HomeMy WebLinkAbout2822_001L5 0 NEXT ORDINANCE NO, 2737 NEXT RESOLUTION NO. 32-77 op #f A 4 $0 _f0#6 Building Director 0 R D E R 0 F B U S I N: Regular Meeting VILLAGE BOARD TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6., 1977 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT 8:bo P.M. rlf I. CALL TO ORDER Ii. INVOCATION - Trustee Minton III. ROLL CALL Mayor Krause Trustee Floros Trustee Murauskis Truster -Hendricks Trustee Richardson - Trustee Minton Trustee Wattenberg IV* APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, AUGUST 16, 1977 V. APPROVAL OF BILLS-. Vi. COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS - CITIZENS TO BE HEARD A. B.U. Hewitt re re -consideration for Cases ZBA 16-z-77 , 17-V-77., and 18 -SU -77, 3026 S. Busse Road VII4 MANAGER i8REPORT P A. Ratification of award of contract to W. H. Lyman 2411 sanitary sewer, Oakton & Rt. 832 ,for $79.093-75 B Recommendation re Village all, parking lot improvement bids (bids, opened 9/1/77) C Recommendation, re sale of Village property (2 lots - bids opened 9/l/77) , D. Status Aeport various Village programs and pro,) e c t s VIII'0_ "''MAYORS REPORT A. Proclamation National Cancer Day, September 8, 1977 B. lst reading of AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR PROCEDURES FOR ADVISORY REFERENDA (Exhibit A)* C. 1st reading of AN ORDINANCE CALLING FOR A REFERENDUM FOR LIBRARY PURPOSES (Exhibit B) D. 1st reading of AN ORDINANCE CALLING.FOR AN ADVISORY REFERENDUM (Citizens Utilities) (Exhibit C) IX. COMMITTEE REPORTS As, BUILDING COMMITTEE E. ZBA 26 -SU -77, 501 Golf Road 2. ZBA 12-V-77, 222 South Mount Prospect Road Est reading of AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A FRONT YARD VARIATION FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF MILBURN AVENUE AND MOUNT PROSPECTIROAD (Exhib it D) 3. ZBA 29-Z-77 and ZBA 30 -,'V -77',t Soutbeast corner Lincoln & Meier Road - Est reading of AN ORDINANCE REZONING PROPERTY LOCATED, AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LINCOLN AVENUE AND MEITR ROAD FROM R, X TO R-1, (Map ll -S), (Exhibit E) 4. ZBA 31-7-77, 101 South Elm To be distributed at meeting, 9/6/77 XI111 ITEMS TO BE REFERRED A. ZBA 36-V-77, refer to Building Committee B. ZBA 38-V-77, refer to Building Committee C. ZBA 39-V-77, refer to Building Committee D. Proposed Flood Plain Ordinance submitted by Drainage & Clean Streams Commission, refer to Public Works Committee Xii. COMMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENTS XIII. FOR INFORMATION ONLY XIV. ADJOURNMENT 50, Z13A 33-Z-773 203 East Rand Road - lst reading of AN, ORDINANCE AMENDING MAP 16-N OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF MOUNT PROSPECT (Exhibit 6. ZBA 19 -SU -77, Northwest Corner River and Kensington .......... . 7 0 ZBA ll -Z-77., 11­jk_* ro spect Avenue - Est reading of AN ORDINANCE AMENDING MAP 8-S OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF MOUNT PROSPECT (Exhibit G) B. FINANCE COMMITTEE E. Downtown' Beautification 2. 1977 Tax Le 30 A RESOLUTION MAKING CERTAIN APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS WITHIN THE ANNUAL BUDGET ADOPTED FOR FISCAL 1977-78 (Exhibit H) 4. lst reading of AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE 'LEVY AND :COLLECTION OFTAXES FOR FISCAL 1977-78 (Exhibit J) C. FIRE & POLICE COMMITTEE D JUDICIARY .COMMITTEE '. E. PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY COMMITTEE F. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE 1. Pavement Evaluation Program, A RESOLUTION FOR IMPROVEM&NT BY,MUNICIPALITY UNDER TME ILLINOIS HIGHWAY CODE (Exhibit K) 2. Planned Unit Development Ordinance X. OTHER BUSINESS A. 2nd reading of AN ORDINANCE REVISING THE WATER RATE SCHEDULE (Exhibit L) Bo lat reading of AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE - - TRAFFIC CODE -- (Exhibit M) C_ lst reading of AN ORDINANCE AMENDING -, ORDINANCE NO. 2-414., ORDINANCE NO,. 2344 AND ORDINANCE NO. 2278., PROVIDING -AN AMENDED SITE PLAN FOR THAT PIA24NED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OF PROPERTIES COMMONLY KNOWN AS HUNGTINTON ESTATES (Exhibit N) XI111 ITEMS TO BE REFERRED A. ZBA 36-V-77, refer to Building Committee B. ZBA 38-V-77, refer to Building Committee C. ZBA 39-V-77, refer to Building Committee D. Proposed Flood Plain Ordinance submitted by Drainage & Clean Streams Commission, refer to Public Works Committee Xii. COMMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENTS XIII. FOR INFORMATION ONLY XIV. ADJOURNMENT M T E R S I N C O M M I T T E E September 6. 1977 ZBA-11-Z-77 -- L. DRUHOT', REZONE I-1 TO B-4 7 -?7 --5-117-77 ZBA-12-V-77 --- P. CONNEEL�', FRONT YARD VARIATION ZBA-19-SU-77 --- ROBERT J. DI LEONARDI - SPECIAL USE ( PUD DEV.) 7-5-77 ZBA-20--V•-77 ---- J.W. RYAN, FRONT WARD SETBACK 6-21--77 ZBA-26--SU-77 J. SAMUELS - A. JUHNKE, SPECIAL USE 5.17--77 ZBA-29--Z-77) ZBA-30-V-77 ) ERNIE STC3KLtJSA, REZONE &VARIATION 3-1-77 ZBA-31-V-77 --- ARTHUR & MARGARET GOSCH - ZONING VARIATION REVJEW _. ZBA-33-V-77 --- MICHAEL F. MAUDE - REZONE - FROM B-2 TO B-3 5-17-77 LICENSING OF MULTIPLE DWELLINGS (11-5-74) FLAGS & PENNANTS - SIGN ORDINACE VIOLATIONS 2-1-77 REQUEST OF UNITY VENTURES - LIQUOR LICENSE 6-21-77 SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT (WATER SYSTEM) 7-5-77 FIRE & POLICE COMMITTEE PRICING OF INDIVIDUAL FOOD PACKAGES 11-18-76 SECONDARY STREETS - CHANGE IN WIDTH 6-21-77 JUDICIARY COMMITTEE .r (CASE #76 L 4400 7-20-76 COMVERSION OF 3-1-77 NORTHERN 3-1-77 5-17-77 REVJEW _. 5-17-77 UPDATE ORDIMANCES 5-17-77 HOW TO REDUCE THE ADVERSARY SYSTEM 5-17-77 NI GAS CO. REAL & LOW INCOME HOUSING 5-17-77 'ESTATE EXECUTIVE SESSIONS 6-7-77 QUALITY CONTROL OF POTENTIAL EXCESS VERDICT CASES 6-7-77 7-5-77 PUBLIC HEALTH A SAFETYCOMMITTEE- µ C '` E 2-15-77 EAVE ROB ROY GOLF COURSE LC S OPEN -1-77 SCAVENGER SERVICE CONTRACT 6-21"-77 FIRE PROTECTION CONTRACT - OIL TANK FARMS & UNITED AIRLINES 7-5-77 PUBLIC WORKS -COMMITTEE IDER-ATI"O''TOF AMENDMENTS TO ZONING ORDINANCE Rai—O9-76 DEVELOPMENT OF OPEM SPACE NEAR CREEKS 3-1-77 ADD 13--1-77 IMPROVEMENT CROSSINGS M - ^ IMPROVEMENTSROADWAY 3-1-77 PURCOSE I- _ 3-1-77 a 7-5-77 PLANNING COMMISSION 0 ZONINGSPECIAL ZONING THLETIC CLUBS 9 FIELDS, *. TENNIS COURTS9 PRIVATE t SEMI -PRIVATE CLUBS 6-2-75 OF VILLAGE COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL MMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN ON AMJAL �„ SSS 1-21-75 SAFETY COMM 11111111SS I O -Ni 10- 1-74 51fGGESTED ROAD -NETWORK IN PROSPECT MEADOWS SUBDIVISION 7 -2 -74 BIKE SAFETY USAGE 4 -WAY STOP INTERSECTION SEE-GWUN & SHABONEE 6-17-75 TRAFFIC SIGNALS AT INTERSECTION OF BUSSE ROAD & WILLOW LANE 11-18-75 DOWNTOWN LIGHTING 2-3-76 • DRAINAGE & CLEAN STREAMS COMMISSION MC DO 11 NALD CREEK 4-22-75 COMMUNITY SERVICES, & MENTAL HEALTB 11,11,11,11,11,11,C01MMI SS ION -1 N F iff-O-USING 10-16-73 All TE Ri I M P L A N . .... F"'O R 9 !"liEUME D D,, I S IS U T OPPORTUNITIES FOR NORTHEASTERN PREPARATION Of HOUSING ASSISTANCE 1 PLAN ON ANNUAL BASIS BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS 5-17-77 Yiiiiiiiii"U F 3171"D EVIL KS VILLAGE MANAGER V I L L -A - GE ATTORNEY y1i' 1-20-76 STREET LIGHT SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS JtIDIISTRIAL WASTE ORDINANCE -- WITH ENGINEERS 2-5-72 BI'LLY ALTER PLATS OF DEDICATION - PUD 1-20-76 VILLAGE EN111G1 NEIE-R, 9 1, Vl ", R, 0 VE ME OF DEDICATED STREETS 5-1-70 POLICY REGARDING STREET LIGHTING 12-18-73 INDUSTRIAL WASTE ORDINANCE -- WITH ATTORNEY 6-17-75 4 -WAY STOP JNTERSECTIOM OF SEE-GWUN & SHABONEE 6-17-75 DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT & REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION 0 VILLVG-E HALL 2-3-76 1`3 1 BEHIN . . . . ........... . .. ... . PERSONNEL DIRECTOR 3-2-76 ......... TING THE 0, I TE FOARR EM i VILLAGE MANAGER INSURANCE COMMISSION lit" MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES August 16, 1977 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Krause called the meeting to order at 8:06 P.M. INVOCATION The invocation was given by Trustee Murauskis ROLL CALL Present upon roll call: Krause Minton Murauskis Richardson Wattenberg Absent: Floros Hendricks APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, AUGUST 2, 1977 Trustee Wattenberg, seconded by Trustee Minton, moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held August 2, 1977. Upon roll call: Ayes: Minton Murauskis Wattenberg I Pass: Richardson Motion carried. APPROVAL OF BILLS Trustee Richardson, , seconded by Trustee Wattenberg., moved to approve the following bills: General $3393548.67 Parking System Revenue 928-56 Motor Fuel Tax 9,001-74 General Obligation Bd.& Int. 926.60 Waterworks & Sewerage De -or., Impr-, & Ext. 733007-12 Operation & Maintenance 66,018.05 $4893430-74 Upon roll call: Ayes: Minton Murauskis Richardson Wattenberg Trustee Richardson., seconded by Trustee Wattenberg, moved to approve the financial report subject to audit. Upon roll call: Ayes.- Minton Murauskis Richardson I Wattenberg Motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITION'S - CITI`ZENS TO BEHEARD Bob Reifstahl., 1 1.10 Wheel]Lng Road., asked if' he would have an opportunity to be heard relative to the r Box I wood parking problem. Mayor, Krause 3*-nd,- " Icated. that idents -�ri,ould. be heard at the time the Comm-Ittee e s 1 reported on that matter., MANAGER'S REPORT VIII lage Manager Eppley recommended the Board reject the b -Ids received relative to the sanitary sewer connect -ion on Lincoln Prop e,rt 1--e s, Oakton and Route 83, since the bld received were 40% over the elstiniate. Angust 24th was set for the new b3.d openfi..ng. Trustee RI chard n, seconided. by Trustee Minton, moved to reject the bid. receJ.ved and authorized readvertis:Ing for the sanitary connection on L,,incoln Propert-ies. Upon,, roll c al. 1 A,,y,, e s Minton Murausk--Ls Richardson Wattenberg Motion carried. Mr. Eppley requested author",Lzation. from the Board following readvert3lsing and receal.Ving 'bids on the si.,ibiect sanitary sei,l�er connection, for the trat ion U-, the low bild and proceed, due to the construction to acceT)-L season com-fLng to an end sho'lrtly. Upon verbal poll of the Board. no objections to the request i,Tere voiced. M11'. Eppley presentedhis recominendation to wa-r.e 1977 ..dewalk cons truc t I.on, t,o Miulli Construct.11-on, Company with. the low bid. of $18,691,05. He ther, requested authorizatlorl to sign all. contract documents and return the low b2i d check,,sto the three low bidders. 'a don1 Trustee Richars, seconded by Trustee MInton, moved to <authorize t', -,he contracts to 'be signeld w,ith Miulli Consti-,�uction Companv and return the low bl"...d checks. V Upon. roll call: Ay e s Minton Murauskis Richardson W,*�it-tenbei,g Motion carried.. Village Manager Eppley read a letter, from Mr. George Busse relative to the, area previoui.s.ly dedicated for park-.1-n.g on the west side of School Street north, of Northwest Highway which at present was being ini,proved for meterd conim�uter parking spcaces. Mr. Busse requested. that the meters not be Instal I -ed since that property w1I.I. be deve-two oped, soon. Trustee Murauskis, seconded by T:r,,ustee R--Lchardson., moved for the proposed parking meters not to be installed on 8/1-6/77 the west side of School Street north of Northwest Highway with 2 hour parking to be permitted and that arrangements would be worked out with the owner of the property regarding work already performed on School Street. Upon roll call,: Ayes.* Minton Murauskis Richardson Wattenberg Motion carried. Trustee Murauskis, ,, seconded by Trustee Minton, moved to authorize Assistant Village Manager Ed Geick to attend the Share + 3 meeting to be held August 17, 19773 to approve the recommendation of the outside law firm and to meet the first years legal expenditure set at $10,000� Upon roll call: Ayes.- Minton Murauakis Richardson Wattenberg Motion carried. Trustee Hendricks arrived at the meeting at 8:21 P.M. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Krause noted that all departments having reviewed the proposed Consent Decree and attached plans relative to Case 69 L 2377 (Tamarack and Palm), authorization to sign said Consent Decree was requested. Mr. Ben kola,, 1823 Palm Drive, questioned whether the plans to be approved were revised since the original plans were submitted. Mayor Krause answered noting there had been a few revisions. Trustee Minton, seconded by Trustee Richardson, moved to authorize the Mayor.' Village Attorney, and outside attorney Marlin Smith, to sign the Consent Decree in Case 69 L 2377 as the exhibits are attached thereto. Upon roll call: Ayes: Hendricks Minton Murauskis Richardson Wattenberg Mayor Krause stated that the Village Board had received a petition from the Mount Prospect Public Library signed by sixty legal voters of the Village petitioning the Board to call a special election for the purpose of submitting to the legal voters residing within the corporate limits within the Village of Mount Prospect the question of whether the annual library tax for maintenance and operation in the Village of Mount Prospect of the Mount Prospect Public Library should be increased from 0.15% of full fair cash value to 0.284% of full fair cash value, as equalized or assessed by P9. 3 8/16/77 the Department of Local Government Affairs of the State of Illinois. Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Minton, moved to direct the VillageAttorney to draft an ordinance which thereby wouldcall for this special election. Trustee Murauskis asked `nance Director Dick Jesse approximately how muchmoney would be generated at that 'increased perce e. Mr. Jesse stated that $789,000 - u uld be generated. Trustee Wattenberg oted that since the real estate taxes ad recently been increased, perhaps now would of be the time to upend Village money for such an election. T stee Murau kis stated that she agreed with Trustee Wattenberg and objected to the tax payers onbeing used to issue the Scan publication d-istrilbuted by the library. , Upon roll call: yes: Hendricks Minton Mu aua i.a Richardson Mayor Krause noted that since additional time was aval ®lable to gather f rther facts, the proposed resolution in opposition to the Mac Donald Green Development relative to Rob Roy Golf Course would b put over until the next Board meeting, September 6th. The American Autombile Association had notified the Mayor that Mount Prospect had earned a Pedestrian Safety Citation in their 38th pedestrian safety program. COMMITTEE REPORT S Trustee Hendricks noted that Case No. 32-V-77 had been reviewed and recommended by the Zoning Board of Appeals however, since the Building Committee meeting had been rescheduled, the attorney for the petitioner requested full Board hearing to conserve time necessary for construction. Robert D. Teichert, attorney for the petitioner, Kenroy, Inc., gave a presentation noting the request was for an amendment to the Planned Unit Development Ordinance relative to Huntington. Commons, in which the original plan called for a seven story building, however.., due to the market, t petitioner requested an amendment to allow 10 three story buildings to be b i t on that site., The proposed change would reduce the density from 239 units to 204 units. Following scion, Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Minton, moved for approval of an a. pnd ent to the Planned. Unit Development Ordinance relative to Huntington Commons. Pg. 4 8/6/77 Upon roll call: Ayes.- Hendricks Minton Richardson Wattenberg Nays: Murauskis Krause Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Minton, moved for acceptance of the public improvements relative to the elderly housing development at Huntington Commons. Upon roll call.& Ayes.: Hendricks Minton Murauskis Richardson Wattenberg Motion carried. Trustee Floros arrived at the meeting at 9:08 P.M. Trustee Hendricks brought ZBA cases 16-Z-77, 17-V-77 and 18 -SU -77 to the floor which had been requested to be held until a full Board was in attendance by the attorney for the petitioner. Robert D. Teichert, attorney for the petitioner B. He et, presented the request for annexation of the property commonly known as 3026 S. Busse Road with a Planned 'Unit Development proposed to be built on that site. Mayor Krause expressed her concern relative to the high density requested is was 96 units. Trustee Floros also expressed concern .with. the number of units proposed. Jane Collins, 1101 E. Alter Lane, expressed her opinion relative to the high density being requested. Trustee Hendricks, seconded by Trustee Minton, moved for the Board to concur with the recommendation of the Zonin ' g Board of Appeals and Building Committee t to gran the zoning change requested in ZBA 16-Z-77. Upon roll call.* Ayes., Hendricks Minton Murauski's Richardson Wattenberg Motion carried. Trustee Hendricks, seconded by Trustee Wattenberg, moved for the Board to concur with the recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals and Building Committee to grant the variation requested in ZBA 17-V-77. Upon roll calls. Ayes: Hendricks Minton Mur kis Richardson Wattenberg Nays: Flocos Pg- 5 8/16/77 M Trustee Hendricks.,, seconded by Trustee Wattenberg, moved for the Board to concur with the recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals to grant the requested special use In the nature of a Planned Unit Development in ZBA 18 -SU -77 - Upon roll call: Ayes: Minton Richardson Wattenberg Floros Hendricks Murauskis Krause Village Attorney Zimmermann requested direction since the requested zoning change and variation had been approved for ordinances to be drafted however., the special use had been denied. M. Teichert requested the Village Attorney to draft the ordinances commensurate with the vote. FINANCE COMMITTEE Trustee Floros announced that the Finance Committee w set for meeting ill begin discussion at their next I I August 25,, relative to the 1978-79 tax levy ordinance. FIRE AND POLICE COMMITTEE Trustee Minton brought the Boxwood area parking problem to the floor, following further study. That Committee had recommended an ordinance be drafted to exclude Boxwood area overnight parking from the Traffic Code. Village Attorney Zimmermann recommended that authorization should be given to the Village Manager to direct the Police Chief not to enforce the ordinance in that particular area rather than of an ordinance because of the complexities involved with such an ordinance. Trustee Minton, seconded by Trustee Richardson, moved to concur with the Fire & Police Committee's recommendation to authorize the Village Manager to direct the Police Chief not to enforce the overnight parking restrictions on Boxwood Delve and Dogwood Lane. Bob to 1, a resident of the Boxwood Apartment area, spoke in favor of allowing overnight parking in that area in particular on Wheeling Road, also on the enforcement of the regulation regarding 211 snow fall. Cindy Onis, 1110 Wheeling Road, spoke to the Board in favor of the no enforcement motion relative to Wheeling Road. Upon the recommendation of Mike Pekala, Traffic Engineer,, Trustee Minton amended his motion., seconded by Trustee Wattenberg,, to direct the Manager to issue a directive to the Police Department not to Pg. 6 8/16/77 'u the action taken on this matter at the end of the meeting. enforce any and all parking restrictions relative to the east side of Boxwood Drive and the south side of Dogwood Lane. Upon roll call: Ayes.- Floros Hendricks Minton Murauskis Richardson Wattenberg Motion carried. Mr. Burt- White, representing G. Grant Dixon and Sons, spoke to the Board regarding the townhomes under their management requesting the Board to allow parking on Wheeling Road. Following discussion,,, Trustee Minton, seconded by Trustee Richardson, moved to direct the Village Manager to direct the Police Department not to enforce the present parking restrictions on the west side of Wheeling Road beginning at a point 300 feet south of Euclid extending down to Hackberry Lane extended. Chester Miskowitz., 11 Hawthorn Lane, and Mary Ann Pinch, 1110 Wheeling Road, spoke in favor of the non- enforcement of overnight parking on Wheeling Road. Following further discussion, Trustee Minton, seconded by Trustee Richardson, moved to amend the motion on the floor If.e. to direct the Village Manager to direct the Police Department not to enforce the present overnight parking restrictions on the west side of Wheeling Road beginning at a point 300 feet south of Euclid Avenue and 300 feet north of Kensington. Upon roll call.& Ayes Floros Hendricks Minton Murauskis Richardson Wattenberg Motion carried. JUDICIARY COMMITTEE Trustee Wattenberg reported on that Committee's meeting held August 8., 1977. It was reported that the Judiciary Committee recommended certain restrictions placed on a deed for property located at the southwest corner of Route 83 and Golf Road which had been donated to the Village by Mr. DiMucci should be removed. It was noted that the property originally would be used by the Village as a Fire Station, however, when the Village decided to locate the FireStalt,�111.on in another location that Property was conveyed back" to the iginal owner 3 or with the restrictions still in force. Trustee, Wattenbergseconded by Trustee Floros, moved to ca,,,ncel the reStric t ions prohibiting the. land from be1n,g used as adieposJ' ' tory for refuse-, garage, repair shop, storage of equipment, or water storage tank., or Pg- 17 8/16/177 any elevated tank and authorize the Mayor to sign any and all documents necessary to remove the restrictions. Upon roll call.* Ayes: Floros Hendricks Minton Murauskis Richardson Wattenberg Trustee 'Aattenberg then reported that following revi I ew by the Judiciary Committee.., it was their recommendation that the Village Board reimburse the Woodview Homeowners A�sociation up to $700 for legal expenses incurred by that Association relative'to litigation involved with the Brickman iaztter. Trustee Richardson expressed his concern relative to this pending action and urged the Board to reject the motion. Mr. Rich Scherhorn, 1517 Park Drive, spoke on behalf of the Woodview Homeowners Associ Upon roll call.- Ayes - i , Floros Hendricks Mnton Murauskis Richardson Wattenberg W -no Trustee Murauskis, seconded by' Trustee Hendricks, moved to concur with the recommendation of the Committee to have an ordinance drafted amending the Traffic Code to include the following streets in the 2 hour parking areas: Busse Avenue north and south between Elmhurst and Hi-Lusi Avenues and Evergreen Avenue south between I -Oka and Hi-Lusi Avenues. Upon roll , call.Ayes-, Floros Hendricks Minton Murauskis Richardson Wattenberg Motion carried. Mike Pekala, Traffic Engineer.$ presented his report relative to existing parking on Northwest Highway,* Trustee Murauskis, seconded by Trustee Hendricks, moved for Board concurrence with the Public Health & Safety Committees' recommendation to accept the report as sub9 mitted by the Traffic Engineer. d-1 Upon roll call.: Ayes.- F Hendricks into Murauskils Richardson Wattenberg Motion carried. Trustee Murauskis.1 seconded by Trustee Richardson, moved to concur with the recommendation of the Comm-ittee to accept the further report submitted by the Traffic Engineer relative to 2 hour parking areas.* Upon roll call.- Ayes.- Floros Hendricks Minton Murauskis, Richardson Wattenberg Motion carried. Trustee rain i, seconded by Trustee Hendricks, moved to concur with the recommendation of the Committee to accept the Traffic Engineer's recommendation to prohibit parking on Glenna Lane north & south between Westgate Road and a point 300 feet west of VTestgate Road. Upon roll call.- Ayes: Floros Hendricks Minton Murauskis Richardson Nays.- Wattenberg Motion carried. *Copy of report 'attached to minutes. OTHER BUSINESS Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Wa,ttenberg, moved to waive the rule requiring two readings of an ordinance relative to the water rate schedule revision. Upon roll call.- Ayes.- Floros Hendricks Minton Murauskis Richardson Wa,ttenblerg Motion carried. Following discussion.,, it was determined that certain addiltions should be made to the proposied ordinance. Trustee Richardson, moved, seconded, by Trustee Wattenberg, to reconsider the motion waiving the rule requiring two readings of an ordinance. Upon roll call.* Ayels,.* Fles Hendricks Minton M,urauskis Richardson Wattenberg Motion carried. Trustee Richardson, seconded by Tru,st,ee Minton, moved to have a first reading of An Ordinance to Provide a Revised Water Rate Schedule with an amendment to SECTION TW05 Article IV, to be drafted by the Village Attorney. Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros Hendricks Minton Murauskis Richardson Wattenberg Motion carried. Finance Directlor, Dick J'esse, was directied to commence the neicessary, proic,edures involved with implementing the new rate. Trustee Richardson recommended changes 'in the ordinance presented which would all,ow self-service gas stations. Village Attorney Zimmermann explained the changes and discussion followed. Mr. Tom Moran,,, representing Shell Oil,, spoke relative t�o the proposed ordinance, noting that the proposed changes would be 'in line with ordinances passed in other areas and noit such, a hardship on the dealers. Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Minton3 moved for passage of Ordinance No. 27'33 AN OR,DINA,NC�E PERMITTING THE OPERATION OF SELF-SERVICE GAS STATION'S Upon roll call-, Ayes: Floros Hendricks Minton Murauskis Richardson Wattenberg Motion carried. Pg. 10 8/16/77 Trustee Floros, seconded by Trustee Minton, moved to waive the rule requiring two readings of an ordinance. (Taxicafare *increase) Upon roll call-, Ayes.- Floros Hendricks Minton Murauskis Richardson Wattenberg Motion carried. Trustee Murauskis., seconded by Trustee Richardson, moved for passage of Resolute on No. 31-77 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE ELK GROVE RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Upon roll call: Ayes-, Floros Hendricks Minton MumuskiRichardson Wattenberg Motion, carried. Trustee Min -ton, seconded by Trustee Richardson., moved forwaiver of the ru-1e requiring two readings of an ordinance for the next two ordinances. (Sale Of Village owned property) Upon roll call.- Ayes.- Floros Hendricks Minton Murauskis Richardson, Wattenberg Motion carried. Trustee Minton, seconded by Trustee Richardson, moved for passage of Ordinance No. 2735 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY OF THE LL GE OF MOUNT PROSPECT COOK COQ NTY,5 ILLINOIS (3 10 N. Stratton) Upon roll call: Ayes-, Floros Hendricks Minton Mll:roausk­is Ri,cl­ia,-r,dson Motion carried. T1g 8/16/ rT r( Trustee Minton,, seconded by Trustee Richardson., moved for passage of Ordinance No. 2736 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS (309 N. William) Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros, Hendricks Minton Murauskis Richardson Wattenberg Mootion carried. Trustee Floros, seconded by Trustee Minton, moved for approval of the public 'improvement plans relative to Murphy & Noonan Subdivision Upon roll call: Ayes: Fos Hendricks Minton Murauskis Richardson Wattenberg Motion carried. Grace Lutheran Church, located at Euclid and Wolf,, having granted a permanent easement for the purpose of installing a sidewalk by the Village, Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Minton, moved to authorize the Mayor to sign and Clerk to attest her sIgnature on the Grant of Easement, for that property. Upon roll call: yes m. Floros Hendricks Minton Mumu skis Richardson Watten. berg Motion carried. Village Manager Eppley requested ratification of a field change granted for the Thunderbird Planned Unit Development as approved under Ordinance No. 2700. The requested change was from the proposed one building to three distinct sections all of which w *11 be under one roof. J_ Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Minton, moved to ratify the ac'tion taken by the Village Manager in approving the field change for the Thunderbird Planned Un -11-t Development. Upon roll call: Ayese. Flotus, Hendricks Minton Murauskis Richardson Wattenberg Motion carried. Pg. 12 8/16/77 Village Attorney Zirranermannrequested, direct ion from the Village Board relative to events earlier 'in 'the ryieeting re,"].,ative to ZBA 1.6-Z-1177, 17-V-17 D 7, and. 18 - S U--7 7 - Mr. ZiTri-merman.n asked :'Lf the Board intended any ordi.r,iances to be drafted on the zoning anid var:Lations Vlaich, the Board had apiproveld since the Planned Unit Development had been denied which affected the Possible annext]Lon of -that property. Following discussion, it was the deteirmilnatiori of the Board that the petition,er -would 'riot want to have the zoning and variation ord.J.,"..nances drafted il" thefir request for a PI anned. UnJILt Develorpm.ent folliow.Lng annexation was den:Led. C01VIMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENTS Trustee Richardson announced the ti I. -.3i c 'Works Committee would be meeting August 18 at which time the Planned Ur-ilt Development Ordi,nance would be d'.Iscussed. Trustee Hendricks announced that the Building Committee had been re-sched.uled fo:r,August 241, Since ,h. e 'V' - 11a A-ttorney would The out of '15 --own A.1147 t 17. ADJOURNMENT Trustee Mintonseconded by TrU.Stee Murauskis., moved to adjOUrn the meeting. _dD Upon roll call: Y� y e s F" J. o r o s 1-1 e 'ri,c.1 :r,, J. C IC S M.L n t 0 ri i.isk.ls R.J.,chard.son 14',,i.t.ter-lberg Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 1-2.'15 A.M. Donald W. Goodman Pg . 13 8/a6/77 TRAFFIC ENGINEER'S REPORT 1. Removal of Stop sign on Glenna Ln. at Westgate Rd. mod.iLf.y PRVe A Of Sched"le P. I by remov nq "Glenna Ln. east -bound 2. 2-For:r Park.55-ng on Dusse Ave,v I -Oka to ,us' aiDd r-,17ergreen Ave., 7 Xx as be-hween El_mhurst X -Oka Aves, '--D'Issn A'T'Ta. 1,70"-rtli Soulth between T--een Axra. E7011th- betweenII-i-Twusi Aves," 2-Bonx ParHinr .1 on 17ort'hi.-lest, F wmaw '7 7""' 1 9.r � , �'7 01 1 '10 77 Cou 1 13 M cn T 12 Z.1, C1, C C "I 17 c C 17 "L. 12 Z -o Ed, 1.17belimo- " Sj - -1-7 ,I Z. -j1 7-1,37_1 L=is st- eas-Z.: o-fj: 7C -Con I", a:? Ecx=i�-.I, b11eC1tT.7'CC'_'1 schooll., Mano.r ]"vrye-.10 g'-'117ray rjo- 1- 1 1 '::!'I L- "" tl -7 c c,71 " c T-7 L77 e 17 at e rm an n A'rl e George Ste" 7, Coln S rag?"�2.1 of f 02.1m -yo. *1 _7 Ecas-u.*Fr Weni-IL 17'o Vorth, 0 4F r A 1 17 S."to a -r -d J-10' r7, - _T!01_1 t r P-17, Fn`T'l TT" 1.1 7 5. L li7 rn' C'rTmnn- 7 . 77w r -'1 7 '77 7 77 012.cwrl'�V ft ron anr"'. �.....,� _dac:.:M� �. wg 6'�y .,a.'wr'„m..,..,.1C*,,....a�w .»w 11w„w. `�"5 •.,,,.e� 1p S�o t t-c.7c v, n A�_ 70 east Of 'Zr7'!"71-*7Cf7 J _777c" p 1-.,, 4- P '_A_ 1- - -I , #1 n 0�0 -"­11-01,ea - r - r of st, on Glenna T,-nnn" I J.r betwec-in was Po 30- t on