the Third 1.. I .... . ......... istrict be earnestly requested to assist the Village of Mount Prospect in obtaining relief from the afores,aid conditions. SECTION THREE: That copies of this Resolution be immedi,ately forwarded to the Department of Transportation, State of llliriois, and to Sonator David J, Regner. SECTION FOIJR; That this ReSOILItion be in full force and j after its passage iii the manner provided by law, PASSED and APPROVED this day of 1978. ............. Village Clerk I Mayor RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTUDN OF CONG RATU LATION S TO THE FOREST VIEW GIRLS BOWLING TEAM WHERI,,��A,S, the Forest View High Scha& Girls Bowling Team has Convincingly demonstrqted the�r outstanding sports ability by winning the Stato Bow�jng' champ.i.-onship Title; and WHEREAS, this is the th!" ti,vi[e Forest View Eligh School Gi.-rls Bowling Toam has recc�ved such recognition, and also the third time fwr thAs arem; and WHEREAS, the Team's actlon ha�s brought glory and recogni. - tion to the school and tho towns from which its student body is drawn; ��ow' BE, il' MiSOLVED BY '11'111F MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEE'S OF THE VULAGE OF MMNT IMOSMT, COOK COUJM,� MIN010 SMAMN ONE: That the Forest View Hie; School Girls WDRIFT13M, Coach Warren Myor, and Karmi Ellingsworth, who placed first for high score series, and My Pleickhardt, who had the highest average iin 1A)c,, tournament, be extonded. AM!& amd hearty congratulations on MA achievement. SEMON 140: That a copy of this Rosoluti" be given to the 11 !R to the Forest Vi��w' School Athletic Dcpartment� SECTION THREE � That this Resolution shM 1 M in full force and ofter its passage and approval in the mannor prov�dod by, 1,aw� AYES � NAM PASSED and APPROVLD th i s 2 � st da y a f Fehn""y, 1978. ATTEM V i I I ag, 10100M . . . . ....... Mayor, 1/12/78 ORDINANQI� N011 ANORDINANCE INCREASING THE FILING FEES FOR HEARINGS BEFORF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS WHEREAS, the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Mount Prospect did conduct a Special Public llearin�-,r under Case No. 4-Z 78, on Jantiary 5, 1978, on a request to amend the schedules of filing fees contained in Sections 14 � 602, 14. 7'02, 14 � 803, and 1.4 � 902 of the Municipal Code of the'Village of Mount Prospect (the Zoning Ordinance) for hearings held 'by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Mount Proslaect on requests for variations, special uses, zoning, amendments, and appeals� and WHEREAS , a notice of the aforesaid Special Public Hearing was made and published in the inanner provided by law ; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Board of Appeals af the'Village of Mount Prospect did recammend to the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of mirnAnt Prospect that the request to amend the schedules of filing fees in the Zoning Ordinance, requested tinder Case No,, 4--Z-78, be granted, and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect have determined that the best interests of the'Village ofMotint Prospect will be attained by the adoption ofthe following Ordinance regarding fees for the Zoning Ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDEN71 AND BOARD OF TRtJSj.'EES 0F7'IlE VILTAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, S113CTION ONE " - That paragraph 2 of subsection C of Section 1.4.602 of the Municipal, 6�de of the Village of Mount Prospect of 1.957, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended in its entirety by increasing the filing fees for hearings held by the Zoning Board of Appeals on requests for Variations; so that hereafter the said paragraj.,)h 2 shallbe and read as follows� 112. Pztyment of filing fees, a. For variance requests concerned with lot size parking and/or land use: 3.) In instances where the decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals is firial---Fifty Dollars ($50). 2) In all other instarices---Tivo Hundred Dollars ($200)., b. For all other varjance r,equests� 1) Where the aren of the tract of land concerned consists of 17,500 square feet or less --Fifty Dollars ($50) � 2) Where the area of the tract of land concerned com3lsts of more than 17,500 square feet ---Two Hundred Dollars ($200) . c. SpedO hearings will be hehl at z, dAna Inutually agreed upon by—Mie petHhner and the Zoning Board of Appeals praddod fuSher Umt the PORMn" pay a spedW hearing Fee in an unaunt njuM tomo %ndmd DAMrs (1200) OVOF FVI�l 911-)ve the foregoing scheduled SECTION TWO; That paragraph 2 of mat-.�secfiori C of Section �4.702 of the rAurdelpal of VAU Progimt of 1957, an anwnded, be and the same, i,,; hereby fbrther aunendnd in its enMrAy Q hunmabNg the 6019 fuss Rw heuAgo hAd by Um ZoAng Bo"d of Appeals on, ficr sp(�All U,,,�e; so that hareafter 'he paragraph 2 sJuAl be �nn(l road "2. Payments of fiHng few; the amwml rA which shall be d(bonnined on tho basis o, aif, an,,, or uw hmd wHh A& h the spechl use is coumn-spci pklr�suant to the rollm"Ving, a. RyuNr hmwMgs!� 1) Less than five 11�11�olrcd 'Doll""ws ($600), 2) Fka nmvs Vt Ems awn No omvs in mya - Nhw IMnAnd DWNw,,; ($900). 3) Ton acres imit less Vurn b0can ocrus in n'Ta—Chne fliousuad Tno lWn&vd DuHms (P,2"), 4) FIRcen acres or nwro in araw - Onu Thousand Five Hundred DolU, n ($1,500) b . SpecAl hearings An be held at a time rnutusHy agreed upon by Me pektkmer and the Anbig Banni of Ajj,)�jpcals provided further thtit the petitioner pay is special hawring fee in an mnourA equal to Two Hundred DaHars ($000) avor and strave the kwegoing schaduled rMs. 1, SECDON ITMEE: That pmmigraph 2 J subsexAln yj of SecUml IC B03 oF the Rluird(Apal Code af the VINge of hImint Prostme! of 7957, as anwndad, be and the same is hcnvby further amendod in Hs cnt,�refy by increas4ig the filing fees for hearings hold by the Zoning Board ol'Appeals on requ(e;ts for texL and map auzend-- ments; ex) that herenaer Me sMd pm,gmph 2 sNM Im and reud as fhllows� "2. Payment of MhW Ams, InwsumA to tno RAMAng scheduQ a. Regular henring�s� 3. Taxt amendmont- -Five lkMdVk�('l DODM'S ($500) � 2, �Iap arnendinent, cletemn0nxl on Um bads of Me aron of Ma lmd which is Me sulgect ol"Me inap arnenchnent� 2 - , r. a) Less than two acres in area --Five Hundred Dollars ($500). b) Two acres but less than five acres in area --Seven Hundred Dollars ($700). c) Five acres but less than ten acres in area ---Nine Hundred Dollars ($900). d) Ten acres but less than fifteen acres in area --One Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($1,200). e) Fifteen acres or more in area --One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($1,500). - -1 b . Special hearings will be held at a time mutually agreed upon by the petitioner and the Zoning Board of Appeals provided further that the petitioner pay a special hearing fee in an amount equal to Two Hundred Dollars ($200) over and above the foregoing scheduled fees." SECTION FOUR: That paragraph 2 of subsection C of Section 14.902 of the Municipal Code of the Village of hlotint Prosj�Tct of 1957, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended in its entirety by the filing fees for hearings held by the Zoning Board of Appeals on requests for notice of appeals; so that hereafter the said paragraph 2 shall be and read as follows: 112. Payment of filing fees: a. Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250) for regular hearing. b. Four Hundred Fifty Dollars ($450) for special hearing 11 SECTION FIVE: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in the manner provided by law. AYES: NAYS: PASSED this day of 1.978. APPROVED this day of 1978. Village President ATTEST: Village Clerk M 'if iflager of Mount Prospect NMUM Promec" H&A INTEROFFFCIE MEIMORANDUM COMMITTEE Ill,PORT TO � Mayor & Village. Board FROM: ITustee Leo Flores, Chairman, finance Committe�-, SUBJECT, Fi"nco ComUttee Me"ing 2,208 f) A TE, � Fet)ruary �5, 1978 Present: Chairman Floros; Tru"ees Murainkis & Richardson; Village Manager Elqpley; also, t1brary, Board Members Judy Bewmt" Sant Hess, Sally Viger I Flat-tha Hopkins, their Attorney and Fina,nc-ial A�Ivisor, The entire meeting was devoted. to a disc.ussion of' the Finance Committee Chairman's suggestion that the Ijbim"y Hard of Want P.rospc,(,.,.t. he dissolved and replaced eaher with an appointed "or(] or have it opmate as a Department of 11no Village. Ch�airffitin Floras J)reviouslY' had rflo.t with a Study Com"ttee Wthe Library Board --- a Committee composed of Sam Hess, Wy Bennott, and '.".;,aAly Viger. Subsequently, Clahman Floras, in a. menio"ated Ja"ary 11, 1978, outlined to membein of the Mudy CommAtee the reasons why fie fa"red changing the presc-.�nt system. Members of" the Village Board recol,ved a copy of that meino.� The Study Committee of the LAbra-ry Board prescnted a. report e n t 1 t I e d ; "ConiVrehensWe Study and Evaluation of Future Opera- tional Alternatives for the Village Library, I'a TnTrove Lines of Communication Between the T-wo Boards". The that (a) the present system should be retained, 01 the district concept be investigated, and, (c) that the Library and Village Boards should ,ippoint Communications I'laisons as t fn(.�nns of facilitating the interchange of infirmation. Ilere was considwmble discussion involving the Whiory and Village officials and members of the audimme. MOM of "Ose in thc audience spoke against the proposo to disscilve the edec"d Library Board, The CIia-irinan sa-i(J. I�e thought that noth�ng fi,trther coiald be gainked in discussing the ma-tte r a�. the Ccoynnittee J.ove'� . T 11 Committee then voted 2 (Floras C, Muraus�is) to I (pjch,,,jr(jSou) t C) r e C 0 m M e rk d t It a t t I i e q u e s t i o T, � o f d j S S 0 1 V i TI J� t 110 1, j. 1) r,� t Y� ), [I, C) a r �j and repl ac i,ng i t w i ti -i a�j appo i n ted Boa rd be submi. t te,�] to �jje Aroters of Mount Prospect in a reforendum. The Chairinan said lie would not report the f:onninjiltee at -,ti(, -)n until the, February 21 meeting Of the Village Board, and said he %muld ask that no imte be taken at the Boa rd I evA at t h at Pchina ry 2 1 "o t i ng � Mntod on H0% Recyc!e,� Paper Finance Committee Meetjn�; 2-2-78 Page 2, 'll'be Library Board r-cprescn tati.ves asked t ha t the tip. I age Board (!:cmsider its recommenda t i on to have 1: he 1. Cb rary and V i 1 .1 age Bcin rds a.ppoint communicati ons l a! sons to f,-tc i I itato the inter - ch a ngc of' in f orm a I, ion ba tweery the Boa rd s . Leo Floros C h a i r m a n 2/15/78 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE RECODIFYING CHAPTER 20 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE. That Chapter 20 of the municipal Code of the Village of Mount Prospect of 1957, as amended, is hereby further amended in its entirety by deleting the entire text thereof and substituting therefor the following Sections under four Articles; so that hereafter the said Chapter 20 shall be and read as follows: D ANIMALS, ARTICLE I General Provisions ARTICLE 11 Dogs and Cats ARTICLE III Enforcement -- Penalties ARTICLE W Definitions ARTICLE I. GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 20.101. Stray Animals Prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to permit jr-any animal to stray or to run at large upon or in any public place. A. It shall also be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to picket or tie any animal in the streets or upon the sidewalks of the Village for the purpose of grazing or feeding. B . Any stray animal in the public way or within a public place or upon private premises of any person other than the owner shall be immedi- ately impounded by an animal control officer and the impoundment procedures set forth in Article 11 of this Chapter shall thereafter control. C . It shall be unlawful to permit any dog to be left upon or on any public place or private premises not enclosed by an adequate fence or wall unless such dog is securely attached to a leash no longer than eight feet in length, even though such dog may be muzzled. D. This Section shall not apply to any animal being used for reserve or law enforcement work. Section 20.102. Cruelty Prohibited. A. Every person owning, harboring, keeping or caring for an animal shall provide for it: 1. A sufficient quantity of good quality, wholesome food and water. 2. Adequate shelter and protection from the weather. 3. Veterinary care when needed to prevent suffering. 4. Humane care and treatment. D. It shall be unlawful for any person to: 1. Beat, cruelly treat, torment, overload, overwork, or otherwise abuse any animal, fowl or reptile. 2. Abandon any animal where it may become a public charge or may suffer injury, hunger or exposure; 3. Unnecessarily fail to provide any animal in his or her charge or C. No person, firm, or corporation shall leave in or throw into any public way, public place or public water, or offensively expose or bury within the Village, the body or any part thereof of any dead or fatally sick or injured animal; nor shall any person, firm, or corpo- ration keep any dead animal in a place where it may be dangerous to the health of any other animal or person. 1. However, that the owner of any dead pet weighing not more than one hundred and fifty pounds may bury such animal on his premises; provided, further, that not more than one such animal shall be buried upon any half acre of ground within two years, and such animal shall be placed at least three feet below the sur- face of the soil surrounding and adjacent to the grave. Every person having within his possession or control or upon any premises owned or occupied by him or her any dead animal which that person cannot, or does not intend to, bury or have buried or otherwise lawfully disposed of shall immediately give notice to the Health Officer who shall cause such dead animal to be removed disposed of consistent with sound environmental standards. The cost of such disposal shall be borne by such person having such dead animal upon his premises or within his possession or control. Section 20.104. Sale or Possession of Certain Animals Prohibited. A. No person, firm, or corporation shall bring or cause to have brought into the Village, sell, offer for sale, barter or display living baby chicks, ducklings, goslings, or other fowl or rabbits which have been dyed, colored or otherwise treated so as to impart to them an artifical color, 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to dis- play, sell, offer for sale, barter or give away any chicks, ducklings, or goslings as pets, unless the purchaser shall have proper brooder facilities. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to give away such animals as novelties or prizes. B. No person, firm, or corporation shall keep, maintain and/or harbor any live swine, pigs, horses, or other cattle within the corporate limits of the Village, unless such keeping, maintenance, and har- boring is accomplished in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Mount Prospect. C. Each person, firm, or corporation who shall possess, keep or main- tain any wild, or nondomesticated animal, including any wild animal native to the State of Illinois, shall upon demand of the Health. Officer or his authorized representative, furnish proof of compliance with such restrictions and/or permit requirements as may be imposed by statutes of the State of Illinois and/or Federal law. The Health Officer or his authorized :representative shall. be empowered to demand surrender of any animal possessed, kept or maintained in the absence ol'proof of such compliance or -in violation of the Village ordinance relative to zoning regulation and. to make whatever disposition of it, D, Nothing in this Section shall be construed to prohibit legitimate commerce in poultry for agricultural and food purposes, Section 20.105. DangL�ro�u , A...nimals A It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to perrnit any exhibition of any animal, which isferae naturae in the law. B Any Conservator of the Peace or member of the Police Department of the Village of Mount Prospect is hereby authorized to kill any dan- gerous aninial when necessary for the protection of any, person or property,, 1. In all cases where such an ariftnal has been. destroyed by a police officor, and a period of less than fourteen. (14) days has elapsed, since the day on which such anirnal bit any person it shall be the duty of the police officer to immediately notify the Health Officer. 2 , It shall be unlawful for the owner of any aninial when notified that such animal has bittain or scratched any person, to sell or give away such animal or to permit or allow such animal to be taken'beyond the limits of the Village. ARTICLE IT, DOGS AND CATS Section 20.201. Annual License Required. Each owner (as defined in Article III of this Chapter), who keeps a dog or cat within the Village of Mount Prospect shall obtain a license from the Village of Mount Prospect for each dog or cat for the privilege of owning each such dog or cat. A. Such license shall be required to be obtained within thirty (30) days after the 1st day of January each year. B. Every owner within the Village of Mount Prospect who acquires a dog or cat after the lst day of January of any year shall also be required to obtain a license within thirty (30) days of such acquisition. Section 20.202. License Agplication--Fee. The Finance Director shall prepare, or cause to have prepared, license application forms that shall afford complete information as to the name, residence, and telephone, if any, of each applicant, along with full information regarding each dog or cat to be licensed. A. The Finance Director shall keep on file, or cause to be kept on file, for two years from date of issue, a copy of each application form so pro- cessed, or a copy of each license so issued on the basis of application. B. Application for such license shall be made to the Director of Finance. 1. Before a license is issued, a certificate of inoculation against rabies for each dog or cat, issued by the county rabies control officer, or by his deputy, or by a licensed veterinarian, shall be submitted to the Director of Finance for examination. 2. No license shall be issued for any dog or cat unless such inocula- tion certificate bears a date within one year prior to the date of application for license. a. Such certificate shall be returned to the applicant after the current license has been issued. b. When applying for a license by mail, the certificate of inoculation shall accompany the application. c. Said certificate shall be returned at the time the license is mailed to the applicant. C. Each application shall be accompanied by the proper license fee (s) pursuant to the following schedule: 1. Each dog and/or cat, male or female, unneutered or neutered: NMI b. Semi-annual (for such aninials obtained after June 30th of any year) $1 . so 2. Each dog and/or cat, Ynale or fereale, unneutered or neutered, wliose owners shall. establishby satisfactory evidence that they are 65 years of age or (Ader: a. Annual am b. Serrii-annual (for such animals obtained after June 30th of any year) $1M 3. Whenever an application fbr a renewal. of as license previously issued for the prior fiscal year is relved by the Finance Director after January 31s4: of aiay given fiscal. year, the Finance Director is here -- by au thoirized to cornpute the license fee for such license at the rate of one hundred forty percent (140%) of" the license fee heretofore designated in this Article. 4. Dogs which are the property (..'d any subdivision of any unit of local, State or Federal governmenit shall be issued complimentary licenses. 5. Any dog properly trained to guide or otherwise assist a blind per- son shall be issued as complimentary license upon the p.rTsentation of proof of vaccination. Section 20.203., Issuance of License. Upon, his receipt of a properly completed application fon as well as the necessary certificate and/or fees as provided hereinabove, the Village Director of Finance is hereby authorized to grant any license contemplated to be issued under Section 20..201 of this Chapter in the form of metal badges aS Maybe necessary or such size and shape as he shall deern expedient, having staniped thereon the words "Dog/ Cat License'" and the number indicating the year for which the license is issued. Every person keeping or maintaining any dog, or cat so licensed shall keel,.) and mah,,Aairi a collar amours nd the neck of the dog or., cat, as the case May be with the metal badge, aa.,,, hercinbefore described, securely fastened thereto; and every dog or, cat found in tb.e Village without such badge will be, deerned unlicensed, and shallbe impounded as hereinafter prcMded . Section 20.204. Control of Defecation. A. It shall be unlawful for any person to cause or permit �a dog to be on any property, public or p.rivate, nc)t owned or possessed by such person licensed animal, by additionally complying with the license requirements of this ordinance. The four (4) day holding period shall not apply to animals relinquished by their owners to the Health Officer under owner signature authorizing the Health Officer to make immediate dis- position of the animal at its discretion, nor shall any required holding period apply to animals received for impounding in obviously critical physical condition for which immediate death by lethal injection shall be deemed proper for humane reasons by an authorized veterinarian. 3. Animals of unknown ownership shall be lield for a taininjum of four (4) days, or for such other length of time as the Director of Health may deem necessary to permit location of and redemption by rightful owners, except that wild animals which are noxious by their very nature such as wild rats and undomesticated rodents may be killed painlessly at once following an examination for zoonotic diseases. 4. Any animal remaining unredeemed after the prescribed holding period shall at once become the properly of the Village of Mount Prospect, B . For purposes of impoundment the Director of Health shall utilize an Animal Control Centex, or the facilities of any humane society properly equipped and willing to impound animals, or, if the animal shall be of a species that may be better or more safely impounded elsewhere, the Director of Health may designate an alternate facility that is properly equipped and willing to accept the animal. 1. The Animal Control Center, humane society or other authorized receiving agency shall exercise due caution for the welfare and temporary safekeeping of any animal, in conformance with policies to be prescribed by the Department of Health. 2, Impounded animals shall be humanely treated and fed; the pound shall be under the charge of the Chief of Police, who shall be responsible for the care and custody of the same. Unredeemed animals shall be disposed of as provided by the Mayor and Board of Trustees. C . Prior to the release of any impounded animal: 1. The owner of any impounded animal which has bitten any other animal or person, or which was otherwise impounded pursuant to unless such person has in his immediate possession a device for the removal of excrement and a depository for the transmission of excrement to a receptacle located upon property owned or possessed by such person. B . It shall be unlawful for any person in control of, causing or permitting any dog to be on any property, public or private, not owned or pos- sessed by such person to fail to remove excrement left by such dog to a proper receptacle located on property owned or possessed by such person. Section �o 'Scratch. Whenever any dog or cat bites or scratches a person, the owner of said dog or cat shall immediately notify the Village Police Department who in turn shall notify the Village Health Officer, who shall order the dog or cat held on the owner's promises or shall have it impounded at the owner's expense for a period of ten (10) days. A. The dog or cat shall be examined immediately (not later than 24 hours) after it has bitten or scratched anyone and again at the end of the ten (10) day period. 1i. If at the end of ten (10) days a veterinarian is convinced that the dog or cat is then free from rabies the dog or cat shall be released from quaran- tine or from the pound, as the case may be. C . If the dog or cat dies in the meanwhile its head shall be sent to the State Department of Health for examination for rabies. D . It shall be unlawful for the owner of any dog or cat when notified that such dog or cat has bitten or scratched any person to sell or give away such animal or to permit or allow such animal to be taken beyond the limits of the Village. Section 20.206. lmpoundTer� Procedures. A. In all cases of impoundment other than those itemized in Sections 20.105 the Animal Control Officer, Health Officer, or any Police Officer of the Village of Mount Prospect takes possession of an animal for the purposes of impounding same, such officer shall bold such impounded animal in an Animal Control Center for four (4) days, during which time reasonable means shall be used to facilitate their return to rightful owners. 1. The owner of any animal impounded in any Animal Control Center may, at any time during visiting hours at the Animal Control Center, and before the sale or other disposal thereof as provided in this Section, redeem such animal by paying the fees and/or charges required by this ordinance and, in the case of an un- ARTICLE 111, ENFORCEMENT --PENALTIES Section 20.301, Enforcement, It shall be the duty of the following officials of the Village of Mount Prospect to issue CITATIONS to any persons who violate the provisions of this Section: members of the Health Department and members of the Police Department. A . Said CITATION may be delivered to the violator personally or may be delivered to a member of the violator's household of the age of ten (10) years or upwards, or may be affixed to the main entrance to any building located upon the premises where the violation occurred. 11. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to abridge the power of an Police Officer to arrest any violator and take him into custody. Section 20,302. Penalties. A. Notwithstanding the power of a Police Officer to arrest any violator and take him into custody, whenever a Village official designated under Section 20.301 liereinabove is authorized to issue a CITATION because of a violation of this Section, said official may, in lieu of filing a Com- plaint in court in the first instance, issue the alleged violator a CITATION: I . Advising said person that he has violated a specified subsection herein. 2. Requesting him to make payment in an amount applicable to said alleged violation as set forth in subsection E of this Section as settlement of said violation claim. 3. Informing him that: upon failure to so settle, a Complaint will be filed in the Circuit Court of Cook County, charging him with such violation . B, Pursuant to said CITATION, the person so accused of said violation may settle and compromise, the violation claim in respect to such violation by paying to the Village the applicable amount as shown in subsection E of this Section, within as period to be specified in said crrATION--not more than ten (10) (lays of the time alleged offense was committed . Such payment shall. be made in accordance with the -.instructions con- tained. in the aforesaid CITATION, at the Office of the Finance Depart- ment of the Village of Mount Prospect, which shall issue a receipt for the money so received and promptly remit said amount to the Village Treasurer to be credited to the proper municipal fund, C In the event that the person to whom said CITATION is issued fails to settle and pay said violation claini within the prescribed time, or with- in a period of time specified in a Final Notice (if one is served. upon him) the terms of this Chapter, shall pay the cost for housing the animal as well as redemption fees pursuant to the following schedule: a. Dog or cat impounded as unlicensed stray --Fifteen Dollars ($15) plus mandatory licensing within ten (10) days. 1x. Dog or cat impounded as licensed stray --Ten Dollars ($10) c. Horse impounded as stray --Twenty Dollars ($20). d. Any species of animal other than dog, cat or horse --Ten Dollars ($10) plus mandatory application for permit to own if species is covered by any other protective law. 2. In the event the rightful owner of a. dog or cat cannot be found, any person desiring to adopt such a, dog or cat at the end of such four (4) day impoundment period shall pay the costs of housing the animal. 3. Vaccination certificate and licenses for any animal so redeemed or adopted shall be presented to the Health Officer . D, Should no redemption or adoption be made of any impounded animal, it shall be the duty of the Ilealth Officer to cause any such unclaimed animal to be killed painlessly at the end of the 5th day. then such desigmated official is authorized to cause a Notice to Appear to be served upon said alleged violator and is authorized to file as Complaint and to prosecute the same in the Circuit Court of Cook County D , The fact that the animal is licensed to a. person registered with the Village Treasurer.-Collectorin the name of said alleged violator shall be E ,t aci�l Wowed the animal o _Lproof that said alleged violator k exist in violation of any given provision of this Chapter at the time of such alleged violation. E. The -violation claim described in said CITATION so to be issued pur- suant to the terms of this Section may be settled, compromised and paid in the respective arnounts set forth in the following schedule: 1. In the event that said payment is made prior to the mailing by the municipality or 'Way' the Official of as Final Notie;, the following amounts shall be accepted as settlement: Section 20.1.01, $ 5.00 Section 2G1µ1.02 $1.0.00 Section 20.103 $1.5.00 Section 20.1014 $ Mo Section 200.05 $15.00 Section 20.201 $ 5.00 Section M204 $ Mo Sec -tion 20.205 $1.5,00 2. In the event that payment has not been paid prior to the mailing of' such Final Notice, and in fact, Final Notice has been mailed, the following amourits shall be accepted as settle menta Five Dollars ($5) over and above those amounts listed in paragraph I above, 3. In the event that payment is not made within the time prescribed in the Final Notice, and a Notice to Appear has been served and a Complaint filed in the Circuit Court of Cook County, payment of any fine and costs shall be in such amounts as may be deterrained and established by the Circuit Court of Cook County prusuant to subsection F of this Section 20.002 F, In accordance with the provisions of Subsection E of this Section 20.302 or whenever a Police Officer arrests a personbecause of a violation of Section 20.302 of this Article, every person, firm, or corporation con-, victed of a misdemeanor for a violation of any of the provisions of this A-rticle shall be punished by a fine of not less thanTwenty--five Dollars ($25) nor rnore than One Hundred Dollars ($100) for as first offense; not less than Fifty Dollars ($50) nor more than Three Hundred Dollars ($300) for an second offense; and not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100) nor more, thanFive Hundred Dollars ($500) for each offense thereafter. If any violation shall'be of a continuing nature, each day of violation shaU be deemed a separate offense and subject to the pro- gressive penalties contained hereinabove. ARTICLE IV. DEFINYMONS Section 20.401. Severability. If any part or parts of this Chapter shall be held to be unconstitutional, such unconstitutionality shall not affeet the validity of the remaining parts of this Chapter. The Board of Trustees here- by declares that to would have passed the remaining parts of this Chapter if it had known that such part or parts thereof would 'be declared unconstitu-, tional. Section 20.402. Construction . A. Effect of HeLdjji Chapter, Article, and Section headings contained herein shall not be deemed to govern, limit, modify, or in any manner affect tile scope, meaning or intent of the provisions of any Article or Section of this Chapter. B, Definitions. For the purpose of this Chapter 20, whenever the following words and phrases are used, they shall have the meanings and definitions respectively ascribed to them :in this Section. 1 , Animal. Any living vertebrate, domestic or wild, not including humans. 2. Animal Control Center. Any, facility utilized for the purpose of impounding animals impounded pursuant to the terms of Articles I and 11 of this Chapter. 3. Animal Control. Officer. The Health Officer of the Village of Mount Prospect, his agents, or any police officer, of their agents, enforcing the provisions of this Chapter. 4. Animal Under 11estraint,. Any animal either secured by a leash or lead, or within `the 'p'-rerTiises of its owner, or confined within a crate or cage, or confined within a vehicle, or on the premises of another person with the consent of that person, or 'within an area specifically designated by the Animal Control Officer as an animal execise run when said anignal. is under the control of a competent person. 5. Bite. Seizure with the teeth or jaws of an animal so that the skin ;771 human being or animal seized has been pierced or broken and further includes contact of the saliva of the biting animal with any break or abrasion of the skin of the human being or animal bitten. 6 . Cat. Any live male or female member of the classification Felis catus . 7, pjnF._Lrmus or Vicious Animal. Any animal which is known to have attacked a person on a previous occasion without provocation whenever that person was peacefully CMducting himself or her s'Iwhere lie or she was lawfully entitled to be. e]f 8, Director of Health or Ilealth Officer,, Director of." the Depart— ment of Health of the Village of Mount Prospect, 9. llo Any live inale or feynale rnember of the classification Canis famildaris. M Finance Director,. Director of Firvance of the Village of Mount Prospect., 11. Hurnane Society. Any, not --for --profit corporation chartered under the laws of the Statc oflllinois for the object of anhivA welfare. 3.2, LwyMatvncr.cd. The taking of any unimal. is nto the custody of" the Anirrml Control Officer, including the subsequent pacenlent of sucTk anfi-ival hnto any la:,mne], aninial sholter, anjula.1 pound iii accordance with the tca,rns of Articles I and It of this Chapter. 13, Kill , Death brought albout by any meAliod wbich. produces instantlos,a ofeonsclousness and results in painless death, 1C LiceriseLD2kr or Cat . Any dog oix mon r cat six or hs of age , oider 1_�, j-c"-h the o w,-r-i e71.­­cari produce proof ofb,,ivffig paid the license A.ue for the, current year, 15,, Owner, Any person having a right of 1.�woywrty in an arifinal or who keeps or harbors any aninial. or wh.o has am animal �tint bis care or custody for fifteen (.15) con.secutive day"."'. 1.6. Police The Mount Prospect Pol.ice DepartMent. 17. Scratch. Arty scraping with the claw o.r� nail ci'any animal so that the skin cS a hunian 1nelng or animal being touched has been piercc.d or brcJ4-len, 18. SLray Amuazucal . Any aninial upon pro.j.,wirty other than that of the owner and not under restraint and not in the presence of its owner. 19. Vaccination. The injection, as approved 1)y the Department of Agriculture, State of Illinois, of an aritinalaies vaccine approved by said departuient, with verification thereof consisting of a current certificate and current tag issued in accordance with the statutes of the State of Illinois. 20Yjj!L e The Village of Mount Prospect, SECTION TWO: That the Village Clerk be and is hereby directed to publish the foregoing Ordinance in. painplilet form, pursuant,to the statutes of the State of Illinois made and provided, SEC710N TFIREE� That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect as of 12- 01 o'clock a. M , May 1., 1978, and after its passage, approval, and publica tion in the manner provided by law. PASSED this day of 1978. APPROVED this . . ...... — day of.., 1,978 � INHIMIUM "Village President raffirls" 'Village Clerk TO: Robert J. Eppley, Village Manager FROM: Buell O. Dutton, Director -of Building and ZuoingSUBJECT: Robert Joseph Subdivision, Unit Number Two - DATE: February 17° 1978 This located on the northeast corner of Euclid and Wolf is improved with a gas station. A plat of subdivision was required in order to get a self-service permit. The subdivision was approved by the Planning Commission of December 7, 1977. It is now ready for Village Board approval so that the plat can be MEM0R8NDUM TO: Robert J. Eppley, Village Manager FROM: Buell B. Dutton, Director of Building and Zoning SUBJECT: Robert Joseph Subdivision, Unit Number Three DATE. February 17, 1978 This property located on the south west corner of Euclid and River Road is improved with a gas station. A plat of subdivision was required in order to get a self-service permit. The subdivision was approved by the Planning Commission of December 7, 1977. ' It is now ready for Village Board approval yu that the plat can be TO: Robert J. Eppley, Village Manager FROM: Buell B'Dutton, Director ufBuilding and Zoning SUBJECT: Robert Joseph Subdivision, Unit Number Four . DATE: February 17, 1978 This property located at the northwest corner of Algonquin Road and Elmhurst Road is improved with a gas station. 8 plat of subdivision was required in order to get a self-service permit. The subdivision was approved by the Planning Commission of December 7, 1977. It is now ready for Village Board approval so that the plat can be w on— QA%x C, volt C'rtltlflx YollitIVIS :MA3 "q l Z BAs Z XD ROSER ZCiAi SSU 77Z13 A srs. -77 NPH T 00 R, DLIV Eo r r N, 0 F= KEK S 1 h1GTD K p .,m LFAStF CCC9CL1_Vf .> ��6CJCCI[� a2, JaslrPH jx E rmFni� i�C111.100l .� q � � o ° N,E, CORN Li iYYfj WOLF ���� IN 61-11: . y µC �5 C.:IE �C V.� i D 1 51 MA�'t w. .� , XZ-11kiyf f til C►'i41�KtIVG �� ; JL CTZ PHI��'_' Pit XE f2Qt3ERT cm.na ' *-I J05EPH ry.. '........ .... .._.w.,,, ._.:-. --.:. ....... L -LM H U MST RID - 6) AL00NQ11,1, TAMARACK Cj TH ORNWOOP PARK CHARGES BY THE VILLAGE BOARD TO FEBRUARY 2�,,, 1978 BUILDING COMMITTEE Z8A-46-Z-77) Mount Prospect Plaza, Rezone 8-3 & Variation 10-4-77 ZB%-47-V~77) Z8A-62-Z-77) Mount Prospect Safe Deposit Corp. lDl S. Maple Z8A-534-77) Rezone Q Parking Variatfon 1-17-78 Z8A-64-V-77 LGM Kamimk-20O6 Ivy Ln. - Porch & Fence Variation 1-17-78 Licensing of mult�pla dwellings 1 1-5-77 istrict, capital improvement (Water System) 7-5-77 Real Estate transfer tax 9- 20-77 Proposed change in Library directorate v�a referendum lO-l8-77 Insurance - Umbrella coverage 10-18-77 BurQlar alarm fees for faIse u7arms 7-17-78 Rmbert Gordon, EsqCase No. 76 L 4400 7 -2O -7G Review �mportant cases 5-l7-77 Update ordinances 5-17-77 How to reduce the adversary system 5-l7-77 Executive Sessions 6-7-77 Quality control of potential excess verdict cases 6-7-77 Pending law suit, Teiohert et al 101-78-77 Reviw lega� notice procedures e ll -15-77 Gift requirement for developers 1-3-78 Scavenger service contract 12-5-77 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Consideration of amendments to Zoning Ordinance (PUD) l8 -l9-76 MFT Projects l -.7-78 Zoning classif�cation - stadium, athletic clubs & fields, tennis courts, private & semY-privata clubs 6-2-75 Annual review of Vil�age Comprehensive P7an of ^ preparation of community development Plan on annual basis 1 -21 -75 Criter �a for evaluating the Village Manager 3-2-78 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT 1978-79 BUDGET WORKSHOP (Mayor & Trustees sitting as Committee of the Whole) February 28, 1978 Trustees' Room 100 S. Emerson 7:30 P.M. AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER AND COMMENTS ....... Mayor Krause 2. REVIEW OF PROPOSED BUDGETARY REVENUES ......................... Finance Director Jesse 3. PERSONNEL (a) Hiring Freeze (b) New Persons Proposed (c) Job Classification & Wage Study Proposal 4. FRINGE BENEFITS (a) Proposal to drop unused Sick Leave Reimbursement except at retirement (b) Proposed Car Pool vs. Automobile Allowances S. ADJOURNMENT - 10 P.M. (Unless extended by Board consent) MIND9 ' 'ES OF THE REG1.LLA1l MEE'll'NG OF THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES FebruarY 7, 1978) CALL TO ORDER Mayor Krause called the meeting 'to order at 8:o6 Pm. INVOCATION 'The invocation was given by `Ilruwstlee F?icha,rdsorl., ROLL CALL Present upon. roll call- Mayor Krause Trustees Florc.�s Jlendr�Lcks Muraus].�,,Ls Richax,dson, Wattenberg Absent * Tru.stee Minton APPROVAL OF KINU]'&S T.rustee WattenbE'7�'g, Saw COncted by TI'LlStee RIchardscn-i, moved to approve the Tr,Lnutes of' the regu.3.ar meeting held January .1(, 1978. 'Upon roll c�all: Ayes: Hond.,ricks Murau,skis Ric,hardson Warta c n b e, rg ParSS: 1"Plorco Motion carried. APPROVAL OF BILLS Trustee Flox,os, seconded by �Urustee Mmrau,,,,kls, rnov(,,d to approve the following b,1. -1..2.s* Pax,king Systeizi Revenue i . 5' 2 Moto.r Fuel 'Iax 8,135-11 Corporate Purposes Constr. 1973 12,98'7,9'.i Waterworks & Sevve'rage Fund 7 41, 9 () 3 - 9 9 P),F) ;,-5-2,4-, �7�T Uf,,:)on roll call- Ayesv F1, or o,,,, 11, end r d c k s Murau ski s Ric.hard,son. Wattenberg Nays: None P.4otion carried. COMMUNICATI'ONS AND PET1111IOKS -- C1971ZEN�S, TO BE Jff.�,Ajn Geo.r.,,ge Andey.,,son, Rresident of the Chaiy.xbcar of" Coxnmor,°ce, introduced Mr. George Nicholi. who wil.I. be the 2A.ason between the Chaint)er and the Villar, -,,;e. MANAGER'S REPORT Village Manager complimented the Publ-I.c, Works Department on their fine job of plowing fhe strects followinE the I-ieavy snow fall.. Mr. Eppley brought u.j.) the fact that in many arcas, of the Village the snow has been deposited ii% the parkway which obstructs vision and -it was pointed out that such practice was in violation of the local cod.es. The Manager stated that Mount P.ro.,,pect ha.s been commended for the handicappedprograms offered by mwious training projects. A Resolution relative to paying non -grant costs fca,,° work. to be done an rehabilitation W.' the V.L-11.agels sewer SyStOM was presented. Trwtee Ricimrdson, seconded by Trustee Wattenberg, nmved for passage of Resolution No. 6--78. A FTSOUTION REG'ARDING ITINANCIA.I., CAPABI",L-TTIES Upon roll call: Ayes: Flores Hendricks Murauskis JOWundson Wattenborg Nays: None Motion carried. Mr. Eppley gave a status report an the Ehoar e + 3 nweting stating that a final v0m; on memberchip Ki that group wcoi.1d take plice Jure l;st. MAYOR119 REPORU,' Mayo.t, K.-r,iuse requested comments from the, Boa.rd, relative to the j.-)ropos<-d budget submitted by the Northwest MLAII11cipa], Conference. It was noted that the popaoed btidget for, 1-9V3-79 indicated icafrni nreoe omecnum mlorr iunitie,� from $5,850 to $6,500 which wam inocaMtWo to the Ward. Trustee Richardson, seconded by Tru,.,stee Hendricks, movf,:rd to support the Conference with tjj(: same amount as la;;t year. Upon roll call. Ayes-. F,'Ioros Hex�sdricks Richardson Wattenbcrp,-, Nays: Murauskis Motion carried. Mayor Krause req.,uested concurrence with the appointment, of Gerald L. Farley to fill. tin vacancy wi Ow Planning Commission, WAi term would expire May 1, 19'79. Trustee Murauskis, seconded by Trustee F,"Loros, move(,i to concur, with the appointment of Geral(d I,, F,.T,Iey to the Planning Comm.-Isslon. Pg. 2 2/7/78 Upon roLl call: Ayes: Floras Bendricks Mirauskis Richardsmi Wattenberg Nays: None Motion car:ried. COMMITTEE' RE]POR'I'S BUILDING COMMI!l"TEE Ca,ses ZBA 46 Z ---'T7, 47---V--77, wesre continued to the MarWi 7th meeUng. Trustee Hendricks, seccardcd by Trustee R.I.chardson, inov(.d to Ywommidw, the vobc take ?n on Lhe concur:z,ence with tlie Building Committee report relatIve "; ZBA 54-Z-77, 56 -V -'(7 - Upon roll call: Ayes: Fioros Homh9xks Murauskis Eichaindisan ldatLcnbori-; Nays: W llo: ,Aon carried. Trustee Hendricks, seconded by Trustee Richardson, movc,,d to table thE:a olOtJ.011 CWICe,?'YIftrIg ZBA 54 -SM, 55-MW77, 56-V-77 until 1.1 -,re Ma:rch Upon Yell call: Ayes: Facros Hendrickin lAymmmkis Richardson Wattenberg Nays: Nune Mot,Jon, carried. The said cases were re feri.,,ed back to IAw Buildink,,,, Committee f0l'� fUl`th(-r '.Pri,istoe Herid.ick s p"reserited Zl-.,,A 10O S. BUS,30� Road. 17ollowing discussicna, Tivistee FOndAnks, secmWed IW ninntee Wat;t,enb��.rg, MOV(,'d -tu) COIn!LJT7 With the recomnsendatlah"of E he BuAld.tng Conjwl,ttee and Zoning Board of' ApjDeals arid kWant the roquested varJation In ZBA 49-V-77. Ijcn roll call: Ayes: Wouskin Wattenberg, Nays: Floros Hendricks Richardson Motion failed. 1 B �`,&--Z-77� :,j'02 W. NorthwesL Hig ,hway 'Erustee He n. seconded by Triastec., Richardson, moved for passage of Ordin.ance No. 2764 AN ORDDURM: GRANTFNG CERTAIN VARTATION,13 FOR PR�OPER'IY COMMONT,).' KNOWN AS, 302' W. NO RP HWEST Pg. 3 2/7/78 HIGHWAY Upon roll.. call: Ayes: Flo.r.-,os Hcmdrickz Murausk.is Richardson Wattenberg Nays,. None Motion carried. ZBA 59-Z-77, Northeast cornei', of Euclid & Wolf. 11.1rustee 1-1endr3cks, secand-ed by Trustee Richardson, moved. for passage of Oro.inance No. 2765 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING MAP 43--N 015" 'PHE ZONING ORDINANCE Upon roll call, Ayes. F 1. or, c) s Hendricks M u r a u s k I s Richardson Wattenberg Nays: None Motion carried.. ZBA 60-Z-77, ;1798 S. Elmhurst Road Trustee Hendricks, seconded by Trustee R-ichardson, moved for, passage of Ordinance No., 2766 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING MAP 142-S OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE UT,,)on roll call: Ayes: Floros Hendricks Murauskis Richardson Wattenberg Nays: None Motion carried. ZBA 62-Z-77, &.)uthmest corner, River & Et.,mlid. Trustee Hendricks, seconded by, Trustee,, Richanison, moved for I.,-.)assage of Ordinarice No. 2767 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING MAP 33-N OF '11HE Z034ING ORDINANCE Upon roll call: Ayes: Floras Hendricks Murausicis Richardson Wattenberg Nays None Motion carried., ZBA 63--V----77, 1001. Callero Circle 11'rustee HendrIcks, meeanded. by Trustee Richardson, moved for passage of Ordinance No. 2768 AN ORDINANCE GRAN".VING CER'PAIN VARIATIONS FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1001 CAL.LER0 C,IRCLE Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros Hendricks Mu.'rauskis Richa-rdson Wattenbex,g Nays, None Motion carried. pg. 4 2/7/78 The Chamber of Corrarierce requested a, vote on the proposed ord-inance increasing the fee,-, before the Zorrir.q-,; Board of' Appeals be continued to the F(abruary 21st nieet.l.rig. Trustee Flores, seconded by Trustee Hendricks, moved to bring a matter to the floor riot-, listed on the agenda - Upon roll. call; Ayes: Floros Iferldricks Yfurauskis Richardson Watteriberg Nays: None Motion carried. Trustee Flores noted that the Finance Commission had made a recorimiendation, to fill any vacanies from within and place a freeze on. hiring until the 2978--79 budget has been adopted. Trustee Floros, seconded by Trustee Wattenberg, moved to concur with the reconnnendation of the Finance Commission and place a freeze on. hiring until adoption of' the 1978-79 budget, exceptions which the Village Manager deems necessary, should be approved by the full Village Board during this period. Upon ro,11 call. Ayes: Floras Eendricks Murauskis Wattenberg Krause Nays-. Richardson Motion carried. JUDICIARY COMMITTEE Trustee Wattenberg presented the proposed ordinance to amend the Ethics Ordinance. Trustee Wattenbcrr, seconded by Trustee Muraxiskis, moved to amend the proposed ordinance., Section 8,111, subsection B to ref."Lect the wording "Whoever, havlx.�g served on the Village Board or as a Department Head of' the Village of Mount Prc)sl,,)e(,.t. . m" Upon roll call: Ayes. Flox.,,os Murauskis Wattenberg Krat�.se Nays: lfer.tdricks Richa:r,dson Motion carried. Trustee Watteriberg, seconded by Trustee Mur.,auskis, moved for passage of Ordinance No. 2769 AN ORDINANCE ENACTING STRICT CONTROLS OVER CONFLICT OF INTEREST Trustee Richardson, seconded. by Trustee Hendricks, moved to table the above motion until a full Board was in attendance. Upon roll. call, Ayes: Bendricks Richardson Nays, Floa-,os MurausR:is Wattenberg Krause Motion failed Pg- 5 2/7/78 Marie Caylor, 1308 Pima Lane, and. Barbara Rogers, 211 Withorn Lane, spoke in opposition to the proposed ordinance. Ed Miller, 1-31. S. Kenilworth, Ralph Arthur, 14 W. Hiawatha, and Bernard Kerstein, 1815 Apache, spoke in favor of the proposed ordinance. Upon roll call.: Ayes: Floros Murauskis Wattenberg Krause Nays: Hendricks Richardson Motion carried. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Trustee Richardson reported on the January 25th meeting. Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Hendricks, moved. for Board concurrence with the Public Works Committee's recommendation to adopt an ordinance relative to Recapture Agreements. Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros Hendricks Mu.rauskis Richardson Wattenberg Hays: None An Ordinance Establishing Procedures for Sewer and, Water Main Recapture Agreements had. its first reading, OTHER BUSINESS A public hearing was held relative to the pre -annexation agreement proposed for the Laich property. Trustee Flores, seconded by Trustee Hendricks, moved for passage of Resolution No. 7-78 A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE EXECUTION OF AN ANNEXATION A.GzREEMENT REGULATING THE ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY LOCATED ON MAP 39-S OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros Hendricks Mura.uskis Richardson Wattenberg Nays: None Motion carried. Mayor Krause presented the annual. agreement with the Elk Grove Rur&I, Fire Protection District stating that upon the expiration of the proposed agreement, the Village would terminate service to that District. Trustee Murauskis, seconded by Trustee Richardson, moved for passage of Resolution No. 8-78 A RESO1,UTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECtITION OF AN AGREEME14T WITH THE ELK GROVE RURAL FIRE Pg. 6 2/7/78 PROTECTION DISTRITT Upon rol.1 call,: Ayes Motion carried. Fl. o xI o s Hendr-I.cks Murauskis Richardson Wattf,.nberg None I'= Murphy, Community Development Coord.inator, presented proposed applications for grants. Discussion took place relative to housing for senior clItizens as out.11-ned In the grant application, as we ll. as handicapped per ;oras. Jean Meyer, Cook County Leg<.-,tl A,,,sistariice D(.,,partment, spoke relat ive to the p:rocedu.res irwo.Ived with a grant application. Trustee Wattenberg, seconded by Truste(s Richardson, moved to direct the Director of Cor)munity Development to file application for Federal zIssistance wit.h the Depa:j,trfient of flcusinl-� , and Urban Development. Upon roll call� Ayes: 1", 1 o r�0 s I i e, n d r..f c k s, N ura U S k.i S R i c hard s o n Wat tenl:.aerg NaysNone Motion carried. r.F.in.,),st(,-,e Richardson, s(,-eccnd.ed by 11.1rustee Hendrieaks moved to authorize the Mayo.r., to sign ,',and C"Ierk to att;est t ' 1. 1 e, NIMG P.I,,.it of Subdivision sWbJect to re.I(,,ase,,.,, being given. the, Village by the subd,"TvJdcr rula,tIve to the (xistI.rig structurewithin th(.,!a Upon roll call: Ayes Floros 1, 1 (,,, i i. d r i k - M u" r, a u ",-, IK i s R i (-,,, 1), ar d s i i W,,,i, I I t e rite r �r, Nay's, N(ME� Motion carried. Phe I Phe Tamarack-�hornwood Park Plat ofSubd.ivis..Lon was referred until such time as the proper wordint; was noted on the plat relat ' ive to the open ;)ace beIng donated to the Village,, in accordance with the Consent Decree. T'rustee Wattenberg, s(,.II conded by Tri,,istee Richardson, moved to authorize the Mayor to sign and Clerk to attest the Nor-E',m Plat of Subdivis:ion subject to postill g of a.y bonds if necessary. Upon roll. call: Ayes: Ii pros Hendr-t(,;ks Murauskis Rich.ardson Wattenbe.i.,,r, Nays. None Motion carried.. COMMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENTS Trustee Hendricks requested ZBA 61-Z-77 be removed as a charge to the Building Committee since that case had been withdrawn by the petitioner. It was also noted that the Building Committee would meet February 8th. Trustee Murauskis announced the Public Health and Safety Committee would meet February 9th and would discuss recod,ification of Chapter 20 (anti -defecation) and the scavenger, contract. Trustee Richardson announced the Public Works Committee would meet February 16th. Mr. Joe Moore, 616 Prospect Manor, spoke relative to the condition of Route 12. The Mayor and Village Manager assured Mr. Moore that every effort was being made to have the State of Illinois repair that road, Trustee Wattenberg, seconded by Trustee Richardson, moved to adjourn the meeting. Upon roll call: Ayes-. Unanimous The meeting was ddjourned at 11:10 P.M. Donald W. Goodman Village Clerk Pg. 8 2/7/78